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Tomsk Botanical Garden excursions schedule. How it works: TSU Siberian Botanical Garden

There are more than 3.5 thousand botanical gardens in the world, over eighty of them are located in Russia. One of the most significant is the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the SB RAS, which recently celebrated its 60th anniversary. It is located in the vicinity of Novosibirsk and is the largest botanical garden in the Asian territory of our country.

The area of ​​the botanical garden is more than a thousand hectares! This vast territory has great landscape diversity due to the rugged relief with the Zyryanka River valley, steep slopes and adjacent flat areas covered mainly with pine-birch forest. Thanks to the work of the Garden staff, unique and rich expositions have been created: an arboretum and a forest park, a taxonomy, collections of medicinal, spicy-aromatic, food, fodder, technical, ornamental, rare and endangered species of plants. There are wonderful decorative compositions here: "Rocky Garden", "Garden of Continuous Bloom", "Bonsai Park", "Waltz of Flowers". In greenhouses, tropical and subtropical plants form paradises. There are about 10 thousand species, varieties, forms and hybrids of plants in the collection of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden. The Botanical Garden contains one of the largest herbariums in Russia, numbering about 800 thousand herbarium sheets. The Botanical Garden is open to visitors, excursions, classes with schoolchildren and students are held here, the Botanical Museum of Siberia has been created.

On the vast territory of the Botanical Garden, I have a favorite place, a relatively small, but incredibly beautiful and rich corner. This is "Bonsai Park" laid down in 1998. Its area is small by the standards of botanical gardens, "only" 2 hectares. The creator and guardian angel of this park is Yury Viktorovich Ovchinnikov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, designer, traveler and simply the most interesting and amazing person, who kindly received us, showed us around the park and talked about his work.

The entrance to Bonsai Park is a Japanese-style thatched gate. The view behind them is breathtaking. Paths scatter from the central platform, inviting you to visit all corners of the Bonsai Park, and in every corner you will find something interesting and unusual. For example, in the thickets of Cossack juniper, you can find a large nest with multi-colored ceramic eggs. I wonder what fairy bird left them here? Or to see strange giant wicker worms racing up the trunk of a large pine tree.

Everywhere in the garden there are different-sized balls made of different materials: metal, wood, stone, birch bark, metal mesh and dry grass. A melodious soothing ringing is heard throughout the garden, intensifying with the wind. Fung-lin pendants ward off evil spirits, as the Eastern wisdom of Feng Shui prescribes.

There are no random details in Bonsai Park, everything is carefully thought out and exactly in its place. Every stone, every snag, every blade of grass is involved in creating a single composition. Designers create masterpieces from seemingly completely inappropriate objects. Old wheels, empty gas cylinders, some kind of scrap metal, rusty iron beds, bottles, last year's dry grass are used. And what comes out of this rubbish makes you gasp and admire. Moreover, many ideas can be successfully used on your site. Here is at least such an example: stacking a woodpile is not boring and just somewhere behind a barn, but making it an interesting design element by laying firewood in a neat hemisphere. In winter, this woodcutter will turn into a white hat.

Bonsai Park has a large picturesque body of water with islands and streams. This pond was created by the hands of designers from an unsightly overgrown swamp. The territory was cleared, the banks were given natural winding outlines, islands were poured, aquatic and coastal plants were planted. This reservoir has a clay bottom; waterproofing is not used here. A small stream flowing through the territory of the bonsai park ensures the flow and purity of water. Japanese lanterns are placed along the banks of the reservoir, old driftwood is picturesquely laid out, and an openwork pagoda is installed. During the summer, more than a hundred goldfish are released into the pond, which live freely and frolic in freedom all summer, and in winter they move back to the greenhouse aquariums. It seems that you can walk along the banks of this pond for hours, finding more and more beautiful views.

Already from the name it is clear that here much attention is paid to the art of bonsai. Numerous miniature trees lined up on showcase tables, on raised areas specially designated for them. Some are planted directly in the ground. Bonsai from the Botanical Garden are absolutely hardy because they are formed from local plants. Most of them hibernate right on the saucers under the snow cover. The main species from which small masterpieces are created here are common spruce, Siberian larch, common pine, false plane maple, common juniper, western thuja and even apple. In summer, in the bonsai park, you can also see heat-loving plants that are taken out of greenhouses in the warm season.

For planting bonsai plants, ceramic saucers and vessels made by local Novosibirsk ceramic artists are used here. Each such product is unique, because it is a unique single author's work. In the bonsa park, you can also find other works of ceramists, these are mainly various garden decorations. We have already talked about ceramic balls, colorful eggs and Japanese lanterns. In addition, there are funny birds. One of them "flies", suspended from a branch on the central platform, the other two on long legs and with funny tufts hid among the plants on a stone retaining wall.

Although the territory of Bonsai Park is small, you can walk here for a very long time. Repeatedly walking along the same paths, you understand that every time you see something new, you find interesting details and angles. Your correspondent took more than two thousand pictures in Bonsai Park!

More than 2,000 species, forms and varieties of woody and herbaceous plants currently grow in the park. And each, even the smallest, only a few centimeters high, plant receives care and care from the staff of the botanical garden.

Yuri Ovchinnikov says that it is very important to work with relief when creating a garden. Flat areas are always more boring and uninteresting. But if you got just such a one, do not be discouraged, you can create a relief on it artificially. This technique is called geoplastics. The soil excavated in one place will serve as material for creating a hill in another corner of the garden. You will get additional cubic meters of land by digging a pit for a reservoir and bases for paths. The result should be an interesting beautiful relief pattern. Hollows and hills, slopes and leveled areas, reservoirs and grottoes, shady lowlands and dry warm hills will appear in the garden. These elements will require the installation of stairs, bridges, retaining walls, which will also greatly enliven and decorate your garden. Geoplastics also help to create a variety of growing conditions for plants, which greatly expands the number of species that can be grown in the garden. If there is a relief on the site, then the diversity of lighting conditions, humidity and soil composition, and drainage appear.

Bonsai Park is always happy to see visitors, you can walk here on your own or as part of an excursion group. In the garden, you can also buy planting material for ornamental plants, including already formed garden bonsai trees, and in greenhouses you can buy bonsai for the home.

Probably, every resident of Novosibirsk and most of the guests of the capital of the region have visited the Botanical Garden and Bonsai Park at least once. It is beautiful here at any time of the year. In spring you can enjoy the gentle colors of awakening nature, in summer you can admire its riot and diversity, in autumn - brightness, in winter it is especially pleasant to visit greenhouses and immerse yourself in the green world of southern flora.

We sincerely advise you to visit this amazing corner and get a lot of pleasant experiences, unforgettable pleasure and inspiration. And this can be done repeatedly, because the employees of the botanical garden constantly update and supplement the compositions.

    Central scientific research institution, organized in 1946 in the vicinity of Novosibirsk as part of the West Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences; since 1958 under the jurisdiction of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, since 1961 S. b. with. has the status of scientific ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Central Siberian Botanical Garden ... Wikipedia

    - (TsSBS SB RAS), colloquially "Botanical Garden" is a botanical research institution, which is part of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Contents 1 Description 2 Activity 2.1 Subject ... Wikipedia

    The Central Siberian Botanical Garden (CSBS SB RAS), colloquially known as Botanical Garden, is a botanical research institution that is part of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Contents 1 Description 2 Activity 2.1 Subject ... Wikipedia

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    Landmark Botanical Garden of the Botanical Institute. V. L. Komarova RAS ... Wikipedia

    Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg, greenhouse of aquatic plants. The Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg (Botanical Garden of the Botanical Institute named after V. L. Komarov RAS, former Imperial Botanical Garden) is the oldest botanical garden in Russia. Located ... Wikipedia

    This article or section has a list of sources or external links, but the sources of individual statements remain unclear due to the lack of footnotes ... Wikipedia

There is one wonderful place in Tomsk that will allow you to immerse yourself in warmth, summer and the tropics. This is the Siberian Botanical Garden. Someone goes to the famous Thai Nong-Nuch, while Tomsk residents can enjoy the exotic without leaving the city.

The garden belongs to Tomsk State University and is its separate subdivision, it is also one of the ten largest botanical gardens in Russia.

How to get to the Siberian Botanical Garden

The garden can be reached in several ways:

  • On foot. If you settled near Lenin Avenue, then this is the most convenient option. You can get some fresh air and see local sights. So, in a 10-30 minute walk there is Novosobornaya Square, which you can read about, with the City Garden, the Embankment, the Museum of the NKVD Investigative Prison, the Camp Garden, about which it is written, and other places.
  • By bus or trolleybus. The fare is 17 and 15 rubles, respectively. Almost all buses go past the greenhouses, they are located in the city center. You need to get to the stops "Universitet" or "Library of TSU". Next, visitors will have a short walk along the University Grove. It is more difficult to get to the grove on Mokrushina. Only two buses go there: 19 and 24. You need to get to the Shkola stop, and walk past it (it is located at 10 Mokrushina) and residential buildings. It is there that the territorial entrance to the botanical garden. It is better and more convenient to get to your destination in the following two ways.
  • By taxi. Everything is simple here: tell the taxi driver the address, he will quickly drive you to the right place. The cost of a trip around the city is from 100 to 170 rubles. There is no direct access to the greenhouses, so you still have to walk along the University Grove.
  • By car. Renting a car will cost from 1500 rubles per day and more. The only thing is that in the center on weekdays it can be tight with parking, but an experienced driver will always find a place where you can get up.

History of the botanical garden

This is the first botanical garden beyond the Urals, for a long time it was the largest, until it was overtaken by Novosibirsk. In 2015 Tomsk celebrated its 135th anniversary. It was opened by decree of 1875 on the construction of the first Siberian University (the current TSU). Then an area of ​​1.7 hectares was allocated just south of the main university building.

Initially, the garden had a greenhouse, the territory of which was about 400 squares. In 1885, a learned gardener from Kazan University, P.N. Krylov. He brought about 60 species of plants. With the exception of a few types, almost all of them were short-lived. And some of them have survived to this day. Therefore, visitors can see the peers of the botanical garden: rooting ficus, Forster's palm and Bidwill's araucaria, they are 130-135 years old.

First of all, the work of the employees of the Botanical Garden was carried out to create collections of plants. In the 1930s, its territory grew: an additional area of ​​almost 68 hectares was allocated on the outskirts of the city, which later increased. During the war years, the employees of the garden also worked for the good of the country: medicinal plants were actively studied and grown here, which were later transferred to the pharmaceutical plant and pharmacies.

Garden today

Today the garden has two areas. One of them is 4 greenhouses and 2 greenhouses near the main building of TSU. This area of ​​6.5 thousand meters is divided into 18 departments with a diverse microclimate. They contain both tropical plants unique to Siberia and other varieties that require special conditions for growth. As Wikipedia suggests, there are more than 6 thousand of them:

  • 1800 tropical and subtropical species;
  • 796 ornamental shrubs and trees;
  • 1200 ornamental grassy;
  • 535 medicinal;
  • 235 fruit and berry;
  • 514 feed;
  • 421 vegetable;
  • and 551 disappearing in the Tomsk region and rare for it.

The expanses of Siberia are vast, but the species composition of its natural vegetation is relatively less diverse than in the Far East and even in the middle zone of the European part of Russia. Therefore, the enrichment of its cultural flora is especially important. Even before the revolution of 1917, advanced scientists sought to transfer new valuable medicinal, fodder, fruit and berry plants to the Siberian land. After the revolution, the solution to this problem was put on a state basis. In 1926, the First Siberian Regional Research Congress was held in Novosibirsk, which discussed the tasks of studying and mobilizing the natural resources of Siberia. Established institutions involved in the introduction of useful plants on the Siberian land, before the start of the Great Patriotic War, managed to do a very important job. They proved that with a thoughtful approach to solving this complex problem, it is possible to master the cultivation of many fruit, vegetable, berry, and medicinal plants, despite the extremely continental climate of these places. The remarkable researchers N.F. Kashchenko, I.M. Leonov, M.A. Lisavenko, 3.I. Archer and others.

The introduction of new plants to the Siberian expanses, the enrichment of its plant resources is one of the most significant components of the development of Siberia. Considering all this, an outstanding botanist, who at that time was the president of the USSR Academy of Sciences, V.L. Komarov made a proposal to create a large center for the introduction and acclimatization of plants in the largest city in Siberia. The proposal was well reasoned and accepted. In March 1946, the Novosibirsk Botanical Garden was organized. Initially, the garden received a plot of 172 hectares within the city and was included in the Medical Biological Institute of the West Siberian Branch of the RSFSR Academy of Sciences. An energetic work was immediately launched to develop the territory and accumulate collections of living plants. The team quickly proved itself to be the best, and four years later the garden was turned into an independent scientific institution, directly subordinate to the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Six years after the transformation of the branch into the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the botanical garden was given a modern title - the Central Siberian Botanical Garden, and in 1961 the garden was assigned to the highest category of scientific institutions of the USSR Academy of Sciences in accordance with the assigned fundamental biological problems.

The word "central" in the name of the garden means that, in addition to its own research, it is entrusted with methodological guidance and coordination of the activities of all botanical gardens in Siberia and the Far East.

When an academic campus was built near Novosibirsk on the picturesque bank of the Ob reservoir, the chairman of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences made a proposal to transfer the further construction of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden to its territory. In 1964-1968. the relocation of the garden to a new territory was made, and everything that had been done before in Novosibirsk was left for the city. A huge plot of 1060 hectares was allocated for the new garden, directly adjacent to the residential area of ​​Akademgorodok and including the second and third floodplain terraces of the Ob River, which rise in the upper part to 200 m above sea level. The relief of the site is characterized by a calm slope to the south and southwest. The site is divided into two unequal parts by the bed of the Zyryanka River and is cut in places by ravines and gullies. More than half of the territory was covered with forests, mainly birch, partly pine, in places aspen, spruce and deciduous. The soils here are mostly light, well-drained, either podzolic or gray forest type, which is generally favorable for introduction work. Climatic conditions are sharply continental type, moderately provided with heat and moisture. Atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity tend to change frequently and abruptly. Thus, the amplitude of changes in atmospheric pressure during the day exceeds 20 mm. The limits of change of average monthly temperatures reach 40°, and absolute - up to 90°. The duration of the frost-free period varies within 90-140 days, and the amount of precipitation per year varies from 250 to 500 mm. A stable snow cover with a depth of 35-70 cm lasts 157-162 days, the soil sometimes freezes to 2 m. The maximum air temperature reaches 37 ° C in July, the minimum in winter drops to -50 ° C. The average length of the growing season is 155 days.

In accordance with the project, the territory of the garden was divided into two unequal parts. Approximately 30% (320 ha) was intended for the creation of botanical expositions, and the rest of the vegetation was preserved in natural ecosystems and in its entirety of the floristic composition.

Among the botanical expositions of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden, an important place is occupied by a site intended for the demonstration and study of useful plants of the natural flora of Siberia. These plants are placed according to the principle of human use. The largest section among them is the collection of wild medicinal plants. In folk medicine, about a thousand species from the flora of Siberia are used, of which about two hundred have been studied according to the classical method of pharmacology and are recommended for use in scientific medicine. The sections of spicy-aromatic, fodder and other useful plants are very rich. The pride of the botanical garden is the most durable exposition - the arboretum. This is the name of the collection of woody plants. The purpose of this exposition is complex: to test plants attracted from the world dendroflora in order to identify and select the most resistant in local conditions; collect seeds and prepare cuttings from mother plants for primary propagation and implementation in practice; preserve the gene pool of woody plants; to serve as a model of gardening art and techniques for the formation of highly artistic landscapes, as well as a base for advanced training of forestry and landscaping specialists. For the arboretum, a site was allocated located on the hills and slopes adjacent to the Zyryanka River. The plants here are systematically arranged in the form of a landscape park. The collection already contains about 500 species of woody plants from Siberia, the Far East, Western Europe, Central Asia, North America, Mongolia, China, and Japan.

In the expositions of food plants, much attention is paid to the accumulation of a collection of fruit, berry and vegetable plants of Siberia and the Far East. The collection of berries exceeded 100 species. It includes natural and cultural forms of currant, types and varieties of cranberries, strawberries, and blueberries. From fruit trees, apple trees are intensively studied, hybrids are created between cultivated and wild-growing forms. Plums and cherry-cherry hybrids resistant to Siberian conditions have been found. Interesting varieties of pepper and tomato have been created, which have time to give ripe fruits during the short Siberian summer. All these plants, so necessary for Siberians, together with the original wild species, can be viewed on an extensive exposition of cultivated plants.

Of course, the most elegant exposition in the Siberian Botanical Garden is of flower and ornamental plants. From the first thawed patches in spring to hard frosts in autumn, you can always find bright, pleasing flowers here.

Within the framework of the general exposition, sections with independent themes are identified. A special technique of landscape gardening art - a rocky garden - makes a pleasant impression. It allows you to build a multifaceted landscape in a small space, created mainly from small alpine plants, harmoniously combined with stone and water. Pets from the flower collection have already found wide application in the landscaping of cities, towns, enterprises and individual garden plots. Tropical and subtropical plants grow in greenhouses. They have already collected 650 species brought from America, Asia, Africa, and Australia. With great love and skill, these sissies are grown. They look healthy and well-groomed. They are used with great skill to decorate the interiors of the administrative and laboratory buildings.

An independent group of seed science and seed production studies the quality and conditions of seed germination. Collection and processing of seeds for the exchange fund is underway. Regular exchange of seeds has been established with foreign and domestic botanical gardens.

TsSBS is the only major botanical scientific institution in Siberia. Therefore, along with the development of the problem "Introduction and acclimatization of plants", the garden is called upon to carry out extensive research on the problem "Biological foundations for the rational use and protection of the plant world." Scientists of the garden study the vegetation of Siberia, clarify the typology of the vegetation cover of Siberia and the patterns of its geographical distribution.

One of the most important issues in the work of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden is the protection of flora. The results of research in this area are summarized in a collective monograph, which indicates the species in need of protection, recommends measures for their conservation in nature, in protected areas and in the collections of botanical gardens.

The structure has been built in accordance with the scientific profile of the garden and the objectives of the research. There are 12 laboratories here: flora and vegetation, herbarium, geobotany, lower plants, ecology and phytocenology, plant resources, dendrology, introduction of food plants, ornamental plants, resistance physiology, microbiology, phytochemistry and chemotaxonomy, and other structural units. The research results of the scientists of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden are summarized in numerous monographs, collections and articles.

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The basis for the future Central Siberian Botanical Garden was created by a collection of plants and fruit trees, which had developed by 1946 in one of the parks of Novosibirsk. Interest in the preservation and development of this collection, as well as the growth of research activities in the field of botany, led to the fact that a separate territory was allocated for the botanical garden in the Academgorodok of Novosibirsk with a total area of ​​more than a hectare. It was there that since 1964 the Botanical Garden has been located, which not only attracts visitors with the unique natural environment created here, but is also one of the largest scientific centers. An important direction of the educational work of the Novosibirsk Botanical Garden is the education and training of qualified personnel for institutes and research institutes in Novosibirsk and the region.

Gradually, the main greenhouse building, laboratories and ancillary buildings for research activities, warehouses, production facilities, as well as greenhouses were built on the allocated territory.

However, the main and most important place in the botanical garden is given, of course, to plants.

For many years of painstaking work, an incredible collection has been created here. For example, in the greenhouse part of the garden you will find more than 3,000 species of plants - bright representatives of the tropics and subtropics, in the arboretum and forest park zone - about 400 species, in the Garden of Continuous Flowering exposition - about 520 varieties of flora. In the garden you can see the richest selection of lichens and mushrooms. The employees of the Botanical Garden pay special attention to the conservation of rare and endangered species. There are over a hundred of them in the park.

One of the most vivid impressions leaves a visit to the garden in winter. The door of the greenhouse opens, and from the severe Siberian frosts in an instant you find yourself in a tropical paradise! The warm humid air of the tropics, the breathtaking beauty of the plants, the unusual aromas and colors overwhelm visitors with delight. The plants in the greenhouse are very thoughtfully chosen in composition and create a wonderful decoration for each other. In each flower, careful care is noticeable.

The “King” of the greenhouse is the “Tree of Friendship”, where tangerines, pomelo, oranges, lemons and Fortunella coexist on the same branch. Such an unusual hybrid was grown by the geneticists of the botanical garden.

The local collection of bonsai (from the Japanese "grown in a tray") will definitely please you. This ancient Japanese gardening art of making dwarf copies of large trees, thanks to special care and pruning, has long been loved and popular far beyond Japan. Fanciful roots, curved lines, beautiful ceramic jugs - all this sets you up for a thoughtful state, immerses you in the inner world and soothes.

In addition to the greenhouse, especially in the warm season, it is interesting to take a walk in the park itself. This is a huge territory, which consists of an arboretum and stalls. The Park of Continuous Bloom, the Rocky Garden, and the Waltz of the Flowers exposition are open for public access. The entrance to the collection of rare and endangered species is available, unfortunately, only to the staff of the botanical garden.

Going down to the stalls, be sure to look at the rose garden donated to the Novosibirsk Botanical Garden by the cosmetic company Yves Rocher.

The Botanical Museum of Siberia was opened at the botanical garden. It consists of 3 halls that tell about the history of the development of scientific activity in the field of botany in the region).

In order not to get lost in the vast expanses of the garden, be guided by the plan of the territory. By the way, it’s really possible to get lost here, it’s not for nothing that the botanical garden was chosen as the venue for the All-Russian mass orienteering competition “Russian Azimuth”.

Visitors advise: when going to the botanical garden, take water and food with you for a snack. There are no cafes and shops here yet, and long walks in nature quickly work up an excellent appetite.

For those who are tired, there are benches on the walking alleys.

Please note that photography in the botanical garden is paid!

You can walk around the botanical garden on foot, or you can take the opportunity to ride a bike and get to all, even the most distant corners, for example, to the lake. Bicycle rental is available on site. Paid parking is organized for visitors who come to the garden by car.

There is a toilet and a flower shop in the main building. Here you can inexpensively buy interesting plants for your room or country garden.

Central Siberian Botanical Garden in autumn (video)

Excursions and work schedule

On the excursion to the greenhouse can be accessed at any time of the year. The exception is two summer months - July and August, when the greenhouse is closed to the public. In the remaining months they are held on the following days:

  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 10.00, 11.00, 13.00, 14.00;
  • Saturday - 10.00, 11.00, 13.00, 14.00.

Open ground exposition available only during the warm season (from early June to late September). The duration of each tour is about one and a half hours. You can choose any weekday at 10.00, 12.00, 14.00 hours. Pre-registration required.

In addition to the excursion, the botanical garden offers a half-hour walk accompanied by a guide. You can choose to visit any of the expositions:

  • garden of continuous flowering (Monday - Thursday from 9.00 - 14.45, Friday until 12.00);
  • heather garden (Monday - Friday from 9.00 - 16.00);
  • garden of topiary art (Monday - Friday from 9.00 - 16.00);
  • bonsai park (Tuesday-Sunday from 12.00 to 19.30).

The group is recruited by the guide at the entrance to the exposition according to the schedule of the day.

A detailed schedule of these and other excursions can be found on the CSBS services page.

Prices in the Novosibirsk Botanical Garden in 2019

If you decide to walk around the territory of the botanical garden in the parterre and arboretum on your own, the ticket price will be 30 rubles. from a person.

Adults will pay 150 rubles for a tour of the greenhouses or the arboretum. and 100 rubles. for every child.

You can get to the open ground expositions as part of an excursion by paying 170 rubles. for a full ticket and 150 rubles. for children.

Half-hour excursions cost 50 rubles per person (children under 7 years old are free) everywhere except for Bonsai Park, where the ticket price is:

  • adult - 150 rubles;
  • children (from 5 to 16 years old) - 100 rubles.

When planning to come in the summer by car, budget another 250 rubles. for entry into the territory.

How to get to the Novosibirsk Botanical Garden

To find the botanical garden, focus on the territory of Novosibirsk Academgorodok. From the city center you can get by bus or take the metro:

  • from Lenin Square - bus number 8;
  • from Marx Square - minibus number 15;
  • from the River Station - minibus number 35.

You need the Morskoy Prospekt stop, which is already in Academgorodok. From the stop go down Zolotodolinskaya street. After passing a ravine, a bridge and a small tropic upstairs, you will enter the territory of the botanical garden.

You can also enter the garden from the south side. Take bus number 72 going from "Morskoy Prospekt" to the village of Kirov. You need to get off at the stop "Vasilkovskaya". There are also applications for ordering a taxi in Novosibirsk: Uber, Yandex Taxi, Gett Taxi and Maxim Taxi.

View of the main building of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden - Google Maps panorama