Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Pointed chin meaning. Small chin and big problems

What can be said about the chin? Actually a lot. On it you can trace the stages of evolution, learn about the nature of man. Each person is special, and can tell a lot.

chewing theory

Scientist James Pumpush from the University of Florida said that this body part appeared only after the separation of human ancestors from other primates.

The evolution of the chin took place at an incredible speed (about 77 times faster than the average level of genetic drift).

The collection was formed in the interval of six million and 200 thousand years ago, most likely about two million years ago. The reason for this was the transition to "ready" food - boiled, fried, stewed in the fire. The load on the jaws and teeth, accustomed to the processing of coarse and solid food, has decreased. This theory, which has the right to exist, but is not the only theory, competes with other options for the development of events. Probably, we also owe the appearance of the chin to an increase in the brain part of the skull, which led to the divergence of the branches mandible with shortening of the length of the palate and upper jaw.

Theory is sociable

New Zealand scientists have constructed several three-dimensional models of the lower jaw, with and without a chin.

By carefully examining the variations under various stresses to which the muscles and bones were subjected, the scientists noticed that when the tongue is at a 45° angle in the jaw without a chin, the lower jaw experiences significant tension and stress.

The bones did not immediately, but over time, change their shape under the pressure of the tongue, which intensified in the process of evolution. According to scientists, our ancestors began to actively speak about 50 thousand years ago, around the same time the chin formed. It is curious that the chin is fully formed when a person reaches 30 years old, after which one can judge its real shape.

Theory is hormonal

Nathan Holton, an anthropologist at the University of Iowa, initially agreed with the theory of American scientists, but later changed his point of view. Together with a group of university colleagues, the scientist looked at many x-rays of people aged from three to sixty years and compared them with pictures of Neanderthal skulls.

The conclusion was unequivocal: a pronounced chin may simply be side effect evolutionary changes in our faces.

Scientists have noticed that our ancient ancestors do not have a chin, it is weakly expressed in children and at the same time becomes more developed with age. But children's jaws can withstand loads better than the jaws of an adult! The fact is that in the process of development genus Homo(which includes humans, Neanderthals, and our other ancestors) has evolved with a distinct reduction in face. Holton believes that the reason for the decrease in faces is hormonal changes, which have been associated with a decrease in violence and the emergence and growth of cooperation between people.

The theory is attractive

Traditionally, a prominent chin was considered a sign of sexuality and masculinity. Allegedly, the chin has evolved to serve as an indicator of sufficient testosterone and to distinguish the male as a profitable match, like peacock feathers.

Such heroes were portrayed in cartoons and films, which are only worth the pronounced chin of Superman and the prominent lower jaw of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Alas, this assumption is not true, because women also often have noticeable and prominent chins.

A short note on this issue was published by National Geographic magazine, where the author of the article claims that there is no precedent in nature for the dominant sex trait to be present in both males and females, from which we conclude that the chin is in no way connected with sexuality and human capabilities (unless subconsciously).

Physiognomy and perception

Chin plays huge role in the perception of the image of the interlocutor, hence the common phrases “strong-willed chin” and “limp chin” appeared.

According to the results statistical studies, then we can distinguish several types of chins and their corresponding psychological qualities owner.

For example, a pointed chin in a woman indicates the difficulties of a communicative nature, while in men it betrays cruelty and vindictiveness. The rounded shape often indicates not only insufficient a strong character but also the ability to organize work around oneself.

An oval chin, especially among the fairer sex, is considered the standard of beauty, hence the qualities attributed to its owners - artistry, sexuality and attractiveness.

A square chin in men, in turn, indicates a strong and independent character. If the chin protrudes forward, then this speaks of lust for power, pride and the desire to benefit from everything.

A weakly defined chin, which has a slight bifurcation, indicates a passionate nature, and a stronger bifurcation indicates a love of seclusion. A forked strong chin is a sign of increased sexuality of its owners. But the presence of a dimple on the chin indicates the benevolence, stubbornness and unpredictability of the owner. By the way, popular rumor interprets this feature as a sign of sensuality, and in ancient india and in Persia, a dimple on the chin was considered a bad sign, and such “marked ones” could not become courtiers and priests.

"Double chin"

In fact, this is not a chin at all, but a fat fold under it. The defect visually distorts the proportions of the face and gives it heaviness. In addition, it is almost impossible to disguise it (although a beard comes to the rescue for men).

The causes of this defect can be hereditary and age factors, a sharp weight gain, high pillows and the habit of slouching and keeping your head down. By the way, in order to gain an “extra” chin, you need to add about 2-3 kg in weight to a woman up to 165 cm and about 5-7 kg to women taller.

If in early years you have a second chin, which means that the mass of adipose tissue in the body is at least 10%. You can fight the deficiency both surgically and in a public way - through gymnastics, massage, sports and proper nutrition.

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Irina Danilina

The chin is located in the lower part of the face, as if completing its composition. The chin and character have a clear relationship in our minds: we often say that a person has a “strong-willed chin” or, conversely, “soft and weak-willed”. AT Chinese physiognomy it symbolizes the strength of the character of the individual and the state of his health in late period life.

Perfect chin

The chin is located in the third stage of the face, which starts from the tip of the nose and ends at the bottom of the chin. On the chin are the points of a person's Life in old age - at the age of 61 to 75 years. It is clear that a well-shaped chin symbolizes the strength of the human body in old age and its longevity.

Ideally, the shape of the chin should be rounded on the sides and slightly square at the bottom. It is neither wide nor narrow, not round, but not quite square either! Such an ideal chin indicates harmony in the character of a person, hallmarks which are sociability, principles, diplomatic skills, politeness, tact.

The formation of the chin ends only by the age of thirty: after that, one can judge its real shape.

Chin shape and character

1. Pointed chin

A sharp chin testifies to the politeness, cunning and insincerity of its owners. too long and a pointy chin betrays a cruel and vindictive person.

In young women, a pointed chin looks attractive and is considered beautiful. However, according to Chinese physiognomists, such a chin indicates difficulties in the nature of the communicative plan and poor health in old age.

2. Round chin

The owners of such a chin are able to organize work so that others work for them. The roundness of the shape of such a chin indicates an insufficiently strong character.

3. Oval chin

Such a chin serves as a standard of beauty, but does not promise strength and strength to its owners in advanced years. Its owners are distinguished by love and artistic inclinations, but physiognomists do not promise children to them.

4. Square chin

The chin of this form speaks of a strong, courageous and firm character, combined with the stubbornness and willfulness of its owner. If such a chin protrudes slightly forward and is raised upward, then it belongs to a power-hungry person who seeks to benefit from everything.

5. Double chin

Having a chin this type a thin person promises him a happy old age: good health, prosperity and love of children.

double chin for complete man- a normal phenomenon: this is also a good sign, but to a lesser extent than in the previous case.

Small in size, fleshy double chin betrays a lover of voluptuousness.

6. Reclined chin

The owners of a chin of this form, as a rule, are spineless, patient, compliant and have a quiet disposition.

7. Split Chin

A weakly defined chin, which has a slight bifurcation, indicates a passionate nature, and a stronger bifurcation indicates a love of seclusion.

A forked strong chin is a sign of increased sexuality of its owners.

Moles on the chin and character

Chin and character can be linked due to the location of moles in the lower part of the face.

1. Moles in the central part of the chin

A mole located in the center of the chin speaks of the adventurous nature of a person, loving travel and adventure, his love of knowledge, determination, optimism, generosity. Such people are optimistic by nature, reliable and devoted in friendship and love.

2. Moles on the chin on the right side

Such an arrangement of moles indicates serious attitude a person to work, bordering on workaholism. The owners of such moles live at work, coming to her first and leaving the last. Such labor zeal harms family relations due to lack of free time and excessive fatigue. Generally similar situation may lead to poor health.

3. Moles on the chin on the left side

Moles located on the left side of the chin indicate a person capable of mercy and charitable work, not for the sake of fame, but because of the nobility of the soul and the desire for justice.

4. Moles at the base of the chin

The location of moles at the base of the chin indicates the possibility of achieving success in various areas life without serious effort on the part of their owners. Such people do not experience a shortage of material resources throughout their lives, have true friends, have excellent physical data by nature and succeed in business due to professionalism and business acumen.

The chin and character are inseparable both in our minds and in Chinese physiognomy! All rights reserved. Reprinting of the article is allowed only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and an active link to the site

The chin is located in the lower part of the face and is one of the main components that determine its shape. In turn, the shape of the chin depends on the lateral angle of the lower jaw and is determined by the degree of development of the base of the "chin triangle" - an elevation in the anterior part of the chin zone (Fig. 43).Rice. 43 The width of the chin triangle: a- narrow chin,b- wide chinIf the angle of the lower jaw is more than 125 degrees and the "chin triangle" is sharp - Bottom part faces refers to narrow options (triangular or oval). If the angle of the lower jaw is closer to a straight line (less than 125 degrees), then the chin belongs to the wide options (rectangular or round shape), (Fig. 44).Rice. 44 Chin shape optionsThe chin is separated from the lower lip by the chin-labial groove. This is a short and clear depression, clearly visible in males.From the chin region located on the neck, under the lower jaw, between its base and the hyoid bone, the chin is separated by the chin groove. It passes under the edge of the lower jaw and transmits its transverse furrow. This configuration is clearly visible in thin people and is almost always noticeable in older people, as well as with a slight tilt of the head. In older people, a fold forms, sometimes double, this is the so-called “double chin.” The chin is separated from the cheeks by a thin fold (chin-cheek groove), from the side it is slightly convex. At a young age, it may be absent, but over time it becomes noticeable, especially in older people. In women and young people, the chin has a regular, convex, slightly rounded shape. In men, the chin is more often massive, wide, flat and protruding.

On the convexity of the anterior surface of the chin, there is often a dimple or a vertical furrow. Their presence is associated with the direct adhesion of the skin to the bone structure (Fig. 45c, d).
Rice. 45 Varieties of chinsOn a racial basis, chins have their own characteristics. Among the peoples of Australia, the chin is wide, square, the jaw protrudes slightly. Polynesians have a massive lower jaw and an upturned chin. In representatives of the Negroid race, the chin, unlike the lips, protrudes slightly, and in the Mongoloids, it is practically absent. The population of the American continent is characterized by a protruding, well-defined chin. For the peoples of the Mediterranean - also a protruding chin and a high lower jaw, like the inhabitants of England, Iceland, Denmark and northern Germany. The peoples of the Iranian group have a low lower jaw, the inhabitants of Scandinavia have a pointed chin, a wide and low jaw. A low and narrow jaw, with an upturned and high chin, is characteristic of the population of the Adriatic. small chin typical of Indians and northeastern regions of Africa.

The chin is important for facial expression and, according to physiognomists, fleshy, full, wide, upturned and protruding forward is considered auspicious. According to the Chinese, such a chin is a "gift of the gods", and testifies to the increased sexuality and unbending will of its owner. A rectangular chin speaks of stubbornness, and a pointed chin speaks of inner kindness. A short, narrow and sloping chin is considered unfavorable. Favorable for women is a full, rounded, protruding somewhat forward, and preferably a split chin.

A tender, fleshy and rounded chin is a sign of sensuality and weakness, while small, unpointed chins are characteristic of timid people. A flattened chin accompanies a cold and dry nature, with refined feelings. The sloping backward chin suggests prudence, prudence and caution (Fig. 45e). A strongly protruding chin, as a rule, is inherent in people who are resolute, strong-willed and stubborn, with inflated conceit (Fig. 45e).A wide chin is a sign of pride, arrogance, and sometimes rudeness and cruelty (Fig. 45a); a sharp one symbolizes wit and some cunning of a person (Fig. 45b).

A flat, sheer chin, according to physiognomists, betrays a cold-blooded phlegmatic person (Fig. 45g), a fleshy double chin (Fig. 45h) indicates a balanced, sensual lover of life, not indifferent to food.

A rounded chin with a dimple is evidence of kindness and adornment of Russian beauties from museums and art galleries (Fig. 45c).Judgment and composure are revealed in a person with a deep vertical fold of the chin (Fig. 45d), such people tend to think over each act a few steps ahead, they are reasonable, but prone to solitude.

The shape and type of the face is complemented by its lateral parts - the cheeks. They are in proportional dependence with other parts of the face and determine its general configuration and constitutional type. So, for melancholics, sunken, lean cheeks are typical, and round-faced phlegmatic people are characterized by rounded ones. Smooth, beautifully contoured cheeks testify to the sensuality, tenderness and generosity of a person. Parallel folds on a young face when smiling are considered a sign of frivolity, but dimples on the cheeks, such as those of the people's artist Vera Vasilyeva, characterize the sociability, kindness, and slight irony of their owner's character.

General information

Chin plays important role to form the correct oval of the face. Small, underdeveloped chin usually due to congenital defects in the structure of the lower jaw, less often - post-traumatic or postoperative consequences. With a small, sloping chin, the lower jaw smoothly passes into the neck, while there is no clear line of the chin. They also talk about a small chin if its size and shape do not correspond to the proportions of the forehead, nose and cheekbones.

A beautiful face of a person should have harmoniously developed, clearly defined features. One of the signs of a proportional, balanced face are high cheekbones and a slightly protruding chin. A small, at first glance, flaw - a small or sloping chin can spoil the overall picture and turn a beautiful, pretty face into an unattractive one. And, by eliminating this shortcoming, it is possible to radically change appearance person.

The shape of the chin depends on the position of the lateral angle of the lower jaw and is determined by the severity of the "chin triangle" - a protrusion in the anterior part of the chin area. It is believed that the height of the ideal chin is equal to half the height of the lower 1/3 of the face. The chin line should be clearly, but smoothly outlined.

In younger people, a weak, small, or receding chin can be a problem. This can be determined as follows: look at the tilted head from the side and conditionally draw two lines - a horizontal line passing through the ear canal and the lower edge of the orbit, and a vertical line through the deepest point at the root of the nose. If the chin does not protrude beyond the vertical line, this is a sign of underdevelopment of the chin (microgenia). The assessment of the patient's bite is also important (most of all, chin augmentation is recommended for microgenia with a normal or almost normal bite).

In older patients, there is thinning and atrophy of soft tissues, loss of bone tissue (in particular, between the lateral parts of the lower jaw and the chin), an anterior maxillary sulcus may appear. AT this case Chin plasty (including arthroplasty) is necessary to improve the configuration of the lower jaw and give the face a more youthful appearance.

Methods for correcting a small chin

Thanks to modern technologies plastic surgery uses safe methods correction of an underdeveloped small chin and not too well-defined cheekbones, designed for both women and men. Chin surgery is called mentoplasty. Cheekbones and (or) chin augmentation operations are carried out according to aesthetic indications, they help to form a correct, proportional face profile, make it more attractive and expressive. It is especially important to correct these areas in the presence of congenital and post-traumatic deformities.

There are several ways to correct a small chin, cheekbones, and facial contours.

Correction of a small chin by bone grafting consists either in building up the patient's own lower jaw bone, or in advancing the chin region by installing miniature plates (for example, made of titanium). In the future, metal structures can be left or removed at the request of the patient. Thus, you can change the size of the chin, push it forward, make it visually larger than it was before. Such an increase in the chin is safer than the placement of silicone implants in soft tissues, since there are no rejection reactions of foreign materials and the likelihood of implant migration. An incision no larger than 4 cm is made in the oral cavity (in the fold between the mucosa of the lower teeth and lower lip), it is completely invisible and heals well.

Small chin surgery may involve a combination of bone grafting with liposculpture (liposuction of the chin). It is possible to create an individual chin at the request of the patient. Chin augmentation in some cases can be recommended when performing a circular facelift or neck lift.

Small chin augmentation by endoprosthetics (using implants) has been performed for over 40 years. Currently, the popularity of this procedure has increased significantly. To evaluate in advance desired result, it is possible to apply preliminary sketches on a photograph or computer simulation. The surgeon, together with the patient, selects an implant that is suitable in shape and size.

Endoprosthesis replacement of the cheekbones and chin is carried out with safe facial implants made of non-biological material (silicone, polyethylene porous), or bioimplants (based on cartilage tissue). Bioimplants are modeled by the surgeon individually during the operation. The implant can be inserted through incisions 3-4 cm long in the fold of the oral mucosa or in the skin fold under the lower jaw. With access for implantation through the oral cavity, the traces of the operation are invisible.

Through the incision, the periosteum is detached in the chin area and along the edge of the lower jaw, according to the size of the implant. The implant enters the subperiosteal tunnels with its lateral parts and fits snugly enough to the bone without moving anywhere. Sometimes the implant is additionally fixed with sutures to the periosteum. After the operation, an elastic bandage is applied.

It is possible to enlarge a small chin with a non-surgical method of lipofilling. Correction of the chin area (also cheekbones, cheeks) in this case is carried out with the cells of the patient's own adipose tissue.

A chin augmentation is usually performed under general anesthesia. Small chin augmentation can be combined with other corrective procedures: rhinoplasty, forehead and face lift.

The rehabilitation period after chin correction lasts several weeks. Within a few days after the operation, the chin area will feel sore, numb and somewhat unnatural, there may be slight swelling. If the incision was made in the oral cavity, then it is better to refrain from taking solid food for a week. Gently brush your teeth the next day. Rinse your mouth regularly with an antiseptic solution prescribed by your doctor.

In the oral cavity, the threads gradually dissolve on their own, with an external incision, the sutures are removed after a week. It is prescribed to wear an elastic bandage - a bandage to fix the chin for two weeks. It is recommended to avoid sports and physical activity within a month after the operation.

The cosmetic effect of mentoplasty depends on the individual regenerative abilities of the body. It can be finally assessed 3-6 months after the operation.

What does the shape of the chin say about the character?

Today I invite everyone who is interested in the topic - physiognomy. In the last article, I talked about how the shape of a person’s nose and his character traits are related. Now let's go down a little lower and look at the chin.

The chin protruding forward under the first incisor of the teeth (Fig. 1) means the desire for marriage. Such people prefer a partner with the same temperament as his. And then between people there is what we call intimacy.

The chin, protruding forward a little further, behind a sign of closeness (Fig. 2), speaks of a desire to be loved. This symptom is usually most common among men. When it is strongly pronounced, the chin gives rise to protrusions on either side of its center. It gives appearance chin and other features of refinement.

The desire to love is expressed in a narrow rectangular chin, it is most pronounced in women (Fig. 3). Tender feelings depend largely on this ability to love, a sign of which is such a chin. Those who have this sign strongly want to give pleasure to those who wish to be loved, through something opposite to sex. All this speaks of mercy. If the owner of this sign is a woman, then she inclines to marry her humble people, mainly of their own circle, equal with her in birth and condition.

The wide front of the chin, on the contrary, speaks of a trait opposite to the desire to love; the chin, expanding under the fang of the jaw (Fig. 4), speaks of the ability to be violent in love. Such square chin belongs to courageous persons and accompanies unhealthy passions: jealousy, suspicion, embellishment of reality and deceit. This sign is found in the mentally ill on the basis of love experiences.

The wide lower jaw under the first two small molars (Fig. 5) indicates the ability for passionate love. Together with a sign of violent love, this gives the jaw a rounded outline and speaks of strong feelings; such signs are more pronounced in women than in men. These abilities are manifested most of all in hugs and kisses and are shown not only by the width of this part of the chin, but also by the width and fullness of the scarlet surface of the lips.

The width of the lower jaw under the wisdom teeth (Fig. 6) means fidelity in love. This gift makes a person make promises and accept souvenirs, such people remain faithful to memories and marital vows and passionately desire to bear children in marriage. People who have this sign clearly expressed will never break someone else's marriage by taking away a partner, and they don’t change their own for a more suitable one. The passion to be loved here is the main stimulus to love yourself and be creative and faithful.

The chin protruding far forward speaks of the desire for kinship of souls and exceptional passion (Fig. 7).

Throwing the head to the side also speaks of the desire to be loved and the ability for violent love (Fig. 8)

The length of the chin, beveling downwards under the fangs, speaks of willpower (Fig. 9). Pronounced, such a sign indicates a great firmness of character. These are people who value the position in society that they themselves have achieved. Children with such signs have suffered many blows of fate in their lives, and, in the best case, become heroes in the future. These children tend to repeat often: "I will do what I want."

The length of the lower jaw under the second molar (Fig. 10) speaks of persistence. People who have such a sign are pronounced, very persistent, stubborn in everything, no matter what they undertake, they do not tend to rest until the work is completed. This feature is pronounced in good students, naturalists, astronomers, mathematicians.

The length of the lower jaw, descending below the front incisor (Fig. 11), one can judge the determination of a person. People who have such a sign are very energetic.

When such a gift of determination is small (Figure 12), then people have little efficiency and energy.

Stability can be judged by the base of the lower jaw and the straightness of the neck (Fig. 13).

A long windpipe with a larynx, with an arched front of the neck (Fig. 14) speaks of such a trait as independence. If this feature is not very pronounced, then such people still have some freedom of thoughts and feelings. While at the same time relying blindly on others. People with a pronounced such trait remain firm and unshakable when there are attempts to divert them from their intended task.

Someone believes that our facial features reflect our character, someone considers this complete nonsense. But here is one observation: for some reason, people who are able to quickly determine what a person is usually have good memory on faces.