Biographies Characteristics Analysis

School holidays for the academic year. Holidays in quarters

School break. Every child without exception is waiting for this time. school age. But the time and duration of these holidays are purely individual not only for each region of our country, but even for each school in this region separately.

This happens because each school learns according to its own system: some divide in the old way academic year for quarters, and for some - for semesters. Depending on this, study time can be divided into four parts or three. But these two systems are united by the number of days of rest and the fact that there are only four types of holidays: winter, summer, autumn and spring.

The exact dates of all holidays are usually announced before the start of the school year. The director of each individual school can distribute vacation time at his own discretion, without consulting neighboring educational institutions; he has such powers. For example, directors of private schools often extend the holidays by a couple of days.

So what's the schedule? school holidays among students in 2014-2015 year:

  • Autumn vacation Some schools will start in October, while others will start in early November. The fall holidays will last one week.
  • In winter, children will rest for two whole weeks. These holidays usually take place at the same time for everyone. They will start this year December 29th, but they will already end January 12 next year.
  • Spring holidays, like autumn holidays, are short. They will last a week, but exactly when they will take place is decided by the administration of the individual school.
  • The longest and most favorite holiday for children - summer - will officially begin 1st June, although this date may vary. Junior schoolchildren who have successfully completed their studies can begin to relax as early as May 23rd, and the rest of the schoolchildren - with 28th the same month. Study time may be delayed only for high school students as they still have to take exams. The holidays will end, as usual, on the last day of summer - August 31st.

It is a mistake to think that the school principal makes decisions about vacations alone. The main guideline is the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and its regional and local branches. Most often, the holiday time is chosen so that it coincides with national holidays, such as New Year, Christmas or Easter, or other major events such as elections different levels, which are most often held in the building of a local educational institution. This is done so that parents whose vacation coincides with their child’s vacation can spend more time with him or go on vacation together. Such activities strengthen family relationships and allow parents to watch their child grow and develop.

Besides educational process Schoolchildren are often also involved in several clubs or sections: some go in for sports or dance, others study foreign language or drawing, and someone is learning to play the musical instruments. Additional classes help to reveal the child’s potential and keep him occupied free time something useful. But children's body receives heavy load, including on extracurricular activities, therefore, all parents are interested in when and how their child will take a break from school and all other stress. Therefore, the vacation schedule must be drawn up so that rest and study load were distributed evenly and it’s okay if the intermediate holidays change dates a little, the main thing is that they comply with the standards. The Ministry of Education has compiled a vacation schedule for the 2014-2015 school year, but it is only a guideline and may change depending on major events in the region or in a particular city. When exactly each school or lyceum should rest is decided directly by its leadership, taking into account the requirements of their educational institution, region or city.

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By law, Russian schools can set their own vacation times - this is the prerogative of the administration of the educational institution. However, education authorities annually issue Recommended schedule for school holidays – and the vast majority of educational institutions adhere to it.

As a rule, the timing of short autumn and spring school holidays is set so that they begin and end with weekends - in this case, children rest for a whole week, and not for two halves.

In Moscow schools, starting from the 2015-2016 academic year, vacations will take place according to one of two schedules - the classic one, when the school year is divided into four quarters with short autumn and two-week winter holidays (this is how the majority study Russian schools) or according to a modular scheme, when 5-6 weeks of study alternate with one week of rest. Which of these two schedules the school operates on is determined by the board of the educational institution.

Dates of autumn holidays in 2015

The duration of the autumn holidays will be 9 days, including weekends. By tradition, the holidays coincide in time with the week when National Unity Day is celebrated in Russia.

When are schoolchildren's winter holidays 2015-2016

Schoolchildren will be able to celebrate the New Year holidays for 16 days - this is exactly the duration of their winter holiday.

Winter holidays begin on December 26 () January 10 (Sunday). The end date of school holidays coincides with the end of the All-Russian New Year's holidays– January 11 will be the first working day after New Year and Christmas and the first day of the third academic quarter.

Additional holidays for first-graders in 2016

In the middle of the third, longest quarter, first-graders will have an additional short break. They will begin February 8 (Monday) and will last exactly a week. Vacation end date – February 14, Sunday.

Spring Break Schedule 2016

Traditional Spring holiday week will begin for schoolchildren on March 19, on Saturday - it will be the first day of March break. Their duration will be the same as that of autumn - 9 days.

Some schools will be held a week later - from March 26 to April 3 - starting a new quarter in April is more common for many.

Vacation dates with the schedule “5(6)+1”

Schoolchildren whose academic year is structured not according to , but according to the modular system “5(6) + 1”, will rest according to a special schedule: the educational period, including five or six weeks, will alternate with week-long holidays. There will be five such short holidays throughout the school year.

Vacation schedule according to the modular schedule in 2015-2016:

  • October 5-11

  • November 16-22

  • December 30 - January 5

  • February 15-21

  • April 4–10.

The main question that worries a student who opens the school door on September 1 is when the school holidays will be. The school year has just begun, and the problem of recreation is already of interest to many. Of course, every schoolchild and his parents want their child’s holidays to be worthwhile. In just a week you should gain strength before the next training start. And there is very little time.

Why are the holidays so short? - the schoolchildren ask themselves.

What awaits the guys this year?

Let's look at the vacation calendar for the 2015-2016 academic year.

According to the order issued by the Moscow Department of Education dated May 24, 2103, school holidays will take place on the following dates:

  • Autumn holidays – November 2, 2015 – November 9, 2015 (1 week)
  • Winter holidays – December 28, 2015 – January 12, 2016 (2 weeks)
  • Spring break – March 24, 2016– March 31, 2016 (1 week)
  • Vacation schedule in schools where education takes place in trimesters:
  • first autumn – October 7 – October 13 (1 week)
  • autumn second – November 18 – November 24 (1 week)
  • winter first– December 31, 2015 – January 8, 2016 (9 days)
  • winter second – February 19 – February 23 (1 week)
  • spring – April 9 – April 13 (1 week)

Possible additional dates holidays for first grade children and students of correctional and developmental education.

By the way, it should be said that academic terms and school holiday schedules may differ significantly in various cities and regions of Russia. This is due to the fact that the Department does not give an exact schedule, but only recommends possible days rest for students during the year. Traditionally, holidays are associated with new school week:

  1. autumn - on the first Monday of November;
  2. winter - from the last Monday of December;
  3. spring - from the last Monday of March.
  4. Days summer holidays, as a rule, begin on May 25, i.e. after the Last Bell holiday.

The vacation schedule for any academic year involves dividing them into “long” and “short”:

  • spring and autumn last about a week, therefore they are called “short”,
  • and winter ones cover the days of the New Year holidays and last for two weeks, hence the definition - “long”.

However, the schedule and dates may vary not only due to the decision of regional authorities, but also depending on the preferences of school management. If government educational establishments usually stick to schedule given by the Department, then private schools allow themselves significant deviations.

The holiday calendar may vary significantly depending on different unforeseen circumstances or national events. Thus, the autumn school holidays may be postponed or delayed due to the November elections, and the winter holidays due to quarantine. Of course, missed days sometimes have to be made up, but schoolchildren still go out more than usual during such periods.

The vacation calendar, as already mentioned, can be determined by geographical location. Let's give an example. In St. Petersburg, the holiday schedule for schoolchildren will be reduced by a week in winter time: They go on vacation on December 28th and leave on January 8th. Vacation days for this academic year will differ little from those in other regions of Russia.

So, the autumn holidays for Russian schoolchildren have already begun and will last only 7 days. Maybe this will not seem enough to some. The guys of St. Petersburg may well complain about small the winter vacation and envy your Moscow comrades. But overall, these are minor things. school life, to which we have long been accustomed. In any case, rest during the school year should help renew strength and restore health, so that upon returning to school the student feels cheerful, cheerful, and ready for new achievements. May this school year bring you success, achievements, the joy of victories and, of course, a pleasant holiday!

Order of the Moscow Department of Education dated 03/09/2017 No. 52r “On recommended vacation dates”:

Vacations are an unusually “tasty” and pleasant topic for discussion. Children (and parents too - let’s be honest!) are waiting for them almost from the first day of school. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to discuss what the school holidays will be like in the 2017–2018 school year, even in the midst of hot summer days.
All holidays for the 2017–2018 academic year will, as before, be regulated by the Ministry of Education. Or rather, the Ministry of Education gives recommendations, and whether to follow them or not is up to the school. As a rule, this issue is resolved at the beginning of the year at the School Council and is fixed by order of the director. The choice largely depends on the internal routine of the educational institution, namely: studies are conducted in quarters or trimesters at one or another alma mater.
Now a little more specific.

School holidays 2017-2018 academic year: autumn, winter, spring

Autumn holidays 2017from October 29 to November 6, 2017
For those who study in trimesters, autumn will give you a short break twice: from 2 to 8 October And from November 13 to 19, 2017.

New Year holidays We have in common: all schoolchildren have a two-week vacation, regardless of whether they study in quarters or trimesters. from December 31, 2017 to January 10, 2018 schoolchildren will be completely free.

Additional holidays – February 18 – February 25 – are provided for 1st grade students, and also in some cases for 2-4 grades in agreement with local governing bodies.

With modular training mode The school holiday schedule for 2017-2018 is somewhat different from the traditional one. Vacation dates:
October 1 – October 8, 2017
November 5 – November 12, 2017
December 31 – January 10, 2018
February 18 – February 25, 2018
April 8 – April 15, 2018

The end of the school year in a “traditional” school is scheduled for May, 23rd(or May 26, if there were additional holidays during the year)

It should be clarified that the Order is advisory in nature, and the timing of the holidays in each specific school may vary slightly.

How is the school holiday calendar formed?

So, if school is taught in quarters, children have rest 4 times a year:
Autumn: 9 days in the last week of October and the first week of November (including weekends)
In winter: last days December and 10 days in January - a total of 14 days.
In spring: last 7 days of March
Summer: three summer months
An additional winter week of vacation is provided for first-graders and students in special classes.
If educational institution studies in trimesters, then students will study for 5 weeks and rest for 1 week. With the exception of New Year holidays- they are the same for everyone.

However, I repeat: the school has the right to adjust the rest time itself, so in different cities and in different schools Vacation dates may vary. Of course, if the school is private, then it decides this issue absolutely independently and has the right not to be guided by the recommendations of the Ministry of Education. The holiday hours of such schools may differ significantly from public schools.
I would like to wish everyone have a nice rest, but I’ll wish you good work, because whoever is in harmony with work is not at odds with rest. Right?
Expert: Yulia Belka