Biographies Characteristics Analysis

English language of Marina Rusakova all courses. Marina Rusakova School - English language courses

Marina Rusakova created its own method of accelerated learning in English, which allows you to master the language from scratch to free communication in 3-6 months. What about both adults and children early age.

Now Marina Rusakova's lessons and her English courses are very popular, but, of course, the girl did not immediately become so famous, this was facilitated by many of her mistakes, labors, patience, work with students and application experience various techniques teaching.

If we turn to the biography of the teacher, then she began to study a foreign language, like everyone else, at school, from the 5th grade. At first, she didn’t really understand English speech by ear, she spoke the language averagely, she didn’t really understand the rules, grammar. But then the language became somehow easier to give.

The most important changes took place in the 9th grade, when a friend asked Marina Rusakova to study English with her son. The girl decided to take a chance, turned all classes into a game. So she was drawn into this language, began to understand grammar, delved into all the difficulties. Thanks to this, she went to study at an English school, then entered the faculty foreign languages, who graduated with a red diploma in the specialty "translator".

In parallel with her studies, the girl began to conduct tutoring, studied with individual groups individually with students. All this time, she studied all kinds of high-speed technologies for learning English, collected them all over the world, trying them on herself, her students, and groups. So Marina Rusakova developed her own method of accelerated language learning, which allowed in very a short time learn English.

At this time, she has a dream - to found an English School, where anyone can learn this language easily and without tedious cramming. But none of the people around believed that she would succeed, and even more so that she could promote the school on the Internet. Together with her team, she began to work towards the realization of her dream. Despite the fact that Marina was 4 months pregnant with her second child (the first at that time was already 2 years old), she worked day and night without days off.

Finally, this project has been launched. There were no presentations in the presentation room. free places, people stood in a crowd near the door, which indicated that the project idea was a great success!

Now Marina has a successfully functioning School of Accelerated Learning of Foreign Languages. School of Marina Rusakova allows in accelerated rhythm learn a language with zero level to confident language proficiency in just 6 months. It allows you to do this

Education according to the author's system is a technique that is based primarily on psychology. Thanks to this, the student psychological barrier preventing communication with foreigners. Also, this is the strongest motivation - students find themselves in conditions where they cannot take time off from classes, and do not want to. After all, training on the lessons of Marina Rusakova, videos, courses and webinars takes place in game form without boring theory and boring grammar.

If you want to find out how learning is going on at this School of English, then you have the opportunity to study trial classes. For example, you can take video English lessons from Marina Rusakova, which will help you various purposes: learn a language from scratch learn english in 2 months or simply Refresh knowledge and improve it.

You can always visit open master class "How to speak English in 2 weeks", where you will also learn about the methods of the author and try to put them into practice.

Of course, in addition to test (trial) English lessons, Marina Rusakova also has paid training programs for any level of language proficiency. For example, these are courses not only for absolute beginners, but also for those who urgently need to learn English for moving abroad, materials for enriching speech and vocabulary, for quickly learning 12 tenses, irregular verbs, various designs etc. No matter where you have gaps in your knowledge of English, at the Rusakova School you will find desired material and use it to accomplish your goals!

In addition, the peculiarity of Marina's teaching is that she has materials for learning English by children, at the earliest age - from 1 to 6 years. After all, Marina herself invests a lot in the linguistics of her children, because this is very important, children are our future!

The children of Marina Rusakova have been studying English since birth, and they have been teaching together with their mother for almost 2 years Spanish language, and the third foreign language is Chinese. And the kids do it all!

As you can see, the author applies his methods even to his children, thanks to which they speak several foreign languages. If you also understand the importance of linguistics, and want your children to be developed beyond their years, then you can always use English courses for children by Marina Rusakova. For example, you can start get an introductory course "Fun English for children 1-6 years old" and study it. The cost is 0 rubles, and the benefits are huge!

Thanks to a wide range of educational programs, the School English Marina Rusakova is very famous. About the school and Marina herself can be found great amount reviews on the Internet, on forums, in social networks. There are practically no negative reviews about Marina Rusakova. We found only a couple of negative reviews, and they relate mainly to the organization and technical aspects of training, and not to the methodology itself. All students note an original and non-standard approach to learning, which helps to learn English in a short time, improve its knowledge, deliver speech, learn to understand native speakers, remove the barrier and start communicating freely with foreigners!

There are a lot of reviews on the website of the School of Marin Rusakova, which indicates that the author's materials are really effective!

Now the teacher continues to improve his teaching methods. The range of her training programs and courses is constantly expanding and supplemented by the most relevant methods of learning English without memorizing dictionaries, textbooks, etc. Every year she confirms her competence in the UK, regularly undergoes various internships and participates in training events in various countries, that is, it learns and develops itself.

Of course, in addition to work, Marina Rusakova pays a lot of attention to her family. She draws strength and energy for her development from the surrounding world. She is energized by sports and martial arts, communication with children, with relatives, she is motivated by the results and feedback from students!

Learning foreign languages ​​is an integral part of becoming modern personality. The real breakthrough in 2017 was Marina Rusakova's English language courses, which were used by about 20,000 students. The uniqueness of this author's technique lies in the teaching of basic language structures in a simple game form. Thanks to this approach, learning is fun, and the result is achieved quickly.

Who is the author of the methodology and the teacher of the courses?

Marina Rusakova is the founder of the School of Accelerated Learning of Foreign Languages ​​and the author of her own methodology for quick and effective teaching of the English language. She is a modern teacher with 19 years of experience, with over 30,000 students worldwide, of which 20,000 students have taken online courses.

5 facts about M. Rusakova:

  1. She was educated in England, having received a red diploma in the specialty "Translator".
  2. He is an adherent of methods of accelerated learning of foreign languages.
  3. Annually confirms its competence in the UK.
  4. He regularly takes internships and participates in training events in different countries.
  5. Able to charge motivation for the rapid achievement of learning outcomes.

In addition, Marina Rusakova has developed a unique methodology for learning foreign languages ​​for children, which she successfully applies in teaching her own preschoolers.

Why choose Marina Rusakova's school?

Online English courses at the school of Marina Rusakova can objectively be called effective, because according to the author’s methodology, even complex grammar learn in a fun and exciting way that traditional teaching aids and foreign language courses.

15 reasons to pass online courses English from Marina Rusakova:

  1. Possibility distance learning eliminates the need to waste time traveling to the tutor.
  2. Using the author's methodology for teaching foreign languages.
  3. The program allows you to start speaking English in just a few lessons.
  4. Application modern technologies study English speech and grammar.
  5. An accessible explanation of the tense system in English.
  6. A large number of students around the world, the vast majority of whom leave positive reviews.
  7. The game form makes the learning process easy, fun and effective.
  8. The program is suitable for preparing for the exam in English.
  9. Fast results: 6-8 months from beginner to advanced.
  10. The technique, based on the principles of psychology, allows you to overcome the psychological barrier that prevents you from communicating with foreigners.
  11. Particular attention is paid to training the pronunciation of words.
  12. The ability to choose a course of study corresponding to the level of language proficiency.
  13. Education in the main program - from the age of 15.
  14. There is a special program for children that allows you to teach english toddlers from 1 to 6 years old through funny songs, rhymes, drawings, cards, walks, cartoons.
  15. Access to free videos lessons, master classes and courses.

Thanks to unique methodology Marina Rusakova, the persistent stereotype that learning any foreign language is an endless process has been destroyed.

What results should be expected?

For students from 15 years old, there are 4 levels of learning English:

  1. "Elementary". Already in the 1st lesson, students learn to build sentences in oral, replenish vocabulary and gain knowledge about the simplest grammatical constructions. Even from the zero level, after completing the course, the student will be able to ask and explain elementary things to a foreigner: say hello, ask for directions, explain at the hotel, ask for help, keep up a conversation with a native speaker on general topics.
  2. Pre-Intermediate. During the course, students learn the basic rules of English grammar in a playful way and immediately apply the acquired knowledge in practice. is increasing vocabulary and practice speaking.
  3. "Intermediate". The most difficult thing in English is learning to distinguish and use all 12 tenses correctly. This level will help put all the dots on the "i" in English tenses and irregular verbs, putting them into practice in a live conversation. Active conversational practice in the language environment.
  4. "Advanced". A course for those who want to delve into the intricacies of the English language as much as possible. In-depth study of grammar, active pronunciation training, study of prepositions, phrasal verbs, timing and intense training spoken English.

For kids younger age, as mentioned earlier, there is a special program by Marina Rusakova, designed for training for 6-12 months. After completing the course for children, the child will be able to build simple sentences, name objects around you, animals, natural phenomena and read in English.

Marina Rusakova School of Foreign Languages ​​— effective method learn English fast, fun and effective!

English is easy. Yes, simple. Didn't you know? Moreover, you can learn English in a fun way without cramming. As practice shows, the result of this approach gives much more effect. But for this approach, not every technique is suitable. Where to find it? Fortunately, there is a cool technique for learning English. The author of this technique is Marina Rusakova.

Who is Marina Rusakova?

Marina Rusakova is a fun and charismatic English teacher. Any meeting, webinar or master class is held in a lively manner. It doesn't matter if you are an adult or a child. A positive approach, a cool sense of humor by Marina Rusakova, destroys all stereotypes associated with learning. You no longer need to learn English. Forget the word "teach". Understand. Remember. Get involved in learning the language. That's why they love Marina Rusakova!

Marina Rusakova is a charlatan!?

There would be more such "charlatans". Rusakova Marina studied at English school. She graduated from the university with a red diploma in the specialty "Translator". Marina has been teaching language for over 19 years. She created the author's accelerated method of learning English. The teaching methodology is not standardized. Unlike many other teachers, Marina is constantly updating her knowledge. Permanent internships. Offsite events. Different countries. All the experience she has passed on to her students.

What is the raisin?

Marina strongly motivates her students to achieve results. She has trained over 34,990 people worldwide. Forget the confusion of 12 times. Start talking. Speed ​​up your speech. Learn about speed techniques for learning irregular verbs. Get only the buzz from learning. I don't want any, I won't.

For whom is the Rusakova technique suitable?

  • For those who value their time and want to learn English in half a year;
  • Those who really need English for work and career growth;
  • Pupils and students who wish to improve their skills;
  • Those who want to help improve their child's knowledge;
  • Who lost faith in themselves. Anyone who wants to learn how to do it right so that there is a result.

This approach doesn't work!

Stop cramming English or force your child to do it! Thus, you will only cut off the ability to speak, understand and write in English at the root. Learn to learn. So that classes do not turn into a principle - I DO NOT WANT, I WILL NOT.

Remember that if you have no desire to study, you need individual approach. And he is. Marina Rusakova. See for yourself. Attend a free workshop or subscribe to her lessons. You will understand that everything is much simpler than it seems in reality.

English is currently the most popular language, but for many knowledge of English is at the zero level. And this is despite the “reinforced” learning of the language for many years at school and under the program higher education in universities, as well as classes with tutors, cramming and self-education.

Fortunately, any gaps can now be filled with the help of the Internet. So, if you are interested in learning English, then most likely you will immediately stumble upon Marina Rusakova's lessons and English language courses from her Online School. In this article, we would like to talk in detail about this author and the English courses she provides...

Marina Rusakova has been studying English for 19 years. During this time, she created her own School of Accelerated Learning of Foreign Languages, developed various original methods of teaching languages. More than 30,000 students around the world have already been trained in her courses.

English lessons from Marina Rusakova allow you to quickly master this language, regardless of the level of proficiency. Even from the zero level in just 6 months, you can reach a confident command of the language. And this is not some kind of fiction and deception, but real results those students who were trained at the School of Foreign Languages ​​of the author. Student testimonials are at the bottom of the page.

Here's what I want to especially note: before purchasing any advanced course from Marina Rusakova, you can first study trial (test) English lessons and get acquainted with Marina Rusakova's methodology in detail. Absolutely free. For 0 rubles. If you are interested in this topic, then you can study from the following training materials that are of interest to you.

To get started, pay attention to trial English lessons from Marina Rusakova . They will help to put the pronunciation of complex English sounds, learn to memorize up to 100 new words a day, not get confused in English tenses and much more. For those who are just starting to learn English, they are very useful!

If you want to get even closer to the author's methodology, you can take part in a three-day live intensive "Understand the 12 tenses of English in 3 days." The technique of Marina Rusakova will allow you to understand 12 tenses in just three days and stop confusing them, start speaking English and disperse your speech. Also at the intensive you will learn from Marina Rusakova high-speed techniques for studying irregular verbs! Sign up for the intensive at the link below!

We also recommend that you sign up for open master class "How to speak English in 2 weeks." In this webinar on live you will get rid of the barriers that prevented you from communicating in English, you will understand effective methods learning English in a few months, learn secret chips. A webinar (or in other words a live online seminar) is held almost every week. Sign up and come to the lesson at the time indicated on the website!

A feature of Marina Rusakova's School is that this talented and interesting teacher teaches English not only to students, pupils, in general, young and older people))), but also to the smallest ones - in the School of Foreign Languages ​​you can find courses for children. For example, parents or grandparents may get trial lessons of the course "Fun English for children 1-6 years old". With the help of this course, you and your child will immerse yourself in the world of fascinating English, which you will learn through games, songs, cartoons, audio books, drawings, cards in the process of communication, walking, making crafts, etc.

Parents can also visit a very cool master class "How to learn English with children" and learn how to “talk” a child and instill in him a love of English, understand the methods of teaching a child foreign languages ​​and much more.

Continuing to talk about the lessons and courses of Marina Rusakova, I would like to say a few words about advanced paid courses. As you already understood, in the author's arsenal you can find tutorials for any occasion. Both for learning English by the smallest, and teenagers, adults.

Among the advanced English courses of Marina Rusakova, in addition to English for children, there are also adult-oriented courses such as “Beginner (Beginner)” - it is focused on beginners and will allow you to master in 25 days what the school is trying to learn in 6 months . If you need to get basic communication skills in English very quickly, then you need a video course "Surviving Abroad". And get as close as possible to freehold English, in turn, will allow the Speech Enrichment course.

In addition to the courses listed, on the website of Marina Rusakova you can also find such as "12 tenses", designed for those who do not understand a damn thing in English tenses))), and the video course "Just about the complex" gerunds, tense coordination, prepositions " » with already over in-depth study various English ligaments and structures.

There is also an opportunity to study the convenient complex package products of the School of English by Marina Rusakova - "TEST", "START", "GOLD", as well as "STANDART", "PREMIUM" or the "VIP" package. Yes, these programs are not free, not cheap, but they are worth it. Reviews and, most importantly, the real results of people confirm this!

This is perhaps all that I wanted to tell in this article about studying at the School of Marina Rusakova. The author's methods are very popular with those who are being trained: children, schoolchildren, teenagers, the older generation, and even the elderly benefit greatly. Without cramming, without special training, without boring textbooks, the result is already felt from the first lessons.

On various sites and forums on the Internet, you can find dozens of positive reviews about both Marina Rusakova and her courses. Negative Feedback are practically absent and they concern some organizational issues rather than the learning itself.

A few reviews of those who studied with Marina Rusakova:

“For 2 months of studying at the School of Foreign Languages, I managed to deliver perfect pronunciation, improved my spoken English. Now I easily learn 50 words every day, understand BBC radio, read books in the original and also watch films in English. In my head, everything fit on the shelves, especially grammar, I can translate speech from English into Russian. I even involuntarily think in English, often speaking only in this language.

Many thanks to Marina!

Tatyana Borodina, student

“The course of Marina Rusakova was presented to me by my grandmother, since she has been living in Canada for 12 years. She was delighted with the reboot of the school of foreign languages. I myself am taking a course for beginners. I work on skills - it helps. I look forward to when I can go to the next level. There is a result, but I came to the conclusion that you still need to talk with one of the native speakers in order to break the barrier.”

Anastasia Narozhnaya, review from the forum

“Thank you very much Marina for the opportunity to teach English even to children!

Her Fun English for 1-6 year olds course is a godsend for parents and their children. What is the pronunciation worth! We went through all the lessons with pleasure, we continue to play, watch cartoons and study. We love to count and we are already approaching the second ten.

The most noticeable result of my son- this week we fixed the question "What color is it?". Now the answer is always the color, and not the name of the item, as before. He is already trying to build simple sentences "It is green", "This is a red car". I understand that this is just the beginning, we will continue to work.”

If you have already come across the School of Foreign Languages ​​and have been trained in the courses and lessons of Marina Rusakova, leave your feedback, share your results and impressions with us. It is very interesting to learn more about the effectiveness of the methodology of this teacher, and maybe about some negative aspects that you did not like. Leave both positive feedback and negative feedback.

No, Marina Rusakova does not promise you that you will master the language at a decent level in a couple of weeks or months, as many other teachers promise. No. It's impossible. You have to be honest. It takes a lot of effort to master this language. But this girl guarantees you that language learning will be lively, fun, enthusiastic and with a lot of excitement! This is the only way to really learn English!

English today opens up great opportunities for a person of any age. Thanks to him, you can travel, communicate with interesting people, learn, earn money, run a business and much more. AT modern world without a foreign language, you miss out on a lot of useful and interesting things. Do not miss your chance, start with trial (introductory) materials of the teacher. And go!

We are sure that you will succeed! Good luck to all!)))

In contact with

Accelerated online English courses at Marina Rusakova's School make it possible to learn English to an advanced level in just 6 months, thanks to the author's methodology of Marina Rusakova. For 18 years teaching practice Marina collected the most effective techniques accelerated learning of foreign languages, which are used in a playful way in the School's course packages. The effectiveness of our training is confirmed by more than 20,000 students from all over the world.

5 reasons to choose courses with Marina Rusakova:

1. Has been teaching English for over 18 years. - You will receive a teaching methodology honed by time.
2. Constantly improves his skills. - You will learn modern technology learning English.
3. Number of students - 20,000 people from all over the world. - They managed to learn English according to Marina's method, and you can do it too!
4. Learning is conducted in a playful way, so you will gain knowledge in a fun and easy way.
5. Accelerated learning of English. - In 6 months - from zero to advanced level!

What learning outcomes are expected

After 1 course "Elementary" from anyone (even from zero level) you will be able to communicate abroad at the level of survival: ask for directions, ask for help, explain clearly and simply, keep up a conversation with a native speaker. With the help of special techniques, the skill of speaking is worked out.
Already in 1 lesson you will be able to verbally build sentences. Suitable for both beginners from 0, and for people who once upon a time taught and forgot EVERYTHING. This course will return basic knowledge helps you remember simple grammatical constructions, “refresh” and increase the vocabulary and work out everything in practice.

For the 2nd course "Pre-Intermediate"
We will review and learn basic grammar in a playful way and you will immediately practice everything.
You will see how simple and understandable language you can talk about complex grammatical constructions.
And, of course, intensive speaking practice awaits you again on this course!

3 course Intermediate will help you master the 12 tenses of the English language, and you will stop confusing them.
You may not believe it, but you will finally learn almost everything Irregular Verbs and start putting them into practice :)
We will actively study the language.
You will be in a language environment where you will have no chance of not speaking.

In the 4th course “Advanced” you will find that timing is not difficult at all! Gerund and passive voice(Passive voice) can be understood quickly enough and learn to use in speech.

You will understand the prepositions and begin to use them correctly.
This course also focuses on the powerful development of phrasal verbs using accelerated techniques.