Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Secrets of the Third Reich UFO. Third Reich and UFO

Having come to power in Germany, Hitler dreamed of the world domination of the Third Reich, therefore, from the beginning of the 30th of the twentieth century, secret weapons were actively developed by German scientists. One of these developments was the "disco-planes", better known to all of us as unidentified flying objects.

The reason for the development by the Germans of just such unusual aircraft is unknown. There is a version that in 1936 a UFO crashed near Freiburg and, thanks to this, the Germans acquired new technologies. However, most likely the reason for such developments was the need to create such aircraft, the shape of which will increase their speed and carrying capacity.

What did the Germans reveal in the course of research

Conducting numerous studies, the Germans turned their attention to the fact that the elliptical wing of an aircraft has less inductive resistance when compared with a rectangular one, so the German attack aircraft had wings in the shape of an ellipse. Carrying out such developments, the scientists of the Reich decided to go further and consider the option of a circle. So the scientists of the Reich developed disk-planes, disk-helicopters, aircraft with vertical take-off and landing, disk-projectiles. From the middle of the Second World War in some documents

mention is made of people meeting with unidentified flying objects in the form of a disk, which could fly through the formation of attack aircraft at great speed and suddenly go out, disappear from the night sky. Already after the war, documents were found in the archives of the CIA about the study of captured samples that were developed by the Nazis, testing them after the war in the United States.

The most famous designers of disc-planes were the scientists Schriver, Habermol, Zimmerman, Andreas Epp, Kurt Tank, Giuseppe Bellonze. One of the first developments of a vertical takeoff flying machine was the Schriver-Habermohl flying saucer.

It was first tested in the Czech Republic in the early forties. The disadvantage of the apparatus was a strong vibration, due to improper operation of the rotor. Tests of this model continued until the end of the war. In 1945, it was possible to achieve a horizontal flight speed of about two hundred kilometers per hour, but the diskette was lost during testing, and was found only in 1952.

Since 1942, Giuseppe Bellonze began working on a new disc-plane for attacks on enemy bombers, the device had blades along the edges and was a disk. When its blades rotated during the flight, they cut everything in their path, and if at least one of the blades was lost, then the center of gravity of the diskette shifted, and the pilot lost the ability to control the disk. More in the development of flying "saucers" advanced Rudolf Schriefer.

In Breslau, an aircraft with a diameter of 67 meters was developed, which could take off at a speed of 300 km / h and move about 2200 km / h. In the winter of 1945, an experimental flight was made to an altitude of 15,000 meters. Despite the success of the developments, due to the tendency to defeat in the war, the device was destroyed. Already at the end of the war, in 1945, the so-called Omega disk was developed. This disk-shaped helicopter was captured by the US Army in 1945, and was already tested there in 1946. In appearance, it looked like a flying saucer with a large propeller. Several of these discs were made after the war.

The conclusion can be simple: UFOs are created by people

Thus, it is hardly possible to speak of an extraterrestrial origin.

flying discs of the Third Reich, they were all creations of the human mind. This means that the technology could be improved. This means that the UFOs that people now see are the work of man.

UFO Third Reich

W ten years have passed since the guns fell silent on the fields of heated battles in Europe. Nazi Germany fell under the blows of the allies, the troops of the coalition countries occupied the Vaterland and took vigilant control of everyone and everything in the occupied territory. However, the sinister secrets that surrounded the existence of the Third Reich in countless numbers did not become the property of the victorious side.

The German people had a right to be proud of their science and technology, their developed scientific school and powerful industry. Therefore, the tasks of paramount importance for the victorious states were the collection and comprehension of information about the scientific and technological achievements of Germany and, first of all, obtaining information about achievements in the military field.

Rocket and space technology and nuclear technology, advances in chemistry and medicine, advanced military science and marine research - all were interested in the relevant units of the occupying forces.

Among other trophies, the so-called "Hitler's flying saucers" came into the view of the Allies.

The official history of the creation of aircraft of this class is as follows. Work on disc-planes - in Germany they were called "flying lenses" (Flugscheiben) - began at the turn of the 30-40s of the last century. Assembly and testing were carried out at factories in Austria and Czechoslovakia. Aviation historians believe that the first flight of the prototype (the so-called "wheel with a wing", designers Otto Gabermol and Rudolf Schriver) took place as early as February 1941. In general, the turn of the thirties and forties is the peak of the power and might of the Third Reich. All of Europe is at the feet of the Fuhrer, the resources of the conquered countries are at the service of the victors. Therefore, no funds were saved on technical developments and research "at the forefront of science". The result is a whole sequence of "flying lens" models. These are Zimmermann's "pancake" and "Belonze's disc" and a number of HAUNEBU modifications and the latest, most advanced VRIL series (the name was given to the series in honor of the secret occult-esoteric society VRIL).

At about the same time, the young design engineer Andreas Epp sends a letter to the Luftwaffe generals with ready-made drawings of a diskette, but does not wait for any reaction. It is understandable - the development of discs is already in full swing. Subsequently, Epp (d. 1997) in his memoirs bitterly notes: "I heard that they were working in Prague on my" lenses ". I was angry because they stole my idea" (London, Discovery Channel, December 18, 2004).

Despite the apparent diversity, all the devices were fundamentally similar - they were equipped with jet engines located around the circumference of the disk and had a transparent Plexiglas cabin. For some

According to experimental products, the tactical and technical characteristics were stunning. In a few minutes, the diskette gained altitude up to 20,000 m and could move in a horizontal plane at speeds up to 2200 km/h. The fuel at the Belontse disk, for example, was ordinary water. It can be assumed that the German physical chemists got at their disposal a certain catalyst and a certain technology that made it possible to decompose water into oxygen and hydrogen without significant expenditure of energy. Subsequently, these two components were used as fuel and oxidizer in "flying lens" turbines.

In 1944, Hitler proudly demonstrates his new miracle weapon to Mussolini. The Duce's in-house arms expert Luigi Romersa, in an interview with Discovery, recalled that "... it was exceptional! The UFO was round, had a transparent cockpit located in the central part, jet engine nozzles stuck out in all directions!"

But on the stage of the theater of military operations, in contrast to that very Chekhovian gun on the wall, the new equipment did not fire. Just as in the case of space exploration by Wernher von Braun's rocket technology, the nuclear program and other amazing projects, the developers of the "lenses" did not have enough time, and in recent months, resources. Crushed by the crushing "Stalinist" blows of the Red Army on their eastern front, the Nazi troops rapidly fled from the "eastern protectorates" (meaning the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, or simply Czechoslovakia) and did not have the opportunity to evacuate the production of the latest aircraft. As a result, all experimental prototypes were destroyed by the Wehrmacht during the retreat.

This is how official historical science sets out the version of the creation of the first terrestrial disc-shaped aircraft. After the war, the captured Nazi UFO designers "dispersed" to different countries: Otto Gabermol was interned in the USSR, and Rudolf Schriever and Andreas Epp - in the USA. The same channel "Discovery" claims that Epp managed to do in the States what he could not do in Germany - to build a working "flying lens", albeit under control

The gun turret under the bottom of the Nazi UFO.
special services. And traces of German flying discs appeared immediately after the war (a broken "wheel with a wing" in Svalbard, 1952) and are still being found, for example, in Kaliningrad.

But besides the official version, there is also an alternative version. It is not supported by material evidence (the remains of devices, documents) and the testimony of witnesses. Only indirect facts speak in its favor. However, for an experienced analyst, a certain set of such evidence is sufficient to draw correct conclusions about the events that occurred on the basis of inferences.

So, at the beginning of the twentieth century, aliens from the Aldebaran star system visited the Earth. It was a reptoid race of Draconians (according to the modern UFO classification "Draco"). Now it is already difficult to establish which event happened earlier - the creation of the secret society "Thule", initiated by the contact with individual representatives of the then ruling elite of Germany, or vice versa, the contact of the aliens took place with the already formed secret occult-nationalist society. In this situation, it is important that the agreement was reached, and everyone got what they wanted, not really being interested in the goals of their counterparty. As now, after almost a century, it has become known that the goals of the "high contracting parties" practically coincided: it was the desire for dominance on Earth.

Be that as it may, the first "flying lenses" over Germany appeared in 1922, and by 1935 the technology for the production of such UFOs was to be completely transferred to the hands of the Nazis. But something didn't work out! Part (insignificant) of extraterrestrial technology still came to German scientists. Using what they received, they tried to recreate what they saw with their own eyes - the working apparatus of aliens from Aldebaran. So, on the general sketches-drawings of the "flying lenses" of HAUNEBU and VRIL (which were not embodied in metal, but on sketches with

the performance characteristics of the products can be seen here:,) as engines, the Thule-tachionator 7c ("Thule"-Tachionator 7c) and some Schumann-Levitatoren levitators are mentioned.

According to some reports, in 1943, Hitler tried to gain access to alien military technology in exchange for prisoners from concentration camps. Indeed, the aliens showed (and are showing) the most keen interest in human material to conduct their genetic experiments, understandable to them alone, but here, to our happiness, the Fuhrer failed.

However, terrestrial UFOs were built using extraterrestrial technologies. The researcher of the unknown Ernest Takala claims that, among other "saucers", the creations of human hands fly over the Earth. Accidentally flipping through the publication of Mattern-Friedrich "UFO - a secret Nazi weapon" at a book market, he, among the many illustrations, was surprised to stop at the image of an unidentified flying object of exactly the same shape as he himself observed in 1957. Much later, in 1989, Ernest witnessed the flight of exactly the same UFO, only with some improvements. If the photograph in the book completely coincided with the observation of the 57th, then the device from 1989 was a little more streamlined, and its windows were located slightly higher.

So how is it? Why don't the ends meet? Why, having such a powerful and perfect technique, did the fascist Vaterland not use it against the allies and suffer a crushing defeat? There is a fairly simple explanation for this - they did not have time: devices based on extraterrestrial technologies were nevertheless created, but after the war and not in Germany. However, in this case, we have to conclude that we are all at the mercy of our governments and unwillingly participating in a grandiose hoax called "UFO - unannounced visit." This situation is unlikely, given the enormous number of people who are forced to take part in serving the scam.

Everything falls into place, if we take into account everything stated in the article by V. Shelepov "The secret government of the planet ?!" , namely that the vast majority of processes on Earth are formed and directed from some center by some secret government. And the date of formation of such

"reference point" (centralization of power) dates back just to the time of the appearance of the Aldebarans on the planet. From the very beginning, negotiations were going on between the aliens and the secret center, and Hitler was just a front. Further, it can be concluded that through secret occult societies, the world government initiated the rise to power of Hitler, but subsequently he either got out of control or did not justify the hopes placed on him. Therefore, the Fuhrer did not receive what was promised - extraterrestrial technologies in full (That is, by the mid-thirties, Hitler was deprived of support and was, in fact, left to himself. And the Second World War, in fact, was only terrible convulsions of the doomed regime, which claimed 50 million lives of earthlings. The "rulers of the Earth" were well aware of this, they watched the World tragedy indifferently and did not take any steps to end the nightmare. This "episode" largely characterizes the moral and ethical principles of the world center of power, however, the "gods" are always on the other side of good and evil. However, they appeared at the secret government, which formally maintained satisfactory relations with the top of the Third Reich. It was these technologies, coupled with the esoteric technical and scientific knowledge of previous civilizations, that made it possible to create both "terrestrial UFOs" and underground bases in Antarctica (New Swabia), the Andes and other regions. It is assumed that part of the SS elite, valuables stolen in the occupied countries and some Nazi bosses were evacuated there.

In conclusion, it should be noted that information about the "UFO of the Third Reich" is scattered and contradictory. More than one mosaic of events can be put together from pieces of this meager information. What is actually the truth - the future will show (if it takes place)!

Dmitry Kuznetsov

The Germans got closest to this riddle About the developments of the Third Reich in the field of "flying saucers" a lot is known today, but the questions do not become less over the years. How successful were the Germans in this? According to some reports, in 1936, near the city of Freiburg, it crashed UFO.

It was discovered, and perhaps German scientists, with the support of the SS, were able to repair and even test its power system and propulsion system. However, attempts to reproduce them in terrestrial conditions ended in failure. Therefore, the flying machine existed in one copy. These projects were led by representatives of three occult societies at once - Thule, Vril and Ahnenerbe.

For five years, the Germans had been carrying out carefully concealed work to create a secret facility in Antarctica, code-named "Base 211". In any case, this is stated by a number of independent experts. By the end of the war, the Germans had nine scientific enterprises, which tested projects of "flying discs". Scientists believe that during the collapse of the Reich, at least one enterprise for the development of disks could have been transported to Antarctica.

Notable explorers of Antarctic mysteries Third Reich R. Vesco, V. Terziyski, D. Childress claim that since 1942, thousands of concentration camp prisoners, as well as prominent scientists, pilots and politicians with families and members of the Hitler Youth, have been transferred to the South Pole with the help of submarines. Some scientists believe that the German base in Antarctica has survived to this day. Moreover, they talk about the existence of a whole underground city called "New Berlin" with a population of two million people!

The main occupation of its inhabitants is allegedly genetic engineering and space research. Repeated observations are called indirect confirmation of the existence of the base. UFO in the region of the South Pole. Often they see “plates” and “cigars” hanging in the air. And in 1976, the Japanese, using the latest equipment, simultaneously spotted nineteen round objects that "dived" from space to Antarctica and disappeared from the screens. In addition, scientists have discovered several artificial satellites in Earth orbit, unknown to whom they belong.

In 1927, in Central America, the expedition of the famous English archaeologist and traveler Albert Mitchell-Hedges found "crystal" skulls. The discovery was preceded by work that began back in 1924 on clearing the ancient Mayan city in the tropical jungle of the Yucatan Peninsula (now Belize).

Thirty-three hectares of forest that swallowed up the old buildings, it was decided to simply burn it out. When the smoke finally dissipated, the expedition members saw an amazing sight: the stone ruins of the pyramid, the city walls and the huge Lubaantun amphitheater for thousands of spectators. Digging up these ruins, Mitchell-Hedges found his "crystal" skulls. This discovery has become one of the most mysterious in the 20th century.

The skulls were delivered to one of the museums in Brazil. And in 1943, after an attempt to rob this museum, agents of the Ahnenerbe were detained. During interrogations, they testified that they had been brought to South America with a special task to find and "seize" the "crystal" skulls of the "Goddess of Death". Several other groups were abandoned for the same purpose. And although many were also arrested, it is possible that someone was successful. The "seizure" of rare finds was led by the bearer of the "knowledge of the devil" Willigut. He was especially interested in the magical methods of the priests of Atlantis. The Nazis hoped that this knowledge of the "progenitor of the Aryan race" would allow them not only to create a "superman", but also to subjugate other people with the help of magic.

Today, some researchers suggest that the found crystal skulls were made in Atlantis and only miraculously survived during the disaster. If this is so, then it becomes clear why the SS were so actively interested in them.


Somehow it so happened that the "saucer" epidemic began to be counted from July 1947, after the incident that happened to the American businessman Kenneth Arnold, who from his own plane observed a chain of "saucer-like" objects flying over the mountains for three minutes . Having reported what he saw to the authorities, and, of course, to the press, Arnold did not suspect that he was causing a colossal reaction. The newspapers ridiculed him at first. Then followed a flurry of reports of "flying saucers", which were seen day and night, which moved sometimes slowly, and sometimes rushed at great speed. They were seen both from the ground and from airplanes by lone observers and groups of people.

Studying the archives of the Ministry of the Air Force, members of the commission, headed by Menzel, found materials that describe very interesting cases that occurred several years before the case with Arnold. Here is what D. Menzel noted: “Shortly before the end of World War II, Allied pilots repeatedly reported the appearance of some kind of luminous balls that accompanied planes flying for bombing. These mysterious balls, seen over Germany and over Japan, seemed to be waiting for a bomber, as they are waiting for a passing car, and immediately attached themselves to it. If the pilot did not try to somehow get rid of them, they calmly flew after them. But as soon as the pilot tried to maneuver, fireballs flew forward ... "

Lehmann's little-known book "German Secret Weapons of the Second World War and Its Further Development" (Munich, 1962) contains the following facts:

October 1943. Allied air raid on Europe's largest ball bearing plant in the German city of Schweinfurt. 700 heavy bombers of the 8th Air Force of the USA participated in the operation, and 1300 American and British fighters accompanied them.

The result of the air battle was terrible: the allies had 111 downed fighters and about 60 bombers, the Nazis had 300 aircraft. You can imagine what was happening in the sky! But military pilots have a sharpened psyche: in order to survive in hell, they must record everything and instantly respond to any danger. Therefore, the report submitted to the command by British Major R.F. Holmes, who commanded a flight of bombers, is a document, of course, reliable.

He reported that when the planes were flying over the factory, a group of large shiny disks suddenly appeared, which, as if curious, rushed towards them. The disks crossed the line of fire of the German vehicles and approached the American bombers. Heavy fire from 700 onboard machine guns was opened on them, but it did not cause any harm to the disks.

However, no hostile actions were taken by the latter. Therefore, the fire was transferred to the German planes: the battle continued.

Having received the major's report, the command instructed the secret service to conduct a thorough reconnaissance.

Three months later the answer was received. By the way, for the first time, the abbreviation UFO is given in it - the initial letters of the English words "unidentified flying object".

The intelligence concluded this: the disks have nothing to do with the Luftwaffe or with other air forces on Earth. The Americans came to the same conclusion. Then, in the strictest secrecy, research groups to study UFOs were immediately created in the USA and Great Britain.

During the war years, this case was not isolated. On March 25, 1942, the Polish pilot Captain Roman Sobinsky from the British Air Force strategic bomber squadron participated in a night raid on the city of Essen. Having completed the task, he returned to the base when he heard the machine gunner shout: "We are being pursued by an unknown device: an object of indefinite shape, luminous!"

“I figured,” wrote Sobinsky in a report, that this was some kind of new diabolical thing of the Germans, and ordered the machine gunner to open aimed fire.

The unknown object did not react to this in any way. He approached to a distance of 150 meters and escorted the aircraft for 15 minutes. Then it rapidly gained altitude and disappeared.

At the end of 1942, a German submarine fired guns at a silvery object about 80 meters long, which flew past it at three hundred meters, not reacting to heavy fire.

It was then that the problem of UFOs was taken up in Germany. The "Sonderburo-13" was created, which was instructed to study the mysterious aerial vehicles. The Bureau operated under the code name "Operation Uranus".

Apparently, the "Third Reich" had something to study. And not just testimonials. Perhaps the Germans had more specific information and even a "sample" UFO. In any case, the most experienced test pilots and the best scientists of the "Third Reich", as well as first-class engineers, specialists in explosions and prisoners of the Mauthausen concentration camp, were attracted to Sonderburo-13. On February 19, 1945, the so-called Belonze Disk was tested. In three minutes, test pilots reached an altitude of 15,000 meters and a speed of 2,200 kilometers per hour in level flight. The device could hover in the air, fly back and forth without turns. It was driven by a "smokeless and flameless" engine of the Austrian inventor Viktor Schauberger, consuming only water and air.

Two versions of the disk-shaped apparatus were created with a diameter of 38 and 68 meters.

The work was carried out at the factory in Breslau. There was a rapid offensive of the Soviet Army. Breslau was about to fall. The fascists destroyed the tested devices. The prisoners who worked on their creation were also destroyed. Documentation has disappeared without a trace. Schauberger escaped Soviet captivity and ended up in the United States. There, he was allegedly offered $3 million to reveal the secret of the flying disk. He refused this offer, stating that nothing could be made public until an international agreement on complete disarmament was signed.

Somewhat strange seems such a noble pacifist statement of the inventor, who worked so successfully for the "Third Reich", not thinking about the future of his offspring and the possibilities of its use by the Nazis. Soviet soldiers prevented the completion of this work. In the US, no one could prevent Schauberger from selling his invention if it really was his own, and not borrowed from a downed or captured UFO.

(V. Ovcharenko. Soviet Belarus. No. 74, 1993)

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On August 21, 1942, magicians and conspiracy theorists of the Third Reich brought an urgent telegram to Hitler. It reported that a group of mountain shooters used their offensive in the Caucasus to establish sports achievements: they climbed the highest peak of the Caucasus

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From the book Occult Hitler author Pervushin Anton Ivanovich

At the Beginnings of the Reich Hitler's tremendous success in the political arena inspired him immensely. In the spring of 1932, he decided to run for president against Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg, who was seeking re-election. Hindenburg, commander of the German

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Religion of the Third Reich This is a very important point. Therefore, I separately draw your attention to it. Through the efforts of Himmler, the National Socialist ideology was to become the official religion of the Third Reich, within which the Fuhrer was regarded as a god (or as a prophet

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Sun of the Third Reich March 1943. A Soviet resident in Berlin falls into the hands of top-secret documents from a Wehrmacht photo lab. The enigmatic pictures depict the edge of a black disc framed by a fiery crown. Through a network of communications, the microfilm is delivered to Moscow. To

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Chapter 13. COSMONAUTS OF THE THIRD REICH?! Conversations on this topic flare up from time to time not only among people whose activities are quite far from space affairs, but also among researchers and scientists. They hit London in the summer of 1944 - these huge (from the point of view

Nazi Germany was actively engaged in the development of new types of weapons, trying to overtake the rest of the world. The best minds were concentrated on the invention of death machines that could turn the tide of the war. Today we know that their search was not limited to general science, but even delved into the occult, mythology and the paranormal. And all the most incomprehensible and mysterious was dealt with by the mysterious organization "Ahnenerbe" (German Ahnenerbe - "Heritage of the Ancestors"). Ahnenerbe takes its origin from the mystical organizations Germanenorden, Thule and Vril. It was they who became the "three pillars" of the National Socialist ideology, supporting the doctrine of the existence in prehistoric times of a certain island - Arctida. A powerful civilization, which had access to almost all the secrets of the universe and the universe, died after a grandiose catastrophe. Some people miraculously escaped. Subsequently, they mixed with the Aryans, giving impetus to the emergence of a race of superhumans - the ancestors of the Germans. That's it, no more, no less! Yes, and how can you not believe it: after all, hints of this are clearly visible in the "Avesta" - the oldest Zoroastrian source!

The Nazis were looking for confirmation of their racial theory all over the world - from Tibet to Africa and Europe. They looked for ancient manuscripts and manuscripts containing information on history, magic, yoga, theology. Everything that contained at least the slightest, albeit legendary, mention of the Vedas, Aryans, Tibetans. The highest interest in such knowledge was shown by the ruling elite of Germany - politicians, industrialists, and the scientific elite. All of them tried to master unprecedented, higher knowledge, encrypted and scattered throughout all religions and mystical beliefs of the world, and not only ours. In many ways immoral and monstrous, this organization showed the true face of fascism in vivid colors. The Institute conducted thousands of sadistic experiments: captured soldiers of the anti-Hitler coalition, women, children sacrificed their lives on the altar of genetic and physiological experiments of the Nazis! Moreover, the masters of shoulder cases from science also tormented the elite of the SS - members of the "knightly" orders: "Lords of the Black Stone", "Black Knights" Thule "and such a Masonic order within the SS itself -" Black Sun ". The effect of various poisons, exposure to high and low temperatures, pain thresholds - these are the main "scientific" programs.

And besides, the possibility of mass psychological and psychotropic influence, work on the creation of a superweapon was investigated. "Ahnenerbe" with German pedantry divided the work in the following areas: the creation of a superman, medicine, the development of new non-standard types of weapons (including mass destruction, including nuclear weapons), the possibility of using religious and mystical practices and ... the possibility of intercourse with alien highly developed civilizations.

It is now generally accepted that the foundation of the ideology of fascism was laid by secret societies long before the rise of the Nazi state. The well-known researcher of the “otherworldly” K. Velazquez claims that some occult “keys” also provided information of a technogenic nature. In particular, drawings and descriptions of "flying discs", which in their characteristics significantly exceeded the aviation technology of that time. A lot is known today about the developments of the Third Reich in the field of "flying saucers", but there are much more questions than answers.

photo from the Ahnenerbe archives

How successful were the Germans in this? Who helped them? Was the work curtailed after the war or continued in other, secret regions of the globe? How true are the rumors that the Nazis had contact with extraterrestrial civilizations?

One of the most enigmatic areas of research by Nazi scientists remains the development of aircraft similar to "flying saucers", or, as Allied pilots called them during the war, "Foo Fighters". These "saucers", judging by the drawings, did not differ in any way from the UFOs that are often seen in different parts of the earth. But it wasn’t humanoids who were supposed to sit there, but SS officers.

reconstruction of tests of the Ahnenerbe disklet

Documents captured by the Allies after the war and the results of interrogations of German scientists revealed that the Nazis had been working on the creation of unusual vertical take-off vehicles for many years.

Photo from the UFO crash site

According to unverified rumors, in 1936. near the city of Freiburg (Freiburg), Germany, crashed UFO. It was discovered and, possibly, the German scientists of the Vril society (Vril), with the support of the SS organization, managed to repair and make its energy system and propulsion system work. However, attempts to reproduce them in terrestrial conditions ended in failure. Therefore, the UFO existed in one copy.

During 1936 - 1945. for alien systems, they developed new hulls that acquired familiar features, such as landing supports, antennas and weapons. 4 devices were created, conditionally Vril 1-4. The first disks carried only machine-gun armament, judging by the photographs, the turret of the Pz-V Panther tank was installed on the last Vril-4 disk.

Vril 1-4 - Ahnenerbe diskette equipped with a gun

It is interesting that drawings were found in the archives of the Third Reich, explaining the principles of "twisting" thin physical fields, allowing you to create some kind of techno-magic devices. One of the developers of techno-magical devices is the famous scientist Dr. V.O. Noise. According to the evidence, his electrodynamic machines, which used rapid rotation, not only changed the structure of time around them, but also hovered in the air.

In an interview with the Zurich newspaper "Tageszaiger" ("Tageszaiger") on November 19, 1954, Georg Klein claimed that flying discs are top-secret weapons of the United States and Russia, based on German developments. According to him, in May 1945 in Breslau, the Russians captured, along with many rocket engineers, a model of an unmanned disk built in Peenemünde and controlled by a radio beam.