Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Solar eclipse March 20 time. Practice during a solar eclipse

A solar eclipse predicted for March 20 could disrupt the power grid across Europe. This is the conclusion reached by the power grid operators. They expect serious failures and emergency in power grids. As the Western media write, the effect of a natural phenomenon can become unprecedented. The solar eclipse on March 20, 2015 will occur on the vernal equinox, when the sun and moon intersect at the celestial equator in the constellation Pisces. Thus, the eclipse will symbolically mark the arrival of astronomical spring. The eclipse on March 20 will be total, but the total phase will pass away from big cities. Starting in the North Atlantic, passing through the Faroe Islands and the Norwegian Sea, the moon's shadow will proceed to the Svalbard archipelago, and then further north to leave the globe at the north pole. The maximum duration of a total eclipse will reach 2 minutes 47 seconds at a phase of 1.044 (it is by this amount that the apparent dimensions of the Moon will exceed the dimensions of the Sun). The point of maximum eclipse is located in the Norwegian Sea east of Iceland and north of the Faroe Islands.

On the territory of Russia, the eclipse on March 20 will be observed as a partial eclipse - with the exception of eastern Siberia and the Far East, where the eclipse will not be visible. During a partial solar eclipse, the Moon does not completely cover the disk of the Sun. At this moment, our daylight appears (depending on the location of the observer) in the form of either a “chipped” disk or a sickle. In Moscow, the eclipse will begin on March 20, 2015 at 9:12 UT or 12:12 Moscow time. The maximum phase will be 0.65, and the duration of the eclipse will be 2 hours 14 minutes. This means that most of the Sun will be hidden behind the Moon. In St. Petersburg, the phase will already be 0.78 with the same duration - and the Sun will already appear in the form of a sickle. The largest phase that can be observed from the territory of Russia will be 0.91 - in the Murmansk region on the border with Norway. With such a covering of the Sun, you can notice the darkening of the sky! Where can you see the total solar eclipse on March 20th? Of course, no matter how unusual a partial eclipse is, not a single astronomical phenomenon can be compared in beauty and grandeur with a total solar eclipse. But the lunar shadow falling on the Earth is narrow, and therefore the probability of seeing a total solar eclipse during a lifetime without leaving your hometown is small. Knowing this, many observers are ready to sacrifice time, money and comfort and go for the full phase to the most remote and inhospitable corners of the Earth - to deserts, mountains, islands. The total solar eclipse on March 20 will take place away from the continents, but, as already mentioned, it will hook on two archipelagos - the Faroe Islands and Svalbard. On the islands, the Sun will completely disappear behind the disk of the Moon for only 2 minutes, but the spectacle, believe me, will be worth it! When the last rays of the Sun are swallowed up by the Moon, the earth will suddenly plunge into darkness. The animals will quieten down, the temperature will drop, and the stars will light up in the sky. The planet Mercury will appear near the sun covered by the Moon (about 20 ° to the west), a little further - Mars. Blindingly bright Venus will light up to the east of the Sun. To the right of the Sun, the Great Summer Triangle, formed by the stars Vega, Deneb and Altair, will also appear. To the left of the Sun, bright winter constellations will appear ... How unusual it will be to see them rise in the middle of a spring day! The Sun itself will look amazing. Around the black disk of the Moon will spread the radiance of the solar corona - the outermost regions of the star's atmosphere. Directly at the disk of the Moon, pink prominences can be seen. The moments of the beginning and end of the full phase can be marked by such beautiful natural phenomena as the Diamond Ring or the Bailey's Rosary.

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An important astronomical and astrological event - total solar eclipse March 20, 2015.
A full solar year will happen only once; March 20, at 13.45 by Moscow time. The maximum total solar eclipse can be seen in Murmansk, at 13.18 local time, but it will also be possible to see a partial solar eclipse throughout Russia.

Features of the total solar eclipse in March 2015.

In astrology, solar eclipses have long been given great importance, attributing something mysterious and even frightening to this process. In mundane astrology (astrology of states), a solar eclipse is always an important event, especially when, at the time of a total solar eclipse, the Sun is in exact conjunction with some stars or planets, which signify important events in the life of entire states and peoples of the world.
This year we will witness a rare event - a total eclipse of the Sun and the Spring Equinox will occur within one day - March 20, 2015. Such a rare astronomical phenomenon is unusual, first of all, in that the energies sent by the Sun to the Earth will undergo significant fluctuations, as a result of which our planet may be subject to various natural disasters, drastic changes in the behavior of all living beings. Man is no exception; many people at this time may feel unwell, a breakdown, or, conversely, increased emotionality and excessive excitement.

Spring equinox and total solar eclipse; what to expect?

The total solar eclipse and vernal equinox of March 2015 is also unique in that the Sun forms an aspect of exact conjunction with the star "Sheat", a dull yellow star which in Arabic means "The Shoulder of Pegasus". This star has a "Saturnian" nature, and often, connecting with the Sun during periods of eclipses, leads to various catastrophes and natural disasters. This time the Sun-Moon-Sheat Conjunction occurs in the sign of Pisces, which may be a warning of severe floods.
Starting from the day of the Spring Equinox, there will be a powerful surge of accumulated energy in the world, which, after all, was still held back until that moment. This may mean an aggravation of conflicts in the "hot" spots of the globe. The solar eclipse and vernal equinox of March 20-21, 2015 is a particularly difficult time to negotiate peace.

At this time, under the influence of raging energies, the most unpredictable actions can be committed by people; the likelihood of significant provocations and terrorist attacks increases in order to provoke a response from opponents. Therefore, in the current political situation in the world, events can occur that act as a “trigger”, which, unfortunately, can initiate serious and irreversible changes and great casualties among the population.

And yet, if we all manage to be in harmony with ourselves and the world around us during the Spring equinox and total solar eclipse, then many troubles can be avoided.
The effect of this astronomical event can be felt especially strongly by people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, who are prone to strong emotional experiences. Therefore, during this period, it is better for many to refuse to attend mass events, to avoid alcoholic beverages, to reduce the consumption of strong coffee and tea to a minimum. It is advisable not to overwork physically, not to expose your body to stress, not to eat heavy food.

A total solar eclipse precedes the year of the Ox according to the Avestan calendar. The tour of legend was the first animal created by Ahura Mazda in our world. And the year of the Tour brings the energies of renewal and appeasement.

The eclipse just before the beginning of the year carries a dual connotation. It can become both a curse and a cleansing, the eye of a needle through which the afflicted person enters paradise - the point of zeroing and getting rid of karma.


At all times, a solar eclipse has been the most important event for astrologers. Man has been accumulating knowledge about the influence of a solar eclipse on earthly processes for thousands of years. Even in ancient Egypt, the priests knew that an eclipse in the place of its visibility bodes danger to the ruler of this place. Observations of the ancients made it possible to confirm this fact. The sun symbolizes the king, the moon - the population. The sun (king) is eclipsed by the moon (people). The eclipse was seen as an omen of popular unrest and danger to the king.
Pharaohs and emperors, kings and tyrants wanted to know how the grandiose cosmic mystery could influence fate. Indeed, their concerns were not unfounded.

This is confirmed by recent events. After the total solar eclipse observed in Japan in 2012, the ruling party, which had been in power for over 50 years, lost its dominance.

A solar eclipse, coinciding with the day of the vernal equinox, is a phenomenon of a special order. This is a terrible omen for the whole world. It becomes a symbol of grandiose changes in the life of all mankind in the coming year. Earth events will develop where the eclipse of the Sun will be manifested to the maximum.

The solar disk will be covered in Reykjavik by 97%, Dublin by 92%, Oslo by 89%, London by 84%, Brussels by 83%, Stockholm by 82%, Paris by 78%, Helsinki by 78%. %, in Berlin by 74%, in St. Petersburg by 73%, in Vilnius by 67%, in Moscow by 65%, in Kyiv by 52%.

Thus, it turns out that the coming eclipse will affect the capitals of all European states to one degree or another. By analogy with Japan, we can assume that the European Union is in for difficult times and serious trials. The Russian capital Moscow is affected by the solar eclipse to a much lesser extent than the EU capital Brussels.

Although the moon shadow covers Kyiv less than other capitals, nevertheless, this year is marked by dramatic circumstances in the horoscope of Ukraine. In slow progression to Kyiv, 4 days before the eclipse, an exact aspect is created with the participation of Mars, which is an indication of violent actions. In combination with the influence of the solar eclipse, this aspect speaks of tense events in Ukraine, bringing change. These events can be interpreted as the destruction of the old and the emergence of the new.
It is deeply symbolic that the eclipse occurs on the day the Sun enters Aries, which is ruled by Pluto. This year... the last, Plutonian, period in the history of the development of earthly humanity ends.
The world is on the threshold of great changes.

Shestopalov S.V.

Solar eclipse March 20, 2015 - drop your illusions and make money

The Total Solar Eclipse on March 20, 2015 can safely be considered the Main astrological event of this year. And, if you decide to accept his challenge, it can become the main event of your life, which you will remember many years later, surrounded by Wealth or Poverty. And, telling your grandchildren the story of your life, you will say the cherished phrase “You know, it all started on that day.” Or tell them a different story, keeping silent about the fact that over the years they realized that it was on this March, on the 20th, that they missed the great chance given to you by fate.

The eclipse on March 20 will be complete, which means that it will have the greatest impact on geopolitical trends and set a new cycle for global processes that affect the fate of states, peoples, the collapse of political systems and the revival of social values, the change in the roles and influence of countries and the collapse and creation of new state unions. And on these topics, I am delicately silent. I know a number of properly trained astrologers who have chosen this field of astrology and make very accurate and reliable political predictions. If information about world processes is important to you, look for it from them.

I'm interested in people. The lines of their destinies, their opportunities and traps, the stages of their lives, their professions and marriages, children and loved ones, goals and objectives, family secrets and the possibility of the highest achievements. And in each horoscope, I solve the eternal problem - how each of us, in this human body, through the fabric of earthly affairs, to embody, express the full potential of our Destiny, Mission, Destiny, laid down in our horoscopes. I know for sure that this is possible and that there are special days in the timeline of our lives when this is not only possible, but must be done. These are the days of solar eclipses. when you, continuing to remain in the earthly reality, can not only look your Destiny in the face, but also receive accurate and unambiguous advice from it. Without intermediaries.

And the eclipse on March 20 has an absolutely unambiguous message for you. Drop illusions, make money. It puts a bold and final point in the endless disputes and oppositions on the topic of choosing Spirituality or Money. It ends a long era of separation of values ​​and the need to choose which path to follow and what to worship, Spirit or Matter. All. The dispute is over. And from March 20, the time of our absolute freedom to be whole and to combine these dualities begins.

This eclipse will be very happy! Therefore, discard the illusions about harmfulness and troubles and misfortunes that lurk in your gene memory make your heart shrink from anxious forebodings. They will not exist if you yourself do not feed them with the fogs of your fantasies.
There are two traps that lie in wait for you during this eclipse. Both of them are dangerous because they distract us from the true tasks and can easily create the illusion that you have passed the eclipse lesson.

Mercury with Neptune in Pisces will take you to the world of false spirituality and endless thoughts about subtle energies, service, altruism and about what exactly and only in this area is the development of your soul. If you fall into this trap, then every seven years you will have a trial period and the lesson of this eclipse will be repeated until you learn it.

Olga Davydova

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The Total Solar Eclipse on March 20, 2015 can safely be considered the Main astrological event of this year. And, if you decide to accept his challenge, it can become the main event of your life, which you will remember many years later, surrounded by Wealth or Poverty. And, telling your grandchildren the story of your life, you will say the cherished phrase “You know, it all started on that day.” Or tell them a different story, keeping silent about the fact that over the years they realized that it was on this March, on the 20th, that they missed the great chance given to you by fate.

The eclipse on March 20 will be complete, which means that it will have the greatest impact on geopolitical trends and set a new cycle for global processes that affect the fate of states, peoples, the collapse of political systems and the revival of social values, the change in the roles and influence of countries and the collapse and creation of new state unions. And on these topics, I am delicately silent. I know a number of properly trained astrologers who have chosen this field of astrology and make very accurate and reliable political predictions. If information about world processes is important to you, look for it from them.

I'm interested in people. The lines of their destinies, their opportunities and traps, the stages of their lives, their professions and marriages, children and loved ones, goals and objectives, family secrets and the possibility of the highest achievements. And in each horoscope, I solve the eternal problem - how each of us, in this human body, through the fabric of earthly affairs, to embody, express the full potential of our Destiny, Mission, Destiny, laid down in our horoscopes. I know for sure that this is possible and that there are special days in the timeline of our lives when this is not only possible, but must be done. These are the days of solar eclipses. when you, continuing to remain in the earthly reality, can not only look your Destiny in the face, but also receive accurate and unambiguous advice from it. Without intermediaries.

And the eclipse on March 20 has an absolutely unambiguous message for you. Drop illusions, make money. It puts a bold and final point in the endless disputes and oppositions on the topic of choosing Spirituality or Money. It ends a long era of separation of values ​​and the need to choose which path to follow and what to worship, Spirit or Matter. All. The dispute is over. And from March 20, the time of our absolute freedom to be whole begins and combine these dualities.

This eclipse will be very happy! Therefore, discard the illusions about harmfulness and troubles and misfortunes that lurk in your gene memory make your heart shrink from anxious forebodings. They will not exist if you yourself do not feed them with the fogs of your fantasies.

There are two traps that lie in wait for you during this eclipse. Both of them are dangerous because they distract us from the true tasks and can easily create the illusion that you have passed the eclipse lesson.

Mercury with Neptune in Pisces will take you to the world of false spirituality and endless thoughts about subtle energies, service, altruism and about what exactly and only in this area is the development of your soul. If you fall into this trap, then every seven years you will have a trial period and the lesson of this eclipse will be repeated until you learn it.

Venus in Taurus will push you to strive to get rich and find a sponsor who will provide for the needs of your soul. Believe me, this will not lead to anything good, because the eclipse sets us personal personal tasks and having received money in this way you will not penetrate into their essence and nature. You will never recognize their Soul and do not understand whether it will resonate with yours.

Don't fall for these traps, don't. The price of the issue during the eclipse is too high to indulge their shadow sides and weaknesses. Moreover, the Big Trigon, called the cosmic shield, will reliably protect you when you dare to aim for more.

Three points in the eclipse horoscope form this cosmic shield. The first is the conjunction of the Sun with the Moon in the last degree of Pisces, as the last breath of the passing era, closing all your karmic programs and dissolving all the victims of the past. The second is Jupiter retrograde in Leo, which also brings good luck, combines wealth and spirituality, and allows you to express yourself vividly and express yourself joyfully. Third - Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius - your stamina, which has grown out of the difficulties and trials destined for you by fate. All the losses that raised you and forced you to grow up. These three points will determine your future Destiny. And so that you do not get lost in them, just follow a clear plan.

Days left until the eclipse (until the night of March 18) start scrolling in your head all your troubles, failures, all that did not work out, did not come true over the past 18 years. Especially with regard to embodied forms and matter. All unbuilt houses, unrealized projects, destroyed businesses. Unfulfilled financial plans, postponed travel, unpurchased outfits. Go further and further into your memories and fantasies. Bring them to the point of absurdity, imagining that if this was the case, then everything will only get worse in the future. Imagine how you grow old without realizing your plans. And no matter how hard it was in these moments for your soul, always remember in the depths of yourself that this is just a movie of your life. One of her choices. And that in a few days you will be able to change the film.

March 19 begin to return to earthly affairs. Clean your house clean, throwing out all the old and broken things. Meticulously examine each thing and ruthlessly part with what you associate with unpleasant feelings and pictures of previous days. Prepare delicious food. Decorate your home with flowers. Fill it with the sounds of mantras or prayers, to whichever your heart lies more. Touch things, touch them, peer into them, penetrate their essence. All of them are matter, in the creation of which the soul and skill of thousands of people have been invested, about which you will never know. Your body is made up of matter that originated in your mother's body, earthly and material. This day before the eclipse is the day of the dissolution of the boundaries, the complete merging of the Spiritual and the Earthly.

20th of March on the day of the eclipse, move to a higher level. Take out the money that you have, lay it out in front of you and concentrate all your attention on it. Look at them, touch them, sort them out in your hands. Look into their essence, in which all the phenomena of the world are stored - wars, music, temples, gardens, a dignified old age, gifts to loved ones ... They contain the joy of creation, which, like living water, washes our souls. Your money is not metal or paper. They are the energy that empowers you. The ability to create, manage people, enjoy life, have respect. And the more energy you have, the more opportunities you have. And again give in to your fantasies. Just let it be a completely different movie. Another movie of your life. Imagine that money is growing, penetrating into your life, falling ripe fruits into your hands. Imagine all that you can create on them, all the possibilities that will appear before you, all that will remain after you in memory of you. Not ephemeral fantasies, but beautiful earthly things. Follow the desires of your Soul, imagining your fantasies embodied.

And then take the final step. Make your informed choice!

Light a golden or orange candle and sit in front of it. Imagine that you have two options for your life on the scales. One, the one you lost before the eclipse. Fueled by your illusions about spirituality, yourself and the world. The other is the one that you have seen now, fed by the natural natural laws of the world and the new era. Look at them until a powerful impulse arises in your soul, will and desire to immediately and finally make your choice. And then, as you exhale, say calmly and confidently. I discard illusions. I make money. I don't make them for others. I make them for myself. And what I need, others will get. It will grow, bear fruit and multiply. Today I made a decision, and tomorrow I start to act.

Repeat this phrase three times, extinguish the candle and do one more thing that will seal your contract with you.

Count all the money you have in your house. Their sum should be divisible by 20. All that is superfluous - set aside in a separate place and on this day give it to the poor or leave it on the street. Starting from this day, do not lend amounts that are marked with the number 2 (20, 200, 2000…)

BUT From March 21, really start to act. But how strong, honest and sincere your decision was It will become clear in six months - on September 21. It is by this time that you will be able to take stock of this eclipse and understand whether your illusions are behind you or whether you are still in their captivity. And here no excuses about the crisis, dollar fluctuations and disasters will pass. Because the solar eclipse really creates difficult external conditions. In order to understand which of us is able to accept this challenge, change himself and change his reality. And the task of this eclipse is to identify precisely those who are capable of filling the world with fresh resources in times of crisis. Those who are ready to create and multiply.

I believe it will be you!

The solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 is a total solar eclipse of 120 saros, which can be observed in the North Atlantic Ocean and in the Arctic. Partial phases of the eclipse will be visible in Europe, as well as partially in northern Africa. This eclipse is a saros repetition of the total solar eclipse of March 9, 1997. The next eclipse of this saros will occur on March 30, 2033.

From the land areas, the Faroe Islands and the Svalbard archipelago fall into the full phase zone.

Solar eclipse March 20, 2015 - Sun and Moon eclipse in Pisces. Therefore, the greatest changes await people born from March 16 to 23.

Solar eclipses are always reflected in the horoscopes of astrologers. Read,

It must be said right away that one should not expect that the solar eclipse on March 20, 2015 will completely reshape your Life and Destiny. One can speak about the serious influence of a solar eclipse on the life of a particular person only when it activates the planets or houses of his horoscope, and this does not happen so often. But, even if the upcoming eclipse is not “yours”, we are all part of the world in which we live. A solar eclipse in any case means a growing tension near its date, that is, March 20, 2015. In a period close to a solar eclipse, it is important to keep track of all situations, meetings and even new ideas. An eclipse can give not only negative information, but also positive! It's just important to know that any event that occurs during a solar eclipse is more significant than we might think at first glance! Any solar eclipse enhances the significance of all events, and most importantly, the magnitude and duration of all its consequences. Any ideas, proposals, projects, people, and even just words that come into our lives during the “eclipse period” become a continuation of our life for a long period. Everything that happens even a week before a solar eclipse is endowed with a completely different quality than what happens even a week later. Events that take place a week before a solar eclipse are very rarely coordinated as they were planned. These events are getting out of control, getting bigger and very fast. But everything that happens on the day of the solar eclipse itself is endowed with a fateful significance and is practically not subject to human control. During an eclipse, we find ourselves aware of information that could have been put at our disposal before, but for one reason or another did not reach our consciousness. Therefore, difficult and important decisions should be made no earlier than a week after the eclipse.

In addition, solar eclipses stimulate a crisis in consciousness, change our internal attitudes, bringing events that we did not consciously cause, dictated by external circumstances (situations due to karmic predestination are realized).

Each solar eclipse opens a new life cycle and highlights matters that require urgent attention. A new perspective may dawn on the horizon, and something important will begin to lose its former significance and move away. The solar eclipse gives events a momentum that can be felt in our personal affairs for many years. "Absorption of light" makes this period unpredictable, causing a sense of uncertainty, which will be revealed later. At this time, the luminaries are in conjunction, their influences are mixed, and the energies of the new cycle are not fully manifested. It is important to be alert and not rush into new projects, no matter how promising they may seem. Don't make the final choice and don't make the final commitment. If a solar eclipse leaves the choice up to you, it is better to postpone all important decisions for a week after it. At this time, you do not have all the information, and haste now will have to pay later.

Solar eclipses awaken karmic resonance, both in individual destinies of people, collectives, and influence the destinies of countries and peoples. The action of eclipses is not limited to one month or half a year, but is quite capable of stretching for many years.

In general, the entire period from March 16 to April 8, 2015 will be very busy - this is the time of the influence of zero solar days, retrograde Jupiter, retrograde Saturn and two eclipses.

During an eclipse, a huge amount of energy comes out, but how it will be used depends on the individual and personal efforts.

The solar eclipse of the Sun, which at this time will be in Pisces, will occur on March 20. This is the moment of the spring equinox and the point of the astronomical New Year. Then the year of Saturn will come to an end, and from March 21, the year of Jupiter will begin.

Pisces is a mysterious sign, so a solar eclipse can trigger events that lead to ambiguous results. At this time, plans may be developed to achieve any goals, but they are not implemented due to a lack of purposefulness or will turn out to be far from reality.

This eclipse speaks of limitations. And either a person grows out of them and rises up in search of a new, completely unexpected, or a person does not accept restrictions, clings to the old - and then he will be limited, it will be difficult for him to develop. An important aspect for the new and unexpected is spiritual growth. Thanks to him, everything will develop harmoniously, confidently and stably. Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius will be most affected by the eclipse.

During a solar eclipse, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases, as the Sun rules the heart. Studies by medical scientists have shown that the human body begins to respond to a solar eclipse as soon as the solar disk is covered by the Moon: an hour after the start of the eclipse, hypertensive patients have increased blood pressure, blood vessels narrowed, and the heart increased the power of blood ejection, blood began to flow unevenly into different hemispheres of the brain. Although scientists expected that all these phenomena should have occurred only two days after the eclipse, when the cosmic rays of the Sun reach the Earth.

During the days of the solar eclipse (from March 17 to March 23), the tendency to make very “important”, peremptory decisions and take strategic actions, which are often irreversible, increases. It is undesirable during this period to undertake any important business, to make large transactions, purchases, financial transactions. If you planned significant meetings or trips for these days, then it is better to reschedule them for another time.

During a solar eclipse, headaches, pressure surges, exacerbations of chronic diseases are possible. People with cardiovascular pathologies, hypertension and those who are being treated at this time feel especially bad on the day of the eclipse.

A solar eclipse polarizes health problems. The reason is that according to Eastern medicine, the Sun sends us a positive charge or Yang energy, and the Moon - Yin - takes energy. The Chinese believe that the day of a solar eclipse is a temporary victory of the feminine Yin over the masculine Yang. To avoid feeling unwell, on this day you should take a contrast shower and avoid active actions.

Try to spend March 20 in a calm environment and do not do anything unusual or risky.

However, the day of a solar eclipse is a favorable time for spiritual practices that will allow you to achieve complete harmony with yourself and the world.

At the time of a solar eclipse, a person is able to quickly get rid of unnecessary connections, outdated ideals and values. For example, you can break up with people you don't like, leave a bad company, quit a boring job. For people of creative professions, as well as for the arts, the solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 can bring a beneficial effect, promising a period of new opportunities, inspiration and talents.

What to expect from the solar eclipse on March 20, 2015 from an astrological point of view, we have already written, read,

The solar eclipse on March 20, 2015 will begin in the North Atlantic, passing through the Faroe Islands and the Norwegian Sea, the lunar shadow will proceed to the Svalbard archipelago, and then further north to leave the globe near the north pole. The maximum duration of a total eclipse will reach 2 minutes 47 seconds at a phase of 1.044 (it is by this amount that the apparent dimensions of the Moon will exceed the dimensions of the Sun). The point of maximum eclipse is located in the Norwegian Sea east of Iceland and north of the Faroe Islands.

In most of Europe, the eclipse on March 20 will be observed as a partial eclipse. During a partial solar eclipse, the Moon does not completely cover the disk of the Sun. At this moment, our daylight appears (depending on the location of the observer) in the form of either a “chipped” disk or a sickle. Despite the fact that the total phase of the solar eclipse will not be visible from the territory of most of Europe, there is no doubt that it will arouse great interest among domestic astronomy lovers!

In Moscow, the eclipse will begin on March 20, 2015 at 9:12 UT or 12:12 Moscow time. The maximum phase will be 0.65, and the duration of the eclipse will be 2 hours 14 minutes. This means that most of the Sun will be hidden behind the Moon.

In St. Petersburg, the phase will already be 0.78 with the same duration - and the Sun will already appear in the form of a sickle.

The eclipse on March 20 will take place just 0.6 days after the Moon passes perigee, the point of its orbit closest to the Earth. The proximity of the Moon to the Earth during total eclipses usually gives a longer total phase, since the Moon is larger and can block the Sun for a longer time. However, on March 20, the event will have a large gamma value of 0.9454. This means that the shadow of the Moon will literally slide over the earth's surface in northern latitudes, where the rotation of the Earth no longer makes such a big contribution to the duration of the shadow's passage over the surface of the planet, as near the equator. That is why the maximum time of a total eclipse in the path of the lunar shadow will be less than 3 minutes everywhere. (This is far from 7.5 minutes - the maximum possible duration of the phase of a total solar eclipse!)

Another consequence of the large value of the gamma parameter is the large width of the lunar shadow, on March 20, 2015 the solar eclipse band will be from 406 to 487 km wide!

The lunar shadow will descend on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean 700 km south of Greenland at 09:13 UT. Moving east, the shadow will simultaneously begin to turn north and bypass Iceland only 70 km to the east. The first land on the path of the shadow is the small archipelago of the Faroe Islands. In its capital, Tórshavn, the eclipse will begin at 09:41 UT and will last about 2 minutes. The sun at this time will be 19° above the southeast horizon. The maximum duration of the eclipse will occur 260 km north of the Faroe Islands with a shadow width of 463 km.

Continuing to move north, the shadow will pass through the Svalbard archipelago. In the city of Longyearbyen, the eclipse will begin at 10:11 UT and will last 2 minutes 27 seconds at a Sun height of 11° above the horizon. The shadow will end its journey at the North Pole; the journey will last only 1.1 hours, while the shadow will cover 5800 km.

Despite the fact that the total phase of the solar eclipse on March 20, 2015 will not be visible from most of Europe, there is no doubt that it will arouse great interest among all people, even far from astronomy!

Published on 19.03.15 11:27

Online broadcast of the solar eclipse on March 20, 2015 will also be available online.

Residents of the western part of Russia can become witnesses of a unique phenomenon on March 20, 2015 - on this day a solar eclipse will take place.

According to experts, it will begin in Moscow at 12:11 Moscow time, and will reach its maximum phase by 13:20 - at this moment the Moon will cover 65% of the Sun's surface. Then the natural satellite of the Earth will begin its convergence and at 14:25 will fully open the heavenly body.

The best in our country full intkkihs The eclipse of the Sun on March 20, 2015 will be visible from Murmansk at 13:18 local time. Especially for everyone from the region, an online broadcast of a unique phenomenon will be held.

The solar eclipse will begin at 10:40 am Moscow time. The solar eclipse will last 4 hours 9 minutes. The maximum phase will come at 12:09 Moscow time, when the Moon will outshine the Sun's disk by 2 minutes 47 seconds.

The broadcast can also be seen on the Internet, for example, on the NASA website.

Solar eclipse: online broadcast 03/20/2015

Those wishing to personally observe the solar eclipse of 03/20/2015 should do it from an open place where the horizon line is clearly visible. It is necessary to look at the eclipse with the help of special devices - solar filters, a projector with a pinhole or other similar equipment. You can use two pairs of glasses to watch 3D movies.

You should not look at the eclipse through a camera lens, binoculars, a telescope, glasses and colored glasses - according to experts, such methods are not able to protect human eyes.

We add that the next time a solar eclipse can be seen on March 9, 2016, however, only the inhabitants of the eastern part of our country will become its eyewitnesses. In other regions, the next solar eclipse will be seen on August 11, 2018.

In Russia, it will be possible to observe a solar eclipse from 12 to 14:30 Moscow time. In Murmansk, the eclipse will come at 13:18 local time, which coincides with Moscow. At this point, there will be a peak of coverage of the Sun by the Moon - 87%.

In Moscow, the eclipse will last from 12:12 to 14:26 (the maximum phase will be 65% at 13:20), in St. Petersburg - from 12:05 to 14:21 (the maximum phase will be 73% at 13:13), in Arkhangelsk - from 12:18 to 14:29 (maximum phase 79% at 13:24), in Nizhny Novgorod - from 12:26 to 14:36 ​​(maximum phase 60% at 13:27), in Kazan - from 12:29 to 14:34 (maximum phase 47% at 13:33), in Yekaterinburg - from 14:45 to 16:42 (maximum phase 42% at 15:45), in Samara - from 13:32 to 15:35 (maximum phase 41% at 14:44).

In some places in Moscow, special sites were equipped to observe the solar eclipse on 03/20/2015. Among them are Gorky Park, the astronomical site of the Moscow Planetarium, the Sokolniki Park Observatory, the astronomical site near the Museum of Cosmonautics, the site near the optics store at Nakhimovsky Prospekt, 11, building 1. At the same time, a video broadcast of the full solar eclipse March 20, 2015 from Svalbard.