Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Types of the subordinate clause in a sentence. Types of subordinate clauses in spp

Types of complex sentences

According to the meaning and structure, NGNs are divided into three main groups. The clauses in these complex sentences correspond to three groups of secondary members of the sentence: definitions, additions and circumstances *.

1. Definitive (including pronouns) What questions are answered? whose? Who exactly? what exactly? and refer to the noun or pronoun in the main part; join most often with the help of allied words which, which, whose, where etc. and unions what, to, as if and etc. The native places where I grew up will forever remain in my heart; He who does nothing will achieve nothing; She looked with such a look that everyone fell silent.
2. Explanatory They answer questions of indirect cases and usually refer to the predicate in the main part; join with alliances what, what, if, if, if etc. and allied words where, where, how much, which and etc. I soon realized that I was lost; It seemed to him that everyone around him rejoiced at his happiness.
3. Circumstantial:
mode of action, measure and degree Answer questions how? how? to what extent? in what degree? how much? and usually refer to one word in the main clause; join with alliances what, to, as if, exactly and allied words how, how much, how much. We were so tired that we couldn't go any further.
time Answer questions when? From what time? until what time? how long? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with alliances when, while, as, while, as long as, while, as long as, after, barely, since, just, a little, before, as soon as, just, just, just, just, just a little, before, before. Until the rain stops, we will have to stay at home.
places Answer questions where? where? where? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with allied words where, where, from where. People go to folklore practice where folk traditions of song and tale are still alive.
goals Answer questions why? for what purpose? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with alliances so that, in order to, so that, so that, so that, if only, yes, if only. In order not to get lost, we went to the path.
causes Answering questions why? from what? for what reason? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with alliances because, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, then that, since, for, good, because, due to the fact that, especially since. Because the candle burned weakly, the room was almost dark.
conditions Answer the question under what condition? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with alliances if, if, when, if, if, how, once, how soon, whether ... whether. If the weather does not improve within a day, the trip will have to be rescheduled.
concessions Answer questions no matter what? contrary to what? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with alliances although, despite the fact that, despite the fact that, let and combinations of pronominal words with the particle neither no matter where, no matter how much, no matter where. Despite the fact that it was already well after midnight, the guests did not disperse; No matter how the tree rots, it keeps growing.
comparisons Answer questions like what? like who? than what? than who? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with alliances as, as, as, as, as if, exactly, as if, as if, as if. Birch branches stretch towards the sun, as if stretching out their hands to it.
consequences Answer questions about why what happened? what follows from this? and usually refer to the entire main sentence; join with union so. The summer was not very hot, so the mushroom harvest should be good.

Subordinate explanatory clauses can be attached to the main clause with a particle whether used in the meaning of the union. For example: He didn't know if tomorrow would come. union-particle whether can serve to convey an indirect question: They asked if we would go with them.
REMEMBER: the main question for determining the type of subordinate clauses is the semantic question. Conjunctions and allied words can add additional shades of meaning to NGN. For example: The village where Eugene missed was a lovely corner. This is a complex sentence with an attributive clause, which has an additional spatial connotation of meaning.

There are (by analogy with the secondary members of the proposal: definitions, additions and circumstances) three main type adnexal: definitive, explanatory and circumstantial; the latter, in turn, are divided into several types.

Subordinate clause can refer to a specific word in the main (conditional adjectives) or to everything main (non-verbal adventitious).

For determining the type of subordinate clause it is necessary to take into account three interrelated features: 1) a question that can be asked from the main clause to the subordinate clause; 2) the conditional or non-verbal nature of the subordinate clause; 3) a means of communication of the subordinate with the main.


Like definitions in a simple sentence, attributive clauses express a sign of an object, but, unlike most definitions, they often characterize the object not directly, but indirectly - through the situation one way or another related to the subject.

In connection with the general value of the attribute of the subject attributive clauses dependent on the noun(or from a word in the meaning of a noun) in the main clause and answer the question which? They join the main only with allied words - relative pronouns (which, which, whose, what) and pronouns (where, where, where, when). In a subordinate clause, allied words replace that noun from the main one on which the subordinate clause depends.

For example: [One of the contradictions, (which creativity is alive Mandelstam), concerns own nature of this creativity] (S. Averintsev)- [n., (what (= contradictions)),].

Allied words in complex sentences with can be divided into main (which, what, whose) and minor (what, where, where, where, when). Non-basic can always be replaced by the main allied word which, and the possibility of such a replacement is a clear sign definitive adjectives.

The village where(wherein) Eugene was bored, there was a lovely corner ... (A. Pushkin)- [noun, (where),].

I was reminded today of a dog that(which) was friend of my youth (S. Yesenin)- [n.], (what).

At night, in the desert of the city, there is one hour, imbued with longing, when(in which) for the whole city at night got off ... (F. Tyutchev) -[n.], (when).

In the main sentence there are often demonstrative words (demonstrative pronouns and adverbs) that, such For example:

It was that famous artist whom she saw on stage last year (Yu. Herman)- [ that - n.], (which).

Pronoun-defining clauses

By value, relative clauses are close pronominal-defining clauses . They differ from the proper attributive clauses in that they do not refer to the noun in the main clause, but to the pronoun (that, each, all etc.), used in the meaning of a noun, for example:

1) [Total, (what knew more Evgeny), retell to me lack of leisure) (A. Pushkin)- [local, (what),]. 2) [Not oh (what you think), nature]... (F. Tyutchev)- [local, (what),].

Like attributive clauses, they reveal the attribute of an object (therefore, it is better to ask a question about them too which?) and join the main sentence with the help of allied words (the main allied words are who and what).

Wed: [That Human, (who came yesterday Today didn't show up] - adjective attributive. [indicative + noun, (which), ].

[That, (who came yesterday Today didn't show up] - adjectival pronoun. [local, (who),].

Unlike proper attributive clauses, which always come after the noun they refer to, pronoun-defining clauses can also appear before the word being defined, for example:

(Who lived and thought), [he can't in the shower do not despise people] ... (A. Pushkin)- (who), [loc. ].

Clauses of explanatory

Clauses of explanatory answer case questions and refer to a member of the main sentence that needs semantic distribution (addition, explanation). This member of the sentence is expressed by a word that has the meaning speech, thoughts, feelings or perception. Most of the time these are verbs. (say, ask, answer and etc.; think, know, remember and etc.; be afraid, rejoice, be proud and etc.; see, hear, feel etc.), but there may be other parts of speech: adjectives (happy, satisfied) adverbs (known, sorry, necessary, clear) nouns (news, message, rumor, thought, statement, feeling, feeling and etc.)

Clauses of explanatory are attached to the explained word in three ways: 1) with the help of unions what, how, as if, so that when and etc.; 2) with the help of any allied words; 3) using the union-particle whether.

For example: 1) [The light has decided], (that t smart and very mil) (A. Pushkin)- [vb], (what). [I_ was afraid], (so that in a bold thought you me could not blame) (A. Fet) - [ vb.], (so that). [Her dreaming], (as if she goes on a snowy glade, surrounded by a sad mist) (A. Pushkin)- [vb.], (as if).

2) [You you know himself], (which the time has come) (N. Nekrasov)- [vb], (what). [Then she started asking me], (where am I now working) (A. Chekhov)- [vb], (where). (When he will arrive), [unknown] (A. Chekhov)- (when), [adv.]. [I_ asked and the cuckoo] (how many yo i live)... (A. Akhmatova)- [vb], (how much).

3) [Both very wanted to know\, (brought whether father the promised piece of ice) (L. Kassil)- [vb], (whether).

Clauses of explanatory can be used to convey indirect speech. With the help of unions what, like, when indirect messages are expressed using the union to- indirect urges, with the help of allied words and union-particles whether- indirect questions.

In the main clause, with the explained word, there may be a demonstrative word then(in different cases), which serves to highlight the content of the subordinate clause. For example: \Chekhov through the mouth of Dr. Astrov expressed one of his absolutely amazingly accurate thoughts about] (that forests teach a person to understand the beautiful) (K. Paustovsky)- [n. + uk.slov.], (what).

Distinguishing between subordinate attributive and subordinate explanatory

Certain difficulties are caused distinction between subordinate attributive and subordinate explanatory that refer to the noun. It should be remembered that attributive clauses dependent on the noun as parts of speech(the meaning of the noun being defined is not important for them), answer the question which?, indicate the sign of the subject that is called the noun being defined, and are attached to the main one only with allied words. Adnexal same explanatory depend on the noun not as a part of speech, but as from a word with a specific meaning(speech, thought, feeling, perception), except for the question which?(and it can always be set from a noun to any word or sentence depending on it) case question, they disclose(explain) content speeches, thoughts, feelings, perceptions and join the main unions and allied words. ( adnexal, attachable to the main unions and union-particle whether, can only be explanatory: The thought that he was wrong tormented him; The thought of whether he was right tormented him.)

More difficult distinguish between subordinate attributive and subordinate explanatory clauses depending on nouns when explanatory clauses join the main one with the help of allied words (especially the allied word what). Compare: 1) Question what(which) he was asked, seemed strange to him. Thought that(which) came into his head in the morning, haunted him all day. The news that(which) I received yesterday, very upset me. 2) The question of what to do now tormented him. The thought of what he had done made him uneasy. The news of what happened in our class amazed the whole school.

1) The first group - complex sentences with adverbial attributive. union word what can be replaced by an allied word which. The subordinate clause indicates the sign of the object named by the noun being defined (from the main clause to the subordinate clause, you can only ask a question which?, case question cannot be asked). The demonstrative word in the main clause is possible only in the form of a pronoun agreed with the noun (that question, that thought, that news).

2) The second group is complex sentences with subordinate explanatory clauses. Allied word replacement what allied word which impossible. The subordinate clause not only indicates the attribute of the object named by the noun, but also explains the content of the words question, thought, message(from the main clause to the subordinate clause, a case question can be asked). The demonstrative word in the main clause has a different form (case forms of pronouns: question, thought, news about that).

Adverbial clauses

Majority adverbial clauses sentences have the same meanings as the circumstances in a simple sentence, and therefore answer the same questions and, accordingly, are divided into the same types.

Adventitious mode of action and degree

Characterize the method of performing an action or the degree of manifestation of a qualitative trait and answer questions as? how? in what degree? how much? They depend on the word that performs the function of an adverbial mode of action or degree in the main clause. These subordinate clauses are attached to the main clause in two ways: 1) with the help of allied words how, how much, how much; 2) with the help of unions that, to, as if, exactly, as if, as if.

For example: 1) [The offensive was on as provided at headquarters) (K. Simonov)- [vb + uk.el. so], (as) (subordinate modus operandi).

2) [The old woman is the same wanted to repeat my story], (how much do I listen) (A. Herzen)- [vb + uk.el. so many],(how much) (subordinate clause).

Adventitious mode of action and degree can be unambiguous(if they join the main allied words how, how much, how much)(see examples above) and two-digit(if joined by unions; the second value is introduced by the union). For example: 1) [White acacias smelled so strong] (that their sweet, cloying, candy the smell was felt on the lips and in the mouth) (A. Kuprin)-

[ So+ adv.], (what) (the meaning of the degree is complicated by the meaning of the consequence, which is introduced into the meaning of the subordinate conjunction what).

2) [Beautiful the girl must be dressed so that stand out from the environment) (K. Paustovsky)- [cr. + So],(to) (the meaning of the course of action is complicated by the meaning of the goal, which is introduced by the union to).

3) [Everything is small plant So sparkled at our feet], (as if it was really made from crystal) (K. Paustovsky)- [ so + vb.], (as if) (the value of the degree is complicated by the value of the comparison, which is introduced by the union as if).

adnexal places

adnexal places indicate the place or direction of action and answer questions where? where? where? They depend on the whole main sentence or on the circumstance of the place in it, expressed by the adverb (there, there, from there, nowhere, everywhere, everywhere etc.), and join the main sentence with the help of allied words where, where, where. For example:

1) [Go the free way], (where entails you free cm)... (A. Pushkin)- , (where).

2) [He wrote everywhere], (where caught his thirst write) (K. Paustovsky)- [nar.], (where).

3) (Where the river went), [there and the channel will] (proverb)-(where), [ there ].

adnexal places should be distinguished from other types of subordinate clauses, which can also be attached to the main clause using allied words where, where, where.

Compare: 1) AND [ Tanya enters to an empty house], (where(wherein) lived recently our hero) (A. Pushkin)- [n.], (where) (subordinate definitive).

2) [I_ began to remember], (where walked during the day) (I. Turgenev)- [vb], (where) (subordinate explanatory).

Adventitious time

Adventitious time indicate the time of the action or manifestation of the sign, which is referred to in the main sentence. They answer questions when? how long? since when? How long?, depend on the entire main sentence and join it with temporary unions when, until, as soon as, barely, before, while, until, since, suddenly etc. For example:

1) [When the count is back], (Natasha impolitely rejoiced him and hurried to leave) (L. Tolstoy)- (kog2) (Till does not require poet to the sacred sacrifice of Apollo), [in the cares of the vain world, he cowardly submerged} (A. Pushkin)- (Bye), .

The main sentence can contain demonstrative words then, until then, after and others, as well as the second component of the union (then). If there is a demonstrative word in the main clause then, then when in the subordinate clause is a union word. For example:

1) [I_ sitting until I don't start to feel hunger) (D. Kharms)- [ until], (Bye).

2) (When in winter eat fresh cucumbers), [then in the mouth smells spring] (A. Chekhov)- (when), [then].

3) [The poet feels the literal meaning of the word even then], (when gives him in a figurative sense) (S. Marshak)- [ then],(when).

Adventitious time must be distinguished from other types of subordinate clauses attached by a union word when. For example:

1) [I_ saw Yalta that year], (when (- wherein) her left Chekhov) (S. Marshak)- [indicative + noun], (when) (subjective definitive).

2) [Korchagin repeatedly asked me] (when he can check out) (N. Ostrovsky)- [vb], (when) (subordinate explanatory).

Subordinate conditions

Subordinate conditions indicate the conditions for the implementation of what is said in the main sentence. They answer the question under what condition? if, if ... then, when (= if), when ... then, if, as soon as, once, in case etc. For example:

1) (If I get sick), [to doctors I won't apply]...(Y. Smelyakov)- (if), .

2) (Once we started talking), [then it's better to finish everything to the end] (A. Kuprin)- (times), [then].

If a conditional clauses stand in front of the main one, then in the latter there may be a second part of the union - then(see 2nd example).

Adventitious targets

Adnexal suggestions goals indicate the purpose of what is being said in the main clause. They refer to the entire main sentence, answer questions why? for what purpose? for what? and join the main with the help of unions so that (to), in order to, so that, then so that, in order (obsolete) etc. For example:

1) [I_ woke up Pashka] (so that he didn't fall off from the road) (A. Chekhov)- , (to);

2) [He used all his eloquence], (so that turn away Akulina from her intention) (A. Pushkin)-, (to);

3)(In order to be happy), [necessary Not only be in love, but also to be loved] (K. Paustovsky)- (in order to), ;

When dismembering a compound union, a simple union remains in the subordinate clause to, and the rest of the words are included in the main sentence, being a demonstrative word and a member of the sentence, for example: [I_ mention about it solely for the purpose] (to emphasize unconditional authenticity of many things Kuprin) (K. Paustovsky)- [ for],(to).

Adventitious targets must be distinguished from other types of subordinate clauses with a union to. For example:

1) [I want], (to the bayonet equated pen) (V. Mayakovsky)- [vb], (to) (subordinate explanatory).

2) [Time landings was calculated so], (to the place of landing get into at dawn) (D. Furmanov)- [red.adj. + So],(to) (subordinate modus operandi with an added meaning of purpose).

Adnexal causes

Adnexal suggestions causes reveal (indicate) the reason for what is said in the main sentence. They answer questions why? for what reason? from what?, refer to the entire main clause and join it with the help of unions because, because, since, for, because, because, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that etc. For example:

1) [Sending her all my tears as a gift], (because not live me before the wedding) (I. Brodsky)- , (because)

2) [Any work is important], (because ennobles person) (L. Tolstoy)- , (because).

3) (Thanks to we set every day new plays), [ theatre ours is quite willing visited] (A. Kuprin)- (thanks to), .

Compound unions, the last part of which is what, can be dismembered: a simple union remains in the subordinate clause what, and the remaining words are included in the main sentence, performing the function of a demonstrative word in it and being a member of the sentence. For example:

[That's why roads to me people], (what live with me on earth) (S. Yesenin)- [ because],(what).

Adventitious concessions

In the subordinate concession, an event is reported, in spite of which an action is carried out, an event called in the main clause. In concessive relations, the main sentence reports such events, facts, actions that should not have happened, but nevertheless occur (happened, will happen). Thus, subordinate concessions called as if "non-working" cause. Adventitious concessions answer questions in spite of what? contrary to what? refer to the entire main sentence and join it 1) unions although, although... but, not despite the fact that, despite the fact that, despite the fact that, let, let etc. and 2) allied words in combination with particle nor: no matter how much, no matter what (whatever). For example:

I. one) And (although he was a rake ardent), [but he fell out of love finally, and abuse, and a saber, and lead] (A. Pushkin)- (at least), [but].

Note. In the main clause, in which there is a concessive subordinate clause, there may be a union but.

2) (Let be rose plucked), [she is more blooms] (S. Nadson)- (let be), .

3) [In steppes it was quiet and overcast], (despite what the sun has risen) (A. Chekhov)- , (despite the fact that).

Item 1) (No matter how protected myself Pantelei Prokofievich from all sorts of difficult experiences), [but soon had to endure him a new shock] (M. Sholokhov)- (whatever), [but].

2) [I_, (however would love you), getting used to fall out of love immediately) (A. Pushkin)- [, (however),].

Comparative clauses

The types of adverbial clauses considered above correspond in meaning to the same-named categories of circumstances in a simple sentence. However, there are three types of adjectives (comparative, consequences and connecting), which do not correspond among the circumstances in a simple sentence. A common feature of complex sentences with these types of subordinate clauses is the impossibility, as a rule, to ask a question from the main clause to the subordinate clause.

In complex sentences with comparative clauses the content of the main clause is compared with the content of the subordinate clause. Comparative clauses refer to the entire main clause and join it with unions like, exactly, as if, buto, as if, like as, as if, than ... asand etc. For example:

1) (As we swarm in the summer midge flies on the flame), [flocked cereals from the yard to the window frame] (K. Pasternak](as), ["].

2) [Small leaves bright and friendly turn green], (as if who them washed up and varnish on them brought) (I. Turgenev)-, (as if).

3) [We threesome started talking], (as if a century whether familiar) (A. Pushkin)- , (as if).

A special group among relative clauses make sentences with conjunction how and double union than... that. Double conjunction clauses than... the have comparative meaning, mutual conditioning of parts. Adverbs with the union how, in addition, they do not refer to the whole main thing, but to the word in it, which is expressed in the form of the comparative degree of an adjective or adverb.

1) (The smaller the woman we love), [the easier like us her] (A. Pushkin)- (than), [those].

2) [As time went slower] (than clouds were creeping across the sky) (M. Gorky)- [compar. step. out], (than).

Comparative clauses can be incomplete: they omit the predicate if it coincides with the predicate of the main clause. For example:

[Existence his concluded into this cramped program], (as egg in shell) (A. Chekhov)- , (as).

The fact that this is precisely an incomplete two-part sentence is evidenced by a minor member of the predicate group - into the shell.

Incomplete comparative clauses should not be confused with comparative turns in which there cannot be a predicate.

Adnexal consequences

Adnexal consequences indicate a consequence, a conclusion that follows from the content of the main sentence .

Adnexal consequences refer to the entire main clause, always come after it and join it with a union so.

For example: [ Heat all increased], (so it was getting hard to breathe) (D. Mamin-Sibiryak); [ Snow all became whiter and brighter], (so ached eyes) (M. Lermontov)- , (so).

Adventitious connecting

Adventitious connecting contain additional information, comments on what is reported in the main sentence. Connecting subordinate clauses refer to the entire main clause, always stand after it and are attached to it with allied words what, what, about why, why, why, why and etc.

For example: 1) [Her should not be late to the theatre], (from whatshe is very was in a hurry) (A. Chekhov)- , (from what).

2) [The dew has fallen], (what foreshadowed good weather tomorrow) (D. Mamin-Sibiryak)- , (what).

3) [And the old man Cuckoos n fast allotment glasses, forgetting to wipe them] (what with him for thirty years of official activity never didn't happen) (I. Ilf and E. Petrov)- , (what).

Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence with one subordinate clause

Scheme for parsing a complex sentence with one subordinate clause

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2. Indicate the type of sentence by emotional coloring (exclamatory or non-exclamatory).

3. Determine the main and subordinate clauses, find their boundaries.

Draw up a sentence diagram: ask (if possible) a question from the main to the subordinate clause, indicate in the main word on which the subordinate clause depends (if it is conditional), characterize the means of communication (conjunction or allied word), determine the type of the clause (definitive, explanatory, etc.). d.).

An example of parsing a complex sentence with one subordinate clause

1) [In storm time turned out with the root of a tall old pine], (which is why formed this pit) (A. Chekhov).

, (from what).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex with a subordinate clause. The subordinate clause refers to everything main and joins it with an allied word from what.

2) (To be contemporary clear), [all wide open open the poet] (A. Akhmatova).(to), .

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex with a subordinate clause of purpose. The adjective answers the question for what purpose?, depends on the entire main clause and joins it with a union so that.

3) [I I love everything], (to which in this world there is no consonance, no echo No) (I. Annensky).[local], (what).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex with a pronoun-defining clause. The adjective answers the question which?, depends on the pronoun all in the main, joins with an allied word what, which is an indirect complement.

Clauses are divided into three groups: attributive, explanatory and adverbial; the latter are divided into subgroups.

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses

Answer the question - which one?

They refer to one word in the main part - a noun, a pronoun, or a word of another part of speech in the function of a noun, and are located after this defined word.

Definitive clauses are attached with the help of allied words - relative pronouns: which, which, whose, what; and pronominal adverbs where, where, where, when. In the subordinate part, they replace the noun from the main part.

The allied words what, where, where, from where, when are non-basic for relative clauses and can always be replaced by the main allied word which in a certain form

The word being defined in the main part may have demonstrative words such and such. There are subordinate attributive clauses relating specifically to demonstrative or attributive pronouns that, that, such, such, each, all, everyone, etc., which cannot be omitted. Such subordinate clauses are called pronominal attributive. The means of communication in them are relative pronouns: who, what, what, what, which.

Complex sentences with subordinate explanatory clauses

Answering tricky questions.

They join the main part with unions what, as, as if, as if, as if, so that, whether, not - whether, whether - or, whether - or etc., and allied words that, who, how, what, why, where, where, from where, why, etc.

Subordinate explanatory clauses refer to one word in the main part - a verb, a short adjective, an adverb, a verbal noun with the meaning of speech, thought, feeling, perception.

In the main part there can be a demonstrative word then in different case forms. However, in some NGN with clauses of explanatory clause, the demonstrative in the main part is a required component of the sentence structure. Such subordinate clauses refer specifically to the demonstrative word, which can only be the word that. This feature brings such sentences closer to pronominal attributive ones, while the use of a union, and not a union word, makes it possible to classify them as explanatory.

The explanatory clause is usually located after the word in the main part to which it refers, but occasionally, mainly in colloquial speech, it can also be located before the main part.

Adverbial clauses

Adverbial clauses replace the position of circumstances of various kinds and answer questions specific to circumstances. The following types of adverbial clauses are presented in Russian: time, place, cause, effect, condition, concession, comparison, mode of action, measure and degree.

Complex sentences with clauses of time

Answers questions - when? how long? since when? How long?

The subordinate tense refers to the entire main part, indicates the time of the action in the main part and joins the main part with the help of subordinating conjunctions when, how, until, barely, only, before, while, until, since as long as, suddenly, etc.

If there is a word with the meaning of time in the main part, including the demonstrative word then, the subordinate clause is joined by the allied word when, stands after this word in the main part and refers specifically to it.

From sentences with a correlative adverb in the main part, sentences with complex conjunctions, which can be divided into two parts by a comma, must be distinguished. Such unions are found not only in NGN with subordinate clauses, but in their other types. Breaking the union with a comma does not change its part-of-speech affiliation and the type of the subordinate clause.

In the absence of an index word, the subordinate part in the NGN of time can be in any position in relation to the main part. There are only two cases when the position of the subordinate part is fixed.

  • 1) the union is used as, as suddenly, expressing the attitude of surprise, surprise between the situations named in the main and subordinate parts. The subordinate part comes after the main part.
  • 2) a two-component (double) union is used when - then, only - how, when - then, etc. The second component of these unions is placed in the main part and can be omitted; the accessory part is located in front of the main one.

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses

Answer the questions - where? where? where?

Subordinate places indicate a place or direction of movement, they do not refer to the entire main part, but to one word in it - the circumstance of the place, expressed by the pronominal adverb there, there, from there, nowhere, everywhere, everywhere. The means of communication in NGN with subordinate clauses are allied words where, where, from where, acting in the syntactic function of circumstances.

In colloquial speech, the correlative adverb in the main part can be omitted, and this part becomes incomplete, the subordinate part refers to this omitted adverb. Usually subordinate clauses are placed after the demonstrative word in the main part. The location of the subordinate part in front of the main part is presented only in colloquial speech, mainly in proverbs and sayings.

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses

Answering questions - why? from what?

Subordinate causes refer to the entire main part, cause matters and join the main conjunctions because, because, since, for, good, due to the fact that, since, especially since, etc. The subordinate cause is usually located after the main part, however when using a two-component union, the subordinate clause can stand before the main one, in which the second component of this union is placed.

Complex sentences with subordinate corollaries

Answers the question - what happened as a result of this?

The subordinate corollary refers to the entire main part, has the meaning of a consequence, conclusion, joins the main part with a union so that and is always after the main part.

They do not belong to NGN with a clause of the consequence of a sentence, in the main part of which there is an adverb so, and in the clause - the union that.

Do not belong to the group under consideration and sentences, parts of which are connected by a coordinating or non-union connection and in the second part of which adverbs are presented therefore and therefore.

Complex sentences with subordinate conditions

Answers the question - under what condition?

The subordinate condition refers to the entire main part, has the meaning of the condition, and joins the main one with the help of subordinating conjunctions if, when (in the meaning of the union if), if, as soon as, times, if, etc. Subordinate conditions can occupy any position according to in relation to the main part. Two-component unions can participate in the design of a conditional connection: if - then, if - so, if - then, and all of them can be replaced by a simple union if (that is, their second part is not mandatory). In this case, the subordinate part comes before the main part.

Complex sentences with subordinate goals

Answers questions - for what purpose? why?

The subordinate clause of the goal refers to the entire main part, has the meaning of the goal, and joins the main part with unions to (to), in order to, in order to, then so that, so that, if only, if only, if only. In these NGNs, the demonstrative word then is sometimes used. Conjunctions used in NGN with subordinate clauses are often separated by a comma.

Complex sentences with subordinate concessions

Answers questions - in spite of what? contrary to what?

The subordinate clause refers to the entire main part and has a concessive meaning - it names the situation, in spite of which the event named in the main part takes place. The subordinate clause is joined by subordinating conjunctions although (at least), despite the fact that, for nothing, let, let, or with allied words whoever, wherever, whatever, no matter how much, etc. The union can be two-component with the second part but, yes, however ; these components can also be used when using allied words.

May 28, 2013

Types of subordinate clauses in Russian are distinguished depending on the semantic connections between the parts of a complex sentence. But first you need to figure out what the complex sentence (or CSP) itself is, and how it differs from the complex sentence (CSP) of its fellow.

Their main difference lies in the form of connection that determines the relationship between the parts of these types of complex sentences. If in SSP we are dealing with a composing connection (as you might guess, based on one name), then in NSP we are dealing with a subordinating one.

The coordinative connection presupposes the initial "equality" between the parts, i.e. each separate predicative unit (a simple sentence as part of a complex one) can function separately without losing its meaning: The gentle May sun shone amiably and clearly, and each twig stretched towards it with its still young leaves.

It is easy to guess that the parts of the sentence in NGN are in a different kind of relationship. The main clause in it "governs" the subordinate clause. Depending on how this very control takes place, there are the following types of subordinate clauses:

Types of subordinate clauses



Unions, allied words

Proposal Sample


Define a noun in a main clause

Who, what, where, where, from where, which, which

I accidentally stumbled upon a letter (what?) that was written long before I was born.


related to verbs

Case questions

What, to, how, as if, etc.

I still don't understand (what exactly?) how this could happen.


Point to the place of action

Where? Where? Where?

Where, from where, where

He went to (where?) where flowers bloom all year round.

Indicate the duration of the action

When? How long? Since when? Until what time?

When, as soon as, since then, etc.

I realized it then (when?), when it was already too late.

Under what condition?

If, if...then

I will help you solve the problem (under what condition?), if I have time.

Specify the reason for the action

For what reason? Why?

Because, since, because, for

Petya could not answer the question (for what reason?), because he was not ready for it.

Indicates the purpose for which an action is being performed

For what? What for? For what purpose?

To personally verify this, he personally came to the director (why?).


Show us the result of an action

As a result of what?

She looked so chic that she couldn't take her eyes off her.

course of action

How? How?

Like, like, exactly, like, like

The boys rushed so (how?), As if a pack of hungry dogs were chasing them.

measures and degrees

In what degree? To what extent? To what extent?

How much, how much, what, how

Everything happened so fast (to what extent?) that no one had time to come to their senses.


Like who? Like what? Than who? Than what?

Like, like, like, than

This guy turned out to be much smarter (than who?) than his peers.

Despite what?

Though, in spite of, for nothing, no matter how much ... no, let

It may seem untrue, but I believe in it (despite what?).

In order to more accurately determine the types of subordinate clauses, it is enough just to correctly ask a question from the main sentence (or a word in it) to the dependent (subordinate).

Subordinate explanatory clauses answer questions of indirect cases. The main part needs a semantic explanation, the main part without a subordinate clause looks unfinished.

Examples: Still, I don't think you have the right to do so. (it seems that?)


Definitive clauses answer the question which one?; placed not from the main part, but from the noun. In an explanatory clause, there is always the word "which" or a word that can be replaced by it.

Examples: She hummed motives that moved to tears. (What are the motives?)

Adverbial clause

The adverbial clause answers the questions of adverbs. Since there are many questions of adverbs, we divide the adverbial clauses into subtypes:

The subordinate purpose answers the question "for what purpose?". In the subordinate goal there is always the word "to"

Examples: In order for the New Year to come soon, we moved the hands of the clock forward.

An adjunctive concession. In the subordinate concession there is always the union “although” or another union synonym (despite the fact that, whatever, no matter how ...)

Examples: The prince has a stupid face, although many considered him a dull person.

Adventitious corollary. In the subordinate clause there is always the union "so". A comma must be placed before so.

Examples: The boat had no oars, so we had to row with a board.

Adventitious reasons. In the subordinate cause there is always the union "because" or its synonym (because, from the fact that)

Adjunctive conditions. There is an “if” union, but sometimes the “when” union can play the role of the “if” union.

Examples: If I had known all the consequences, I would not have climbed into the water.

Adventitious mode of action. Answers the question "how?", indicates the method of action.

Examples: He ate as if he had not eaten for three days.

Measures and degrees.

Examples: It was so dark that I couldn't see anything.

Adventitious comparison.

Examples: The air trembled from time to time, as disturbed water trembles.

Time adjunct. There is always the question "when?"

Examples: When I woke up, it was already dawn.

Adventitious place. Answers the questions “Where? where? where?"

REMEMBER: the main question for determining the type of subordinate clauses is the semantic question.

Unions and allied words can add additional shades of meaning to a complex sentence.

Example: The village where Eugene missed was a lovely corner. — This is a complex sentence with an attributive clause, which has an additional spatial connotation of meaning.

In Russian, a group of complex sentences is distinguished, the subordinate parts of which cannot be called either attributive, or explanatory, or adverbial. These are complex sentences with subordinate clauses.

Such subordinate clauses contain an additional, incidental, additional message to the content of the main part of the complex sentence. In this sense, such subordinate clauses often come close in meaning to plug-in constructions.

The means of communication in them are allied words what, why, why, why, as a result of which, etc., which, as it were, repeat the content of the main part in a generalized form.

For example: His enemies, his friends, which may be the same thing, he was honored this way and that. (A. Pushkin) The coachman took it into his head to go by the river, which was supposed to shorten the naga's path by three miles. (A. Pushkin)

It is impossible to raise a question to the connecting clauses, since in the main part of the complex sentence there is no word, phrases that would require the presence of a subordinate clause.

Algorithm for determining the type of subordinate clause

1). Determine the main part of the complex sentence.

2). Determine the key word in the main part (if any).

3). Ask a question from the main part to the subordinate clause:

  • from the content of the main part as a whole;
  • from the predicate in the main part;
  • from a noun or pronoun in the main part;
  • it is impossible to ask a question to the subordinate clause (with joining and comparative).

4). Indicate the means of communication in the subordinate clause (unions or allied words).