Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Laughter for no reason is a sign of great intelligence. Prognosis for schizophrenia

Smiling and laughter have a positive effect on your state, but many people, growing up, completely forget how nice it is. Think of a playground - kids running around smiling for no particular reason, just enjoying the moment. Parents watching them more often express the full depth of modern stress, only from time to time smiling. In the meantime, they should learn from their children and learn to enjoy life more. Studies have shown that smiling has a positive impact on health in several areas at once. In addition, laughter has a good effect on other aspects of your life. When you smile and laugh, physiological changes occur in your body that you are not aware of.

When you smile, your body releases endorphins.

The reasons for the production of hormones of joy lie in certain movements of the muscles of the face, which the brain reads. As a result, it stimulates the production of endorphins, which elevate your mood and reduce stress levels. Interestingly, if you pretend to laugh or fake a smile, the brain cannot tell the difference and only pays attention to the position of the muscles. As a result, the release of hormones occurs in any case, and you feel happier, even if at first your smile was not entirely sincere.

Endorphins reduce stress levels

In addition, they serve as natural pain relievers. For those who suffer from chronic diseases, laughter and smiles can be an effective treatment. If you fell and hit hard, try to smile - you will immediately feel better.

As endorphins rise, cortisol levels fall

Cortisol is the stress hormone. It is produced when your nervous system is tense, you are nervous. Cortisol makes you feel bad emotions, so lowering your levels helps you avoid depression.

Laughter strengthens the lungs, trains muscles and stimulates lymph flow.

When you laugh, your whole body works. The cells in the lungs are renewed due to the increased supply of oxygen, and the muscles are trained, as in physical exercises. All this stimulates blood circulation and accelerates the movement of the lymphatic system.

Laughter helps you blow off steam.

If you laugh hard enough, you can deal with the emotions that have been building up inside for a long time. After a funny joke, it's easier to look at the world more positively. You perceive life better if you laugh regularly. In addition, laughter and smiles help you build relationships with others, so be brave, relax and laugh.

Smiling makes you more attractive and draws people to you.

A happy face ensures a good life

This is especially true for situations like a job interview - a relaxed, smiling person exudes self-confidence, he can certainly cope well with a tense situation. In addition, it is good for your career - you can build healthier relationships with colleagues, which means that the employer will value you more.

How to start laughing and smiling more often?

It is quite easy to achieve this. As already mentioned, the brain cannot determine the sincerity of a smile, so the more often you consciously force yourself to smile, the better you feel. Watch funny comedies and TV shows. So you will get a charge of humor in your life. Conversely, try not to watch sad programs and news. Spend time with family and friends, it will fill you with happiness. You will look at life more positively, which means it will become easier to smile. Look for the reasons for joy and smiles yourself - you are probably surrounded by many cute and funny things. If you consciously pay attention to them, you will be able to laugh and smile more often without much effort. Spontaneous joy is a valuable feeling that you can achieve on your own.

Humor - subjective concept. There is no standard for all criterion of humor. To make others laugh, first of all should be funny to you. If you're having fun, people will be having fun too. They get involved in your humor.

Lower the bar on what you can laugh at

All topics for humor are interesting. You can see everything as funny. Set yourself a low bar for humor. In everything you can see interesting and funny: someone sits down funny, someone says funny, someone writes funny. Everything can make you laugh. Just lower the bar on what you can laugh at.

Some people have very high criteria for what should be funny. Too high bars. Get rid of it. Some people are very hard to make laugh.. They have too high standards for their humor, there are such troubles as: the joke must be very good, I must clearly understand what I am talking about, there must be certain words on one topic, and so on.

Sometimes people are afraid of judgment, what will be thought of them if they laugh hysterically. People can't relax, let go of everything. Most people are afraid of how their voice will sound if they laugh too loudly.. Some do not even know how their voice sounds during hysterical laughter, because they hold themselves back all their lives.

Cool video

My most favorite video from one traveler.

I have watched it so many times. Video about how to be interesting, adventurous and seek new adventures. Enjoy watching!

Learning to laugh

There is one useful exercise.

Laugh always loudly, openly, from the heart everywhere. Do not be afraid to look a little ridiculous, strange and stupid.

Some people want to learn how to laugh beautifully - this is nonsense.

Let the laughter open up and you will open up yourself.

Don't hide or suppress it laugh with real natural laughter, just the way it is.

Nothing will happen, no one will do anything to you.

Open up to the world. Thanks to laughter, you will lose your inner heaviness.

What's stopping you

You are hindered by fears, tightness and high criteria for laughter. Don't aspire to be this brilliant guy whose jokes are all very, very clever and subtle. After all, then you yourself will almost not laugh. Which life is better - laugh more or less? Let go of the bar and laugh heartily! It's better! Why these restrictions - supposedly you have to be a brilliant and smart guy. Get rid of it and learn to laugh at everything!

Your mind will always find excuses not to laugh. It's all ego and limiting beliefs, barriers in the head. Let go of the ego and personality, have fun. You can interpret everything in a funny way. Literally everything! Small children are always cheerful and often laugh; society has not yet introduced seriousness into them. This exercise will help you learn to laugh.

You can watch a lot of videos on how to learn to laugh at everything to your heart's content and never worry again.

Correct perception of humor

The correct perception of humor is how YOU alone see the funny in everything and no one else. See the world with your own eyes. See humor in everything and you will always feel good.

Don't identify with any particular type of person. To define oneself means to limit oneself. Be water, be everything! And then you will have a strong presentation and expression of yourself, which will allow you to resonate with all people.

Have a positive attitude - all jokes work as long as I say it. You love yourself so much that you appreciate what you say and people get involved and love you too with. If you hate yourself, they will hate you too. If you are interesting to yourself, then in the eyes of others you will become interesting.

You don't need external stimulants

You don't need alcohol to develop a good sense of humor.

Alcohol is all external stimulants that give you a temporary state.

If you only have fun with alcohol, then it will pump only your drunk personality, not your sober one.

You understand how to be interesting and how to develop a sense of humor without alcohol. I am an example!

The truth about fun

The way you think about fun is all you have learned or seen from someone.

What you now perceive in your head as fun is not an objective perception, that is, it was imposed by others.

These are the pictures in your head.

Everyone perceives humor differently.

If you are having fun and cool now, for someone at the same time you can be boring and uninteresting.

Others may think that you have a great sense of humor because you are a high value guy and they react to you.

The bottom line is that you can’t specifically say: are you having fun now and what is fun.

Even if you are bored now, from the outside someone may perceive you as a great joker and prankster.

Don't underestimate your ability to joke

Instead of evaluating your condition, analyzing how much fun you create around, just let it all go and don't think about it.

It is pointless to worry and evaluate your sense of humor, whether it is perfect or not..

Otherwise, there will be the opposite effect.

When you stop judging yourself by how funny you are you will never have questions about how to develop a sense of humor and become interesting.

Laughter for no reason is a sign of not the smartest person. But it's hard not to laugh at trifles. It is especially difficult to do this at a young age, when your hormones laugh for you. And in order not to be strange in comparison with others, you must understand how to stop laughing for no reason. To do this, it is worth analyzing what generally causes laughter and how you can control this process.

Why do we laugh at trifles?

Laughter directly depends on the level of joy hormones in the blood. That is why during the period of hormonal instability, people are most prone to laughter.

If there are a lot of such hormones in your blood, then you are already potentially laughing. All you need is the slightest excuse to turn your inner joy into an outer one.

The same goes for tears. If your body has a decline in the hormone of joy, then you want to be upset. And you need some reason.

Remember this and do not think that everything depends on the circumstances. Circumstances don't play a big role. It all depends on you and your body.

How not to laugh for no reason?

There are a few easy ways to kick this stupid habit:

  1. Realize that you control laughter, not the other way around. Think about it and you will control yourself;
  2. Do not think about anything fun at this moment. Then the desire to laugh will simply remain a desire;
  3. Take a break. For example, try to remember if you turned off the iron at home or if the house was locked;
  4. Look at yourself from the side. Imagine how stupid an idiot looks when he laughs in an inappropriate situation. This will immediately discourage the desire to laugh;
  5. Think about something important to you. For example, imagine how you will take exams. There is certainly no joke here.

There is also a method of reverse psychology. Imagine that you are in a humor championship and you just need to laugh out loud. At the same time, your level of laughter will be measured by devices.

In such a situation, you do not want to laugh. After all, you were “bursting” precisely because everything around was serious. Now, it doesn't make sense. After all, you are not doing anything forbidden.

Tricks not to laugh for no reason

Among other things, you can use such a trick as thinking about something sad. Remember the movie Hachiko or something. There is clearly nothing to laugh about here.

You can inflict some physical pain on yourself. Then the body will switch to it. And you won't laugh. For example, pinch yourself or bite your lip.

Take a couple of deep breaths and breaths. This will create a slight oxygen starvation. You will concentrate on restoring breathing. And you won't be laughing.

What's the problem?

Many people think that laughter is necessary in any situation. And there is no problem in this.

But in fact, after bouts of great fun come bouts of great sadness. After all, an exhausted body cannot produce hormones of joy forever. As a result, it is cheerful people who are prone to depression.

When a person is always laughing, he is often not taken seriously. This can negatively affect relationships with the opposite sex.

At the same time, the very fact that you are having fun for no apparent reason is a sign of stupidity and drug addiction. And it's not just humorous. After all, you can really be considered strange, and even mentally retarded in some companies. Therefore, it is still worth fighting such an unusual habit.

Laughter for no reason as a sign of a great mind

American psychologist Norman Cousins ​​entered the history of medicine under the name of "the man who made death laugh." About 30 years ago, he was struck by a rare disease - collagenosis. The doctors gave him little hope. And then Cousins ​​was discharged from the hospital, asked to be transported to a hotel and began to watch comedies one after another. After a few days of almost uninterrupted laughter, his pain ceased, and tests showed that tissue inflammation subsided. He soon recovered enough from his illness that he was able to return to work. The "Cousins ​​case" made doctors all over the world take a "scientific" look at the healing nature of laughter, although the beneficial effects of positive emotions on the body have been known since antiquity.

Laughter is not just an external manifestation of positive emotions. It has a beneficial effect on vital processes in the body. As soon as we laugh to our heart's content, the pulse quickens to 120 beats per minute. Smiling gives rest to the muscles of the face: in order to make a sullen grimace, you need to tighten 43 muscles, and in order to smile, only 17. In turn, this leads to cooling of the blood in the vessels of the brain. Substances are formed that stimulate the work of the left hemisphere - just it is responsible for ensuring that the body can feel positive emotions. The biochemical processes taking place at this time inhibit the formation of "stress" hormones cortisol and adrenaline. A large number of immunoglobulins appear in saliva, which increases the protective functions of the body. During a fit of laughter, endorphin appears in the blood, which can even soothe pain.

Laughing is helpful. It is a free remedy for asthma, migraine, back pain and some sexual disorders. Laughter is good for our skin, it strengthens the heart, stimulates circulation and lowers blood pressure, promotes normal digestion and sleep. One minute of laughter replaces 45 minutes of relaxation exercises and has the same effect as an additional dose of vitamin C. It is not surprising that doctors have become interested in these properties of laughter. True, the cases of its use as a medicine can still be counted on the fingers. According to Stern magazine, a hospital in Birmingham uses laughter therapy to rehabilitate rape victims. The dermatologist Gian Sutorius in Amsterdam works with the method of "laughter meditation". “My theory is simple,” he says. “Five minutes of stretching and making all sorts of faces, five minutes of laughing, five minutes of silence.” He teaches his patients to be friendly to their diseases. “Happiness lies only in the person himself. If a person wants to extract his own happiness from someone else, it always ends badly. Everyone must accept himself for who he is. It is necessary in the morning, looking at yourself in the mirror, to tell your acne: hello guys, here we are together again, we will spend a wonderful day with you. Pimples will not be offended if you laugh at them well, it is much healthier than incinerating them with hatred. A friendly attitude towards one's defects will relax the body, and it is on relaxation that it is treated. It is not for nothing that clowns can now be seen more and more often in Parisian hospitals. And one Swedish doctor scientifically proved the healing effect of cartoons in the treatment of depression.

Laughter is as diverse as life itself. He can be cheerful, happy, innocent. Sneaky, apologetic and helpless. Can be angry, sly, malevolent. Arkady Raikin divided laughter into Homeric, malicious, stupid and ticklish. Laughter helps us break the circle of habitual relationships, to feel ourselves outside of a specific situation, which in our ordinary life is furnished with thousands of conventions.

Laughter is a manifestation of unconditionally positive emotions. But not all joy breaks out in this way. Laughter occurs only under certain circumstances. As psychiatrists have shown, the lack of response to funny things in some patients is not due to an intellectual defect (they can retell the content of jokes) and not to a “breakdown” of the executive mechanisms of laughter (in principle, they know how to laugh): these people are deprived of the possibility of probabilistic forecasting and the ability to form a version about the future course of events. And laughter is a reaction to a failed expectation: what seemed quite probable and significant, suddenly turns out to be absurd. What are jokes based on? First you are forced to form a false impression, and then you are shattered by an unexpected ending. It is also believed that laughter cannot coexist with other emotions. When we laugh, we must become as if insensible even for a moment. Therefore, probably, we cannot sometimes understand why we laugh at what, in theory, should cause pity.

However, the deeper our theoretical knowledge of laughter, the more difficult it is for us to laugh. Laughing is like walking or breathing. If a person thinks about how he walks, he may stumble.

But in the meantime, it is sometimes useful to seriously observe those laughing. It has been noticed that it is as if it is not appropriate for superiors to laugh, and those in authority should be able not to respond to the laughter of a subordinate. Such conventions of the behavior of leaders and subordinates are true, sadly, for the relationship of men and women. In 93 cases out of 100, a woman responds to the laughter of an interlocutor, men do so only in 67 cases. Women laugh more often than men, but their willingness to laugh (however useful) scientists consider only as a gesture of humility and a penchant for peaceful actions.

Based on this, psychologists give quite reasonable advice: if a man wants to please a woman, in no case should he laugh when meeting. Serious men are more attractive to women.

For the same reason, the laugher gives the impression of a person who wants to serve, less independent, therefore more feminine than masculine.

Especially - a plot for those who know behind themselves a tendency to unseemly acts. If you want to hide something in yourself - do not laugh, otherwise you will give yourself away with your head. Unless, of course, the interlocutor is observant and follows Dostoevsky’s advice: “If you want to examine a person and get to know his soul, then delve into not how he is silent or speaks ... but you examine him better when he laughs. A person laughs well - that means a good person. Well, there is nothing bad to say.

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One morning I say to my husband: "Let's have a laugh!" And when I saw his surprised, questioning look, I laughed out loud... What amazed him even more. There was no reason, of course. It was a foggy morning outside the window... with a gray low sky... I wanted to wrap myself up in a blanket and dive into bed for another half hour.
For the first few seconds, I just forced myself to laugh... By the way, it's not that difficult! But when I saw my husband's reaction, I felt really funny...)) I even had tears! My husband smiled in amazement ... I jumped up to him and let's tickle him. He gasped and laughed!)) And so we laughed for several minutes...
When they calmed down a bit, the husband asked: "What came over you?"
I shook my head negatively. "Nothing. I just wanted to cheer up!))" And we decided to arrange such an easy "laughter" workout for ourselves every morning. Sasha said: "Well, you are an artist! You definitely had to enter the theater."
And what? What will you not do for us, loved ones!

And I remember one story. One day we really almost became actors. Somehow I registered on the site of actors - not pros - and sent my resume and photo there. A couple of days later I was invited to a casting. I went there with my husband. The filmmakers immediately clung to Sasha, although we explained that he just came with me for company. It turns out that they have tension with people of this age, and even with men. Sasha was nevertheless persuaded to try to go through an interview with me. We filled out the forms. Then we were given a script and offered to act out a scene for two, which was a complete surprise for us! The rehearsal took 15 minutes. They said that you just need to remember what the text is about and improvise, acting out the scene in your own words. I remember that we didn’t really like the theme of that scenario, but we still had to play it. We somehow played that scene. The selection manager announced that we had successfully passed the casting. Then we were photographed in full growth, up to half of the torso, in profile, in full face, and they told us to wait for an SMS with an invitation to shoot. About a month later, a message came that they were waiting for us at the film studio. Dovzhenko (this is on Pobedy Avenue, Shulyavskaya metro station) for rehearsals and filming for the talk show "Hour of Judgment" with lawyer Igor Godetsky.
But, alas! We didn't get to. Filming time was not good. It was necessary to shoot 4 days in a row - from 9 to 22 - from Thursday to Sunday. But what about the main job? Who will let go full time, and even 2 days in a row? I probably could go, but for my husband it would probably be difficult. He was then alone at his work, without a partner - he was on sick leave. And Sasha's work is very responsible. Once, during an operation, a shadowless lamp failed. Sasha was dressed in everything sterile, in shoe covers, and he had to repair the lamp right in the operating room, when a patient was lying on the table under anesthesia.
But without Sasha, for some reason, I did not want to go there. That's how it didn't work out of us as artists. When we told our friends about our adventures, they laughed! Are you really like that, just picked up and went there? Are you by any chance playing a prank on us?