Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Dull chin. What does a sharp chin mean in women

What can be said about the chin? Actually a lot. On it you can trace the stages of evolution, learn about the nature of man. Each person is special, and can tell a lot.

chewing theory

Scientist James Pumpush from the University of Florida said that this body part appeared only after the separation of human ancestors from other primates.

The evolution of the chin took place at an incredible speed (about 77 times faster than the average level of genetic drift).

The collection was formed in the interval of six million and 200 thousand years ago, most likely about two million years ago. The reason for this was the transition to "ready" food - boiled, fried, stewed in the fire. The load on the jaws and teeth, accustomed to the processing of coarse and solid food, has decreased. This, which has the right to exist, but not the only theory, competes with other options for the development of events. Probably, we also owe the appearance of the chin to an increase in the brain part of the skull, which led to the divergence of the branches of the lower jaw while shortening the length of the palate and upper jaw.

Theory is sociable

New Zealand scientists have constructed several three-dimensional models of the lower jaw, with and without a chin.

By carefully examining the variations under various stresses to which the muscles and bones were subjected, the scientists noticed that when the tongue is at a 45° angle in the jaw without a chin, the lower jaw experiences significant tension and stress.

The bones did not immediately, but over time, change their shape under the pressure of the tongue, which intensified in the process of evolution. According to scientists, our ancestors began to actively speak about 50 thousand years ago, around the same time the chin formed. It is curious that the chin is fully formed when a person reaches 30 years old, after which one can judge its real shape.

Theory is hormonal

Nathan Holton, an anthropologist at the University of Iowa, initially agreed with the theory of American scientists, but later changed his point of view. Together with a group of university colleagues, the scientist looked at many x-rays of people aged from three to sixty years and compared them with pictures of Neanderthal skulls.

The conclusion was unequivocal: a pronounced chin may simply be a side effect of the evolutionary changes in our faces.

Scientists have noticed that our ancient ancestors do not have a chin, it is weakly expressed in children and at the same time becomes more developed with age. But children's jaws can withstand loads better than the jaws of an adult! The fact is that in the process of development, the genus Homo (which includes humans, Neanderthals and our other ancestors) has experienced evolution with a distinct decrease in the face. Holton believes that the reason for the decrease in faces is hormonal changes, which have been associated with a decrease in violence and the emergence and growth of cooperation between people.

The theory is attractive

Traditionally, a prominent chin was considered a sign of sexuality and masculinity. Allegedly, the chin has evolved in the process of evolution to serve as an indicator of sufficient testosterone and to single out the male as a profitable match, like peacock feathers.

Such heroes were portrayed in cartoons and films, which are only worth the pronounced chin of Superman and the prominent lower jaw of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Alas, this assumption is not true, because women also often have noticeable and prominent chins.

A short note on this issue was published by National Geographic magazine, where the author of the article claims that there is no precedent in nature for the dominant sex trait to be present in both males and females, from which we conclude that the chin is in no way connected with sexuality and human capabilities (unless subconsciously).

Physiognomy and perception

The chin plays a huge role in the perception of the image of the interlocutor, hence the common phrases “strong-willed chin” and “limp chin” appeared.

If you believe the results of statistical studies, then you can distinguish several types of chins and the psychological qualities of the owner corresponding to them.

For example, a pointed chin in a woman indicates the difficulties of a communicative nature, while in men it betrays cruelty and vindictiveness. A rounded shape often indicates not only a lack of strong character, but also the ability to organize work around oneself.

An oval chin, especially among the fairer sex, is considered the standard of beauty, hence the qualities attributed to its owners - artistry, sexuality and attractiveness.

A square chin in men, in turn, indicates a strong and independent character. If the chin protrudes forward, then this speaks of lust for power, pride and the desire to benefit from everything.

A weakly defined chin, which has a slight bifurcation, indicates a passionate nature, and a stronger bifurcation indicates a love of seclusion. A forked strong chin is a sign of increased sexuality of its owners. But the presence of a dimple on the chin indicates the benevolence, stubbornness and unpredictability of the owner. By the way, popular rumor interprets this feature as a sign of sensuality, and in ancient India and Persia, a dimple on the chin was considered a bad sign, and such “marked ones” could not become courtiers and priests.

"Double chin"

In fact, this is not a chin at all, but a fat fold under it. The defect visually distorts the proportions of the face and gives it heaviness. In addition, it is almost impossible to disguise it (although a beard comes to the rescue for men).

The causes of this defect can be hereditary and age factors, a sharp weight gain, high pillows and the habit of slouching and keeping your head down. By the way, in order to gain an “extra” chin, you need to add about 2-3 kg in weight to a woman up to 165 cm and about 5-7 kg to women taller.

If in the early years you have a second chin, then the mass of adipose tissue in the body is at least 10%. You can fight the deficiency both surgically and in a public way - through gymnastics, massage, sports and proper nutrition.

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What can be said about the chin? Actually a lot. On it you can trace the stages of evolution, learn about the nature of man. Each person is special, and can tell a lot.

chewing theory

The American journal Journal of Human Evolution published an article with the results of research, which states that the appearance of the chin is due to the transition of our ancestors from raw to cooked food.

Scientist James Pumpush from the University of Florida said that this body part appeared only after the separation of human ancestors from other primates.

The evolution of the chin took place at an incredible speed (about 77 times faster than the average level of genetic drift).

According to Pampush's calculations, the collection formed between six million and 200 thousand years ago, most likely about two million years ago. The reason for this was the transition to "ready" food - boiled, fried, stewed in the fire. The load on the jaws and teeth, accustomed to the processing of coarse and solid food, has decreased. This theory, which has the right to exist, but is not the only theory, competes with other options for the development of events. Probably, we also owe the appearance of the chin to an increase in the brain part of the skull, which led to the divergence of the branches of the lower jaw while shortening the length of the palate and upper jaw.

Theory is sociable

Dentists from the University of Otago (Dunedin, New Zealand) disagreed with their American colleagues, who claim that the chin was formed under the influence of constant tongue pressure.

New Zealand scientists have constructed several three-dimensional models of the lower jaw, with and without a chin.

By carefully examining the variations under various stresses to which the muscles and bones were subjected, the scientists noticed that when the tongue is at a 45° angle in the jaw without a chin, the lower jaw experiences significant tension and stress.

The bones did not immediately, but over time, change their shape under the pressure of the tongue, which intensified in the process of evolution. According to scientists, our ancestors began to actively speak about 50 thousand years ago, around the same time the chin formed. It is curious that the chin is fully formed when a person reaches 30 years old, after which one can judge its real shape.

Theory is hormonal

Nathan Holton, an anthropologist at the University of Iowa, initially agreed with the theory of American scientists, but later changed his point of view. Together with a group of university colleagues, the scientist looked at many x-rays of people aged from three to sixty years and compared them with pictures of Neanderthal skulls.

The conclusion was unequivocal: a pronounced chin may simply be a side effect of the evolutionary changes in our faces.

Scientists have noticed that our ancient ancestors do not have a chin, it is weakly expressed in children and at the same time becomes more developed with age. But children's jaws can withstand loads better than the jaws of an adult! The fact is that in the process of development, the genus Homo (which includes humans, Neanderthals and our other ancestors) has experienced evolution with a distinct decrease in the face. Holton believes that the reason for the decrease in faces is hormonal changes, which have been associated with a decrease in violence and the emergence and growth of cooperation between people.

The theory is attractive

Traditionally, a prominent chin was considered a sign of sexuality and masculinity. Allegedly, the chin has evolved in the process of evolution to serve as an indicator of sufficient testosterone and to single out the male as a profitable match, like peacock feathers.

Such heroes were portrayed in cartoons and films, which are only worth the pronounced chin of Superman and the prominent lower jaw of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Alas, this assumption is not true, because women also often have noticeable and prominent chins.

A small note on this issue was published by National Geographic magazine, where the author of the article claims that there is no precedent in nature for a dominant sexual trait to be present in both males and females, from which we conclude that the chin is in no way connected with sexuality and human capabilities. (unless subconsciously).

Physiognomy and perception

The chin plays a huge role in the perception of the image of the interlocutor, hence the common phrases “strong-willed chin” and “limp chin” appeared.

If you believe the results of statistical studies, then you can distinguish several types of chins and the psychological qualities of the owner corresponding to them.

For example, a pointed chin in a woman indicates the difficulties of a communicative nature, while in men it betrays cruelty and vindictiveness. A rounded shape often indicates not only a lack of strong character, but also the ability to organize work around oneself.

An oval chin, especially among the fairer sex, is considered the standard of beauty, hence the qualities attributed to its owners - artistry, sexuality and attractiveness.

A square chin in men, in turn, indicates a strong and independent character. If the chin protrudes forward, then this speaks of lust for power, pride and the desire to benefit from everything.

A weakly defined chin, which has a slight bifurcation, indicates a passionate nature, and a stronger bifurcation indicates a love of seclusion. A forked strong chin is a sign of increased sexuality of its owners. But the presence of a dimple on the chin indicates the benevolence, stubbornness and unpredictability of the owner. By the way, popular rumor interprets this feature as a sign of sensuality, and in ancient India and Persia, a dimple on the chin was considered a bad sign, and such “marked ones” could not become courtiers and priests.

Perfect chin

The chin is considered correct if it protrudes forward exactly as much as the lower lip protrudes. Despite the absence of pronounced applied qualities, the chin carries a considerable aesthetic component of the image.

That is why many decide on the plasticity of this part of the body.

Mentoplasty, an operation to reshape and correct defects of the chin, is no less interesting than rhinoplasty, an operation to correct the shape of the nose. Many decide on implants to make the chin more pronounced or, on the contrary, correct the existing one so that it is not so prominent. In addition, for the correction of the chin, myostimulation, lifting, mesotherapy and photorejuvenation are offered.

Folk omens

For some reason, signs about the chin always begin with the fact that it itches. Let us leave reflections on this fact and see what the wisdom of our ancestors brings us. It turns out that if a girl's chin itches, then this is a clear sign of upcoming love adventures. If a man’s chin itches, then soon he will meet a girl who will please him at first sight, but ... very soon he will realize that she is completely uninteresting to him. As soon as the chin of a person bound by marriage is combed, this may indicate an upcoming new stage in life. It will be marked either by a short-term love for someone or a new relationship between spouses.

There is a sign that a long illness is preceded by severe itching in the chin area, and the illness of someone close will overtake. But if you notice how another person scratches his chin, then you will undoubtedly be promoted or receive good news.

"Double chin"

In fact, this is not a chin at all, but a fat fold under it. The defect visually distorts the proportions of the face and gives it heaviness. In addition, it is almost impossible to disguise it (although a beard comes to the rescue for men).

The causes of this defect can be hereditary and age factors, a sharp weight gain, high pillows and the habit of slouching and keeping your head down. By the way, in order to gain an “extra” chin, you need to add about 2-3 kg in weight to a woman up to 165 cm and about 5-7 kg to women taller.

If in the early years you have a second chin, then the mass of adipose tissue in the body is at least 10%. You can fight the deficiency both surgically and in a public way - through gymnastics, massage, sports and proper nutrition.

Now it is fashionable to talk about physiognomy, but did you know that the roots of this science go back to the ancient world? So, in Asia, it was an integral part of Confucianism, and the ancient Greeks heard about it. Let's take a look at the general aspects.

Physiognomy - the shape and color of the eyes, eyelids in men and women: examples with descriptions, photos

big-eyed people, as a rule, have all the makings of a leader. There is a lot for this - courage, will, spiritual sensitivity.

IMPORTANT: However, keep in mind that such people are more prone to making short-term decisions. Far-reaching plans do not always work out for them.

Small eyes they often say that you have a personality closed, sometimes sullen, not without stubbornness and complacency. However, these people are different. constancy.

elongated eyes, the upper corners of which look up - refinement nature. Wherein men can boast of decisiveness, and women characterized by unreasonable behavior.

Men with narrow eyes, the upper corners of which are raised up - nature, according to physiognomy, decisive

Narrow eyes, according to physiognomy, are a sign of a refined nature.

If the eyes are located on one line- this is a good sign.

Eyes located on the same line - a good sign in physiognomy

close set eyes - a signal that a person gravitates towards something narrowly focused.

IMPORTANT: Such a person gives all his strength to the chosen direction.

Close-set eyes in physiognomy - a sign of narrow focus

Eyelids also play an important role in physiognomy. For example, pronounced upper talk about maturity or fatigue, and lower- about a stormy life.

Let's talk about eye color:

Light brown eyes in physiognomy - prudence

Gray eyes, according to physiognomy, are inquisitive people

Physiognomy: the shape of the nose, nostrils in men and women

So-called "Roman nose" is a business card leader with an analytical mind. Moreover, the more such a feature is expressed, the more often its owner “sticks price tags” on the surrounding things.

Owners direct nose can boast firmness of character, clear mind, enviable organizational abilities. Aesthetic perception is on top.

IMPORTANT: Such a person copes equally well with both the duties of a leader and the work of a subordinate.

Jude Law is a good example of the fact that people with a straight nose, according to physiognomy, gravitate toward art.

Hooked nose is characteristic skeptics for whom it is perfectly natural to ask a hundred questions and criticize everything in the world. However, this quality hides vulnerable nature.

Snub nose inherent gullible and responsive personalities. Them naivete often childish, Vera in people does not dry out, despite various troubles. Emotions have a huge impact on behavior.

"Potato Nose" very curious of people. Moreover, the larger it is, the more a person shows curiosity.

A little about nostrils:

Physiognomy: the shape of the mouth, upper and lower lips in men and women

It is believed that the mouth women should ideally be characterized by soft lines and small size, and men- rigidity of outlines.

IMPORTANT: If the opposite is true, then the owner of the mouth has character traits of the opposite sex.

If, when compressed, the lips are thin straight line, then this is a sure sign of the predominance mindfulness, systematic in actions and scrupulousness. Pettiness should also not be ruled out.

Thoughtfulness - according to physiognomy, a character trait in people with a straight line of the mouth

Upper lip thickness shows us how a person likes to talk- and the thicker it is, the more pleasure a person does it. At the same time, the story is often replete with a mass of colorful details.

Lower the lip shows to what extent its owner generous. People with a full lower lip in every sense are ready to give more than they are sometimes required. They willingly are making concessions.

IMPORTANT: True, there is a certain danger - often such individuals take on their shoulders more than they are able to bear.

Certainly plays a role corner direction mouth: lowered signal pessimism, and raised- about optimism.

Raised corners of the mouth in physiognomy - a characteristic feature of optimists

The lowered corners of the mouth are interpreted by physiognomy as a predisposition to pessimism.

Physiognomy: the shape of the head in men and women

egg-like the head is a feature intellectuals. At the same time, the intellectual may well be windy.

The head in the shape of an egg is a physiognomic sign of a high development of intelligence

Square form is a calling card respectable nature who loves to indulge reflections and to which can rely.

IMPORTANT: It is believed that the wider the head, the more friendly a person can be.

A square head in physiognomy is an indicator of a person's reliability

Pay attention to the width of the head - physiognomy correlates the level of friendliness with this indicator

Roundheads people soft, kind, peaceful and completely devoid of ambition. They are constant in your own interests and love comfort.

A person with a head shape resembling rhombus, always resolute and assertive On him can rely, although sometimes you have to consider with stubbornness, rigidity.

high crown characteristic of people who know how to go to success. They are active and purposeful.

Not so pronounced crown will tell others that a person happens at times indecisive.

Physiognomy: face shape in men and women

square face is unshakable confidence in their actions and thoughts. A big plus is that a person is not only confident in something, but also has the power for the implementation of the goals. Not the shy ones.

IMPORTANT: It is extremely difficult to negotiate with such individuals.

Round - soft gentle nature. Usually the real ones gourmets, who not only love delicious food, but also know how to cook.

oval the form - incredulity, propensity to do work by oneself. However, this man can boast industriousness the ability to apply knowledge in practice.

An oval face is inherent, according to physiognomy, to hardworking people

Rhomboid- enough explosive nature. They say about such people that they have one step from love to hate. Fast, smart. However, they don't like being pushed around.

Owners triangular persons also intellectually developed, however, they cannot be called fighters. Are artistic receptive in kind.

IMPORTANT: Mostly optimists, especially women.

Physiognomy: the shape of the forehead in men and women

In order to analyze the personality on the forehead, visually divide the forehead into 3 parts. Then see which one stands out the most:

  • 1 - located near the hairline. Man is philosopher, idealist
  • 2 - middle. Humanist. His beliefs are directly related to society
  • 3 - the area above the eyebrows. These personalities are most valued logic, practicality. Their mind is rational

But the emphasis on the middle part of the forehead is interpreted by physiognomy as an increased humanity of a person

Round the forehead is characteristic of people who successfully cope with the task of inventing original ideas. Any field of activity related to creativity is extremely suitable for them.

Square the forehead belongs innovators. For the sake of interest, they can change a lot of professions in their life, try a lot of hobbies.

IMPORTANT: However, there is also a significant minus - many undertakings rush halfway through.

Oval forehead peculiar conservatives. They will never throw away old things. However, the house will always be not a warehouse, but a cozy nest. With relatives, friends and colleagues, such people manage to support warm relations almost always.

Physiognomy: the shape of the bridge of the nose in men and women

As previously thought, the bridge of the nose can characterize health status person and his predisposition to career growth. To be successful in this regard, you need to have smooth nose bridge.

A smooth nose bridge in physiognomy is a sign of good luck

uneven or rough leather, transverse folds point to Problems in health or career.

Slightly flattened the bridge of the nose says that a person will have to make very a lot of effort during work.

High bridge of the nose is often found in people of high social status. And this is understandable: such individuals are inherent performance and ambition.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can always contact such individuals - they are extremely friendly.

Low the bridge of the nose is often inherent pessimists. These people noticeably lack vitality.

Physiognomy: the shape of the eyebrows in men and women

Low eyebrows are usually found in people who can promptly and unbiased react to something. They have a strong character, enviable willpower. At the same time, quite expressive and easily accepted for any business.

Owners high located eyebrows biased. However, it is easy to communicate with them because friendliness, openness, cheerful disposition. This is subtle gentle nature who are very easy to impress.

IMPORTANT: Such individuals are used to completing all undertakings, despite their impulsiveness.

Kosovointernal eyebrows - in other words, those that diverge from the bridge of the nose upwards. Their owners anxious, tense, extremely concerned about the quality of their work.

oblique- and such eyebrows diverge from the bridge of the nose down and mean gentleness, care. Moreover, these qualities are observed since childhood. In the future with these people very comfortable to make friends and cooperate.

broken lines people have eyebrows dynamic, who often take on too many worries, but almost always manage. They are impatient and tend to get angry.

arcuate- characteristic of sentimental soft nature. Creativity is their native element.

IMPORTANT: It is best to explain something to such people with examples.

Physiognomy: the shape of the chin in men and women

rounded personalities have a form generous, hospitable, responsive. They will always take an interest in the problems and achievements of others.

Angularity is a signal that the person believes in lofty goals and motivated by them. He will be until the end defend one's views even if it means getting into a serious argument.

People with pointed chin are their own masters and terribly dislike orders addressed to them. To achieve goals, use only own ways.

bevelled chin is characteristic of slightly lazy personalities. They do not have an inner core, so sometimes they can cheat, cheat.Conflicts are avoided by all means.

IMPORTANT: However, a compromise with them can always be found.

speaker has a chin purposeful of people. Everything they have has come from painstaking efforts. To intimidate them is not easy, as well as to force them to surrender.

Double the chin is a signal not only of too many calories in the diet, but also a sign power, strength of character.

People with a double chin, according to physiognomists, are imperious natures.

Physiognomy: the shape of the cheeks in men and women

are full e cheeks - very emotional people who are not able to constantly control the manifestations of their character. At the same time, they are like good interlocutors, and great listeners. We can safely say that such a person will be true friend and great organiser.

sunken cheeks - their owners are enough serious, thoughtful, attentive. Feeling responsibility well developed. However, they are often guided not only by the mind, but also intuition.

IMPORTANT: Such people should carefully take care of their physical condition.

Cheeks dimpled have balanced and gullible personality. They are like to take risks and often are excited, but masterfully disguise it.

Physiognomy: the shape of the ears in men and women

oval or round- often found in gifted personalities, including those showing talent in the musical field. They are impressionable, imaginative and inclined with enthusiasm share results its activities. At the same time, such people tend to show delicacy.

Physiognomists often observed oval or round ears in musicians.

Rectangular- indicator firmness of character and decency. Definitely available sanity and approach to problem solving realistic. To put it simply, there is probably a practitioner in front of you.

triangular form is typical for those who like to show their individuality. Surely you will see such ears in representatives of creative professions.

IMPORTANT: The downside of this nature is impatience.

It is also worth paying attention to lobe ear. So, small- sign scrupulousness and the ability to organize your life. At the same time, a person likes fast results.

big lobe testifies to excellent health owner. In addition, we can conclude about the character - he persistent. For such a person can rely.

Physiognomy: the shape of the cheekbones, jaws in men and women

Wide cheekbones - indicators of an impressive stock energy and enviable endurance. Such a person may act slowly, but this slowness is deceptive. Any tasks in the end are on the shoulder.

Narrow cheekbones - they say that a person is enough actively releases energy to the surrounding world. This means that the achievement of the goal is carried out by "short dashes", during which the spent energy is replenished.

IMPORTANT: Breaks for a few minutes are what you need for such a person.

Failed cheekbones - meet at introverts. A person turns out to be indifferent to many moments and does not always seek to show participation.

Concerning mandible, then it is considered that the wider she, the more authoritarian the person is in front of you. He has a well-trained voice, likes to lead.

People with narrow jaw cannot boast of perseverance. If they manage to break through, it is more likely due to their aggressive nature or luck. Such individuals definitely need to develop a confident voice, you need to learn how to insist on your point of view.

Physiognomy: the form of language in men and women

Physiognomy allows you to determine nature of the problems with the body even by language:

  • Thickened- most likely wrong digestive system, liver
  • Thin- prone to problems circulatory system. Violation metabolism also not excluded

IMPORTANT: If the tongue is also long, then it is worth checking the state of the cardiac system.

A long tongue is regarded by physiognomists as a signal that there are problems with the heart.

Pay attention to grooves. They may testify to disturbances in the work of the heart. However, if such marks are excessively deep, it is worth checking kidneys.

The grooves in the tongue physiognomists interpret as problems with the work of the heart

Physiognomy: the shape of the teeth in men and women

White even teeth are considered in physiognomy as a sign good fortune. They are also called "horse", predicting a person health and good luck. Many friends are also foreshadowed, because the owner of such teeth sociable, friendly and always friendly.

If a slightly larger front teeth others, this is a good omen for marriage. AT financial well-being should also be expected.

IMPORTANT: It is desirable that the teeth taper downwards, not upwards.

Sticking forward teeth meet in nature extraordinary, accustomed to getting everything on their own. Often such people moving away from home- and already in a new place of residence they are building life from scratch.

Diastema is a happy omen. Such people long live, are able make good money. However, we are talking only about the distance between the front teeth - in other cases, the gap should be small.

As you can see, quite a lot can be said about a person without even having time to get to know him properly. If you remember the main aspects of physiognomy, information from the face of the interlocutor will be read without much difficulty.

The chin

The shape of a person's chin speaks of his strength, independence and temperament. There is a direct dependence of the character on the chin: the coarser and more significant the chin on the face, the more dynamic, stubborn and tough the character of a person.

From the book We read faces. Physiognomy the author Schwartz Theodore

Protruding chin Protruding chin often speaks of the cruelty and stubbornness of its owner (Fig. 3.9). Rice. 3.9. Protruding chin Such people, as a rule, are accustomed to achieving their goals by any available and inaccessible means, sometimes without stopping

From the author's book

Long and sharp chin A long and sharp chin (Fig. 3.11) is often attributed to cunning fairy-tale characters. Rice. 3.11. Long and sharp chinAnd not by chance. Such people stand out among others, on the one hand, with a penetrating mind, on the other, with cunning and

From the author's book

Poorly defined chin A poorly defined, almost imperceptible chin (Fig. 3.12) is often called limp. And not in vain. According to physiognomic characteristics, he indicates a soft, timid, indecisive and nervous nature. What actions can be expressed

From the author's book

Fleshy chin A fleshy chin (Fig. 3.13) testifies to the mind, sensuality and strong character. No wonder the classic portrait of a bully - with a fleshy square chin. Such people are fighters by nature. Rice. 3.13. Meaty chinReally substantial

From the author's book

Volitional chin It is customary to call the chin, as it were, bent upwards (Fig. 3.14). Its owners are persistent in achieving their goals and at the same time possess such qualities as cunning, determination and inconstancy. Rice. 3.14. Strong-willed chinThe harder

From the author's book

Bifurcated chin Bifurcated chin (Fig. 3.15) characterizes people who are fickle and amorous. Rice. 3.15. Split chinDespite their passionate nature, such people very often seek solitude and peace. In their views and beliefs, they are a little

From the author's book

If you dream of a forehead or chin ... To dream of a high, beautiful forehead promises respect and a good reputation that will be achieved thanks to your prudence and desire for justice. A low forehead warns of danger, that you will need to collect

From the author's book

Chin and jaw A mole on a man's chin indicates his domineering and despotic character. Such people are accustomed to setting specific goals for themselves and just as concretely achieving them. Why they do not neglect any means. Sometimes people with a mole on

A protruding chin often speaks of the cruelty and stubbornness of its owner (Fig. 3.9).

Rice. 3.9. Protruding chin

Such people, as a rule, are accustomed to achieving their goals by any available and inaccessible means, sometimes stopping at nothing. For them, the concept of mercy and sympathy is limited to a good mood.


Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Fig. 3.10) is a well-known politician, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. He always knew what he wanted and consistently achieved his goals. He is known for his tough and scandalous character, which is characteristic of people with a protruding chin. Nevertheless, the dimple on the chin, which, as it were, bifurcates it, suggests that the politician is a little old-fashioned in his views and beliefs and strives for solitude and peace.

Rice. 3.10. Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Long and pointed chin

A long and sharp chin (Fig. 3.11) is often attributed to cunning fairy-tale characters.

Rice. 3.11. Long and pointed chin

And not by chance. Such people stand out among others, on the one hand, with a penetrating mind, on the other, with cunning and sarcasm. Just like people with a protruding chin, the owners of a long chin are stubborn, which, combined with cunning, as well as determination and perseverance, allows them to easily and confidently achieve their goals.

Weakly defined chin

A weakly defined, almost imperceptible chin (Fig. 3.12) is often called limp. And not in vain. According to physiognomic characteristics, he indicates a soft, timid, indecisive and nervous nature. In what actions can these qualities be expressed?

Rice. 3.12. Weakly defined chin

Softness and timidity are most often expressed in the desire to make concessions, so you can agree on anything with people with such a chin.

At the same time, people with a poorly defined chin often achieve their goals, but do not use assertiveness, rigidity and aggression for this, but softness and goodwill. They are patient and go towards what they have in mind, slowly but surely. If your child has such a chin, try to instill in him independence and the ability to defend his own position, do not abuse his humility, otherwise in the future he will turn into a weak, weak-willed, lack of initiative creature. And you will be the one to blame for this.

Sometimes you can meet people with the so-called fish chin. This is the extreme degree of its lack of expression: it seems that from the lower lip the face smoothly passes immediately into the neck. Such people can be called the prototypes of Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tale "The Wise Gudgeon". They live according to the principle "quieter than water, lower than grass" and perceive the absence of events in their lives as a kiss of fortune. With a sudden change of environment, a change in the usual state, such a person can easily become depressed.

On the other hand, such people cannot be called harmless either: they easily change their decisions and views, obeying the majority and using the principle of opportunism. They try by all means to avoid conflict situations and become a third party in the dispute.

Such people are characterized by dependence and indecision, but they really need to be loved, appreciated and needed, because this is the only way to avoid loneliness.

beefy chin

A fleshy chin (Fig. 3.13) indicates intelligence, sensuality and a strong character. No wonder the classic portrait of a bully - with a fleshy square chin. Such people are fighters by nature.

Rice. 3.13. beefy chin

In fact, the essential feature is not even the chin itself, but a massive wide jaw, giving the impression of a square bottom of the face. Fighting qualities are most pronounced in people with a fleshy chin and a wide, massive face.

These people are always confident, strong and powerful. They are used to coming and taking what they like. At the same time, they almost never meet obstacles on their way or simply do not notice them.

Strong-willed chin

It is customary to call a strong-willed chin, as it were, bent upwards (Fig. 3.14). Its owners are persistent in achieving their goals and at the same time possess such qualities as cunning, determination and inconstancy.

Rice. 3.14. Strong-willed chin

The heavier the chin looks and the more it protrudes forward, the more strong-willed nature appears before us. It is difficult to negotiate with such a person, therefore, in dealing with him, one should use strength, determination and fearlessness.