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Sensitive personality. Touch Sphere Sensitivity

Sensitivity is (from lat. sensus feelings) - a high individual sensitivity, which manifests itself as a personality trait in people. Sensitivity covers a wide range of mental processes of an individual and can be expressed as follows:

  • severe anxiety and fear of future events;
  • increased self-reflection;
  • low pain threshold;
  • inadequate self-criticism and self-flagellation in case of failures;
  • timidity;
  • low self-esteem;
  • feeling unworthy;
  • high demands on oneself;
  • fear of criticism and failure;
  • stuck on past experiences;
  • low level of claims;

Causes of sensitivity:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • organic brain damage;
  • neurosis;
  • depression;
  • mental illness;
  • anxiety disorders.

Sensitivity in psychology

Psychology considers sensitivity not only as a certain personality trait of a single person, but also as an age-related one. The sensitive period is a favorable stage in the development of the child for the conditions for the formation in him of a certain behavior, mental properties, skills and abilities. Maria Montessori (Italian teacher), actively used the possibilities of the environment in the development of the child and, as a result of her work, noted several age sensitive periods:

  • 0 - 6 years - development of speech;
  • 0 - 5.5 years - sensory perception;
  • 0 - 3 years - development of perception to order;
  • 1 - 4 years - actively develop motor skills, actions;
  • 1.5 - 7 years - perception of small objects;
  • 4.5 - 5 years - phonemic sensitivity;
  • 6 - 8 years - a sensitive period for the development of writing skills.

Sensitivity - pluses

A high level of sensitivity gives a person a lot of experiences, but sensitivity has its positive aspects, such people are characterized by:

  • kindness and gentleness;
  • high moral principles;
  • ethics;
  • conscientiousness;
  • the ability to feel the pain or depression of others;
  • the ability to recognize subtle nuances in activities.

Types of sensitivity

Sensitive can be especially sensitive in a certain area of ​​​​perception. D.G. Smith (Amer. clinical psychologist) classified the main types of sensitivity:

  1. Theoretical sensitivity - a good orientation of a person in various theoretical concepts of personality and the ability to apply knowledge in the relevant area (prediction of feelings, thoughts, actions of other people)
  2. Observational sensitivity is the ability to simultaneously observe and evaluate the appearance of the interlocutor, his speech, smell, facial expressions, movements and postures. This includes self-observation.
  3. Ideographic sensitivity is the vision in each personality of peculiar, inherent only signs.
  4. Nomothetic sensitivity - when observing the behavior of a member of a social group, a sensitive person can apply the knowledge gained to predict the behavior of other members of this group.

There is another classification of sensitivity:

Emotional sensitivity

The concept of sensitivity in an emotional context means the hypersensitivity of the individual, expressed in exposure to the influence of negative events of the past. The impetus for development can be inadequate cruel or indifferent upbringing in childhood. An emotionally sensitive person suffers from the fact that past events are experienced by him again and again, aggravating the psychophysiological state.

social sensitivity

Sensitivity in communication prevents a person from effectively building relationships in society, a career, and making close acquaintances. Sensitive fear manifests itself in people prone to anxiety disorders and paranoia, such people are prone to the experience that their thoughts can be "read" by other people. Social sensitivity is based on a person's negative feelings towards himself:

  • own inferiority (“I’m not good enough/smart/capable);
  • insecurity and dishonesty.

Sensitivity of temperament

The temperamental properties of sensitivity and reactivity are more characteristic of people with a melancholic temperament, while phlegmatic, choleric and sanguine people are less sensitive. Melancholic people tend to worry for a long time, are vulnerable and prone to soul-searching - these features have allowed psychologists to compare sensitivity with the melancholic temperament of the individual.

Sensitivity Exercises

Sensitivity in a reasonable range is a necessary quality of successful interaction with people, understanding of the processes occurring with a person. Sensitivity training is the general name of group psychological trainings for personal growth, aimed at developing sensitive abilities in a person: empathy, observation, understanding and predicting the behavior of others. Techniques and exercises of sensitive training:

  1. Psychological observation exercise. In the group, a person is selected who leaves the door, at this time the participants in the process are located in the room: someone sits on chairs, others stand. The coach calls the exited participant and asks to remember for 1 minute the “picture” of the location of the others, then again asks to go out the door. There is a change of half of the members of the group in the location. The exited participant enters again, and the coach asks him to arrange everyone as it was the first time. As a result, how observant a person is is judged.
  2. Exercise "Emotions" to increase the perception of a partner. Participants sit in a semicircle and receive cards on which different emotional reactions are recorded. Each participant in turn goes out and stands with his back to the others, his task is to non-verbally depict the emotion or state recorded on his card. The goal of the rest is to feel what it is: anger, joy, sadness, etc.
  3. Exercise for the development of observational sensitivity. Participants sit in a circle and try to feel the emotional state of a neighbor on their left hand, while receiving feedback on whether their assumption is correct. Incorrect interpretations are noted by the trainer as indicating the stereotypes that guide people when analyzing the actions and emotions of others.

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Sensitivity is a characteristic of a person that expresses an increased, individual sensitivity to external events and is accompanied by anxiety before new incidents. Sensitivity is expressed in such individual traits as shyness, timidity, increased impressionability, low self-esteem, sharp self-criticism, a tendency to prolonged experiences, an inferiority complex.

With age, high sensitivity can decrease, since a person in the process of self-education can overcome anxiety in himself before upcoming events.

The level of sensitivity is determined by the innate characteristics of a person (heredity, organic lesions of the brain) or the characteristics (conditions) of raising a child.

In psychology, the concept of sensitivity is used together with the synonyms "sensitivity" and "sensitivity". Along with this, there is also the phenomenon of "insensitivity", it is expressed in the absence of a reaction to events, emotions and actions of people, assessments. Insensitivity is manifested in complete indifference, lack of physical sensations, tactlessness and inattention to others.

Sensitivity in psychology

The concept of sensitivity in psychology is a person's experience of increased sensitivity, vulnerability and self-doubt. Sensitive people often complain that no one perceives or understands them. When contacting a psychologist, sensitive clients talk about the unfriendliness of others in relation to them, which makes it difficult for them to establish a communicative connection. They often consider themselves unworthy, bad, think that they are worse than other individuals. It is difficult for them to cope with problems on their own, because they are too constrained and shy.

The concept of sensitivity refers to the personal characteristics and qualities of the individual, it is expressed in excessive sensitivity and easy vulnerability, conscientiousness, a tendency to doubt actions and focus on experiences. This sensitivity can be a constant characteristic of a person or it can appear from time to time.

Sensitivity, what is it in psychology? High sensitivity prevents social adaptation, since such a person believes that the whole world is opposed to him alone. Social sensitivity is the fear of a variety of social situations. People who have too high social sensitivity often consider themselves flawed, therefore they are afraid of meeting new people, do not dare to speak in public and try to avoid any social activity.

With manifestations of such symptoms, it is necessary to consult a psychologist. An experienced psychologist will conduct an individual psychological conversation, determine the correct treatment strategy to alleviate the client's condition with severe sensitivity.

Sensitivity can be the result of various mental disorders (neurosis, stress conditions, organic brain diseases, depression, anxiety disorders, endogenous mental disorders).

Sensitivity can be different depending on temperament.

The level of sensitivity is expressed by the strength of external influences necessary for the occurrence of a certain psychological reaction. For example, certain circumstances may not cause any reactions at all in one person, while in another they cause strong excitement. So, melancholic and choleric people are more sensitive and impressionable, therefore they are more sensitive than sanguine and phlegmatic people, who do not attach much importance to situations that could affect them.

Age sensitivity

Age sensitivity is a phenomenon that occurs at a certain stage of individual development and expresses a person's sensitivity to various influences from the external environment.

Pedagogy and developmental psychology deal with age sensitivity. Knowledge of sensitive age periods helps in the development of the necessary abilities. So, for example, at the age of 2-3 years, a child is able to quickly master the language, which means that this age is sensitive for the development of the linguistic function. If you miss a very important sensitive stage, the child will not return to it, and in the future there may be difficulties with the formation of appropriate abilities.

Sensitive age periods serve as an opportunity for the child to acquire the desired and necessary skills and abilities, behaviors and knowledge. Only during the sensitive period is it possible to easily learn to do something in the best way, after this period, it will not be so easy to do it.

Sensitive age periods last for some time, regardless of whether the individual has managed to master the necessary action, and if you miss it, the opportunity will go away and it will be more difficult for a person to cope with the need to master the necessary action.

A person is not able to somehow influence the occurrence of sensitive periods. The main thing is that parents should know what they can do to ensure that the child's sensitive period passes as successfully as possible.

Therefore, parents are obliged to know about the sensitive periods in the life of the child, to recognize the characteristic features, to work on their development; observe all manifestations of the intensive stages of the course of the sensitive period, which is desirable to do for a normal assessment of the development of the crumbs; predict the next sensitive period and create a favorable environment for the development of the child.

Age sensitive periods are universal, which means that regardless of religion, nationality, cultural differences, they still occur at the right time.

These periods are individual, that is, the exact time of occurrence and duration are determined biologically for each in their own way. Therefore, the idea of ​​a frontal approach to learning, especially up to six years, is not correct. Also, a variety of educational programs, except for individual ones, may not correspond to the real age of the child. So, for example, if a child is five years old, then this does not mean at all that, in terms of psychological parameters, he fully corresponds to this biological age.

Another important factor is the dynamics of the course of the sensitive period, which, together with the average terms, does not guarantee that absolutely every child will go through the age sensitivity in this mode.

As a result, there is a fundamental need for functional diagnostics of the individual development of children (determination of personal characteristics in order to work on their development in the future).

Each age sensitive period is characterized by a gentle, slow onset, which is sometimes very difficult to detect if you do not know about its approach, do not assume the likelihood of its onset and do not engage with the child, focusing on the zone of its proximal development; peak point (highest intensity stage) that is easiest to observe. Also, the sensitive period is characterized by a gentle decline in intensity.

Age-related sensitive periods occur at about the same time, but can be of high intensity at different stages.

Sensitivity training

Sensitivity training or as it is also called interpersonal sensitivity training arose on the basis of the practice of T-groups. Psychologist Carl Rogers identified two main types of group work - these are "groups for organizational development" and "sensitivity training".

Sensitivity training is called "encounter groups".

Sensitivity training is a group dynamic training. The concept of sensitivity includes the quality of the ability to predict the emotions, thoughts and actions of another person, the ability to perceive, realize and remember the socio-psychological characteristics of other individuals or entire groups, and on this basis to predict behavior and activities.

In this context, psychologist G. Smith identifies several types of sensitivity:

Observational (the ability to observe and remember what a person looked like and what he said);

Theoretical (the use of different theories to interpret the behavior, thoughts and feelings of people);

Nomothetic (understanding a typical individual as a representative of a certain group and using this knowledge in predicting the behavior of people who are part of this group);

Ideographic sensitivity (understanding and perception of the peculiarity of the behavior of any person).

The main task of sensitivity training is to improve a person's ability to perceive and understand other people. There are two types of goals: immediate goals and highly organized ones.

Increasing the self-awareness of participants in connection with the acquisition of knowledge about how others perceive the behavior of others;

The growth of susceptibility to the group process, to the actions of others, which are associated with the perception of communicative stimuli perceived from others;

Perception of conditions that complicate or facilitate the functioning of the group;

Formation of diagnostic skills in the field of interpersonal communication;

Development of skills for successful inclusion in intergroup and intragroup situations.

Developing a person's ability to explore their role and experiment with it;

Development of the authenticity of interpersonal relationships;

Expanding knowledge about other people;

Developing the ability to cooperate with others.

Objectives of sensitivity training:

Development of various behavioral skills;

Increasing understanding between group members and self-understanding;

Sensual awareness of group processes;

Teaching and training opportunities that increase social competence.

In general, the main goals of sensitivity training are defined as increasing susceptibility to group phenomena, strengthening the perception of group processes; understanding of one's own life and the inner life of other personalities; the formation of susceptibility to one's social roles and others, to their positions and attitudes; development of sincerity, openness and spontaneity of reactions.

The above goals of sensitivity training are carried out through interpersonal interaction and relationships, by analyzing the group process, its components such as group goals, norms, roles, group structures, leadership problems, conflicts, tension, and others. In this regard, sensitivity training is similar to the methods of group psychotherapy, but unlike it, it focuses on the here and now event, the study of group processes, human behavior in a team, and its influence on others.

Sensitivity training is very often used in the training of psychotherapists: in particular, group psychotherapists. Thanks to these trainings, future psychotherapists develop sensitivity to group phenomena, develop the ability to adequately assess attitudes, relationships, psychological problems and conflicts of individuals, based on interpersonal interaction, improve understanding of their own personality, attitudes, needs and motivations.

Sensitivity training for future psychotherapists is aimed at solving certain tasks in order to be more sensitive to group phenomena or to establish a deeper self-understanding and to implement in the classes the wide opportunities provided in the form of training.

Sensitivity training uses psychotechnical exercises and various role-playing games, they are divided into three types. The first consists of exercises that affect the whole group and each of its participants, they are focused on organizing efficiency at the beginning of classes and maintaining it throughout the day.

The second type - these are exercises and games aimed at establishing contact between participants, understanding and perceiving the emotional states of group members, developing observation, the ability to understand the properties, qualities, states and relationships between people and groups.

And the third type is made up of exercises and games for the acquisition of feedback. It is here that a strong bond is developed between the participants. Regardless of the type of training, work begins with the creation of performance, the purpose of which is to organize a group atmosphere.

Sensitivity: what it is, symptoms and treatments

Sensitivity is a feature of a person’s character, in psychology this term is understood as a certain behavior and personality characteristics: a person is often shy in an unfamiliar situation, feels embarrassed, anxious, afraid of a new situation of communication with other people. In general, this phenomenon characterizes the excessive sensitivity of the individual to various events and phenomena surrounding him.

Such increased sensitivity to circumstances may correspond to a certain age or persist as a characterological feature throughout life. It can be smoothed out in the process of life, and sometimes its manifestation increases. It is related to the events that a person is experiencing.

  • heredity;
  • organic brain damage;
  • features of education;
  • age periods.

By heredity, one must understand the temperament that is transmitted to the child from the parents. The strength and speed of the nervous system (this is temperament) affects a person's susceptibility to various life situations.

People with a melancholic type of temperament are most prone to the manifestation of sensitivity. They are highly impressionable, suspicious and anxious. It is hard for them to experience resentment and failure, they are prone to blaming themselves for all troubles, first of all. Phlegmatic and sanguine people, on the contrary, react less to life's ups and downs.

There is the concept of "family anxiety", when hypersensitivity is characteristic not only for one person, but for the whole family. Here fears and fears concern health, conflicts, long absence of family members.

People with organic brain lesions are also characterized by increased sensitivity in various situations. Sensitivity is one of the symptoms of their underlying disease. It manifests itself along with irritability, fatigue, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms.

The peculiarities of upbringing should be understood as the emotional rejection of the child by parents, excessive severity, various kinds of moral violence in the family and other incorrect methods of upbringing.

The psyche of the child is too susceptible to such situations. They can be a psychological trauma for him, which, being fixed in the subconscious, leads to the development of increased sensitivity to certain life problems. When too many demands are placed on a child, he experiences a fear of not meeting them. Such experiences can be fixed in the character of a little man, manifesting themselves through increased sensitivity.

Many scientists (Vygotsky, Ananiev, Zaporozhets and others) spoke about sensitive age periods when a person is susceptible to the influences around him. Here, this phenomenon is characterized on the positive side, as it means a period of increased perception of the child and adult to the development of certain qualities and skills.

For example, at 2-3 years old, a child actively forms new words, he learns to speak and form sentences. If you use such periods in the life of a child correctly, he will be able to fully cognize the reality around him with the help of an adult who is significant for him.

Manifestations of hypersensitivity

Among the main symptoms of hypersensitivity are:

  • shyness;
  • impressionability in small situations;
  • timidity;
  • feeling of insolvency, the formation of an inferiority complex;
  • prolonged experience of events that should happen or have already taken place;
  • anxiety;
  • barriers in communicating with other people;
  • isolation;
  • susceptibility to the feelings and manifestations of the nature of the people around.

A receptive person can manifest this character trait in different ways. He evaluates speech, behavior, can draw the right conclusions about the mood of the interlocutor. A sensitive person from the first minutes of communication pays attention to the appearance, speech, behavior of other people. Such people are able to predict the feelings and thoughts of others. They accept the idiosyncrasies of those around them.

Such moderate manifestations of sensitivity are not deviations of human behavior. But if hypersensitivity is observed, a person cannot sleep before an exciting event, cannot fully rest after it or any difficult conversation, this has a bad effect on his mental and physical well-being. In this case, it is necessary to consult a specialist psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

The feeling of one's own inadequacy, inferiority, minimal social activity, anxiety, prolonged painful experience of life changes are the first alarming bells that indicate the need to consult a specialist.

Increased sensitivity, impressionability can prevent a person from obtaining a profession, self-realization, establishing a happy personal life, and adapting to society. Therefore, sensitivity is a pathology with which it is better to fight.

Methods of correction and treatment

If you do not attempt to support the nervous system, do not work with feelings of anxiety, resentment, do not live through difficult life situations correctly, sensitivity can be transformed into character accentuation and psychopathy.

To prevent this, you need to properly deal with hypersensitivity.

Medical therapy

Sensitivity is not a separate nosological unit (mental illness), but refers to one of the symptoms of complex mental illnesses, as well as a pathology of personality development, if you do not work on this characterological feature.

When are medical devices used? Doctors prescribe drugs for severe manifestations of hypersensitivity. If a person has severe anxiety, a tendency to depressive behavior, a psychiatrist (psychotherapist) prescribes antidepressants, sedatives. In the case when a person is worried about an upcoming event, sleeping pills may be prescribed to help the person relax and have a good rest.

Psychotherapeutic methods

To overcome the consequences of improper upbringing, to reduce the manifestations of the melancholic type of temperament, to correct organic brain damage, not only medications are used.

Hypersensitivity decreases in its intensity in a complex solution to the problem.

Specialists actively use several methods of psychotherapy:

Gestalt therapy is used in working through the situation "here and now". In working with a specialist, the patient has the opportunity to show all his emotionality and feelings. Emotions can be both positive and negative. But only acting out of emotions does not give a therapeutic effect. A specially trained Gestalt therapist helps a person to analyze and evaluate their feelings, images and experiences. For elaboration, the current state of the patient is important, since the picture of ongoing events and emotions is formed in the process of work.

Methods of psychoanalysis are aimed at working out the past experience of a person. Especially often, such methods are used for hypersensitivity, which arose due to improper upbringing and emotional rejection by the parents of their child. In this case, a positive image of the past is formed, traumatic situations that led to this sensitivity are worked out.

Specialists use hypnosis to fix a specific message in the psyche. This works with a pronounced sense of inferiority, a focus on failure and a reduced level of claims.

Methods of individual psychotherapy Adler. In this direction, the task of a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist is to form a positive picture of the future in a person with increased anxiety, complex adaptation in society with social hypersensitivity.

Increased sensitivity to surrounding events, experiences and anxiety significantly impair the process of self-realization and adaptation in the human environment.

To solve this problem, it is important to contact a specialist in time, who will help physiologically and psychologically support the patient.

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Brief psychological dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: PHOENIX. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .

Popular psychological encyclopedia. - M.: Eksmo. S.S. Stepanov. 2005 .

See what "sensitivity" is in other dictionaries:

sensitivity - noun, number of synonyms: 2 psychotype (15) sensitivity (62) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

SENSITIVITY - (from lat. sesibilis sensitive) eng. sensitivity; German Sensitivity. The characterological feature of an individual, expressed in increased sensitivity and vulnerability, self-doubt, increased conscientiousness and a tendency to doubt, ... ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

Sensitivity is a characterological feature of a person, manifested in increased sensitivity to events happening to him, usually accompanied by increased anxiety, fear of new situations, people, all kinds of trials, etc. * * * ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

SENSITIVITY - (from lat. sesibilis sensitive) eng. sensitivity; German Sensitivity. The characterological feature of an individual, expressed in increased sensitivity and vulnerability, self-doubt, increased conscientiousness and a tendency to doubt, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Sociology

Sensitivity - increased sensitivity to various influences. Age sensitivity inherent in a certain age period, the optimal nature of the development of certain mental properties and processes ... Psychological and pedagogical dictionary of an officer of the educator of a ship unit

Sensitivity is a characterological feature of a person, manifested in increased sensitivity to ongoing events, usually accompanied by increased anxiety, fear of new situations, people, all kinds of tests, etc. (3) ... Glossary of terms in general and social pedagogy

SENSITIVITY - (from Latin sensus feeling, feeling) a characterological feature of a person, manifested in increased sensitivity to ongoing events ... Pedagogical Dictionary

SENSITIVITY - a characterological feature of a person, manifested in increased sensitivity to events happening to him; usually accompanied by increased anxiety, fear of new situations, people, all kinds of tests, etc. ... Dictionary of Career Guidance and Psychological Support

sensitivity -, social phobia, these are close concepts: an individual experiences fear, very great excitement in certain social situations: if you have to speak in public, enter into communication with a stranger, etc. This largely depends on ... ... Culture of speech communication: Ethics. Pragmatics. Psychology

age-related sensitivity - an optimal combination of conditions inherent in a certain age period for the development of certain mental properties and processes. Premature or late in relation to S.'s period of century. training may not be effective enough, ... ... Big psychological encyclopedia

sensitive period

The sensitive period of development (there is also a sensitive one) is a period in a person's life that creates the most favorable conditions for the formation of certain psychological properties and types of behavior in him.

The sensitive period is the period of the highest opportunities for the most effective development of any side of the psyche. For example, the sensitive period of speech development is from one and a half to 3 years.

  • Sensitive period of speech development (0-6 years)
  • Sensitive period of order perception (0-3 years)
  • Sensitive period of sensory development (0-5.5 years)
  • Sensitive period of perception of small objects (1.5-6.5 years)
  • Sensitive period of development of movements and actions (1-4 years)
  • Sensitive period for the development of social skills (2.5-6 years)


  1. Mukhina V.S. Psychology of a preschooler. Textbook for students ped. in-t and students of pedagogical schools. Ed. L. A. Venger. M, Enlightenment, 1975.


  • Montessori M. “Help me do it myself” // Compiled by M. V. Boguslavsky, G. B. Kornetov (collection of fragments from translated books by M. Montessori and articles by Russian authors about the pedagogy of M. Montessori). Publishing House "Karapuz". M. 2000.
  • Mukhina V.S. Psychology of a preschooler. Proc. allowance for students ped. in-t and students of ped. schools. Ed. L. A. Venger. M, Enlightenment, 1975.
  • Nemov R.S. Psychology: Proc. for students of higher ped. textbook institutions: In 3 books. Book 2. Psychology of education. - 3rd ed. - M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 1997. - 608 p.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what the "Sensitive period" is in other dictionaries:

Sensitive period - [lat. sensus feeling, feeling] the period of ontogenetic development, during which the body has an increased sensitivity to certain kinds of environmental influences and is, both physiologically and psychologically, ready for ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

SENSITIVE PERIOD - 1. See critical period. 2. A freely defined period of time during which the body is sensitive to certain forms of stimulation, and is physiologically and psychologically ready to assimilate certain reactions or a certain type of knowledge. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Psychology

Sensitive period (sensitivity) - (lat. sensus feeling, feeling) a characterological feature of a person, manifested in increased sensitivity to events happening to him, usually accompanied by increased anxiety, fear of new situations, people, all kinds of ... ... Dictionary-reference book on pedagogical psychology

Sensitive period (sensitivity) - (lat. sensus feeling, sensation) a characterological feature of a person, manifested in increased sensitivity to events happening to him, usually accompanied by increased anxiety, fear of new situations, people, all kinds of ... ... Dictionary of Educational Psychology

sensitive age - (from lat. sensibilitas sensitive) stage of the age development of the child, the most favorable for the development of any kind of activity, the formation of certain mental functions. The concept was introduced by M. Montessori to denote ... ... Defectology. Dictionary-reference

Sensitive (sensitive) period - (lat. sensitivus - sensitive) - 1. see Critical period; 2. a freely defined period of time during which the body is sensitive to certain forms of stimulation, and is physiologically and psychologically ready for assimilation ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Sensitive age - (lat. - sensitive) - this is the age period, which creates the optimal psycho-physiological and biological capabilities of the body for the development of any new aspects, qualities, states of mental activity. This is the most ... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (teacher's encyclopedic dictionary)

CRITICAL PERIOD - A biologically determined period of time during which the body is optimally ready for the assimilation of certain reactions. The most famous example is the critical period for imprinting In certain types of ducks, which is several ... Explanatory Dictionary of Psychology

Critical period - An ethological term that refers to a rigidly defined and decisive period in an organism's early development when it is able to learn specific things necessary for its survival in the future (for example, to stay close to its parents). The term is more often ... ... Big psychological encyclopedia

AGE - the period of human development, characterized by a set of specific. patterns of formation of the organism and personality. V. is a qualitatively special stage, which is characterized by a number of changes that determine the originality of the personality structure on ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

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Sensitivity - hypersensitivity, vulnerability, uncertainty

sensitivity (sensitivity) or special sensitivity of a person.

Call us and we will not only correctly carry out a complete diagnosis, but we can quickly help you!

The most common complaints that patients make when symptoms appear interpersonal sensitivity, hypersensitivity:

  • Special Sensitivity
  • Dissatisfaction with others
  • You are not understood
  • Feeling that people are unfriendly or don't like you
  • Feeling like you are worse than others
  • Excessive shyness or stiffness when interacting with others
  • Feeling embarrassed when people look at you
  • That your feelings are easily hurt

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    The characterological feature of a person, which manifests itself in excessive sensitivity to the phenomena of the surrounding world, is called sensitivity in psychology. People who are prone to this phenomenon usually have an increased sense of anxiety, protect themselves with barriers in social communication, and are afraid of new situations, unfamiliar sensations, and even minor trials. In different people, this feature can manifest itself in different ways, depending on its type and nature.

    Development of sensitivity

    We can distinguish the main qualities inherent in sensitive personalities:

    • Shyness;
    • Timidity;
    • Excessive impressionability;
    • Feelings of inferiority;
    • Tendency to linger over past or future events.

    As you might guess, such qualities are most often due to specific features of upbringing and life experience of a person. Along with this, there are cases when the development of sensitivity is provoked by various organic causes (for example, heredity, brain damage, etc.)

    However, sensitivity, as a rule, originates from a person's childhood. Emotional rejection of the child in family relationships in this case is the most common reason. If parents do not give him the necessary attention, affection and care, in addition to various complexes, the development of sensitivity begins in the child. So there are: isolation, unsociableness and anxiety.

    The same can be said about the situation when parents show excessive severity in relation to children. The response is a constant desire for solitude and isolation in one's own world. The child on a subconscious level tries to avoid all contact with people so as not to be subjected to another punishment or censure.

    For many people, sensitivity softens over the years, as age and experience teach them to be more practical in real life. They begin to look at things more simply and gain the ability to better control their own emotions.

    Types of sensitivity

    From the point of view of psychology, sensitivity is often interpreted as the ability of a person to understand and perceive the feelings and character traits of different people, which makes it possible for him to predict their behavior.

    So, there are 4 types of sensitivity:

    The observational view is based on the ability of a person to pay great attention to the behavior, speech and appearance of other people. That is, a sensitive person of this type notices everything at once.

    The theoretical type of sensitivity involves the ability to use different theories to explain and predict the thoughts, feelings and behavior of another person.

    Nomothetic sensitivity is characterized by the ability of a person to identify the main features of a typical representative of a social group, and subsequently apply this knowledge to predict the behavior of people belonging to this group.

    The ideographic view is distinguished by the ability to understand the originality and individual characteristics of a given person.

    Other types of sensitivity

    In addition to the main types, sensitivity can also be divided into:

    Emotional sensitivity is most often used in the sense of a person's hypersensitivity to ongoing or upcoming events. That is, everything that is quite normally perceived by most people becomes of great importance for a sensitive person.

    As a rule, a person who has emotional sensitivity is strongly influenced by the past. All events, even the most insignificant ones that happened to him, are constantly analyzed and acquire new shades.

    For example, if in childhood he witnessed a loud parental quarrel, and this incident greatly affected his psyche, he will remember him almost all his life. Emotional sensitivity in this case is manifested by the fact that a person, as a rule, suffers greatly from his own difficult memories, since he is endowed with an extraordinary ability to relive events with their help.

    Just as painfully sensitive individuals perceive any upcoming changes. Often, even the positive nature of events gives them anxiety and leads to emotional stress.

    Social sensitivity is characterized primarily as an overwhelming sense of fear of various social situations. As noted above, people who are prone to this pathology, for the most part, suffer from an inferiority complex.

    It is the consciousness of one's inferiority that contributes to the development of social sensitivity. A person is afraid of communicating with strangers, does not dare to speak in public and avoids social activity, as a rule, for one reason: he considers himself not smart enough, capable, handsome, worthy, etc.

    Such thoughts lead a person obsessed with social sensitivity into great excitement, and in order to overcome oneself and gain self-confidence, a lot of effort and time is needed.

    The sensitivity of temperament refers to the characterological features inherent in groups of people with a certain type of character. It is believed that such species as choleric, sanguine and phlegmatic are almost not characterized by this quality. And the temperament of the melancholic just includes those properties that are inherent in sensitive people:

    In addition, psychologists, characterizing the melancholic type of temperament, call sensitivity the predominantly depressive nature of the experiences of people belonging to it. Melancholic people take offense very hard and get very upset with failures, most often blaming themselves. An inferiority complex and lack of self-confidence are also inherent in this type. Thus, when determining the temperament of a sensitive person, one can almost always conclude that he is a melancholic.

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    Caries is the most common infectious disease in the world, which even the flu cannot compete with.

    American scientists conducted experiments on mice and came to the conclusion that watermelon juice prevents the development of vascular atherosclerosis. One group of mice drank plain water, and the second group drank watermelon juice. As a result, the vessels of the second group were free from cholesterol plaques.

    There are very curious medical syndromes, such as compulsive swallowing of objects. In the stomach of one patient suffering from this mania, 2500 foreign objects were found.

    In an effort to get the patient out, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Jensen in the period from 1954 to 1994. survived more than 900 operations to remove neoplasms.

    When lovers kiss, each of them loses 6.4 calories per minute, but in the process they exchange almost 300 different types of bacteria.

    74-year-old Australian James Harrison donated blood about 1,000 times. He has a rare blood type whose antibodies help newborns with severe anemia survive. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.

    Most women are able to get more pleasure from contemplating their beautiful body in the mirror than from sex. So, women, strive for harmony.

    The cough medicine "Terpinkod" is one of the leaders in sales, not at all because of its medicinal properties.

    The well-known drug "Viagra" was originally developed for the treatment of arterial hypertension.

    According to WHO studies, a daily half-hour conversation on a mobile phone increases the likelihood of developing a brain tumor by 40%.

    With regular visits to the solarium, the chance of getting skin cancer increases by 60%.

    Human blood “runs” through the vessels under enormous pressure and, if their integrity is violated, is capable of firing at a distance of up to 10 meters.

    Each person has not only unique fingerprints, but also a tongue.

    In addition to people, only one living creature on planet Earth suffers from prostatitis - dogs. These are really our most faithful friends.

    A job that a person does not like is much more harmful to his psyche than no job at all.

    A sedentary lifestyle, irrational nutrition and constant stress, inherent in today's majority of residents of megacities, lead to the development of various diseases.

  • One of the mental spheres of a person's life is his emotions. Children are considered because over the years people begin to control and manage their emotions. Sensitivity implies an increased sensitivity to various external circumstances in a person who has not learned to control his emotions and sees the world in a slightly distorted light. Thus, age sensitivity is highlighted, which suggests that at each age the level of emotionality is different.

    If we take adults, we can say that women are more emotional than men. This is primarily an online magazine site associated with the effects of hormones that are produced monthly by the female body for the possible emergence of a new life. Men also have emotions that often arise in stressful situations, at the sight of beautiful women, at the moment of achieving success or facing failure.

    Men and women often forget about one thing that affects why they sometimes do not understand each other: they are not alike. Women are very emotional beings, while men are rational. That is why women can “make a molehill out of a fly”, and men, on the contrary, make a nonsense situation out of any problem.

    Women see the world the same way men do. But sometimes it happens that a woman is overwhelmed by emotions. Men can remember from their own experience how hard it is to control their emotions when they rage inside. And emotions in a woman can appear for any reason. That is why, when something happens, a woman begins to develop events, make them more tragic, exciting, which does not correspond to reality. It's hard to think rationally when emotions are raging. That is why a woman often attacks a man when he has done something, from her point of view, unpleasant.

    Men are more rational beings. They know how to control their own emotions, although not always. But to a greater extent, they soberly assess the situation, without adding to it what is not there.

    Men need to give women all the information they need so that they do not want to "saw" their brain. Women make "molehills out of molehills" because they are not sure of something, they do not know something, they do not have information. Give them whatever they need so they don't make a big deal out of it. After all, in fact, you get what you deserve when women start attacking you with accusations. You are not to blame for what women accuse you of, but you are to blame for not telling them what really happened. Your habit of silence causes women to fill in the empty space with the information that they are comfortable filling it with. You may not have really done anything. But you didn’t give the woman all the necessary information so that she wouldn’t think out the situation herself.

    Women are emotional beings. And under the influence of emotions, they can come up with something that was not really there. Give women everything they need to know. And then even emotions will not make them think bad about you.

    However, this behavior is not unique to women. There are categories of men who also exaggerate what happened. Adolescents and young children are the most emotional.

    What is sensitivity?

    Now let's move on to terminologies: what is sensitivity? It refers to increased sensitivity to external circumstances with further anxious expectation of something bad. In simple words, people call sensitivity "making an elephant out of a fly."

    Sensitivity can be accompanied by such qualities of character:

    • Timidity.
    • categorical self-criticism.
    • Tendency to long experiences.
    • Increased sensitivity, emotionality.
    • Shyness.
    • Inferiority complex.

    With age, sensitivity may decrease if a person learns to control his emotions and experiences. And this process is inevitable. Although each adult has a different level of sensitivity, which also depends on his hereditary predispositions, nervous system, and other physiological data. Also, a person should make efforts to control their emotions. Sometimes this happens imperceptibly for a person, and with some emotions the individual is forced to fight consciously and with effort.

    Synonyms for sensitivity are sensitivity and sensitivity. The opposite term is insensitivity, which manifests itself in indifference, inattention and tactlessness to people, the absence of any physical sensations.

    Each person goes through periods of formation of his emotionality. Since it is difficult to observe oneself in childhood, the emotionality of children can be noted for other people. Children practically do not know how to control their emotions, sometimes completely surrendering to them. However, as a person develops, he gradually learns to control some of his experiences.

    In adolescence, such a phenomenon as youthful maximalism arises, when adolescents react sharply to various external circumstances, exaggerating the significance of all events. They also exaggerate their own capabilities and desires.

    As a person encounters real events and other circumstances when his desires are not satisfied, he either gets stuck in his emotional experiences (thus developing), or begins to change himself in order to learn how to adequately respond to what is happening and be flexible in taking actions that will achieve various goals.

    The sages say that a person who knows how to control his emotions is able to achieve a lot and build life the way he wants to see it. Here it is necessary to be able to manage not only emotions, but also thoughts, which just form the emotions that a person experiences in a given situation. That is why there is even such a saying: "If you cannot change the situation, then change your attitude towards it."

    Sensitivity in psychology

    In psychology, sensitivity is understood as a quality when a person experiences self-doubt, vulnerability and hypersensitivity. Such a person has the following characteristics:

    1. Complains about the unfriendliness of others, which is why he is not able to establish ties with them.
    2. He complains that no one understands or perceives him.
    3. He considers himself bad, unworthy, worse than the rest.
    4. Due to shyness and stiffness, he is not able to cope with personal problems.
    5. Focuses on own experiences.
    6. He doubts his own decisions and thoughts.
    7. Feels vulnerable and conscientious.

    These qualities can appear from time to time or constantly.

    Sensitivity is manifested in the form of a person's attitude to the world as hostile. He avoids situations, especially if they are unknown to him and threaten him with something, because he is afraid and unable to cope with them. Such a person avoids new acquaintances, public speaking and other social contacts with people who can offend him with something.

    Sensitivity differs in levels depending on the temperament and personal qualities of a person. It can be the result of depression, mental disorders. The level of sensitivity is determined by the force with which external circumstances must influence a person in order to cause feelings in him. So, some circumstances will not affect one individual in any way, while another will cause a storm of emotions.

    To reduce your level of sensitivity, it is better to contact a psychologist who will identify the causes of high emotionality and help eliminate them.

    Age sensitivity

    Age sensitivity is understood as sensitivity to certain external manifestations of the world, to which a person reacts quite highly. In addition to emotionality, which affects human behavior, you should be aware that in each age period a person becomes more prone to the emergence of specific skills. This is due to brain activity, which at each specific age is directed to certain objects of the external environment. So, the age of 2-3 years is considered the most favorable for learning languages.

    Undoubtedly, in other years a person can be engaged in training and development of skills, however, experts say that this will be accompanied by certain difficulties and difficulties that will require a lot of effort.

    Age sensitivity is conditional. Each person is individual in the age at which he becomes more inclined to learn and acquire certain knowledge.

    Sensitivity training

    There are sensitivity trainings where people learn to perceive the emotions of others, understand the causes of their occurrence, observe cause-and-effect relationships and predict them. Sensitivity trainings are called "encounter groups".

    There are two types of sensitivity:

    1. Observational - the ability to remember what the other person said and looked like.
    2. Nomothetic - highlighting the typical characteristics of people in a certain group in order to be able to predict their behavior.
    3. Theoretical - interpretation of other people's thoughts, emotions and behavior.
    4. Ideography is an understanding of the peculiarity of the behavior of other people.

    Thus, the trainings are aimed at understanding the emotions of other people and being able to predict them, knowing the reasons for their occurrence.

    If you understand the reasons that cause specific emotions in another person, then you can influence him, as well as easily eliminate the conflicts that are so frequent between people.

    Notice how fears and worries arise in you. Something is happening, but not in the way you would like - it makes you excited. You begin to think, guess, fantasize, which corresponds to your excitement. You make yourself even more unsettled by believing in this more than in what you are experiencing over what has not happened and may not happen. And when a person (thing, situation) with whom this excitement is connected comes into view, you begin to quarrel, be dissatisfied, defend yourself, even if nothing bad has happened yet. In the real world, there was a certain incident that you can not pay any attention to at all. And you, based on your excitement, made a whole drama and blame another person or the world as a whole for something.

    Notice when you have worries and. Return to the situation that happened in reality, not allowing yourself to invent, think out and guess about something. Look only at what actually happened, without thinking! After that, start concentrating on what state you were in before the current situation, on what you want, on what happened in reality without any fantasies.

    Understand that many problematic situations arise not because something happened in the real world, but because you were experiencing it. Because of this, they made a whole catastrophe out of the slightest trouble, because they believed that a catastrophe should happen, and not that there was a small trouble that just needs to be ignored or solved.

    Don't let fear and anxiety take over. Concentrate on what really happened and what you want to achieve at the end of the whole situation. After all, in the end you get what you think about, what you believe in, what you direct your efforts towards.

    Turn off your emotions! Look at what is happening with indifference. Indifference is the absence of emotions, but this does not mean whether something is important to you or not. You just look at the world indifferently (unemotionally), allowing other people to do what they see fit. Turn off emotions. Just look at what is happening without emotions, the way it happens, and not the way your fantasy draws for you. It is better to see what is real, and not what is dictated by your fears, emotions and erroneous judgments.


    Sensitivity is a quality that changes over the years. However, some people get stuck at a certain stage of their development, when their body continues to grow and age, but the psyche remains at the same level of development. Here, a person needs to make efforts so that his level of sensitivity changes, and emotions are not at the level of a 5-year-old child's response.

    Sensitivity (from Latin sensus - feeling, feeling) - is a personality trait that manifests itself in hypertrophied sensitivity to ongoing events, which is accompanied by an increased level of anxiety about the future

    External expressions of sensitivity are shyness, strong impressionability, low self-esteem and a tendency to excessive self-criticism. A sensitive person experiences events for a long time and, as a rule, has a pronounced inferiority complex.

    Usually, sensitivity gradually decreases with age, which is associated with the development of self-control and the ability to overcome one's own anxiety. Sensitivity can be caused both by congenital traits, for example, a weak type of nervous system or brain damage during fetal development, and by the characteristics of the upbringing of the child. In psychology, synonyms for sensitivity are "sensitivity" and "sensitivity".

    There is also an opposite phenomenon, expressed in the fact that a person practically does not show emotional reactions to ongoing events, other people, etc. This is expressed in a lack of attention to others, some tactlessness, and also indifference.

    Sensitivity in psychology

    Psychologists understand the phenomenon under consideration as a feeling of hypertrophied susceptibility, accompanied by an inferiority complex. Sensitive people often feel misunderstood and lonely.

    When contacting a psychotherapist, such patients express complaints about the indifferent attitude towards themselves on the part of relatives, their unfriendliness, and the inability to establish warm relations with other people.

    Often sensitive people believe that they are unworthy of attention and success. Due to their own stiffness, self-doubt, vulnerability and sensitivity, it is difficult for them to cope with daily affairs and problems.

    Sensitivity, expressed in the personal characteristics of a person, that is, vulnerability, hypersensitivity and conscientiousness, can be a constant characteristic of an individual or manifest itself only from time to time. Unfortunately, the condition under consideration can become a serious obstacle to social adaptation, because a sensitive person believes that the whole world is opposed to him.

    Such people are acutely aware of their own inferiority and inferiority, and therefore they are afraid to get to know others, they are terrified of public speaking and in every possible way try to avoid actions related to interaction with others.

    The above symptoms often become the reason for contacting psychotherapists. An experienced specialist can quickly determine the root of the problem and choose the right methods of therapy that will alleviate the condition of a sensitive patient. This condition can be one of the symptoms of neurotic disorders, stress, depression, endogenous mental illness, etc.

    The degree of severity directly depends on the characteristics of a person's temperament. The level of severity is determined by the influence of what force is required to trigger some psychological reaction. The same event can cause different reactions in different people. Cholerics and melancholics are characterized by maximum impressionability, so they are more often sensitive than sanguine and phlegmatic people, who tend to ignore potentially disturbing situations.

    Age sensitivity

    Age sensitivity is the occurrence at certain stages of an individual's development of susceptibility to various influences. This phenomenon is studied by developmental psychology and pedagogy.

    Knowledge of the age at which a person becomes most receptive helps to design programs for the development of certain skills and abilities. For example, at the age of two or three years, children are receptive to languages, so it is at this moment that it is advisable to develop speech skills.

    If you ignore the sensitive period, then it will be impossible to return to it, therefore, in the future, serious problems may arise with the formation of important abilities.

    Sensitive periods last for a certain time and end regardless of whether a person has managed to acquire new knowledge and skills. At the same time, it is impossible to consciously influence the onset of the sensitive period.

    Therefore, parents should know at what point the child becomes most receptive to learning new experiences: this will make learning as successful and productive as possible. In order not to miss the onset of the sensitive period, one should observe the characteristics of the child as closely as possible, noticing the onset of any changes in his character and behavior.

    This will not only make learning effective, but also predict the onset of the next sensitive period, which will make it possible to create a favorable developmental environment.

    Interestingly, sensitive periods are universal: they do not depend on cultural characteristics, nationality, and other factors. For all the children of the world, these periods begin and end at approximately the same time.

    Of course, the onset of a sensitive period is individual, so the ideas of frontal learning have shown to be inappropriate. We can say that only individual training and development programs are truly effective.

    Of no small importance is the dynamics of the course of the sensitive period: in all children, the periods of greatest susceptibility proceed differently, which is important to take into account when drawing up training programs. All age sensitive periods have a gradual development and their beginning is not always easy to notice.

    The easiest way to observe the stage of maximum intensity of the sensitive period: at this time, the child's susceptibility reaches its peak. After that, the successful period gradually fades away.

    Sensitivity training

    The concept of sensitivity includes the ability to predict the emotions, thoughts and actions of people around. This ability is necessary in order to interact more consciously with others. You can get the skills of effective interaction at a special training on the development of sensitivity.

    Psychologist G. Smith identified several main types of sensitivity:

    • observational, which consists in the ability to see and remember the appearance and actions of others;
    • theoretical: the use of psychological theories to explain the behavior of people around;
    • nomothetic, that is, the understanding of a person as a representative of a particular group;
    • ideographic sensitivity, the meaning of which is the awareness of the individuality and uniqueness of each human person.

    Sensitivity training

    The main objective of the training can be called the development of the ability to understand and predict the actions of others. The training also has other goals, which are divided into two groups: immediate and highly organized.

    Immediate goals:

    • increasing the level of awareness of the participants of the training, associated with obtaining knowledge about the peculiarities of people's perception of each other;
    • increasing sensitivity to group processes and the actions of others, developing the ability to perceive communication signals;
    • creating conditions that promote effective group dynamics;
    • development of interpersonal skills;
    • development of skills to be included in group and interpersonal processes.

    Highly Organized Goals:

    • mastering a new behavioral repertoire;
    • developing the ability to form authentic relationships with other people;
    • gaining knowledge about the personal characteristics of other people;
    • development of the ability to cooperate.

    The interaction between the people participating in the training and the analysis of the relationships that develop between them helps to achieve the above goals. In this regard, sensitivity training is reminiscent of the classic types of group psychotherapy.

    Very often, sensitivity training is used to train psychotherapists. Training contributes to the development of sensitivity to group dynamics, allows you to learn how to evaluate the actions of training participants, as well as effectively identify their problems and intrapersonal conflicts.

    Sensitivity trainings use a variety of exercises and role-plays, which can be divided into three types.

    The first type is exercise. in which all participants of the training take part. Usually these are warm-up exercises, as well as games that set up participants for subsequent work.

    The second type of exercise allows you to create a contact between participants.

    These exercises contribute to the development of mindfulness, the ability to understand the thoughts and behavior of people around.

    Finally, the third type of exercise aimed at getting feedback.

    During these exercises, strong emotional bonds are formed between group members.

    Sensitivity (self-doubt) is a mental phenomenon, expressed in increased susceptibility and impressionability of people and the mechanism of their entry into conflicts. Because of sensitivity and vulnerability, anger and resentment are carried by sensitive people without expressing them. The state is aggravated by experiences, protective mechanisms do not work. When suppressed aggression stagnates, such individuals experience sudden emotional outbursts.


    Sensitivity is a characterological feature of a person, expressed in increased sensitivity, which is colored by anxiety before new events. Individual manifestations are as follows:

    • low self-esteem;
    • hypersensitivity;
    • timidity;
    • shyness;
    • sharp self-criticism;
    • inferiority complex;
    • propensity for prolonged experiences.

    The level of sensitivity in interpersonal communication is most influenced by the innate characteristics of a person:

    • features of the received upbringing;
    • heredity;
    • organic lesions of the brain.

    With age, in the process of self-education, a person is able to reduce the level of his sensitivity, extortion in himself a sense of anxiety before new events.

    In psychology, sensitivity is considered as a manifestation of excessive sensitivity or insensitivity, characterized by a complete lack of emotional reaction to the actions and behavior of people around. Insensitivity manifests itself:

    • complete indifference;
    • lack of physical sensations;
    • tactlessness and inattention to other people.

    Personal behavior in society

    Individuals with a high level of sensitivity are difficult to adapt in society. They experience problems in various life situations in which they are forced to face other people. As a result of interaction, sensitive relationships arise, burdened by:

    1. 1. Difficulties in establishing a communicative connection due to the fact that the attitude of other people towards them is perceived as unfriendly and even hostile.
    2. 2. The influence of different social situations associated with new events and acquaintances. Patients experience sensitive fear due to:
    • feelings of inferiority;
    • fear of public speaking;
    • refusal of social activity;
    • avoiding new acquaintances.

    With manifestations of symptoms of this kind, you need to seek help from a psychologist. The right treatment strategy, chosen by an experienced specialist, will help to significantly alleviate the condition associated with increased sensitivity.


    From the point of view of psychology, sensitivity as a property of a person is interpreted through the ability to perceive the characteristics of the character and feelings of different people and predict their behavior. Interpersonal sensitivity is divided into the following types:

    1. 1. Observational, based on the ability to immediately notice all the manifestations of the qualities of other people: appearance, speech, behavior.
    2. 2. Theoretical - the use of different theories that explain and predict the thoughts, feelings and behavior of another person.
    3. 3. Nomothetic - identifying the main features of a representative of a social group, predicting the behavior of people belonging to this group.

    The concept of intercultural sensitivity includes the ability for perceptual assessment, structuring the characteristics of representatives of different national groups and effective prediction of people's behavior.

    1. 4. Ideographic, characterized by the skill of understanding the originality and individual characteristics of a particular person.

    Development of sensitivity

    Developmental sensitivity has its origins in childhood. The reasons may be various situations in the family:

    1. 1. When parents are too strict with their child, the answer may be constant avoidance of contact, solitude, isolation and closeness in their world. The child does this subconsciously, trying to avoid punishment and censure.
    2. 2. Lack of affection, attention, emotional rejection of the child in the family provokes the development of sensitivity, which manifests itself:
    • isolation;
    • unsociableness;
    • anxiety.

    3.The appearance of sensitivity due to the absence of a father is common:

    • birth out of wedlock;
    • death of a parent
    • father with little interest in the child.

    This is associated with the emergence of a conflict between "to be" and "to be able", dictated by a strict I-ideal. The situation is aggravated by the participation of the mother, expressed:

    • increased attention;
    • affection;
    • protecting the child from adversity;
    • idealization of his qualities.

    On the one hand, a sensitive person is vulnerable, impressionable, and on the other, conceited. A strong function of the Superego is formed, which is expressed by dependence on the assessment of surrounding people, often expressed through a sensitive fear of condemnation.

    Age sensitivity

    Age sensitivity reflects a person's sensitivity to the influence of the external environment at a certain stage of development.

    An important discovery of L. S. Vygotsky in child psychology is the definition of age periods that are most favorable for the development of certain functions. Periodization has the following form:

    • newborn;
    • infancy: 2 months - 1 year;
    • early childhood: 1–3 years;
    • preschool age: 3–7 years;
    • school: 8–12 years;
    • pubertal: 14–17 years.

    This knowledge is used in pedagogy to determine the age that is favorable for the education of the child, the development and enrichment of his physical, intellectual, emotional, social and cultural capabilities.

    In the life of every child there are periods in which nature itself provides favorable conditions for the development of mental properties in him, which ensure susceptibility to the acquisition of certain knowledge. These periods are considered sensitive.

    sensitive periods

    The sensitive period is a part of a child's life, characterized by optimal conditions for the development of his psychological qualities for a certain type of activity.

    These stages have a time limit. Having missed one of the periods of mental development, one will have to spend a lot of effort and time in the future to fill the gap. Some of the mental functions may not manifest themselves later. Examples are cases when children who spent their childhood among animals were returned to society. No rehabilitation programs could teach them either full-fledged speech or adaptation to new conditions. These children continued to copy the life and habits of animals.

    The sensitive period is the time of optimal opportunities for the most harmonious formation of the properties of the psyche, reflecting the ability to change in accordance with external circumstances.

    It is extremely important in the first years of life a variety of activities, environment, emotions for the formation of a person. The lack of knowledge, skills, emotions, mental and physical development in childhood is an irreparable gap in his later life.

    Sensitivity in psychology is a person's feeling of increased sensitivity, insecurity and vulnerability. Most often, such people complain that they are not understood. Patients, when contacting a specialist, speak out about the feeling of unfriendliness of others, as well as the understanding that they are worse than others. Sensitivity is a manifestation of excessive stiffness and shyness.

    Special Sensitivity

    Sensitivity in psychology is a concept relating to personality traits. It consists in excessive vulnerability and sensitivity, increased conscientiousness, as well as a constant tendency to doubt one's actions and to fixate on one's experiences. A sensitive person is mentally easily vulnerable.

    This state of special sensitivity may be short-lived. It often accompanies strong disappointments, grief or nervous tension.

    Sensitivity can also be a frequent or even constant phenomenon. Often such a way of thinking, when it seems to a person that the whole world is against him, hinders the social adaptation of the individual.

    In the event that such symptoms occur, it becomes necessary to consult a psychotherapist. A specialist should collect reliable information about the patient in order to choose the right treatment tactics and alleviate the patient's condition.

    Sensitivity is a condition that can be the result of various. These include:

    • neuroses;
    • stressful conditions;
    • diseases of the brain of an organic type;
    • personality pathology;
    • depression;
    • anxiety disorders;
    • mental disorders of an endogenous nature;
    • brain damage of a toxic type.

    Critical period

    Age sensitivity is often observed in children. In their life there comes a moment when the mental maturation of a small person occurs, which contributes to the assimilation of certain functions by him. As a rule, the child's environment presents him with a variety of opportunities for exercise. These exercises should suit the needs of the little individual. But there are situations when this does not happen. The child thus loses the possibility of natural assimilation.

    Features of temperament

    The degree of sensitivity is judged by the strength of external influences that is necessary for the occurrence of any mental reaction. So, for one person, certain conditions may not cause any irritation, while for another they are a strong exciting factor. For example, with some unsatisfied need, one person may not notice this at all, while another under the same conditions will certainly suffer. Thus, we can conclude that sensitivity is a concept that also depends on the temperament of the individual.

    Different types of people by personality traits

    The sensitivity of temperament in choleric people is characterized by imbalance and excessive excitability. These people often exhibit cyclic behavior. Their intensive activity can sharply decline. This is due to a decrease in mental strength or loss of interest. Such people differ from the rest in sharp and quick movements, as well as vivid expressions of feelings in facial expressions of speech. Slight sensitivity is observed in sanguine people. These people easily adapt to a changing environment. That is why external factors do not always have a negative impact on their behavior.

    Phlegmatic people are distinguished by sensitive rigidity. Such people have a slow course of psychological processes. The phenomenon of excitation in phlegmatic people is balanced by strong inhibition. That is why such people are able to restrain their impulses.

    Melancholic people are characterized by increased vulnerability and emotional sensitivity. They react very painfully to a sudden complication of the situation. In dangerous situations, they have a feeling of intense fear. In dealing with strangers, melancholic people feel very insecure.