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Fullmetal Alchemist quotes. Fullmetal Alchemist Quotes TranslatedOnline

To get something, you have to sacrifice something. Thus, if you want to get something, you must give something of equal value in return. In alchemy, this is called the law of equal exchange. We once believed that this was the truth that ruled the world. But the real world is imperfect, and there is no law that would explain everything. This also applies to the law of equal exchange. But no matter what, I believe that people cannot get anything without paying a price. The pain we endured was the price we paid. And any person, having paid with his own efforts, will surely gain something. The law of equal exchange is not the law of the universe. My brother and I promised each other that we would definitely meet again someday.

Nothing is perfect. This world is not perfect. That's why he is so beautiful.

No equal pay is required. When parents give love to their children, there can be no cost or reward.

An equal exchange is the excuse that weaklings console themselves with. Like, by paying the price, he could become happier.

Is it possible for only our dream to come true?

Is there anything more important than a dream?

Always is; more important than yourself, more important than dreams, more important than anything.

If I become human, will I just die? Then what is a real person?

There is no army in which there is no crime and evil.

It doesn't matter who you are - a man or a homunculus - we live only to satisfy our desires.

As much as I hate you, my hatred is not enough to express my gratitude to you.

I'm greedy, but I'm not stupid. And I don't want to fight both of you at once.

Loyalty to the spirit of the army means that he loves war.

Even when it hurts you can sleep, you can't sleep if you hurt someone else.

I kill, therefore I exist. And that's enough to prove that I am me.

There is no need to confirm such existence of you.

Cool. The head has fallen off.

Edward, if he can't use alchemy...

- ... it's just a kid who likes to swear at everyone.

Cunning is a soldier's weapon.

Call out the wrath. Sow confusion. Do not succumb to the provocation of the enemy.

A soldier respects speed. Attack quickly on the battlefield and quickly bring the fight to the end.

When I become commander-in-chief, I will make all military girls wear miniskirts!

Dog. That's lovely! The most faithful in the world, absolute obedience to the orders of the master, do not complain if they are treated rudely, do not demand a salary - real slaves of people! That's lovely! I love dogs!

Never meant to sell my soul.

The whole logic of our world is expressed in the basic law of alchemy - the law of equal exchange. Rights come with responsibilities.

A man can kill for the most trifling reason. And in war, one person can kill another even more easily. Because people want to kill.

It's good for young people to chase their dreams.

If there is no way out, then you can always do it.

If you fly too close to the sun, you'll just burn out...

It is impossible to reconstruct a living being that once lost its life. Whoever you are.

Nothing in the world comes for free. If you want to get something, you must give something of equal value in return. In alchemy, this is called the principle of equal exchange.

Water - 35 liters. Carbon - 20 kilos. Ammonia - 4 liters, calcium oxide - 1.5 kilos. Phosphorus - 800 grams. Salt - 250 grams. Saltpeter - 100 grams. Sulfur - 80 grams. Fluorine - 7.5 grams. Iron - 5 grams. Silicon - 3 grams. Plus 15 more items. This is what the body of an average adult is made of. By the way, all these components can be bought on the market for pennies. People are cheap.

“The whole logic of our world is expressed mainly in the law of equal exchange.”

“Nothing is perfect. This world is not perfect. That's why he's so beautiful."

"There is always something more important than us and our dreams"

"It takes sacrifice to complete anything."

"Behind the Truth Lies the Truth"

"There are no rights without duties."

“There are too many of those from which the soul must be shaken out! If I don’t start writing, I’ll definitely forget.”

“If someone tries to become happy, then you want him to be rewarded for his efforts.”

"We are moving forward because we are alive."

“If we are afraid, we will not achieve anything.”

“Memories are such a thing: they overlap one after another, and the oldest ones fade.”

“If there is no way out, then it can always be done.”

“Hey, did you change the shape of my auto armor.
“And because of that, you decided to change the shape of my head?”

“If you live, your life will end sooner or later... The body will return to the earth. Grass and flowers will grow over it. The soul will become memories and will live in the hearts of other people. Everything in this world flows and moves in a circle. This also applies to human life.

(Any life ends sometime. The flesh returns to the earth, and grass grows above it and flowers bloom. The soul remains in memories and continues to live in the hearts of others. Everything in this world flows and moves in a circle. And human life too.) "

“This world flows forward, obeying a great law that is incomprehensible to us. To know its course, to disassemble and create anew... That is what alchemy is.»

“If you look objectively, if I die, the world will continue to spin as if nothing had happened.”

“A person can create only as much happiness as he puts in the effort.”

“We each pulled out a one-way ticket. No matter how it ends, we have nowhere to retreat!”

“For centuries, the efforts of alchemists have not been able to create life! But a woman can do it in just 280 days!”

“It is impossible to erase from the soul what has become part of it.”

"Behind the truth lies the truth!"

"Death is an integral part of the flow."

"We must only move forward, even if we can only crawl!"

“On lack of fish and ass - a sparrow!”

“What the fuck is a victim?! What the fuck is the plan?!”

“If you want to improve the mind, improve the body.”

“Nothing in the world comes for free. If you want to get something, you must give something of equal value in return. In alchemy, this is called the principle of equal exchange.
Our pain is also an equivalent payment. But the world is not perfect. Therefore, it is beautiful and unusual. Who wants to get something must pay with their labor, blood, sweat. The law of conservation governs this world only in part. The rest is the man himself.

For humanity to move forward, we must look for solutions that go beyond the rules.

If you look objectively, then if I die, the world will continue to rotate as if nothing had happened.

A person can only create as much happiness as he puts in the effort.

We each pulled out a one-way ticket. No matter how it ends, we have nowhere to retreat!

The strength of one person has a limit. But I will protect everyone I can. Let it be just a handful of people dearest to me. And they will protect those who are dear to them. Is this something a small person is capable of?

Whole centuries of efforts of alchemists could not create life! But a woman can do it in just 280 days!

I am sure that two people can communicate as individuals, and not as representatives of their peoples.

The more people at the table, the tastier the food.

It is impossible to erase from the soul what has become part of it.

Behind the truth lies the truth!

One is all and all is one.

Death always follows the killers. Live hand in hand with death. A job where you risk your soul is simply wonderful. My reward is the battlefield.

Death is an integral part of the flow.

We must only move forward, even if we can only crawl!

When dealing with villains, the principle of equal exchange does not apply!

A dream that can come true is not a real dream.

A painless lesson makes no sense. One who has not lost anything will not be able to achieve anything.

We have been serving people for 80 years, from elastic bands to tanks, one call and we will deliver your order anywhere, Havoka Grocery is at your service

What the fuck is a victim?! What the fuck is the plan?!

On lack of fish and ass - a sparrow!

We must remember everyone who was killed. After all, they will never forget their executioners.

When you are in pain, you can sleep. But you won't sleep by hurting another.

The refrigerator is also space.

If you want to improve your mind, improve your body.

It is impossible to reconstruct a living being that once lost its life. Whoever you are.

Ensign Farmen! Arrest a cute, cheerful girl with a good figure and introduce her to our lieutenant!

Nothing is perfect. This world is not perfect. That's why he is so beautiful.

There is always something more important than us and our dreams.

In order to receive something, you must give something in return. This is the principle not only of alchemy, but of the whole world.

To complete any business, a sacrifice is needed.

Our destiny is to be food for bacteria and to become fertilizer for the earth.

Probably, having lost something, people gain something else.

In order to live, it is necessary to take the life of another, whether it is fair or not.