Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Russian schools continue to suffer from a shortage of teachers.

School teacher. Illustrative photo.

AT recent times there is more and more talk about the shortage of teachers that Estonian schools are beginning to feel.

They say that it will only get worse in the future: there are not enough specialists, educational institutions are forced to hire bad workers, graduates of pedagogical faculties do not want to go to schools. Maybe distribute them forcibly, as was the case in the USSR? Portal Rus.Postimees asked this question to the experts.

History teacher at Tõnismäe Real School in Tallinn Igor Kalakauskas believes that the distribution system is the most well-forgotten old, which is worthy of being remembered:

“There is an elementary mathematical calculation here, very logical. If it's about budget places in the university, that is, about the places for which the state has paid, it has every reason to hope that the graduate university will go work in your specialty. I do not quite understand this “democracy”, when the state pays for a student, but does not care at all that he then works as a teacher. Distributing young teachers for three years is quite reasonable, I think. They get paid, they work. This is also a kind of credit, including a credit of trust.”

Hasso Kukemelk, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Tartu, believes that there are several ways to solve the problem, and some of them are still preferable:

“Yes, you can forcibly distribute university graduates to schools. The question is whether such a system is effective, whether it works. myself in Soviet time so they distributed, and I know several examples of how the young teachers who received the distribution did everything to make the school refuse their services. Do we want this to happen again? But this will inevitably happen again if the state begins to do something by force.

In independent Estonia, 10-15 years ago, a system of bonuses was created, especially for rural schools: if you went to teach in the village, you were paid something else in addition to your salary. Such systems, in my opinion, are more efficient. In addition, the reasons for the shortage of teachers are important: it arose mainly because in right moment the state did not increase the number of trained teachers. From the birth rate, it was clear that at some point a demographic “hole” would appear, fewer teachers would be needed - and some of them would leave school forever. But then the number of schoolchildren increased again, and the state had to take care of the preparation more teachers. It's about about small numbers, about fifty people a year, but the fact that we do not have these teachers is one of the reasons for the shortage of teachers. The second reason is the success of our economy: salaries are growing on average, teachers' salaries, if growing, are not so significant, and people are leaving for other jobs.”

Centrist Aadu Must, head of the parliamentary commission for culture, which is also responsible for education, confirms:

“The idea to oblige a university graduate to work at school - to oblige in one form or another - is supported by many. However, another system is now more common in the world, which, by the way, was also in effect in the Republic of Estonia before the Soviet era: if a student economic difficulties, but with great potential, he is given a scholarship for the duration of his studies, and for this he undertakes to work for a certain number of years at the school to which he will be assigned after graduation. In Soviet times, however, scholarships were also paid ... One way or another, most of teachers and students support this idea.

Turnkey solution I, of course, do not - the members of our commission adhere to different points vision. But the question is very timely: on September 12, the commission will meet again - and we will discuss precisely the problem of a stable supply in the segment of school teachers. This is a complex problem, in particular, obviously something needs to be done with the teacher's salary. I must say that, fortunately, we have no particular disagreements with the Minister of Science and Education and his ministry - everyone understands that teachers cannot hold on to bare enthusiasm.

Director of the Tallinn Linnamäe Lyceum Sergey Garanzha sees the solution in the closer work of the school with future teachers:

“The number of teachers graduating from universities varies, teachers of physics and chemistry graduate much less than the same teachers of Estonian. The shortage of teachers is felt, I think, by all schools. My suggestion would be this: the school can negotiate with local government so that young professionals are provided with an apartment, teachers are provided with other benefits - and all this under an agreement that he is obliged to work at this school certain time. Often, it turns out that the student does not really know what it is like to work at a school. We try to attract future teachers in advance so that they come to us for practice after the first year, after the second, so that they adapt to the team ... "

Heads of the Department of Teacher Affairs of the Ministry of Education and Science Christy Mikiver says that forced distribution is out of the question - the market works according to other laws:

“Today people with experience are valued. To attract a high-quality specialist, employers must step up and find ways to offer employees best condition labor and development opportunities. The profession of a teacher is no different in this sense from others, school directors should attract teachers to their educational institutions. It is not enough just to put up a “Teacher Wanted” notice somewhere. You can give teachers job benefits, offer them courses, programs, and so on. More and more an important factor becomes a teacher's salary.

What teachers are missing today? What is considered extortion at school, and what is help? What kind of career can a teacher make? When will he be freed from paperwork? To these and other questions of journalists and readers of the newspaper yesterday at the "Business Breakfast" in " Russian newspaper- said the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov.

Dmitry Viktorovich, just the other day, information appeared that excited the pedagogical community. Is it true that the Ministry of Education and Science offers teachers a career ladder and different positions- assistant teacher, teacher-mentor, teacher-methodologist?

Dmitry Livanov: This is a proposal that we made based on an analysis of the problems that exist in the teaching environment. A person who comes to work in a school, and, fortunately, we have more and more of them, should have a clear understanding of his career prospects. He must know that if he works well, his salary will rise, and he himself will advance in career ladder. Yes, there is the prospect of becoming a head teacher, director, but this is more of an administrative job than a pedagogical one. And many practicing teachers and experts propose to develop a system of such career steps specifically for teachers.

While no decisions have been made, we have proposed this model for discussion. This concerns not only how these specific steps will be called and what qualities people should have in order to get on these steps, but also whether such a model is needed in principle.

The teacher writes 300 reports a year. In order to move up the career ladder, probably, it will be necessary to write even more papers?

Dmitry Livanov: Approximately 15-20 percent of requests to schools come from the federal level.

About the same number - from the regional and municipal. The rest comes from various regulatory bodies, public organizations. There should be clear rules information exchange, which will provide answers to all these questions and will not create an additional burden on teachers.

On September 1, 43,000 schools will open their doors. To date, there are not enough teachers in Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk, Kaluga, Leningrad regions. On the eve of Knowledge Day, schools are looking for teachers primary school, mathematics, physics, Russian language and literature. How sensitive is the staffing problem with teachers in the countryside?

Dmitry Livanov: There is no such serious personnel problem that existed a few years ago. Teacher vacancies in schools are less than one percent: at the end of August, about 4,000 were unemployed. In total, in Russia today there are almost 1 million 50 thousand teachers and about 200 thousand other school teachers. It is clear that the percentage of vacancies is small. Basically, there is a lack of personnel in rural schools. First of all, teachers foreign language, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Primary School. Therefore, we are now purposeful work in order to launch a system of targeted training of teachers for a specific workplace. So that university graduates have an obligation to the employer to work in this place for several years. On the other hand, we must continue to move forward along the path of increasing prestige and respect for teaching work.

Parents write: "Before the new academic year, at the request of the school, I had to spend 3-5 thousand rubles on workbooks in English, atlases, and other educational materials." Is this considered extortion or not?

Dmitry Livanov: The legislation clearly distinguishes between what should be provided by the school, that is, the state, and what parents should buy themselves. A complete set of textbooks for each student - free of charge. Educational materials - contour maps, workbooks - purchased by parents. I remember when I was a schoolboy, I also went to the Pedagogical Book store on Kuznetsky Most and bought contour maps there. All my classmates did the same. There is nothing new here.

Regarding voluntary contributions, we sent a corresponding letter to the regions. Now every school, regardless of the region in which it operates, how many students there are, receives sufficient funding. And not only to pay salaries to teachers, to provide classes with everything necessary, but also to make the necessary repairs and so on. There are no grounds for such a collection of money from parents in any region of Russia, in any school.

A lot of noise was caused by the initiative to cancel benefits for college students when entering universities. Will there be benefits or not?

Dmitry Livanov: Nothing in the admissions rules for college graduates will change. Moreover, we will support and develop the vocational education system. Today we are in dire need of qualified workers. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the new federal state educational standard basic school (grades 5 - 9), to which all fifth-graders pass from September 1, as obligatory element suggests vocational guidance. This is a specially organized system of acquaintance of schoolchildren with different professions. This is a whole layer pedagogical work. And many schools are already doing it. I believe that this will also increase the motivation of schoolchildren to choose specialties that do not require higher education.

At a recent meeting of the government of the Russian Federation, Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov said that the shortage of teachers in Russian schools is more than 17 thousand people, mostly there are not enough teachers in a foreign language, mathematics and physical education. At the same time, he added that the shortage of teachers has significantly decreased compared to previous years.

The Minister's statement that the shortage of teachers has decreased is, of course, encouraging. But at the same time, it is worrying that there are not enough “English” and physical education teachers. No one doubts that for the full development of the child, a versatile education is needed, but it was not in vain that several years ago physical education and a foreign language began to be taught in general education schools not two hours a week, but three. "Fizra" is the basis for laying the health of a future citizen, and without a "language" with modern globalization anything and everything just nowhere.

Yes, it's not even about these things. In our country, a demographic rise began this year, and schools large quantity first-graders compared to previous years. “Starting from this year, the number of first-graders will only grow,” the Minister of Education and Science believes. According to the Ministry of Education, there are 102.153 thousand educational institutions, in which more than 30 million children study, in the new academic year, more than 13 million students will study in Russian schools, of which more than a million and a half are first-graders. And these figures mean that over the years the need for subject matter will only increase! According to the leader Russian expert in the field of education by Sergei Komkov, the shortage of teachers in the regions is already about 40%.

According to experts, the main reason for the shortage of teachers in Russia is low salaries. It is not surprising that officially up to 70%, and unofficially 90% of graduates pedagogical universities go to work not in their specialty - managers, waiters, guides, etc. They are scared off by low wages and lack of prospects for the future. And this despite the fact that many of them receive education at the expense of budgetary funds. “The so-called scissors in teacher pay in different regions very high, - explained the director of the Moscow center of education "Tsaritsyno", a member of the Public Chamber Efim Rachevsky. - The highest salaries are in Moscow and Tyumen. But there are regions where teachers are paid little.”

should be corrected famous teacher: in most regions, teachers are paid a penny. “Most often, in order to survive, the teacher gains one and a half, two rates,” Sergey Komkov notes. “The quality of teaching suffers as a result. The teacher works to the point of wear and tear and inevitably hacks. Meanwhile, the whole world is moving towards improving the quality of secondary education. They have long reduced the workload on teachers and the number of students in classes. In our country, the size of the teacher's salary so far directly depends on the number of children in the class. Meanwhile, the “Recommendation on the Status of Teachers”, adopted by UNESCO back in 1966, explicitly states: “Some measures aimed at solving the problem of shortage of teachers, such as an excessive increase in class sizes or study load are incompatible with the goals and objectives of education and are detrimental to children.”

Another negative consequence of the low wages of school teachers for Russian students was the virtual absence of male teachers. How is it possible to feed a family with this miserable money, while disappearing in the classroom from morning to night? But before the revolution in Russia, only men taught in city gymnasiums, young graduates pedagogical schools went to rural schools. The predominance of men in the teaching profession continued until the war, from which many of the teachers did not return, and women had to take their place. Today, nothing is being done to ensure that men carry those items that God himself ordered them to carry. According to experts, what our school has female face, has a negative effect on mental health boys, especially those who grow up in single-parent families. Deprived of their father's care, without a male upbringing, they grow up spineless, easily influenced and, as a result, often find themselves isolated from society.

Meanwhile, the lack of teaching staff global problem. According to UNESCO, to achieve universal access to primary education by 2015, an additional 18 million teachers will be needed. But, nevertheless, developed and not so developed countries are trying to rectify the situation by investing worthy funds in education. Russia remains one of the most backward countries in the field of education. Despite an increase in investment in education over the first 10 years of the new century, spending on education in Russia is only 5.5% of GDP, compared with 6.3% on average for the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (most of them are members of the European Union). At the same time, only 43% of all spending on education in Russia is directed to the development of primary, secondary and secondary special education. For comparison, Cuba, which opens the world's top ten countries with high spending on education, spends 13.3% on education, and Tunisia, which closes the top ten, spends 7.1%.

Without a doubt financial support our education leaves much to be desired, increasing the salaries of teachers is a matter of national importance. But there is another aspect of the problem. The prestige of the teaching profession has been lost. Remember the good old films: "Country Teacher", "Spring on Zarechnaya Street", not to mention "Big Break". They reflected the reality in which the school was the center of communication, and the teacher was the unquestioned authority. Now - in the same television series - completely different professions are being promoted. Young specialists will not go to school until some snotty first-grader calls his First teacher contemptuously "teacher"!

Comments 4

The state has missed the situation with the training of teachers for a long time and forever.

On October 17, the State Duma adopted in the first reading the government bill “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

The domestic education system has not undergone major changes since post-revolutionary times. Except, perhaps, for a small innovation, when in the 80s compulsory subjects computer science was added, the country studied according to the rules written by Lunacharsky under the guidance of Trotsky. And now - it's done.

The new law is still at the stage of development and public discussion different kind rumors and horror stories. Whatever they did not frighten the public - they said that only three subjects would remain free (one of which is physical education), and the rest would have to be paid; they argued that schools would be privatized and turned into private institutions, and half of the teachers would be left without work.

So, there is nothing of the kind in the new law. At least, this is what the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov told the deputies. Moreover, the new rules expand state guarantees of free education, and the number of free hours for students in the new standards of general school education does not decrease, but increases. And now the right to free education at the expense of the state, students of non-state educational institutions also receive. The future law also clearly fixes the measures of social support for students: the right to free textbooks, meals, trips to school, the provision of hostels, scholarships, and so on.

Special attention in the new law is given to professionally oriented education. It is no secret that outside the Moscow Ring Road, personnel officers with tears in their eyes offer working specialties to young people with diplomas in law and economics. And those agree, because when choosing a specialty at the university, they did not take into account the needs of the labor market. Now education "for the sake of crust" is a thing of the past. The bill ensures the availability and free of charge of the secondary vocational education for every citizen. The secondary vocational education provides for the training of qualified workers (employees) and the training of mid-level specialists. And for organizations-employers, the law introduces an institute targeted learning when enterprises pay for the training of a specialist, and then employ him. It's kind of an alternative Soviet system postgraduate distribution. Integration is envisaged Russian system education into an international one with the aim of recognizing diplomas of domestic universities abroad.

In fact, the law establishes a continuous system of education, which includes preschool, general, secondary vocational and higher education. This whole system together is designed to enable each person to improve their professional level throughout life.

Despite the fact that the bill takes into account more than 20 thousand comments and suggestions made by teachers and the public over the two years of its public discussion, according to the deputies, it needs to be finalized and specified in certain provisions. In the final version, the draft law is planned to be adopted by the end of the year, so that it will work from January 1, 2012.

In Russian schools, according to the Ministry of Education, there are not enough more than 17 thousand teachers. Basically - teachers in a foreign language, mathematics and physical education.

But experts unanimously say: teacher training universities graduate much more specialists. But only 25 percent of them go to school. As noted folk teacher In Russia, director of the Tsaritsyno Education Center Efim Rachevsky, many of those who today go from a pedagogical university to school undergo a double negative selection. How? It's very simple: far from the most successful school graduates go to "pedy", and this is confirmed by the statistics of the average USE score. And then they come to school far from the best graduates pedagogical universities.

Those from whom we learn are called our teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name - this saying is attributed to Goethe. In practice, the best teachers often become people with no pedagogical education at all. Paradox. It is known that now the Ministry of Education and Science is fully engaged in the modernization of pedagogical education. The number of pedagogical universities has decreased, many of them have become faculties of classical universities. Education leaders understand that something needs to be done about the quality of teacher education. But will a simple merge save?

FIGURE: a student of a foreign pedagogical university spends 18 months on an internship at school

The country is introducing new standard general education, which is based on fundamentally new positions, - says the rector of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical Institute Vitaly Rubtsov. - It turned out that the main task teachers now do not teach their subject, although this "function", of course, remains important, but also be able to organize the activities of children. So to speak, the inclusion of the student in the process of creation. Until now, no one thought to train teachers to solve such problems. Today's school teachers, most of whom are already well over forty years old, do not know how. And if we do not reorganize now, then young specialists will come to a new modern school with outdated views on the profession.

Conclusion of Vitaly Rubtsov: lecture forms of presenting material should give way to those that have long been understood by the whole world practical training. The future teacher should find himself in a real, "field" situation with children, become a "designer" of learning situations. But how can a teacher of the "old" school, who himself at school often engaged in now "unfashionable" cramming, switch to a new educational track? Why not go back to school?

Practical school bases should become an integral part of teacher education. The school is no longer a junior friend, but a partner of the university. And no longer schoolchildren go on training courses to a university, and students and even teachers themselves go to an advanced school to learn how to work with children. "We have schools where you can teach teachers to be adequate today", Rubtsov is sure.

One of these schools is the Moscow Gymnasium No. 57, where one of the the best teachers Russian language and literature, member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science Sergey Volkov.

It is very difficult to teach a craft in a teacher training college if a quarter of the graduates go to work from there in their specialty, Volkov says. - Imagine that I came to teach the theory of literature in an audience, 75 percent of which do not need it at all. It is necessary to teach not so much those who study at a pedagogical university, but those who have already come to the "field" conditions of the school!

Lecture forms of presentation of material in the lesson should give way to practical exercises

Sergey Volkov shared the experience of colleagues from Tatarstan. There is also a terrible situation with teachers. At the initiative of the local Ministry of Education, all universities, not only pedagogical ones, were called out: if you want to work at a school, come, we will give you an additional salary of 7,000 and a fully equipped workplace. Those who wish can choose any school and take a course of tutor support every three months.

I came to a meeting with teachers who came to the school three months ago, - says Sergey. - Their eyes were already burning, they "teared" the technique out of me. There is a need for on-site training of teachers in schools. But conditions must be created for this.

Another problem of teacher education in Russia is the lack of motivation. Although salaries are being raised in accordance with ministerial programs, they are still not enough, and the opinion that has developed over the past 20 years is firmly in their heads: losers go to school to work. No motivation - no creative initiative. And in such a situation, even experienced teachers they will not keep up with new trends, they will not want to learn.

We don't have a teaching career, says VP Russian Academy Education Victor Bolotov. - There is no such system of advanced training, which would significantly increase both the income and the status of the profession.

Pavel Mrdulyash, Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

We are making not the first attempt to reform Teacher Education. But all the past ones were purely theoretical or represented a set of measures that could not change the situation. Now we are trying to consider education together with professional activity, systemically. Purely organizational measures do not solve anything. For example, a merger: a not very successful pedagogical university is part of a large regional university, becomes its faculty. From the point of view of the costs of the region and reporting to the ministry, everything is wonderful. It seems like the bad university has disappeared. All ticked. But to teach differently at this faculty (in former university) will not.

We are moving today at school to a competency-based model of education. The student must be able to apply knowledge in practice, in familiar and unfamiliar work situations. You need to be able to comprehend your experience and draw conclusions from it. The teacher, as he is now, is a person who simply transfers knowledge and sets some educational, but not practical tasks in the classroom. He does not know how to teach skills, this is not provided for in his usual actions. Today we need a different teacher who would combine both a tutor and a psychologist.

Universities still work according to old methods, and psychological education the teacher is usually not given. But the most painful topic is how much time future teacher conducts at school in the form of practices, internships. As the experience of other countries shows, students of pedagogical universities have up to 18 months of practice "in the field" for the entire process of learning. Essentially, two academic year out of four, a bachelor teacher spends at school. And not just sitting there in the classroom, but studying - the internship is organized as educational process. Otherwise, it simply loses its meaning.

Some of our universities graduate teachers who do not appear at all during their studies at school.

Finnish universities are already accepting documents from applicants. Exams will start in May. Most big competition- 15 and more people in place - traditionally expected in universities on pedagogical departments. The profession of a teacher in Suomi is a guarantee of high quality education and good earnings.

The Finns realized forty years ago that school education need to be rebuilt. But, having rewritten textbooks, increasing the period of study in lower grades for 2 years (grades 1-6) and even having built school buildings according to new projects, they realized that without a new, highly educated teacher, the reform is useless. How to prepare such a teacher? The experts suggested starting with restoring the prestige of the profession. We started with a salary increase. Moreover, the newcomer's salary was lower than the maximum by only 18 percent. According to the latest data, the salary of, for example, a teacher Finnish at the level of 3,600 euros, that is, 144 thousand rubles. For senior subject teachers, it is higher by 500 euros.

At the same time, teachers were released from routine work. That is, from the preparation of any reports. The institute of school inspectors was completely destroyed. Teacher certification has been discontinued. And the teacher himself was allowed to independently select textbooks, compose tests and teaching methods. In short, the teachers were told: we give you general state standards, and then - create, but not to the detriment of either children or the country.

FIGURE: 3,600 euros a month for teachers in Suomi

Having created normal conditions teachers for work and life, the reformers quickly became convinced that the former teacher could not experiment with a bachelor's degree. The level of education is not the same. Research skills are absent. And the Finns began to train the school teacher in a new way.

First, they gave all teacher training to universities. Secondly, all teachers, including elementary school, were obliged to study at the university until receiving a master's degree. That is, the Finns were among the first in Europe to increase the period of study as a teacher by two years, making the training of teachers two-stage: three years before obtaining a bachelor's degree, and then another two years - before obtaining a master's degree.

In addition to subject teachers and elementary school teachers, universities began to train special teachers to work with lagging children and children with disabilities. inappropriate behavior. This need was caused by the fact that every fourth Finnish student does not have time to master the program. And there are enough fools. Special teachers work with them individually or as part of a group of 5-7 people for 2-3 hours a week.

University education was made compulsory even for kindergarten teachers. True, it was decided that bachelors would also cope with this work. The Finns were guided by the recommendations of scientists who believe that 90 percent of the brain and 95 percent neural pathways The child is formed in the first five years. Therefore, the upbringing of a child at this age should be supervised by experienced teachers. For the same reason, the most qualified teachers work in primary schools.

A high salary, a guarantee of getting a good and, moreover, free education, the opportunity to realize one's talent and imagination at school quickly restored the prestige of a school teacher. But the authors school reform We were not interested in quantity, but in quality. And they proposed a selection system in which everyone who, upon admission to Faculty of Education dreams only more about money and honor.

The selection takes place in the process of interviewing future teachers. First interview - during delivery entrance exams. university lecturer, school teacher and the municipal official responsible for education find out why the applicant chose this faculty, what he knows about future profession. And the one who can answer with reason, gets an additional chance to become a student.

The teachers were told: we give you general state standards, and then - create, experiment

The second interview is with bachelors who have decided to continue their studies for a master's degree. There, after all, again you need to withstand a competition of 4-5 people for one place. And, finally, a conversation with the employer of the school where the newly minted teacher would like to work. As a result, only 30 percent of graduates successfully pass this selection and are employed from the first call.

But even for them a permanent job as a teacher is not yet guaranteed. First you need to pass a six-month probationary period. After that, hourly work. There are cases when a teacher finds a permanent job after ten years. You have to prove so much that he is the one that the school and children are waiting for.

The curriculum is divided as follows: 67 percent - theory and 33 percent practice. Universities are updated every three years learning programs teacher training, taking into account the demands of the time, the opinions of employers, graduates and teachers. At a Finnish university, the requirement for a student is soft. Lecture attendance is voluntary. But the student is obliged to take exams in the course of lectures.

You can not count on the pity of the teacher. And they don't take bribes. Therefore, one or another subject will still have to be taught. the main objective study at the university - to teach the student to do research on his own, so that he is constantly looking for new teaching methods at school. To this end, at the university, the future teacher writes a serious scientific work based on his observations, assessments of other people's scientific papers, analyzes of statistical data and their own conclusions.

That is, learning is close connection scientific work with practice. And in this forte teacher training systems for the Finnish comprehensive school.

10:07 — REGNUM Head of the Education Department of the Administration of Yekaterinburg Ekaterina Sibirtseva claims that the city's schools are 100% staffed with teachers. However, she noted a number of issues that still need to be addressed. Users social networks reacted violently to the words of the official, the correspondent reports.

According to Ekaterina Sibirtseva, despite the staffing level, there are vacancies for teachers in schools, as a number of teachers work with overloads. At the same time, the greatest shortage is felt among primary school teachers.

“We are colossally short of primary school teachers, today the focus is shifted to primary school, a large number of first graders. Primary school teacher is the most scarce worker for most today educational organizations. There is a certain shortage of teachers of the Russian language and literature, mathematics, a foreign language, but we can easily close this. BUT elementary School“That’s the hardest thing” , - the publication "" quotes the statement of the head of the department.

“This is a problem all over the country. And not just the boss. The teachers are running , — said one of the participants of the Internet forum.

Other users agree with him. They offer municipal officials from education departments to become teachers, since they all, as a rule, have a pedagogical education.

“My daughter in the 1st grade has a teacher - an 80-year-old grandmother. And all because there is no one to work ... " , — states another participant of the forum.

Also, a number of commentators agreed that teachers are indeed heavily loaded.

"Last year we classroom teacher I plowed for two classes (2nd and 4th grade), this is rubbish, how did I survive with our “loopheads” in two shifts ” , — the user wrote about the problems at school.

Other forum participants suggested that the problem may be related to the low salaries of teachers.

“Our teacher also works in two shifts - he teaches the 3rd and 4th grade. I haven't seen new teachers in the junior block for a long time. They don’t survive, apparently, on such a salary ” she wrote.

She was supported by another commentator, recalling the statement of the head of government Dmitry Medvedev about the salaries of teachers and what they should do if it does not suit them.

“Teachers, apparently, are fulfilling Medvedev's precepts - they have massively gone into commerce. Jokes are jokes, but now a person can choose where to work, until they reconsider the situation with salaries, it will be so, ”he said.

A teacher from Yekaterinburg agreed with them.

“I have been working at the school for 20 years. Salary 19,000. The incentive part is not paid for three years. Young people almost never come. Students of pedagogical universities already in practice speak about their unwillingness to go to school. Who else would go to work for such a salary? It got ridiculous: it’s embarrassing to say that you work at a school” , said the teacher.

Recall that in 2017, on September 1, 163 schools started working in Yekaterinburg, and 149,000 students will sit at their desks. According to the data state statistics, average wage teaching staff educational institutions general education in organizations of state and municipal forms of ownership in Sverdlovsk region for January - June 2017 amounted to 40,940 rubles.