Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Will test. Volitional personality traits (test)

The methodology for processing the results is given at the end of the test.

The following points are assigned for the answers to each question:

1. - this does not happen;

2. - perhaps not true;

3. - maybe;

4. - probably, yes;

5. - I'm sure yes.


1. Ability to set clear goals and objectives:

A - I have a clear long-term goal of professional improvement for 3-4 years in advance;

B - together with the teacher I plan the level of achievements for the coming year; I outline specific tasks for the corresponding stages of preparation;

B - I set the next tasks for the next classes, tests, exam.

2. The ability to systematically carry out their activities:

A - I carry out plans for individual homework;

B - I fulfill plans for performances in tests and exams;

B - I evaluate the classes, tests and exams passed; I'm adjusting my plans.

3. The ability to subordinate oneself to the achievement of the goal:

A - in order to achieve the goal, I follow a strict regimen;

B - goals and objectives of professional growth are a powerful source of activity for me;

Q - I feel a great sense of satisfaction from the very process of my musical studies.


4. The ability to achieve the intended goal for a long time:

A - I practice a musical instrument regularly and strictly observe the number of hours assigned to me for classes;

B - painstakingly and carefully, I try to work out the technique of game movements;

B - persistently and consistently I try to overcome the shortcomings of my professional skills.

5. Ability to overcome negative moods:

A - with the development of a feeling of fatigue, I try to be patient and continue classes without reducing the working intensity;

B - being in a bad mood, I can force myself to act through "I don't want" or "I can't";

B - patiently and for a long time I can repeat monotonous and boring, but necessary exercises.

6. Ability to continue activities despite setbacks and other difficulties:

A - failure in the performance of the work mobilizes me to achieve the goal - to play well;

B - in case of failure, I tend to increase the duration of my studies;

B - having played one piece unsuccessfully in the standings, I do not lose heart and try to play other pieces well.


7. Ability to make responsible decisions in a timely manner:

A - I can make a timely decision on the implementation of any action, intention, deed, when it is impossible to delay;

B - I can make a timely decision on the implementation of the necessary actions in a risk environment;

B - I can make a decision in a timely manner in the conditions of moral responsibility for my actions to my team (ensemble or orchestra).

8. Ability to suppress the feeling of fear:

A - in the conditions of a responsible performance, I feel a desire for risk and a desire to move on to action (I can play a piece at a faster pace at a competition);

B - in the conditions of a responsible performance, I mentally disconnect from experiences and completely concentrate on my performing actions;

B - in an atmosphere of moral responsibility, I consciously overcome adverse experiences and act decisively (I can perform the part instead of a sick soloist).

9. Ability to flawlessly implement the decisions made:

A - after making a decision on the implementation of a responsible action (task), I will certainly proceed to its practical implementation;

B - having started playing a difficult episode or play, I continue to do it and bring it to the end, I play it to the end, even if I make mistakes;

B - failures when playing difficult things mobilize for repeated attempts to succeed.


10. The ability to maintain clarity of thought:

A - when playing in a test or exam, I can concentrate well, distribute and switch attention despite the exciting situation;

B - I do not allow "defeatist" thoughts and negative ideas under the influence of failures and mistakes in tests and exams;

B - In the stressful environment of an exam, I can act thoughtfully on what I know and can do.

11. Ability to control your feelings:

A - I can easily increase my emotional tone in a state of apathy, confusion, anxiety and restlessness;

B - I can easily reduce the level of my emotional arousal (with excitement, pain, indignation, exaggerated idea of ​​responsibility);

B - in case of successful performance of a work in class or at an exam, I do not show excessive self-confidence, carelessness and imaginary superiority over others.

12. Ability to manage your actions:

A - I can maintain control over my game movements even when I feel tired, irritated, dissatisfied with myself;

B - despite my failures in the tests, I strive to continue to perform publicly at the level of all my abilities;

B - in conflict situations, I can easily restrain myself from unethical actions and actions (rude words, bickering, leaving the class).


13. Ability to show independence in decisions and actions:

A - I am critical of the advice offered to me by my comrades; not inclined to imitate my fortunate comrades;

B - I like to prepare for the next classes on my own (I read and outline the necessary books, complete the necessary tasks);

Q - After my public performances, I prefer my own analysis of what worked and what didn't work for me.

14. Ability to show personal initiative and innovation:

A - I like to invent technical exercises and offer original plans for the performance of a piece;

B - I tend to independently plan the stages of my professional growth;

Q - I like to look for individual ways to improve my professional skills.

15. Ability to show resourcefulness and ingenuity.

A - I easily adapt to unexpected changes in the conditions of classes and exams (transfer in time and in the room);

B - when playing in an ensemble, I can quickly change the nature of my performance, focusing on the soloist or comrades in the ensemble;

B - I can quickly reorganize in the performance of works depending on the audience (composition of listeners, the possibilities of acoustics).

The task is performed one by one or in pairs, when students evaluate each other. Evaluation of results: for each volitional quality:

36 - 45 points - high level;

26 - 35 - medium;

15 - 25 - low. The results are summarized according to the scheme:

Volitional qualities Volitional skills Evaluation of signs

volitional skills

1. Purposefulness 1. Set clear goals A B C General

and tasks 3 5 4 12

2. Planned 4 3 2 9



3. Subdue yourself 5 5 5 15

achievement of the set


1. Perseverance and 4. Long-term pursuit

perseverance of the intended goal

5. Overcome painful


6. Continue activities,

despite failures

3. Decisiveness and

courage. etc.

Questions for self-control

1. Describe the main volitional qualities.

2. What are the conditions for educating volitional qualities in children?

3. What is the meaning of will in the activity of a musician?

Questions for self-study

2. The role of self-education in human life.

3. Make an analysis of volitional action on the example of a literary work.

1. Golovakha E.I., Panina N.V. Psychology of human relationship. - K., 1989

2. Kuznetsova L.V. Harmonious development of the personality of a junior schoolchild. -M., 1988

3. Rogov E.I. General psychology. - M., 1998

4. Petrushin V.I. Musical psychology. - M., 1997

5. Selivanov V.I. Will and its upbringing. - M., 1976

6. Feinberg S.E. Piano as an art. - M., 1965

7. Alekseev A.V. Overcome yourself. - M., 1985

8. Tsypin G.M. Psychology of musical activity. - M., 1994

9. Questions of pedagogy and psychology of will. Ed. IN AND. Selivanova. M. 1969

10. Kotyrlo V.K. The development of volitional behavior in preschoolers. - K., 1971

This technique is similar to the previous one in terms of its application procedure: in it, from several alternative answers to each of the following judgments, the subject must choose the most appropriate one.

1. Do you often think about the impact your actions have on the people around you:

a) very rarely;

c) quite often;

d) very often.

2. Do you happen to tell people something that you yourself do not believe, but assert out of stubbornness, contrary to others:

a) yes, b) no.

3. Which of the following qualities do you value most in people:

a) perseverance

b) breadth of thinking,

c) the ability to show oneself.

4. Do you have a penchant for pedantry:

a) yes, b) no.

5. Do you quickly forget about the troubles that happen to you:

a) yes, b) no.

6. Do you like to analyze your actions:

a) yes, b) no.

7. Being among people you know well, you:

a) try to adhere to the rules of conduct adopted in this circle;

b) Strive to be yourself.

8. When starting a difficult task, do you try not to think about the problems that await you:

a) yes, b) no.

9. Which of the following characteristics suits you best:

a) a dreamer

b) "shirt-guy",

c) diligent at work

d) punctual and accurate,

d) loves to philosophize

e) fussy.

10. When discussing a particular issue, do you:

a) always express your point of view, even if it differs from the opinion of the majority;

b) think that in this situation it is best to remain silent and not express your point of view;

c) externally support the majority, internally remaining at your own opinion;

d) accept the point of view of others, waiving the right to have your own opinion.

11. How does an unexpected call to a manager usually make you feel:

a) irritation

b) anxiety

c) anxiety

d) does not cause any feelings.

12. If, in the heat of a controversy, your opponent breaks down and allows a personal attack on you, then you:

a) answer him the same,

b) ignore it

c) defiantly offended,

d) interrupt the conversation with him to calm down.

13. If your work is rejected, then you:

a) feel frustrated

b) feel ashamed

c) angry.

14. If you suddenly get into a mess, then who do you blame in the first place:

a) himself;

b) fate, bad luck,

c) objective circumstances.

15. Do you think that people around you underestimate your abilities and knowledge:

a) yes, b) no.

16. If friends or colleagues start teasing you, then you:
a) get mad at them

c) you yourself join the game and start playing along with them, making fun of yourself;

d) you pretend to be indifferent, but in your heart you are indignant.

17. If you are in a hurry and suddenly do not find your thing in the usual place where you usually put it, then:

a) you will silently continue to search for it;

b) you will search, blaming others for the disorder;

c) leave, leaving the necessary thing at home.

18. What is most likely to throw you off balance:

a) a long queue at the reception of some official, to whom you urgently need to get;

b) crowding in public transport;

c) the need to come to the same place several times in a row on the same issue.

19. After ending an argument with someone, do you continue to conduct it mentally, giving more and more arguments in defense of your point of view:

a) yes, b) no.

20. If you have the opportunity to choose an assistant for urgent work, which of the following possible assistant candidates would you prefer:

a) an executive, but non-initiative person;

b) a person who knows the matter, but is arguing and intractable;

c) a gifted person, but with laziness.

Evaluation of results

The table shows how many points in this technique the subject can receive for one or another selected answer.

Ordinal number of judgment

Ordinal number of judgment


Read the following statements carefully and mark with a cross in the form your answer option out of four possible: “True”, “More likely true”, “More likely incorrect”, “Incorrect”. Remember that there are no “bad” and “good” answers in the questionnaire, since it is not about your abilities, but about the individual characteristics of your personality. Do not think about the answer for too long, your first reaction is more important, and not the result of lengthy reasoning.

Questionnaire text

1. If I am present at any meeting, then, as a rule, I speak.

2. I envy a little those who "do not go into their pockets for words."

3. I rarely turn to anyone for help.

4. I can't stand pain well.

5. I am more of a pessimist than an optimist.

6. I can quickly focus if needed.

7. I don't have a clear goal in life.

8. I can’t say to myself that I am an easy-going person.

9. I should have been more decisive.

10. Even for a short time it is difficult for me to do without people close to me.

11. Usually I manage to finish the job, despite the difficulties.

12. I lead an active lifestyle.

13. Music, noise easily distract me.

14. When I get down to business, I think over everything to the smallest detail.

15. Often somehow by itself it turns out that I find myself in the role of a leader.

16. When they refuse me, it is difficult for me to repeat my request again.

17. I absolutely cannot sit idle.

18. I am not a very collected person.

19. I know well what I want.

20. It can be difficult for me to take the first step.

21. I don't like taking risks.

22. I would feel very uncomfortable if I had to go on a long trip alone.

23. If something doesn’t work the first time, I try again and again.

24. I often have a breakdown.

25. It is not difficult for me to concentrate.

26. I am not afraid of distant goals.

27. I am very rarely late for work, school, meetings.

28. When I was at school, I often volunteered to answer in class.

29. I make decisions quickly.

30. I like to learn something without outside help.

31. I'm not afraid to annoy people with repeated requests.

32. Rest is just a change of activity.

33. I do not often act as the "instigator" of new beginnings.

34. I am prone to doubts.

35. It is difficult for me to go against the opinion of the group.

36. I panic easily.

37. In case of failure, I give up.

38. I quickly restore strength.

39. I can work for a long time without being distracted.

40. It cannot be said that I am a purposeful person.

41. I always invent something new.

42. I often consult with other people.

43. I cannot endure strenuous physical activity for a long time.

44. I am a gentle person.

45. I would not say that I am an energetic person.

46. ​​Indeed, I am often distracted.

47. I know who I want to be in life and strive for it.

48. Often I myself have to set an example for others.

49. I am well aware of the painful hesitation when you need to make a choice.

50. I can be very pushy.

51. I often feel sleepy during the day.

52. I can set myself clear and precise goals.

53. I diligently fulfill my duties at work and study.

54. I lack self-confidence.

55. I patiently call if the number is busy.

56. Unfavorable circumstances often prevent me from finishing what I started.

57. Usually I am cheerful and full of energy.

58. I can’t hold my attention for a long time if I’m not interested.

59. As a rule, I make a plan for the week.

60. I myself take the initiative when meeting people.

61. I can sometimes skip work, study, if I know that I can get away with it.

62. I cannot be called an enterprising person.

63. I like to do everything quickly.

64. I can overcome troubles for a long time, “gritting my teeth”.

65. I can work for a long time without getting tired.

66. If I get down to business, then I immerse myself in it completely and completely.

67. I try to arrange things in order of importance and start with those that

the most important.

68. I am a hot-tempered person.

69. You can say about me that I am a little “windy”.

70. I am a suggestible person.

71. I can control my anger.

72. I am a mandatory person.

73. In general, I can be called a patient person.

74. I take household chores seriously.

75. I like to decide everything myself.

76. I can do things that are not interesting but necessary for a long time.

77. I'm not good at hiding from others that I'm upset.

78. I persevere in achieving my goals.

Results processing

The number of points is calculated for each scale in accordance with the key.

The statement is incorrectly evaluated at 0 points, rather false at 1 point, rather true at 2 points and true at 3 points. The total score is calculated as the sum of scores on all scales. In reverse tasks, points are awarded as follows. For the statement, 3 points are incorrectly assigned, 2 points are rather incorrect, 1 point is rather correct and 0 points are correct. To compare indicators on various scales of the questionnaire, it is necessary to convert raw scores into walls in accordance with the standard table.

Keys to the questionnaire ON

Questionnaire scales Direct Quests Reverse assignments
1. Responsibility 11, 14, 27, 53, 72, 74 61, 69
2. Initiative 1, 15, 28, 41, 48, 60 8, 20, 33, 62
3. Determination 29, 63 2, 9, 21,34, 49, 54
4. Independence 3, 30, 75 10, 22, 35, 42, 70
5. Excerpt 55, 64, 71, 73, 76 4,36,43, 68, 77
6. persistence 23, 31, 50 16, 37, 44, 56
7. Energy 12, 17, 32, 38, 57, 65 5, 24, 45, 51
8. Attentiveness 6, 25, 39, 66 13, 18, 46, 58
9. purposefulness 19, 26, 47, 52, 59, 67,78 7, 40

1. Responsibility. Responsible, obligatory subjects receive a high score on this scale. They tend to be disciplined and perform their duties diligently. Some subjects may have increased anxiety.

A low score is given to subjects who can be called unreliable and somewhat "disorderly". They do not overburden themselves with excessive commitments, have a simpler outlook on life, and may have lower anxiety levels.


A high score on the scale is characteristic of enterprising, active people with high leadership tendencies. They act as "instigators" of new beginnings, they strive to change something. They perform well in situations where changes are needed and innovative approaches are required. In combination with high creativity and intellectual abilities, they can be very productive. With low creativity and ability to analyze, they can initiate insufficiently thought out and effective innovations.

Low scores are given to passive subjects. They are satisfied with the status quo and are not inclined to change anything. They do not aspire to leadership. Effective in situations that require not so much change as maintaining stability.


A high score on the scale is typical for people who make decisions quickly and confidently. They are not prone to long-term doubts, hesitation in the implementation of their plans. Sometimes the speed of decision making can be caused by impulsiveness.

A low score is received by indecisive, insecure, prone to constant doubts. The decision is made after long fluctuations and does not have sufficient stability.


A high score is shown by people who do not need constant psychological support, who strive to make decisions on their own, who have the ability to resist the opinion of the group if it differs from their own.

A low score indicates low independence, suggestibility, dependence on the opinion of the group.


A high score is typical for people who can control their emotions, patiently endure stress, and cope with monotonous activities. These people manage themselves well, their states. In some cases, the severity of this quality can lead to the fact that a person copes with circumstances that, perhaps, it would be more expedient to change.

A low score is typical for people who are free to express emotions, who have difficulty in carrying loads or doing uninteresting work. They lack self-control and find it difficult to be restrained.

6. Persistence.

A high score is given to persistent test subjects who are capable of overcoming obstacles on the way to achieving the goal. Failures do not unsettle such people. They are able to repeat attempts over and over again to achieve their goals. In certain cases, this trait can make behavior not flexible enough.

A low score is characteristic of soft people. Failures demoralize them, and obstacles often make them abandon their plans.


A high score indicates activity, vigor. Such people are active, efficient, optimistic about life.

A low score is given to subjects with low activity. They get tired quickly. They can be called pessimists rather than optimists.


A high score is given to persons capable of arbitrary concentration of attention. They keep it stable if necessary, even if the activity does not really interest them. They are characterized by composure, deep immersion in work.

A low score is typical for people who have difficulty with arbitrary concentration of attention. They are easily distracted, with difficulty focusing if the activity is not very interesting to them.


A high score indicates that the subject has well-conscious goals in life. As a rule, they tend to plan their time and order of doing things. It can be difficult for such people in situations where there is no objective possibility of achieving goals.

A low score indicates a lack of clarity of goals and perseverance in achieving them. Such people do not always understand well what they want. It can be difficult for them in situations where it is necessary to plan their own affairs.

1. Eliseev O.P. Workshop on the psychology of personality. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 560 p.

2. Korzhova E.Yu., Semenova G.V., Volokhonskaya M.S. Psychology of personality: teaching aid for practical exercises - 2nd edition, revised and supplemented. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of ANO "IPP", 2009. - 178 p.

3. Khjell L., Ziegler D. Theories of personality. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. - 607 p.

4. Ilyin E. P. Psychology of the will. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

5. Frager R., Feidiman D. Personality. Theories, exercises, experiments / Robert Frager, James Feidiman. Per. from English. - St. Petersburg: Prime-EVROZNAK, 2006. - 704 p.


Indicators (evaluated parameters)


The degree of severity of the assessed quality

Possible points

Diagnostic methods

  1. Organizational and volitional qualities:

1 Patience


3. Self-

the control

The ability to endure (withstand) known loads for a certain time, to overcome difficulties

Ability active

encourage yourself to

practical action

The ability to control

check your actions

(lead to proper

their actions)

Patience is enough for less than ½ of a lesson;

Patience is enough for more than ½ of a lesson;

Patience enough for the whole lesson;

Volitional efforts of the child are stimulated from outside;

Sometimes by the child himself;

Always - by the child

The child is constantly acting under the influence of external control;

Periodically controls himself;

Constantly in control of himself




II. Orientation qualities:

1. Self-esteem

2. Interest in classes in the children's association

The ability to evaluate oneself adequately to real achievements

Conscious participation of the child in the development of the educational program




Interest in studies is dictated to the child from the outside;

Interest is periodically maintained by the child himself;

Interest constantly

supported by the child



Methodology for the study of volitional qualities of a person.

Purpose: to assess the level of development of one's own volitional qualities: purposefulness, perseverance and perseverance, courage and determination, initiative and independence, self-control and endurance.

Each Questionnaire (there are five of them in this method) allows diagnosing two parameters of the above volitional qualities: severity and generalization.

Under the severity of volitional quality is understood the presence and stability of the manifestation of its main features.

Under generalization - the universality of quality, i.e. the breadth of its manifestation in various life situations and activities.

Instructions: Listen carefully to each judgment and think about how typical it is for you. Based on this, select the appropriate answer from the five proposed options and put its number in the answer sheet opposite the number of the corresponding judgment.

Answer options:

1. It doesn't happen.

2. Perhaps not true.

3. Maybe.

4. Probably yes.

5. I'm sure yes.

Having answered the questions of the first questionnaire, we proceed to the next one and so on until the end, until we fill out the entire answer form.

Answer sheet.




Perseverance, perseverance

Independence, initiative

self-control, endurance

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1. Starting any business, I always clearly understand what I want to achieve.

2. Failing an exam motivates me to study with redoubled energy.

3. My interests are not stable, I cannot yet determine what I should strive for in life.

4. I have a clear idea of ​​what I want to learn in life.

5. During classes, I quickly get bored of working strictly according to the plan.

6. If I set myself a certain goal, then I steadily strive to achieve it, no matter how difficult it may be.

7. In most classes, I set specific goals for myself.

8. In case of failures, I am always overcome by doubts whether it is worth continuing the work I have begun.

9. Clear work planning is not typical for me.

10. I rarely think about how to apply the knowledge gained at the university in future practical work.

11. I never show initiative in setting new goals myself, I prefer to follow the instructions of other people.

12. Usually, under the influence of various kinds of obstacles, my desire for a goal is significantly weakened.

13. I have a main goal in life.

14. After failing an exam, I can’t bring myself to study at full strength for a long time.

15. I take less responsibility for social work than for academic work.

16. As a rule, I plan specific tasks in advance and plan my work.

17. I constantly feel the need to set new goals and achieve them.

18. When starting a new business, I do not always have a clear idea of ​​what I should strive for; I usually hope this clears up as I work.

19. I always try to complete any assignment, including public assignments.

20. Even with failures, the confidence that I will achieve my goal does not leave me.

Courage, determination.

1. When making any decision, I always realistically assess my capabilities.

2. I am not afraid to intervene in the street if it is necessary to prevent an accident.

3. I find it difficult to keep my promises.

4. I express my opinion, despite the possibility of conflict.

5. The consciousness that the opponent is stronger is a serious obstacle for me.

6. I easily get rid of anxiety, fears of fear.

7. Having set a daily routine for myself, I strictly adhere to it.

8. I often have doubts.

9. I like it better if others are responsible for the joint business, and not me.

10. It is unlikely that I can risk preventing an accident.

11. When I analyze my actions, I often come to the conclusion that I have not thought out and planned my actions well enough.

12. As a rule, I avoid risky situations.

13. I am not afraid of a strong opponent.

14. Many times I decided to start a “new life” from tomorrow, but in the morning everything went on as before.

15. The possibility of conflict makes me keep my opinions to myself.

16. Usually I can easily cope with my doubts.

17. I constantly feel responsible for my deeds and actions.

18. I have difficulty overcoming fear.

19. It is an exceptional case for me if I could not keep my word.

20. The opportunity to take risks gives me joy.

Perseverance, perseverance.

1. When starting any business, I am sure that I will do my best to carry it out.

2. I always defend my opinion to the end, if I am sure that I am right.

3. I am unable to force myself to exercise when I am tired.

4. In exams, I “struggle” with all my might until the last moment.

5. It is difficult for me to complete public affairs.

6. I am characterized by regularity, systematic work.

7. In class, I force myself to fully complete the task, even if I am very tired.

8. I often leave the things I started halfway, having lost interest in them.

9. I prefer easy, even if less effective ways to the goal.

10. I can not force myself to study systematically throughout the semester, especially in those academic subjects that are given with difficulty.

11. Usually I don’t know if I have enough desire and strength to complete the work I have begun.

12. I never have the desire to set myself a difficult goal.

13. Basically, I systematically prepare for studies at the university.

14. Failures during the session drastically reduce my activity and desire to continue my studies.

15. In an argument, I often give in to others.

16. I complete even boring and monotonous work to the end, if necessary.

17. I feel special satisfaction if success has come with great difficulty.

18. I can't force myself to work systematically.

19. Performing public assignments, I always achieve what is necessary.

20. Quite often I feel the need to test myself in difficult cases.

Independence, initiative.

1. As a rule, I make all important decisions without outside help.

2. I easily manage to overcome embarrassment and be the first to start a conversation with a stranger.

3. I never take on public assignments on my own initiative.

4. When preparing for training sessions, I quite often read additional literature, not limited to a lecture or a textbook.

5. Lack of advice, support from the teacher significantly reduces my results in the exam.

6. Most of all I like to try my hand at creative work.

7. I try to be creative in practical exercises.

8. I feel calm and confident when someone guides me.

9. Before doing something, I always consult with someone I know.

10. In a conversation or acquaintance, I tend to give the initiative to another.

11. It is most convenient for me to do work according to a well-known model.

12. I usually give up my plans, intentions, if others find them unsuccessful.

13. I have an informal attitude to social work, I try to make it not only useful, but also interesting.

14. When studying any academic subject, I do not seek to know more than is required to pass a test or exam.

15. Usually I do not think about the content of the educational material, I do exactly what the teacher suggests.

16. I strive to be the organizer of new cases in the team.

17. If I am sure that I am right, I always do it my own way.

18. The creative process does not appeal to me.

19. The results of my performances at olympiads and conferences practically do not depend on whether my teacher (supervisor) is present at them.

20. In any work, I strive to bring something new, which increases my interest in it.

Self-control, endurance.

1. I can easily make myself wait a long time if necessary.

3. I can't exercise properly if something is bothering me.

4. During the entire exam, I clearly control my thoughts, feelings, actions, behavior.

5. I can't stand pain at all.

6. I manage to maintain clarity of thought even in the most difficult life situations.

7. Troubles at the university and at home do not reduce the quality of my studies.

8. A long wait is very painful for me.

9. When I am anxious, I worry, I completely lose control of myself.

10. During the exam, I sometimes cannot answer even what I know.

11. I think that self-control is not so important for a person.

12. If I'm in a bad mood, I can never hide it.

13. I always mobilize during the exam and often get a grade no lower than the one I expect.

14. I can’t restrain myself not to respond to rudeness in the same way.

15. At the exam, I can hardly control myself.

16. It is easy for me to force myself to hold back laughter if I feel that it is inappropriate.

17. Strong excitement, as a rule, does not affect the expediency of my actions and behavior.

18. In a difficult situation, I usually get lost, I cannot quickly make the right decision.

19. I can force myself to act through pain if it is absolutely necessary.

20. I specifically learn to control myself.

Processing and interpretation of results.

Process the responses using a key that is the same for all five questionnaires.


Expression of volitional quality

Generalization of volitional quality



Answer number

judgment number

Answer number

In the key, two groups of judgments are distinguished: those that diagnose the severity of volitional qualities and those that diagnose the generalization of volitional qualities.

Opposite the number of the judgment, the number of points (-2, -1, 0, +1, +2) is indicated, which is awarded for each answer option. These scores are entered on the answer sheet next to the answer number. Then counted algebraic the sum of points separately according to the judgments of the parameter of severity and the parameter of generalization for each volitional quality. To transfer to a positive rating scale, 20 points are added to the total score and the final results are entered in the lower part of the protocol.

The next step is to present the results graphically. A circle with a diameter of 8 cm is drawn in a notebook. From its center (zero point), 5 radii are drawn, on which divisions from 0 to 40 are applied. Each radius is an indicator of the level of expression of one of the volitional qualities. Then the data from the answer sheet is transferred to the appropriate radii with divisions. Two points are plotted on each radius: the number of points for the severity parameter and for the generalization parameter. The points denoting indicators of the severity of all volitional qualities are connected by one line, and the points denoting indicators of generalization are connected by another. It turns out two pentagons located inside the circle (an example is shown in the figure). Based on the graphically presented results, a conclusion is made about the level of severity of each volitional quality in terms of severity and generalization.

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1. I talk in detail about my life.

2. I answer: “Is it not clear from me that it’s bad!”

3. I sigh: they say, “It doesn’t get worse!”

4. “Great! What about you?"

5. “Why are you suddenly interested in my business?”

6. “Everything is fine” and I move the conversation to another topic.

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