Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Aircraft not leaving a conditioned track why. Hot traces of missiles

A plane flying in the sky is a beautiful sight. Especially when he leaves behind a trail that can stretch across the sky. Over time, this trace disappears, it is carried by the winds that reign in the sky. It can be long or short, and sometimes the plane does not leave it at all. What are these phenomena connected with, why does the trace sometimes remain, and sometimes not, and what does it consist of?

Many inquisitive people ask these questions. To understand all the nuances, it is necessary first of all to understand what this trace consists of.

Not smoke from burning fuel

Some might argue that this trail is nothing more than the smoke that remains when fuel is burned, by analogy with car exhaust. Airplane turbines are much more powerful than a car engine, which is why they generate so much smoke. But this answer will be fundamentally wrong, completely illiterate.

Aircraft engines do emit gases left from the combustion of aviation kerosene, but the exhaust of the aircraft is transparent. After all, not a single aircraft in good condition smokes on the runway, during takeoff or landing. If it was exhaust, it would become obvious immediately, and there would be nothing to breathe at the airport. But there are some things that engines do throw out.

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Along with other elements of the gas-air mixture of the exhaust, water is also emitted - in a vapor state. If the aircraft is at low altitude, this is usually not visible. In a situation where the plane has risen high, the water immediately crystallizes, forming white clouds that stretch behind each turbine. This is the key to the trail that stretches behind the planes.

Why is the trace not always visible?

The lower the temperature overboard, the faster and more completely the process of crystallization of the water emitted by the engines takes place. If the plane is flying low, there is no question of lower temperatures, the trace is not visible, or it is barely noticeable. It is worth remembering that the higher the winged car rises, the lower the temperatures drop. In the high layers, the indicator can appear in the region of -40 degrees, and it is quite natural that the moisture here freezes instantly and completely, forming a thick trail. In such temperatures, even a person’s breath freezes - it is worth remembering that literally 50-60 years ago, pilots were given sheepskin coats and warm clothes for flights at any time of the year so that they would not freeze in the cockpits.

Why club. Why does the plane leave a trail?

Often raising our heads to the sky, we see a white stripe on it from a flying plane. The trail it leaves behind is called condensation. By the way, we often call it a contrail, but on Wikipedia opposite "contrail" there is a note "obsolete name". Therefore, I will use the term "condensation". In addition, this name is "speaking" - in this very name lies the answer to the question of what it is. (Invite the child to name more examples of "speaking" names, for example, an airplane, a samovar, a triangle. If the child is familiar with Latin roots, then you can remember both a telescope and a microphone, etc.).

An airplane wake is called a "condensation wake" because it results from condensation. Ask the baby if he knows what "condensation" is? It is unlikely that many preschool children will be able to answer this question. Then let's ask in a different way: has the kid ever seen how windows in a car fog up in winter? Does he like to draw funny faces on the misted window with his finger? Has your child ever seen the bathroom mirror dripping after someone took a hot shower? This phenomenon is condensation.

This is the name given to the transition of a vapor to a liquid state. To make it happen, you need three components: moist air, condensation nuclei (any dust particles in the air) and a temperature difference. For example, what happens in our bathroom: there is moist air, there are dust particles in the air, there is a temperature drop when warm air comes into contact with the cold glass of the mirror! So there will be condensation.

Let's make a condensation right now. To do this, you just need to pour water into a bottle and put it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. When the water has cooled, you need to get it and hold it at room temperature. On the surface of the bottle, small droplets immediately form - condensate. If you keep the bottle warm longer, then the drops will begin to increase and flow down the walls. These are water vapors that are in the room air, when they come into contact with a cold bottle, they fall on it in drops.

Where else can we see condensation? That's right - it's ordinary dew! Does the baby remember how he saw small droplets on the grass in the early morning? Now he can explain where they came from. Was there humid air? Were there condensation nuclei? Was there a temperature difference between the cold night air and the warm surface of the earth? Here, water vapor from the air turned into droplets of water - and dew turned out. Even there is such a term "dew point". It just indicates the temperature below which water vapor turns into drops.

Dew. Photo from Wikipedia

Now back to the plane. As an aircraft flies, jets of hot steam and gases from spent fuel escape from its engines. Getting into cold air (and at the altitude at which planes usually fly, the temperature is about -40 degrees, more about this in the issue of how clouds form), the steam condenses around the particles of burning fuel and tiny droplets, like fog, are obtained, which and form a streak in the sky. We can say that it turns out a kind of man-made long cloud. Over time, it will dissipate or become part of the cirrus clouds.

You can predict the weather from the trail of an airplane. If the trail is long and lasts a long time, then the air is humid and it may rain, if it is short and quickly dissipates, then it will be dry and clear. My daughter Katya and I decided to keep a diary of observations and check how accurate such a forecast could be. Join our experiment!

By the way, the contrails of aircraft can affect the Earth's climate. If you look at the Earth from a satellite, you can see that in those areas where planes often fly, the entire sky is covered with their traces. Some scientists believe that this is good - the traces increase the reflective properties of the atmosphere, thereby preventing the sun's rays from reaching the Earth's surface. This can reduce the temperature of the earth's atmosphere and prevent global warming. Others believe that it is bad - cirrus clouds arising from the condensation trail prevent the atmosphere from cooling, thereby causing it to warm. Who is right and who is wrong, time will tell.

My Katya loves to watch airplane flights while walking. And she always wants to know where and from where they fly. It's good that the network has a service that shows in real time all the planes in flight around the world. Its address is It's so interesting to look out the window, see a white stripe of a condensation trail, and immediately determine what left it, for example, Airbus A330-322, owned by I-Fly, and flying from Hurghada to Moscow.

Screenshot of the aircraft tracking program

There is even such a fashionable hobby - aviation spotting (from the English "spot" - "to see", "to identify"). It consists in the fact that people observe the flights of aircraft (usually near airports), determine their types, maintain registers, photograph takeoffs and landings.
If your city has an airport, I suggest, if not spotting, then just go on a tour there. Walk around the terminal building, find out where they buy plane tickets, how they check in and receive luggage, how they go through customs control. Escort and meet several planes, look at the faces of people who have just returned from the sky. And even if you yourself are not going to fly anywhere yet, you will feel like a little traveler.
We sometimes go to the Simferopol airport if the weather is bad outside and walking in the fresh air is unpleasant. And children are always delighted with such a pastime. And in our city, air shows are periodically organized. This is where you can not only watch, but also touch the plane and even sit in its cockpit.

And at the end of the issue, I want to offer you to try your hand at creating paper airplanes using the origami technique. Even if your kid already knows how to make the well-known model of the Strela aircraft, then there are many other models. (I once posted 21 schemes for airplanes on the blog). Take the resulting airplanes with you for a walk and arrange competitions. Which plane is the most beautiful? Which one flies the farthest? Which one is planning in the air longer than others? I am sure that not only boys and girls will like flying airplanes, but even their moms and dads. I hope Dana will be interested in this lesson too :)

Contrail (aircraft contrail) - the contrail left in the sky by an aircraft flying at high altitude.
Chemtrail is an aerosol chemical trail resulting from the spraying of chemical and biological weapons by NATO aircraft and the US air force.

The contrail from an aircraft flying at high altitude disappears before our very eyes and can be visible for less than one minute. Chemical traces hang in the air for several hours and blur into wide stripes, and then cover the entire sky with a pale foggy haze.

Contrails (short for "condensation trails") - traces of condensation or vapor trails (vapour trails) - these are visible traces of condensed water vapor formed by aircraft engine exhausts. The faster the hot exhaust gases cool in the surrounding cold air, the faster the cloud trail of microscopic water droplets and tiny ice crystals forms.

The appearance of visible traces from the aircraft can occur only under certain atmospheric conditions:
flight altitude: above 8 km (in summer - even above 9 km),
ambient temperature: below -40°C,
ambient humidity: 70%.

Description of the condensation process.

The main products of hydrocarbon fuel combustion are carbon dioxide and water vapour. The contrail from an aircraft is a short cloud plume condensed mainly from atmospheric moisture, and to a lesser extent from moisture contained in the exhaust of aircraft engines. There are no dust particles in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and even when the temperature reaches below the dew point, atmospheric moisture remains in a gaseous state, that is, transparent and non-scattering light. The flight of an aircraft in the upper atmosphere causes the appearance of a huge number of condensation centers, which are particles ejected from the combustion chambers of engines, on which instant condensation of steam occurs and moisture settles from the surrounding air in the form of drops and ice crystals. These small water droplets and ice crystals form the cloud trail from the aircraft. Due to this, the flight path of the aircraft becomes visible for a very short time and completely disappears in less than a minute.
A high concentration of microscopic droplets and ice crystals per unit volume creates refraction of sunlight and makes the condensation trail from the aircraft visible for a short time. Small water droplets very quickly combine into larger ones and then settle into the lower layers of the atmosphere. Therefore, the end of the condensation trail looks translucent, since it contains larger droplets with a smaller amount per unit volume, and almost no longer refracts light.

Chemtrails (short for "chemical trails") are traces of chemical aerosol sprays that began to appear in huge numbers since 1997 over the territories of the USA and Great Britain, and then over almost all countries of the world.

Biological and chemical weapons, which have been sprayed from aircraft in "democratic" (slave-owning) countries for many years, lead to the destruction of fertile lands, to the poisoning of groundwater, to the death of bees and other insects, as well as birds and animals. Cultivated territories are gradually turning into dead deserts. All this is done to massively reduce the world's population.

Oxides of toxic metals such as barium and aluminum form a chemical haze in the form of a pale haze that covers the sky above the clouds.

This chemical mist is able to amplify the effect of electromagnetic energy transmitted from the H.A.A.R.P system many times over. - a high-frequency transmitter and a powerful beam ionospheric heater, which is a climatic and psychotronic weapon. H.A.A.R.P. built in Norway, Greenland and Alaska and interacts with space, air and sea based systems. When using this system as a climate weapon, the consequences on the affected territory will manifest themselves in the form of super storms and hurricanes, tornadoes and tornadoes, tsunamis and floods of unprecedented strength. When used as a psychotronic weapon, one can control the mood (for example, cause fear, horror, aggression or a sense of hopelessness, apathy, euphoria, etc.) and manipulate people's behavior. But if you apply it directly to the destruction of the population, then by emitting extremely low-frequency radio waves, taking into account the chemical foggy layer, which increases the electrical conductivity of the upper layers of the atmosphere, you can destroy all life in the irradiated area.

Viruses made in military laboratories are sprayed over cities and cause flu-like symptoms, severe respiratory complications, outbreaks of unknown diseases, a sharp decrease in immunity and mental abilities ... BUT THE AUTHORITIES IN THE US AND OTHER COUNTRIES WRITE THIS EPIDEMIC TO A NON-EXISTENT VIRUS "SWINE FLU" . The announcement of a pandemic to introduce martial law in the United States, followed by forced vaccination, was the purpose of the use of biological weapons.

The consequences of forced, forceful vaccination will be as follows:
STERELIZATION of the absolute majority of the population (inability to have children),
burning immunity and destruction of the brain, the destruction of mental abilities in children,
transformation of people into biorobots, massive multi-million deaths of people.

In the programs of the World Government, one of which is called Agenda 21 (the agenda for the beginning of the 21st century), it is planned to destroy more than three billion people by 2011, using such means as ARTIFICIAL HUNGER (the food crisis that will follow the economic at the end of 2009 .); natural disasters caused by the H.A.A.R.P system; and epidemics caused by airplane sprays, followed by massive forceful destructive vaccination.

Additional explanations:
In recent years, propaganda sites have appeared on the Internet that try to convince people that the numerous foggy trails in the form of broad stripes left by military aircraft are a normal phenomenon and that this has always been the case, and that there is nothing to worry about at all.
At low altitudes, the visible appearance of contrails from an aircraft is generally impossible, since for instantaneous condensation and crystallization of moisture, a very low ambient temperature (less than -40 ° C) is needed.

Disinformation methods can be the following:
For example, on Wikipedia (an American encyclopedia that often mixes truth with lies), the contrails are correctly described at first, but the photos on the side are shown with chemical sprays.
On the official website of NASA, which is a military space organization and an integral part of the structure of the world government, it is said that there are ordinary contrails and there are unusual ones (without any special explanation) that supposedly do not disappear for a long time - it's like turning off the kettle, one could observe the highlighted when boiling, steam for several hours, but this is hardly possible.

What are chemtrails? Chemtrails are a new phenomenon that is being observed all over the world. It seems that the government is deliberately using aircraft to spray an aerosol substance that can make people tired and depressed. But why? The typical exhaust streaks left by aircraft dissipate quickly, are not long enough, and depend on the operating conditions of the engines. Chemtrails usually expand continuously, gradually turning into stratus clouds, consisting of many rings. It should be added that after observing strange traces, chronic diseases worsened in people. Many witnesses noted the fall of a web-like substance from the sky. Laboratory analysis of the samples that were obtained showed the presence of biological agents such as: Pseudomonas Fluorescens, Streptomyces and a rare enzyme used to create viruses.

Virus specialist with 20 years of research experience has discovered a rare V2 influenza virus that is usually found only in a laboratory Over the past months, researchers in the US and Canada have been able to collect an impressive collection of photographs and eyewitness reports describing strange phenomena occurring in the sky above their heads . We gave independent researchers a close look at various photographs of the phenomenon known as chemtrails. Most people who have seen the photographs and read the reports have found it very difficult to relate these phenomena to the normal aircraft emissions that make commercial flights every day. Many of those interviewed described feelings of unease at the sight of these photographs and reports. Those of us who succumbed to a sense of natural human curiosity, found the strength to turn off the TV, go outside and look at the sky, were rewarded with direct observation of these phenomena. This unique experience of observing the phenomenon has led many researchers to make a stunning conclusion that some kind of grandiose national project (of the US government) is unfolding above our heads, which has no clear boundaries.

At present, neither the goals nor the executors of this project are fully known. Only two facts are crystal clear - this is not an ordinary man-made activity; this phenomenon occurs every day, covering the entire territory of the United States. Aircraft Exhausts Are Not Chemtrails Chemtrails are not the usual aircraft engine exhausts that we see every day. There are quite definite differences in the nature of the formation, development and behavior of these phenomena, which make it possible to draw a clear line between them. Ordinary aircraft exhaust consists of tiny ice crystals that form at altitudes above 31,000 feet (10.5 km). At lower altitudes, they simply cannot form, regardless of the type and speed of the aircraft. At altitudes above 31,000 feet, the exhausts appear as thin, pointed lines (if the observer is looking straight up, perpendicular to the plane's attitude). They usually evaporate within a minute and very rarely extend far enough behind the aircraft. In contrast, aircraft-generated chemtrails have been observed as high as 8,000 to 33,000 feet. They usually form at altitudes below 30,000 feet. Normal exhaust cannot form at this altitude. Therefore, seeing emissions below 30,000 feet is very likely a chemtrail. They usually appear as large smoke trails that tend to become wider and denser over time. They do not evaporate and do not lose density. Parallel chemtrails can merge into large cirrus clouds within hours.

Very often, chemtrails are shaped like a fish backbone, consisting of many rounded joints. After the chemtrail appears, the blue sky seems to be dotted with a web of spiderwebs. Then it can become cloudy and even gray. Chemtrails lead to diseases There are numerous cases of illness of people in the area of ​​residence of which the appearance of chemtrails is observed. George Filer, editor of a popular weekly online newspaper, gives the following statistics on the increase in cases of a strange disease similar in symptoms to the flu. An outbreak was observed in northern Texas during the third and fourth weeks of December 1999. Plano - 98%, Lewisville - 81%, Lakewood - 76%, Dallas - 30%. The Contrail Research and Reporting Center reported that during the ten days of December (1999) there was an unusually high number of chemtrail sightings in northern Texas. George believes that there is a direct link between these two events, despite the fact that medical doctors comment on the outbreak in a different way (George Filer, Filer's Files # 1, 2000).

Canadian researcher William Thomas and journalist Herminia Cassini reported that during April 1999, a military transport aircraft dropped chemtrails several times over Canadian and US territories. Cassini was able to collect samples of a brown, jelly-like substance that settled to the ground after the plane took off. This was followed by a series of strange events. Cassini soon came down with the flu. The biologist who performed the analysis of the substance was hospitalized with upper respiratory symptoms. The woman whose home was hit with the jelly-like substance also contracted the flu and had a heart attack a month later. As a result of the analyzes carried out, various biological substances were found that are extremely dangerous for human health. (William Thomas, Erminia Cassani, Sky Samples Analyzed). Anomalous Zones and Chemtrails Researcher Tom Dongo of Sedona, Arizona, USA, has an alternative hypothesis for the use of chemtrails. Tom is researching portals and an anomalous zone located 20 miles from Sedona. According to the hypothesis of Tom and other studies of the Sedon anomaly, portals may be passages to other dimensions. This fascinating problem is the subject of Tom's book Crossing Dimensions. Dongo believes that the nature of chemtrails should be sought in a different direction: “…We know very little about this third portal.

We don't know how strong he is or how weak he is. Such anomalies very often disappeared if enough people focused their attention on them. This has happened many times in the past. Sometimes it may seem that someone deliberately “turns off” such anomalies. We want to collect as much information as possible and explore everything we can while the third portal is still active. I was able to speak with several researchers from other places who told me that the US government knows exactly the locations of all major portals in our country. The government buys up the land on which the portals are located, isolate these areas, and if this is not possible, they simply destroy the portals. There are several weighty arguments supporting such claims. Several months before this book went out of print, on May 22, 1995, the area near the portal we were studying was pollinated by some kind of chemical compound that emitted a strong odor. This operation was carried out late at night and was carried out from a helicopter or glider. Since 1993, such “pollination” has been carried out throughout the country and has not been commented on in any way. According to a private statement from a Montana police official, similar actions have been repeatedly held in other US states.

In one case, which took place in a western state, it was analyzed by a doctor at a heart center in Idaho (Coeur d "Alene, Idaho). The substance was collected from foliage that fell into the pollination zone. When an unusual substance was analyzed in the laboratory, it was possible to find out that it contains an unknown biological component (agent).It seemed that the original composition of the substance was genetically modified.In the case of Sedona, the collected samples have not yet been analyzed.(June 10, 1995: to a doctor from Prescott (Prescott, Arizona, the city , located 30 miles from Sedona) addressed 16 patients who complained that their homes and ranches were air-pollinated with some kind of chemical reagent with a sharp unpleasant odor). Tom Dongo, Merging Dimensions, The Opening Portals of Sedona War games in the sky American researcher Mike Blair is more categorical in his conclusions about but the nature and purpose of chemtrails. In the official report of June 11, 2001, posted on the Internet, he clearly names the main culprits of this phenomenon and the reasons for its occurrence. Barium salts form the basis of chemotrails. The spraying of this chemical is part of the military advanced radar system test program (RFMP). Based on the effect of reflection of radio waves, it allows you to observe objects in three dimensions.

To obtain a three-dimensional image, satellites in earth orbit and a network of powerful computers that process and combine incoming signals are also used. For these purposes, a special computer program (VTPRE) was developed. Initially, the 3D radar tracking system only allowed observation of objects on the water. Experiments with objects on the surface of the earth were not successful, since special atmospheric conditions were required, allowing the signal to be carried out in a special way (in the military slang - “pipeline” - ducting). The problem was solved after an aerosol mixture of barium salts was sprayed over the territory of the United States. Thus, the atmosphere became suitable for conducting high-frequency signals - “pipes”. A research physicist from Brookhaven explained this effect as follows: the chemical and electrical characteristics of the mixture do not allow moisture to dissipate in the atmosphere, concentrating it around an aerosol cloud. This state of the atmosphere is favorable for the RFMP/VTPRE military system signals. “Spraying the barium mixture in a linear pattern from point A to point B is the best way to maintain communication between strategic points, despite the curvature of the earth.” he added. “It also provides better control over enemy high-frequency signals.”

However, this is not the only application of chemtrails. Another project is also based on the use of barium salts and is designed to control the weather. This project is overseen by the US Air Force. It is based on patterns first discovered by the scientist Nikola Tesla. This project is also known as HAARP, which is based on the manipulation of natural processes. Little is known about this project, despite the fact that work on it began already in the mid-1950s. According to some independent researchers, successful testing of climate control units under the HAARP project was carried out in 1998. It is clear that the ability to control the weather - heavy rains, hurricanes, heavy winds, dust storms, droughts - can bring any opponent to his knees without firing a shot. Another project, which is associated with the emergence of chemtrails, is funded by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), aimed at detecting and suppressing a possible biological attack by the enemy. This program also uses a mixture of barium salts as an aerosol base along with special polymer fibers. This particular combination allows the detection of biological agents. In order to test the effectiveness of the program, some biological agents are sprayed into the atmosphere. Researchers believe that the mixture of barium salts, polymer fibers and other chemicals in the atmosphere may be responsible for sudden and unexplained nosebleeds, asthma, various allergies, pneumonia, upper respiratory infections and arthritis. Chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere put the air and soil in a state that can be hazardous to human health while stimulating the growth of disease-causing bacteria.

Barium salts are very well absorbed into the intestinal tract and muscle tissue. At the same time, there are no clinical data that would describe the long-term effect on the human body of small doses of barium salts. “The program is kept secret because the Committee for Environmental Protection does not need to know about its side effects on the human body. one researcher said. “Negative factors are the main reason for secrecy.” For information: BARIUM It is used in vacuum technology, in alloys (printing, bearing). Barium salts - in the production of paints, glasses, enamels, medicine. All soluble barium salts are toxic. The insoluble barium sulfate used in radiology is practically non-toxic. The lethal dose of barium chloride when ingested is 0.8-0.9 g, barium carbonate is 2-4 g. Symptoms: when toxic barium salts are ingested, there is a burning sensation in the mouth, pain in the stomach, salivation, nausea, vomiting, loose stools , dizziness. The skin is pale, covered with cold sweat, after 2-3 hours there is a pronounced muscle weakness (flaccid paralysis of the muscles of the upper limbs and neck). The pulse is slow, weak, there are cardiac arrhythmias, a drop in blood pressure. Shortness of breath, cyanosis of the mucous membranes. Treatment: gastric lavage, laxatives, siphon enemas. Symptomatic therapy. (Collection-reference book "Home doctor", CJSC "Paritet", 1997). Aircraft mechanic discovered the truth? In search of answers to questions that I could not get, I looked at many articles, mailing lists, forums and newsgroups on the Internet.

In most cases, people simply discussed what chemtrails might be, putting forward well-known hypotheses. I met some researchers who claimed to have comprehensive information. As a result of communication with them, a copy of the letter came to my e-mail, which can answer the question “HOW is it done”. Below I give the full text of the letter, without literary corrections and abbreviations. I tried to translate as accurately as possible, although some of the technical terms baffled me: “For reasons that you will understand as you read, I cannot give my name. I work as a civil airline mechanic at a maintenance station at a large airport. First of all, I want to talk about a certain “hierarchy” among aircraft mechanics. This is very important to my story, and you will soon see why. Aircraft mechanics work in three main areas. Aviation electronics, engines and flight control systems. Aircraft mechanics working on these systems are at the top of the “hierarchy”. They are followed by mechanics servicing the air conditioning and hydraulic systems. And finally, mechanics serving other minor systems. At the very end of the hierarchical list is the personnel responsible for the waste disposal system. No one wants to work with the pipes, pumps, and tanks of an airliner's lavatory maintenance system. However, at every airport where I have worked, there are 2-3 volunteer mechanics who are responsible for the system of bathrooms and auxiliary mechanisms. The rest of the mechanics are happy to let them do it. Usually there are no more than 2 or 3 mechanics willing to do this job. Usually these guys don't get much attention and the rest of the technical staff don't try to make friends with them. To be honest, I didn't really think about this problem until the last month either. As a rule, most airlines have contracts with other airlines visiting the airport. If they have a problem with the plane, one of our mechanics will take care of it. On the other hand, if our plane needs help at an airport with which we have an agreement, local mechanics will help us.

Last month, I was unexpectedly called from our technical center to service an aircraft from another airline. The dispatcher who transmitted the request to me did not know what kind of malfunction had occurred on board the liner. When I arrived at the site, it turned out that the breakdown occurred in the waste disposal system. I had no choice but to take on this job. When I entered the technical compartment, I immediately realized that something was wrong here. There were more pumps, tanks and pipes than there should have been. At first I thought the system had been modified. By that time, I had been working as a mechanic for ten years. While trying to troubleshoot, I quickly found additional piping and tanks that were not included in the waste disposal system. Just as I was trying to understand their purpose, another mechanic from our center appeared. It was one of those guys who are in charge of such systems. I was relieved to let him deal with the problem. As I left, I asked him about additional equipment. He joked, "Don't worry about my end of the plane, let it take care of itself!" The next day, I had to tinker with the computer in our technical center, looking for the necessary electrical circuit. I tried to find the same equipment that I saw the previous day. To my surprise, the drawings did not indicate the instruments that I saw with my own eyes. Digging through the archive files, I also could not find anything. Now I was just curious to find out what this equipment was intended for. The following week, three planes were brought to our hangar for a routine check. During the entire inspection around the aircraft is service personnel.

After finishing my shift, I decided to take a look at the waste disposal system. I was sure that no one would notice that an extra mechanic had appeared on board. My search was successful - additional equipment was installed on the plane! I began to study the system of pipes, sediments and tanks. I found what could be the control unit of this entire system. It was a standard aircraft cabinet, in which instruments and control systems are usually placed, only there were no markings or inscriptions on it. I was able to locate the control wires from the cabinet to the pumps without difficulty, but I was unable to locate the control circuits that would go into the mysterious device. The only wires going into the box were the contacts of the aircraft's onboard power system. The whole system consisted of one large and two small tanks. You could tell by eye that their large tank capacity was 50 gallons. The tanks were connected to fill and bleed valves that ran under the fuselage behind the waste disposal system drain valve. Upon external inspection, I had some difficulty discovering hidden hatches for access to these valves near the waste drain panels. I tried to trace the pipeline leading from the pumps. This hose was connected to a network of smaller tubes ending at the rear of the wing and horizontal stabilizers. If you look at the wings of a large aircraft up close, you will notice many finger-sized wires. These are static charges. They are designed to dissipate static electricity that is generated on the surface of the fuselage and wings during flight. Every third wire was a tube of a mysterious system.

The static discharge drains were deliberately removed and in their place obscure tubes were put. At that moment, one of the engineers on the wing noticed me. He ordered me out of the hangar, noting that my shift was over and I was not authorized to work overtime. I was too busy for the next two days to continue my research. A couple of days after my freelance research, I was called to one of the boards to replace the temperature sensor. I completed this job in two hours and returned to work with documents. About half an hour later I was called to the office of the head of the technical service. When I arrived at the office, in addition to the boss, two of our employees from the control department and two other people whom I did not know were waiting for me. He told me that there was a serious problem. He offered to fill out a fault form for me. He handed me an official slip that said I installed a defective sensor and asked me to sign it. I tried to object. I explained to them that there was some kind of mistake and I did my job to the fullest. Then two employees from the control department suggested that I go to the plane and inspect the faulty unit together. At that moment, I wondered who these two strangers were? The maintenance manager replied that they were representatives of the airline's security service, but he did not intend to tell me their names. We approached the plane, which should have been in the air, but was still parked. Opening the technical compartment, one of the employees removed the sensor.

He checked the registration number and showed each of us that it was an old sensor. Then we went to the warehouse. My progress report has been checked again. From the shelf was removed a sealed box for storing appliances, from which they removed the temperature sensor with the serial number that I installed. I can't figure out who could have made the substitution. I was told that I was fired without any monetary compensation and benefits and must hand over the cases within a week. I spent the next day at home, wondering what had happened, and what a hell of a story I had gotten myself into. In the evening the phone rang. An unfamiliar voice said, “Now you know what happens to mechanics who poke their noses into other people's business. The next time you start working on systems outside of your area of ​​expertise, you will lose your job. I guess that's enough for the first time. I think very soon you will be able to get back to work…” BANG! Short beeps sounded on the phone. There was a strange connection between my dismissal and the mysterious pipeline on board the plane. The director called me the next morning. He said that thanks to my excellent report on the technical condition of the aircraft, it was possible to finish the repair a day earlier, and that I could immediately start work. I was completely confused and thought only about one thing, who or what is the director trying to cover up and who are these people? The next day passed as if nothing had happened. Nobody mentioned the past incident and the “damaged” sensor. At night, I tried to find answers to the questions that tormented me on the Internet.

By chance, I came across materials about chemtrails. All the ambiguities joined together, forming a clear picture of reality. The next morning at work, I found a note in my locked closet. It read: “Curiosity killed the cat. You should not visit sites on the Internet that are not in the scope of your professional duties. THEY are following me. Now you too know how they work. I don't know what exactly THEY spray, but I can tell you how they do it. I guess THEY use "honey carriers". This is how we call special tank trucks designed for waste removal. Usually airports conclude contracts with them, no one has a desire to come close to the “honey carriers”. Who wants to stand next to a truck full of crap? While the waste tanks are being emptied, they fill the spray system. THEY know the routes of the aircraft and apparently can program the sprayer control unit to turn on the system on its own after reaching a certain altitude. The spray tubes in fake static drains are so small that they simply cannot be seen. No wonder they haven't been found yet." Conclusions 1. Chemtrails exist. They are observed in the USA, Canada. After I showed the draft of the article to my friends, they reported that they had also observed similar phenomena, therefore, chemtrails exist in Russia. 2. Chemtrails are harmful to human health. 3. Studies show that chemtrails contain barium salts and active biological components. 4. Chemtrails can be used by the military to create an advanced 3D surveillance radar system. 5. Chemtrails can be used by the military to control the weather. 6. Chemtrails can be used by the military to prevent the consequences of a possible biological war. 7. Chemtrails can be used by the military to suppress portals and anomalous zones. 8. The Committee for Environmental Protection is not aware of such tests and does not have the results of chemtrail analyses. The problem exists.

Despite the numerous opinions of researchers, which seem to be convincing and justified, we cannot be completely sure what chemtrails really are and why they are needed. One thing is clear, we are again faced with the problem of hiding information. We know from experience that information that "works for war" or "potentially dangerous to human health" is usually hidden. And as long as the military and the government remain silent, as long as planes leave ominous chemtrails behind them, as long as people get sick as a result of "sky pollination", we should keep a gas mask ready, and when we see an airplane in blue sky, run towards the shelter. Who knows what he carries on board? ...

See the invisible... Contrail, Prandtl-Gloert effect and other interesting things.

After all, we cannot see even the simplest thing, the movement of air. Air is a gas, and this gas is transparent, that says it all

But still, nature took a little pity on us and gave us a little opportunity to improve the situation. And this possibility is to make a transparent medium opaque or at least colored. In a buzzword, visualize, writes Yuri

As for color, we can do it ourselves (although not always and not everywhere, but we can), for example, use smoke (preferably colored). And about the usual opacity, here nature helps us itself.

The most opaque thing in the atmosphere is clouds, that is, moisture that has condensed from the air. It is this very process of condensation that allows us, albeit indirectly, but still quite clearly to see some of the processes that occur during the interaction of an aircraft with the air.

A little about condensation. When it occurs, that is, when the water in the air becomes visible. Water vapor can accumulate in the air up to a certain level, called the saturation level. It's like a saline solution in a jar of water.

The salt in this water will dissolve only up to a certain level, and then saturation occurs and the dissolution stops. I tried this many times as a child.

The saturation level of the atmosphere with water vapor is determined by the dew point. This is the air temperature at which the water vapor in it reaches saturation. This state (that is, this dew point) corresponds to a certain constant pressure and a certain humidity.

When the atmosphere in some of its areas reaches a state of supersaturation, that is, there is too much steam for these conditions, then condensation occurs in this area.

That is, water is released in the form of tiny droplets (or immediately ice crystals, if the ambient temperature is very low) and becomes visible. Just what we need.

For this to happen, it is necessary either to increase the amount of water in the atmosphere, which means to increase humidity, or to lower the temperature of the surrounding air below the dew point. In both cases, excess steam will be released in the form of condensed moisture and we will see a white fog (or something like that).

That is, as is already clear, in the atmosphere this process may or may not take place. It all depends on local conditions.

That is, this requires humidity not lower than a certain value, a certain temperature and pressure corresponding to it. But if all these conditions correspond to each other, we can sometimes observe quite interesting phenomena. However, first things first.

The first is the well-known contrail. This name comes from the meteorological term inversion (coup), or rather temperature inversion, when with increasing altitude the local air temperature does not fall, but rises (it happens).

Such a phenomenon may contribute to the formation of fog (or clouds), but it is inherently unsuitable for an aircraft trail and is considered obsolete. Now it's better to say contrail. Well, that's right, the essence here is precisely in condensation.

The plume of gas escaping from aircraft engines contains enough moisture to raise the local dew point in the air directly behind the engines. And, if it becomes higher than the ambient temperature, then condensation occurs during cooling.

It is facilitated by the presence of so-called condensation centers, around which moisture is concentrated from supersaturated (unstable, one might say) air. These centers are particles of soot or unburned fuel flying out of the engine.

If the ambient temperature is low enough (below 30-40°C), then the so-called sublimation occurs. That is, steam, bypassing the liquid phase, immediately turns into ice crystals. Depending on atmospheric conditions and interaction with the wake trailing the aircraft, contrail (condensation) trail can take on various, sometimes rather bizarre forms.

The video shows education contrail (condensation) trace, filmed from the aft cockpit of the aircraft (it seems to be a TU-16, although I'm not sure). The trunks of the stern firing system (guns) are visible.

The second thing to be said is vortex bundles. This is a serious phenomenon, directly related to inductive resistance, and, of course, it would be nice to somehow visualize it.

We have already seen some of this. I'm referring to the video shown in the referenced article showing the use of smoke on a ground installation.

However, the same can be done in the air. And at the same time get amazing spectacular views. The fact is that many military aircraft, especially heavy bombers, transporters, and helicopters, have on board the so-called passive means of protection. These are, for example, false thermal targets (LTTs).

Many combat missiles capable of attacking an aircraft (both ground-to-air and air-to-air) have infrared homing heads. That is, they react to heat. Most often this is the heat of the aircraft engine.

So, LTCs have a temperature much higher than the temperature of the engine, and the rocket, during its movement, deviates to this false target, while the plane (or helicopter) remains intact.

But this is so, for a general acquaintance. The main thing here is that the LTCs are fired back in large numbers, and each of them (representing a miniature rocket) leaves behind a smoke trail.

And, behold, many of these traces, uniting and twisting into vortex bundles, visualize them and create sometimes stunningly beautiful pictures. One of the most famous is the "Smoky Angel". It turned out when the LTC fired a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft.

In fairness, it should be said that other aircraft are also quite good artists ...

However, vortex bundles can be seen without the use of smoke. Condensation of atmospheric vapor will help us here as well. As we already know, the air in the bundle receives a rotational movement and, thereby, moves from the center of the bundle to its periphery.

This causes the temperature in the center of the bundle to expand and fall, and if the air humidity is high enough, conditions can be created for moisture to condense.

Then we can see the vortex bundles with our own eyes. This possibility depends both on atmospheric conditions and on the parameters of the aircraft itself.

And the greater the angles of attack at which the plane flies, the vortex bundles are more intense and their visualization due to condensation is more likely. This is especially characteristic of maneuverable fighters, and is also well manifested on extended flaps.

By the way, exactly the same kind of atmospheric conditions make it possible to see the vortex bundles formed at the ends of the blades (which in this situation are the same wings) of the turboprop or piston engines of some aircraft. It's also a pretty impressive picture.

Of the above videos, a video with Yak-52 aircraft is typical. It is obviously raining and the humidity is thus high.

Often there is an interaction of vortex bundles with inversion (condensation) trail, and then the pictures can be quite bizarre.

Now the next. I have already mentioned this before, but it is not a sin to say it again. lifting force. As my ever-memorable comrade would joke: “Where is she?! Who saw her? Yes, no one. But indirect confirmation can still be seen.

Most often, this opportunity is provided at some kind of air show. Aircraft performing various, rather extreme evolutions of course operate with large amounts of lift generated on their bearing surfaces.
But a large lifting force most often means a large drop in pressure (and hence temperature) in the area above the wing, which, as we already know, under certain conditions can cause condensation of atmospheric water vapor, and then we will see for ourselves that the conditions for creating lift is….

To illustrate what has been said about vortex bundles and lift, there is a good video:

In the following video, these processes are filmed during landing from the passenger cabin of the aircraft:

However, in fairness, it must be said that this phenomenon in visual terms can be combined with Prandtl-Gloert effect(in fact, this is, in general, he is).

The name is scary, but the principle is the same, and the visual effect is significant...

The essence of this phenomenon lies in the fact that a cloud of condensed water vapor can form behind an aircraft (most often an airplane) moving at a high speed (quite close to the speed of sound).

This happens due to the fact that when the aircraft moves, it seems to move the air in front of it and, thereby, creates an area of ​​increased pressure in front of it and an area of ​​reduced pressure behind it.

After the flight, the air begins to fill this area with low pressure from the nearby space, and thus, in this space, its volume increases, and the temperature drops.

And if at the same time there is sufficient air humidity, and the temperature drops below the dew point, then steam condenses and a small cloud appears.

It usually exists for a short time. When the pressure equalizes, the local temperature rises and the condensed moisture evaporates again.

Often, when such a cloud appears, they say that the plane passes the sound barrier, that is, it switches to supersonic. Actually this is not true. Prandtl-Gloert effect, that is, the possibility of condensation depends on the humidity of the air and its local temperature, as well as on the speed of the aircraft.

Most often, this phenomenon is typical for transonic speeds (with relatively low humidity), but it can also occur at relatively low speeds with high air humidity and at low altitudes, especially above the water surface.

However, the shallow cone shape that condensation clouds often have when moving at high speeds is nevertheless often obtained due to the presence of so-called local shock waves that form at high transonic and supersonic speeds.

I also can't help but think of my favorite turbojet engines. Condensation and here allows you to see something interesting. When the engine is running on the ground at high speeds and sufficient humidity, you can see “air entering the engine”

Not really, of course. It's just that the engine intensively sucks in air and some vacuum is formed at the inlet, as a result of a temperature drop, due to which water vapor condenses.

In addition, there is often vortex bundle, because the inlet air is swirled by the impeller of the compressor (fan). In the tourniquet, for reasons already known to us, moisture also condenses and it becomes visible. All these processes are clearly visible on the video.

Well, in conclusion, I will give another very interesting, in my opinion, example. It is no longer associated with the condensation of steam and we will not need colored smoke here. However, even without this, nature clearly illustrates its laws.

All of us have repeatedly observed how numerous flocks of birds fly south in the fall, and then return to their native places in the spring. At the same time, large heavy birds, such as geese (I'm not talking about swans) usually fly in an interesting formation, in a wedge. The leader goes in front, and the rest of the birds diverge to the right and left along the oblique line. Moreover, each subsequent one flies to the right (or to the left) ahead of the flying one. Ever wondered why they fly the way they do?

It turns out that this is directly related to our topic. A bird is also a kind of aircraft, and behind its wings are formed approximately the same swirl cords, as well as behind the wing of the aircraft. They also rotate (the axis of horizontal rotation passes through the ends of the wings), having the direction of rotation downwards behind the body of the bird, and upwards behind the ends of its wings.

That is, it turns out that a bird flying behind and to the right (to the left) falls into the rotational movement of air upwards. This air, as it were, supports her and it is easier for her to stay on top.

She uses less energy. This is very important for those flocks that travel long distances. Birds get tired less and can fly farther. Only leaders do not have such support. And that is why they periodically change, becoming the end of the wedge for rest.

Canada geese are often cited as a model for this kind of behavior. It is believed that in this way they save up to 70% of their forces during long-haul flights “in a team”, significantly increasing the efficiency of flights.

This is another way of indirect, but quite visual visualization of aerodynamic processes.

Our nature is rather complicated and very expediently arranged and periodically reminds us of this. A person can only not forget this and learn from her the vast experience that she generously shares with us. The main thing here is just not to overdo it and do no harm ...

And at the end of the video about Canadian geese.

Oct 26, 2016 Galinka

Of course, often in the sky you see this trace is not so "powerful", but there are some points about it that you might not know.

Check yourself...

Often raising our heads to the sky, we see a white stripe on it from a flying plane. The trail it leaves behind is called condensation. By the way, we often call it a contrail, but on Wikipedia opposite "contrail" there is a note "obsolete name". Therefore, we will use the term "condensation". In addition, this name is "speaking" - in this very name lies the answer to the question of what it is.

As a rule, the exhaust gases of jet engines are the direct cause of the trace. They include water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, soot and sulfur compounds. Of these, only water vapor and sulfur are responsible for the appearance of the contrail. Sulfur serves to form condensation points, while the contrail itself can be formed both from water vapor, which is part of the exhaust gases, and from steam, which is part of the supersaturated atmosphere.

Getting into the cold air (and at the altitude at which planes usually fly, the temperature is about -40 degrees), the steam condenses around the particles of the burned fuel and tiny droplets are obtained, like fog, which form a strip in the sky. We can say that it turns out a kind of man-made long cloud. Over time, it will dissipate or become part of the cirrus clouds.

Why is this trace not always visible?

If for such humidity the ambient temperature is below the dew point, then the moisture forms white condensation trails behind the engines. At low altitudes, they consist of water droplets, which usually evaporate quickly, and the trail disappears. But when the plane is flying at high altitude, where the air temperature is below -40 ° C, the steam immediately condenses into ice crystals, which evaporate much more slowly.

By the way, the contrails of aircraft can affect the Earth's climate. If you look at the Earth from a satellite, you can see that in those areas where planes often fly, the entire sky is covered with their traces. Some scientists believe that this is good - the traces increase the reflective properties of the atmosphere, thereby preventing the sun's rays from reaching the Earth's surface. This can reduce the temperature of the earth's atmosphere and prevent global warming. Others believe that it is bad - cirrus clouds arising from the condensation trail prevent the atmosphere from cooling, thereby causing it to warm. Who is right and who is wrong, time will tell.

Want to stop leaving a trace?

Depending on atmospheric conditions and wind speed, a contrail can remain in the sky for up to 24 hours and be up to 150 km long. Scientists from the University of Reading (UK) decided to figure out how to make planes fly without a trace, while maintaining the profitability of transportation.

“It may seem that the plane needs to make a considerable detour to avoid the contrail. But because of the curvature of the Earth, you only need to increase the distance a little to avoid really long trails,” says Emma Irwin, author of the study, published in the journal Environmental Research Letters.

Their calculations showed that for small short-haul aircraft, a deviation from moisture-saturated areas, even 10 times the length of the contrail itself, can reduce the negative impact on the climate.

“For larger planes, which emit more carbon dioxide per kilometer, three times the variance makes sense,” says Irwin. In their study, the scientists assessed the impact on the climate of airliners flying at the same altitude.

For example, a plane flying from London to New York can only deviate by two degrees to avoid a long wake, which adds 22 km to its path, or 0.4% of the total distance.

Scientists are currently involved in a project that aims to assess the possibility of redesigning existing transatlantic routes to take into account the impact of aviation on climate. To implement the proposals of climatologists means in the future to face problems in the field of economy and safety of air transportation, experts admit. "Controllers need to evaluate whether these flight-to-flight reroutes are feasible and safe, and forecasters need to understand whether they can reliably predict where and when contrail clouds might form," Irwin said.