Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Strong personality: examples.

In the last lesson, we talked about the fact that at birth a person receives a certain set of characteristics, and he acquires some characteristics already in the process of socialization, i.e. learns to exist among people. With the normal and comprehensive development of the individual, he becomes a personality.

Rice. 1. We are constantly among people

2. The influence of the environment on the formation of personality

Let's see what a personality is and what is the mechanism of its formation. The answer to the question "how is personality formed?" quite simple: a personality forms the environment in which this personality develops.

But the question “how exactly does the environment shape the personality?” already more complex. A person is born in a family, and it is the environment for him, the family lays the foundations of personality. This does not mean that, having been born into a family with a certain income, for example, a person is doomed to live the same life. In the history of mankind there are many examples of how people, thanks to their special qualities, became great, or, being from one social environment, moved to a qualitatively new level. Especially vivid examples of such transitions are known to you: a vivid example is academician Lomonosov.

Mikhail Yuryevich was born in the family of a Pomor - an ordinary fisherman - and became the first professional scientist in Russia. Surely, you can remember other examples when people change already in everyday life. And yet the family leaves an imprint on each person. In the process of growing up, a person's environment expands: first it is a kindergarten and friends in the yard, then a school.

Often, a school is perceived as a children's institution, although this is not entirely correct, because they come to school, indeed, as children, but by the graduating class they are already fully formed psychologically, physiologically and intellectually adult members of society. By this time, high school students have already acquired certain civil rights and obligations, to the extent that the guys can defend the honor of the Motherland with weapons in their hands, i.e. they are no longer children. Therefore, the school is a very important institution of socialization. Further, a person is expected to study at an institute or vocational school, then work - all this is the environment of the environment, which forms us as a person.

Let us turn to the very definition of the concept of personality.

3. What is a personality?

Personality is a set of those qualities that a person acquires in the process of socialization.

At the psychological level, this means that with the development of the personality, a certain set of emotional reactions to a particular situation is formed. If some situation is new for a person, he uses previously used patterns of behavior. Sometimes they do not quite fit the situation, and we understand that we should have done differently, this is called “hindsight” - the correct reaction to the situation after it has happened.

A person has a complex set of emotions, they are not standard, each emotion is individual. The set of reactions that we have and the new reactions that are generated are called consciousness. Psychology considers personality to be the pinnacle of human development. After all, only a person has consciousness - the ability to measure his knowledge, skills, skills in accordance with the situation.

The concept of consciousness has long been of concern to man. Even ancient philosophers, whose wise sayings you could hear more than once, tried to define consciousness. For example, Seneca said:

“There cannot be a soul of one color and a mind of another. If the soul is healthy, if it is calm, sedate and temperate, then the mind will be clear.

That is, the inner world of a person and its external manifestations are closely interconnected, this balance is called consciousness. Of course, in psychology, in social psychology, this term is interpreted much more broadly. In the further process of learning, you will encounter him more than once and get to know him better. Now we will define it like this:

4. Definition of the concept of "consciousness"

Consciousness is a body of knowledge about behavior, the nature of the surrounding world and a certain reaction to it.

Consciousness is a very interesting thing. Sometimes we understand intellectually that we are doing something bad, but still we really want to do something wrong. An example is the behavior of schoolchildren in the absence of a teacher in the classroom. Teenagers aged 11-16 are well aware that it would be worth preparing for the lesson in peace and quiet, but most often there is incredible noise in the classroom.

A person is very complex, and consciousness is a complex apparatus: we can know how to do the right thing, but still act differently, and vice versa - not know how to act because the situation is unfamiliar to us. This is the complexity of personality formation.

5. Personality types and personality formation

As for the classification of personalities, this is also a rather complicated issue. From the point of view of psychology, each person is a person, because. receiving a certain set of qualities, skills, knowledge, we are formed as a person. For example, children under three years old very often talk about themselves in the third person, calling themselves by name: “Give Masha something to eat”, “Styopa wants to play”, etc. The use of this form of address is explained by the fact that children up to a certain point are not aware of their own self. Only when the child has passed the crisis of three years and begins to realize his self, he will feel himself as a person and will begin to talk about himself in the first person (I, me, me, etc.). In synergetics, such a break is called a bifurcation.

bifurcationfracture- recognition of oneself as a person, the beginning of personality formation.

As a result of such a break, the human personality appears.

The very concept of personality is multifaceted. Personalities are positive and negative, active and passive, strong and weak. The personality is formed from the components of these pairs. Since each person is individual, we react to life situations in different ways, depending on the components of our ego. Let's try to imagine a situation where all individuals in one society are strong. It can be assumed that in such a world it would be quite difficult to live. Description of such worlds can be found in science fiction literature. The authors show a model of a society in which everyone wants to be a hero and because of this there are constant clashes, each of the heroes wants to be the strongest. This situation can be described by the Latin saying: Bellum omnium contra omnes - the war of all against all. Such a society will perish because of constant strife. From this we conclude that all people are important and necessary, since collectively we represent society. Society is a complex structure in which each cell is important, occupied by a certain personality with its own individual traits necessary for the whole society.

6. Lesson summary

Summing up the lesson, we can say that personality is formed in the process of human development: learning, playing, communication. This endless process of perfection forms the individual as a unique being – a Man. Precisely because we are learning for the rest of our lives, we are obligated to improve. In this regard, one cannot fail to recall the biblical myth about the curse of Adam when he was expelled from Paradise for original sin.

Rice. 5. Domenichino "Adam and Eve" ()

Adam was cursed to work. God told Adam, "In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground." This refers not only to labor on earth, since this is not the only way a person lives. This means constant work on self-improvement.

1. Answer the question on page 12, task 2 on page 16. Vinogradova N.F., Gorodetskaya N.I., Ivanova L.F. etc. Social science grade 6. / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Ivanova L.F. – Enlightenment, 2004.

2. Consider Domenichino's painting "Adam and Eve". Try to characterize Adam's personality.

3.* Make a portrait of yourself or the personality of someone close to you. Compare positive and negative qualities.

The project "Successful Personality" is aimed at determining the factors for the development of a successful personality of a student, developing criteria for a successful personality, developing and testing an individual personality development program that does not contradict his psychological status (capabilities, inclinations, interests).




on this topic: "SUCCESSFUL PERSON"

Supervisor: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education

Kondratieva Elena Porfirievna

Completed by: Borkina Tatyana Stepanovna

Teacher of secondary school No. 2, Shumerlya

Shumerlya 2009

  3. ABSTRACT 4 p.
  6. APPENDICES page 15
  7. RESOURCES USED page 31


  1. Determine the factors for the development of a successful personality of the student.
  2. Develop criteria for a successful person.
  3. Develop and test in practice a program for the individual development of the child.


  1. Creation and design of the structure of the program of individual development of the student.
  2. Drawing up a matrix of factors for the development of a successful personality.
  3. Development of a list of criteria for the success of a person.
  4. Possible dissemination of project results.


  1. Fixed results of the student's personal development according to the "eight scales" method.
  2. An individual development program for a student of class 3 "B" Ekaterina Kulakova, developed by the class teacher.
  3. Personal development program "Project of the program of one's own life" of the student of the 3rd "B" class of the MOU secondary school No. 2 Ekaterina Kulakova for 2008-2009.
  4. Exhibition of personal achievements of the student at the end of the school year.
  5. Portfolio presentation at the final parent-child meeting at the end of elementary school.


An important strategic task of modernizing the Russian school is to educate independent, enterprising and responsible young people who are able to quickly and effectively find their place in society in the new socio-economic conditions.

The project "Successful Personality" is aimed at determining the factors for the development of a successful personality of a student, developing criteria for a successful personality, developing and testing an individual personality development program that does not contradict his psychological status (capabilities, inclinations, interests).

“Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, give me the opportunity to act and I will learn,” says a Chinese proverb. Joint project activity helps the student to create her own “product” - “Project of her own life program” and thus teach to analyze the qualitative components of her own activity.



(during first grade)

  1. Identification by the teacher of the characteristics of the individual development of children.
  2. Determining the theme of the project.
  3. Working with students to create Success Folders.


(second class)


  1. Determination of the relevance of the problem posed by the theme of the project, clarification of goals.
  2. Determination of the range of issues under study.
  3. Identification of sources of information and selection of criteria for evaluating results.

STUDENT receives a creative task, determines the information, discusses the task with the teacher and outlines a plan for its implementation.


  1. Research task: "Who can be called a successful person?"
  2. Assignment-research: "What should be a successful student?"
  3. Task-research “How to become a successful person?

TEACHER: motivates the student, explains the goals of the project, stipulates the deadlines for completing tasks, observes and begins the development of an individual program for the development of the child.


(third class)

TASKS: Collection and clarification of information, project implementation.

STUDENT: Independent work on assignment, individual research, creation of a student project - a program of one's own life.

STUDENT MICRORESEARCH - revealing opinions on the issue:

1. "Who can be called a successful person?"

  1. conversations with the school administration;
  2. conversations with teachers;
  3. conversations with parents;
  4. work in the library with literature (assistance and consultation of the librarian).
  5. Conducting a survey among high school students who have achieved success in various activities; meetings with excellent students, an asset of the school.

2. "Do you know how to communicate with peers";

  1. survey of all elementary school students.

3. "Do you know how to communicate with adults."

  1. testing

TEACHER: observes, consults, advises, sums up the intermediate results of the work done, creates an individual program for the development of the child.

RESULTS OF STAGE III based on the micro-studies:

  1. The main criteria for the success of the individual are determined;
  2. The "Draft program of the own life of a student of grade 3 B of the MOU secondary school No. 2 Ekaterina Kulakova for 2008-2009" was developed.
  3. A program for the individual development of the child has been created.



  1. Continue collecting information and, based on the data, prepare a student's portfolio for her transition from primary to secondary.
  2. Create a student portfolio presentation and present it at the parent meeting in May 2010.


1. Fixed results of the student's personal development according to the "eight scales" method.

2. An individual development program for a student of grade 3 B Ekaterina Kulakova, developed by the class teacher.

3. Personal development program "Project of the program of one's own life" of the student of the 3rd "B" class of the MOU secondary school No. 2 Ekaterina Kulakova for 2008-2009.


1. Creation of a student's portfolio (2009 - 2010)


individual development of the student 4 "B" class MOU "Secondary School No. 2"

Kulakova Ekaterina

Class teacher 4 "B" class,

G. Shumerlya, Chuvash Republic



  1. Explanatory note.
  2. Goals.
  3. Stages of program implementation.
  4. The timing of the program.
  5. Content.
  6. Intermediate results


From student success to successful personality

Parents, sending their child to school, hope very much that he will be successful both in his studies and in relations with classmates and teachers. Teachers, taking the first class, dream of the same thing: the success of their first-graders. Children, having crossed the threshold of school for the first time, also expect only all the best from the new life. But not all expectations come true. Why? We assume that if a child is successful in school, then in adulthood he will also be successful. Is it so?

In order to answer these questions, we must first redefine the purpose of schooling. It consists in realizing those potential possibilities of each student, both in the intellectual, and in the communicative and emotional spheres, which are inherent in him by nature. Implement them for the benefit of society and the student himself. Let's define what we mean by the concept of "successful student":

The ability to master the educational programs offered by the school, i.e. those that pedagogy as a science at this stage of its development is ready to give to children - the same to the whole class;

The ability to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and abilities (to know, understand and be able to explain what you understand is not the same thing);

High school grades - most often they are the main criterion for school success;

The ability to use the received ZUN in life is very important: knowledge that remains only within the walls of the school is not needed by anyone;

Positive dynamics of development - we see the growth of our student;

Positive motivation for learning, a positive attitude towards school, maintaining a cognitive interest - a student who does not like school and does not want to study cannot be called successful;

Social adaptability - he is good at school, among peers and teachers;

Positive relationship between the student and the teacher - there can be no question of any success if the student does not like or fear the teacher, and the teacher does not understand and does not accept the student;

Positive relationships with classmates;

Good physical and mental health;

Adequately positive self-esteem - the child himself should feel successful;

Feeling of well-being, security in the family and school - an anxious, twitchy A student cannot be called a successful student.

So, the success of a student is not only an objective indicator of high results of cognitive activity, not only a positive assessment of the teacher, but also a positive self-esteem and self-perception of the child himself.

An individual child development program is necessary in order to implement a personality-oriented approach to his upbringing, which, from the point of view of pedagogy, is a consciously organized interaction between the teacher and the pupil, organizing and stimulating the active work of the educated person to master social and spiritual experience, values, relations (Kharlamov I.F.). This program emphasizes the active activity of the object of education - the student.


  1. Pedagogical: the development in the child of the skills to complete educational tasks, gain knowledge, organize time, social adaptation.
  2. Health-saving: the formation of healthy lifestyle habits, the development of the ability to cope with stress and illness.
  3. Educational: the formation of the habit of constant work through the use of self-service skills in educational and everyday situations, personal hygiene, compliance with the rules of life safety and a culture of behavior in public places.
  4. Psychological: the study and necessary correction of the personal (emotional, cognitive, behavioral) sphere of the child.

The program is planned and implemented on the basis of

  1. Observations
  2. diagnostic procedures
  3. Psychological and pedagogical conclusions


I stage. Diagnostic.

The purpose of this stage is an in-depth psychological and pedagogical study of the child, the identification of his individual characteristics.

  1. Diagnosis of the level of formation of the student's personality.
  2. Student survey. Questionnaires for the child: "Self-analysis". "My character". "Identification of personality traits". “School and me” “Lesson through my eyes”. "Studying Learning Motivation". "Free time". "My family".
  3. Parent survey. Questionnaires for parents: "Is your position in relation to children correct?" "My child's study load."
  4. Tests: "Your relationship with the child." “Do I know everything about my child?” "How do you see the future of your child?"
  5. Summing up diagnostics and monitoring.

II stage. Correctional - developing.

  1. The purpose of this stage is the development and implementation of individual programs.
  2. Psychological training: "The class in which I study." "My Family Album"
  3. Exchange of opinions and consultations of parents on various issues of personal development of the child.
  4. Providing individual assistance to the student in various school subjects.
  5. Optimization of the student's daily routine.
  6. Individual conversations with students, topics: "Me and my family." "Me and my school" "Me and my classmates." "Me and my friends". "Me and my free time". Me and my plans for the future.
  7. Meeting with parents, psychologist, social educator in the social lounge.
  8. Workshop "Family Traditions".
  9. parent university.
  10. Organizing themed days. "My Health Day" "Good grades day" "Day of Good Deeds" Friendship Day. "Family day". "Day of the Elderly". "Tolerance Day".


The program is designed for 4 years of a child's education in primary school (grades 1-4)

Project "Teaching"

  1. Study for "5";
  2. Take part in Russian language olympiads and competitions "Russian Bear Cub - Linguistics for Everyone", "Kangaroo - Mathematics for Everyone";
  3. Actively work in the school scientific society of students "Evrika"; prepare a research paper on the topic: "How to grow a melon."
  4. Attend alternative lessons in English, in Russian.
  5. Continue working as a consultant for the classroom "Emergency Ambulance".

Project "Health"

  1. To form beliefs that with a healthy lifestyle, a person develops not only the beauty of the body, harmony of movements, performance, but also character is formed, willpower is tempered;
  2. To teach how to use the experience and knowledge gained in physical education classes and in sports sections in their life and professional activities
  3. 2 times a week to visit the swimming pool;
  4. 2 times a week in winter visit the city ice rink;
  5. On weekends, arrange family ski trips;
  6. Follow the daily routine.
  7. Do morning exercises daily.

Project "Creative activity"

  1. Continue studying at a music school;
  2. Continue studying at an art school;
  3. Improve the skills of mastering modern dances in the dance studio "Vesnushki";
  4. Organize a long-term project "Museum and exhibition expositions" in the class on various topics.

Project "Communication"

  1. Education of the need to correlate their interests and desires with the interests of another person;
  2. Formation of constructive behavior;
  3. Raising the desire to achieve success in life, the realization of one's skills and abilities.
  4. Formation of volitional qualities of personality, responsibility and self-control in communication.

Project "Achievements"

  1. Help the student develop a "Project Program of her own life."
  1. Formation of skills of collective and personal competitiveness, development of initiative, creativity, individuality, aesthetic perfection of one's skills in the process of preparing and holding events to expand and deepen knowledge of basic subjects, skills and practical skills acquired at school.




  1. Attitude towards learning (desire to learn, attitude towards success, desire to fulfill all the requirements and recommendations of teachers, awareness of the importance of learning).
  2. The level of formation of the skills of the student's educational and cognitive activity (the ability to plan educational work, the ability to highlight the main thing in work, the ability to exercise self-control in learning, the level of perseverance in learning).
  3. Leading interests and inclinations.
  4. Cultural outlook
  5. Social and labor activity (initiativity, attitude to work, conscientiousness, interest in the affairs of the team).
  6. Health status, attitude to a healthy lifestyle
  7. Moral education (a sense of camaraderie, humanism, conscious discipline, the degree of development of a sense of duty, honesty, decency, modesty).
  8. The student's relationship with the class.



  1. Used diagnostic methods (Appendix 1);
  2. The results of the research - a portrait of the student (Appendix 2);
  3. Fixed results of the student's personal development according to the "eight scales" method (Appendix 3).
  4. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics (Appendix 4);
  5. Draft program for the development of the own life of a student of class 3 "B" Ekaterina Kulakova (Appendix 5).




The child is offered a piece of paper on which circles are drawn, in which you need to enter the names of classmates “in order of importance” for themselves. In each circle, he must write no more than three names of his classmates.


The student is asked to define his relationship with classmates, continue the following sentences:

  1. The closest person in the class to me is...
  2. The guys I enjoy spending my free time with are...
  3. The guys I like to have in my house are...
  4. The guys that I would like to hang out with at school are...
  5. .Guys I don't hang out with are...
  6. The guys I have to hang out with at school out of necessity are...
  7. The guys whose interests are alien to me are...
  8. The guys I hate are...
  9. The guys I avoid are...


The student is asked to complete each thesis. If desired, each thesis can be developed, various evidence can be presented in support of the thesis.

  1. I believe that I...
  2. The most important thing in my life is...
  3. I feel good when...
  4. I feel bad when...
  5. I love it when adults...
  6. I don't like it when adults...


The student is invited to write the letter “I” on a piece of paper 10 times and define these “I”, talking about himself and his qualities according to the model:

1st - 4th - 7th - 10th -

2nd- 5th- 8th-



  1. How often do I miss school due to illness?
  2. Where do I spend my leisure time better: outdoors or watching TV at home?
  3. How often do I eat fruits and vegetables?
  4. Do I do gymnastics in the morning?
  5. Am I following a routine?
  6. Why does a child have bad posture? How to avoid it?
  7. Am I active or passive?
  8. Do I love sports?

















good faith






3 - high level;

2 - average level;

1 - low level;

0 - zero level.






Russian language

Literary reading

The world




Information Technology

Physical Culture

Chuvash language

English language





















































1 THU.

2 THU.

3 THU.

4 THU.


V scale

Participation in creative competitions and various competitions.

Participation in exhibitions of drawings of Children's Art School No. 1 "Hello,

Zimushka-Winter", "Colors of Autumn", "Towards Spring",

“What should we build a house”, “Sorceress Spring”, in the city competition of drawings dedicated to

Year of the child. Participation in the I Zonal Competition for Young Performers "Sursky Patterns" Children's School of Art No. 1, participation in the V Open Zonal Competition for Young Performers of the Children's Music School, Kanash, participation in a literary and musical evening

"On the keys of spring" Children's Art School No. 1, participation in the sponsor's concert of the Golden Key MDOU.

VI scale

Victories, promotions, awards.

Diploma of the 1st degree of the winner of the school

scientific and practical conference "Excelsior";

City scientific-practical conference festival "Excelsior - 2008", audience award;

I place in the II age category of the XVI festival-competition "Shumerlinsky sprouts-2008", the XVII festival-competition "Shumerlinsky sprouts-2009",; Diploma of the international mathematical competition "Kangaroo - 2008", "For high results"; Commendation sheet "For excellent academic achievement" - Grade 2; Diploma for II place in the city

Olympiad in the Russian language; Certificate of honor "For active participation in the life of the school", Commendation sheet "For excellent success in learning" - Grade 3, Diploma in the nomination "The best student of the school 2009", Diploma of the winner of the international competition in Russian language "Russian Bear Cub - 2008", "For high results”, Diploma of the participant of the V Republican scientific-practical conference “In Search of Truth”, Diploma of the finalist of the V Russian Competition of research works and creative projects of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren “I am a researcher”; Certificate of participation in the III Republican scientific and practical conference "Local history readings".



FULL NAME. student

Date of Birth


Family Composition:




Attitude towards learning:

Subject Difficulties:

State of the art:

Reaction to criticism:

Ability for self-assessment:


Interpersonal communication, social experience: how does it relate to the opinion of the team:

Does he have friends in his class:

Friends outside of class:

Participates in class activities:

How to carry out orders:

Are there conflict situations with classmates:

Family relationships:

Kulakova Ekaterina Vladislavovna

born 05.08.99

Chuvash Republic, Shumerlya

Kulakov Vladislav Anatolievich

higher education

Kulakova Oksana Alekseevna

higher education

Kulakova Svetlana Vladislavovna, born in 2008

The girl has a great desire to learn. She conscientiously treats homework, always does it correctly and accurately, listens carefully to the teacher in the classroom, gives good and complete answers to the questions posed. Her diary and notebooks are recognized as one of the best in the class. Katya reads a lot, retells well, constantly improves her horizons by reading literature, and is active in the classroom. In the second and third grades, grades in all subjects studied are "5". Since the second grade, he has been a member of the school scientific society "Evrika". She won first place at the school scientific and practical conference "Excelsior" with the research work "What are vitamins and why they are needed in the human body." With the same work she performed at the city conference "Excelsior" and won the audience award. In grades 3 and 4, she is a repeated participant in the Republican scientific and practical conferences, for which she was awarded diplomas and certificates.

Has no difficulty. Her favorite subjects are Russian language, literary reading, computer science.

Tall. According to the studies of a school psychologist, Katya is a well-adapted, not shy, emotionally developed person. The child has good inclinations for learning.

In such cases, she is more embarrassed and tries not to make such mistakes in the future.


From the first grade, he studies only "excellently". Katya is a creative person. She sings well, reads poetry, is fond of music, drawing, is fluent in computer technology, loves to participate in exhibitions and competitions. Marked with diplomas as the best student in music and art schools. The girl has a great interest in modern dances. For about 5 years, she has been attending the Freckles dance studio, where she has repeatedly been the winner of the Shumerlinskie sprouts city review competition. She has been doing research since grade 2. Has print publications.

He perceives positively and listens to the opinion of classmates only if he considers it correct and fair.

Katya has many friends in the class. She does not conflict with anyone, sociable, responsive. The guys love it.

Has many friends in the area where he lives and in a parallel class.

Active participant. In the 3rd grade, she organized museum and exhibition expositions for the entire academic year. Processes the material, activates the work of the guys.

Conscientiously, responsibly, with pleasure. On her own initiative, she organized a class library, which still operates today.

They were in first grade. In the second and third grade, the girl learned to avoid such cases. Lately there have been no conflicts.

The family has a warm and trusting relationship. He loves his little sister very much. Helps her mother in her household chores and in raising her sister.





MOU secondary school №2



The program is the third part of a four-year program, the pragmatic goal of which is to consider a successful transition from primary to secondary school.

Another goal of the program I consider the need to build myself in such a way as to become interesting, healthy, able to communicate and feel confident in society, able to set and achieve reasonable goals in a creative and active way, well versed in modern and classical culture, virtuous, respectful of other people and himself as a man.


  1. School hours of 238 days of 4 hours equals 952 hours per year.
  2. Music school 34 weeks of 3 hours equals 102 hours per year.
  3. Dance studio 34 weeks of 2 hours equals 68 hours per year.
  4. Art school 34 weeks for 1 hour equals 34 hours.
  5. Alternative lessons in subjects 34 weeks of 2 hours equals 68 hours.
  6. Community service at school 34 weeks for 1 hour equals 34 hours.
  7. Scientific practical work 34 weeks for 1 hour is equal to 34 hours per year.
  8. Project activity 34 weeks for 1 hour equals 34 hours per year.
  9. Walk, rest - 2.5 hours a day is equal to 912.5 hours a year.
  10. Homework - 1 hour a day equals 238 hours a year.
  11. Family reading - 0.5 hours per day equals 182.5 hours per year.
  12. Hobby classes – 3 hours per day equals 1095 hours per year.
  13. Sleeping 10 hours a day equals 3650 hours a year.

Total: 7404 hours per year.

The annual norm is 8760 hours, subtract 7404 hours. Reserve 1356 hours.

  1. If on some day or week it was not possible to fulfill the plan, it means that the shortage should be compensated in the next period.
  2. Set the task - to study in all subjects at "5".
  1. Learn to treat teaching, people, and the environment with utmost attention.
  2. Listen to the news daily, watch educational programs.
  3. Do health exercises daily.
  4. Every day - at least one good deed.
  5. Never say anything bad about people.
  6. Help your parents, try not to upset them.
  7. Learn how to speak concisely on the phone.
  8. Visit the Internet only as needed.

1) Conduct the following research:

- How to grow a melon?

Why do people need vitamins?

2) Study the work of A. Lindgren, read as many of her works as possible.

3) Learn during this year at least 20 poems by Russian poets.

5) Keep a diary of observations.

6) Learn to dance modern dances.

7) Master computer programs:

8) Everything seen and heard is interesting to learn to tell friends and relatives.

9) Create a long-term project "Museum and exhibition expositions" with the help of classmates according to the following plan:



Houseplants. How to take care of them.


on the topic: "SUCCESSFUL PERSON"

Supervisor: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education

Kondratieva Elena Porfirievna

Completed by: Borkina Tatyana Stepanovna

Teacher of secondary school No. 2, Shumerlya

Shumerlya 2009



  3. ABSTRACT 4 p.



  6. APPENDICES page 15

  7. RESOURCES USED page 31


  1. Determine the factors for the development of a successful personality of the student.

  2. Develop criteria for a successful person.

  3. Develop and test in practice a program for the individual development of the child.


  1. Creation and design of the structure of the program of individual development of the student.

  2. Drawing up a matrix of factors for the development of a successful personality.

  3. Development of a list of criteria for the success of a person.

  4. Possible dissemination of project results.


  1. Fixed results of the student's personal development according to the "eight scales" method.

  2. An individual development program for a student of class 3 "B" Ekaterina Kulakova, developed by the class teacher.

  3. Personal development program "Project of the program of one's own life" of the student of the 3rd "B" class of the MOU secondary school No. 2 Ekaterina Kulakova for 2008-2009.

  4. Exhibition of personal achievements of the student at the end of the school year.

  5. Portfolio presentation at the final parent-child meeting at the end of elementary school.


An important strategic task of modernizing the Russian school is to educate independent, enterprising and responsible young people who are able to quickly and effectively find their place in society in the new socio-economic conditions.

The project "Successful Personality" is aimed at determining the factors for the development of a successful personality of a student, developing criteria for a successful personality, developing and testing an individual personality development program that does not contradict his psychological status (capabilities, inclinations, interests).

“Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, give me the opportunity to act and I will learn,” says a Chinese proverb. Joint project activity helps the student to create her own “product” - “Project of her own life program” and thus teach to analyze the qualitative components of her own activity.



(during first grade)

  • Identification by the teacher of the characteristics of the individual development of children.

  • Determining the theme of the project.

  • Working with students to create Success Folders.


(second class)


  • Determination of the relevance of the problem posed by the theme of the project, clarification of goals.

  • Determination of the range of issues under study.

  • Identification of sources of information and selection of criteria for evaluating results.

STUDENT receives a creative task, determines the information, discusses the task with the teacher and outlines a plan for its implementation.


  1. Research task: "Who can be called a successful person?"

  2. Assignment-research: "What should be a successful student?"

  3. Task-research “How to become a successful person?
TEACHER: motivates the student, explains the goals of the project, stipulates the deadlines for completing tasks, observes and begins the development of an individual program for the development of the child.


(third class)

TASKS: Collection and clarification of information, project implementation.

STUDENT: Independent work on assignment, individual research, creation of a student project - a program of one's own life.

STUDENT MICRORESEARCH - revealing opinions on the issue:

1. "Who can be called a successful person?"

  • conversations with the school administration;

  • conversations with teachers;

  • conversations with parents;

  • work in the library with literature (assistance and consultation of the librarian).

  • Conducting a survey among high school students who have achieved success in various activities; meetings with excellent students, an asset of the school.
2. "Do you know how to communicate with peers";

  • survey of all elementary school students.
3. "Do you know how to communicate with adults."

  • testing
TEACHER: observes, consults, advises, sums up the intermediate results of the work done, creates an individual program for the development of the child.

RESULTS OF STAGE III based on the micro-studies:

  • The main criteria for the success of the individual are determined;

  • The "Draft program of the own life of a student of grade 3 B of the MOU secondary school No. 2 Ekaterina Kulakova for 2008-2009" was developed.

  • A program for the individual development of the child has been created.



  • Continue collecting information and, based on the data, prepare a student's portfolio for her transition from primary to secondary.

  • Create a student portfolio presentation and present it at the parent meeting in May 2010.


1. Fixed results of the student's personal development according to the "eight scales" method.

2. An individual development program for a student of grade 3 B Ekaterina Kulakova, developed by the class teacher.

3. Personal development program "Project of the program of one's own life" of the student of the 3rd "B" class of the MOU secondary school No. 2 Ekaterina Kulakova for 2008-2009.


1. Creation of a student's portfolio (2009 - 2010)


individual development of the student 4 "B" class MOU "Secondary School No. 2"

Kulakova Ekaterina

Class teacher 4 "B" class,

G. Shumerlya, Chuvash Republic



  1. Explanatory note.

  2. Goals.

  3. Stages of program implementation.

  4. The timing of the program.

  5. Content.

  6. Intermediate results


From student success to successful personality

Parents, sending their child to school, hope very much that he will be successful both in his studies and in relations with classmates and teachers. Teachers, taking the first class, dream of the same thing: the success of their first-graders. Children, having crossed the threshold of school for the first time, also expect only all the best from the new life. But not all expectations come true. Why? We assume that if a child is successful in school, then in adulthood he will also be successful. Is it so?

In order to answer these questions, we must first redefine the purpose of schooling. It consists in realizing those potential possibilities of each student, both in the intellectual, and in the communicative and emotional spheres, which are inherent in him by nature. Implement them for the benefit of society and the student himself. Let's define what we mean by the concept of "successful student":

The ability to master the educational programs offered by the school, i.e. those that pedagogy as a science at this stage of its development is ready to give to children - the same to the whole class;

The ability to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and abilities (to know, understand and be able to explain what you understand is not the same thing);

High school grades - most often they are the main criterion for school success;

The ability to use the received ZUN in life is very important: knowledge that remains only within the walls of the school is not needed by anyone;

Positive dynamics of development - we see the growth of our student;

Positive motivation for learning, a positive attitude towards school, maintaining a cognitive interest - a student who does not like school and does not want to study cannot be called successful;

Social adaptability - he is good at school, among peers and teachers;

Positive relationship between the student and the teacher - there can be no question of any success if the student does not like or fear the teacher, and the teacher does not understand and does not accept the student;

Positive relationships with classmates;

Good physical and mental health;

Adequately positive self-esteem - the child himself should feel successful;

Feeling of well-being, security in the family and school - an anxious, twitchy A student cannot be called a successful student.

So, the success of a student is not only an objective indicator of high results of cognitive activity, not only a positive assessment of the teacher, but also a positive self-esteem and self-perception of the child himself.

An individual child development program is necessary in order to implement a personality-oriented approach to his upbringing, which, from the point of view of pedagogy, is a consciously organized interaction between the teacher and the pupil, organizing and stimulating the active work of the educated person to master social and spiritual experience, values, relations (Kharlamov I.F.). This program emphasizes the active activity of the object of education - the student.


  • Pedagogical: the development in the child of the skills to complete educational tasks, gain knowledge, organize time, social adaptation.

  • Health-saving: the formation of healthy lifestyle habits, the development of the ability to cope with stress and illness.

  • Educational: the formation of the habit of constant work through the use of self-service skills in educational and everyday situations, personal hygiene, compliance with the rules of life safety and a culture of behavior in public places.

  • Psychological: the study and necessary correction of the personal (emotional, cognitive, behavioral) sphere of the child.

The program is planned and implemented on the basis of

  • Observations

  • diagnostic procedures

  • Psychological and pedagogical conclusions


I stage. Diagnostic.

The purpose of this stage is an in-depth psychological and pedagogical study of the child, the identification of his individual characteristics.

  • Diagnosis of the level of formation of the student's personality.

  • Student survey. Questionnaires for the child: "Self-analysis". "My character". "Identification of personality traits". “School and me” “Lesson through my eyes”. "Studying Learning Motivation". "Free time". "My family".

  • Parent survey. Questionnaires for parents: "Is your position in relation to children correct?" "My child's study load."

  • Tests: "Your relationship with the child." “Do I know everything about my child?” "How do you see the future of your child?"

  • Summing up diagnostics and monitoring.

II stage. Correctional - developing.

  • The purpose of this stage is the development and implementation of individual programs.

  • Psychological training: "The class in which I study." "My Family Album"

  • Exchange of opinions and consultations of parents on various issues of personal development of the child.

  • Providing individual assistance to the student in various school subjects.

  • Optimization of the student's daily routine.

  • Individual conversations with students, topics: "Me and my family." "Me and my school" "Me and my classmates." "Me and my friends". "Me and my free time". Me and my plans for the future.

  • Meeting with parents, psychologist, social educator in the social lounge.

  • Workshop "Family Traditions".

  • parent university.

  • Organizing themed days. "My Health Day" "Good grades day" "Day of Good Deeds" Friendship Day. "Family day". "Day of the Elderly". "Tolerance Day".

The program is designed for 4 years of a child's education in primary school (grades 1-4)

Project "Teaching"

  • Study for "5";

  • Take part in Russian language olympiads and competitions "Russian Bear Cub - Linguistics for Everyone", "Kangaroo - Mathematics for Everyone";

  • Actively work in the school scientific society of students "Evrika"; prepare a research paper on the topic: "How to grow a melon."

  • Attend alternative lessons in English, in Russian.

  • Continue working as a consultant for the classroom "Emergency Ambulance".
Project "Health"

  • To form beliefs that with a healthy lifestyle, a person develops not only the beauty of the body, harmony of movements, performance, but also character is formed, willpower is tempered;

  • To teach how to use the experience and knowledge gained in physical education classes and in sports sections in their life and professional activities

  • 2 times a week to visit the swimming pool;

  • 2 times a week in winter visit the city ice rink;

  • On weekends, arrange family ski trips;

  • Follow the daily routine.

  • Do morning exercises daily.
Project "Creative activity"

  • Continue studying at a music school;

  • Continue studying at an art school;

  • Improve the skills of mastering modern dances in the dance studio "Vesnushki";

  • Organize a long-term project "Museum and exhibition expositions" in the class on various topics.
Project "Communication"

  • Education of the need to correlate their interests and desires with the interests of another person;

  • Formation of constructive behavior;

  • Raising the desire to achieve success in life, the realization of one's skills and abilities.

  • Formation of volitional qualities of personality, responsibility and self-control in communication.
Project "Achievements"

  • Help the student develop a "Project Program of her own life."

  • Formation of skills of collective and personal competitiveness, development of initiative, creativity, individuality, aesthetic perfection of one's skills in the process of preparing and holding events to expand and deepen knowledge of basic subjects, skills and practical skills acquired at school.


State educational institution

Secondary school №280 named after. M.Yu. Lermontov

Admiralteysky district.

Essay on social studies

Man. Individual. Personality.

Completed by: 11th grade student

Shevchenko Alina Alexandrovna.
Lecturer: Zankov D.S.

St. Petersburg

2005 - 2006


ChapterI. Man.

    The essence of the origin of man……………………………5

    Man and nature………………………………………………….7

    The oldest philosophical systems…………………………….9

    Man and society……………………………………………..12

    Man and culture…………..………………………………….14

ChapterII. Individual.

    The first appearance of the concept of “individual”………………………….17

    The individuality of a person in society………………………..18

    Differences between “individual” and “individuality”………..19

ChapterIII. Personality.

    The general concept of personality………………………………………....20

    Personality types…………………………………………………….21

    Approaches to the study of personality…………………………………..22

    The social essence of the individual……………………………....24

    Personality as a subject of social relations……………....25

    The main components of personality………………………………...25

    Personality as a self-governing system………………………...26

    Spiritual wealth of the individual…………………………………....29



In my essay, I will try to consider the relationship between society and the individual as the most pressing issue at the present stage of the country's industrial development. Thus, I will characterize these concepts - a person, an individual, a person, and on their basis I will trace the relationship with society and the formation of a person, depending on socialization.

The entire history of world social thought reflects the main thing in the processes taking place in society: the life of a person entering into relationships with other people in order to meet emerging needs. But not only the life activity of a person characterizes the qualitative certainty of society, but society also forms a person as a thinking being, possessing speech and capable of purposeful creative activity, forms a personality.

A special place in the social structure of society is occupied by a person as the main, initial element of this structure, without which there can be no social actions, connections and relationships, no social relations, communities and groups, no social institutions and organizations. Man is both the subject and the object of all social relations. I believe that what people are, so is society, but at the same time, what society is, so are the members of this society.

Man is a living being with the gift of thinking and speech, the ability to create tools and use them in the process of social labor. From a biological point of view, man is the highest stage in the development of animals on earth. While the behavior of an animal is completely determined by instincts, human behavior is directly determined by thinking, feelings, will, the degree of knowledge of the laws of nature, society, and oneself.

The concept of an individual is based on the fact of indivisibility, the integrity of the subject and the presence of its characteristic features. In psychology, the concept of "individual" is used in a broad sense, leading to no distinction between the characteristics of a person as an individual and his characteristics as a person.

The primary agent of social interaction and relationships is the individual. What is a personality? In order to answer this question, it is necessary, first of all, to distinguish between the concepts of “man”, “individual”, “personality”.

The concept of "personality" is used to characterize the universal qualities and characteristics inherent in all people. This concept emphasizes the presence in the world of such a special historically developing community as the human race, humanity, which differs from all other material systems only in its inherent way of life.

Personality is usually considered as a concrete expression of the essence of a person, the embodiment and realization in him of a system of socially significant features and qualities of a given society.

Personality - the social image of a person as a subject of social relations and actions, reflecting the totality of social roles that he plays in society. It is known that each person can act in many roles at once. In the process of performing all these roles, he develops the corresponding character traits, behaviors, forms of reaction, ideas, beliefs, interests, inclinations, etc., which together form what we call a personality.


1. The essence of the origin of man.

Man is the main element of social life, the highest level of the evolutionary development of nature, the pinnacle of world existence. People have long wondered about the origin of man. Various attempts have been made in the past to solve this riddle.

The first attempt, the most ancient, was made by religion. The Bible says that having created heaven and earth, seas and dry land, plants and animals, God created man: “And God said: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let him rule over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female, created them.”¹

From the first people came new generations. This is how man appeared on earth.

Second try to explain the origin of man was undertaken by the English scientist Charles Darwin. In 1871, he published The Descent of Man and Sexual Selection. C. Darwin argued that man is a biological species. Man has a number of features that bring him closer to monkeys.

Ch. Darwin, thus, created an evolutionary theory, according to which living nature is constantly changing and developing. Although slowly, but constantly, old species disappear, in their place new, more adapted ones appear. The spring of evolution, according to Darwin, is natural selection, the struggle for existence, and also sexual selection.

Darwin's theory has received wide support in science. But this theory also had its own Achilles' heel: the person in it was identified with his body.


¹ Bogolyubova L.N.; “Man, nature, society”, 1997 with. 49

But a man is not only a body, but also a mind, without which he is not a man.

Evolutionary theory could not explain how the consciousness and mind of man were formed.

The third attempt to explain the origin of man was reflected in the theory of F. Engels on the role of labor, social instincts and the artificial environment in the origin of man. His work "The role of labor in the process of turning a monkey into a man" was based on the conclusions of Charles Darwin and other prominent scientists. But Engels was not satisfied only with comparative embryological and comparative anatomical approaches. In the first place, he put the social factor - labor activity.

About five million years ago, the Earth's climate changed significantly. Tropical forests have disappeared over vast areas. Their inhabitants had to change their way of life. Not everyone passed this test. But one species of monkeys survived. From climbing trees, these monkeys switched to upright walking on flat terrain, from gathering to hunting large and herd animals. Regular hunting required regular production of hunting tools. And to make these tools, other special tools were needed. In other words, there was a need to produce tools (for example, stone axes), with the help of which hunting tools could be made. This was an important step towards the transformation of the ape into a man.

The fourth attempt to answer this question is related to the idea of ​​the extraterrestrial origin of man, the theory of cosmic progenitors. So, in one of the versions it is proved that intelligent life could have originated on the planet Saturn, and then came to Earth. According to other versions, life on Earth was brought from other galaxies.

In our country, research on the brain was headed by Academician N. P. Bekhtereva for a long time. She concluded that much of the modern knowledge about the brain does not fit into the usual ideas about its origin. Her research led her to the conclusion that the human brain is too complex for planet Earth.

Today, attempts are being made to give a new version of the explanation of the earthly origin of “reasonable man” from the standpoint of the science of culture. Briefly, this explanation is as follows: the human body came from the body of a monkey, and the human arose by itself, out of nothing. But there were prerequisites for this: monkey communities; extreme circumstances of life; the appearance of natural language signs (words) denoting various objects; unusual behavior; communication; joint activity with natural tools; culture formation. Under these conditions, an ancient man is formed - a man of culture.

2. Man and nature.

Having formed himself in the process of labor activity, a person was able to stand out from nature due to the presence of consciousness and speech, upright posture, mastery of fire, the gradual creation and development of more and more complex tools. Its difference from other living beings lies in the fact that the way of its survival is not adaptation and adaptation to the environment, which characterizes the behavior of representatives of the animal world, but active interaction with the outside world, an ever wider mastery of the forces of nature and their subordination to their goals and objectives. .

But, having created social life, a person has not freed himself from natural dependence, including in a certain way the natural principle in the form of his biological organization. Its dependence on nature is also determined by the fact that in order to maintain its existence, it is forced to constantly engage in the production of agricultural products and borrow various resources from nature to ensure material production.

He creates what nature does not produce. After all, nature does not build cars, houses, railways. And man, transforming natural materials, creates new objects with the qualities he needs. To do this, he uses the accumulated knowledge. Without knowledge about the properties of natural objects, a person could not make any technical inventions. But in order to create technology, transport, means of communication, he needs the ability not only to accumulate knowledge, but also, with the help of this knowledge, to create mental constructions of those objects that a person needs. A person will first think, imagine what goal he wants to achieve, and then he will work to realize his plan. There are animals that also create something new: a spider weaves a web from a web, a bee builds a honeycomb. But no one teaches them this. They do this by innate instinct. And they can't do anything else. K. Marx wrote that the worst architect differs from the best bee from the very beginning in that, before building a cell from wax, he has already built it in his head. Consequently, human activity is creative in nature: based on knowledge of the world, he creates something new, first in thoughts, and then through practical actions.

Human nature can manifest itself in a very diverse way, but in some way the fundamental property, the quality of a person, is certainly revealed. To comprehend the essence means, from the point of view of philosophy, to reveal that main feature (or several) that is characteristic of a person.

Approaches to the study of man are different. In some cases, it is considered as if “from the outside”. Then it is important to understand what a person is by comparing him with nature, society, God, and another person. At the same time, fundamental differences between a person and other living beings are revealed.

Another approach - "from within" - involves the study of a person from the point of view of his biological structure, psyche, moral, spiritual, social life, etc. And in this case, the essential features of a person are also revealed.

There is no doubt that man is an amazing and immensely interesting creature, inquisitively peering into the world and himself.

  1. Man, individual, personality (3)

    Lesson outline >> Sociology

    Man, individual, personality. Option 1 Individual is a single specific Human considered as a biosocial being. Man is a face... of preserving its culture. Option 2 Man, individual, personality All people living on Earth...

  2. Man, individual, personality (4)

    Abstract >> Philosophy

    Man, individual, personalityHUMAN Man is a representative of the species Homo sapiens. Many... differences between concepts “ Human”, “individual” is a single representative of the species Homo sapiens and “ personality” – social. system...

  3. Man individual personality

    Abstract >> Sociology

    The world of the instrumental mind. Manindividualpersonality. Man already born human. This statement is just... individual, Human gradually acquires a special social quality, becomes personality