Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Declension of the verb lassen in German. Meaning and usage of the verb lassen

This topic is dedicated to typical misconceptions and mistakes made by "beginners" in learning the German language! There is a definite difference between these seemingly similar German verbs. What - now we'll figure it out!

There are two verbs in German that some say are very "confusing" and "confusing". It's "l assen", one of the meanings of which is "leave", and " bleiben" - "stay".

If we look at the verb bleiben, then it has the so-called recurrence, when the action is directed to the doer - with the ending "sya". Therefore, this verb is always combined with the subject and does NOT have an object, an object!

Verb " lassen" is translated into Russian as "leave", and " bleiben- "to stay". In German, they differ in that the word " bleiben» can only be used in relation to animate beings, for example, to yourself or to the interlocutor:

Concerning " lassen”, then here, on the contrary, there is an object that is “left”. And also, if we want to talk about some subject, for example, about a phone, then the sentence will look like this:

There are many examples that highlight the extent to which lassen can go well with some other, semantic verb. To understand what we are talking about, consider the option in which this second semantic verb is present, and the verb " lassen' makes it complete:

Die Kinder nicht mit schmutzigen Schuhen und Hunde mit dreckigen Pfoten ins Haus (kommen) lassen. - Do not let children in dirty shoes and dogs with dirty paws (enter) into the house.

In other words, the verb lassen" often becomes an auxiliary, modal verb. In Germany, there is a habit of saying not just “I leave”, but with a specific clarification: I leave (what to do?) to lie down, I leave (what to do?) to stand ...

Sie lässt seinen Volkswagen in der garage stehen. She leaves her Volkswagen (standing) in the garage.

That is, if we are talking about something inanimate, then we use the verb " lassen».

There may be such a situation that some person infuriates you, bothers you, you can tell him:

Lass mich in Ruhe. - Leave me alone ( Mich- me, addition).

In Germany, you can often hear an expression in which the key is the verb " lassen»:

Ich kann es nicht, ich lass es am besten sein. – I can’t do it, I’d rather leave (throw it).

Did you feel the difference!? Everything is simple, if you decompose it into simple links of one chain!

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Also interesting:

Difference between the verbs anfangen and beginnen

It can be used both as a transitive and as a modal verb.

a) vt as a transitive verb verb lassen always has a direct object (accusative object). In this case, it means "to leave" (selbständige Bedeutung)

Ich lies das Buch im Horsaal. I left the book in the audience.

Lassen Sie die Aktentasche hier! Las mich in Ruh! Lass das!

Zusammensetzungen: stehen-, liegen-, hängenlassen + Adverbiale des Ortes- forget

Ich habe den Regenschirm in der Wardrobe stehenlassen.

Ich habe das Buch zu Hause liegenlassen. Ich habe meinen Regenmantel im Vorzimmer hangen lassen.

b) vt as a modal verb verb lassen used in combination with the infinitive of another verb. In this case, it means "command", "permit", „ force"," allow","instruct","enable".

Der Professor ließ das neue The professor ordered to check

Gerat prüfen. new device.

Er ließ mich hier bleiben. He allowed me to stay here.

Der Lehrer lässt den Studenten laut lesen. Las mich das Gedicht vorlesen! Der Chef lässt seinen Sekretär die Antwort schreiben. Lass mich doch alles erklaren.

c) very common verb lassen used to describe some forms of the imperative (imperative mood). In this case, it means "to promote some action", "to allow the commission of any action":

Lassen Sie Mich diese Arbeit Let me do this work.


Lassen Sie ihn sprechen! Let him speak! (Let him speak!)

Lass da Kind spielen. Let the child play.

Design lasst (lasst) uns synonymous with construction wollen wir... :

Lasst uns Keine Zeit Verlieren! Let's not waste time!

Wollen wir keine Zeit ver lieren! Let's not waste time!

d) Using the verb lassen, an action is also expressed that is performed not by the speaker, but by someone else:

Ich ließ mir einen Anzug nähen. I sewed a suit for myself (I gave it to be sewn).

sich (Dal.) etc. nähen lassen - to sew something for yourself (or: give yourself something to sew).

Ich lasse mir ein neues Kleid nähen. - I'm sewing myself a new dress. I gave

sew yourself a new dress.

etc. reparieren lassen - to give for repair

Er ließ seine Uhr reparieren. He gave his watch to be repaired. sich (Akk.) rasieren lassen - to shave (in a barbershop).

Er lässt sich immer hier rasieren. - He always shaves here.

e) Verb lassen with pronoun sich+ infinitive I has a passive meaning with a touch of possibility and corresponds to the combination man cann(can):

Diese Material lasst sich gut schneiden. This material cuts well.

Diese Aufgabe lasst sich leicht losen. This problem can be easily solved.

Das lässt sich machen. - It can be done.

Das lässt sich nicht machen. - It can't be done.

Dieser Text lässt sich leicht übersetzen. - This text is easy


Note: The combination of the verb lassen with another verb when translated into Russian is often indecomposable, i.e. its meaning is not derived from the sum of the meanings of these two semantic verbs (for example: Er läßt uns viel lesen. - He makes there are a lot of us read), but it has another Russian equivalent, in which the meaning of lassen is not directly reflected, for example: mit sich reden lassen - to be accommodating, sich (Dat.) etwas gefallen lassen - endure, endure smth. In the dictionary, the translation of such combinations into Russian should be consulted in the dictionary entry in lassen. Lassen can also form a compound verb with other verbs: fallen lassen - to drop.

Ex. 37. Read and translate the sentences, pay attention to the different meanings of the verb lassen:

1. Wo hast du dein Wörterbuch gelassen? 2. Lassen Sie mich in Ruhe! 3. Der Lehrer ließ die Studenten zur Konsultation kommen. 4. Lass mich dir diese Geschichte noch einmal erzählen. 5. Diese Metalle lassen sich gut legieren. 6. Ich ließ mir zum Neujahr ein neues Kleid nähen. 7. Die Mutter ließ die Kinder die Wohnung in Ordnung bringen. 8. Der Text lässt sich ohne Wörterbuch leicht übersetzen.

An exercise 206


1. Ich lasse Ihnen meine Adresse. 1. Laß mich bitte in Ruhe! 3. Laßt uns keine Zeit verlieren! 4. Der Lehrer läßt die Schüler den Text noch einmal lesen. 5. Meine Mutter laßt Sie herzlichst grüßen. 6. Die Eltern lassen Arthur und Elke ins Theater gehen. 7. Katrin laßt sich noch ein Kleid nähen. 8. Laß ihn ruhig gehen! 9. Wir lassen dich nicht allein zu Hause. 10. Lassen Sie uns nach Hause gehen! 11. Der Junge geht zum Friseur und läst sich das Haar kurz schneiden. 12. Ich lasse euch sehr ungern fahren. 13. Laßt eure Mantel hier im Vorzimmer, bitte! 14. Der Vater kommt aus Österreich und die Familie läßt ihn von seiner Reise ausführlich erzählen. 15. Die Herren lassen aber auf sich warten. 16. Dieses Kleid läßt sich gut waschen. 17. Der Arzt läßt den Kranken die Arznei dreimal am Tage einnehmen. 18. Man läßt die Schüler nach dem Unterricht die Schule in Ordnung bringen. 19. Wir lassen unsere Koffer in der Gepäckaufbewahrung. 20. Laßt alle euren Sorgen!

Exercise 207

Conjugate inPrä senstranslate the sentences:

1. Ich lasse beim Schneider ein Sommerkleid nähen. 2. Ich lasse dich nicht in Ruhe. 3. Ich lasse Anna ein Geschenk für die Mutter kaufen. 4. Ich lasse die Schultasche in der Klasse. 5. Ich lasse Sie herzlichst grüßen.

An exercise 108

Paste verblassenin necessary form, translate


1. Er spricht sehr viel und... uns nicht arbeiten. Sie mich bitte durch! 3. Die Zuschauer... ihre Mantel und Jacken in der Garderobe und gehen in den Saal. 4. Diese Frage... uns nicht in Ruhe. 5. Ich bin noch nicht fertig,... Sie mir Zeit bitte! 6. Mein Kassettenrecorder ist kaputt, ich... ihn reparieren. 7. Der Mathematiklehrer... die Schüler diese schwere Rechenaufgabe während der Stunde lösen. 8. Viele Menschen... ihre Kleidung nicht beim Schneider nähen, sondern kaufen sie im Warenhaus.mich meine Verspätung erklären! 10. Ich... deine liebe Mutti herzlich grüßen!

16. Setzen Sie das Verb lassen im Imperative in der angegebenen Person ein!

1. ... mich lesen! (du)den Kleinen in Ruh! (ihr)Genossen N. den Text nacherzählen! (ihr) 4. Viktor ist krank, . . . ihn nach Hause gehen! (Sie).Genossen Petrow die Liste aufstellen! (Sie).deinen Mantel hier! (du) Später holst du Ihn.den Arzt kommen! (du)

Exercise 209

Answer the questions, paying attention to the form of the verb lassen, the content of the answers is arbitrary:

1. Lassen Sie mir Ihre Adresse? 2, Wo lassen die Gäste ihre Mantel? 3. Läßt der Lehrer die Antwort wiederholen? 4. Was läßt der Lehrer losen? 5. Laßt ihr eure Koffer auf dem Bahnhof? 6. Läßt du deine Kleidung immer nähen? 7. Die Musik ist sehr laut, laßt sie euch arbeiten? 8. Läßt man dich oft allein zu Hause? 9. Lassen die Eltern die Kinder früh nach Hause kommen? 10. Läßt du ihn endlich in Ruhe?

Exercise 210


1. Let me answer this question! 2. The doctor tells the patient to take medicine three times a day. 3. Let me pass! 4. My mother often sews dresses at the tailor. 5. Today parents allow boys to play football. 6. The teacher makes the students read clearly, loudly and quickly. 7. We will leave our luggage at the station and drive to the city. 8. My friend says hello to you. 9. Music keeps us all from working. 10. Why do you make yourself wait so long? 11. Leave me, finally, alone! 12. We are not ready yet, give us some time! 13. Pupils are forced to clean up the school yard after school. 14. He is not forced to work hard at home. 15. Leave it! 16. Father tells Sasha to buy bread for dinner. 17. Today we ask our teacher to tell us about her trip to Germany. 18. After gardening, parents tell their children to wash their hands well. 19. Guys, let Nina express her opinion! 20. Let me explain my lateness.

17. Übersetzen Sie ins Deutsche; gebrauchen Sie dabei das Verb lassen!

1. Let me start. 2. I forgot my textbooks at home. 3. He makes himself wait. 4. Let him calmly pack things. 5. Let the children walk a little more, 6. Leave me your dictionary, I'll give it to you tomorrow. 7. He told me to tell you that he cannot come tomorrow. 8. I have to give the shoes for repair (reparieren).

From scratch!
Lesson #2-7-3!

Verb lassen (systematization)

After studying the material in this lesson, you will be able to:

  • say you agree with the program
  • say what you want to know
  • offer to discuss plans and timelines
  • ask when you will receive the materials

Learn words and expressions for dialogue

zuerst tsu e: ast
at first
Zuerst konnte ich nichts verstehen.
At first I couldn't understand anything.
produce product and: ren
Was produziert der Betrieb?
What does the company produce?
der Computer computer Yu: that
a computer
Das ist ein ganz moderner Computer.
This is a very modern computer.
kennenlernen to uh nenlernen
Ich mochte ihn kennenlernen.
I would like to get to know him.
klar cla:(r)
Das ist mir (noch nicht ganz) klar.
This is (not quite) clear to me.
empfangen empf a n(g)en
Wir wurden herzlich empfangen.
We were warmly received.
die Lieferung l and: farun(g)
Wann kommt die erste Lieferung?
When will the first delivery be?
besprechen bashpr uh hyung
Das haben wir noch nicht besprochen.
We haven't discussed this yet.
der Standpunkt PCS a ntpoint
point of view
Das ist unser Standpunkt.
This is our point of view.
das protocol duct about eh
Das Protokoll ist noch nicht fertig.
The protocol is not ready yet.
der Entwurf entv at rf
Das ist im Entwurf vorgesehen.
This is provided for in the project.
Darlegen d a:(r)le:gen
Legen Sie Ihren Standpunkt dar!
State your point of view!
übergeben ubag e: ben
Ich habe Ihnen den Brief übergegeben.
I gave you a letter.
hoffen X about fan
Hoffen wir das Beste!
Let's hope for the best!
organized organization and: ren
Von we wird die Reise organisiert?
Who is organizing the trip?
ausgezeichnet a usgetsaykhnet
Er kann ausgezeichnet singen.
He sings great.

Pay attention to the form and use of words

1. Verb kennenlernen, unlike the corresponding Russian verb "get acquainted", requires an addition in the accusative case without a preposition:

Ich mochte den Journalisten unserer Zeitung kennenlernen.
I want to meet journalist our newspaper.
Wanna hast du ihn kennengelernt?
When you are with him met?

2. Expression sich lassen + infinitive has a modal and passive meaning and corresponds to the verb konnen+ infinitive passive. Compare:

Die rede cann Ohne Worterbuch übersetzt werden.
Speech can be translated without a dictionary.
Die rede läst sich Ohne Worterbuch übersetzen.
Speech can be translated without a dictionary.

3. Verb hoffen"hope" has control auf"on" with the accusative case:

Ich hoffe auf eine gute Organization unserer Arbeit.
I hope for the good organization of our work.
Ich hoffe darauf, dass die Diskussion interessant sein wird.
I I hope so that the discussion will be interesting.

Remember the following way of word formation (2)

produz(ieren) + -tion = die Produktion production
organis(ieren) + -tion = die Organization

Practice reading single words

Besuch einer Firma

F. Sind Sie mit unserem Programm einverstanden?
S. Ja. Zuerst würde ich gern die Produktion von Computern kennenlernen.
F. Das ist klar. Die Frage ist nur, wann sie uns dort empfangen werden.
S. Dann könnten wir unsere Arbeitspläne und die Termine der Lieferungen besprechen.
F. Wir haben unseren Standpunkt in einem Protokollentwurf dargelegt.
S. Wann können Sie uns den Entwurf übergeben?
F. Ich hoffe, dass es sich morgen machen läßt.
S. Die Organization der Arbeit ist ausgezeichnet!

Grammar explanations

You have already met with the verb lassen in different meanings. Let's try to organize them now:

a) in the meaning of "leave", "leave":

Ich habe das Arbeitsprogramm im Hotel gelassen.
I left hotel program.

b) in the meaning of "ask", "command":

Herr Sonderhausen last Sie grüßen.
Mr. Sonderhausen asks say hello to you.
Der Director last Sie bitten.
Director asks enter (invites to enter).

c) in the meaning of "enable" (do not interfere):

Lassen Sie ihn an der Diskussion teilnehmen!
Let be he will take part in the discussion! (Give him a chance).

d) in the meaning of "permit", "permit":

Er last Seinen Sohn nothing allein diese Reise machen.
He does not allow my son to go on this trip alone.

e) in the meaning of a command, an invitation to action:

Lass(t) uns diesen Ausflug am Wochenende machen!
Let's) Let's do this trip this weekend!

e) to indicate that the action is not performed by the subject himself:

Ich lase mich im Hotel rasieren.
I shave in the hotel (at the hairdresser).
Er möchte einen neuen Anzug machen lassen.
He wants to sew (order) a new suit.

g) sich lasen with the infinitive has a modal and passive meaning:

Das läst sich am Donnerstag organized.
This is can be arranged on Thursday.

Conjugation of the verb lasen

Past colloquial (perfect)

Ich habe den Schlussel im Zimmer gelassen.
Ich habe mir einen Mantel machen lassen.
Er sagt, dass er sich einen Anzug hat machen lassen.

1. You don't know if it's possible to organize something. Ask a question. What answer would you give in the place of the interlocutor?

2. You want to get to know someone. Tell me about it. What answer would you give in the place of the interlocutor?

3. You are asked where a certain material is located. Answer the question. What question would you ask in the place of the interlocutor?

4. The director invites you to discuss any issue. Reply that you have already stated your point of view.

When used with other verbs, the verb "lassen" there is three important meanings.

Ich lasse morgen meinen Hund untersuchen. - let someone else do something.
→ Tomorrow I will take my dog ​​for examination: I myself cannot examine the dog, this must be done by a veterinarian; "lassen" = another person must do something

Ich lasse meine Haare jeden Monat schneiden.
→ I get a haircut every month: not herself

Ich werde heute die Blumen draußen nicht gießen. Ich lasse es den Regen machen.
→ I won't water the flowers outside today, let the rain do it.

Mein Chef lässt mich manchmal seinen Wagen fahren, aber er lässt mich nie zur Bank gehen.- allow someone to do something.
→ My boss sometimes lets me drive his car, but never lets me go to the bank; "lassen"= to allow, allow

Ich lasse meine Kinder nie alleine zur Schule fahren.
→ I never let my children go to school alone.

Erlässt sich selten überreden, auch wenn er Unrecht hat
→ He never allows himself to be convinced, even if he is wrong.

Lass mich doch deine Tasche tragen, sie ist doch zu schwer für dich!
→ Let me carry your bag, it's too heavy for you!;"lassen" - to want to do something for another.

Verb "durchlassen" means not only “let someone through”, but also “beat”, “soap your neck”.

Exercise / ÜBUNGEN

1. Translate the following sentences and determine the meaning of the verb "lassen":

1. Ich lasse dich nicht alleine zur Disco gehen.
2. Wo lassen Sie Ihr Auto reparieren?
3. Lassen Sie doch mich den Brief schreiben, wenn Sie müde sind!
4. Das sieht unmöglich aus, du musst dir unbedingt die Haare schneiden lassen!
5. Lässt du mich mal telefonieren?
6. Ich fühle mich in der letzten Zeit so schlapp, ich muss mich gründlich untersuchen lassen.
7. Morgen werden ich unbedingt die Bremsen prüfen lassen.
8. Lass die Kinder doch spielen! Sie stören uns doch nicht!
9. Will dein Sohn die Haare wachsen lassen? Das würde ja zu seinem Image passen.
10. Ich lasse immer meinen Mann kochen, nur so verhungern wir nicht!

2. Say it differently:

Marion darf nie im Buro telefonieren. Ihr Chef will das nothing.
Ihr Chef lässt sie nie im Buro telefonieren.

1. Laura möchte gern allein Urlaub machen, aber ihre Eltern verbieten es.
2. Herr Stein kocht sehr gern, aber seine Frau macht das Essen lieber selbst.
3. Maik möchte aufs Gymnasium gehen. Seine Mutter ist einverstanden.
4. Herr Klein geht zum Tierarzt. Dort wird seine Katze geimpft.
5. Die Autowerkstatt hat heute viele Kunden. Ich muss lange warten.
6. Unsere Nachbarn haben einen Hund. Lara darf mit ihm spielen.
7. Ich habe oft keine Zeit, meine Wäsche zu waschen. Ich bringe sie in die Reinigung.
8. Die kleine Katja will schlafen, aber ihr Bruder stört sie immer.
9. Herr Schuster fährt nicht gerne Auto. Er findet es besser, wenn seine Frau fährt.
10. Andreas trinkt gerne Kaffee, aber seine Eltern finden das ungesund.
11. Klaus bringt sein Auto in die Werkstatt, damit es repariert wird.

Taisiya Luchina, student at Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria,

I am from Moscow, but I graduated from high school in Slovakia. German has been taught since the 7th grade, but it always seemed to be a rather unapproachable language and often caused panic. But I needed to get a C1 level certificate to enter the University of Vienna (Universität Wien). I realized that the school curriculum was not enough for me, so I turned to Google and came across the website of Ekaterina Alekseevna.

The site itself is very competently designed, certificates of knowledge of the language are attached, net hours are calculated for mastering one or another level. It somehow immediately motivated and everything seemed not so hopeless.

Among the many tutors that I found, Ekaterina Alekseevna seemed to be the most competent, endearing and knowledgeable teacher. Without thinking twice, I turned to her for help, and this was my best decision in all this unequal struggle with the German language. Thank you very much for your understanding and willingness to help. All lessons were extremely intensive and productive, the course was well structured and organized, for the first time I encountered the fact that the teacher is so devoted to his student.

The homework platform was very easy to use and I still use it just in case, as access remains open even after the end of the course. The material that Ekaterina Alekseevna provided me was really very useful and varied, everything was extremely useful for learning German.

My course lasted 3 months. For starters, I needed to tighten up B2, as it was in a rather deplorable and chaotic state. The first couple of classes were already able to clarify my school knowledge, and everything began to make sense. Having mastered B2, we started preparing for the Goethe Zertifikat C1 exam. The difference in levels was quite noticeable, but nevertheless, Ekaterina was always ready to explain everything in an accessible way.

The first time I passed the exam in Moscow at the Goethe Institute, but I did not have enough points for the written part, so attempt number two awaited me. A month later, an exam was held in Saratov, at the Lingua-Saratov linguistic center. And this time I have already comprehended C1, scored 71 points. 48 points for the written part and 23 points for the oral part. This is not the height of perfection, there is still something to strive for. My path to German was thorny, but Ekaterina helped me a lot, I am immensely grateful to her.

I successfully entered the university, with currently in the first semester of the Japanologie course.

To everyone who has the same difficult relationship with German that I had, I recommend contacting Ekaterina Alekseevna: a very warm and kind person, and a first-class teacher.

Asem Pilyavskaya, doctor, Kazakhstan,

As a practicing doctor, further professional growth is very important to me, so the idea of ​​moving to Germany came a long time ago. I started learning German from scratch a year ago with a tutor, but unfortunately the tutor didn't pay enough attention to my mistakes. To work as a doctor in Germany, you need to know German at level B2.

3 months before the exam, I started looking for another tutor on the Internet and accidentally stumbled upon the website of Ekaterina Alekseevna, where it was proposed to check my level of German. Then we agreed on the time of the oral part of the test. My German level was B1.

As a result, we decided with Ekaterina Alekseevna to conduct an experiment - to prepare for the B2 exam in 3 months. It was a busy 3 months for me, but it was worth it.

Ekaterina Alekseevna built an individual lesson schedule for me. During the classes, she devoted time to all parts of the exam, we did not lose a single minute of time. I want to say that for the most part thanks to the “pedantry” (in the good sense of the word) of my teacher, I managed to keep myself in good shape and not relax, to prepare for every lesson, even on duty. Ekaterina Alekseevna is not only a strict and demanding teacher, but also a kind person.

The experiment was a success! I successfully passed the exam, in a month I will receive a B2 certificate and I can search for a job.

I want to express my deep gratitude to Ekaterina Alekseevna for the competent, professional teaching of the German language. As a result of my search, I found a great teacher! I advise Ekaterina Alekseevna as the best tutor!

Roza Krylova, accountant with 30 years of experience, Sebezh, Pskov region, Russia,

“Live a century, learn a century” - not in vain it is said. So, in my 18+, due to the circumstances, I needed help to pass an interview in German at level B1. I urgently searched in the vast expanses of the Internet for an accelerated course online. Accidentally stumbled upon the site of Ekaterina Kazankova, I decided to take the test. Before that I had A1 (Goethe certificate). As a result, having developed an individual program at an accelerated pace, Katyusha (I can afford to call her that because of my age), prepared me for an interview at the embassy in 10 lessons. I tried, I remembered my student years during the sessions and taught at night, did the tasks prepared for me by Ekaterina. But, most importantly, a positive result!

Thanks a lot! And further success!

Vera Rumyantseva,

I am a resident of Ukraine. The German language is necessary for me to study at a professional school of horticulture. Since I did not have the opportunity to attend German language courses, by a lucky chance I found the official website of Ekaterina Kazankova on the Internet. I passed an online test to determine the level and a trial online lesson, after which I received full information about my knowledge and the chances of passing the exam at the A2 level.
It was necessary for me in a short time, namely 3 weeks before the exam, to prepare for the written and oral parts of the exam. Each online lesson evaluated my knowledge on all criteria: vocabulary, grammar, phonetics... Thanks to Ekaterina's professional help, I improved my writing and speaking skills in just 5 online lessons. They studied smoothly and clearly according to the structure of the exam. In the process of learning, the identified gaps in knowledge were eliminated, and practical advice and recommendations were very useful to me in the exam, thanks to which I received 24 points out of 25 for the oral part. I am very pleased with my result of 89 points. I want to thank Ekaterina Alekseevna for her support and result-oriented work in teaching German.

Natalia Sheludko, Faculty of Medicine,

I am a dental student and have almost three years studying in Germany at the University of Bonn. I studied German at the Goethe Institute. During intensive preparation for the C1 exam, I wanted to work out with a tutor for several months. One of my teachers advised me to contact Ekaterina Alekseevna.
Ekaterina Alekseevna is a wonderful and very attentive teacher, she is also a very pleasant, energetic and kind girl. All classes were held in a friendly atmosphere, at the same time she is very demanding and sets a lot of homework. The classes were clearly structured, took place at a fairly intense pace, and we really did a lot in one and a half hours. It has always been very important for me that I work during the class as efficiently as possible, and not a minute of working time is lost. Ekaterina Alekseevna pays attention to all four aspects of language learning: Schreiben, Lesen, Hören, Sprechen.
Speaking was the most difficult task for me, so Ekaterina Alekseevna trained my conversational speech the most. Ekaterina Alekseevna is very familiar with the Goethe exam system, this is very important if you are preparing directly for the exam. Before that, I had the experience of studying with three tutors who did not have enough information about the exams at the Goethe Institute, so I clearly see the difference.
I passed C1 with 94.5 points (sehr gut) and I am very grateful to Ekaterina Alekseevna for her knowledge and support!
Ekaterina Alekseevna, I wish you and your students enthusiasm while learning the language and success in the exams!

Elizaveta Chichko, Faculty of Medicine,

Ekaterina Alekseevna is a wonderful teacher who approaches teaching with responsibility and at the same time with great love and enthusiasm. Lessons with her helped me pass my exam. Deutsches Sprachdiplom to the highest level C1, and also gave me motivation to further study the German language and improved my conversational speech. Thanks to the acquired skills I entered the University of Heidelberg and study medicine.

Svetlana Elinova,

I want to express my deep gratitude to Ekaterina Alekseevna for the acquired knowledge and professional teaching of the German language. Ekaterina Alekseevna is a wonderful and competent teacher, with whom learning German is a real pleasure. Thanks to a clear preparation, I received a DAAD scholarship for the summer German language courses at Hochschule Bremen. In addition, during my studies, I won a scholarship from the Baden-Württemberg Foundation for an internship in the administration of the city of Vaihingen an der Enz, Baden-Württemberg. Ekaterina Aleseevna led the preparation for passing the German language exam at the C1 level. Thanks to excellent preparation and careful teaching, I was able to pass the exam with 92 points out of 100 (excellent). I am currently studying at