Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Patrol ship Yaroslav the Wise project 11540 model. Domestic weapons and military equipment

The patrol ship "Yaroslav the Wise" (at the laying "Impregnable") is the second of the built ships of project 11540 "Hawk" (according to NATO classification - a frigate), which were built at the Baltic Shipyard "Yantar" in Kaliningrad. The first ship is a patrol ship.

The ship is designed to search, detect and track enemy submarines, to provide anti-ship and anti-submarine defense of warships and ships at sea, to strike ships and ships at sea and bases, to support combat operations of ground forces, to ensure the landing of amphibious assault forces and solve other tasks.

The patrol ship "Yaroslav the Wise", tail number 727, was laid down on May 27, 1988 under the name "Impregnable". Launched in June 1990. On August 30, 1995, it became known as Yaroslav the Wise. July 19, 2009 became part of the Baltic Fleet. On July 24, 2009, the flag of the Russian Navy was raised over the ship.

Main characteristics: Standard displacement 3590 tons, total displacement 4350 tons. Length is 129.8 meters, beam is 15.6 meters, draft amidships is 4.8 meters. Full speed 30 knots, economic 18 knots. Cruising range 3000 nautical miles at 18 knots. Autonomy of navigation 30 days. The crew consists of 214 people, including 27 officers.

Engines: Two-shaft gas turbine - 2 propulsion gas turbines and 2 afterburner gas turbines.

Power: 37000 l. with. (marching GTU) + 20000 l. with. (afterburner GTU).


Artillery: 1 AK-100.

Missile weapons: 4x8 PU "Dagger"; 2 ZRAK "Dagger".

Anti-submarine weapons: 2x3 533-mm TA; 1 x RBU-6000; 2 x "Waterfall-NK".

Aviation group: 1 Ka-27 helicopter.

Since 2016 it has tail number 777.

From December 07, 2011 to February 10, 2012, he participated in a joint campaign of the inter-naval joint group in the Mediterranean Sea, led by.

On April 25, 2012, the ship, with the consent of the Commander of the Baltic Fleet, Vice Admiral V. V. Chirkov, "was transferred under the patronage of the head of the Russian Imperial House, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna." On December 18, as part of the patrol ship "Yaroslav the Wise", large landing ships and "Alexander Shabalin", the rescue tug SB-921 and the tanker "Lena", left the main base of the fleet and headed for the Mediterranean Sea.

On January 19, 2013, under the leadership of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the exercise of the inter-naval grouping of the Russian Navy began. On January 31, as part of the patrol ship "Yaroslav the Wise", large landing ships "Kaliningrad", "Alexander Shabalin", he completed the exercise as part of the inter-naval group of ships of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean Sea and came under the control of the commander of the detachment, Captain 1st Rank Valery Privalov. In May, he accompanied a pilgrimage mission to deliver the icon of Fyodor Ushakov in the Mediterranean Sea. On July 05, as part of the Yaroslav the Wise patrol ship (ship commander Captain 2nd Rank Alexei Suglobov), the Lena tanker and the SB-921 rescue tug, entered the military harbor of the city of Baltiysk after completing tasks for its intended purpose in the areas of the Atlantic Ocean, the North and Mediterranean seas.

On August 9, 2014, he left the main naval base of the Baltic Fleet - the city of Baltiysk. On August 28, completed a business call at the port of La Valetta (Malta). During the two-day stay in a foreign port, the ship replenished its fuel, water and food supplies, and its crew got the opportunity to rest on the shore. On September 01, at a designated point in the Mediterranean Sea, he met with the Kola tanker, which, during a long voyage, will provide the TFR with fuel, water and food. On September 03, the TFR "Yaroslav the Wise" and the tanker "Kola" safely passed through the Suez Canal as part of a caravan of ships and entered the Red Sea. On September 5, the TFR "Yaroslav the Wise" and the tanker "Kola" entered the waters of the Gulf of Aden, where the "Yaroslav the Wise" will perform tasks to ensure the safety of civil navigation. On September 11, he made a business call to the port of Salalah (Sultanate of Oman) to replenish water and food supplies and rest the sailors. Since September 13, he continued to carry out tasks to ensure the safety of civil navigation in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. On September 24, she made a business call at the port of Salalah (Oman) to replenish supplies and rest the crew, which will last until September 26. After the end of the visit, he again headed for the Gulf of Aden. October 08 (Oman) for resupply and crew rest. October 10 (Oman) and headed for the Arabian Sea. October 15 (Islamic Republic of Pakistan). October 16 for the first time in the main naval base of Pakistan, the port of Karachi. October 17 at one of the stages of the Russian-Pakistani exercise "Arabian Monsoon-2014", which will last until October 20. October 22 (Islamic Republic of Pakistan) and headed for the Pacific Ocean. October 27 Colombo and heading for Jakarta (Republic of Indonesia). November 05 (Indonesia), which. On November 10, the ships of the Baltic Fleet of the TFR "Yaroslav the Wise" and the tanker "Kola" went to sea and headed for the coast of Malaysia through the Karimata Strait, connecting the South China and Java Seas. On November 12, the most important maritime trade route connecting the Indian Ocean with the South China, Java and Andaman Seas, and headed to the Malaysian port of Penang. November 14 made a business call. November 18th . During the stay, the patrol crew will replenish water, fuel, food supplies, and also conduct a technical inspection of the ship. On November 24, the patrol ship arrived for a visit to the port of Colombo, Sri Lanka. On November 27, at the invitation of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Anatoly Antonov, representatives of the leadership of the defense departments of the countries of South and Southeast Asia of the Baltic Fleet, which is located with a business call in the port of Colombo. On the same day to the shores of Oman. December 05 to the port of Salalah (Oman). 08 December Salalah. December 18 to enter the Mediterranean Sea.

According to a message dated January 29, 2015, and headed for the designated area of ​​the Mediterranean Sea. During the call to Tartus, Russian sailors replenished the necessary ship supplies, part of the crew, free from duty and watch, visited the shore. According to a report dated January 30, on countering the surface and air forces of a mock enemy with the implementation of a complex of artillery firing. According to a message dated February 03, the patrol ship "Yaroslav the Wise" and the tanker "Kola" of the Baltic Fleet headed for the port of Ceuta, where they should arrive on February 10. February 10, where he will stay until February 12. On February 12, the patrol ship "Yaroslav the Wise" and the tanker "Kola" entered the Mediterranean Sea. According to a message dated February 16, the long-range patrol ship headed for the place of permanent deployment. Currently, the TFR passes through the English Channel. where is his frigate of the Royal Navy of Great Britain. According to a report dated February 18, the SKR Øresund, Kattegat and Skagerrak, connecting the North Sea with the Baltic. February 21 ship. In total, the Yaroslav the Wise TFR was on the campaign for 197 days, leaving 30,442 thousand nautical miles behind in 2,693 sailing hours. During this time, the ship's crew made unofficial visits to the ports of 9 foreign countries, including Spain, Malta, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Cyprus, Oman and Syria. The ship carried the St. Andrew's flag across the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, the North, Mediterranean, Red, Arabian, Javanese and Andaman Seas. During the trip, the crew conducted exercises and training in air and anti-submarine defense, navigational security, communications and control. Marines aboard the ship improved their maritime skills. During the campaign, they conducted dozens of fire training exercises with practical firing from various types of small arms.

The entire history of the Russian navy is closely connected with warships, the main task of which was guard duty. Currently, patrol ships are the most numerous class in the entire Russian Navy. These frigates are one of the most versatile ships, as the range of tasks they have to perform is unusually wide. Patrol ships in the event of enemy aggression will take the first hit, so their maneuverability and armament must meet all modern parameters.

The reason for the emergence of project 11540 patrol ships

By the end of the 1970s, the Soviet Union faced the acute task of actively defending its maritime frontiers. The Cold War, which, although somewhat calmed down after the Caribbean crisis, still made the Soviet government fear an enemy attack, and especially sabotage that could come from the United States. For reliable defense of maritime borders, it was necessary to create new modern patrol ships that would not only not be inferior, but surpass American ships in all respects.

The appearance in Europe and the USA of new models of patrol ships forced the High Command of the USSR Navy to urgently look for a way out of this situation. Project 11540 served as a response to Europe and the United States, according to which military patrol ships under the code name "Hawk" were to be produced at shipyards.

The main goals that were set for the frigates "Hawk"

The new patrol vessels of project 11540 "Yastreb" were planned to be transferred to the disposal of the Baltic Fleet, where they were supposed to ensure the superiority of the USSR in the Baltic maritime arena. The main goal of the not yet created patrol frigates was to be the complete control of the entire Baltic Sea. The possibility of new patrol ships entering the open ocean to escort civilian or merchant shipping and to surprise enemy ships was also not ruled out.

Such global goals required a significant increase in displacement and size from the new patrol ships, since their firepower was supposed to exceed all analogues existing at that time.

The first “swallow” in the class was the Project 1135 patrol ships, which clearly demonstrated the direction in which new patrol ships should develop. Project 11540 was planned to be built using the Project 1135 patrol ship base, but their size had to be significantly increased. The new project received a number of design changes, and most importantly, the new patrol vessels have grown so much that they could be moved to the frigate class.

Having formed the terms of reference for the construction of a new type of patrol ships, the leadership of the USSR Navy sent it for development. This event took place in 1981. The Zelenodolsk design bureau was chosen to develop project 11540. In the early 1980s, the docks of the Soviet Union made it possible to build ships with a displacement of 4 tons in large quantities.

The new patrol ship of the USSR was to be built taking into account all the innovations that all similar foreign-made patrol ships had. The American frigate of the Oliver Perry type and the German warship of the Bremen type were chosen as models to which the designers had to be equal. In addition, the designers were tasked with creating, if possible, such ships that would surpass their foreign counterparts in all respects.

After the development was completed, project 11540 was named "Hawk". These were not just patrol ships, but real multi-purpose frigates, the range of which significantly exceeded the capabilities of standard patrol ships that were produced in the USSR until now. After the construction was completed, the new type of patrol frigates were to replace the previous generation patrol ships. The new Project 1540 frigates were to perform the following tasks:

  • To carry out the protection of all maritime communications;
  • Find and destroy enemy submarines;
  • Carry out long-range patrols;
  • Support ground forces during amphibious operations;
  • Carry out strikes against various coastal targets of the enemy.

For more effective search and destruction of submarines, the KA-27PL helicopter, which was planned to be deployed on the basis of Project 11540 ships, was to be used. If the frigates participated in large-scale hostilities, their task was to include an operation to protect the fleet from attacks by warships and submarines enemy.

The history of the release of ships of project 11540

The new patrol ships, the construction of which began in the Soviet era, were to completely replace the Project 1135 warships. In the second half of the 1980s, it was planned to make the new multifunctional frigates the most massive in the entire Soviet navy. Initially, it was planned to build about 70 such ships, since the capacity of shipyards in the USSR was enough to implement this ambitious plan. The construction of new ships was supposed to be done by 7 shipyards throughout the USSR.

The first combat ship of project 11540 received the number 401 and was launched in 1988, and after two years of improvements was accepted into combat service. In 1991, the ship received the name "Fearless".

The next ship of the series was in 1988, its launching took place as planned after 2 years, but the collapse of the USSR stopped the development of this frigate for a long time. Only in 2009, this ship was finally finalized and accepted into service under the name "Yaroslav the Wise".

The third and last ship of the series was laid down in 1993, but lack of funding meant that it was never launched. In 2016, the last ship of Project 11540, which was one unfinished hull, was scrapped. So the last ship of project 11540 ended its days ingloriously.

Features of the ships of project 11540

Project 11540 ships differed from the previous series of patrol ships in their displacement. According to the design documentation, all the Hawk ships were supposed to have a displacement of at least 3,500 tons. The first frigate of the series had the following performance characteristics:

  • The length of the new ship was 117 meters;
  • Width - 14 meters;
  • The cost of building the first frigate of project 11540 amounted to 80 million Soviet rubles.

The new frigate was significantly different from the patrol ships of the previous series and approach to its construction. New technologies that were used in the construction were aimed at increasing the seaworthiness of a combat vessel and reducing vibration and noise from a working power unit.

Already at the design stage, numerous changes were made to the design of the frigate, which concerned the following nuances:

  • Increase in engine power;
  • Building up the combat power of the ship;
  • The layout of the main components of the frigate.

All these upgrades and changes eventually led to the creation of export versions of this model - Project 11541 ships of the Corsair type.

Corps of patrol frigates "Yastreb"

The hull of the first project 11540 ship was made of steel, which is very different from modern warships, for the construction of which they try to use composite materials. The Fearless hull has 12 compartments and a long forecastle. An innovation in the design of the hull was special stabilizers and additional keels, designed to improve the survival of the ship in rough seas.

The ship has special devices with the help of which refueling and acceptance of cargo on board can take place on the high seas. The hull is made in such a way that the ship can stay afloat when three compartments are flooded. At the same time, he will maintain his stability and will be able to continue the battle.

Externally, ships of the "Hawk" type have a characteristic distinctive feature - the presence of two masts and two chimneys. All the main components and life support systems were concentrated in separate citadels, of which there are 4 pieces. If one of them is damaged, the ship will retain its combat and other properties.

Due to the fact that all above-deck settings of the ships of project 11540 were made at an angle, the reflectivity of the ship was significantly reduced. This gave it a passive degree of protection against enemy radar equipment.

The power plant of the frigates of the project 11540

All patrol ships of the "Hawk" type were to receive a power plant consisting of four gas turbine engines. Two of them, the M-70 brand, were supposed to provide patrol vessels with speed in normal mode, and the other two M-90 engines were intended for forced speed. During the battle, all engines had to be used in conjunction to provide the ship with maximum mobility and maneuverability.

Marching engines were placed closer to the bow of the ship, and more powerful ones - next to the stern. This was not done by chance, since if one of the parts of the ship is damaged, there is a high chance that a couple of engines will survive. Thanks to this, even a heavily damaged ship will be able to return to its port. The total power of the four engines reached almost 57,000 hp.

With main engines running, the maximum speed of Project 11540 ships was 18 knots. With all engines running, the maximum speed of the frigates reached 31 knots. Using only main engines, the project 11540 patrol ship could cover a distance of 3,500 km. The crew of the ship, which could stay at sea for up to 30 days, consisted of 214 officers and sailors.

Armament of frigates of the type "Hawk"

In the years when the first ships of Project 11540 were just being laid down, they wanted to limit their weapons only to anti-submarine weapons and artillery systems. The first frigate of the "Hawk" type received the following weapons:

  • The Waterfall complex, which could fire both anti-submarine missiles and torpedoes. The maximum distance at which missiles could be fired was 120 km;
  • RBU-6000 "Smerch-2". This jet bomber was also used to combat enemy submarines;
  • Artillery gun AK-100 was installed as an additional weapon near the forecastle of the ship.

Also, the KA-27 helicopter, which served to detect and destroy enemy submarines, could be considered as a weapon. The helicopter could operate at a distance of up to 200 km from the frigate.

Since the second frigate of project 11540 was put into service only in 2009, its armament was subjected to major modernization. In addition to the standard weapons that the Fearless had, the second ship of the project received a powerful Uran anti-ship missile system. Armed in this way, Yaroslav the Wise can now easily withstand an enemy that is much larger in number and size.

Since free space was needed to install missile containers, the hull of the Yaroslav the Wise ship was lengthened. In addition to weapons, communication and anti-radar systems were also subjected to serious modernization.

The fate of the project 11540 today

Since it was decided to close the project 11540, the Neustrashimy and Yaroslav the Wise ships remained in single copies. The first Hawk-class ship is currently undergoing a lengthy overhaul, which includes major upgrades. The second ship of project 11540 is on duty, regularly serving in the ranks of warships of the Baltic Fleet. Currently, the construction of frigates is recognized as inappropriate for the spirit of the times, therefore, it is planned to build more versatile corvettes in the future.

Project 11540 patrol ships serve as a reminder that delaying the construction of the most modern model can eventually turn it into useless trash.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Project 11540 patrol ships

TFR "Fearless"

The country
Years of constructionsince 1986
Years in servicesince 1990
Years in operationsince 1991
Built 2
under construction 1
In service 2
Main characteristics
Displacement3590 tons (standard)
4350 tons (full)
Length129.8 (largest)
117.2 m (DWL)
Width15.6 m (largest)
14.2 m (DWL)
Draft8.35 m (by bulb)
4.8 m (midships)
Engines2 × marching GTA M-70
2 × afterburner GTA M-90
Power2 × 10000 hp (march)
2 × 18500 hp (afterburner)
mover2 × VFS
travel speed30 knots (full)
cruising range3,000 miles at 18 knots
3500 miles on 16 catches
Autonomy of navigation30 days
Crew214 people (27 officers)
Navigation armamentNRS MR-212 "Vaigach"
NK "Beysur"
Radar weaponsRadar type "Frigate"
Radar SAM MR-352 "Pozitiv"
Radar UO MR-145 SUO "Lev"
Electronic weaponsCOP R-782 "Buran"
SJSC MGK-365 Zvezda-M1
EW complex MP-405 "Start" or TK-25
2 × launchers of the REP PK-16 complex
8 × launchers of the REP PK-10 complex
CICS "Tron-11540"
SUO AU "Lev-145"
SUO complex PLO "Onega-11540"
Artillery1 × AK-100
Flak2 × ZRAK "Dagger"
Missile weapons2 × PU SCRC "Uranus"
4 × PU SAM "Dagger"
Anti-submarine weapons1 × RBU-6000
2 × RPK-6M Vodopad-NK
Mine and torpedo armament2 × three-tube 533-mm TA
Aviation Group1 Ka-27 helicopter

Project 11540 patrol ships (cipher "Hawk" , according to NATO codification - Neustrashimyy) - a type of patrol ships (according to Western classification - frigates) of the Russian fleet.

Project ships are designed to search, detect and track enemy submarines, provide anti-ship and anti-submarine defense of warships and vessels at sea, strike ships and vessels at sea and bases, support combat operations of ground forces, ensure amphibious landings and resolve other tasks.

In total, two ships of this project out of three laid down on the slipway were completed and entered into the Russian Navy. Both ships for 2012 are part of the Baltic Fleet. The third ship was planned to be completed according to a modified project, but in 2015 they refused to complete it, the unfinished hull will be disposed of.



Patrol ships of project 11540 (code "Hawk") in the final version were to replace the patrol ships of project 1135.


The lead ship of the project began construction in May 1986 at the Yantar Baltic Shipyard, and was officially laid down on March 25, 1987. It was launched on May 25, 1988. It entered service on December 28, 1990 and on March 14, 1991 became part of the Twice Red Banner Baltic Fleet, and on January 24, 1993, the flag of the Russian Navy was raised over the ship. Since February 2, 1993, the ship has been part of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy. At 1988 prices, Fearless cost the USSR budget 80 million rubles.

The second ship - "Impregnable" (later renamed "Yaroslav the Wise") - was laid down there on May 27, 1988 and launched in June 1990. On June 19 (July) 2009, it became part of the Russian Navy and on July 24, 2009, the Naval flag of the Russian Federation was raised over the ship.

After the laying of the "Impregnable", on the "Yantar", the construction of the third ship, the "Fog", was also started, but was later stopped. Based on the unfinished Tuman, it is planned to create an anti-submarine ship to fight non-nuclear submarines. The start of completion is scheduled for 2014.

As the head of the shipbuilding department of the Russian Navy, Captain 1st Rank Vladimir Tryapichnikov, told reporters in September 2015: “The command of the Russian Navy will not order the completion of the TFR project 11540 Tuman. Despite the fact that the ship's hull has been on the water for a long time, there is no demand for it. It is not only outdated, but also does not fit into the modern tactics and development strategy of the Navy.


Since joining the Navy, the ships of the project have repeatedly participated in various exercises, including joint exercises with NATO;

Accompanied the official visits of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to London and Lisbon, ensuring security on the Russian side;

Made friendly visits to the ports of France, Spain, Belgium and other states;

During the service, the crews of the ships of the project were repeatedly awarded with various prizes in the competitions of the Baltic Fleet and the Russian Navy.


Hull and superstructure

Project watchmen are single-tube two-masted ships with a developed superstructure, which occupies more than half of the length of the upper deck. The architectural and layout solutions implemented in the ships provide a reduction in the levels of thermal, acoustic, electromagnetic and secondary radar fields.

Power plant





To destroy surface ships and ships on guard ships, it is planned to place the Uran anti-ship missile system in the central part of the hull, consisting of two four-container launchers located perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the ship with an elevation angle of 35 °. The total ammunition capacity is eight Kh-35 anti-ship missiles.

Despite the fact that the Uranus SCRC was repeatedly mentioned in the media as part of the Neustrashimy armament, since the complex was put into service in 2003, it has not been installed on the ship, which entered service in 1993 (1990). Thus, throughout its existence, the Fearless TFR was not equipped with the main anti-ship weapons.


The means of communication include the R-782 Buran automated communication complex, and the Yaroslav Mudrom is additionally equipped with the R-768 Centavr satellite communications complex.

Seaworthiness and habitability

The ships of the project are equipped with stabilizers, as well as bilge keels, which improve seaworthiness.

The autonomy of ships in terms of provisions is estimated at 30 days.



Name b/n Shipyard Head No. Laid down Launched In service Fleet State Notes
Intrepid 712 Baltic Shipyard "Yantar"
401 25.03 . 25.05 . 28.12 . DCBF in service;
under repair
As of 24.01. is under dock repair at the berth of the Baltic Shipyard "Yantar".
Yaroslav the Wise 727 Baltic Shipyard "Yantar" 402 27.05 . 06. 19.07 . DCBF In service Regularly installed SCRC "Uranus".
Fog - Baltic Shipyard "Yantar" 403 n/a - n/a awaiting disposal On April 15, 2016, a decision was made to dispose of it.

Table colors:
White - not completed or disposed of not launched
Green - active in the Navy
Yellow - operating in a foreign navy or as a civilian ship
Red - decommissioned, scrapped or lost


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  • Pavlov A.S. Patrol ship "Fearless". - Yakutsk: Sakhapoligraphizdat, 1997. - 40 p.


An excerpt characterizing the patrol ships of project 11540

Having passed the corridor, the paramedic led Rostov into the officers' chambers, which consisted of three rooms with open doors. These rooms had beds; wounded and sick officers lay and sat on them. Some walked around the rooms in hospital gowns. The first person that Rostov met in the officers' wards was a small, thin man without an arm, in a cap and a hospital gown with a bitten tube, who walked in the first room. Rostov, peering at him, tried to remember where he had seen him.
“This is where God brought me to meet,” said the little man. - Tushin, Tushin, do you remember taking you near Shengraben? And they cut off a piece for me, here ... - he said, smiling, pointing to the empty sleeve of his dressing gown. - Are you looking for Vasily Dmitrievich Denisov? - roommate! - he said, having learned who Rostov needed. - Here, here, Tushin led him to another room, from which the laughter of several voices was heard.
“And how can they not only laugh, but live here”? thought Rostov, still hearing that smell of a dead body, which he picked up while still in the soldier's hospital, and still seeing around him those envious looks that followed him from both sides, and the face of this young soldier with rolled eyes.
Denisov, covering himself with a blanket, slept on the bed, despite the fact that it was 12 o'clock in the afternoon.
“Ah, G” skeleton? 3do “ovo, hello” ovo, ”he shouted in the same voice as he used to in the regiment; but Rostov sadly noticed how, behind this habitual swagger and liveliness, some new, bad, hidden feeling peeped through in the facial expression, in the intonations and words of Denisov.
His wound, in spite of its insignificance, still did not heal, although six weeks had already passed since he had been wounded. His face had the same pale swelling that was on all hospital faces. But this was not what struck Rostov; he was struck by the fact that Denisov seemed not to be pleased with him and smiled unnaturally at him. Denisov did not ask about the regiment, nor about the general course of affairs. When Rostov talked about this, Denisov did not listen.
Rostov even noticed that it was unpleasant for Denisov when he was reminded of the regiment and, in general, of that other, free life that went on outside the hospital. He seemed to be trying to forget that former life and was only interested in his business with the provision officials. When asked by Rostov what the situation was, he immediately took out from under the pillow the paper received from the commission, and his rough answer to it. He perked up, beginning to read his paper, and especially let Rostov notice the barbs that he spoke to his enemies in this paper. The hospital comrades of Denisov, who had surrounded Rostov - a person newly arrived from the free world - began to gradually disperse as soon as Denisov began to read his paper. From their faces, Rostov realized that all these gentlemen had already heard this whole story that had managed to get bored of them more than once. Only the neighbor on the bed, a fat lancer, was sitting on his bunk, frowning gloomily and smoking a pipe, and little Tushin, without an arm, continued to listen, shaking his head disapprovingly. In the middle of the reading, the lancer interrupted Denisov.
“But for me,” he said, turning to Rostov, “you just need to ask the sovereign for mercy.” Now, they say, the rewards will be great, and they will surely forgive ...
- I ask the sovereign! - Denisov said in a voice to which he wanted to give the former energy and ardor, but which sounded like useless irritability. - About what? If I were a robber, I would ask for mercy, otherwise I am suing for bringing out robbers. Let them judge, I'm not afraid of anyone: I honestly served the king, the fatherland and did not steal! And to demote me, and ... Listen, I write to them directly, so I write: “if I were an embezzler ...
- Deftly written, what to say, - said Tushin. But that’s not the point, Vasily Dmitritch,” he also turned to Rostov, “it’s necessary to submit, but Vasily Dmitritch does not want to. After all, the auditor told you that your business is bad.
“Well, let it be bad,” said Denisov. - The auditor wrote a request to you, - Tushin continued, - and you need to sign it, but send it with them. They have it right (he pointed to Rostov) and they have a hand in the headquarters. You won't find a better case.
“Why, I said that I wouldn’t be mean,” Denisov interrupted and again continued reading his paper.
Rostov did not dare to persuade Denisov, although he instinctively felt that the path offered by Tushin and other officers was the most correct, and although he would consider himself happy if he could help Denisov: he knew the inflexibility of Denisov's will and his truthful ardor.
When the reading of Denisov's poisonous papers, which lasted more than an hour, ended, Rostov said nothing, and in the saddest frame of mind, in the company of Denisov's hospital comrades again gathered around him, he spent the rest of the day talking about what he knew and listening to the stories of others. . Denisov was gloomy silent throughout the whole evening.
Late in the evening, Rostov was about to leave and asked Denisov if there would be any instructions?
“Yes, wait,” said Denisov, looked back at the officers, and, taking his papers from under the pillow, went to the window, on which he had an inkwell, and sat down to write.
“It can be seen that you didn’t whip the butt,” he said, moving away from the window and giving Rostov a large envelope. “It was a request addressed to the sovereign, drawn up by an auditor, in which Denisov, without mentioning anything about the faults of the food department, asked only for pardon.
“Pass it on, I see…” He didn’t finish and smiled a painfully fake smile.

Returning to the regiment and conveying to the commander the state of Denisov's case, Rostov went to Tilsit with a letter to the sovereign.
On June 13, the French and Russian emperors gathered in Tilsit. Boris Drubetskoy asked the important person under whom he belonged to be included in the retinue appointed to be in Tilsit.
“Je voudrais voir le grand homme, [I would like to see a great man],” he said, speaking of Napoleon, whom he still always, like everyone else, called Buonaparte.
– Vous parlez de Buonaparte? [Are you talking about Buonaparte?] – the general told him smiling.
Boris looked inquiringly at his general and immediately realized that this was a mock test.
- Mon prince, je parle de l "empereur Napoleon, [Prince, I'm talking about Emperor Napoleon,] - he answered. The general patted him on the shoulder with a smile.
“You will go far,” he said to him, and took him with him.
Boris was among the few on the Neman on the day of the meeting of the emperors; he saw rafts with monograms, Napoleon's passage along the other bank, past the French guards, he saw the pensive face of Emperor Alexander, while he silently sat in a tavern on the banks of the Neman, waiting for Napoleon's arrival; I saw how both emperors got into the boats and how Napoleon, having first landed on the raft, went forward with quick steps and, meeting Alexander, gave him his hand, and how both disappeared into the pavilion. From the time of his entry into the higher worlds, Boris made it a habit to carefully observe what was happening around him and write it down. During a meeting in Tilsit, he asked about the names of those people who came with Napoleon, about the uniforms they were wearing, and listened carefully to the words that were spoken by important people. At the same time as the emperors entered the pavilion, he looked at his watch and did not forget to look again at the time when Alexander left the pavilion. The meeting lasted an hour and fifty-three minutes: he wrote it down that evening, among other facts that, he believed, were of historical significance. Since the emperor’s retinue was very small, it was very important for a person who valued success in his service to be in Tilsit during the meeting of the emperors, and Boris, having got to Tilsit, felt that from that time on his position was completely established. He was not only known, but they got accustomed to him and got used to him. Twice he carried out assignments for the sovereign himself, so that the sovereign knew him by sight, and all those close to him not only did not shy away from him, as before, considering him a new face, but would be surprised if he were not there.
Boris lived with another adjutant, the Polish Count Zhilinsky. Zhilinsky, a Pole brought up in Paris, was rich, passionately loved the French, and almost every day during his stay in Tilsit, French officers from the guards and the main French headquarters gathered for lunch and breakfast at Zhilinsky and Boris.
On June 24, in the evening, Count Zhilinsky, Boris' roommate, arranged a dinner for his French acquaintances. At this supper there was an honored guest, one adjutant of Napoleon, several officers of the French guards and a young boy of an old aristocratic French family, Napoleon's page. On that very day, Rostov, taking advantage of the darkness so as not to be recognized, in civilian clothes, arrived in Tilsit and entered the apartment of Zhilinsky and Boris.
In Rostov, as well as in the whole army from which he came, the revolution that took place in the main apartment and in Boris was far from being accomplished in relation to Napoleon and the French, who had become friends from enemies. Still continued in the army to experience the same mixed feeling of anger, contempt and fear for Bonaparte and the French. Until recently, Rostov, talking with a Platovsky Cossack officer, argued that if Napoleon had been taken prisoner, he would have been treated not as a sovereign, but as a criminal. More recently, on the road, having met with a French wounded colonel, Rostov got excited, proving to him that there could be no peace between the legitimate sovereign and the criminal Bonaparte. Therefore, Rostov was strangely struck in Boris's apartment by the sight of French officers in those same uniforms, which he was accustomed to look at in a completely different way from the flanker chain. As soon as he saw the French officer leaning out of the door, that feeling of war, hostility, which he always felt at the sight of the enemy, suddenly seized him. He stopped on the threshold and asked in Russian if Drubetskoy lived there. Boris, hearing someone else's voice in the hallway, went out to meet him. His face in the first minute, when he recognized Rostov, expressed annoyance.
“Oh, it’s you, very glad, very glad to see you,” he said, however, smiling and moving towards him. But Rostov noticed his first movement.
“I don’t seem to be on time,” he said, “I wouldn’t come, but I have a business,” he said coldly ...
- No, I'm just surprised how you came from the regiment. - "Dans un moment je suis a vous", [I'm at your service this minute,] - he turned to the voice of the one who called him.
“I see that I am not on time,” repeated Rostov.
The expression of annoyance had already disappeared from Boris's face; apparently having considered and decided what to do, he took him by both hands with special calmness and led him into the next room. Boris's eyes, calmly and firmly looking at Rostov, were as if covered with something, as if some kind of shutter - the blue glasses of the hostel - were put on them. So it seemed to Rostov.
- Oh, come on, please, can you be at the wrong time, - said Boris. - Boris led him into the room where dinner was laid, introduced him to the guests, naming him and explaining that he was not a civilian, but a hussar officer, his old friend. - Count Zhilinsky, le comte N.N., le capitaine S.S., [count N.N., captain S.S.] - he called the guests. Rostov frowned at the French, reluctantly bowed and was silent.
Zhilinsky, apparently, did not gladly accept this new Russian face into his circle and did not say anything to Rostov. Boris, it seemed, did not notice the embarrassment that had occurred from the new face, and with the same pleasant calmness and veiled eyes with which he met Rostov, he tried to revive the conversation. One of the French turned with ordinary French courtesy to Rostov, who was stubbornly silent, and told him that he had probably come to Tilsit to see the emperor.
"No, I have business," Rostov answered curtly.
Rostov became out of sorts immediately after he noticed the displeasure on Boris's face, and, as always happens with people who are out of sorts, it seemed to him that everyone was looking at him with hostility and that he interfered with everyone. Indeed, he interfered with everyone and alone remained outside the newly ensued general conversation. "And why is he sitting here?" said the glances cast at him by the guests. He got up and walked over to Boris.
“However, I’m embarrassing you,” he said to him quietly, “let’s go and talk about business, and I’ll leave.”
“No, not at all,” said Boris. And if you're tired, let's go to my room and lie down and rest.
- And in fact ...
They entered the small room where Boris slept. Rostov, without sitting down, immediately with irritation - as if Boris was to blame for something before him - began to tell him Denisov's case, asking if he wanted and could ask about Denisov through his general from the sovereign and through him to convey a letter. When they were alone, Rostov was convinced for the first time that it was embarrassing for him to look Boris in the eyes. Boris, crossing his legs and stroking the thin fingers of his right hand with his left hand, listened to Rostov, as the general listens to the report of his subordinate, now looking to the side, then with the same obscured look in his eyes, looking directly into Rostov's eyes. Rostov felt awkward every time and lowered his eyes.
– I have heard about such cases and I know that the Emperor is very strict in these cases. I think we should not bring it to His Majesty. In my opinion, it would be better to directly ask the corps commander ... But in general, I think ...
“So you don’t want to do anything, just say so!” - Rostov almost shouted, not looking Boris in the eyes.
Boris smiled: - On the contrary, I will do what I can, only I thought ...
At this time, the voice of Zhilinsky was heard in the door, calling Boris.
- Well, go, go, go ... - said Rostov and refusing dinner, and left alone in a small room, he walked back and forth in it for a long time, and listened to the cheerful French dialect from the next room.

Rostov arrived in Tilsit on the day least convenient for intercession for Denisov. He himself could not go to the general on duty, since he was in a tailcoat and arrived in Tilsit without the permission of his superiors, and Boris, even if he wanted to, could not do this the next day after Rostov's arrival. On this day, June 27, the first terms of peace were signed. The emperors exchanged orders: Alexander received the Legion of Honor, and Napoleon received the 1st degree, and on this day a dinner was appointed for the Preobrazhensky battalion, which was given to him by the battalion of the French guard. The sovereigns were to attend this banquet.
Rostov was so awkward and unpleasant with Boris that when Boris looked in after dinner, he pretended to be asleep and the next day, early in the morning, trying not to see him, left the house. In a tailcoat and a round hat, Nikolai wandered around the city, looking at the French and their uniforms, looking at the streets and houses where the Russian and French emperors lived. On the square, he saw tables being set up and preparations for dinner; on the streets he saw draperies thrown over with banners of Russian and French colors and huge monograms A. and N. There were also banners and monograms in the windows of the houses.
“Boris does not want to help me, and I do not want to contact him. This matter is settled, thought Nikolai, everything is over between us, but I will not leave here without doing everything I can for Denisov and, most importantly, without handing over the letter to the sovereign. Sovereign?! ​​... He is here! thought Rostov, involuntarily going back to the house occupied by Alexander.
Riding horses stood at this house and a retinue gathered, apparently preparing for the departure of the sovereign.
“I can see him at any moment,” thought Rostov. If only I could hand him the letter directly and tell him everything, would I really be arrested for wearing a tailcoat? Can not be! He would understand which side justice is on. He understands everything, knows everything. Who can be more just and generous than him? Well, if I were arrested for being here, what's the trouble? he thought, looking at the officer going up into the house occupied by the sovereign. “After all, they are rising. - E! it's all nonsense. I’ll go and submit a letter to the sovereign myself: so much the worse for Drubetskoy, who brought me to this. And suddenly, with a decisiveness that he himself did not expect from himself, Rostov, feeling the letter in his pocket, went straight to the house occupied by the sovereign.
“No, now I won’t miss the opportunity, as after Austerlitz,” he thought, expecting every second to meet the sovereign and feeling a rush of blood to his heart at this thought. I will fall at my feet and beg him. He will raise, listen and thank me again.” “I am happy when I can do good, but correcting injustice is the greatest happiness,” Rostov imagined the words that the sovereign would say to him. And he walked past those who were looking at him curiously, on the porch of the house occupied by the sovereign.
From the porch a wide staircase led straight up; to the right was a closed door. Downstairs under the stairs was a door to the lower floor.
- Who do you want? someone asked.
“Submit a letter, a request to His Majesty,” said Nikolai with a trembling voice.
- Request - to the duty officer, please come here (he was pointed to the door below). They just won't accept it.
Hearing this indifferent voice, Rostov was frightened of what he was doing; the idea of ​​meeting the sovereign at any moment was so seductive and therefore so terrible for him that he was ready to run, but the chamber fourier, who met him, opened the door to the duty room for him and Rostov entered.
A short, stout man of about 30, in white pantaloons, over the knee boots, and in one batiste shirt, which had just been put on, was standing in this room; the valet was fastening beautiful new straps embroidered with silk on his back, which for some reason Rostov noticed. This man was talking to someone in the other room.
- Bien faite et la beaute du diable, [The beauty of youth is well built,] - this man said, and when he saw Rostov, he stopped talking and frowned.
– What do you want? Request?…
- Qu "est ce que c" est? [What is this?] someone asked from the other room.
- Encore un petitionnaire, [Another petitioner,] - answered the man in the harness.
Tell him what's next. It's out now, you have to go.
- After the day after tomorrow. Late…
Rostov turned and wanted to go out, but the man in the harness stopped him.
- From whom? Who are you?
“From Major Denisov,” answered Rostov.
- Who are you? the officer?
- Lieutenant, Count Rostov.
- What courage! Submit on command. And you yourself go, go ... - And he began to put on the uniform given by the valet.
Rostov went out again into the passage and noticed that on the porch there were already many officers and generals in full dress uniform, past whom he had to pass.
Cursing his courage, dying at the thought that at any moment he could meet the sovereign and be disgraced and sent under arrest in his presence, fully understanding the indecency of his act and repenting of it, Rostov, lowering his eyes, made his way out of the house, surrounded by a crowd of brilliant retinue when a familiar voice called out to him and a hand stopped him.



Work on the project of a universal patrol ship (TFR) with a displacement of 3,000 to 4,000 tons began in 1981. In accordance with the TTZ, it was supposed to be a development of project 1135 and surpass all foreign-built frigates of that period in its combat capabilities.
In 1981, the Navy developed a revised tactical and technical assignment for project 11540 (code "Hawk"), N.A. was appointed chief designer of the new ship. Yakovlevsky, chief observer from the Navy O.K. Korobkov (earlier V.Ya. Korsukov supervised the project).

The multi-purpose ship pr.11540 "Neustrashimy" is designed to search for and destroy submarines, provide anti-ship and anti-submarine defense of warships and vessels at sea, strike ships and vessels at sea and bases, support combat operations of ground forces, ensure the landing of amphibious assault forces and solving other problems.
The technical design was developed by the Zelenodolsk Design Bureau. Initially, it was assumed that these TFRs would be built at seven shipyards and the entire series would be from 79 to 100 units. However, due to political and financial problems, this program was curtailed and only three ships were laid down, of which only one was commissioned. The second, TFR Yaroslav the Wise, is under construction (as of the beginning of 2000, its readiness was 45%). The third TFR Tuman (plant No. 403) was laid down in 1993 on the slipway of the Yantar shipyard, but soon the order was canceled and the ship was dismantled for metal.
The multi-purpose ship pr.11540 "Neustrashimy" is designed to search for and destroy submarines, provide anti-ship and anti-submarine defense of warships and vessels at sea, strike ships and vessels at sea and bases, support combat operations of ground forces, ensure the landing of amphibious assault forces and solving other problems.
Missile patrol ship (SKR) pr. 11540 "Yaroslav the Wise" is a multi-purpose ship that provides defense of the operational formation of ships from enemy ships and submarines. Its main characteristics are: displacement - 4500 tons, speed - about 30 knots, cruising range - more than 5000 miles.
The hull of the ship is semi-tank, with an extended forecastle and a bow bulb, which houses the antenna of the hydroacoustic complex (HAC). Watertight bulkheads divided into 12 compartments. The ship has two masts and two chimneys. The hull and superstructure are steel. Created using technologies to reduce acoustic visibility, it has protection against weapons of mass destruction. Seaworthiness is improved by roll dampers with retractable rudders, as well as bilge keels. Devices are provided for receiving liquid and dry cargoes from supply vessels at sea.
Yaroslav the Wise, like the lead ship of the Fearless series, is driven by a gas turbine. But the gas exhaust system of Yaroslav the Wise's stern diesel generators is equipped with oil traps that prevent contamination of outboard water, which meets modern environmental requirements.
A twin-shaft gas-gas turbine plant (GGTU) of the COGAG type is used as the main power plant (GPU). It consists of 2 afterburning gas turbine engines (GTE) and 2 sustainer GTEs operating through complex gearboxes for two fixed-pitch propellers (FSP).
GTU power 2×20000 hp (marching) and 2 × 37000 hp (afterburner); full speed (economic) course more than 31 (18) knots.
The armament of the ship consists of one single-barrel stabilized 100-mm turret automatic gun mount AK-100 with a barrel length of 59 calibers, located on the forecastle. The ammunition load consists of 350 rounds, the supply is carried out by elevators from the turret cellar. The installation has a reservation with a thickness of 5 mm.
The ship is armed with the Vodopad-NK missile and torpedo system, which fires both anti-submarine missiles and torpedoes. Ammunition - 6 anti-submarine missiles or torpedoes with a range of up to 120 km. Two triple horizontal launchers are installed on each side in the direction of the bow of the ship and a fixed elevation angle of about 20 °. The RBU-6000 anti-submarine rocket launcher is part of the Smerch-2 anti-submarine defense system.
The complex of anti-ship missiles "Uranus" includes two eight-container launchers with 16 Kh-35 anti-ship missiles and an automated control system.
The Kinzhal air defense system protects the ship from anti-ship missiles, unmanned and manned aerial vehicles, enemy ships, and coastal weapons. Four vertical launch modules are installed in the bow of the ship behind the ship's 100 mm gun.
Two ZRAK "Kortik" are compactly placed in two combat modules with 2 six-barreled 30-mm machine guns with a long barrel of 54 caliber and with 2 blocks of 4 transport and launch containers for 9M-311K missiles, as well as with a control and tracking system, which are located on the rotary part of each combat module.
CICS "Tron-Diplomat" is a combat information and control system designed to automate the processes of combat control of weapons and electronic weapons of a ship during combat operations both independently and as part of a formation of ships as an escort ship.
The hangar houses a Ka-27 carrier-based helicopter carrying anti-submarine torpedoes, missiles and depth charges.
Project 11541 "Corsair" - a draft export TFR with minor changes. Developed in the 1990s. Zelenodolsk PKB.
The lead frigate "Neustrashimy" was built at the Yantar shipyard in Kaliningrad in 1991, and finally entered the Russian Navy in 1993. Here they were laid down in 1991 ("Yaroslav the Wise", formerly "Impregnable") and 1993 ("Fog") two more ships. As of 1988, Fearless cost 80 million rubles.
In total, two ships of this project out of three laid down on the slipway were completed and entered into the Russian Navy. Both ships for 2011 are part of the Baltic Fleet.
The second patrol ship in the series, "Yaroslav the Wise", due to the adjustment of the project, differs from the lead "Neustrashimy" in the presence of some systems. First of all, the installation of the Uran anti-ship complex (on the Neustrashimy this SCRC, provided for by the technical design, was never installed in reality) controlled by the Dubrava radar. Also, the second ship received more advanced communications and the GLONASS space navigation system. It carried out a number of activities aimed at further reducing the levels of underwater noise, secondary radar, thermal and electromagnetic fields, and improved the gas exhaust system. The control radar of the Kortik complex was installed on a higher pedestal to improve the field of view.

TFR "Neustrashimy" came to the plant for overhaul in 2014. The contractual terms of repair were postponed twice - both due to a large additional amount of work revealed during the flaw detection, and because of the difficulty with repairing Ukrainian-made afterburner engines.
“Now the issue with the engines has been resolved, JSC Metallist-Samara has assumed obligations to carry out engine repairs,” said Andrey Chebrovsky, Deputy Head of the Ship Repair, Warranty and Service Department (USGSO) of the enterprise. - The first is already on the test bench, and by mid-February it will be ready for the first stage of testing and the second. They will arrive at our plant in April and May, one after the other.”
At the end of 2019, the Neustrashimy patrol ship (TFR) of project 11540 will complete a long upgrade and will be handed over to the customer, Andrey Chebrovsky said.

TFR "Fearless" (serial number 401) - 1993
TFR "Yaroslav the Wise" ("Impregnable") (serial number 402) - 2009
TFR "Fog" (serial number 403) - laid down in the summer of 1993 and cut at the initial stage of construction


- full 4350 t,
- standard 3590 t;
Length 129.8 m,
Width 15.6 m,
Draft 8.35 m.
GTU power 2 × 20,000 hp (marching) and 2 × 37 000 hp (afterburner);
- full speed 29 knots,
- economic 18 knots;
Cruising range 2900 miles.
The crew of 210 people, including 35 officers.


4 × 8 PUZRK “Dagger” (32 ZUR),
6 × 1 launcher PLRK “Waterfall” (6 missile torpedoes),
2 ZRAK “Dagger” (32 ZUR “Igla-M” and 3000 shots),
1 x 100mm AK-100 gun
2x6 30mm gun AK-630,
1×12 RBU-6000,
Helicopter Ka-27
BIUS "Tron" and "Diplomat"
Fire control radar "Lion" (MR-214)
Radar detection VTS "Fregat MA" (MR-750)
electronic warfare complex "Vympel-R2"
passive REP systems (number of launchers x guides) PK-2 (2 × 2 - 140 mm), PK-10 (4 x10 - 122 mm), "Brave" GAS with under-wing and towed antennas "Zvezda-1"

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Project 11540 patrol ships
The country
  • the USSR 22x20px USSR → Russia 22x20px Russia
  • Flag of Russia Baltic Shipyard "Yantar"
  • Flag of the Russian Navy Russian Navy
Years of constructionsince 1986
Years in servicesince 1990
Years in operationsince 1991
Built 2
under construction 1
In service 2
Main characteristics
Displacement3590 tons (standard)
4350 tons (full)
Length129.8 (largest)
117.2 m (DWL)
Width15.6 m (largest)
14.2 m (DWL)
Draft8.35 m (by bulb)
4.8 m (midships)
Engines2 × marching GTA M-70
2 × afterburner GTA M-90
Power2 × 10000 hp (march)
2 × 18500 hp (afterburner)
mover2 × VFS
travel speed30 knots (full)
cruising range3,000 miles at 18 knots
3500 miles on 16 catches
Autonomy of navigation30 days
Crew214 people (27 officers)
Navigation armamentNRS MR-212 "Vaigach"
NK "Beysur"
Radar weaponsRadar type "Frigate"
Radar SAM MR-352 "Pozitiv"
Radar UO MR-145 SUO "Lev"
Electronic weaponsCOP R-782 "Buran"
SJSC MGK-365 Zvezda-M1
EW complex MP-405 "Start" or TK-25
2 × launchers of the REP PK-16 complex
8 × launchers of the REP PK-10 complex
CICS "Tron-11540"
SUO AU "Lev-145"
SUO complex PLO "Onega-11540"
Artillery1 × AK-100
Flak2 × ZRAK "Dagger"
Missile weapons2 × PU SCRC "Uranus"
4 × PU SAM "Dagger"
Anti-submarine weapons1 × RBU-6000
2 × RPK-6M Vodopad-NK
Mine and torpedo armament2 × three-tube 533-mm TA
Aviation Group1 Ka-27 helicopter
15px []

Project 11540 patrol ships (cipher "Hawk" , according to NATO codification - Neustrashimyy) - a type of patrol ships (according to Western classification - frigates) of the Russian fleet.

Project ships are designed to search, detect and track enemy submarines, provide anti-ship and anti-submarine defense of warships and vessels at sea, strike ships and vessels at sea and bases, support combat operations of ground forces, ensure amphibious landings and resolve other tasks.

In total, two ships of this project out of three laid down on the slipway were completed and entered into the Russian Navy. Both ships for 2012 are part of the Baltic Fleet. The third ship was planned to be completed according to a modified project, but in 2015 they refused to complete it, the unfinished hull will be disposed of.



Patrol ships of project 11540 (code "Hawk") in the final version were to replace the patrol ships of project 1135.


The lead ship of the project began construction in May 1986 at the Yantar Baltic Shipyard, and was officially laid down on March 25, 1987. It was launched on May 25, 1988. It entered service on December 28, 1990 and on March 14, 1991 became part of the Twice Red Banner Baltic Fleet, and on January 24, 1993, the flag of the Russian Navy was raised over the ship. Since February 2, 1993, the ship has been part of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy. At 1988 prices, Fearless cost the USSR budget 80 million rubles.

The second ship - "Impregnable" (later renamed "Yaroslav the Wise") - was laid down there on May 27, 1988 and launched in June 1990. On June 19 (July) 2009, it became part of the Russian Navy and on July 24, 2009, the Naval flag of the Russian Federation was raised over the ship.

After the laying of the "Impregnable", on the "Yantar", the construction of the third ship, the "Fog", was also started, but was later stopped. Based on the unfinished Tuman, it is planned to create an anti-submarine ship to fight non-nuclear submarines. The start of completion is scheduled for 2014.

As the head of the shipbuilding department of the Russian Navy, Captain 1st Rank Vladimir Tryapichnikov, told reporters in September 2015: “The command of the Russian Navy will not order the completion of the TFR project 11540 Tuman. Despite the fact that the ship's hull has been on the water for a long time, there is no demand for it. It is not only outdated, but also does not fit into the modern tactics and development strategy of the Navy.


Since joining the Navy, the ships of the project have repeatedly participated in various exercises, including joint exercises with NATO;

Accompanied the official visits of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to London and Lisbon, ensuring security on the Russian side;

Made friendly visits to the ports of France, Spain, Belgium and other states;

During the service, the crews of the ships of the project were repeatedly awarded with various prizes in the competitions of the Baltic Fleet and the Russian Navy.


Hull and superstructure

Project watchmen are single-tube two-masted ships with a developed superstructure, which occupies more than half of the length of the upper deck. The architectural and layout solutions implemented in the ships provide a reduction in the levels of thermal, acoustic, electromagnetic and secondary radar fields.

Power plant





To destroy surface ships and ships on guard ships, it is planned to place the Uran anti-ship missile system in the central part of the hull, consisting of two four-container launchers located perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the ship with an elevation angle of 35 °. The total ammunition capacity is eight Kh-35 anti-ship missiles.

Despite the fact that the Uranus SCRC was repeatedly mentioned in the media as part of the Neustrashimy armament, since the complex was put into service in 2003, it has not been installed on the ship, which entered service in 1993 (1990). Thus, throughout its existence, the Fearless TFR was not equipped with the main anti-ship weapons.


The means of communication include the R-782 Buran automated communication complex, and the Yaroslav Mudrom is additionally equipped with the R-768 Centavr satellite communications complex.

Seaworthiness and habitability

The ships of the project are equipped with stabilizers, as well as bilge keels, which improve seaworthiness.

The autonomy of ships in terms of provisions is estimated at 30 days.



Name b/n Shipyard Head No. Laid down Launched In service Fleet State Notes
Intrepid 712 Baltic Shipyard "Yantar"
401 25.03 . 25.05 . 28.12 . DCBF in service;
under repair
As of 24.01. is under dock repair at the berth of the Baltic Shipyard "Yantar".
Yaroslav the Wise 727 Baltic Shipyard "Yantar" 402 27.05 . 06. 19.07 . DCBF In service Regularly installed SCRC "Uranus".
Fog - Baltic Shipyard "Yantar" 403 n/a - n/a awaiting disposal On April 15, 2016, a decision was made to dispose of it.

Table colors:
White - not completed or disposed of not launched
Green - active in the Navy
Yellow - operating in a foreign navy or as a civilian ship
Red - decommissioned, scrapped or lost


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  • Pavlov A.S. Patrol ship "Fearless". - Yakutsk: Sakhapoligraphizdat, 1997. - 40 p.


An excerpt characterizing the patrol ships of project 11540

Above the emerald green, very “juicy” earth, illuminating everything around with an unusual bluish light, a stunningly beautiful and bright, violet-blue sun was cheerfully rising ... It was an alien, apparently alien, morning ... of the sun's rays falling on her, sparkled with golden-violet diamonds of the "local" morning dew, and, happily washing herself with them, prepared for the coming new wonderful day ... Everything around was fragrant with incredibly rich colors, too bright for ours, accustomed to everything "earthly" , eye. In the distance, across the sky covered with a golden haze, almost “dense”, soft pink curly clouds swirled, like beautiful pink pillows. Suddenly, from the opposite side, the sky flashed brightly with gold.... I turned around, and froze in surprise - on the other hand, an incredibly huge, golden-pink, second sun rose regally!.. It was much larger than the first, and it seemed to be larger than itself planets... But its rays, unlike the first, for some reason shone incomparably softer and more affectionately, resembling a warm "fluffy" hug... It seemed that this huge kind luminary was already tired of everyday worries, but still out of habit gave this incredibly beautiful planet, its last warmth and, already “going to rest”, gladly gave way to the young, “biting” sun, which had just begun its celestial journey and shone brightly and cheerfully, not being afraid to spill its young heat, generously flooding light all around.
Looking around in surprise, I suddenly noticed a bizarre phenomenon - the plants had a second shadow ... And for some reason it contrasted very sharply with the illuminated part - as if the chiaroscuro was painted with bright, flashy colors, sharply opposite to each other. In the shadowy part, the air shimmered with bright miniature stars that flared with the slightest movement. It was crazy beautiful... and extraordinarily interesting. The awakened magical world sounded with thousands of unfamiliar voices, as if joyfully announcing its happy awakening to the entire universe. I felt very strongly, almost in reality, how incredibly clean the air was here! It was fragrant, filled with surprisingly pleasant, unfamiliar smells, which somehow subtly resembled the smells of roses, if there were a thousand different varieties of them at the same time. Everywhere, as far as the eye could see, there were the same bright red, huge “poppies” ... And then I just remembered that Veya had brought me the same flower! I extended my hand to her - the flower smoothly flowed from her fragile palm to my palm, and suddenly, something strongly “clicked” in my chest ... I was surprised to see how millions of unprecedented fantastic shades on my chest opened and sparkled amazing crystal... It pulsated and changed all the time, as if showing what else it could be. I froze in shock, completely mesmerized by the spectacle that opened up, and could not take my eyes off the beauty that was opening up in a new way...
“Well,” Veya said contentedly, “now you can watch it whenever you want!”
“Why is this crystal on my chest if you put it on my forehead?” I finally decided to ask a question that had been tormenting me for several days.
The girl was very surprised, and after a little thought, she answered:
"I don't know why you're asking, you know the answer." But, if you want to hear it from me, please: I just gave it to you through your brain, but you need to open it where its real place should be.
– How was I to know? I was surprised.
Violet eyes studied me very carefully for several seconds, and then an unexpected answer sounded:
- I thought so - you are still sleeping ... But I cannot wake you up - others will wake you up. And it won't be now.
- And when? And who will these others be?
– Your friends... But you don't know them now.
“But how will I know that they are friends, and that it is they?” I asked puzzled.
“You will remember,” Veya smiled.
- Do I remember? How can I remember something that is not yet? .. – I stared dumbfounded at her.
“It is, but not here.
She had a very warm smile, which made her unusually beautiful. It seemed as if the May sun peeked out from behind a cloud and lit up everything around.
“Are you all alone here on Earth?” - I couldn't believe it.
- Of course not. We are many, just different. And we've been living here for a very long time, if that's what you want to ask.
– What are you doing here? And why did you come here? I couldn't stop.
We help when needed. I don't remember where they came from, I wasn't there. I just watched how you are now ... This is my house.
The little girl suddenly became very sad. And I wanted to somehow help her, but, to my great regret, while it was still beyond my small powers...
"You really want to go home, don't you?" I asked carefully.
Wei nodded. Suddenly, her fragile figure flashed brightly... and I was left alone - the "star" girl disappeared. It was very, very dishonest!.. She couldn't just pick up and leave!!! This should not have happened!.. A real resentment of a child raged in me, who was suddenly taken away from his most beloved toy... But Veya was not a toy, and, to be honest, I should have been grateful to her already for the fact that she actually came to me. But in my “suffering” soul at that moment, a real “emotional storm” crushed the remaining grains of logic, and a complete confusion reigned in my head ... Therefore, there could be no talk of any “logical” thinking at the moment, and I, “killed grief” of her terrible loss, completely “plunged” into the ocean of “black despair”, thinking that my “star” guest would never return to me again ... I wanted to ask her so much more! And she suddenly took it and disappeared ... And then suddenly I felt very ashamed ... If everyone who wanted to ask her as much as I wanted to ask, she, what good, would not have time to live! .. This thought somehow calmed me down. I just had to accept with gratitude all the wonderful things that she managed to show me (even if I still didn’t understand everything), and not grumble at fate for the insufficiency of the desired “ready-made”, instead of simply moving my lazy “convolutions” and find the answers to my own questions. I remembered Stella's grandmother and thought that she was absolutely right when she spoke about the dangers of receiving something for nothing, because nothing can be worse than a person who is used to taking everything all the time. Moreover, no matter how much he takes, he will never get the joy that he himself has achieved something, and he will never experience a feeling of unique satisfaction from having created something himself.
I sat alone for a long time, slowly “chewing” the food for thought given to me, thinking with gratitude about the amazing purple-eyed “star” girl. And she smiled, knowing that now I wouldn’t stop for anything until I found out what kind of friends I don’t know, and what kind of dream they should wake me up from ... Then I couldn’t even imagine that no matter how hard I try, and no matter how hard I try, it will happen only after many, many years, and my “friends” will really wake me up ... Only this will not be at all what I could ever talk about even guess...
But then everything seemed to me childishly possible, and with all my unburned ardor and "iron" perseverance, I decided to try ...
As much as I wanted to listen to the reasonable voice of logic, my naughty brain believed that, despite the fact that Veya apparently knew exactly what she was talking about, I would still achieve my goal and find those people before I was promised (or creatures) that were supposed to help me get rid of some kind of my incomprehensible “bear hibernation”. At first, I decided to try again to go beyond the Earth, and see who would come to me there ... Naturally, it was impossible to think of anything more stupid, but since I stubbornly believed that I would achieve something, I had to do it again plunge into new, perhaps even very dangerous "experiments" ...
For some reason, my kind Stella almost stopped “walking” at that time, and, it is not clear why, she “moped” in her colorful world, not wanting to reveal to me the real reason for her sadness. But I somehow managed to persuade her this time to go “walk” with me, interested in the danger of the adventure I was planning, and also in the fact that I alone was still a little afraid to try such “far-reaching” experiments.
I warned my grandmother that I was going to try something “very serious”, to which she only calmly nodded her head and wished me good luck (!) ... Of course, this angered me to the bone, but deciding not to show her resentment, and pouting like a Christmas turkey, I swore to myself that no matter what it cost me, something would happen today!... And of course, it happened... just not quite what I expected.
Stella was already waiting for me, ready for "the most terrible feats", and we, together and collectively, rushed "beyond" ...
This time it turned out much easier for me, maybe because it was not the first time, or maybe also because the same purple crystal was “discovered” ... I was taken out of the mental level of the Earth like a bullet, and it was then that I realized that I overdid it a little ... Stella, according to the general agreement, was waiting at the “line” to insure me if she saw that something went wrong ... But the “wrong” went already with from the very beginning, and where I was at the moment, she, to my great regret, could no longer reach me.
The black, ominous space that I dreamed of for so many years, and which now frightened me with its wild, unique silence, was breathing around in the cold of the night ... I was completely alone, without the reliable protection of my "star friends", and without the warm support of my faithful girlfriend Stella ... And, despite the fact that I saw all this not for the first time, I suddenly felt quite small and alone in this unfamiliar world around me of distant stars, which here looked not at all as friendly and familiar as from the Earth, and little by little a petty, cowardly squeaking from undisguised horror panic began to seize me ... But since I was still very, very stubborn as a little man, I decided that there was nothing to become limp, and began to look around, where is it all - still got me...
I hung in a black, almost physically tangible void, and only sometimes some “shooting stars” flickered around, leaving dazzling tails for a moment. And right there, like, very close by, such a dear and familiar Earth flickered with a blue glow. But, to my great regret, it only seemed close, but in fact it was very, very far away ... And I suddenly wanted to go back!!! .. I no longer wanted to “heroically overcome” unfamiliar obstacles, but to return home, where everything was so familiar and familiar (to warm grandmother's pies and favorite books!), And not to hang frozen in some kind of black, cold "worldlessness", not knowing how to get out of all this, and, moreover, preferably without any - or "terrifying and irreparable" consequences... I tried to imagine the only thing that first came to mind - the violet-eyed girl Wei. For some reason it did not work - she did not appear. Then I tried to unfold its crystal ... And then, everything around me sparkled, shone and swirled in a frenzied whirlpool of some unprecedented matters, I felt as if I was sharply, like a big vacuum cleaner, drawn somewhere, and right there in front of me “turned around ” in all its glory, the already familiar, mysterious and beautiful world of Weiying .... As I realized too late - the key to which was my open purple crystal ...
I didn't know how far away this unfamiliar world was... Was it real this time? And I didn’t know at all how to return home from it ... And there was no one around whom I could ask at least something ...
In front of me stretched a wondrous emerald valley, bathed in a very bright, golden-violet light. In a strange pinkish sky, sparkling and sparkling, golden clouds slowly floated, almost covering one of the suns. In the distance one could see very high, pointed, shining with heavy gold, alien mountains... And right at my feet, almost earthly, a small, cheerful stream murmured, only the water in it was not at all earthly - “thick” and purple, and not slightly opaque... I carefully dipped my hand - the sensation was amazing and very unexpected - as if I had touched a soft teddy bear... Warm and pleasant, but by no means "fresh and wet", as we used to feel on Earth. I even doubted whether this was what was called on Earth - “water”? ..
Further, the “plush” stream ran straight into a green tunnel, which was formed, intertwined, by “fluffy” and transparent, silver-green “vines”, hanging in thousands above the purple “water”. They “knitted” a bizarre pattern over it, which was decorated with tiny “stars” of white, strong-smelling, unprecedented flowers.
Yes, this world was extraordinarily beautiful... But at that moment I would have given a lot to be in my own, maybe not so beautiful, but for that, so familiar and dear, earthly world! .. For the first time I was so scared, and I was not afraid to honestly admit it to myself ... I was completely alone, and there was no one to give friendly advice on what to do next. Therefore, having no other choice, and somehow gathering all my "trembling" will into a fist, I decided to move somewhere further, so as not to stand still and not wait for something terrible (although in such a beautiful world!) will happen.
– How did you get here? - I heard, in my brain exhausted by fear, a gentle voice.
I turned around abruptly... and again faced with beautiful purple eyes - Veya was standing behind me...
– Oh, is it really you?!!.. – I almost squealed from unexpected happiness.
“I saw that you unwrapped the crystal, I came to help,” the girl replied calmly.
Only her big eyes again peered very attentively into my frightened face, and deep, “adult” understanding flickered in them.
“You have to trust me,” the “star” girl whispered softly.
And I really wanted to tell her that, of course - I believe! .. And that this is just my bad character, which all my life makes me “beat my head against the wall”, and comprehend the world around me with the same bumps stuffed with my own hand .. But Veya apparently understood everything perfectly, and, smiling with her amazing smile, said affably:
- Do you want me to show you my world, since you are already here? ..
I just nodded my head happily, already fully perked up again and ready for any “exploits”, just because I was no longer alone, and that was enough to instantly forget all the bad things and the world again seemed fascinating and beautiful.
"But you said you've never been here, did you?" I asked boldly.
“But I’m not here right now,” the girl answered calmly. “My essence is with you, but my body never lived there. I never knew my real home... – her huge eyes were filled with deep, not at all childish sadness.
- Can I ask you - how old are you? .. Of course, if you don’t want to, don’t answer, - I asked a little embarrassed.
“By earthly calculation, it will probably be about two million years,” the “baby” answered thoughtfully.
For some reason, my legs suddenly became completely cottony from this answer ... This simply could not be! .. No creature is able to live so long! Or, depending on what kind of creature? ..
"Then why do you look so small?" We only have children like that... But you know that, of course.
- This is how I remember myself. And I feel it's right. So that's how it should be. We live for a very long time. I'm probably the little one...
All this news made me dizzy... But Veya, as usual, was surprisingly calm, and this gave me the strength to ask further.
- And who do you call an adult? .. If there are such, of course.
- Well, of course! The girl laughed sincerely. - Want to see?
I just nodded, because my throat was completely seized with fright, and my “fluttering” conversational gift was lost somewhere ... I perfectly understood that right now I would see a real “star” creature! .. And, despite the fact that, as far as I could remember, I had been waiting for this all my conscious life, now all of a sudden all my courage for some reason quickly “went to the heels” ...
Veya waved her hand - the terrain has changed. Instead of golden mountains and a stream, we found ourselves in a marvelous, moving, transparent "city" (in any case, it looked like a city). And right towards us, along a wide, wet-glittering silver "road", an amazing man was slowly walking ... He was a tall, proud old man, who could not be called anything else but majestic! sometimes very correct and wise - and pure, like crystal, thoughts (which for some reason I heard very clearly); and long silvery hair covering him with a shimmering cloak; and the same, surprisingly kind, huge violet "Vaina" eyes ... And on his high forehead shone, wonderfully sparkling with gold, a diamond "star".
“Rest to you, Father,” Veya said softly, touching her forehead with her fingers.
“And you, the departed one,” the old man answered sadly.
From him emanated endless kindness and affection. And I suddenly really wanted, like a small child, to bury my head in his knees and hide from everything for at least a few seconds, breathing in the deep peace emanating from him, and not think about the fact that I'm scared ... that I don't know where my house... and that I don't know at all - where I am, and what is really happening to me at the moment...
– Who are you, creature?.. – I mentally heard his gentle voice.
“I am human,” I replied. “Sorry to disturb your peace. My name is Svetlana.
The elder looked at me warmly and attentively with his wise eyes, and for some reason approval shone in them.
“You wanted to see the Wise One – you see him,” Veya said quietly. - Do you want to ask something?
- Please tell me, does evil exist in your wonderful world? – although ashamed of my question, I still decided to ask.
- What do you call "evil", Human-Svetlana? the sage asked.
- Lies, murder, betrayal ... Don't you have such words? ..
- It was a long time ago ... no one remembers anymore. Only me. But we know what it was. This is embedded in our "ancient memory" to never forget. Have you come from where evil lives?
I nodded sadly. I was very sorry for my native Earth, and for the fact that life on it was so wildly imperfect that it made me ask such questions ... But, at the same time, I really wanted Evil to leave our House forever, because that I loved this house with all my heart, and very often dreamed that someday such a wonderful day would come when: