Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Mental shock or state of affect. Psychological shock trauma - its consequences and elimination

Unwilling to comply with the requirements of ordinary family and public life. In other cases, the cause of the disorder is emotional shock or a bereavement that a person cannot or does not want to come to terms with. In all these... the most normal conditions for average men and women; help them find theirs own way from the egocentric emotionally distorted vision of normal human life to an objective, sane and reasonable view of it, to the realization of the presence in ...

Silence and crescendo. The language of the heart is the language of feelings, moods, sensations. I don't mean rough emotional experiences that occur in emotional body. Feelings and sensations that come to our hearts are very subtle, barely perceptible, they exist behind ... we feel these peak states of awakening, which can last hours or days and weeks. But strong emotional shock, disease physical body, difficult external circumstances can again "pull" us out of this awakened state. ...

Individual, psychological natural quality of a person, which characterizes his ability to empathize, sympathy, understanding emotional the state of the people around you. Empathy is a natural natural manifestation of a person, present in almost ... discrimination emotional information, but due to the fact that they cannot always control it, periodically there is emotional overload. For example, when an empath is experiencing a strong emotional shock or long...

Repetition of past meetings, and preparation for the future. The emphasis is on the fact that the result of real experience and emotional reaction is very different from the result of a verbal discussion of past events and hidden feelings. Psychodramatic confrontation according to the principle ... psychodrama uses the concept of catharsis in the sense that Aristotle defined for it, - emotional shock and internal purification (in the same sense, Freud used the concept of catharsis, describing the affective ...

Personalities. Although psychodrama uses the concept of catharsis in the sense that Aristotle defined for it, emotional shock and internal cleansing (in the same sense used the concept of catharsis and Freud) has a healing effect. Moreno... time the audience may consist of people who do not take part in this psychodramatic situation, but emotionally I involve in the atmosphere of the lesson. According to Moreno, the distinction between traditional theater audiences and psychodrama audiences can be...

Pain is a particularly acute feeling that does not pass without a trace for a person. Any physiological or emotional turmoil can play quite serious role in the psychological state of a person. It should be understood that pain memory plays ... both a positive and a negative role. For example, complex emotional shock, deposited in a person’s memory, often becomes the cause of depression, fear of continuing normal life, creating a family...

Tearful, somehow “frightened” and categorically refuses to enter the elevator. Many parents whose child has had a severe emotional shock, trying to distract him, come up with all sorts of entertainment events - movies, carousels, gifts. But the child is even stronger... dark or blood stains and drawings of violence. 3. In a situation of stress, the child, more than ever, needs emotional contact with loved ones. A child who is closed in experiences should be hugged as often as possible, pressed to himself, ...

A small stress mobilizes the body, activates the defenses, in small doses such an emotional load does not harm a person. But a long and strong traumatic factor has serious consequences. Health suffers, adaptive mechanisms and resources decrease, and it increases. How to recover after a hard experience? What to do when emotional shock does not allow you to fully live?

Causes and signs of severe stress

Strong emotional shock can affect anyone. Psychologists have developed a stress scale that includes the main traumatic categories. The first places on the scale are occupied by the death of a relative or friend, divorce and loneliness. In the last places are family quarrels, promotions and weddings. Even positive life events can cause increased stress.

The main symptoms of severe stress:

  1. A person fixes on negative events. His thoughts are occupied with disturbing experiences, the experienced shock cannot be removed. simple ways such as physical activity.
  2. Disturbed expression of emotions. A person is irritated, prone to outbursts of anger and rage, the symptoms of stress indicate a shattered nervous system. Some symptoms indicate a dullness of feelings, the inability to experience joy, orgasm, to enjoy life.
  3. Is collapsing interpersonal communication. After a trauma, an individual breaks off friendships, avoids communication, and strives for loneliness.
  4. High intensity stress provokes the development mental illness. The risk group includes people who have experienced violence in childhood, victims of violent crimes and others. In this case, the symptoms are associated with a violation of adaptation. A severe shock is reflected in dreams and becomes a deep inner experience.
  5. Abuse of alcohol, toxic and narcotic substances.
  6. Suicidal thoughts.

Symptoms of severe stress are more acute in women and the elderly. In childhood, on the contrary, boys experience emotional trauma more painfully than girls.

How stress affects the body

The consequences of an acute experience also affect health. It can be difficult to relieve symptoms after stress, as a person turns to narrow specialists, but does not treat the main cause - anxiety. Basic on the body:

  1. Increased blood pressure, headache, tachycardia.
  2. After the experienced shock, the work of the immune system is disrupted, the protective functions of the body are reduced.
  3. The consequences of stress are manifested in the form of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Heartburn, gastritis, stool disorders, constipation - this is an incomplete list of stomach diseases due to severe anxiety.
  4. Women have symptoms of thrush, dryness and burning during intercourse. Some women have menstrual irregularities.
  5. The skin is suffering. Eczema, itching, rash of unknown origin - these are the consequences after experienced stress.

Symptoms may indicate deep trauma for example, pain during intercourse after abuse. In most cases, people who have experienced a tragedy need psychotherapeutic treatment.

Stress Relief Methods

What to do in a situation of strong emotion?

  • First option - .
  • The second option is by contacting a doctor.

What methods can be used to relieve severe stress? Let's look at a few tricks.

  1. Method of Dr. Vetoz. To streamline the emotional state and cope with anxiety, you can use imaginary generation. Close your eyes, begin to mentally draw the sign of infinity - a horizontal figure eight. Represent the sign on a black board, draw it with chalk.
  2. Breathing techniques. Doing the exercises is easy, just get to the point correct breathing. For example, with severe anxiety, start listening to your breathing, track your inhalation and exhalation.
  3. affirmative formulas. You can remove fear and nervous experience with the help of special formulas in the form of a positive phrase. It is worth pronouncing it to yourself in a situation of unexpected shock. Example: "Stop. I'm calm" or "Stop. The fear is gone."
  4. Switch from problem. You can get away from negative thoughts after an experienced trauma by switching to another activity. Physical activity, singing aloud, active dancing, running in the morning, breeding decorative birds. Any vigorous activity will help relieve stress. Immersion in yourself is dangerous, negative thoughts will interfere with life.
  5. meditation techniques. Teaching oriental practices is effective. It is pleasant to do meditation, it calms, relaxes, relieves anxiety.
  6. Massage, acupuncture, leech treatment. Relieve stress with non-traditional methods can be combined with additional treatment.

What to do if the above methods do not help? Try to resort to prayer, faith saves in many difficult situations.

Video:"How to Deal with Stress"

Methods of treatment

Severe effects of stress must be removed with the help of a specialist. The doctor will assess the general condition, select the treatment, help recover from strong experiences, and relieve the symptoms. The main treatment includes a combination of psychotherapeutic techniques and medications. The approximate program includes the following procedures:

  1. Doctors' examinations. Therapist, physiotherapist, cardiologist and others.
  2. Consultation of a psychotherapist, designation of the course of work.
  3. Appointment of tests according to indications.
  4. To relieve the effects of stress, you should regularly attend classes with a psychotherapist. Work can be done individually or in a group.
  5. Therapeutic relaxation gymnastics. It should be done regularly, then the effect will be long-lasting.
  6. AT drug treatment includes prescribing anti-anxiety medications. It can be a sedative based on herbs, for example, "Persen" or a sedative based on chemical components, for example, "Afobazol". Potent drugs are prescribed only by a doctor, based on the patient's condition.
  7. In maintenance therapy, therapists necessarily include proper nutrition, vitamin complexes, and adherence to the daily routine.

To remove the consequences after an emotional shock requires a long work. Treatment can be supplemented with complex programs, which include herbal medicine, coniferous baths, shower-massage and other methods.

You can deal with the effects of severe stress, modern techniques allow you to remove the alarm qualitatively and in a short time. But work on the treatment of tension should be done regularly, without abandoning the proposed methods.

How to deal with a major shock

When great shocks, crises, misfortunes or, conversely, great victories happen in our lives, we cannot recover from these shocks for a very long time. To forget about them, to let go of these shocks is not in our power. They carry too much energy in themselves. It is perfectly normal to remember those old experiences, try to comprehend them and learn some lesson from them.
But everything has a statute of limitations, and our upheavals are no exception to this universal rule. And that statute of limitations is much shorter than we think. In the old days, when traditions were strong, the statute of limitations was clearly defined. Holidays, military victories, family celebrations - a certain number of days were assigned for all this. Mourning was also limited. All this made great sense. Restrictions on the days of celebration or days of mourning kept a person within certain boundaries, did not allow him to wallow in experiences.

Exercise "Preparing for the Olympics"

Do you think it's a big shock to win or lose at the Olympics?
Of course, standing on the podium, as well as realizing that you lost some fraction of a second to your opponent, is one of the biggest shocks in life. But no athlete experiences them again and again. As soon as they finish Olympic Games, athletes begin to prepare for new competitions.

It makes a lot of sense and you should do the same. After all, it is not known what fate is preparing for you. Yesterday you experienced a defeat or a loss. And tomorrow, perhaps, an incredible take-off or a fateful meeting awaits you. Let the dead past bury its dead. Live in the present - the only way you can adequately meet tomorrow.

Whenever something happens to you that shakes you to the core, look at it from the perspective of an Olympic athlete. It doesn't matter if you win or lose. The important thing is that ahead is a new Olympiad. And you need to start training, that is, to act.
Rather, forget about the experience and start working on new achievements.

Exercise "Escalator"

This practice will help you forget about past misfortunes, failures or losses. And find the strength to move forward.
It can be done anywhere where you can close your eyes and be silent. In whatever position you are - sitting, standing or lying down - freeze, close your eyes.
Imagine that you are at the foot of an escalator going up. You know that now you a common person, with normal abilities. This escalator is the path to new success. When you ride it to the very top, you will find yourself in a special state of consciousness in which superpowers are revealed. Once at the top, you will feel an extraordinary surge of physical and mental strength.
Imagine that you take a step and stand on the bottom step of the escalator. It carries you up to a source of bright light. This light envelops you, and in the end, you find yourself at the very top, you merge with the source of this light. Feel the soft warmth emanating from the depths of your being.
Take three deep breaths and open your eyes. You have received the necessary energy and now you can do anything!

Exercise "Release the guilt"

What do you do when guilt keeps you from forgetting the past? If you feel like you've done something wrong in the past and it's bothering you, you can do this practice.
Take a piece of paper and at the very top write:
Everything I did was wrong
Next, in a column, write down all the most important mistakes that you would not have made today; things you regret, words you'd rather never say. During one exercise, you may not remember everything. But this is not required. Write down at least five of your mistakes. For one time this is more than enough. Next time, another five, and so on.

Read this list slowly and carefully. Think about each situation, try to understand the reason that gave rise to this unpleasant event, evaluate how much you are personally guilty of what happened. Mentally apologize to everyone you have hurt. Including in front of yourself. Ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself. Think about what you can do to make sure this never happens again in the future.

After you have worked through all the items on your list in this way, you will feel an extraordinary lightness in your soul.
This is a very powerful practice that frees your memory from the burden of past mistakes and helps you accept and love yourself.

Exercise "Impartial memory"

We love to remember the past so much because it invariably makes us feel. Sadness, joy, regret, happiness… Memories are a pleasure, and so that they do not interfere with the present, you need to deprive them of emotions.
Perform this exercise in the way that suits you: standing, sitting, lying down. You can even walk around the room from corner to corner. Or you can go to nature, for example, to the forest. Nobody forbids you to perform this exercise while walking along forest paths. All you need is to remember your life without feeling emotions.
Tell me everything you know about yourself. How you were born, what you played as a child, whom you met in your youth. Any memory will do. The main thing is to remember as if it were not you, but another person completely unfamiliar to you.
To make it easier for you to distance yourself from your own person, do not use the word "I". Call yourself by your first name. Then your story will sound dry and will not cause any emotions. For example, you often recall the case of how you got lost in the forest because your comrades abandoned you. You experienced such fear and such resentment that it still worries you. Here is what can be said about this case:
Peter went with his comrades into the forest. Peter wandered onto a narrow path that led him far into the thicket. His comrades thought that he had returned by a different route and left the forest without him.
As you can see, the story is completely devoid of emotion. Only facts are reported that cannot cause any feelings.
This story about myself should not be long. Try to keep within 5 minutes. You can start a timer. You do not need to remember all the cases that disturb you at once. Leave something for other times.
The main thing is to be impassive and treat the hero of the story as if he were a complete stranger.

Exercise "Erase resentment"

This exercise will help you let go of past hurts that still hurt.
Sit comfortably, but in such a way that some tension remains in the muscles. It is best to sit on a flat surface without a back, so that the body forms right angles at the bending points - foot-ankle, knee-hips, legs-torso. Close your eyes.
Take several even, deep breaths into the abdomen, without a pause between inhalation and exhalation. Then hold your breath as you exhale and count to 12.
After that, breathe as usual, while imagining that with each breath you are plunging into the past. Rewind the film of your life. Remember what happened today, last night, afternoon, morning; the day before yesterday, last week, last month, a year ago.
Stop at the day when some hurtful incident or conversation took place. There is no need to recall the conversation of the recent past: it can hurt you too much, you will not be able to cope with emotions and will only spoil your mood. This conversation should be at least a year old.
Remember your interlocutor, call him by name. Restore this conversation in the smallest detail. Remember the intonations of the interlocutor, how he built phrases, how he convinced you. And what did you answer? Try to remember everything as honestly as possible: what you actually said and what you heard back.
The human psyche is designed in such a way that we tend to interpret words in accordance with our emotions, while the interlocutor had something completely different in mind. That's why the accuracy of words plays such important role. You may not be able to remember the whole conversation the first time. Remember at least the most offensive phrase, the most hurting words. Only these should be real words, not invented by you.
Remember them. Think back to today. Imagine that the same person told you the same thing today. Now you have a choice: get angry and offended, or react differently. Try to come up with such a reaction, find words that your interlocutor does not expect to hear from you at all. Only one condition: these words should in no case offend or offend him. Say something very positive. For example, you were told: “I hate you,” and you answered “I love you.”
While saying these words, look into the eyes of your interlocutor. Despite the fact that all this will happen only in your imagination, if you practice with sufficient concentration, you will be able to actually transfer the "charge" of the energy of resentment from negative to positive.
Ideally, this exercise should be done as many times as you remember the unpleasant conversations. Of course, this will take more than one day and even more than one month. But this practice is very important. Thanks to it, you learn to transform energy without damage to the psyche. negative emotions.
The experience gained from exercising with past conversations will help you as you begin to act in the present.

Exercise "Wash away the past"

Water is a great way to cleanse the mind. Taking a bath or shower, we always experience relaxation, get rid of everyday life, forget about problems.
Summer rest most of us invariably associate with water: ocean, sea, lake or river. And this is not surprising: immersion in water is literally immersion in another reality. This ability of water can be used to cleanse past grievances.
This exercise will help you clear your mind of all the misunderstandings of the day with the help of water.
This practice is best done either in the morning, immediately upon waking up, or in the evening, before going to bed.
Take a cup or bowl large enough to completely submerge your hands. Fill it with cold water. Place the cup on the table, sit comfortably and dip your hands in the water.
If your hands do not tolerate cold well, lubricate them before exercising. vegetable oil or heavy cream.
Close your eyes and start breathing in this rhythm: three short incomplete breaths - a slow exhalation. While exhaling, imagine that all your troubles, problems, sorrows, all life's negativity goes through your hands into the water.

Can you remember about current issues, unresolved matters, unpleasant conversations, in a word, about everything that upset you in the last day. Breathe like this for about 5 minutes, and before you finish the exercise, give yourself the attitude that you just need to immerse your hands in cold water - and all negative memories will dissolve, leave your thoughts.

And when unpleasant thoughts overwhelm you again, you will only need to put your hands under a stream of cold water.

Exercise "Control feelings"

It happens that some negative feeling makes us remember the previous insult. For example, you get angry with someone for some misconduct or mistake - and then you remember that this person has done you a lot of harm in the past. You need to be able to separate the past from the present - otherwise you will find yourself surrounded by people who only harm you. Remember that no one is perfect, including you. Everyone can make mistakes and behave differently than others expect them to.
You need to learn how to control negative feelings- and then you will stop remembering the past. This is done quite simply.
You need to come up with a gesture - a movement that you will perform every time someone pisses you off. But this gesture should be uncharacteristic for you, but acceptable in the society of other people.
Do not invent complex movements: you will not remember them. The main thing is simplicity and unusualness. For example, you can take off your watch and put it in your pocket or purse. As you unfasten the strap, give yourself a mental setting: "as soon as I hide the watch, my state will change." Try it and you will see that it really works.
You will stop getting annoyed with people, and as a result, you will not have any negative memories.

Exercise "Smooth out emotions"

There is an expression "smooth the corners". This technique is very helpful in smoothing out sharp corners psyche.

Each person has “buttons”, the “pressing” of which leads to an emotional outburst. These can be people whom you dislike, topics in conversation, certain situations, advertising that interrupts your favorite program, that is, everything that causes acute internal rejection and irritation.

These negative emotions greatly cloud our lives. And the worse if these situations are repeated every day. It is impossible to adapt to negative emotions, but with a constant negative background, they are driven inside and become the causes of neuroses. This exercise will help you prevent such "pressing the inside buttons." You will stop overreacting emotionally to acute situations.

Sit comfortably in a backless chair. Close your eyes. Take a few slow, deep breaths (you need to breathe in your stomach).
Imagine one of those situations that pisses you off. Draw a bright, full-color picture, hear with your inner ear the words that especially hurt you, immerse yourself in those circumstances.
As soon as you begin to experience negative emotions, start stroking your legs: from the hips to the knees. Strokes should be slow, but strong, as if you are chasing water. When you get to your knees, make a motion as if you are shaking off debris.
This rubbish is your negative. Continue stroking until the emotions subside.


The past is the strongest vampire that can take away all vitality. To confront him, you need to understand that this vampire is dead. The past cannot be returned or corrected. But we can change the present. And that's the only thing we can do.

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Understand me too, I feel…” After that, you can offer the child an alternative or limit it. emotional manifestations over time. Limit the negative emotional the behavior of a small child, you can use a toy, better sound. For example: “You still have a little prank, but ... the children will also fall asleep late. You can't ask your child to do something you can't do yourself. emotional children often suffer from lack of physical activity. Active games are suitable for young children ("Cats and Mice ...

Disorders and act like simple form self therapy. Application of technology Within technology emotional there are several sub-techniques of freedom, but the main one is stimulation of points (TES is also called "acupuncture ... from 9 to 5, try repeating the whole process a few more times so that it drops to 2-3. Criticism of the technique emotional Freedom Technique emotional freedom, although it has many followers around the world, including in Russia, lends itself to serious criticism. So...

By eliminating the causes, you can deal with the consequences. The reason for the increase in muscle tension in people is the constant mental and emotional voltage. Run a self-diagnosis. Think about it, mind and body are a single whole, each character trait of a person has a corresponding ... emotion; Blocked emotions cannot be expressed and form specific clumps of memories with strong emotional charge of the same quality that contain condensed experiences and those associated with them ...

But the "emergency resource" in our body also has its limits. And when it's not enough, exhaustion sets in nervous system. The impetus for the ultra-rapid consumption of our vitality there may be a permanent lack of sleep, sudden strong emotions and shocks, as well as complex surgery or trauma.

In general, stress is sometimes even useful, it shakes the body and hardens it. But long-term stress, which turns into chronic, exhausts our strength completely. And sometimes there comes a moment when only the qualified help of a specialist can help us return to a normal state.

Causes of nervous exhaustion

  • overwork due to prolonged work;
  • strong physiological stress, such as childbirth;
  • high level of responsibility;
  • long experiences and stresses;
  • surgical operations;
  • various diseases;
  • emotional trauma;
  • increased mental stress.

Nervous exhaustion symptoms

  • constant fatigue;
  • uncomfortable condition in the stomach or intestines;
  • non-seasonal exacerbation of chronic diseases (tonsillitis, gastritis, sinusitis, etc.).
  • Hypersthenic stage: the patient has irritability, fussiness. He himself understands that something is happening to him, but he cannot cope with it on his own. Often does not control their actions and emotions, provokes quarrels and conflicts. There is a headache and muscle pain, lack of sleep, insomnia, lethargy and decreased ability to work;
  • Irritable debility stage: the patient becomes irascible, but quickly withdraws. His thoughts are pessimistic, anxious. Pain in the heart, digestive disorders, allergic reactions, shortness of breath, dizziness are added to headaches;

The effect of nervous exhaustion on the body

  • Immunity. The weakening of the body leads to frequent diseases, a person is literally open to any viruses;
  • Nervous system. Stress, lack of sleep and psycho-emotional overload provoke the release a large number"stress hormones", which are very harmful in large quantities;
  • A heart. Cortisol and other stress hormones Negative influence on the state of the cardiovascular system. A person complains of pain in the heart, arrhythmia, strong pressure drops;
  • Digestive system. Against the background of nervous exhaustion, cases of stomach ulcers and gastritis are not uncommon. Indigestion, weight gain or loss - the consequences of a lack of good rest.

These were only the physical consequences of the exhaustion of the nervous system. In addition, social ties and the quality of human life suffer. Fatigue does not allow you to work normally and take care of your family, communication with relatives and friends does not bring joy, and a person begins to take out all his irritation on his relatives. Exhaustion of the nervous system is close to the borderline states of the psyche, which, without proper treatment, leads to the development of mental illness.

Nervous exhaustion treatment

  • It is necessary to properly organize the time of work and rest. Since almost everyone works to provide own life, skillfully organized vacation becomes important part life. It is worth avoiding cases that require excessive spending of internal resources without the right to a long rest. Of course, hard work will help in building a career, but the same work can play a cruel joke on a person;
  • Healthy and sound sleep. Nothing restores a person's strength like sleep. Night rest should be taken very seriously, because constant lack of sleep leads to the accumulation of fatigue;
  • Sports and proper nutrition. Physical exercise perfectly relieve stress and saturate the human body with pleasant sensations from active movement. Sport is not only effective treatment nervous exhaustion, but also its prevention. But sport is nothing without a healthy and regular diet, which will include only natural products;
  • Enthusiasm. Writing, drawing, researching, watching movies, reading books, dancing - any hobby should help in the treatment of nervous exhaustion, as it perfectly relieves its symptoms. In addition, the preventive effect will not be long in coming.

Nervous exhaustion, not aggravated by depression, can be cured without much difficulty with the help of the above tips.

Treatment of nervous exhaustion with medication

A neurologist is the only non-psychic specialist who can identify nervous exhaustion. But the neurologist is not able to help in solving mental problems patient, so the causes that have come to this state will not be eliminated. Very often, with nervous exhaustion, vegetovascular dystonia is diagnosed. Medications for nervous exhaustion experts prescribe the following:

  • Vasodilators help relieve various pains, relieve vasospasm, eliminate oxygen starvation in brain cells: betaserc, ginkgo biloba, mexidol, tanakan, etc .;
  • With caution, nootropic substances are prescribed that support normal condition brain cells, because they can increase irritability - these are alzepil, tenoten, pantogram, ceraxon, etc .;
  • Vitamins of group B - riboflavin, thiamine, thiacin - have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system.

Preparations for nervous exhaustion have a very good effect on the body, which have sedative substances in their composition, which can remove the feeling of tension, anxiety, make sleep normal, better rest.

Folk remedies for nervous exhaustion

Herbal teas, tinctures and infusions of medicinal plants

1) Rosehip infusion, due to the high content of carotene and vitamin C, will effectively increase immunity, and the rest of the active ingredients, in particular, B vitamins, will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. For 250 ml of boiling water, a tablespoon of crushed rose hips is taken, it should be steamed for at least 12 hours in a thermos, taken with a bite of acacia, St. John's or buckwheat honey (a tablespoon) 3-4 times a day for a month;

2) infusion of chamomile, thanks to essential oils and a unique combination of biologically active phytonutrients, perfectly tones and calms the nerves. Chamomile infusion with honey helps with insomnia. A teaspoon of dried inflorescences is taken in a glass of boiling water and infused under the lid for about a minute. Take as tea, warm, three times a day;

3) a decoction of calamus rhizomes is prescribed as a tonic for CNS depression. 3 teaspoons of crushed krnya pour 400 ml of boiling water and boil under a lid over low heat for about a quarter of an hour, take after straining 100 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals;

4) extract (tincture) of radiola rosea is prescribed as effective remedy to stimulate the central nervous system, as well as in neurasthenic conditions, weakness, overwork and decreased performance. Pour 50 g of crushed dried rhizomes in a dark glass dish with 0.5 l of vodka or diluted 1: 1 medical spirit, cork tightly and insist in a dark, cool place for about 15 days. Reception 25 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals with water. With asthenia, the last dose should not be less than 4 hours before bedtime. For patients suffering from hypertension, start with 5 drops three times a day, gradually increasing the dose to 10 drops (constant blood pressure control).

Consequences of nervous exhaustion

  • Problems with society, a person's character deteriorates, the emotional assessment of what is happening and the perception of the surrounding world change. People become angry, irritated, there are problems in communication. A person withdraws into himself and becomes a recluse;
  • Loss of personality. The attitude to life in general changes irreversibly, mental illnesses can begin. Manic states and obsessive desires and ideas appear. The personality of a person degrades to the point of neglecting personal hygiene.

In order to prevent the occurrence of mental problems, it is necessary to eliminate the very cause, in this case put the nervous system in order. Nervous exhaustion, which is best treated with the help of experienced doctors, can improve if you use our advice.

How to deal with nervous shock

Experiences and frustrations in our lives are sometimes associated with problems in the family, fatigue that cannot be overcome, unfulfilled desires, and various diseases. Any experience can bring a person to nervous shock.

Consequences and symptoms of a nervous shock

Nervous shock can lead to very serious consequences. A person becomes unsociable and angry, aggression and isolation appear. Help not provided in time will lead to various diseases that can manifest themselves in obsessions, mania, and unhealthy desires.

It is important for the person himself and his relatives to see the moment when fatigue, irritability, some depression begin to develop into a nervous shock. Firstly, such a mental disorder is characterized by an increasing impairment of intelligence. Memory loss, poor perception of information, disorientation, absent-mindedness - all these are signs that you need to pay attention to. Secondly, depression, incomprehensible pains, insomnia may develop.

It is known that the person himself rarely admits the presence of a mental illness. If you still notice the listed symptoms in yourself, the first thing to do is to contact a psychologist. At the first stage of the disease, a psychologist can still help, with a progressive nervous shock, a psychiatrist is already needed.

To overcome the fatigue that often precedes depression, you need to get plenty of rest and sleep. It is best to choose outdoor recreation. Work for this period, if possible, it is better to leave, take a vacation, go to the country. Occupational therapy (meaning physical work) also helps a lot from the growing nervous shock. If you believe in the healing power of meditation, take a meditation course. A believer must definitely go to church, pray, confess.

In depressive states, a proven remedy is the right diet, where you can include real chocolate, healing properties which have long been known.

Many herbs can help in getting rid of nervous shock. Valerian, motherwort are the most famous of them. AT initial period disease, it is enough to take pills or tincture based on these herbs and very soon you will notice an improvement in your condition.

By the way, psychologists advise not to keep anger and growing aggression in yourself. All negative emotions must find an outlet. You can break dishes, cry, scream. Go to the gym, beat a punching bag. After splashing out emotions, drink strong tea and get a good night's sleep. Sleep will help restore strength and energy, calm the nervous system.

Of course, it is better to avoid stressful situations. But sometimes it's just not possible. Therefore, carefully monitor your health and the health of those close to you.

Professor Lea Yogev

We use the services of a surrogate mother. I fear the possibility of a group conflict.

I am 30 years old and for the last 5 years my husband and I have been trying to have a baby.

The doctor discovered a cyst and advised me to drink hormones. Has passed or has taken place course of treatment. So far, attempts to get pregnant have been unsuccessful.

The replanting was carried out five days ago. Today my stomach is noticeably swollen. There was no hypera during stimulation.

I was prescribed bromocriptine because of high prolactin. The doctor assured me that the pregnancy would come.

nervous exhaustion

Various neuroses, neurasthenia, overwork - a scourge modern life. Most people are forced to experience the constant impact of stress, overload, negative emotions, etc. Lack of rest, sleep, strenuous work, sooner or later can lead to such a state as nervous exhaustion, or, in other words, neuro-emotional fatigue.

ICD-10 code

Causes of nervous exhaustion

The human body has its own hidden resources - this is a kind of "reserve" of nutritional, hormonal, immune or trace element substances that can be used only in case emergency. Such an extreme situation can develop as a result of severe or prolonged stress, overwork, shock, trauma, surgery, excessive emotional state.

Usually, a state of stress allows a person to gather himself, pull himself together and cope with the problem. However, if the hidden supply of resources has already been used up, and stressful condition does not stop, then nervous exhaustion may occur.

The main direct cause of exhaustion is overwork: physical, moral, emotional, physiological, etc. Such fatigue does not happen at once - when the nervous system is depleted, the condition worsens every day, gradually increasing and taking on a chronic course. Sooner or later it can develop into depression.


The mechanism of the development of the disease is the exhaustion of the protective resources of the body. Let's explain this scheme in action.

The nervous system is depleted. With anxious and tense emotions, the central nervous system sends appropriate signals to the cardiovascular, immune and endocrine systems. For the body, the work of these systems becomes a priority for some time, which causes the function of other organs to suffer - for example, digestion or the genital area.

The endocrine system is depleted. Constantly stimulated by stress, endocrine function also fails. The production of hormones occurs with violations. As a result, disorders in the work of the thyroid gland, ovaries, pancreas, and adrenal glands begin.

The function of the cardiovascular system is impaired. Prolonged tension of the heart and blood vessels causes heart rhythm disorder, blood pressure instability and other problems.

The body's defenses are depleted. Long stressful situation leads to paralysis of the immune system, resulting in an exacerbation of chronic diseases and the emergence of new infectious and inflammatory processes - this can be candidiasis, dysbacteriosis, erosive lesions (for example, the cervix), rheumatism, diseases of the joints and muscles, skin pathologies.

Work is disrupted digestive system. The most characteristic is the development of dysbacteriosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome or chronic enterocolitis.

Nervous exhaustion symptoms

Nervous exhaustion grows imperceptibly and at first looks like ordinary fatigue. However, this condition gradually accumulates and subsequently, imperceptibly for the patient, turns into a pathology, which should be treated by a qualified specialist in psychotherapy.

A person can notice the first signs of problems with the body himself, simply by carefully listening to himself:

  • constant persistent fatigue;
  • sleep disturbances: the patient cannot fall asleep, despite being drowsy during the day;
  • the appearance of an inexplicable feeling of anxiety, pessimism;
  • the appearance of a periodically perceptible heartbeat, an imbalance in blood pressure;
  • increased sensitivity to external irritating factors (loud sounds, bright light, sharp aroma, etc.);
  • recurring headaches;
  • pain in the legs, arms, back (of unknown origin);
  • unreasonable increase in temperature indicators;
  • discomfort in the stomach or intestines;
  • non-seasonal exacerbation of chronic diseases (tonsillitis, gastritis, sinusitis, etc.).

There are also symptoms that are more often noticed by relatives and friends of the patient:

  • a person becomes irritable, he can be irritated both by the environment or the behavior of loved ones, and by himself;
  • a person becomes impatient, he begins to get nervous already in the first minutes of a forced wait;
  • there is an increased sensitivity to extraneous aromas, sounds, flashes of light;
  • sleep becomes sensitive and disturbing, a person often wakes up from nightmares, groans in a dream, and in the morning does not feel a surge of vigor and energy;
  • even with a slight load, headache and weakness are noted;
  • the character of a person changes - uncertainty appears, self-esteem falls;
  • there are violations in the sexual sphere (decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, impotence, etc.);
  • the patient undertakes a lot, but cannot bring anything to the end, becomes inattentive, absent-minded, memory and concentration of attention worsens;
  • weight fluctuations can be observed, appetite disappears or increases, a bad mood is constantly present.

The clinical picture can be divided into three stages:

  • Hypersthenic stage: the patient has irritability, fussiness. He himself understands that something is happening to him, but he cannot cope with it on his own. Often does not control their actions and emotions, provokes quarrels and conflicts. There is a headache and muscle pain, lack of sleep, insomnia, lethargy and decreased ability to work.
  • Irritable debility stage: the patient becomes irascible, but quickly withdraws. His thoughts are pessimistic, anxious. Pain in the heart, digestive disorders, allergic reactions, shortness of breath, dizziness are added to headaches.
  • Hyposthenic stage: the patient enters a state of apathy, he is not interested in anything, the mood is indifferent and depressed, close to depression.


  • F48 - other disorders of a neurotic nature.
  • F48.0 - neurasthenic disorder.
  • F48.9 - neurotic disorder without specification.

Complications and consequences

After suffering from nervous exhaustion, the patient may experience social complications, as well as general health problems.

Often appear public problems, because a person's character changes, the emotional response to what is happening around. Sometimes there is irritability and dissatisfaction. The patient can withdraw into himself, become secretive.

The attitude to the surrounding world, to oneself, also becomes irreversible, which in the future can cause other mental problems. For example, depression and neurasthenia are two conditions that go side by side with each other. Often, this combination leads to the illiterate prescription of drugs that do not calm, but even more stimulate. nervous activity, which only exacerbates irritability, increases pain in the head and contributes to further exhaustion of the nervous system. This development of symptoms may be associated with self-medication attempts.

Simultaneous nervous and physical exhaustion most often accompany workaholics - people for whom work comes first. Lack of proper rest, inability to relax, constant thoughts about the work process, and as a result - failures of cardiovascular functions, increased blood pressure (up to a hypertensive crisis), chronic migraines, insomnia, a significant decrease in immunity. A person constantly finds himself in a situation on the verge of a complete breakdown of the body, which can have a really unpredictable ending.

Constant stress and nervous exhaustion are the realities of our hectic life today: we devote all day to work and professional activity, from morning to evening, performing their duties, communicating with people, entering into conflicts and contradictions. Often in the evening, instead of relaxing and relaxing, we sit down at the computer again (the brain continues to work), or go to a club where potential rest is also doubtful - all the same communication with people, loud music, alcohol, relaxation from which is very deceptive . Gradually and imperceptibly, stress develops into chronic nervous exhaustion, which is difficult to deal with - only a qualified specialist in psychotherapy can help here. However, unfortunately, not all people in this state are able to realize the need and importance of outside help. As a result, severe mental disorders develop, with obsessions, manic psychosis and even personal degradation.

Diagnosis of nervous exhaustion

For staging accurate diagnosis nervous exhaustion usually turn to a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. A specialist, as a rule, takes into account not only the presence of a mental disorder or neurological disorder, but also evaluates functional state other body systems. Considerable importance is attached to concepts such as differential diagnosis and sequence of diagnosis.

Laboratory tests are required:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • assessment of hormonal levels;
  • microelement composition of blood;
  • analysis for the use of various drugs and narcotic drugs;
  • serological and immunological analysis of the blood picture;
  • detailed urinalysis.

In addition, instrumental diagnostics is carried out, using encephalography and electrocardiography.

You may need to consult other medical professionals:

  • neurologist;
  • manual therapist and reflexologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • therapist;
  • neurophysiologist;
  • psychologist.

General research may include the following methods:

  • examination of blood and urine;
  • pulse assessment, exclusion of hypoxia;
  • assessment of blood pressure indicators;
  • 24-channel ECG;
  • hardware method of examination of brain functions;
  • EEG (using evoked potentials and mapping);
  • normal EEG.

Correct and sufficient diagnosis plays a very important role in determining the treatment regimen for the patient.

Who to contact?

Nervous exhaustion treatment

For the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to apply A complex approach. To begin with, it is important to put into practice the following rules:

  • detect and neutralize the cause of exhaustion - eliminate family conflicts, avoid stress and psychological trauma, change jobs or positions, take a vacation, change the environment, etc .;
  • if it is impossible to change the place of work, it is necessary to properly reorganize the regime of work and rest, in which a place should be allocated for relaxation and active pastime;
  • take measures to stabilize night rest - get up and go to bed at the same time, avoid caffeine and alcohol, and overeating (especially at night);
  • try to walk more in the fresh air, have an active rest (swim, play outdoor games, etc.);
  • to establish a regular and nutritious diet;
  • establish a regular sex life;
  • learn how to relax properly - this can be facilitated by light music, meditation, yoga, a warm bath, outdoor recreation, etc.

The correct approach to treatment almost always guarantees a complete recovery of the patient.

Drug therapy is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. The following drugs and medications may be used:

  • Means that promote vasodilation (Mexidol, Tanakan) are used to relieve spasm in case of headaches. As a result of taking such drugs, normal blood circulation in the brain is restored, oxygen starvation of cells is excluded, and recovery is accelerated.
  • Preparations for accelerating metabolic processes in the brain are herbal remedies based on natural ingredients that help restore neurons.
  • Nootropic drugs (nootropil, piracetam, ceraxon, etc.) are prescribed only by a doctor and are taken under his strict control, as they can stimulate the psyche and aggravate some symptoms.
  • Vitamin complexes (of course, the necessary preparations, we will talk about them separately).
  • Sedatives (valerian, motherwort, novopassitis, phytosed, etc.) allow you to remove nervous tension, improve sleep, calm the nervous system.
  • Antidepressants are prescribed by your doctor if you have symptoms of depression and depressed mood.

A very common prescription is benzodiazepines, psychoactive medicines that inhibit the CNS. Such medications have hypnotic, sedative, muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant properties, and also reduce feelings of anxiety and fear. Among benzodiazepines, the most well-known drugs are Valium, Diazepam, Nozepam, Lorazepam, Chlozepid, Ativan, etc. The dosage and duration of taking such medications is determined by a specialist, since treatment with them can lead to the development of drug dependence.

In addition to traditional treatment, homeopathy is often used recently. Among the most common homeopathic remedies are Calcaria Phos, Magnesia Phos, Kali Phos, Natrum Mur, Lycopodium, Anacardium, Baritu Carb, Zincum Met, Sulfur, Nux Vomica, Selenium, Agnus Ts.

Vitamins for nervous exhaustion

Vitamins and complex multivitamin preparations at an early stage can fully stabilize the mental and emotional balance of a person. There are a number of substances known to direct influence to the nervous system. These include vitamins B, A, D, E and ascorbic acid.

Vitamin and provitamin A help to improve sleep and concentration, slow down the aging of neurons and other cellular structures, reduce excitability and stabilize appetite. The main sources of carotene and retinol are fruits and vegetables. orange color, as well as sea buckthorn, cod liver, yolk chicken egg, butter.

B vitamins are considered specific vitamins for the nervous system, as their action is aimed at strengthening and restoring it. A person who is subject to daily stress and mental overload needs these vitamins especially. Doctors recommend taking a vitamin B complex, and not each separately. The most optimal combination is the complex preparation Vitrum Superstress - it contains all the necessary elements to maintain and restore the health of the nervous system.

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is a natural antidepressant that helps restore mental abilities. To replenish thiamine reserves, it is recommended to consume buckwheat, beans, lentils, rice, oatmeal and dairy products.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) prevents fatigue, headaches, weakness. Riboflavin is found in sufficient quantities in nuts, dairy products, liver, as well as in the Nutrilight vitamin complex preparation, which is often recommended for children.
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin) enhances cerebral circulation, promotes the regression of signs of neurological and mental illness. From food, niacin is present in mushrooms, legumes, nuts, cereals and chicken meat. This vitamin is included in the composition of many tranquilizing drugs designed to eliminate eating disorders, depressive states.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) reduces general arousal, promotes the production of serotonin. Contained in nuts, sea buckthorn berries, seafood, pomegranates. For better assimilation of pyridoxine, the presence of ascorbic acid is mandatory. The most well-known complex preparations containing B6 are Magne-B6 and B-complex.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) restores the energy potential of the body, improves memory, eliminates anxiety and fear. Contained in broccoli, carrots, liver, as well as in pharmaceutical preparations Complivit, Supradin, Neuromultivit.
  • Vitamin B11 (levocarnitine) strengthens the immune system, stabilizes the function of the muscular, cardiovascular and brain systems. Vitamin B11 can be found in fish and meat products, milk, germinated wheat grains.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) prevents damage nerve fibers, eliminates signs of depression and sclerosis. It is part of the multivitamins Duovit, Vitamineral, Polivit.

A good complex preparation that contains most of the B vitamins is Milgamma, a remedy for improving microcirculation, stabilizing the nervous system, and facilitating nerve conduction. The drug is taken 1 tablet per day, or by injection intramuscularly, 2 ml (1 ampoule) once a day. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) improves defenses, resists stress, improves mood, helps with nervous experiences. Vitamin C is included in most complex preparations: Vitrum, Elevit, Alfavit, Multitabs. There is a lot of it in products: greens, citrus fruits, kiwi, berries, rose hips.

A diet for nervous exhaustion should contain all the vitamins listed, so it is necessary to diversify the daily menu, first of all, with plant foods, cereals, and seafood. To reduce the load on the nervous system, it is recommended to reduce the overall intake of simple carbohydrates and fatty foods, as well as salty foods. It is better to replace fresh baking with dark breads and biscuits, and sausages and semi-finished products with lean meat. It is advisable to exclude the use of caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, hot spices. Preference should be given to rosehip drinks, fresh juices, compotes. Dishes should be prepared from healthy foods: vegetables, dairy products, cereals, legumes, with the addition of vegetable oil.

Alternative treatment of nervous exhaustion

Of course, in advanced cases nervous diseases, herbal treatment is unlikely to help, but on early stages and as an additional treatment can be very useful.

  • Astragalus herb infusion tones and calms the nervous system. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1.5 tablespoons of dry raw materials and leave for an hour and a half in 250 ml of boiling water. Take up to 4 times a day for 2 tbsp. l. before meals.
  • An infusion of the leaves and rhizomes of the black cap will help with pain in the head caused by stress. For 500 ml of boiling water, you need to take 1 tbsp. raw materials, insist one and a half hours. You should drink 100 ml up to 4 times a day before meals.
  • It is useful to add borage to salads and ready meals- This is an excellent sedative that relieves nervous overexcitation.
  • Valerian rhizome infusion is a proven remedy for maintaining nervous balance. It should be insisted 2 tsp. rhizomes in a thermos with 250 ml of boiling water overnight. Drink 1 tbsp. l. up to 4 times a day before meals, you can with honey.
  • Knotweed infusion is recommended to be taken to strengthen the nervous system, especially for the elderly. Insist 1 tbsp. l. raw materials in 500 ml of boiling water for an hour and a half, drink pommel up to 4 times a day before meals.
  • An infusion of angelica roots is an effective tonic and sedative, which is good for insomnia. For 1 st. l. rhizomes take 500 ml of boiling water and insist up to 2 hours, consume 100 ml warm 3 times a day before meals.

Treatment folk remedies must be combined with the diet. It is also very important to eliminate the main cause of the appearance of nervous exhaustion: avoid stress, do not overwork, establish a sleep and rest schedule.


  • Do not overwork, think about your health, which is not infinite. After work (for example, in the car or at home), try to turn on calm music: the sounds of nature, relaxation, lounge collections.
  • Listen to yourself, do self-analysis. Find time every week to get out into nature, meet friends and not think about work. Remember: all the problems in our life are far-fetched, we create them ourselves in order to later spend time and health to solve them. But if the problems have really accumulated, write them down on paper and solve them sequentially, as they become important.
  • Don't forget to eat well and rest. Instead of the phrase “work first”, think “health first” and your condition will be much better.
  • Try to improve sleep without the use of sleeping pills: take a walk at night, give up coffee and strong tea in the second half of the day, do not review extreme news and programs before bedtime, do not play computer games.
  • Spend time exercising, walking, invent a hobby for yourself.
  • Take a contrast shower in the morning and a warm bath with soothing herbs in the evening.

If you follow all of the above tips, then problems with the nerves will most likely bypass you. When the diagnosis of exhaustion of the nervous system has already been made, then you are advised to strictly follow all the advice and prescriptions of the doctor in order to fully recover.

If nervous exhaustion is not treated, then the disease itself will not disappear: in the future, the condition will worsen, depression and other neuropsychiatric disorders may occur.

Medical Expert Editor

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Education: Kyiv National Medical University them. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - "Medicine"

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