Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What does a grade 5 mean in school. "the system of assessment of students in a modern school"

Article. Point-rating system assessment of students' knowledge

FULL NAME. teachers: Arzhakova Nyurguyana Prokopievna

Place of work: MOU "Chokurdakh secondary comprehensive school

named after A.G. Chikachev"

Chokurdakh, Allaikhovsky Ulus, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Point - rating system for assessing students' knowledge The system under consideration makes it possible to obtain fairly objective information about the degree of success in teaching students relative to each other. Already after two or three months, the best and worst students can be distinguished, which gives the teacher a powerful lever to encourage students who have scored high scores. In my personal practice, I use such a type of encouragement as "exemption from test work", i.e. For the leading students, grades for a quarter are set "automatically".

In addition, already early stage arrays of students are formed according to the prognostic indicator: applicants for "excellent", "good", "satisfactory" and those students who lag behind curriculum and may remain uncertified. An early forecast allows you to make adjustments to further education.

At first glance, it may seem that students who achieve a certain amount of points, providing a suitable assessment, may stop studying. But, basically, the mechanism of competitiveness in training is triggered. A student who has taken a certain place in the group ranking sheet does not want to move down, as this is perceived as his personal failure.

The use of a rating system, which leads to competition in the learning process, significantly increases the desire of students to acquire knowledge, which leads to an increase in the quality of mastering the material. The point-rating system works well in middle and high school, when the children begin a period of personality development, when they consider studying as a way to prove themselves, stand out, and attract attention.

The essence of the rating system is that, starting from the beginning school year and before its completion, the points received by the student for all types learning activities, are summed up. According to the number of points scored, the teacher gives quarter and annual "five-point" marks. To do this, in parallel with each work, the teacher puts points that must be scored in order to receive marks "satisfactory", "good", "excellent". These scores are also added together.

It is convenient to enter all the results, in addition to the journal (naturally, “rounded” estimates are put in it) into a computer database. This program allows you to effectively use the scoring system, as it saves time when calculating points, quickly obtain information about the rating of each student at any time, and implement a stimulating rating function.

    Eachattending a lesson is valued at 5 points. Moreover, the score is not taken into account if the student was late for the lesson, that is, those students who are present in the class are noted with a call in the journal;

    The solution of the problem – 15 points;

    The answer is on the board - 10 points;

    Answer from the spot - 5 points;

    Evaluationreference notes produced in a 10-point system.

    Dictation - 5 points for each question. Usually done after studying new topic to consolidate and check the level of assimilation of educational material;

    Independent, control, tests are valued at 30 points as follows. These points are divided by the number of tasks included in the work, and distributed according to the level of difficulty of each task;

    Abstracts, reports . Their design, content, list of used literature are taken into account, all this is estimated in total at 30 points. In addition to all this, if the student wishes, his “defense” is allowed, that is, the student needs to tell the whole class about the work done, also answer the questions of the teacher and classmates;

    For keeping a notebook. Usually, once every two weeks, students hand in their notebooks for checking. For correctly, neatly designed work (the presence of fields, dates, type of work, etc.), the student is given up to 5 points.

The procedure for setting the final grade for a quarter depends on the points scored during this time and makes it possible to evaluate the student's work according to the following ratios:

For a quarter : "excellent" - 600 or more;

"good" - 500-550 points;

"satisfactory" - 400-450 points;

"unsatisfactory" - less than 300 points

All assessment criteria were agreed upon with the students. A memo is given to each student at the beginning of the study of the subject. Everyone is carefully studying the possibilities, pros and cons of the rating system. Then, for several weeks, all requirements are strictly observed. Three or four weeks pass quickly, the students get used to the requirements and already demand more attention from the teacher. There are also "tacit laws" on the behavior of students, i.e. “Penalty points” can be deducted during the lesson, for example, if a student uses a calculator when doing work, there is no notebook or textbook.

In addition, I want to note some "pluses" and "minuses" of this experiment. Firstly, there are fewer disputes: I don’t want “3”, I don’t want “4”. Students themselves see that the assessment is objective and conscientious students are in a better position. arose very important point: it is necessary to introduce strict control for accepting students' debts. For example, work missed for a good reason or not fully completed during the lesson can be handed over within seven days. The teacher's time spent on preparing for lessons and on extra classes. However, with the acquisition of experience, the severity of the problem has decreased, although not completely. It is very important to keep accurate records of completed tasks.

On the practical work I sign for each completed task, and then I put points in the rating table. Traditional systems of control and evaluation of knowledge and skills of students “sin”, in my opinion, with one significant drawback. This disadvantage lies in the fact that all the "threads" of control and "levers" of control are in the hands of the teacher. This deprives the student of initiative, independence and competition in learning. Its main feature is the transfer of "threads" of control from the teacher to the student. In the rating system, the student himself distributes his points. In this system, there are no “excellent students”, “good students”, but there is the first, second, tenth student in terms of the level of achieved educational results.

Experience in the rating system of knowledge control in groups with different levels knowledge allows us to conclude that such a system makes it possible to activate the student in the classroom and after school hours. I am satisfied with the first results and believe that the rating system for assessing knowledge is aimed at increasing the level of assimilation of the material.

Bibliography :

1. Sazonov, B.A. The Bologna Process: topical issues of modernization of the Russian higher education: Tutorial/ B.A. Sazonov - M.: FIRO - 2006 -184s.

2. Safonova, T.N. Expert-training system for assessing the quality of knowledge within the framework of modular learning technology / T.N. Safonova // Proceedings of the 6th international scientific and practical Internet conference "Teacher high school in the XXI century" - Rostov n / D: Rost. State University of Railways - 2008. - Sat. 6 - Part 1 - P.255 - 258


4. Alisova E.A., Shishkina T.V., Kurenko O.V. Article "Test-point-rating system for assessing students' knowledge at the third stage of education"

“We are either valued too highly or not highly enough; we are never accepted for our real worth."

M. Ebner-Eschenbach

An important step in self-education was for me - a new, beloved tradition of the Association. Lesson Tatyana Adolfovna Vakhovskaya prompted a different look at the problem of assessing student achievement.

Assessment of student achievement is a strategic link in education, from correct setting which largely depends not only on the educational success of the student, but also on the life success of a person. Normative expression of evaluation subject results has been a school mark for centuries.

Everyone new minister education Russian Federation raises a question on changing the existing five point system . But everything remains the same. Maybe it's not by chance?

Comparing the evaluation criteria in different historical eras Kuban, Russia, the world, I will assume that the five-point grading system can initially be recognized as sufficient, since it has been used by many generations of teachers for many years.

Over time, teachers began to use a four-point, and even a three-point grading system. Thus, behind the scenes "2" was taken out of use: final, examination, annual marks. It was regarded as an extremely low subscore, since the mark "1" was not used, because. was highly emotional. "1" - one might say, emotionally colored "deuce". Thus, "1" has not an evaluative function, but an educational, reprehensible one. In other words, there is nothing behind the "unit"! More often "1" is an indicator that the teacher lost his nerve from the intolerance of the current situation.

According to the majority of teachers from the near abroad, there are difficulties in evaluating the results of children with a multi-point system, and they mentally equate the existing result with a 5-point system, after which they mentally transfer to a 10-, 20-, 50-, or 100-point system ( world practice), i.e. moving away from the 5-point grading system, teachers mentally put 5 points, and then multiplied by the appropriate coefficient.

This also, in my opinion, proves that the need for in large numbers no points. Difficulties even arise: a large number of points very much inclines the teacher to freely, unscrutinously weigh in points the result that he needs to evaluate.
That is why, in the end, in my opinion, for many years the departure from the five-point system either falls silent, then rises again, but does not leave the agenda. BUT the grading system remains the same.

In reality, the five-point system has been replaced by a four-point system, but rather a three-point system. But if we follow the original explanations of what to give to students, if we follow them in full, then we will get a more successful and fair system.
Even using "pass / fail", especially in high school, the teacher is able to accurately determine what it is for a high school student - knowledge or ignorance, especially if there is a 5-point scale, this can be done very accurately.

I propose to define marks criteria five-point system as follows:

"1" - the student does not discover knowledge for further implementation educational process;

"2" - exhibited in the event that the student reveals disparate knowledge, but it is impossible to continue the program (there are serious gaps, knowledge is extremely insufficient);

"3" - there is separate knowledge that, with the efforts of both sides, the teacher and the student, could lead to the successful completion of the program.
Here I would like to note the difficulty of setting the mark "three" - which has different colors: "mediocre" or "satisfactory". This circumstance makes the "troika" long-suffering:
"3" - sister of "2",
"3" is the sister of "4".
No other mark requires such a balanced and thoughtful presentation by the teacher. We can say that "3" is an alarming boundary between the underachieving "2" and the sound "4".

"4" - the correct answer contains minor inaccuracies or errors that cannot ultimately affect the result (I will give an example: not a gross arithmetic error in the problem with the correct solution)

"5" – is as clear as the ideal to which we aspire.

The proposed scoring, when "1" is not the teacher's emotion, but a measurement of the student's learning, is based on a study of the history of school assessment. In my opinion, the attitude to the school mark - meaningful and emotional - today diverged from the original position. And this is bad, because. sharply narrowed the possibilities of evaluation, sharply coarsened the entire educational process. These changes make it possible to talk about the injustice of the school mark.

In my opinion, the development of a responsible, emphatically attentive attitude to "3" will reduce the bias of this very mass assessment and reduce the destructive role of this long-suffering score.

Any grading system has light and shadow. There is no absolute good grading system. An increase in points in the grading system, in my opinion, will lead to new troubles and mistakes.

Any assessment system requires a clear prescribing of criteria, determining from what point failure follows. And most importantly, teachers should follow these criteria. The multi-point system mitigates, but does not eliminate the problem. And here it is important to defeat the traditional views of students, parents, teachers on a five-point grading system.

We are used to the fact that in our schools the grades from time immemorial have been set according to a 5-point system. Whether it's good or bad, it's hard to say. However, in recent times many Russian educational institutions began to practice other coordinate systems, and each has its pros and cons. Let's take a look at what grading systems your child might encounter and what are the positive and negative sides they have.

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Photo gallery: Systems school grades: advantages and disadvantages

Suns, stars, bunnies
pros. Do not have a negative effect that harms learning psychological pressure, as real (in points) estimates. Children gradually get used to the fact that from now on everything they do is taken into account and evaluated.

Minuses. Very quickly they begin to be perceived as analogues of conventional digital assessments. But since in more are encouraging in nature, they do not allow a realistic assessment of the level of knowledge and progress of the student.

5 point system
pros. Traditional, familiar, understandable to both parents and students, besides good grades increase student self-esteem.

Minuses. It does not accurately evaluate the result (hence the triples with a plus and the fours with a minus). It does not allow marking progress, which reduces the motivation to study (if you made 30 mistakes, and then improved the result by 2 times, the mark is still "2"). Bad grades can stigmatize and cause psychological trauma for life. Often, the assessment is determined not only by knowledge, but also by behavior, diligence, which means that it is not the student who is assessed, but the person, the personality.

10-, 12-point system
pros. A finer gradation allows you to more clearly define the level of knowledge. Psychologically more comfortable: "six" sounds encouraging than "troika".

Minuses. Does not address underlying psychological and educational problems traditional system. Children do not study better, and parents get confused in incomprehensible scores.

100 point system
pros. There is no conflict with the USE, also assessed on a 100-point scale. It allows you to understand how much is missing from the ideal and visually see progress if you study better.

Minuses. May create a sense of unfairness when evaluating creative assignments. Like others evaluation systems, is not aimed at ensuring that all students perform tasks only well and excellently, which, of course, is unrealistic in principle.

System with the award of places (ratings)
pros. Thanks to the competitive spirit, it gives a powerful incentive to get good education. It has a relative character (this month the first one is one student, next number one may already be another). Climbing the rating steps, the child increases his self-esteem. With the help of a rating system, you can easily determine the result, identify and encourage even a slight progress of the student.

Minuses. It creates serious competition among schoolchildren, does not push students to communicate and interact, does not form the skill of working in a team. It becomes simply not profitable for students to cooperate. Constantly in the team there are obvious outsiders.

criteria system(for each completed task or work, the student is given several different points at the same time according to different criteria)
pros. Foreign language, for example, can be evaluated according to seven criteria, mathematics - according to four. In this way, it is clear in which areas success has been achieved and where there are gaps. The system does not form perfectionism, as well as complexes ("I'm bad, stupid, weak").

Minuses. With such a system, the emotional component is lost. Criteria system does not give the feeling "I'm an excellent student." Because the more differentiated it is, the more difficult it is to get upper and lower scores for all criteria. And emotions, not only positive, but also negative, are a strong stimulus in learning.

Pass / fail (satisfactory / unsatisfactory)
pros. It does not create unnecessary rivalry between students, it aims children at getting results.

Minuses. Highly a fine line between positive and negative assessment. There is no motivation for self-improvement (to learn, to do better, better). This approach can be transferred to other areas of life, which leads to a decrease in its quality.

Not marked at all
pros. Creates psychological comfort. It allows you to realize: you need to chase not for grades, but for knowledge, and concentrate on your studies. Without experiencing evaluative neurosis, some children begin to learn noticeably better. No need to cheat, cheat out of fear of getting a bad mark, lie to your parents and hide the diary if you get an unsatisfactory mark.

Minuses. For many students, there is less incentive to study well. It is difficult for both them and their parents to objectively assess how the material is learned.

How are grades set abroad?
Marks were and are in schools all over the world, and since ancient times they have not changed much. For example, children in Ancient Egypt they gave one stick for a mediocre answer and two for a good one. Then the sticks were simply drawn on student parchment. This is exactly what is happening now. What is the grading system in other countries today? Maybe we have something to learn from them?

Germany . 6-point scale. AT German system 1 point is the best score, and 6 is the worst.

France . 20-point system. It should be noted that, with rare exceptions, French students are not given above 17-18 points. The French even have a corresponding saying: only the Lord himself can earn a mark of 20 points, and 19 is due to the teacher. So the French good students have to be satisfied with only 11-15 points.

Italy . 30-point system. The most differentiated scale among European countries. The best students have solid "thirties" in their notebooks.

United Kingdom . Word system. In some English schools instead of a digital mark in a student's notebook or diary, you can see an entry like "answered in the lesson mostly without errors", " homework done medium", " test Overall, it's well written."

USA . Letter system (A-F). American students receive a "quality index" from A to F. The mark "A" is set if the student has correctly completed more than 90% of the task, in part it corresponds to the usual "5" points for us.

Japan . 100-point scale. Surprisingly, in Japan there are often situations when a mark is given not to one specific student for a completed task or a solved example, but to the whole class at once - one collective mark.

The issues of reforming the education system were discussed on August 15 at a working meeting of President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko with Deputy Prime Minister Vasily Zharko and Minister of Education Igor Karpenko. As one of the proposals voiced at the meeting, there was an initiative to return to a five-point system for assessing knowledge. This question proposed for public discussion. We asked experts, deputies, athletes, artists and the students themselves about whether to abandon the ten-point system.

Director of the BSU Lyceum Makar Shnip:

If we talk about which system for assessing knowledge is better - five-point or ten-point, then each has its pros and cons. The ten-point scale is already established, the children are used to it. This model is used in many countries. There are many systems for assessing the quality of the educational process. I am more impressed by the ten-point system, because it allows you to more accurately rank knowledge in academic subjects.

Vice-Rector for academic work Belarusian state university informatics and radioelectronics Boris Nikulshin:

I am for a return to a five-point system for assessing knowledge. However, it is more specific. The ten-point system is more vague, as Deputy Prime Minister Vasily Zharko said today. It is sometimes very difficult for a teacher to decide what to give a student - seven or eight, for example. Perhaps we were in vain to follow Western fashion in due time, not everything is good with them.

Singer, presenter, mother of many children Larisa Gribaleva:

I studied at Soviet time and, of course, the five-point system is easier and more familiar to me. And if we talk about teachers, then for them returning to it means filling out many papers, they need to reorganize again. They are already doing a lot, for them it is to a certain extent additional trouble. In my opinion, the knowledge assessment system still does not affect the overall performance. Indeed, at school they can give someone a ten, and someone for the same answer a nine. But in general, it is important to focus on knowledge, not grades. As for my eldest child, and he is 14 years old, the knowledge assessment system did not matter to him, there were no subjects for any questions. Much more serious is the fact that the school does not have a profile-oriented education. In high school, children need to be guided where they go to study after school, what profession they want to connect their lives with. Children have to spend a lot of time often on items that they will not need in such a volume. But someone needs much more mathematics, and another - literature.

triple Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling Alexander Medved:

We used to have a five-point system, and I think it's the best. It’s immediately clear when they put it wrong, and when it’s excellent. Then came the ten-point system. And teachers often have questions: what to put - seven, eight, nine. What is there to count? five point system the most objective, simple and effective.

Member of the Standing Committee of the House of Representatives on Ecology, Natural Resources and Chernobyl disaster Nikolay Ulakhovich:

When I was in school, there was a five-point system for assessing knowledge, so I don’t really have anything to compare with. Naturally, I am for a five-point. This system is run-in, more specific, and it is closer to me personally. When a child comes home and brings a seven, this assessment of knowledge is incomprehensible to me - a weak five or a strong four, if translated into the old system. Hard to understand. In the old way, if a student studies for threes, then he is a three-year student, which means that he studies mediocrely. In a ten-point system, you won’t understand - three marks at once pull on the same three. And it can be difficult for a child himself to explain how he studies - satisfactory, good, almost excellent or excellent. Marks "somewhere between" turn out. There is such a stretch. With a five-point mark, it is clearly defined who learns and how. Just a few categories - very bad, bad, mediocre, good and excellent. In general, this topic should be widely discussed in our country, parents should be directly involved in this. I think grandparents also have their own point of view on this issue.

Member of the Standing Committee of the House of Representatives on Education, Culture and Science Oksana Nekhaychik:

The question is, of course, ambiguous. I was finishing Soviet school when there was a five-point system, and it suited me. Today's children, who do not know the old system and have been studying with ten points for years, understand and accept this system, have adapted to it. At the same time, when the transition from a five-point system to a ten-point system took place, it was rather painful for parents and teachers, because this is the generation that is used to working only with a five-point system. It was probably easier for the students in this regard.

Today, both children and teachers have fully adapted to the ten-point system, which, in my subjective opinion, still gives more variations for assessing knowledge. This system is quite acceptable for work. Although, of course, this topic can be discussed, listen public opinion. It seems to me that the answer will be ambiguous. Perhaps it is worth involving in this issue not only parents, educators and specialists involved in the education system, but also psychologists and scientists who are able to fully appreciate the severity of a possible transition. Pluralism of opinions must be ensured.

Silver medalist of the World Championship in Physics, graduate of Lyceum No. 1 named after A.S. Pushkin Brest Nikita Ignatyuk:

The five-point scale, in my opinion, is better, although it also has its pros and cons. I did not study at a time when there was a five-point system for assessing knowledge. According to my parents, then there was less subjectivity. I am going to study at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). It uses a ten-point system for assessing knowledge, and it was introduced at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology independently and purposefully, although a five-point system operates throughout Russia. The decision on whether to leave the ten-point system in Belarus or return to the five-point system should be taken carefully, after a large-scale discussion.

Polina Tumash, graduate of secondary school No. 5 of Smorgon, winner of the bronze medal XXVIII International Olympiad Biology IBO-2017, held at the end of July in Northern Ireland:

I believe that the ten-point system allows you to more adequately assess the knowledge of the student, since the teacher has more criteria for this. Agree, in the five-point system, we have only three grades - three, four and five. There are many more options in the current system. Subjectivism in assessing a student's knowledge is possible in any case. In order to exclude it, it is necessary to develop clear rules. For example, 9 is excellent knowledge, but not ideal, and 10 is an ideal, and sometimes even a level of training that exceeds the requirements of the school curriculum.

Egor Fatykhov, graduate of secondary school No. 165 in Minsk:

I am a supporter of a ten-point system for assessing knowledge. I think it's more objective. In addition, the transition to a five-point system will take time to get used to new approaches. I think it's better to focus on improvement educational programs. There are many reforms going on in the school as it is.

Honored teacher of Belarus, director of gymnasium No. 1 in Vitebsk Valentina Shirokova:

There is no need to change the current ten-point system. The main problem that is associated with it and needs to be addressed concerns the need to develop clearer criteria for assessing students' knowledge. For some subjects they are, for others they are more blurred. AT individual cases to give 10 points, you must complete an additional creative task. But why should I give it if the child fully owns the required curriculum knowledge and can apply it in practice? We shouldn't talk about subjectivism either: 4 or 5, 9 or 10? Whatever the system, there is no difference, because the assessment is determined by the approved criteria. If they are clear - everything is in order. If not, questions arise. Therefore, the most important thing is to have a clear regulatory framework. As you remember, the introduction of a ten-point system of education was due to the clear position of teachers, they believed in it and supported it. In addition, 10 years is not such a long time to really assess which grading system is better.

Natalya Tsilinskaya, Director of the RCOP for Cycling, Chairman of the Belarusian Cycling Federation:

It is difficult for a non-specialist to judge whether it is right or wrong to introduce certain innovations in education. But from her experience as a student in the past and now as an indirect student (Natalia Tsilinskaya has four children. - Approx. BelTA) - with a five-point system, it was more and more clear. Now it has become more difficult to understand what 8, 9 and 10 are and why they give such marks. Everyone has their own interpretation of even these three top marks. And which of them 5 in the old way is still unclear to me. It is easier for a child, for example, to adapt to a ten-point system, because he does not know how to study according to a five-point system. It doesn't make much difference to him which system operates. And it’s more difficult for parents: I still don’t quite understand the criteria for evaluating knowledge on a ten-point scale. But still, it’s not for us to learn, but for our children, so you should first of all listen to their opinion.

Mikhail Makoed, teacher of physics at the Brest Lyceum No. A.S. Pushkin:

The current ten-point system for assessing knowledge does not need to be adjusted. In my opinion, it doesn’t matter what rating scale to deal with: five or ten points. Both systems make it possible to objectively evaluate students' knowledge. There is no need for any adjustments. Our kids look good on international level win in various competitions.

In educational institutions different countries knowledge assessment systems are different. In Russia, schools, as well as higher and secondary educational institutions, use a five-point assessment system.

Most Russian schools For more than a decade, a five-point grading system has been practiced. It is familiar to both students and parents, teachers. However, there are now more and more questions about the reform of the assessment system.

The five-point system is to determine the knowledge of students using assessments such as: 5 - excellent- is used in case of deep assimilation of the material, a convincing answer, no errors, 4 - good- is put in the case when the material is learned, however, minor inaccuracies were made during the assignment, 3- satisfactory- is used in the presence of some knowledge that the student cannot accurately state, makes mistakes, 2 - unsatisfactory- indicates a poor understanding of the material and 1. In practice, such an assessment as 1 is practically not used, therefore there is no specific definition for it. Theoretically, a score of 1 indicates a lack of understanding of the material.

Also, a feature of such a system is that 1 or 2 cannot be given as a final grade. Often, instead of giving a student an unsatisfactory grade, the teacher offers to immediately correct it. Also, pluses or minuses are often added to the numbers. They are also only used for intermediate grades.

The assessment criteria are the level of knowledge of the student, as well as comparison with the pattern of performing certain tasks. The number of completed tasks, the length of the answer, the subject also affect the determination of the final grade. There are also separate selection criteria for written and oral responses. It is not uncommon for a teacher's personal emotions to influence the assessment.

Advantages of the five-point grading system

  • Five-point grading system common and familiar to many. Therefore, parents and students do not have questions about the assessment criteria. This is the main advantage of this system.
  • Also an advantage is sufficient simplicity of evaluation criteria. Unlike other assessment methods that use large quantity ratings, the five-point scale does not include many criteria by which the depth of understanding of the material is determined. It takes less time for the student to answer, as well as for the teacher to check the work.
  • In order to determine the correct grade with a ten-point grading system, the teacher needs to set the student a set additional questions. At the same time, the five-point system offers a specific level of knowledge for each assessment.
  • Availability a large number estimates blur the lines between them. So, for example, in a five-point grading system, there is big difference between 5 and 3. If we take a ten-point grading system, then the difference between 5 and 7, for example, is difficult to identify not only for the student, but also for the teacher.

Disadvantages of the five-point system

  • Currently, there is more and more controversy about the need to reform the assessment system. Many educational establishments, primarily private schools, are moving to other systems of knowledge assessment.
  • The main shortcomings are the non-use in practice of such grades as 2 and Such ratings indicate poor mastery of the material, or even a lack of knowledge on some topics. Therefore, it cannot be used as a final grade.
  • The use of scores such as 5-, 3+ reduces the accuracy of the result. Such grades are also not used as final grades, however, they are often given as intermediate grades. A rating scale with a large range of ratings allows for a more specific and objective assessment of knowledge.
  • The big disadvantage of the five-point scale is the difference from many modern ways knowledge assessment. Most a prime example– Single State exam. It is mandatory for graduates of each school, the further education of the child depends on its results. At the same time, the USE assessment scale is 100 point. Therefore, students and parents often have problems with the analysis of the results of the exam, as they are accustomed to a five-point scale.
  • The disadvantage of all scoring systems, many experts call lack of assessment of student progress. Points are given only for a specific work, strict criteria are used. In this case, the previous level of knowledge of the student is not taken into account. This prevents the teacher from assessing the student's progress. He is forced to evaluate only a specific work, taking into account the same criteria. Also, when grading, often in addition to knowledge, the behavior of the student, his relationship with the teacher is assessed. Therefore, the assessment does not give an accurate description of the depth of knowledge of the student.

The education system undergoes many changes every year. Therefore, the five-point system for assessing knowledge is becoming less and less relevant. For many years experts have been arguing about the need to reform it.

Majority foreign countries use other scoring systems, which also have their own advantages and disadvantages. Today, the issue of abolishing any point system in general is acute, since grades often become a reason for severe stress students. At the same time, assessments cannot give an accurate description of the level of knowledge of the child, and also do not take into account his progress.