Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Correction of emotional and personal problems of preschoolers. Educational portal

At preschool age, the child masters new and diverse activities, his communication with other people changes and becomes more complicated, he actively learns the world around him and himself. All this is colored by the vivid experiences of the child. He is still small to perceive the world rationally, rationally comprehending it. Much is acquired by a preschooler through the emotional sphere. The origins of the moral forms of the child's behavior lie in the positive experiences of the approval of such behavior by adults. Experiencing success in an activity leads to the fact that the preschooler seeks to continue, complicate this activity, whether it is a game, drawing, designing or duty in a corner of nature. The role of emotions and feelings in the development of a preschooler is difficult to overestimate. We must not forget the indisputable fact that preschool age is sensitive for the formation of the emotional sphere. Feelings don't develop on their own. The leading influence on their formation is exerted by the conditions of life and upbringing of the child.

The main directions in the development of the emotional sphere of a preschooler are highlighted. First of all, its content, the impressive side of emotions and feelings, becomes more complicated, the general emotional background of the child's mental life is formed.

A child will develop successfully only when a cheerful, cheerful mood is created in him. Caress and attention are the main sources that nourish and support children's joy. A caring attitude towards the child helps to develop optimism, self-confidence, and activity in him.

In the period of preschool childhood, a child develops many higher feelings. Already in the first three years of life, such feelings as love and affection for loved ones, empathy, a sense of curiosity, pride, and shame appear. In preschool age, feelings of pride and self-esteem become deeper. These feelings are one of the emotional components of the child's self-esteem, they become the motives of his behavior. It also happens, however, that these feelings obscure the other person from the child. Then selfishness, selfishness appears, that is, the desire to retain the right to be respected by everyone, while not having duties towards others.

G. M. Breslav 48 refers to emotional disorders in preschool age: 1) lack of emotional decentration - the child is not able to experience real situation, nor when listening to literary works; 2) lack of emotional synthonia - the child is not able to respond to the emotional state of another person, especially a close or sympathetic one; 3) the absence of a specific phenomenon of emotional self-regulation - the child does not feel guilt associated with a new stage of self-awareness (“I did this”) and the ability to emotionally return to the past.

To important features preschool age can be attributed to the fact that many of the unfavorable characteristics of the child are latent, hidden.

Yu. M. Milanich divides 49 children with emotional disorders into three groups. The first includes children with severe intrapersonal conflicts. Parents and teachers of these children noted anxiety, unreasonable fears, frequent mood swings. The second group consists of children with interpersonal conflicts. These children are characterized by increased emotional excitability, irritability, aggressiveness. The third group consists of children with both intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. They are characterized by emotional instability, irritability, aggressiveness, on the one hand, and resentment, anxiety, suspiciousness and fears, on the other hand. Girls predominate in the first group, boys predominate in the second and third. With age (from 4.5 to 6-7 years), the number of children in groups 1 and 3 increases, and in group 2 it decreases. Of the entire array of discovered emotional disturbances Yu. M. Milanich distinguishes three groups:

1) acute emotional reactions that color specific emotional conflict situations for the child: aggressive, hysterical, protest reactions, as well as reactions of fear and excessive resentment;

2) tense emotional states - over-situational negative experiences more stable in time: gloom, anxiety, depressed mood, timidity and timidity;

3) violation of the dynamics of emotional states: affective explosiveness and lability (quick transitions from positive emotions to negative and


48 Belkina V. N. Psychology of early and preschool childhood: Tutorial for university students educational institutions. - M.: Academic Project; Gaudeamus, 2005.

49 Ilyin E. P. Emotions and feelings. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

vice versa). The classification of the author is conditional. In the picture of the preschooler's emotional distress, the identified disorders can be combined and mutually condition each other.

Entering school changes the emotional sphere of the child due to the expansion of the content of the activity and the increase in the number of emotional objects. The characteristics of children of this age are inherent in a negative emotional background. emotional sphere junior schoolchildren characterized 50:

1) easy responsiveness to ongoing events and coloring of perception, imagination, mental and physical activity, emotions;

2) the immediacy and openness of their experiences - joy, sadness, fear, pleasure or displeasure;

3) readiness for the affect of fear, in the process learning activities the child experiences fear as a premonition of trouble, failure, lack of confidence in his abilities, inability to cope with the task, the student feels a threat to his status at school and at home;

4) great emotional instability, frequent mood swings, a tendency to short-term violent affects;

5) emotional factors for younger students are not only games and communication with peers, but also academic success and assessment of these successes by the teacher and classmates;

6) their own and other people's emotions and feelings are poorly realized and understood: the facial expressions of others are often perceived incorrectly, as well as the interpretation of the feelings of others, which leads to inadequate responses of younger students; the exception is the basic emotions, feelings of joy and fear, for which children already have clear ideas that they can express verbally, naming five synonymous words for these emotions.

Correction of the emotional sphere of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren should include the organization of joint forms of playful and productive activities of the child with an adult, the orientation of the child to adequate methods and means of communication and the organization of their assimilation.

Special correction problems are such personality traits, as anxiety and self-doubt, reflecting the increased emotional tension of the child, as well as conformism, passivity, lack of initiative.

Increased emotional tension leads to a decrease in the activity and stability of the child's behavior in frustrating situations, destructive behavior in the form of aggressiveness or inhibition. To relieve emotional stress in a child, reduce feelings of fear, relieve negative emotions, development of empathic abilities, communication skills, etc., special outdoor games are used.


50 Ilyin E. P. Emotions and feelings. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

2.6.1. Games to break the ability to express and understand the emotions of others 51



Age: 3-4 years.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Game progress: Two mice must cross the road where the kitten is sleeping. They either walk on tiptoes, then stop and use signs to show each other: “Hush!” The etude is performed to the music of B. Berlin "Sleeping Kitten".

expressive movements. Stretch your neck forward, put your index finger to your pursed lips, raise your eyebrows up.


Target: teaching the elements of technique of expressive movements.

Age: 4-6 years old.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Game progress: The child was bewitched. He cannot speak and answers questions with gestures, pointing to various items and pointing directions: closet, table, below, above, there.



Age: 4-6 years old.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Game progress: The hunting dog, seeing the game, instantly freezes in a tense pose. Her muzzle stretches forward, her ears prick up, her eyes stare fixedly at her prey, and her nose silently draws in a pleasant teasing smell.

FOX eavesdropping

Target: teaching the elements of technique of expressive movements: emotions of attention, interest. The development of expressive motor skills, the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one's own. Correction of the emotional sphere.

Age: 4-6 years old.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Game progress: The fox stands at the window of the hut in which the cat and the cockerel live, and overhears what they are talking about.


51 Chistyakova M. I. Psycho-gymnastics / Ed. M, I. Buyanova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education: VLADOS, 1995. Yakovleva N. Ya. Psychological help preschooler. - St. Petersburg: "Valery PD", 2001.

Expressive posture: the head is tilted to the side (listens, putting the ear out), the gaze is directed to the other side, the mouth is half open, the leg is put forward, the body is slightly tilted forward.


Target: development of children's correct understanding of emotionally expressive hand movements and adequate use of gesture, which in turn contributes to the social competence of the child.

Age: 3-4 years.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Game progress: A boy beckons a baby who is learning to walk on her own.

Expressive movements: sit down, both arms extended towards the baby.


Target: development of a correct understanding by children of emotionally expressive hand movements and adequate use of gesture, which in turn contributes to the social competence of the child.

Age: 3-4 years.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Game progress: A huge white ship departs from the pier. The mourners, looking at the sailors and passengers standing on the deck, wave their hands high: “Goodbye! See you!"


Target: teaching self-relaxation techniques to children with neurotic manifestations such as exhaustion nervous system, excitability, fears, obsessions, hysterical reactions, selective mutism, stuttering, etc.

Age: 3-4 years.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Game progress: The child plays the role of a kitten, which lies on the mat and falls asleep. The kitten's tummy rises and falls.

Accompanied by the music of R. Pauls "The day will melt, the night will come" (lullaby).



Age: 3-4 years.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Game progress: The girl was given a new doll. She is happy, jumping merrily, spinning, playing with the doll.

The music of P. Tchaikovsky "The New Doll" sounds in the hall.


Target: development of the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one's own, correction of the emotional sphere of the child.

Age: 3-4 years.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Game progress: The little fox saw his mother on the other side of the stream, but he does not dare to enter the water. The water is so cold and deep.

Expressive movements: put the foot forward on the toe, then return the foot to its place. Repeat this movement several times. For greater expressiveness, you can imitate shaking imaginary droplets of water from your foot.

The dog barks and grabs by the heels (for children 3-4 years old). The child is walking. A dog walks by on a leash. She barks at the boy and tries, pulling on the leash, to reach his legs with her muzzle.

During the etude, the music of G. Frid “The Appearance of a Big Dog” sounds.


Target: development of the ability to understand the emotional state of people around, opportunities for self-expression, removal of barriers in communication. Formation of moral ideas, behavior correction.

Age: 4-10 years.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Game progress: Each child in turn thinks of an emotion and shows it with the help of facial expressions. The rest must recognize the emotion.

Each child chooses one card depicting an emotional state and tells when, in what situation he is like this (“I am happy when ...”, “I am angry when ...”, “I am upset when ..." etc.).

Children remember something funny and try to express it with facial expressions, gestures, plasticity - with their whole body. Watch how others do it.

Children remember something sad.

Children remember something that makes them angry.


Target: expand the range of understood emotions; develop the ability to identify emotions in graphic images; to teach to convey a given emotional state with the help of expressive movements (facial expressions and pantomimics); find out what colors the child associates with different emotions.

Age: 5-10 years.

Game form: group.

Game progress: The adult says: “Imagine that each of you became a famous, famous person. Everyone is interested in your opinion. A journalist tries to interview you and asks you various questions.”

An adult takes a microphone and, approaching each child in turn, offers to answer a question or complete a sentence.

Sample questions and open sentences:

When do people laugh?

How do you feel when others laugh?

What do you do when someone is crying around?

People get angry when...

People get offended if...

People are surprised when...

People are happy when...

Children are invited to listen carefully and, with the help of expressive movements, "illustrate" the poem "There are different feelings."

There are different feelings.

Beautiful, dangerous

hearty, funny

Angry and glorious

funny, sad,

Playful, silent.

Try to smile

Like a clown in the arena

And timidly stretch

Like a little snowdrop.

Try to get angry

Like a pissed off wasp.

Try to be surprised

Looking up at the sky

Try the neck is important

Like a swan, arching-

Everyone will say:

"He's brave!"

And they will be respected.


Target: development of the ability to express their emotions non-verbally.

Age: 5-6 years old.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Material: drawings of children.

Game progress: Children look at each other's drawings, and then one of them tries to portray any of them using facial expressions and gestures, the rest of the children must guess which picture he is showing.

I wonder if there are several options. Then the children can be clearly explained that the same phenomenon or object in different people can cause different feelings, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

2.6.2. Games for the correction of negative emotional experiences, relieving emotional stress 52


Target: removal of negative experiences, removal of bodily clamps.

Age: 3-4 years.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Game progress: Children, imagining themselves as "dinosaurs", make scary faces, bouncing high, run around the hall and make heart-rending cries.

The game is interesting for the freedom given to children, thanks to which they have the opportunity to give vent to the accumulated fears, contradictions and resentments. After all, even children now rarely have the opportunity to do what they want.


Target: removal of emotional stress.

Age: 4-5 years.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Material: a stick 0.5 m long with a light ball attached to it on a bright ribbon.

Game progress: A leader is chosen, a wand is handed to him, then they become in a circle, the leader is in the center of the circle. The host approaches the children with the words: “Catch, catch!”. The task of the players is to catch the ball, which flies up all the time. Several participants can catch the ball at once.

The game is very exciting for children, so it is best played during a walk after sleep. It is good to use it when it is necessary to activate children, increase their tone, relieve emotional stress, direct their motor activity in the right direction.


Target: removal of negative emotions, development of communication skills.

Age: 4-5 years.

Conduct form: group.

Material: ball.

Game progress: When passing a ball to each other, children are invited to call each other inoffensive words, for example, the names of vegetables or fruits, while it is imperative to name the person to whom the ball is being passed: “And you, Leshka, are potatoes,” “And you, Irishka, are radishes,” “ And you, Vovka, are carrots, ”etc. Be sure to warn the children that you can’t be offended by these name-calling, because this is a game. It is imperative to end the game with good words: “And you, Marinka - a picture”, “And you, Antoshka - the sun”, etc.

You need to pass the ball quickly, you can’t think for a long time.

Before the start of the game, you can have a conversation with the children about offensive words, about what, after which people usually take offense and begin to call names.


52 Shirokova G. A., Zhadko E. G. Practicum for a child psychologist - Rostov n / D: "Phoenix", 2004.


Target: response to negative emotions.

Age: any.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Material: a soft chair or a bunch of pillows.

Game progress: Pillows, on which aggression will be vented, are folded in front of the child, and he must hit them hard - with a plastic beater, a badminton racket, just with a relaxed hand. When struck, you can shout out any words expressing a feeling of anger.

When hit, dust usually flies from the pillow, so it’s better to do it on the street, and explain to the child that, having vented his anger on the pillow, he also helped adults clean the room from dust.

It is useful to play the game systematically, since negative emotions constantly need to be released, and it is better if the child throws out his anger on the pillows than on others.

The game is useful for adults no less (and sometimes more) than for children.


Target: response to negative emotions.

Age: 5-6 years.

Conduct form: individual and group.

Material: towel.

Game progress: The host is chosen - “Zhuzha”, he sits on a chair with a towel in his hands, and the rest of the children run around him, tease, make faces, tickle him. When "Zhuzhe" gets tired of this, he jumps up and chases the offenders, trying to hit them on the back with a towel.

Children need to be taught that teasers should not be offensive. And Zhuzha must endure as long as possible.

The next "Zhuzhey" becomes the first of the offenders, to whom he touches.


Target: stress relief.

Age A: 5-10 years.

Conduct form: group.

Game progress: Hello children! How mobile are you today? Show me how you twirl and make noise. (Children spin and make noise.) Yes, you are just Humpty Dumpty! Let's show it again: we dangle our arms, legs, turn our heads.

Humpty Dumpty

Sitting on the wall

Humpty Dumpty

Fell off in a dream.

(S. Marshak)

Children turn their bodies to the right and left, their arms dangle freely, like a rag doll. On the words “fell down in a dream”, the body of the body is tilted down. All this can be shown by the presenter himself.

Host: Laugh! We laugh even better. We shake hands, feet, turn our heads. We shake hands, legs, turn our heads, we have a lot of fun and we laugh, laugh, laugh! Well done! They clapped their hands, shook their hands. They clapped their hands. Well done!


Target: stress relief.

Age: 5-10 years.

Conduct form: group.

Game progress: Sit comfortably. Lean on the back of a chair. Close your eyes. Imagine that you are on the bank of a river. The sand is cool and loose.

Pick up imaginary sand. (Inhale). Strongly clenching your fingers into a fist, hold the sand in your hands (hold your breath). Sprinkle sand on your knees, gradually opening your fingers (exhale). Weakly drop hands along the body: too lazy to move heavy hands.


Target: stress relief.

Age: 5-10 years.

Conduct form: group.

Game progress: Imagine that you are in the forest. Sit on a stump. Soft grass underfoot. An ant has climbed onto his toes and is running over them. Pull the socks on with force, legs tense, straight (inhale).

Listen to which finger the ant is sitting on (hold your breath), move your foot forward to throw the ant off your toes (exhale). Socks down, to the sides, relax your legs. The legs are resting.

Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Methodical development

Correction and development of the emotional sphere of preschool children

Bakhteeva Maria Andreevna,
educator GBOU progymnasium №677
Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg

Emotions- a special sphere of mental phenomena, which in the form of direct experiences reflects the subjective assessment of the external and internal situation, the results of his practical activities in terms of their significance, favorable or unfavorable for the life of the subject.
Emotions have a number of functions.

  1. Signal. Its essence is to give an emotional signal, as a reaction to a particular impact. external environment or internal state organism.
  2. Regulatory. Emotions can regulate the functioning of both individual mental processes and human activity in general. A positive emotional background improves the quality of activity. Fear, depending on the characteristics of the individual, can either paralyze a person, or, on the contrary, mobilize all his resources to overcome danger.
  3. Cognitive. Emotions can both stimulate and suppress the process of cognition. If a person is interested, curious about something, he will be more willing to be included in the process of cognition than if the object is unpleasant to him, causes disgust or just boredom.

The significance of emotions in the mental activity of a person and the formation of his personality is enormous. They enrich the human psyche, the brightness and variety of feelings make it more interesting for others and for oneself. In a state of increased interest, emotional upsurge, the child is able to observe an object for a long time, reason, enthusiastically craft, draw. Without much tension, a preschooler remembers an event with all the nuances and details, if it is colored by emotion. The desire to relive a certain state can serve as a motive for activity for him, a stimulus for the manifestation of activity.
Causes of emotional disorders
Emotional development disorders in preschool age are due to two groups of causes:
. constitutional reasons - the type of the child's nervous system, its biotonus, somatic features - that is, a violation of the functioning of any organs.
. features of the interaction of the child with the social environment. A preschooler has his own experience of communicating with adults, peers and a group that is especially significant for him - a family, and this experience can be unfavorable:

  1. if a child is systematically subjected to negative assessments by an adult, he is forced to repress into the unconscious a large number of information coming from environment. New experiences that do not coincide with the structure of his "I" concept are perceived negatively by him, as a result of which the child finds himself in a stressful situation;
  2. with dysfunctional relationships with peers, emotional experiences arise that are characterized by acuteness and duration: disappointment, resentment, anger;
  3. the most basic - family conflicts, different requirements for the child, misunderstanding of his interests can also cause him negative experiences, rejection, overprotection, over-demanding.

Methods for correcting emotional disorders

The leading method of correction of emotional disturbances is imitation by children of various emotional states. Significance this method due to a number of features:

  • active facial exercises prevent the development of some emotions into pathology;
  • thanks to the work of the muscles of the face and body, an active discharge of the body is ensured;
  • with the arbitrary reproduction of expressive emotions in children, the corresponding emotion is revived, while vivid memories of a previously unreflected experience arise, which helps to remove the root cause of nervous tension;
  • there is an expansion of the system of children's knowledge about emotions, the child can clearly see that different moods, experiences are expressed in various postures, gestures. This allows you to navigate the emotional states of others;
  • imitation of emotional states contributes to the development of stability, concentration, switchability of attention, allows you to arbitrarily change muscle tone. This forms the arbitrary regulation of behavior in children;
  • with the help of imitations, an image of another person is built, and at the same time, an idea of ​​oneself is built and deepened.

The program consists of a set of gaming techniques that contribute to the formation of emotional children of 4-5 years old.
The content of gaming techniques is aimed at overcoming indecision, stiffness, understanding that, in addition to speech, there are other means of communication. The ability to adequately express one's emotions is formed, using verbal and non-verbal means. children learn to be aware of their emotions, to recognize the emotional reactions of other people.
Target these games: the removal of emotional stress, the formation of endurance, tolerant attitude towards physical contact with other people; removal of aggressiveness; working out negative emotions; strengthening self-confidence, stimulating the desire for leadership; development of self-control; removal of bodily restraints.
Main line of work is an attempt to correct the emotional sphere of children 4-5 years old through the game, overcoming and destroying problems in communication between them.
Age and quantitative composition of the group, conditions for the lesson: classes are held with a subgroup of children 4-5 years old (10 people), twice a week for 20 minutes.
Work plan designed for 10 lessons, for children 4-5 years old with emotional disorders.
The session is 20 minutes long and includes:

  • greetings;
  • main part;
  • conversation on the topic;
  • game exercise;
  • the final part (fixing gaming and thematic skills).

Classes are held in the form of a game. At game classes, a benevolent attitude towards each other is formed, emotional stress is removed, the child’s awareness of his feelings and experiences, understanding of the feelings of another person, empathy develops, a desire to help if necessary.
The facilitator, when addressing children, should:

  • often use the words: well done, excellent, good, very pleasant, clever, beautiful, excellent, brilliant, delightful, etc.;
  • if something annoys you, then contact

The structure of the program consists of 3 stages:
The task of the first stage is the development of the emotional sphere, the ability to differentiate the emotions and feelings of other people.
Our task of work at the second stage is to work out negative emotions, remove aggressiveness.
The next task of correctional work at the third stage is to form endurance, a tolerant attitude towards physical contact with other people; development of observation, arbitrariness and self-control.
Staffing for the implementation of the program: psychologist, teachers of additional education.
Material and technical resources: musical instruments(tambourine, pipe, accordion, metallophone), sticks with a light ball attached to them on a bright ribbon, handkerchiefs, a mouse toy, pillows, an upholstered chair, drawings, pencils, sheets of paper, paper flowers, a gnome toy, pictograms and drawings of fairy-tale characters with different emotions.
Thematic plan conducting classes in accordance with the game methods and goals of the program.

week number Purpose of the lesson Tuesday Thursday
The development of the emotional sphere of children, the ability to differentiate the emotions and feelings of other people "Joy and Sadness" "Kingdom of Emotions"
2. "Bee in the Dark" "Guess the mood fairytale heroes»
3 "Without words" "Don't drop the ball"
4 Development of negative emotions, development of purposefulness, removal of aggressiveness "Falling tower" "Rage Release"
5 "Dinosaurs" "Conversation with Hands"
6 "Catch-Catch" "Affectionate Paws"
7 Development of arbitrariness, self-control, strengthening self-confidence, stimulating the desire for leadership, developing observation "Growing Flowers" "Dog Mongrel"
8 "Mice" "Snail"

Game 1. "Joy and sadness" (author I. Klimina)
Purpose: development of the emotional sphere, the ability to differentiate the emotions and feelings of other people.
Age: 4-5 years.
Number of players: any.
Necessary accessories: drawings.
Description of the game: children carefully examine the drawings, and then lay them out in two rows - joy and sadness - depending on the color scheme.
Comment: the main task of an adult is to help children talk about their feelings that have arisen about a particular drawing, explain why they consider one drawing to be cheerful and the other to be sad.

Game 2. "Kingdom of emotions"
Purpose: to expand children's understanding of the emotion "envy", to teach children to understand the reasons that lead to a particular mood.
Equipment: gnome toy, pictograms and drawings of fairy-tale characters with different emotions.
The dwarf lays out in a circle the pictograms of all the emotions known to the children and says that today they are in the Kingdom of emotions. “Guys, what do you think, which emotions can make friends with each other, and which ones will remain alone forever?” After the answers, each child is invited to make friends with emotions using a story. The one who quickly coped with the task begins to tell his tale, the rest listen attentively.
After completing the task, the gnome will surely praise the children.

Game 3. "Bee in the dark."
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to express the emotion "fear", to develop active dictionary emotional states, correction of fear of the dark, confined space, heights.
Equipment: gnome toy, fear icon; cards depicting fairy tale characters with the expression of the emotion "fear"; several chairs for adults; matter that does not transmit light.
The dwarf chooses one child to play the Bee. He says that Bee is very fond of collecting honey. She flew to the clearing, where many, many different colors. Flying from one flower to another, the Bee did not notice how evening had come. And in the evening the flowers close, so the Bee had to sit inside the flower in the dark until the morning.
Then the teacher, on behalf of the gnome, places the chairs so that the Bee child can climb onto the chair and walk on them without fear of falling. This is flowers. After evening has come, the Bee remains on one of the chairs and it is covered with a cloth that does not let light through. For several minutes the child sits in the dark, then morning comes, and the cloth is removed, the bee flies away to her home. Every child should be in the role of a bee.
When doing this role play, it is important to know how much each child is afraid of the dark and it is best to have a supply of material with different densities. For children who are very afraid of the dark, it is necessary to use an almost transparent matter.
At the end, the dwarf Vasya praises all the children for their courage, regardless of whether they performed the role of the Bee well or badly.

Game 4. "Guess the mood of fairy-tale characters."
Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to compare emotions in the picture with the corresponding pictogram, to continue to teach children how to adequately compare an act and an emotion.
Equipment: gnome toy, envy pictogram, plot pictures, which depict people in different poses, sets of pictograms (8 pcs.).
The gnome invites the children to play the following game. Each child has sets of pictograms (8 pcs.) on the table. An adult alternately shows the children cards with different moods of fairy-tale characters. Children should hold up the pictogram with the appropriate emotion. This exercise allows the teacher to most accurately identify children who have not yet fully mastered this skill.

Game 5."Without words".
Purpose: to develop communication skills in children, to teach children to understand their interlocutor by his facial expression, gestures, posture.
Equipment: gnome toy.
The leader is chosen. He shows without words some object, action, tries to say something. The task of the rest of the children is to guess what the driver is doing. The game continues until every child has been the leader. The teacher makes sure that all the children guess as much as possible. If someone finds it difficult to do this all the time, he is helped by leading questions.

Game 6. "Don't drop the ball."
Purpose: to develop communication skills in children, attention, the ability to work with a partner, to promote the rallying of the children's team, to teach children the ability to lose, to develop sympathy.
Equipment: a gnome toy, toys from Kinder Surprise (any number, but not less than 30 pieces for each pair), 2 small buckets, a ball, a tape recorder, a recording of fun music, paper, colored pencils.
The gnome invites the children to stand in pairs facing each other and hold one ball with their hands. To the sound of music, children will need to perform the actions that an adult will talk about, while each pair should try not to let go of the ball from their hands. Actions: crouch, jump on two legs, on one leg, run, spin.
After completing the task, the guys are invited to stand with their backs to each other, hold the ball with their backs and follow the commands of the gnome. Actions: sit down, spin around, walk around the room. In this case, you must try so that the ball does not fall.

Game 7. "Leaning Tower" (author - N. Kryazheva)
Purpose: development of negative emotions, development of purposefulness, removal of aggressiveness.
Age: 4-5 years old.
Number of players: 2-5 people.
Equipment needed: pillows.
Description of the game: children build a high tower from pillows, and then try to take it by storm, climbing to the very top. The winner is the one who first climbs the tower without destroying it.
Comment: it is important to protect children from injury, remove dangerous objects in advance.
Building the tower is no less fun for children than conquering it. Moreover, it will also have a therapeutic effect, it will make it possible to feel not only the joy of liberation from negative emotions, but also the joy of creation.

Game 8. "The release of anger" (author - K. Rudestam)
Purpose: working out negative emotions.
Age: any.
Number of players: any.
Equipment needed: A soft chair or a bunch of pillows.
description of the game: pillows on which aggression will be vented are folded in front of the child, and he must hit them hard - with a plastic beater, a badminton racket, just with a relaxed hand. When struck, you can shout out any words expressing feelings of anger.
Comment: dust usually fly out of the pillow when hit, so it’s better to do it on the street, and explain to the child that by taking out his anger on the pillow, he also helped adults clean the room from dust.
It is useful to play the game systematically, since negative emotions constantly need to be released, and it is better if the child throws out his anger on the pillows than on others.

Game 9. "Dinosaurs" (author - N. Kryazheva).
Purpose: removal of negative experiences, removal of bodily clamps.
Age: 4-5 years.
Number of players: 6-7 people.
Description of the game: children, imagining themselves as "dinosaurs", make scary faces, bouncing high, run around the hall and make heart-rending cries.

Explanatory note

Recently, parents and educators are increasingly confronted with children whose physical activity goes beyond the notion of just a mobile child. Most preschool children are characterized by mobility, impulsiveness, spontaneity and emotionality, but at the same time they can listen carefully to an adult and follow his instructions. It is difficult to establish contact with hyperactive children just because they are in constant motion: they do not walk, but run, do not sit, but fidget, do not stand, but spin or climb somewhere, do not laugh, but laugh, get down to business or run away without listening to the end of the task. Their attention is distracted, their eyes wander, it is difficult to catch a glance.

Term"hyperactivity" in relation to children still does not have an unambiguous interpretation, however, to external manifestations children's hyperactivity can be attributed to inattention, impulsivity, increased motor activity. When translating the word "hyperactive" we get that it is active, effective above the norm.Children's hyperactivity (eng. hyperactive child syndrome; attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) - a synonym for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the name “hyperdynamic syndrome” is also used, manifests itself in the form of inattention, distractibility, impulsivity and general hyperactivity that are not characteristic of an ordinary child. The first manifestations of hyperactivity in children are observed at the age of up to 7 years, with every year the number of children with such behavior increases; it is more common in boys than in girls. The peaks of manifestation of this syndrome coincide with the child's psychoverbal development: in the period from 1 to 2 years, when the child's speech skills are laid; at 3 years old, when the child increases vocabulary and in the period from 6 to 7 years in the formation of reading and writing.

According to various researchers, the mostcharacteristic problems (consequences of this disorder) in children with hyperactivity are:

Overactivity - inappropriate increased (excessive) motor activity;

Attention deficit (defects in concentration, its dispersion or absent-mindedness);

impulsive behavior and intellectual activity, increased excitability, which leads to problems in relationships with others, behavioral disorders and learning difficulties, poor school performance, which in turn underestimates the child's self-esteem.

Probably, in every kindergarten group there are children who find it difficult to sit in one place for a long time, to be silent, to obey instructions. They create additional difficulties in the work of educators, because they are very mobile, quick-tempered, irritable and irresponsible. Hyperactive children often touch and drop various objects, push their peers, creating conflict situations. They are often offended, but they quickly forget about their grievances. One of characteristic features children with hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are disorders social adaptation. These children are typically more low level social maturity than is usually the case at their age. Affective tension, a significant amplitude of emotional experience, difficulties in communicating with peers and adults lead to the fact that a child easily develops and fixes negative self-esteem, hostility towards others.

Especially common in children with hyperactivity (ADHD) are: speech disorders, as a delay in the development of speech, insufficiency of the motor function of the articulatory apparatus, excessively slow speech, or, conversely, explosiveness, voice and speech breathing disorders.

Increased excitability is the cause of difficulties in acquiring ordinary social skills. Children do not fall asleep well even if the regimen is observed, they eat slowly, dropping and spilling everything. Increased switching from one activity to another occurs involuntarily, without tuning to the activity and subsequent control. The child is distracted by minor sound and visual stimuli that are ignored by other peers. Impulsivity is manifested in the sloppy performance of the task, in restraint in words, deeds and actions, in the inability to lose, excessive perseverance in defending one's interests. With age, the manifestations of impulsivity change: the older the child, the more pronounced and noticeable impulsivity to others.

Every teacher working with a hyperactive child knows how much trouble and trouble he causes to those around him. However, this is only one side of the coin. We must not forget that the child himself suffers first of all. After all, he cannot behave as adults demand, and not because he does not want to, but because his physiological capabilities do not allow him to do this. It is difficult for such a child to sit still for a long time, not to fidget, not to talk. Constant shouting, remarks, threats of punishment do not improve his behavior, and sometimes even become sources of new conflicts. In addition, such forms of influence can contribute to the formation of negative character traits in a child. As a result, everyone suffers: both the child, and adults, and the children with whom he communicates.

No one has yet succeeded in making a hyperactive child obedient and accommodating, and learning to live in the world and cooperate with it is quite a feasible task.

Relevance of the program: The problem of hyperactivity in children has been of interest to researchers for a long time, but it has not lost its relevance, on the contrary, at present this problem is becoming more and more significant, because. According to the study, the number of hyperactive children is growing. In the study of the causes of hyperactivity are called various versions, but all researchers agree that each child has his own reasons for hyperactivity. Therefore, before developing a correctional program, it is necessary to diagnose the manifestations and causes of hyperactive behavior.

Program goal: correction of emotional-personal and cognitive disorders of older preschool children with ADHD, means of play therapy.


    create a positive emotional mood in the group;

    to promote the creation of relationships of mutual acceptance, empathy, readiness to help another, tolerance for another;

    improve communication skills;

    create conditions for relieving neuromuscular tension;

    to promote the development of the emotional-volitional and cognitive spheres of a preschooler;

    to instill the skill to analyze one's feelings, actions, ongoing events, to be aware of one's attitude to the world, to adequately express one's emotional state.

The target audience: the program is focused on corrective work with children of preschool age (5-7 years old) with hyperactivity syndrome.

Methods and forms of program implementation: correction of hyperactivity children should include such methods and forms as:

    stretch marks,

    breathing exercises,

    exercises for the tongue and jaw muscles,

    cross (reciprocal) bodily exercises,

    developmental exercises fine motor skills hands,

    relaxation and visualization exercises,

    functional exercise,

    exercises for the development of the communicative and cognitive sphere,

    exercises with rules.

Expected results: as a result of the implementation of the program, it is assumed that the course of classes conducted will help the child cope with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The effectiveness of the training sessions will be monitored by repeated questioning.Children will develop communication skills with adults and peers. Children will become self-confident, self-esteem will be formed. There will be an ability to love, appreciate, protect the world around, as well as respect other people's work and adults. Helping skills are developed.

Methods for assessing expected results and their criteria will be tracked byperformance quality monitoring:

    identification of the adequacy of parents' ideas about the degree of severity

developmental disorders in children and related features of education;

    conducting a comprehensive diagnosis of children, allowing to identify

effective conditions for their upbringing in the family and preschool educational institutions;

    correlating the results of the identified features of representations

parents and real problems existing in the education of children and the development guidelines for parents and educators;

    psychological diagnosis of the level of development is carried out at the beginning

academic year (starting diagnostics), during the academic year (current diagnostics) and at the end of the academic year (final diagnostics).

The assessment of the quality of assimilation of the material is determined during the year by conducting intermediate diagnostic testing and at the end of the year, by determining the level of readiness of the child to move to the next learning link.

Terms of the program implementation: The training program consists of 10 lessons, 2 lessons per week, the cycle is designed for 2 months.

2. Thematic plan of the correctional program




Let's get acquainted!

oculomotor exercises,

50 min


Stretching, breathing exercises,

oculomotor exercises,

exercises for the tongue and jaw muscles, cross (reciprocal) bodily exercises, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, exercises for relaxation and visualization, functional exercises, exercises for the development of communicative and cognitive spheres, exercises with rules.

50 min


Stretching, breathing exercises,

oculomotor exercises,

exercises for the tongue and jaw muscles, cross (reciprocal) bodily exercises, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, exercises for relaxation and visualization, functional exercises, exercises for the development of communicative and cognitive spheres, exercises with rules.

50 min


Stretching, breathing exercises,

oculomotor exercises,

exercises for the tongue and jaw muscles, cross (reciprocal) bodily exercises, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, exercises for relaxation and visualization, functional exercises, exercises for the development of communicative and cognitive spheres, exercises with rules.

50 min


Stretching, breathing exercises,

oculomotor exercises,

exercises for the tongue and jaw muscles, cross (reciprocal) bodily exercises, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, exercises for relaxation and visualization, functional exercises, exercises for the development of communicative and cognitive spheres, exercises with rules.

50 min


Stretching, breathing exercises,

oculomotor exercises,

exercises for the tongue and jaw muscles, cross (reciprocal) bodily exercises, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, exercises for relaxation and visualization, functional exercises.

50 min


Stretching, breathing exercises,

oculomotor exercises,

exercises for the tongue and jaw muscles, cross (reciprocal) bodily exercises, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, exercises for relaxation and visualization, functional exercises, exercises for the development of communicative and cognitive spheres, exercises with rules.

50 min


Stretching, breathing exercises,

oculomotor exercises,

exercises for the tongue and jaw muscles, cross (reciprocal) bodily exercises, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, exercises for relaxation and visualization, functional exercises, exercises for the development of communicative and cognitive spheres, exercises with rules.

50 min


Stretching, breathing exercises,

oculomotor exercises,

exercises for the tongue and jaw muscles, cross (reciprocal) bodily exercises, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, exercises for relaxation and visualization, functional exercises, exercises for the development of communicative and cognitive spheres, exercises with rules.

50 min


Stretching, breathing exercises,

exercises for the tongue and jaw muscles, cross body exercises, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, exercises for relaxation and visualization, exercises for the development of communicative and cognitive spheres, exercises with rules.

50 min

3. The main content of correctional classes

The duration is 50-60 minutes. The optimal number of group members is 4-6 people. Classes can be held both in small groups and individually.ATthe program uses exercises developed by B. A. Arkhipov, E. A. Vorobieva, I. G. Vygodskaya, T. G. Goryacheva, V.I. Zuev, P. Dennison, Yu.V. Kasatkina, N.V. Klyueva, L.V. Konstantinova, E.K. Lyutova, G.B. Monina, E. V. Pellinger, A. Remeeva, A. L. Sirotyuk, A. S. Sirotyuk, A. S. Sultanova, L. P. Uspenskaya, K. Foppel and others.

Lesson structure:

    stretching - 4-5 minutes;

    breathing exercise - 3-4 minutes;

    oculomotor exercise - 3-4 minutes;

    exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands - 10 minutes;

    functional exercises (development of attention, arbitrariness,

self-control), communication and cognitive exercises, elimination of anger and aggression - 20-25 minutes;

    relaxation - 4-5 minutes.

Lesson 1.

Topic of the lesson: Let's get acquainted!

Target:help create a friendly and supportive environment in the group, find out the expectations of children, give children the opportunity to get to know each other better, contribute to the formation of group cohesion, help group members to understand the rules of work in the classroom.

Lesson progress:

introductory word psychologist.

Acquaintance. Acquaintance of participants with each other, with a psychologist, exercise “Funny passage” (p. 71 Game technology), with the rules of working in a group.

Expression of expectations from the training.

The facilitator proposes to adopt a set of rules.

Interesting!To do this, you need to be active, truthful and able to listen to everyone.

Comfortable!Insults, reproaches, accusations are prohibited. But attention to the positive aspects of each is welcomed and even encouraged.


Healthy!We carry out tasks in good faith!

"I'm learning to control myself!"

Breathing exercises"Cams"

Purpose: mastering and fixing the posture of rest and relaxation of the muscles of the hands.

I.p. - sitting on the floor.

Instructions: “Squeeze your fingers into a tight fist. Put your hands on your knees. Squeeze them hard, hard, so that the bones turn white. Hands are tired. Relaxed hands. We are resting. The hands warmed up. It was easy, it was nice. Listen and do as I do. Calmly! Inhale - pause, exhale - pause! Ex. Repeat 3 times.

Hands on my knees

fists clenched,

Strong, tense

Fingers pressed (squeeze fingers).

We squeeze our fingers harder -

Let go, let go.

It is easy to pick up and drop a relaxed brush.

Know, girls and boys,

Resting our fingers.


I.p. - squatting. The child is invited to hide his head in his knees, clasp his knees with his hands. This is a seed that gradually sprouts and turns into a tree. Let the child slowly rise to his feet, then straighten his torso, stretch his arms up. Then you need to tighten the muscles of the body and stretch it up. The wind blew: let the child swing the body, imitating a tree.

oculomotor exercise"Attentive Eyes".

I.p. - standing or sitting on a chair. The head is fixed. The eyes look straight ahead. The development of eye movements begins in four main (up, down, right, left), and subsequently in four auxiliary directions (along the diagonals); bringing the eyes to the center.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the handsself-massage of fingers; an exercise"Ring": alternately and as quickly as possible, the child goes through the fingers of the hands, connecting the index, middle, etc. into a ring with the thumb. The test is performed in the forward (to the little finger) and reverse (from the little finger) order. First with each hand separately, then together.

Lacing (over the edge).

"It's fun to be friends together."

Communication exercise"Centipede".

Purpose: development of skills of interaction with peers.

Instructions: Group members stand one behind the other, holding on to the waist in front of the person standing. At the instructor’s command, the “Centipede” starts moving forward, then crouches, jumps on one leg, crawls between obstacles, etc. the main task participants - not to break the chain and save the "Centipede".

functional exercise"Color by numbers".

    "My victories and achievements."


An exercise“And goodbye, I wish ...”

Each participant in turn makes a wish to the other members of the group in oral or in the form of pantomime.

Lesson 2

Theme: "Orange"

Target:consolidation of knowledge about the features of work in a group, about group members; formation positive attitude to group members; removal of neuromuscular tension; development of social trust, social emotions; development of communication, cognitive skills.

Lesson progress:

    "Warming up".


Consolidation of acquaintance: an exercise"Snowball"with discussion.

In the exercise, acquaintance is consolidated. Children take turns calling the names of the previous members of the group, naming their own. Feelings in exercisediscussed under the guidance of a psychologist.

    "I'm learning to control myself!"

Breathing exercises"Balloon".

Instruction: “Imagine that now we will inflate balloons. Inhale the air, bring an imaginary balloon to your lips, puffing out your cheeks, slowly inflate it through parted lips. Follow with your eyes how your ball is getting bigger and bigger, as it grows, the patterns on it grow. Introduced? Blow carefully so that the balloon does not burst ... ". (the exercise can be repeated 3 times).


Instructions: Each participant should get on all fours, leaning on his knees and palms. For each step of the right hand and left foot, inhale, take your head back, bend your spine down. For each step of the left hand and right leg, exhale, hiss, lower the chin to the chest, arch the back up.

oculomotor exercise"Attentiveeyes"(see above).


Instructions: The child folds his left hand into a fist, thumb puts it aside, the fist turns its fingers towards itself. With the right hand, with a straight palm in a horizontal position, touches the little finger of the left. After that, he simultaneously changes the position of the right and left hands for 6-8 position changes. It is necessary to achieve a high speed of change of positions.

    "It's fun to be friends together."

mobile game"Sit down, get up."

Instructions: Everyone stands face to face and back in a circle with their hands on each other's shoulders. Sit down and stand up without removing your hands. You can do the exercise at a different pace with different music.

functional exercise"Assemble the Square".

Instruction: The child is invited to assemble a square from different parts(the number of parts is different, in order of increase).

4 .“My victories and achievements”.

Summarizing. Reflection.


An exercise“And goodbye, I wish ...”(see instructions above).

Lesson 3

Theme: "Blue"

Target:formation of a positive attitude towards group members; removal of neuromuscular tension; development of social trust, social emotions; development of communication, cognitive skills; development of self-regulation mechanisms.

Lesson progress:

"Warming up".

Greetings. Repetition of the rules of work in the group.

"I'm learning to control myself!"

Breathing exercises"Inflate the balloon".

Target: reduction of emotional stress, diagnostics emotional state, the development of the imagination.

Instruction: Each member of the group chooses a ball of the color he likes. Inflates him. Draws a pattern on the ball with a marker.


I.p .: main stance, arms bent to the shoulders.

Instructions: On the count of 1-2-3, the left leg is set aside, the right leg is bent. Hands up ("algae" reach for the sun). At the expense of 4 - the starting position.

On the count of 5-6-7, the right leg is set aside, the left is bent. At the expense of 8 - the starting position.

oculomotor exercise"Attentive Eyes"(Instr. See above)

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: self-massage of the fingers, an exercise using matches"Well".

"It's fun to be friends together."

mobile game"Prince on Tips".

Instructions: Children sit in a circle. The tiptoe prince (princess) approaches one of the group members with quiet, inaudible steps, lightly touches the tip of his nose and moves on to the next. The one whose nose is touched by the prince must also silently follow him. He becomes a member of the royal retinue. The retinue will increase until all the participants of the exercise enter it. At this moment, the prince turns to his retinue, opens his arms and says: “Thank you, gentlemen!”. After that, everyone returns to their places.

functional exercise"Alphabet".

Instruction: Upper letter each line is spoken aloud. The lower letter indicates the movement of the hands: L - left hand rises in left side; P - the right hand rises to the right side; B - both hands rise up (the instruction can be complicated by adding the movement of the legs).

The exercise is performed in sequence from the first letter to the last, then vice versa. You can make a poster or individual cards with letters.

"My victories and achievements."

Summarizing. Reflection.


An exercise“And goodbye, I wish ...”(see instructions above)

Lesson 4

Theme: "Pink".

Target:formation of a positive attitude towards group members; removal of neuromuscular tension; developing the ability to feel the mood and empathize with others; development of communication, cognitive skills; development of self-regulation mechanisms.

Lesson progress:

"Warming up".

Greetings. Repetition of the rules of work in the group.

"I'm learning to control myself!"

Breathing exercises"A blade of grass".

I.p .: sitting on the floor, legs apart and bent at the knees, arms along the body, head down.

At the expense of 1-2-3-4, the hands are joined by palms, slowly rise up (depicting a sprout, looking at the raised hands), take a deep breath through the nose.

At the expense of 5-6-7-8, the starting position (slowly lower your hands, exhale through your mouth, lips with a tube).


And. P.:kneeling, hands on the belt.

1-sit on the floor to the side, putting forward your right hand,


3 the same to the left side,


Run 5-7 times.

oculomotor exercise"Attentive Eyes"(see instructions above)

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: self-massage of the fingers, exercise"Fist, rib, palm."

Instruction: children are shown three positions of the hand on the plane of the table, successively replacing each other. The palm is on the plane, the palm is clenched into a fist, the palm is on the edge of the table, the palm is straightened on the plane of the table. Children perform the test together with the coach, then from memory for 8-10 repetitions of the motor program. Test run first right hand, then left, then both hands together.

"It's fun to be friends together."

mobile game"In the forest clearing."

Instruction: the facilitator invites the children to imagine that they are in a sun-drenched clearing. From all sides, forest dwellers ran to her from all sides and flocked - all kinds of insects, cockroaches.

It sounds like upbeat music. Grasshoppers bounce high, bend their paws, jump merrily across the clearing. Butterflies flutter from flower to flower. The bugs buzz and fly from blade of grass to blade of grass. Caterpillars crawl between the stems. Perky ants scurry to and fro.

functional exercise"We train emotions."

    Frown like: an autumn cloud, an angry person.

    Get angry like: an evil sorceress, a hungry wolf, two sheep on the bridge.

    To be frightened like: a hare that saw a wolf, a kitten that an angry dog ​​barks at.

    Smile like: a cat in the sun, a sly fox, etc.

"My victories and achievements."

Summarizing. Reflection.


An exercise “And goodbye, I wish ...”(see instructions


Lesson 5

Theme: "Lilac"


Lesson progress:

"Warming up".

Greetings. Repetition of the rules of work in the group.

"I'm learning to control myself!"

Breathing exercises "Funny Sounds".

Inhale, pause, exhale, pause. Children are invited to vocalize on the exhale, singing individual sounds (“a”, “o”, “u”, etc.) and their combinations.


I.p. - sitting on the floor. Children are invited to alternately strain the left and right halves of the body, then the upper and lower halves of the body.

oculomotor exercise"Attentive Eyes"(see instructions above).

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: self-massage of the fingers, exercise"Forks, spoons, knives."

Children are shown three positions of the hand, successively replacing each other. Palm with splayed fingers-fork; palm up fingers closed-spoon; palm edge, movement of hands in opposite side- knives. Children perform the test together with the trainer, then from memory.

"It's fun to be friends together."

mobile game "Breeze".

Instructions: line up in a column one at a time. Circle movement. Under the word "breeze" the direction of movement changes.

functional exercise "Living Sculpture".

Instruction: children are shown any illustration from a book, a cartoon or a reproduction of an artist's painting. A group of children conveys the poses, facial expressions, mood of the characters.

"My victories and achievements."

Summarizing. Reflection.


An exercise "Connecting Thread".

Instruction: the children sit in a circle, passing each other a ball of thread so that everyone who is already holding it takes up the thread. The transfer of the ball is accompanied by statements about how they feel now, what they want for themselves and what they can wish for others. Adult starts. When the ball returns to the leader, the children pull the thread and close their eyes, imagine that they are one whole, that each of them is important and significant in this whole.

Lesson 6

Theme: "Yellow".

Target:removal of neuromuscular tension; development of self-regulation; development of communication, cognitive skills.

Lesson progress:

"Warming up".

Greetings. Repetition of the rules of work in the group.

"I'm learning to control myself!"

Breathing exercises "Sounds".

Instructions: Inhale deeply. Wrap the ears from the top point to the lobe. Hold the breath. Exhale with an open strong sound a-ah-ah (alternate with the sounds s-s-s, woo, oh-oh-oh).

Stretching"Swinging Tree".

Instruction: children are invited to imagine themselves as some kind of tree. The roots are the legs, the trunk is the trunk, the crown is the arms and head. The wind begins to blow, and the tree sways smoothly - leans right and left (3-5), forward and backward. During the exercise, you must strive to observe the rhythm of breathing.

oculomotor exercise"Attentive Eyes"(see instructions above)

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: self-massage of the fingers, exercise"Lock".

Instructions: cross your arms with your palms facing each other, clasp your hands in a lock, twist your arms towards you. Move the finger indicated by the presenter. The finger should move accurately and clearly. You can't touch your finger. Consistently, all fingers should participate in the exercise. In the future, children can do the exercise in pairs.

"It's fun to be friends together."

mobile game "Cat and Sparrow".

Instructions: a cat lies in the designated circle, the rest of the sparrows stand outside the circle. On a signal, they jump in and out of the circle. The task of the cat is to grab the sparrow by the legs. The one who has never been caught wins.

functional exercise "Graphic dictation".

Instruction: the children are given leaflets in a cage, at the command of the leader they begin to carry out the “drawing” according to the given instruction on the command (for example: 1 cell to the right, 2 cells down, etc.)

"My victories and achievements."

Summarizing. Reflection.


An exercise Wishes in front of the mirror.

Instructions: (sitting in a circle) each child makes a wish in front of the mirror, passing it in turn to the neighbor on the right. When the mirror is returned to the facilitator, the children in unison wish the group a happy day.

Lesson 7

Theme: "Red".

Target:removal of neuromuscular tension; development of self-regulation; development of communication, cognitive skills.

Lesson progress:

"Warming up".

Greetings. Repetition of the rules of work in the group.

"I'm learning to control myself!"

Breathing exercises "One-two."

Instructions: straight arms extended forward or to the sides at shoulder level, palms looking down. With inhalation, raise the left hand up, while lowering the right hand down (movement only in the wrist joint). With an exhalation - the left hand down. Right up.


Instruction: children are invited to imagine that he has just made a snowman. The body should be tense, like frozen snow. Spring came, the sun warmed up, and the snowman began to melt. First, the head “melts” and hangs, then the shoulders drop, the arms relax, etc. At the end of the exercise, the child gently falls on the mat and lies like a puddle of water. You need to relax.

The sun warmed up, the water in the puddle began to evaporate and turned into a light cloud. The wind blows and drives the cloud across the sky.

oculomotor exercise"Attentive Eyes"(see instructions above)

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: self-massage of the fingers, exercise"Trace the dots"(distribute completed task forms).

"It's fun to be friends together."

mobile game "Herons and Frogs".

Instruction: two drivers are selected, these are “herons”, all the rest are “frogs”. Herons in the houses are located on both sides of the hall, standing on one leg. On one side of the hall, the Frogs receive sp. emphasis crouching, knees apart.

Presenter: Frogs jump in the swamp (children jump in place, crouching, leaning on their hands)

Frogs croak in the swamp (children croak while sitting).

Frogs catch mosquitoes (children jump up from an emphasis crouching with cotton pads).

Rain! (children jump frog-like in the opposite direction of the hall). Herons at this time, jumping on one or the other leg, catch frogs. The most agile heron is the one that catches the most frogs.

functional exercise "Labyrinth"(children are given ready-made forms with a maze, the task is to find a way out of the maze as quickly as possible).

"My victories and achievements."

Summarizing. Reflection.


An exercise "Wish by pantomime".

Lesson 8

Theme: "Emerald"

Target:removal of neuromuscular tension; development of self-regulation; development of communication, cognitive skills.

Lesson progress:

"Warming up".

Greetings. Repetition of the rules of work in the group.

"I'm learning to control myself!"

Breathing exercises "Feather".

Instruction: children are invited to mentally imagine a feather, toss it up easily, take a deep breath, and exhale slowly so that the feather "does not fall to the ground." Repeat 3-4 times.

Etude"Sunny Bunny".

Directions: Children sit in a circle. The host says: “The sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further across the face. Gently stroke him with your palms: on his forehead, nose, mouth, cheeks, chin, gently stroke, so as not to frighten away, his head, neck, tummy, arms, legs, he climbed into the collar - stroke him there too. He is not a mischievous, he loves and caresses you, and you stroke and make friends with him. Smile at him."

oculomotor exercise"Attentive Eyes"(see instructions above)

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: self-massage of the fingers; an exercise"Rain Splashes".

Instruction: children put their fingers together and with precise small movements depict the spraying of drops into different sides unclenching fingers in accordance with the rhythm: drip-drip-drip ...

"It's fun to be friends together."

Communication game "Unexpected pictures».

Instruction: participants sit in a circle and receive a felt-tip pen of the color they like and a signed piece of paper. At the command of the leader, the children begin to draw some kind of picture, then, at the next command, they pass it on to the neighbor on the right. They receive an unfinished picture from the neighbor on the left and continue to draw it. Pass until they have made a full circle and the children have the picture they have begun to draw. The discussion of the results.

functional exercise "Mill".

Instructions: the exercise is performed while standing. Children are encouraged to make simultaneous circular movements of the arm and leg. First left hand and left foot, right hand and right foot, left hand and right foot, right hand and left foot. First, the rotation is performed forward, then backward, then the arm forward, and the foot back.

.“My victories and achievements”.

Summarizing. Reflection.


An exercise "Wish - movement".

Lesson 9

Theme: Raspberry.

Lesson progress:

"Warming up".

"I'm learning to control myself!"

Breathing exercises "Up and down".

Instructions: straight arms extended forward or to the sides at shoulder level, palms looking down. With an inhale, raise your left hand up while lowering your right hand down. Exhaling - left hand down, right hand up

Stretching "Rays".

Instructions: alternating tension and relaxation:

    neck, back, buttocks;

    right shoulder, arm, hand, right side, thigh, leg, foot;

    left shoulder, arm, hand, left side, thigh, leg, foot;

Oculomotor exercise "Attentive

eyes "(see instructions above)

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: self-massage of the fingers; exercise "Cinderella" - children are invited to sort out different cereals into cups.

"It's fun to be friends together."

Communicative game "Boastful".

Functional exercise "Counting - mumbling".

Instruction: the facilitator asks the children to repeat the phrase: "A bull is walking, swinging." They must say this phrase several times in a row. At 1 time they pronounce all three words aloud, at 2 times they pronounce aloud only the words “a bull is coming”, and they pronounce the word “swings” to themselves, while clapping their hands once. 3 times they say out loud only the word “goes”, and the words “bull, swings” are pronounced to themselves, accompanying each word with a clap of their hands. 4 times the children say all three words to themselves, replacing them with three claps.

"My victories and achievements."

Summarizing. Reflection.


Exercise "Wish - Association".

Lesson 10

Theme: "Rainbow".

Purpose: removal of neuromuscular tension; development of self-regulation; development of communication, cognitive skills.

Lesson progress:

"Warming up".

Greetings. Repetition of the rules of work in the group.

"I'm learning to control myself!"

Breathing exercises "Freeze".

Instructions: Take a deep breath, slowly raise your arms to chest level. Hold your breath, focus on the middle of the palms. Exhale slowly, lower your arms along the body.

Stretch "Octopus".

Instructions: Lying or sitting on the floor, make smooth movements with your arms and legs, imitating an octopus swimming in the water.

Oculomotor exercise "Attentive eyes". (see instructions above)

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: self-massage of the fingers, exercise "Pencil".

Instructions: Distribute ribbed pencils to the children, one per person. The task is to scroll the pencil between the palms at a different pace, touch it between the fingers.

"It's fun to be friends together."

Communicative game "Paired images".

Instruction: children are given cards with different images e.g., mushroom-spruce, hare-carrot, etc. The guys depict the image with their bodies, each finds a suitable pair for himself and silently stands next to her. Then the participants name what images they have been in.

Functional exercise “Who flies? (jumps, swims, etc.)”.

Instructions: Children sit in a semicircle. The host calls the objects, if the object flies - the children raise their hands, if not - they stomp their feet.

"My victories and achievements."

Summarizing. Reflection.


Exercise "Gift"

Instructions: Children are given pre-prepared postcards with names. The task is to write a wish to a group member. Each child gives his postcard to the neighbor on the right, and on the postcard received from the neighbor on the left write good wishes and pass it on until a postcard with his name comes to the child.


    1. Belousova E.D., Nikiforova M.Yu. attention deficit disorder

hyperactivity. / Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics. - 2000. - No. 3. - p.39-42

    1. Bryazgunov I.P., Kasatikova E.V. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. Honey. Practice. - M.: PER SE, 2002.

      Bryazgunov I.P., Kasatikova E.V. Restless child, or all about hyperactive children. - M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2001. - 96 p.

      Badalyan L.O. Neuropathology. M.: Enlightenment, - 2000. - 378 p.

      Bryazgunov I.P., Kasatikova E.V. Restless child, or all about hyperactive children. - M .: Publishing house of the Institute of Psychotherapy, - 2001. - 96 p.

      Burlachuk L.F., Morozov S.M. Dictionary-reference book on psychodiagnostics. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Peter", - 2000. - 528 p.

      Zavadenko N.N. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children // School psychologist. - 2000. - No. 4. - p. 2-6.

      Zavadenko N.N. Hyperactivity and attention deficit childhood. M .: "Academy", - 2005. - 256 p.

      Zavadenko N.N. How to understand a child: children with hyperactivity and attention deficit // Medical Pedagogy and Psychology. Supplement to the journal "Defectology". Issue 5. M .: School-Press, - 2000. - 112 p.

      Monina G., Lyutova E. Work with a "special" child // First of September. - 2000. - No. 10. - with. 7-8.

      Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults: psycho-corrective work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children. M.: Genesis, - 2002. - 192 p.

      Nikanorova M.Yu. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder / Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics. 2000. No. 3. – 48 s.

      Oakland V. Windows on the child's world: A guide to child psychology / Perev. from English. - M.: Independent firm "Class", 2000.- 336 p.

      Russell L. Barkley, Christina M. Benton Your Naughty Child. - St. Petersburg: Peter 2004.

      Politics O.I. Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. St. Petersburg: Speech, - 2005. - 208 p.

      Semago N.Ya., Semago M.M. Problem children: the basics of diagnostic and corrective work of a psychologist. – M.: ARKTI, 2000. – 208 p.

      Sirotyuk A.L. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. - M.: TC Sphere, 2003. -125 p.

      Sirotyuk A.L. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Diagnostics, correction and practical advice parents and teachers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2003 - 125 p.

      Stepanov S.V. In search of brakes // School psychologist. - 2000. - No. 4. - p. 9-10.

      Shevchenko Yu.S. Correction of the behavior of children with hyperactivity and psychopathic syndrome. - Samara, 1997. - 58 p.

      Yaremenko B.R., Yaremenko A.B., Goryainova T.B. brain dysfunction in children. - St. Petersburg: Salit - Medkniga, 2002. - 128 p.

Individual support under the correctional and developmental program "Correction of the emotional and personal sphere"

The emotional-personal sphere is a complex phenomenon of a person's mental life. Every year the number of children with all kinds of disorders in the development of the emotional and personal sphere increases.

Adolescence is characterized as a period in which the balance that has developed in the previous childhood is disturbed due to the emergence of a powerful factor of puberty, and a new one has not yet been found (Vygodsky L.S.). This definition emphasizes two points that are key to understanding the biological side of the problem of adolescent crises: the role of the process of puberty and the role of instability of the nervous system.

A teenager may experience the following behavioral manifestations: frequent mood swings, depression, restlessness, poor concentration, irritability, impulsivity, anxiety, aggression, and problem behavior. Of course biological factors(hormonal changes) are not decisive: an important influence on the development of a teenager is exerted by the environment and, above all, social environment. Adolescence is a time of important changes in the child's personality; with normal ontogenesis, this period is problematic in all respects.

Given the fact that adolescence is one of the critical ages during which the greatest likelihood of experiencing feelings of anxiety and excitement arises, it is necessary to look for ways to reduce the emotional tension of adolescents. Some teenagers start smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, explaining this by the fact that it is the only way relieve tension.

Target: promoting the process of emotional and personal development, improving subjective well-being, strengthening mental health, the formation of skills of self-determination, self-regulation for the successful socialization of the individual.


    Learn to apply the methods of auto-training, breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, meditation to relieve psycho-emotional stress.

    Contribute to the formation of the necessary volitional qualities and the ability to volitional regulation of behavior based on conscious motives.

    Motivate for the formation of primary skills of introspection.

    Give the concept of the emotional-personal sphere.

Number of classes - 5.

The lessons use following methods:

1. Relaxation methods.

  • respiratory;


    bodily oriented;

    art therapy.

2. Art therapy method.

3. Game methods;

Methodical materials: room with play and relaxation areas.

Before conducting classes under this program, a diagnostic block is conducted using the following methods:

Methods of observation and conversation;

Projective test Luscher;

Projective technique " Wonderland feelings";

Affiliation Motivation Methodology;

Scale of reactive and personal anxiety.

At the end of the classes, the same psychodiagnostic block is carried out.

Thematic planning


    training in skills for quick recovery, relieving mental stress;

    reducing the level of anxiety, getting out of a stressful situation;

1. Exercise: "Two minutes of rest."Target: the ability to quickly take a break from psychological stress. Carrying out the exercise:“Sit comfortably in your chair, put your hands on your knees, lean back against the back of the chair. Close your eyes. Move your mind to where you feel good. Perhaps this is a familiar place for you, where you like to visit and relax. Maybe this is your dream place. Stay there... Do what you are accustomed to doing there. Or do nothing, whatever you want. Stay there for a while….” Having given the instruction, the psychologist carefully observes the change in the state of the teenager, brings him into full harmonization and positive attitude.

2. Exercise: "Mask".Target: integration of one's own "I - image". Self-acceptance through self-esteem. Equipment: sheets of paper; colored pencils or markers;Carrying out the exercise: the leader suggests making a mask. The main thing is that the mask reflects his inner world, characterizes the participant in the game. An oval is drawn on a piece of paper according to the size of the participant's face, a place is determined for the eyes and mouth. Then, with the help of paints, pencils, magazine clippings and other materials, the mask is painted and shaped. When making a mask, there are no rules: the participant himself must come up with it and put it on paper. The mask must be cut out, put on the face. Then the mask "comes to life" and speaks about itself. Reflection exercises: What caused the difficulty in making the mask? How is a mask different from the real you?

3. Exercise: "Breathing".Target: Carrying out the exercise:“Sit on a chair. Close your eyes and relax. Focus only on your own breathing. Inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale. Do not try to change its natural course, just try not to get out of relaxation, remember how you breathe at rest, fix the pattern of your own breathing. It is very important to track the rhythm of breathing in a relaxed state, so that later, with the help of breathing, you can always calm down and relax.

    visualization of the emotional state at the beginning of the lesson;

    learn to deal with muscle tension;

    form in the brain muscle memory for a state of relaxation;

    visualization of emotional states.

1. Exercise: "Mood" (taken from the system of N. Rogers) "How to remove the sediment after an unpleasant conversation."Instruction: take a blank sheet of paper and colored pencils, draw an abstract plot with your left hand relaxed: lines, color spots, shapes. At the same time, it is important to completely immerse yourself in your experiences, choose a color and draw lines the way you want, in full accordance with your mood. Try to imagine what you are going through: a sad mood, how you materialize it. Finished drawing? Now turn the paper over and on the other side of the sheet write 5-7 words that reflect your mood. Do not think for a long time, it is necessary that the words arise without special control on your part. After that, look at your drawing again, as if re-experiencing your state, re-read the words and emotionally tear the sheet with pleasure, throw it into the trash. Only 5 minutes, and your emotionally unpleasant state has already disappeared. It turned into a drawing and was destroyed by you.

2. An exercise: "Relaxation through tension" . Target: learn how to deal with muscle tension; moreover, we must form a muscle memory in our brain for a state of relaxation.Carrying out the exercise:First, we should learn the position of the body in which you can achieve tension in all its muscles. Therefore, first do each of the tasks separately, and then learn how to combine them together.

- Tension of the muscles of the hand - squeeze your fingers into a fist with force.

- Tension of the muscles of the forearm - to the maximum bend the hands in the wrist joint.

- Tension of the muscles of the shoulder and shoulder girdle - spread your arms to the sides at shoulder level and bend them at the elbows (two elbows and shoulders should be at the same level and form a kind of stake, a hard stick).

- Tension of the muscles of the shoulder blades - bring the shoulder blades together and from this position pull down, bending in the lower back.

-Facial muscle tension - frown your eyebrows, close your eyes (as if soap has got into them) and bring them to the bridge of your nose, wrinkle your nose (as if you felt bad smell), clench your jaw and spread the corners of your mouth to the sides.

– Tension of the neck muscles – imagine that you are tilting your head forward, but you cannot do it, because you are running into an imaginary insurmountable obstacle: the neck is tense, and the head is neither forward nor backward.

- Tension of the abdominal muscles - pull the stomach in as much as possible, make it flat.

– Glute muscle tension – sit on a hard surface, feel that you are sitting on your buttocks (swing on them from side to side to be sure).

- Tension of the muscles of the perineum - simultaneously with the tension of the muscles of the abdominal press and buttocks, pull the perineum into you.

– Tension of the thigh muscles – from a sitting position, stretch your legs forward at a right angle.

- Tension of the muscles of the lower leg - move the feet towards you and slightly towards the center (depict a clubfoot).

- Tension of the muscles of the foot - bend the toes.

3. Exercise " Spectromaps». Target: visualization of their emotional states.Instruction: Photos are placed on the floor or table. The facilitator indicates the topic with which the chosen photo should be associated - feelings at the moment the lesson begins. Participants are invited to carefully consider the cards, choose one or two of them, associating with the designated topic. The choice comes intuitively. Already at this stage, the actualization of the meanings associated with perceived photographs begins, the immersion of the participants in the lesson into their inner world.

    formation of self-image;

    search for personal resources;

    reducing the level of anxiety.

1. Exercise "Sun". Target: form a child's understanding of himself and his strengths.Carrying out the exercise: the child is given the task to draw the sun, then on each of its rays write their own positive traits. Completing the task can take a lot of time, as it is difficult for teenagers to come up with their own positive qualities. For each quality, the facilitator asks questions: What is this quality? How does it manifest itself in actions? Why do you like it? What benefit does it bring to you? What harm can be from this quality? How strong is it in you? When communicating with what people it does not manifest itself?

2. Exercise: "Cloud". Target: to form a child's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhimself and weaknesses, to search for personality resources.Carrying out the exercise: the child is given the task to draw a cloud, then write his own ideas on it. negative qualities. Completing the task can take a lot of time, as it is difficult for teenagers to come up with their own negative qualities. For each quality, the facilitator asks questions: What is this quality? How does it manifest itself in actions? Why do you like it? What benefit does it bring to you? What harm can be from this quality? How strong is it in you? When communicating, with what people does it not manifest itself?

    self acceptance;

    self-care training;

    training in skills for quick recovery, relieving mental stress.

2. Exercise "Love yourself." Target: teach the child to be attentive to himself, respect and accept himself.Carrying out the exercise: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths in and out... Imagine a mirror. Huge - a huge mirror in a light - red frame. Take a handkerchief and wipe the mirror as clean as possible, so that it is all shiny and shining ... Imagine that you are standing in front of this mirror. Can you see yourself? If yes, then give me a sign with your hand. (Wait for most of the students to give you a sign.) Look at your lips and the color of your eyes... Look at how you look when you shake your head a little... Look at your shoulders and chest. Look how you lower and raise your shoulders... Can you see your legs? Look how high you can jump... You're good at it! Now imagine that your reflection is smiling and lovingly looking at you... Look at your hair! What color are they? Take a comb and comb your hair while looking in the mirror in front of you. Comb your hair as usual... Look into the smiling eyes of your reflection. Let your eyes sparkle and glow with joy as you look into the mirror. Get some air into your lungs and blow some little sparks of light into your eyes. (At these words, inhale deeply and exhale loudly and distinctly. Repeat your request to the children - add sparkle to the eyes.) Try to see the golden glow around your eyes. Let your eyes look completely happy. Now look at your face in the mirror. Say to yourself: “My face is smiling. I like to smile. It makes me feel better.” If your face is still serious, then turn your serious face into one huge and contented smile. Show your teeth to the mirror. You did great! Now look at your body in the mirror and enlarge it. Let your shoulders become completely even and straight. Try to feel how nice it is to stand proud and like yourself. And, looking at yourself from head to toe, repeat after me: “I love myself! I love me! I love me!" (Say these words with great enthusiasm and very emotional.) Do you feel how nice it is? You can repeat these words to yourself whenever you want to feel happy and content. Try to feel with your whole body how you say: “I love myself!” In what part of the body do you feel it? Show your hand to this place where you feel your “I love myself!” Remember well how your body reflects your “I love myself!” Now we will discuss this. And now you can return to our class again. Stretch, tense and relax your body a little and open your eyes ... At the end of this fantasy, ask all the children to say the phrase in unison - confirmation “I love myself! » Ask students where in their body they feel this love. The children can then draw their own image. They can work in pairs, with each child drawing the outline of their partner on a large piece of paper. Then this contour is painted and turned into a smiling and happy portrait. Students can characterize certain parts of the body with positive adjectives. For example: “my beautiful brown eyes”, “my golden skillful hands”, etc. Reflection: Why do some people love themselves? Why do some people hate themselves? Why do some people rarely have pleasant thoughts about themselves? What can you do to feel good about yourself more often? What makes you happy?

2. Exercise: "Relaxation » . Target: for quick rest and relaxation.Carrying out the exercise:sit comfortably on chairs, relax your muscles, put your hands comfortably, close your eyes. Try not to think about anything, relax on chairs... You are comfortable... Eyes are closed... Do you completely reduce them to avoid failures.

    reducing the level of anxiety, getting out of a stressful situation.

1. Exercise: "Situation". Target: develop personal freedom and looseness to improve relationships and mutual assistance.Carrying out the exercise: you must come up with the reasons for the situation, as well as develop the situation further.Options: 1. “Sasha didn’t have time to learn her homework.” 2. “Maxim skipped class.” 3. "Tolya took his friend's tape recorder without permission." 4. “Roma came home to 12am". The reasons identified by the guys will help to better understand some of the actions. Show the reasons why parents get angry when a teenager comes home from a walk late, etc. The discussion helps show the participants that it is necessary to anticipate the consequences of their actions and to correlate their behavior with the reaction of those around them.

2. Exercise: "Discharge anxiety and fear." Target: getting rid of feelings of anxiety and fear. Age: 12-16 years old. Carrying out the exercise: Before you begin the exercise, you should make a list of all the people, places, and situations that cause anxiety, worry, or fear. Firstly, this exercise will help to understand what exactly causes these emotions, and secondly, it will help to reduce the number of sources and causes of this anxiety. This exercise can be performed not only after the feeling of anxiety has been experienced, but also at the very moment of the experience. Sit comfortably. Think of the people, places, or situations that are on the list, and verbally express any thoughts or feelings that come to mind, such as "I'm scared," "I'm worried," "I'm very worried about." Repeat phrases as quickly as possible. After a while, you will find yourself mumbling something incoherently to yourself. Pause at this point and see if another phrase comes to mind. When feelings come out, they leave the subconscious area once and for all and, therefore, this allows you to avoid such problems in the future.

Teacher-psychologist Ogurtsova A.A.

Svetlana Katanaeva


Katanaeva S.V.

Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten combined type № 10 "Dewdrop"


One of the most serious social problems faced with pedagogue-psychologist preschool educational institution, is a violation emotional and personal sphere of children and insufficient development communication skills. This is due to the excessive intellectualization" of education, "technologization" our life.

In recent years, there are more and more children with disorders of the emotional and personal sphere, which include emotional instability, hostility, aggressiveness, anxiety, self-doubt, the presence of fears in children. This leads to difficulties in relationships with others.

As L. S. Vygotsky wrote « Emotions are the centerpiece" mental life of a person, and, above all, of a child.

Modern children know much more than their peers 10-15 years ago, but they experience feelings of admiration and pleasure much less often. Unfortunately, emotional deficiency is often the cause different forms socio-psychological maladaptation.

That is why I have chosen one of the priority areas of my work " Correction and development of the emotional and personal sphere of preschool children».

As M. Gorky wrote, “Every person has a bell, and if you touch it, the person will ring with the most beautiful thing that he has.”

Based on the chosen direction, the following tasks were identified.

1. Correction of emotional and personal problems of children.

2. Reveal diversity to your child emotional world.

3. Form at children awareness of oneself as a person, understanding one's own uniqueness and the uniqueness of other people.

4. Develop ability to understand other people and their emotional condition.

5. Improvement children ability to adapt to different life situations.

Work in this direction began with diagnostics aimed at studying the level of aggressiveness, fears, anxiety, the formation of communication skills and child-parent relationships.

Based on the data obtained, emotionally-personal features children and formed correctional groups. The analysis of these data made it possible to determine the following directions work:

1. Corrective occupations of the teacher-psychologist with children.

2. Work with teachers of preschool educational institutions.

3. Working with parents children visiting remedial classes.

In my work with children, I use 2 programs, This:

The Animal Therapy program is a type of therapy that uses animals and their images to provide psychotherapeutic assistance.

In working with children, animal therapy is closely related to fairy tale therapy, puppet therapy, art therapy, game therapy, and body-oriented methods.

A feature of animal therapy is the possibility of expanding non-verbal behavior. Animals don't talk, they make sounds. And so children learn to understand the mood of the animal by the following signals: posture, movements, sight, sounds. This is very important because it is difficult for children to express their feelings and emotions in words.

In the classroom, children take on the role of an animal, copy its behavior and habits. At the same time, closed, indecisive, anxious children in the form of a dog learn to be active, to take the initiative. Conversely, active, aggressive, conflict children in the role of a cat learn to restrain and control their emotions and actions.

2. Plan-program of psychosocial development of children of senior preschool age. Author-compiler Katanaeva S.V.

The program consists of three blocks.

1. Motivational. In the classroom, children learn about themselves, their individuality, originality.

2. Cognitive. In these classes, children learn to understand the state of another, his characteristics, needs, notice changes in mood, emotional state.

3. Behavioral. In the classroom, children learn to choose socially acceptable forms of behavior in various situations, learn conflict-free communication.

But all this work is impossible without the creation necessary conditions. It is known that the environment is one of the means child personality development, the source of his individual knowledge and social experience. Therefore, when designing subject- developing environment for correctional and developmental the following conditions:

1. Sensory room (for emotional discharge, reduction emotional stress, relaxation).

2. Dolls, animal toys, masks

animals (for work

animal therapy program).

3. Soft carpet and pillows - funny little animals (to create atmosphere peace and security, as well as to establish emotional contact with children).

4. Elements of music therapy (for relaxation, removal of bodily, motor clamps).

5. Wide range of art therapy (for expression emotional state of children) .

6. "Mood Clock", "Books of Moods", "Cube emotions» (to get to know emotions, their external manifestations).

Of great importance in correction and development of the emotional and personal sphere

children has work with teachers. Since it is necessary to continue working with children in the kindergarten group. For this, they are used various forms work:

individual consultations

group consultations ( "Protection of the rights and dignity of a small child". "Child Safety in Kindergarten and Family" etc.)

workshops ( "Secrets of Good Discipline". "Introducing children with the emotional world of man» etc.)

acquaintance with animal therapy games and exercises for working with children ( "Menagerie", "Snail", "Octopus", "Cock-fights" other.)

memo ( "Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups". "Problems of personality development» . "Signs psycho-emotional stress in children» etc.)

Knowing the special susceptibility, subtle organization of spiritual life children, as well as the special importance of the family in the development of the personality of the child, I involve parents in development of the emotional and personal sphere of children. I use the following forms work:

individual consultations

group consultations ( Pets and their importance in child development» . How to instill discipline in a child. "Prevention emotional disorders in children» . "The role of the family microclimate in development parent-child relationship”, etc.)

survey ( "Animals are my friends", “My style of raising a child in a family”, "Organization of communication with children in the family")

workshops ( "Do you know how to communicate with your child".)

information in parent corners ( "Punishment or reward?" "What you need to know about emotional development children» "Fear of Animals". "The role of mother and father in mental development and education of children" etc.)

exhibition design "My Sweet and Tender Beast"

familiarization with games and elements of animal therapy techniques that allow you to regulate relationships in the family ( "Mouse and Cat", "Curious Cat", "Sleepy Bear", "Naughty Monkeys" other.)

results corrective work showed:

1. Decrease emotional and personal problems.

2. Stabilization emotional state.

3. Awareness of oneself as a person (awareness of one's individual characteristics).

4. Development of empathy ability to understand the state of another.

5. Unity of the children's team, development acceptable ways of interacting.

6. Optimization of parent-child relationships.


1. Agafonychev, V. Animal Therapy. Whiskers, paws, tail are our medicine [Text]. - St. Petersburg: Science and Technology, 2006. – 304 p.

2. Alyabyeva, E. A. Correctional and developmental classes for children of senior preschool age [Text] - M.: shopping center Sphere, 2003.

3. Kostina, L. M. Play therapy with anxious children [Text]. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003, - 160 p.

4. Kryazheva N. L. The cat and the dog rush to the rescue [Text]. - Yaroslavl: "Academy development» , "Academy, K", 2000. - 176 p.

5. Kryazheva N. L. The world of children emotions. Children 5-7 years old [Text]. - Yaroslavl: Academy development, 2000. - 160 p.

6. Panfilova, M. A. Game therapy communication: tests and correctional games [Text]. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2002. - 160s.

7. Practical seminars and trainings for teachers. - Issue. 1. Teacher and child nok: effective interaction[Text] / ed. - comp. E. V. Shitova, - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 171 p.

8. Formation of positive relationships between parents and children 5-7 years old: diagnostics, trainings, classes [Text] / ed. - comp. E. V. Korobitsyka. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 133 p.

9. Khukhlaeva, O. V. Ladder of joy [Text]. – M.: Ed. Perfection, 1998.