Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Compound abbreviated words initial sounds are examples. Compound words

>>Russian language Grade 6 >>Russian language: Compound and compound words


Theory A

Compound words are words that consist of two (rarely three) roots. They are formed as a result of adding the stems of the original words ( steam, carry -> locomotive) or whole words ( chair, bed -> chair-bed).

When forming complex words, connecting vowels are more often used. about and e:

Sometimes compound words are formed without connecting vowels: plastic.

Practice A

1. Mark the roots in compound words. Emphasize the connecting vowels o and e. Determine the meaning of the words based on the meaning of the roots. Find modern synonyms for obsolete words. Remember: the meaning of an obsolete word often turns out to be more specific and narrow than a new one, cf.: stargazer - astronomer.

Sample. A barber is one who shaves beards. Barber - hairdresser.

Water carrier, balloonist, lumberjack, cook, chiropractor, chronicler, navigator, flour miller, military leader, salt maker, steelmaker, glass blower, chimney sweep.

2. First write down the names of vehicles, then devices and mechanisms. Label the roots and connecting vowels.

Car, all-terrain vehicle, helicopter, lightning rod, hole puncher, excavator, coffee grinder, ice ax, moon rover,

butter churn, microscope, mousetrap, locomotive, steamer, vacuum cleaner, samovar, scooter, plane, dump truck,


3. Come up with playful names for the appliances you would like to invent. Names must be compound words.

4. Translate into Russian. Mark roots and connecting vowels in Ukrainian and Russian words.

Samoskid, navigator, life-radius, combatant, ruddy-haired, self-taught, letak.

Did you know?

The word THANK YOU came from the phrase save God!(expression of thanksgiving) by joining stems and truncating the final consonant.

Theory B

COMPLEX abbreviated (in Ukrainian: collapsible short) the word consists of abbreviated stems.

When forming a compound abbreviated word, the abbreviated words are taken: 1) parts consisting of several sounds: fish(water) household(egg) -> fish farm; 2) initial letters: M(Moscow) G(state) at(university) -> Moscow State University, pronounced [emgeu]; 3) initial sounds: H(scientifically)-and(researcher) and(institute) -> Research Institute.

Practice B

5. Determine how compound words are formed and read them.

Head teacher - head of the educational department; supply manager - head of household; sambo - self-defense without weapons; sopromat - resistance of materials; Philology - Faculty of Philology; yunnat - a young naturalist.

6. Read the given words. Divide them into three groups according to the method of abbreviating words indicated in Theory B.

Department store, stationery, manufactured goods, dry cleaning, Sberbank, kindergarten, housing office, main post office, military registration and enlistment office, research institutes, tire fitting, youth theater, recreation center.

N.F. Balandina, K.V. Degtyareva, S.A. Lebedenko. Russian language grade 6

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Compound words are a type of abbreviations that are formed by the initial elements of each name. Simply put, if you add the first few letters of each word in the phrase “local committee”, you get “local committee”. This is one of the ways to shorten long names, which was widely used in the USSR and remains popular to this day.

What are complexly abbreviated samizdat, cultural enlightenment, the Ministry of Defense, Gosstandartmetrologiya, social security, collective farm, educational program.

There are several rules that determine how certain compound words are written and used.


  • All compound words are written together. Examples: local committee, wall newspaper, Mosodezhda.
  • Each part of the resulting word is written in the same way as it would be written in the original word. Thus, the letters "b" and "b" cannot stand between these parts. On the other hand, a soft sign is written at the end of a part if it is followed by the letter “a”, “o”, “y”, “e” (for example, costutil).
  • At the beginning of the second part, “s” is not written: Gospolitizdat, pedagogical institute.
  • "E" after consonants is written only if the original word begins with it: Mosenergo, NEP.

Lowercase and uppercase letters

  • Compound abbreviated words are always written in small letters, if the first abbreviated word is not a proper name: rabkor, cultural work, overalls.
  • Abbreviations that are read not by the names of letters, but by sounds, are written in small letters: rono, university, bunker.
  • If compound words mean a name, then they are capitalized: Mossovet, Oblgaz.

Writing abbreviations

An abbreviation is similar to compound words, but, unlike them, is formed only by the first letters of each constituent element. For example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  • If the entire abbreviation is read by the names of the letters, then it is written in capital letters: USSR, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Central Committee, MTS, CPSU.
  • The entire abbreviation is written in capital letters if it denotes the name of the organization. For example: EEC Society), MFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), UN (United Nations Organization).
  • If the abbreviation can be inclined, then its ending is written in small letters: MFA, TASS.
  • If one part of the abbreviation is read by sounds, and the other by letters, then the whole word is written in capitals: CDSA (read "tse-de-sa").
  • If a proper name is abbreviated, and at the same time one of the words is truncated to several letters, and the rest to one, then only the first letter is written in capital: AzSSR.

Usage in literature

Almost all abbreviated words are intended for use in oral speech, and not in literature. But there are a few that can be used in all literature, except for those intended for novice readers:

  • etc. - the like
  • etc. - others
  • others - others
  • see - see
  • i.e. - i.e.
  • etc. - so on
  • cf. - compare
  • year - year
  • gg. - of the year
  • e.g. - For example
  • in. - century
  • Art. Art. - old style
  • t. - volume
  • centuries - centuries
  • tt. - volumes
  • region - region
  • n. e. - ad
  • lake - lake
  • city ​​- city
  • R. - river
  • well. e. - railway
  • n. Art. - new style
  • Assoc. - assistant professor
  • acad. - academician
  • prof. - Professor
  • page - page
  • them. - name
  • gr. - citizen

Other words are abbreviated according to several rules:

  • It is impossible to abbreviate by a vowel and by "b": Karelian - "k.", "Kar.", but not "ka.", "kare.", "Karel.".
  • When reducing, you need to do after the first of them: wall - “wall.”, grammatical - “gram.”. If several different consonants coincide, the reverse rule applies: the reduction is made to the last consonant. For example, folk - “folk”, Russian - “Russian”, artificial - “art”.

Sometimes, instead of a long few words, you can say just a few sounds. This can be done with compound words. You will learn about what compound words are and how to use them correctly in speech in this lesson.

Topic: Word formation

Lesson: Compound words

1. The concept of compound words.

Compound words- these are words that are both complex (that is, they consist of several stems) and abbreviated (since these stems are used in a truncated form).

Thus, compound words(or abbreviations) are words formed by adding abbreviated stems.

2. The history of the emergence and meaning of compound words.

This method of word formation declared itself at the end of the 19th century and did not bypass any of the European languages. In Russian, the first compound words appeared in the late 90s of the 19th century.

These were, for example, the words:

RSDLP- Russian Social Democratic Labor Party

sell- one of the commercial and industrial companies engaged in the sale of metal.

During the First World War, military vocabulary was also reduced:

Glavkoyuz- Commander-in-Chief of the Southwestern Front

Nachresidun - head of the river forces of the Danube

And yet, before the events of 1917, compound words were almost never used in oral speech, they were used mainly in written speech.

Thus, the abbreviation E.I.V.- His Imperial Majesty.

In the 1920s, a lot of compound words appeared:

local committee, Moscow City Council, Revolutionary Tribunal, NEP etc.

This trend in the language manifested itself so clearly that names formed in this way began to appear. So, for example, in the 20-30s the following names were popular:

Vilen and Vladlen- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin,

Kim- Communist Youth International,

Dazdraperma- Long live the First of May.

After the Great Patriotic War, the craving for abbreviations manifested itself only in the names of institutions.

In modern Russian, the process of formation of compound words is also quite active:

Each of us has heard the word UEFA (UEFA)- European Union of Football Associations (Union des associations européennes de football)

Most of us are familiar with the company name. LUKoil- English. oil - oil; BOW - Langepas, Uray, Kogalym.

Often we no longer notice that the word is complexly abbreviated.

So, for example, it happened with the word lavsan. Lavsan is the name of artificial fiber. The word is formed from the sounds included in the name of the institution where this fiber was invented: the Laboratory of Macromolecular Compounds of the Academy of Sciences.

Also abbreviated words are foreman, motel, supermarket, university, laser, radar etc.

3. Groups of compound words according to the method of formation.

In Russian, according to the method of formation, all compound words are divided into the following groups:

1. Formed from initial sounds, letters or combinations:

university - higher education institution,

VDNH- exhibition of achievements of the national economy,

CSKA- the central sports club of the army.

2. Formed from the initial parts of words:

supply manager- Head of the household.

3. Mixed type, combining the first two ways:

IMLI- Institute of World Literature.

4. Formed from a combination of the initial part of the word with the whole second word:

spare parts- spare parts.

5. Formed from a combination of the beginning of the first word with the end of the second:

moped- motorcycle and bicycle.

6. Formed from a combination of the beginning of the first word with the beginning and end of the second:

destroyer- squadron destroyer.

In compound abbreviated words, not all words that make up full names can be represented:

Gosplan- state planning committee

Also, in complex abbreviated words, the order of the stems can be changed:

lizoblyud - platypus. These words are synonyms.

Compound abbreviated words are widely used in official business style in many languages ​​of the world.

4. The genus of compound words.

The gender of letter abbreviations and abbreviations ending in a vowel is usually determined by the gender of the main word in the full name.

VDNH- Exhibition of achievements of the national economy. The main word is Exhibition- female. This means that the abbreviated word VDNKh will also be feminine.

RIA- Russian news agency. The main word is agency, neuter gender. This means that the abbreviation RIA will also be neuter.

Sound abbreviations ending in a consonant are mostly masculine. For example, the oldest university. Although, if we decipher, it will turn out highereducational institution. The main word is institution, neuter gender. But university is a masculine word.


UN- United Nations - f.r.

nuclear power station- nuclear power plant - zh.r.

hydroelectric power station- hydroelectric power station - railway

Therefore, it is useful to consult a dictionary.


  1. Russian language. Grade 6: Baranov M.T. and others - M .: Education, 2008.
  2. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 cells: V.V. Babaitseva, L.D. Chesnokova - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  1. Spelling of compound words ().
  2. About compound words ().


1. Exercise number 1.

Determine the gender of compound words.

To check, underline in combination the key word by which the gender of the compound abbreviation is determined:


2. Exercise number 2.

Write down, fill in the missing letters. Determine the gender of the underlined words.

For one hundred and fifty boys and girls, the path to a working profession began in vocational school, which prepares metallurgists.

In the near future, it is planned to build a two … PBX twenty thousand numbers each

Irkutsk … HPP- the first-born of the Angara cascade of stations.

There are a lot of words in Russian. Formed by the fusion of two or more bases. Especially, the Soviet period of our history was rich in such neoplasms. As a result, in the modern Russian language, a huge number of abbreviations and complex abbreviations are used, the spelling of which can sometimes cause difficulties.

However, in fact, there are rules governing the spelling of such units, and it is not difficult to remember them.

1. All compound words (having two or more bases) are written together. At the same time, each part that is part of them is written as it would be written, being an independent word. For example:

  • Komsomol, Gazprom, wall newspaper, Mosodezhda.

Since the spelling of all the bases that form a compound word is based on independent words similar to them, therefore:

a.) on the border of the bases, the letters b and b are not written, for example: a cell. However, b can be written if it indicates the softness of the preceding consonant in position before the vowels A, O, U, E. This rule is easy to explain: the listed vowels indicate the hardness of the consonant preceding them, therefore, if you do not write b, then the consonant will read firmly. For example:

  • costutil (without b will be read as "costutil");

b). At the beginning of the stems of a compound abbreviated word, Ы is never written, even if the consonant is pronounced firmly. This is due to the fact that in the Russian language there are no words that begin with Y. For example:

  • Pedagogical Institute, Gospolitizdat;

in). After consonants, E is written if a word begins with it, the stem of which is part of a compound word, for example:

  • NEP, HPP, Mosenergo.

2. The following groups of compound words and abbreviations are written only in lowercase letters:

a). All compound words:

  • cultural enlightenment, vostroktransenergo, special work, propaganda, etc.;

b). Abbreviations that are read by sounds, and not by the names of the letters that make up their composition:

  • university, rono, bunker.

3. With a capital letter, complex abbreviated words are written that name institutions and organizations:

  • Mosgorgaz, Gosplan, Moscow Duma, etc.

4. The following groups of abbreviations are written only in capital letters:

a). Which are read by the names of their constituent letters:

  • USSR, HPS, CPSU, Cheka, FBI, etc.;

b). Which are read by the sounds of their constituent words, but only if the first word in their full transcript is capitalized. Usually these are the names of government agencies and organizations of various kinds. For example:

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), GIBDD (State Inspectorate for Road Safety), Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk State University), UN (United Nations), etc.;

If these abbreviations are declined, then the case ending is written in capital letters, together with the whole word:

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, TASS, etc.

in). Which are read in one part by the names of the letters, and in the other by the sounds:

  • CSKA (read "tseska")

5. In complex abbreviated proper names, composed by truncating the stem of one word and the literal abbreviation of all other words, the first letter is capitalized. This rule applies mainly to the names of countries and states. For example:

  • AzSSR Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic)

6. There are also graphic abbreviations. They differ from abbreviations, first of all, in that, although they are abbreviated in writing, they are pronounced aloud in full. As a rule, they are written with a lowercase letter and are limited to a period. However, traditional abbreviations for metric names and measure names are not limited to a point (kg, m, km, s). For example:

  • s.-z. (Northwest), w. (railway), etc.

7. Common abbreviations that do not require special explanation and are allowed for use in any publication include the following:

  • etc., etc., etc.,. etc., pp., cf., see, c. (cc.), yr. (gg.), v. (tt.), n. st., (new style, old style), AD, city (city), region, river. (river), lake, about. (island), gr., dots. (associate professor), acad. (academician), prof. (professor), im. etc.

However, if the abbreviated word contains the letter b, then this letter cannot be abbreviated:

  • Uralsk (Ural)

When two identical consonants collide (for example, in the word “grammatical”), it should be reduced after the first consonant (“gram.”). When two different consonants collide (“folk”), or several consonants at once (“Russian”), the word should be shortened after all consonants (“folk”, “Russian”)