Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Download thematic tests on the history of the exam.

Story. 10-11 grades. Thematic tests for preparing for the exam: tasks with a short answer. Express training. Kramarov N.I.

R. on D.: 2015. - 256 p.

The proposed manual contains thematic tasks with a short answer on history from ancient times to the present and answers to them. With the help of this book, teachers will be able to monitor the level of educational achievements of schoolchildren in the process of preparing for the exam, and high school students will be able to conduct self-control of knowledge and timely eliminate the gaps in them. The book is intended to develop the skills of completing tasks for the knowledge of basic facts, processes, phenomena, for establishing cause-and-effect relationships, for searching for information in sources and the formation of relevant competencies. The publication is addressed to students in grades 10-11, teachers and methodologists. The book is part of the educational-methodical complex "History. Preparation for the Unified State Examination".

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Preface. 3
Thematic tests 5
Topic 1. East Slavic tribes and their neighbors 5
Topic 2. Classes, social system, beliefs of the Eastern Slavs 8
Topic 3. The emergence of statehood among the Eastern Slavs. Princes and squad. Veche orders. Adoption of Christianity 10
Topic 4. Categories of the population. Russian Truth 13
Topic 5. International relations of Ancient Russia 16
Topic 6. Culture of Ancient Russia. Christian culture and pagan traditions 19
Topic 7. Causes of the collapse of the Old Russian state. The largest lands and principalities. Monarchies and republics 22
Topic 8. Mongol conquest. Formation of the Mongolian state. Russia and Horde. Expansion from the West 25
Topic 9. Moscow as a center for the unification of Russian lands. Politics of the Moscow princes. The relationship between the processes of unification of Russian lands and liberation from the Horde rule 28
Topic 10. Restoring the economy of Russian lands. Colonization of North-Eastern Russia. Forms of land tenure and categories of the population. Russian city in the XIII - the middle of the XV centuries 31
Topic 11. Cultural development of Russian lands and principalities in the XII - mid-XV centuries 34
Topic 12. Completion of the unification of Russian lands and the formation of the Russian state. The formation of central authorities. Overthrow of the Golden Horde yoke 36
Topic 13. Changes in the social structure of society and forms of feudal land tenure in the XV-XVI centuries. 39
Topic 14. The establishment of royal power. Reforms of the middle of the XVI century. Creation of bodies of estate-representative monarchy. Oprichnina. Enslavement of peasants 42
Topic 15. Expansion of Russian territory in the 16th century: conquests and colonization processes. Livonian War 45
Topic 16. Formation of national identity! The development of the culture of the peoples of Russia in the XV-XVI centuries. 48
Topic 17. Troubles. Social movements in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. The fight against the Commonwealth and Sweden 51
Topic 18. Elimination of the consequences of the Troubles. First Romanovs 54
Topic 19. New phenomena in the economy: the beginning of the formation of the all-Russian market, the formation of manufactories. Legal registration of serfdom 57
Topic 20. Church schism 60
Topic 21. Social movements XVII in 63
Topic 22. Russian culture in the 17th century. Strengthening secular elements in culture 66
Topic 23. Peter's transformations. Absolutism. Formation of the bureaucratic apparatus. Traditional orders and serfdom in the context of the deployment of modernization 68
Topic 24. Northern war. Empire Proclamation 71
Topic 25. Palace coups 74
Topic 26. Enlightened absolutism. Legislative registration of the estate system 77
Topic 27. Features of the Russian economy in the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries: the dominance of serfdom and the emergence of capitalist relations. Beginning of the Industrial Revolution 80
Topic 28. Culture of the peoples of Russia and its connection with European and world culture in the 18th century. Russian enlightenment 83
Topic 29. The transformation of Russia into a world power in the XVIII century in 86
Topic 30. Legal reforms and measures to strengthen absolutism in the first half of the 19th century 90
Topic 31. Patriotic War of 1812 93
Topic 32. The movement of the Decembrists 96
Topic 33. Conservatives. Slavophiles and Westernizers. Russian utopian socialism 99
Topic 34. Imperial foreign policy of the autocracy in the first half of the 19th century. The Crimean War and its consequences for the country 102
Topic 35. Culture of the peoples of Russia in the first half of the 19th century 105
Topic 36. Reforms of the 1860s-1870s: 107
Topic 37. The policy of counter-reforms during the reign of Alexander III 110
Topic 38. Capitalist relations in industry and agriculture. The role of the state in the economic life of the country in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries 114
Topic 39. Growth of economic and social contradictions in the context of forced modernization. SU reforms. Witte.117
Topic 40. Ideological currents, political parties and social movements in Russia at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries 119
Topic 41. Eastern question in the foreign policy of the Russian Empire. Russia in the system of military-political alliances in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries 122
Topic 42. Russo-Japanese War 125
Topic 43. Spiritual life of Russian society in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. critical realism. Russian avant-garde. Development of science and education system 128
Topic 44. Revolution of 1905-1907 The formation of Russian parliamentarism. Liberal-democratic, radical, nationalist movements 131
Topic 45. P.A. Stolypin.. 134
Topic 46. Russia in the First World War. The impact of the war on Russian society 137
Topic 47. Revolution of 1917 Provisional Government and Soviets 140
Topic 48. Political tactics of the Bolsheviks in 1917, their coming to power. The first decrees of the Soviet government. Constituent Assembly 143
Topic 49. Civil war and foreign intervention. Political programs of the parties involved. The politics of war communism. Results of the Civil War 146
Topic 50. Transition to the New Economic Policy 149
Topic 51. Formation of the USSR. Choice of merging paths. Nation-state building 152
Topic 52. Party discussions about the ways and methods of building socialism in the USSR. The cult of personality I.V. Stalin. Mass repression. Constitution of 1936 155
Topic 53. Reasons for curtailing the new economic policy. Industrialization, collectivization 158
Topic 54. The ideological foundations of Soviet society and culture in the 1920s-1930s. Cultural revolution. Elimination of illiteracy, creation of an education system 161
Topic 55. Foreign policy strategy of the USSR in the 1920s-1930s. USSR on the eve of the Great Patriotic War 164
Topic 56. Causes, stages of the Great Patriotic War 167
Topic 57. The heroism of the Soviet people during the war. partisan movement. Rear during the war years. Ideology and culture during the war 170
Topic 58. USSR in the anti-Hitler coalition 172
Topic 59. Results of the Great Patriotic War. The role of the USSR in the Second World War and the solution of questions about the post-war structure of the world 175
Topic 60. Restoration of the economy. Ideological campaigns of the late 1940s 178
Topic 61. Cold War. Military-political alliances in the post-war system of international relations. Formation of the world socialist system 181
Topic 62. XX Congress of the CPSU and the condemnation of the cult of personality. Economic reforms of the 1950s-1960s, the reasons for their failures. Economic slowdown 184
Topic 63. "Stagnation" as a manifestation of the crisis of the Soviet model of development. Constitutional consolidation of the leading role of the CPSU. 1977 Constitution 187
Topic 64. Attempts to modernize the Soviet economy and political system in the 1980s Perestroika and Glasnost. Formation of a multi-party system 190
Topic 65. The USSR in world and regional crises and conflicts after World War II. Discharge policy. "New Political Thinking". The collapse of the world socialist system 193
Topic 66. Features of the development of Soviet culture in the 1950s-1980s. . 195
Topic 67. The collapse of the USSR. Political development of the Russian Federation in the 1990s. 198
Topic 68. Transition to a market economy: reforms and their consequences. Russian Federation in 2000-2010 201
Quests with map 205
Answers 228
Literature 242

Preparation for passing the exam in history requires the organization of constant monitoring of the level of assimilation of educational material. Using the test as a diagnostic tool before studying the relevant topic or section allows the teacher to identify existing gaps in the knowledge and skills of the student and adjust the content of the educational process. Control testing based on the results of studying a topic or section makes it possible to formulate recommendations for the student in his further preparation for passing the Unified State Exam.
When preparing for the Unified State Exam in history, often unjustifiably little attention is paid to tasks of a basic level of complexity as the simplest, requiring only the choice of the correct answer from those offered. But for all their seeming ease, their implementation requires knowledge of a large number of facts, biographies of historical figures, the sequence of historical events and the ability to correlate them with specific participants, knowledge of the causes and consequences of events, the ability to work with text and find the necessary information in historical sources.

Topic 2. Old Russian state

Section A

1. What year is considered the date of formation of the Old Russian state?

A) 860; b) 862; c) 882; d) 982

2. What event happened in 862?

a) Novgorodians called on Rurik to reign;

b) detachments of the princes of Russia attacked Constantinople;

c) the army of the Khazar Khagan was defeated by the Russian princes;

d) the route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" was discovered for the first time.

3. What events relate to the reign of Princess Olga?

a) the siege of Constantinople, the adoption of Christianity by Russia, the introduction of a household tax;

b) the prohibition of blood feud, the ruin of the Drevlyansk land, the foundation of Pskov;

c) the establishment of a fixed amount of tribute, an embassy to Constantinople;

d) an embassy to the Pope, a trip to the Balkans, the construction of St. Sophia Cathedral.

4 When did the strife between the sons of Prince Vladimir I begin?

A) in 1013; b) in 1015; c) in 1019; d) in 1024

5. With whom did Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich wage war?

a) with the Byzantines, Polovtsy, Hungarians; b) with the Volga Bulgars, Khazars, Byzantines;

c) with the Khazars, Pechenegs, Avars; d) with the Poles, Drevlyans, Huns.

6. With the name of which prince is the conclusion of a trade agreement withByzantium associated?

A) Rurik; b) Oleg; c) Svyatoslav; d) Vladimir Monomakh.

7. In what year did Prince Svyatoslav die?

A) in 968; b) in 970; c) in 972; d) in 974

8. What is polyudie?

a) the people's militia in Ancient Russia;

b) local governments;

c) collection by the prince of taxes from subject tribes;

d) a type of public corporal punishment.

9. What were the consequences of the murder of Prince Igor by the Drevlyans?

a) the end of the princely dynasty;

b) the establishment of a fixed amount of tribute;

c) a punitive campaign against the Drevlyans of the son of the murdered - Svyatoslav;

d) the introduction of a poll tax.

10. What were the consequences of the adoption of Christianity by Russia?

A) to the development of trade with the countries of Western Europe, primarily with


B) to the attempts of the Byzantine emperor to subdue the Russians by force


C) to the development of culture, education, strengthening the international position of Russia;

D) to a long war with Khazaria.

11. Which of the listed dates refers to the events of the struggle of Rusis by the Polovtsy?

A) 1036; b) 1043; c) 1068; d) 1097

12. What punishment was introduced instead of the right of blood feud in Pravda Yaroslavichi?

a) payment of a fine; b) imprisonment;

c) the death penalty; d) public flagellation.

13. With what opponents did the Russian lands have to fight in XI-XIIbb.?

a) Cumans, Pechenegs, Torks; b) Hungarians, Poles, Khazars;

c) Khazars, Varangians, Volga Bulgars; d) Byzantines, Avars, Kasogs.

14. What decision was made at the Lubech Congress of Princes in 1097?

A) start a new campaign in the steppe against the Pechenegs;

B) stop the princely strife and assign to each of the princes his possessions;

C) elect Vladimir Monomakh to the throne of Kyiv;

D) approve the final text of Russkaya Pravda.

15. What cities were the largest in the X-XII centuries. ?

a) Kyiv, Novgorod, Smolensk; b) Moscow, Tver, Novgorod;

c) Kyiv, Pskov, Nizhny Novgorod; d) Murom, Chernigov, Ryazan.

16. Why did Svyatopolk the Accursed get his nickname?

A) for refusing to obey his father - Prince Vladimir I;

B) for the massacres of Kyivans during his reign;

C) for using foreigners - Polovtsy in the struggle for the throne;

D) for the murder of brothers - Boris and Gleb.

17. What terms are associated with the concept of "patrimony"?

a) hegumen, monk, icon painter; b) settlement, settlement, polyudye;

c) rope, plinth, serf; d) boyar, fireman, purchase.

18. When did the uprising take place in Kyiv, which ended with an invitation to the Kyiv throne of Vladimir Monomakh?

A) in 1111; b) in 1112; c) in 1113; d) in 1125

19. What event happened in 1054?

a) the construction of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod began;

b) the Dolobsky Congress of Russian princes was held;

c) the reign of Yaroslav the Wise began in Kyiv;

d) Yaroslav the Wise died.

20. What did Metropolitan Hilarion become famous for?

a) he wrote the “Sermon on Law and Grace”;

c) according to his project, the St. Sophia Cathedral was built in Novgorod;

21. What concepts refer to ancient Russian culture?

a) vira, purchases, youths; b) zakomary, apse, smalt;

c) plows, beekeeping, guests; d) patrimony, hierarchy, tithe.

22. What genre of literature does The Tale of Bygone Years belong to?

A) hagiography; b) chronicle; c) teaching; d) a heroic story.

23. What term refers to the ancient Russian jewelry art?

A) a fresco b) initial; c) cloisonne enamel; d) pilaster.

Section B

1. Establish a correspondence between concepts and definitions.

1) rope; a) an assembly of the free urban population in Ancient Russia;

2) vira; b) a piece of land measured with a rope to the community.That was the name of the peasant community itself;

3) veche; c) tax, duty, levied for the carriage of goods,driving cattle, and from a person when driving

Through outposts near cities and large villages

4) washed. d) a meeting of smerds and serfs that arosefrom the tribal assemblies of the Slavs;

D) a fine, a court fee that wentto the royal treasury.

3.Establish a correspondence between events and dates.

1) adoption of Christianity; a) 1024;

2) the campaign of the combined Russian forces against the Polovtsians; b) 1043;

3) the last campaign of the troops of Russia to Constantinople; c) 988;

4) uprising in the Rostov-Suzdal land. d) 1111;

e) 1015

4. Read the passage from the chronicle and write the date of the event being described.

“The Chud, Spovyans, Krivichi and all said to the Varangians:“ Our land is great and plentiful, but there is no order in it. Come reign and rule over us." And three brothers with their families were chosen (among the Varangians) and came to the Slavs, and the elder Rurik sat in Novgorod, and the other - Sineus - on Beloozero, the third Truvor - in Izborsk.


5. Read an excerpt from the "History of the Russian State" by N. M. Karamzin and write in the text the name of the prince who fell victim to the murderer. “Near this city (Smolensk) he was overtaken by a messenger from Yaroslav, Prince of Novogorodsky, with a notification of the death of Vladimirova and the vile treachery of Svyatopolk; but at the very time when _______________ sensitive, pious ..., mourned his father and beloved brother, in fervent prayers confiding his grief to Heaven, armed assassins appeared and seized his boat. The Murom squad was shy: Goryaser, the head of the villains, ordered the Prince to be killed, and his own cook ..., named Torchin, wanting to please Svyatopolk, stabbed his unfortunate Sovereign to death.

Section C

Read excerpts from the works of Russian historians about the calling of the Varangians and complete the tasks.

From the work of N. M. Karamzin:

“The beginning of Russian history presents us with an amazing and almost unparalleled case in the annals: the Slavs voluntarily destroy their ancient popular rule and demand sovereigns from the Varangians, who were their enemies ... years before that time, they ruled them without oppression and violence, took a light tribute and observed justice. Dominating the seas, having relations with the South and West of Europe in the 9th century, the Varangians, or Normans, should have been more educated than the Slavs and Finns, imprisoned in the wild confines of the North, could tell them some of the benefits of new industry and trade, beneficial for the people ... "

From the work of S. M. Solovyov:

“The first circumstance is the union of the Slavic and Finnish tribes; what produced this union? Without any doubt, the aforementioned tribes were brought into contact by the Varangian conquest, just as later the rest of the scattered Slavic tribes were brought into contact by the princes from the house of Rurik. This close relationship between the Chud, the whole, the Ilmen Slavs and the Krivichi was expressed in the friendly expulsion of the Varangians and then in the calling of the princes. To this same conquest, to this clash with an alien principle, the northern tribes were, in all likelihood, obliged for a relatively greater degree of social development, or at least aspiration for it: after the expulsion of the Varangians, they do not want to return to a scattered tribal life and, not seeing a way out of it with the selfishness of childbirth, they agree to call on power from outside, they call on a prince from a foreign clan ...

The calling of the first princes is of great importance in our history, it is an all-Russian event, and Russian history rightly begins with it. The main, initial phenomenon in the foundation of the state is the unification of disparate tribes through the appearance among them of a concentrating principle, power. The northern tribes, Slavic and Finnish, united and called to themselves this concentrating principle, this power. Here, in the concentration of several northern tribes, the beginning of the concentration of all the other tribes was laid, because the called beginning uses the strength of the first concentrated tribes in order to concentrate others through them; forces united for the first time begin to act.

From the work of B. A. Rybakov:

“The Varangians appeared in Eastern Europe when the Kievan state had already taken shape ... Collisions with the local population occurred with varying success: either the “Varangian finders” managed to take tribute from the Slavs and Chuds, or the local tribes “expelled our Varangians overseas and did not give them tribute ". For the only time in the entire Middle Ages, the leader of the Varangian detachment, together with the northern Slavs, managed to fraudulently, pretending to be the owner of a merchant caravan, seize power in Kyiv for a while, killing the legitimate prince. The Varangians were used in Russia in the X-XI centuries as a hired military force. The Varangians were hired by Svyatoslav and his son Vladimir. The Varangians were hired for dirty murders: the Varangians killed Prince Gleb. Russkaya Pravda was directed against the atrocities of the hired Varangians in Novgorod ... The absurd identification of the Varangians with Russia, which meant nothing else, except that if the Varangians ended up in the capital of Russia, in Kyiv, if they entered the Russian service, then they were considered Rus ..."

1. What is the "Norman theory"?

2. What is the difference in assessing the importance of the role of the Varangians in the early history of the Old Russian state in the writings of Russian historians?

3. Which of the presented points of view seems more convincing to you? Why?

4. What, in your opinion, was the true historical basis for the emergence of the theory of the creation of the Old Russian state by the Varangians?

Topic number 4. Russia specific. Corresponds to the 2016 demo.

    Arrange historical events in chronological order. Write down the numbers that indicate historical events in the correct sequence in the table.

    Publication of the first code of laws in Russia

    Construction of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir

    Adoption of Christianity by Russia

2. Establish a correspondence between events and years: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) The first mention in the annals of Moscow

B) Creation of "Russian Truth"

C) The campaign of the Novgorod-Seversky prince against the Polovtsians, described in the "Tale of Igor's Campaign"

D) Construction of the princely residence in Bogolyubovo

2. Read the passage from the diary and indicate the year when the events described occurred.


3. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the XII-XIII centuries.

1) estate; 2) dual faith; 3) governors; 4) merciful; 5) polyudie; 6) archers

Find and write down the ordinal number of the term related to another historical period.

4. Write down the term in question.

In Russia, the hereditary land holding of a feudal lord was called _______.

Answer: _____________.

5. Establish a correspondence between historical figures and the events associated with them. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Historical figures Events

B) Andrei Bogolyubsky 2) The first mention of Moscow

C) Vsevolod the Big Nest 3) Erection of the Protection of the Virgin

D) Yaroslav the Wise 4) Creation of the "Instruction for Children"

5) Campaign against the Don Polovtsians

6. Establish a correspondence between fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics; for each fragment, indicated by a letter, select two corresponding characteristics, indicated by numbers.

Fragments of sources

“... But in the Kievan land, apparently, they didn’t like him, and he, secretly, without the will of his father, went to the Suzdal land, in which he has lived permanently ever since. He took with him from Vyshgorod an important shrine, the icon of the Mother of God, painted, according to legend, by the Evangelist Luke and now known under the name of Vladimirskaya ... "

“... and for two days they robbed the whole city, Podol and Gora, and monasteries, and Sophia, and the Tithe Mother of God, and there was no pardon for anyone and nowhere. Churches were on fire, Christians were killed, others were tied up, wives were taken prisoner... He took a lot of wealth, churches were laid bare, everything was endured by the Smolny people, and Suzdal, and Chernigov, and Olga's squad.... And there was groaning in Kyiv, and hardness, and grief inconsolable, and tears incessant…”


1) The events described in the text took place after the capture of Kyiv by Andrei Bogolyubsky.

2) After the events described, the icon of the Mother of God, painted, according to legend, by the Evangelist Luke, was transferred to the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

3) The text gives a description of the capture and sack of Kyiv.

4) After the events described in the text, a governor was installed in Kyiv.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

Fragment "A"

Fragment "B"

7. Which of the following characterized the position of the boyars during the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky? Choose three correct answers and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) resistance of the boyars to high taxes established by the prince
2) the nobility was divided into subgroups
3) active struggle against the boyars on the part of the princely power
4) strengthening power in the person of the Grand Duke
5) reduction of the privileges of the nobility
6) increase in the privileges of the nobility

8. Fill in the gaps in these sentences using the list of missing elements below: for each sentence marked with a letter and containing a gap, select the number of the required element.

A) ___________ is associated with the death of Vladimir Monomakh in 1125.

C) In ancient Russian literature, the campaign of Prince ___________________ against the nomads is described.

Missing items:

1) Political fragmentation.

2) Internecine war.

3) Separatism of princes.

5) Vladimir.

9. Establish a correspondence between historical figures and the events associated with them. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Participants of the Event

A) Yuri Dolgoruky 1) The creation of "Russian Truth"

B) Andrei Bogolyubsky 2) The first mention of Moscow

C) Vsevolod the Big Nest 3) Erection of the Protection of the Virgin

D) Yaroslav the Wise 4) Creation of "Instructions for Children"

5) Campaign against the Don Polovtsians

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


10. Read the passage from the diary and indicate the nickname of the prince in question.

“... after the death of his brother in 1176. defeated his opponents in open battle and seized the Vladimir-Suzdal throne. He received the nickname ... because he had eight sons and eight grandchildren, not counting the female offspring.

Answer: _____________________

11. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the data provided in the list below. For each cell marked with a letter, select the number of the required element.



Capture of Kyiv


Andrey Bogolyubsky

Erection of the Protection of the Virgin on the Nerl




Missing items:

1) Yaroslav the Wise
2) The first mention of Moscow
3) Russian Truth
4) Andrey Bogolyubsky
5) 1169
6) Yuri Dolgoruky
7) Vladimir Monomakh

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


12. Read an extract from a historical work.

After the death of his father (1157) he became Prince of Vladimir, Rostov and Suzdal. Andrei Bogolyubsky moved the capital of the principality to Vladimir. In 1158-1164, Andrei Bogolyubsky built an earthen fortress with white stone towers. Only one of the five outer gates of the fortress has survived to this day - the Golden Gate, which was bound with gilded copper. The magnificent Assumption Cathedral and other churches and monasteries were built. At the same time, the fortified princely castle of Bogolyubovo grew up near Vladimir - the favorite residence of Andrei Bogolyubsky, after which he received his nickname. Under Prince Andrei, the famous Church of the Intercession on the Nerl was built near Bogolyubov. Probably, under the direct supervision of Andrei, a fortress was built in Moscow in 1156 (according to the chronicle, this fortress was built by Dolgoruky, but he was in Kyiv at that time). According to the Laurentian Chronicle, Yuri Dolgoruky took the kiss of the cross from the main cities of the Rostov-Suzdal principality on the fact that his younger sons should reign in it, in all likelihood, counting on the approval of the elders in the south. Andrei at the time of his father's death was inferior in seniority staircase the right to both main contenders for the reign of Kiev: Izyaslav Davydovich and Rostislav Mstislavich. Only Gleb Yuryevich managed to stay in the south (from that moment the Principality of Pereyaslav separated from Kyiv), since 1155 he was married to the daughter of Izyaslav Davydovich, and for a short time - Mstislav Yuryevich (in Porosye until the final approval of Rostislav Mstislavich in Kyiv in 1161). The rest of the Yuryeviches had to leave the Kyiv land, but only Boris Yuryevich, who died childless already in 1159, received an appointed inheritance (Kideksha) in the north. In addition, in 1161 Andrei expelled his stepmother, the Greek princess Olga, from the principality, along with her children Mikhail, Vasilko and seven-year-old Vsevolod. In the Rostov land there were two older veche cities - Rostov and Suzdal. In his principality, Andrei Bogolyubsky tried to get away from the practice of veche gatherings. Wishing to rule alone, Andrei drove out of the Rostov land, following his brothers and nephews, his father's "front husbands", that is, his father's great boyars. Promoting the development of feudal relations, he relied on the squad, as well as on the Vladimir townspeople; was associated with the trade and craft circles of Rostov and Suzdal.

In 1160, Andrei made an unsuccessful attempt to establish a metropolis independent of the Kyiv metropolis on the subject lands. In 1168, the Patriarch of Constantinople, Luke Chrysover, consecrated Andreev's candidate, Hierarch Theodore, not to the metropolitan, but to the Rostov bishops, while Theodore chose Vladimir, and not Rostov, as his seat. Before the threat of popular unrest, Andrei had to send him to the Kyiv Metropolitan, where he was massacred.

Andrei Bogolyubsky invited Western European architects to build Vladimir churches. The trend towards greater cultural independence can also be traced in the introduction of new holidays in Russia, which were not accepted in Byzantium. On the initiative of the prince, as is assumed, the holidays of the All-Merciful Savior (August 16) and the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos (October 1 according to the Julian calendar) were established in the Russian (North-Eastern) Church.

Using the passage and knowledge of history, select three correct judgments from the list provided. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

    Andrei Bogolyubsky built the Golden Gate in Suzdal.

    Andrei made a successful attempt to establish a metropolis independent of the Kyiv metropolis on the subject lands.

    Andrei Bogolyubsky was closely associated with the trade and craft circles of Rostov and Suzdal.

    Andrei Bogolyubsky was inferior in seniority in staircase the right to both main contenders for the reign of Kiev: Izyaslav Davydovich and Rostislav Mstislavich.

    Church holidays established by Andrei Bogolyubsky exist in the modern church calendar.

    Bogolyubovo Castle - the favorite residence of Andrei Bogolyubsky, was given this name by the nickname of the prince.

13. Write the name of the commander who carried out the campaign indicated on the diagram.

Answer: ______________________.

14. Write the name of the city indicated on the diagram by the number "1". Answer: ________________________.

15. Indicate the name of the work of Old Russian literature, in which the event indicated in the diagram is described in poetic form.

16. What judgments related to the events indicated on the map are correct? Choose those three judgments from the six proposed. Write in the table numbers, under which they are listed.

17. Establish a correspondence between cultural monuments and their brief characteristics: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

B) "Sermon about Law and Grace"

2) The described events took place in the XII century.

B) tithe church

3) Creation refers to the X century.

D) Churches of Hagia Sophia in Kyiv, Novgorod, Polotsk

4) Creation refers to the XII century.

5) Creation refers to the XI century.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

Look at the pictures and complete tasks 18, 19.

18. What judgments about the sculpture depicted in the photograph are correct? Choose two sentences from the five offered. Record in a table numbers under which they are listed.

1) The photo shows a sculptural image of Andrei Bogolyubsky.

3) The depicted historical figure was killed by the Drevlyans during the polyud.

4) The policy of the historical figure depicted in the photograph corresponded to the interests of the boyars and was aimed at strengthening his position.

5) The activities of the prince contributed to the rise and strengthening of Kyiv.

19. Which of the buildings below was built during the reign of the prince indicated in the photo and had a secular purpose? In response write down the number under which this building is indicated.

Answer: ________

Option number 1. From the work of the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky.

“From the middle of the XII century, signs of desolation of Kievan Rus become noticeable. The river strip along the middle Dniester with tributaries, which has long been so well populated, has been emptying since that time, its population disappears somewhere. ... Among the seven desolate cities of the Chernihiv land, we meet one of the oldest and richest cities in the Dnieper region - Lyubech. Simultaneously with the signs of the ebb of the population from Kievan Rus, we also notice traces of the decline of its economic well-being: Rus, emptying, at the same time became poorer. ... The ebb of the population from the Dnieper region went in two directions, in two opposite streams. One jet was directed to the west, to the Western Bug, to the region of the upper Dniester and upper Vistula, deep into Galicia and Poland. So the southern Russian population from the Dnieper region returned to long-forgotten places abandoned by their ancestors. Another stream of colonization from the Dnieper region is directed to the opposite corner of the Russian land, to the northeast, across the Ugra River, in the interfluve of the Oka and the Upper Volga. ... It is the source of all the main phenomena that have been revealed in the life of Upper Volga Russia since the middle of the 12th century: the entire political and social life of this Russia has developed from the consequences of this colonization.

20. What was the name of the period in the history of Russia referred to in the document? Specify its chronological framework.

21 . What phenomena characteristic of this period does the document testify to? Name at least two things. Using the text of the document and knowledge of history, indicate the reasons for these phenomena (at least two reasons).

22. How does the historian assess the consequences of the phenomena noted in the document? What does he see as the role of Upper Volga Russia in further Russian history? Involving historical knowledge, indicate at least two consequences of the events and phenomena indicated in the text.

Option number 2. From the work of the historian B.A. Rybakov.

“In addition to the colorful and dramatic external history of the principalities and princes, this era is extremely interesting for us with those aggravated relations between the princes and the boyars, which were so clearly identified already in the time of Yaroslav Osmomysl. If we discard the element of personal gain and self-interest ... then it should be recognized that their policy of concentrating land, weakening appanages and strengthening the central princely power was objectively progressive, since it coincided with the interests of the people. In pursuing this policy, the princes relied on the broad strata of the townspeople and on the reserves of petty feudal lords (youths, children, benefactors), who were completely dependent on the prince, who had grown up by themselves.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the initial phase (before the factor of conquest intervened in the normal development) is characterized not by the decline of culture, as one might expect ... but, on the contrary, by the rapid growth of cities and the bright flowering of Russian culture in all its manifestations . It follows from this that the new political form obviously contributed (perhaps at first) to progressive development.

20. Give the name and time frame of the historical period referred to in the passage. Using knowledge of history, name the largest political centers of this period. List at least three positions in total.

21. Using the text of the document and drawing on knowledge of history, indicate at least three characteristic features of this period.

22. Drawing on knowledge of history and the text of the document, evaluate this period. Give at least three arguments.


23. Name at least two main directions of transformations carried out in North-Eastern Russia during the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky. Give at least three examples of the most important changes related to one of these areas.

24. . In historical science, there are debatable problems on which various, often contradictory, points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view that exist in historical science: “ Andrey Bogolyubsky, Grand Duke, who during his reign took an active part in strengthening the Christian religion in Russia.” Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can support this point of view, and two arguments that can refute it. When presenting arguments, be sure to use historical facts. Write your answer in the following form.

Arguments to support:

1) Creation of churches and temples

Arguments in rebuttal:

1) Conducted wars, took part in the ruin of Kyiv

25. You need to write a historical essay about ONE from periods of Russian history:

1).1157-1174; 2). 1125-1157; 3) 1176-1212

The essay must:

Indicate at least two events (phenomena, processes) relating to a given period of history;

Name two historical personalities whose activities are associated with the indicated events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge of historical facts, characterize the role of these personalities in the events (phenomena, processes) of a given period of Russian history;

Indicate at least two causal relationships that existed between events (phenomena, processes) within a given period of history.

Using the knowledge of historical facts and (or) the opinions of historians, give one historical assessment of the significance of this period for the history of Russia.

In the course of the presentation, it is necessary to use historical terms, concepts related to this period

For preparation, you can use any existing set of school textbooks that have a recommendation stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Literature for preparation:

1. History of Russia. Textbook / Orlov A.S., Georgiev V.A., Georgieva N.G., Sivokhina T.A. - M.: Prospect, 2014
2. Anisimov E. V., Kamensky A. B. History of Russia 1682–1861. Experimental teaching aid for secondary schools. M., 1996.
3. Borisov N.S. The policy of the Moscow princes (the end of the 13th - the first half of the 14th century) M .: MGU, 1999. - 391 p.
4. Danilevsky I. N. Ancient Russia through the eyes of contemporaries and descendants (IX-XII centuries): Course of lectures. M., 1998 [M., 1999; 2nd ed., revised. and additional Moscow: Aspect Press, 2001]. – 399 p.
5. History of Russia XIX - early XX century / Ed. V. A. Fedorova: Textbook - 3rd ed. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2004. - 752 p. - (Classic university textbook).
6. Sailors V. I., Fedorov V. A., Shchetinov Yu. A. History of Russia: A manual for high school students and university entrants. 6th ed., corrected and enlarged. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2004. - 506 p.
7. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the XVIII century. Textbook. Ed. B.N. Flory. M. 2010.
8. Moryakov V.I. History of Russia IX–XVIII centuries. Moscow: Philol. about-in "WORD"; Eksmo, 1994. - 448 p.
9. Russia under Peter I; Russia under the successors of Peter // History of Russia in the 18th–19th centuries: Textbook. Ed. acad. L.V. Milova. Moscow: Eksmo, 2006. 20 p.
10. Milov L.V. Rep. ed.: History of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the XXI century: textbook / ed. acad. L.V. Milova. In 3 volumes / M .: Eksmo, 2006. 147 p.

  • Volume 1. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 17th century.
  • Volume 2. History of Russia in the 18th–19th centuries.
  • Volume 3. History of Russia in the XX - early XXI centuries.

11. History of modern Russia. 1985-1994. M., "Terra", 1995
12. A.G. Golikov, T.A. Kruglova. Methods of working with historical sources. Under the editorship of prof. A.G. Golikova. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2014. - 224 p.
13. History of Russia. Tutorial. At 3 hours, Part 1: Ancient Russia - the era of Catherine II / T.V. Chernikova; under total ed. V.I. Ukolova; MGIMO(U) MFA of Russia, department world and national history. - 2nd ed. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2009.
14. History of Russia. Tutorial. In 3 hours, Part 2: The Russian Empire in the 19th - early 20th century / Y.V. Vishnyakov; under total ed. V.I. Ukolova; MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, department. world and national history. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional – M.: MGIMO-University, 2009.
15. History of Russia. Tutorial. At 3 pm, Part 3: The Twentieth Century: 1914-1991. In 2 books. Book. 1 / M.Yu. Myagkov, O.G. Obichkin; under total ed. IN AND. Prickly; MGIMO(U) MFA of Russia, department world and national history. - 2nd ed. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2012.
16. Airapetov, O.R. Foreign policy of the Russian Empire 1801-1914. M.2006.
17. Borisov, N.S. Ivan III (series "ZhZL") M., Young Guard, 2006
18. Vdovin, A.I. History of the USSR from Lenin to Gorbachev. 2nd ed. M., 2014.
19. Zakharova, L.G. Alexander II and the abolition of serfdom in Russia. M.: ROSSPEN, 2011.
20. Kornilov, A.A. Course of the history of Russia in the XIX century / Alexander Kornilov; [Intro. Art. A. A. Levandovsky]. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2004.
21. Pavlenko, N.I. Peter I. - M .: Mol. guard, 2000. - 428 p.
22. Rybakov, B.A. Kievan Rus and Russian principalities of the XII-XIII centuries. M., 1982
23. Skrynnikov, R.G. Russia on the Eve of the Time of Troubles. Moscow: Thought, 1981
24. Florya, B.N. Ivan the Terrible. - Ed. 3rd. - M.: Young Guard, 2009. - 482 p.
25. Ukolova V. I. History of the Ancient World. Book for reading M.: ROSMEN, 2004.
26. Danilevsky IN Ancient and medieval Russia: Experimental textbook. allowance. M., 1996 .
27. Anisimov E. V., Kamensky A. B. Russia in the 18th – first half of the 19th century: History. Historian. Document. Experimental textbook for senior classes. M., 1994. 2nd ed.: M., 1996.
28. Nemirovsky A. I., Ilyinskaya L. S., Ukolova V. I. Antiquity: history and culture: A guide for students st. generic classes. institutions. In 2 vols. M.: Aspect Press, 1994. 4th ed. M.: TERRA, 1999.

Internet resources.

Russian history:

1. Project "CHRONOS"
2. Russian educational portal. Collection: historical documents
3. Historical sources in Russian on the Internet (Electronic Library of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov)
4. History of Military Affairs: research and sources
5. Materials of Russian history
6. "History of Russia XIX century"
8. HistoryLinks.Ru directory of historical sites
9. School Blog Section