Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Triangle on the right palm meaning. How to find a triangle on the line of life

Today I will continue talking about palmistry, and we will turn to wealth lines and money signs on the hand. In our life, faced with financial difficulties, we often say: "We did not live richly, there is nothing to start." Once again, having heard this famous saying, I thought about the question: “Why is there nothing?”. Isn't the saying a kind of spell, saying which we condemn ourselves in advance to a poor, penniless life? After all, to be rich, first of all, to feel like one, with any amount of money.

Let's imagine the following situation: fate has laid in you a potential, by realizing which you can gain wealth, and you constantly tell yourself: "We didn’t live richly, there’s nothing to start." Thus blocking the opportunity to open to receive cash flow. Often people themselves do not want to do something to change their lives for the better, and sometimes they are simply afraid of failure. And again the question arises: “But how to determine whether my destiny is destined to become rich, maybe it’s really worth starting and not worth it?” The answer, as you already guess, we will again look for on our palms, with the help of divination by the hand, in which the ancient science of palmistry will help us.

To know oneself, to know the future and the past by the hand, one can learn to read lines, signs on the palms - this is palmistry. The line of wealth, the money triangle, other signs of well-being on the hand, this entire set of markers in the palm of your hand, together or separately, predict wealth, money.

wealth line

wealth line is an abstract concept. I would like to immediately note that as such it does not exist, but there are several certain features in the palm of your hand, indicating possible circumstances that will lead to wealth, the flow of money into your life. As a rule, this is the direction of the main lines (head, heart, life, fate) and branches from them, as well as various signs on these lines.

I talked about the main lines on the palms in the article "". After reading it, it will be easier for you to navigate the lines, to find signs of wealth on your hands. Let's turn to one of the main lines in palmistry - life lines. If it is deep, this indicates that its owner has already achieved some success, he definitely has the potential to get rich.

Also, branches from it directed clearly upwards, towards the fingers, speak of numerous successes in life. A branch pointing upward at the very beginning of this line means extraordinary self-confidence. The ability of a person to make informed decisions will tell us such an arrangement of lines in which the line of life does not merge with the line of the head, but passes at a distance of several millimeters. All these qualities are inherent in successful people, and they always know how to make big money.

Of great importance for determining the potential to get rich is fate line. I have already said that this line is very insidious, it can appear and disappear throughout life, and for many it does not exist at all. But if you find this line on your hand, it could mean the following:

  • right now, fateful events are taking place in your life that determine your future destiny;
  • if the line of fate is deep and straight, you are the person who knows how to set goals and is steadily moving towards their achievement, it is this quality that determines wealthy people who have managed to achieve financial independence on their own.

Therefore, the presence of this line on the hand in itself indicates a great potential to get rich. A person who is doomed to success fate line must necessarily be located at a distance from the line of life, start from the lunar hillock, be clear, intersect with the heart line, and rest against the end hill of jupiter or Saturn(bump under the index or middle finger, respectively).

All these features speak of the inner strength of a person, which he knows how to accumulate in order to achieve maximum financial results. He is a professional in his field, has a high social status and wealth, at least he has everything to obtain the above achievements.

Versatile abilities, talents of a person often help him achieve success and material well-being - this will be indicated by a double or even triple line of fate. When it starts at the same point with the life line, success will come due to exclusively personal achievements, the merits of a person. A fork at its end means a prosperous, rich old age.

If one day you find yourself disappearing lines of fate, be prepared for the fact that you will lose your goal, and with it the money. It can also mean the loss of money work.

Thin branches from the line of fate or life aimed at Mount of Mercury(under the little finger) or on hillock of Jupiter(under the index finger), often called scoops of wealth. Moreover, the clearer and deeper these lines, the more wealth and money will come into your life.

When the twig comes to hillock of Saturn(under the middle finger), you can get the desired money only with the help of hard, hard, monotonous work. When the twig comes to Apollo(hill under the ring finger), money will flow like a river due to the disclosure of a person’s abilities and talent. The branch rests on Mercury(hill under the little finger) get super profits in commerce or with the help of science.

There are signs of wealth mind lines(heads). The line extending from it to the index finger (Jupiter) speaks of self-confidence, which leads to the achievement of the goal, including the achievement of material well-being and stability.

If the branch is directed to the little finger (Mercury), the person succeeds in risky financial transactions, when it is clear, one can judge the pronounced entrepreneurial, commercial vein of its owner.

There are signs for heart lines. A sign similar to a fork, directed with its ends to the index finger, determines the high social status of a person. People of this position cannot be poor in and of themselves. Branches up are also a positive factor affecting wealth.

The human brain acts as an artist writing lines on the palms. As a rule, he does not have to correct the main lines during his life, which cannot be said about thinner secondary lines, various branches, signs. He regularly corrects them depending on the upcoming and past events in a person’s life.

Triangle of wealth and money

So-called money triangle, palmistry describes as one of the powerful signs for determining wealth. We will look for it in the very center of the palm. A figure in the form of a triangle, form the main lines of head and destiny, intersecting with each other and an additional line that closes the triangle.

It should be explicit, not blurry, closed. By its size, one can judge the amount of money, of course, the larger the size, the greater the fortune. When such a sign appears on both hands at once, then wealth in your life is simply inevitable. A triangle within a triangle is a great sign of a successful investor.

Let's consider a situation where the triangle is formed only from the lines of the head and fate, it is not closed by an additional line. Such a ratio of lines can only mean one thing, your money is gradually slipping away from you, it does not multiply, and, in the end, it can be completely lost.

Other signs of wealth and money on the hand

If suddenly looking at the hand of a rich person, you do not find the above markers of wealth, then do not be alarmed, as there are several more signs of wealth and money on the hand, indicating the potential to live a comfortable life. Be sure to look at your fingers. These are the most mobile parts of the hands, which primarily respond to signals from our brain. That is why they carry a lot of information about the character, thoughts, emotions of a person.

Take a look at little finger. This is where size comes into play. The owner of a long little finger (aka finger of Mercury), the length of which reaches the first joint b ring finger (Apollo's finger), that is, almost to his nail plate, knows how to make money, from almost everything he touches. This is a very auspicious sign.

The less finger of mercury, the chances of a big income decrease along with its size. If the little finger is unusually small and does not even reach the first joint of the Apollo finger, this is even worse. This man has no innate commercial acumen. He does not know how to discern the benefits, does not see opportunities, often runs a business at a loss, or spends much more than he earns.

If you take a closer look at the mound of Mercury, then you can also find some banknotes there. Short vertical lines below it indicate constant cash receipts, and the clearer the lines, the greater the income.

Another technique that allows you to understand how a person knows how to manage and multiply his money is closed fingers. If there are gaps between the fingers, gaps - money flows through your fingers, you do not know how to properly manage money, so they do not stay with you. And vice versa, if the fingers are tightly closed, without forming gaps, you are an excellent financier who, even without proper education, competently manages funds, knows how to not only save them, but also increase them.

Star- these are several crossed lines, in itself a very good sign indicating a rich person, wherever she is. If you found it on the hill of Jupiter (under the index finger) - this is a good warning of satisfied ambition, a sign of honor, happy love, a destiny for great deeds, unexpected prosperity, wealth.

Inheritance or unexpected hand winnings

Getting an inheritance or winning the lottery is easy money that everyone dreams of. Suddenly getting rich without making any effort is not so common, but still there is a chance. And it can also be found on the palm of your hand. To do this, pay attention to the line of life.

Easy money is one or more triangles that point towards the thumb, and the basis for them is the life line itself. If this line is broken down by date, then you can determine at what age unexpected wealth will fall on you. Such signs can also indicate a profitable marriage, marriage.

A small but clear line between the ring finger and the little finger indicates inheritance. These marks are extremely rare. If you are the owner of such a sign, then you are incredibly lucky. You are a darling of fate, there is easy money in your life. Try to use the gift of fate wisely.

Which hand to look for wealth and money?

If you look at the palms of the right and left hands separately, you can see a big difference. Drawings of skin patterns on the hands, as a rule, differ, to a greater or lesser extent. That is why you can not take into account only the drawings of one palm. In order to make accurate predictions, palmists always examine both hands, first of all the left, after the right. And here's why: the drawing of the left palm appears at the stage of the embryo in the womb and practically does not change throughout life.

This is due to the fact that the left palm is the carrier of the program embedded in us, which must be implemented while living this earthly life. The right palm, on the contrary, constantly undergoes changes throughout life under the influence of our real actions, emotions, experiences, reflects our inner world at a given moment in time, showing the future in accordance with the choice we have made. That is why the pattern on the right palm changes over the years. For lefties, the rule is reversed.

If, after examining the palms, you find that the lines as a whole do not differ, this indicates that your life corresponds to the program that is laid in you, most likely, you have excellent intuition, an unknown voice from above always shows you the right path. In order to avoid mistakes, palmists carefully study the inconsistencies on both hands, since this is what helps to give a correct prediction about fate, to suggest how to proceed.

In conclusion, I would like to say that wealth, before manifesting itself in real life, is born on the subtle planes of our consciousness. A strong thread connects the manifestation of spiritual wealth with the wealth of the material world.

Form images and thoughts in the right direction, feel rich, act even if you have not found signs indicating wealth. By following these rules, you will soon see the treasured signs in your palm. And remember, living richly is worth starting at any time, because the possibilities of a person are endless!

It is human nature to attempt to look into the future, and for this, tasks were invented, playing solitaire games, consultations of psychics and clairvoyants, as well as palmistry. It is worth saying that the latter method can be used independently at home. The fact is that the human hand is a kind of atlas of our destiny, having the slightest knowledge of palmistry, you can skillfully read all the signs and lines, put them together and find out about what was, is and will be.

The most eloquent about the fate and life of a person is told by the line of Fate, Life, Love and Mind. However, this does not mean that you can close your eyes to small branches and signs, one of these signs is a triangle in the palm of your hand. Today we will learn how to detect it, what it can tell about.

General information about the triangle

It is worth saying that the triangle in the palm of your hand is an ambiguous sign that can take on both positive and negative meanings. Here it is important to evaluate not only the very presence or absence of a figure, but also the characteristics of the triangle on the hand, that is, its size, clarity of lines, any detail is important.

What affects the analysis of a triangle of lines in the palm of your hand:

  • Where is the triangle. This factor means a lot. From which hill (Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Apollo, Moon or Venus) or which line (life, mind, love or children) the sign is located on, its meaning will change dramatically.
  • How many triangles are in the palm of your hand. The larger the number, the more difficult it will be to analyze a particular hand.
  • Triangle size. The larger the figure, the more pronounced this or that quality will be. It is important to be able to interpret all the signs in the aggregate, this will help to recreate a real picture of fate. In addition to signs, moles must also be taken into account, however, the analysis of moles should be done by professionals, that is, a palmist with experience.

However, despite all these nuances, there is a general meaning of this karmic symbol. If at all, then a triangle in the palm of your hand - this means a positive sign than a negative one. If such a pattern is visible in your palm, this is a sign that your future is likely to be bright and cloudless. Such people often find themselves in the scientific field, medicine, as well as politics or social activities.

Although there is an opposite meaning, when the triangle takes on a different, sinister interpretation. There are situations when a triangle means serious illness, loneliness and even death, but, thank God, this is extremely rare. This happens only in cases where the triangle is located with the top down or if it comes from the little finger of the left hand.

Triangles of fate

In this section, we will talk about how the meaning of the triangle in the palm of your hand changes depending on which zone it is located in.

On the hill of Jupiter

If the triangle is located on the hillock or rosette of Jupiter (located near the index finger), that is, near the index finger of the left hand, then this indicates that you have the hand of a talented person who can find his calling in oratory, it is worth saying that to keep attention audience is his talent. Such people can become successful politicians, leaders of large companies, as well as stage workers. In addition, such people are distinguished by outstanding mental abilities, they generate a huge number of ideas, many of which turn out to be successful and even unique. It is worth saying that such people are a magnet for attracting a variety of non-standard situations; books can be written about the life of such people.

On the hill of Apollo

If the sign is located on the hill of Apollo, that is, below the ring finger, then these are very disciplined people, their vocation is the exact sciences, it is here that they can fully realize their potential. Among the owners of the mark you can meet famous architects, as well as engineers who created extraordinary projects.

On the hill of Mars

A triangle on it, this area is located on the edge of the wrist, it is worth saying that this sign is extremely rare. Usually, the triangle on the hill of Mars is seen in men who succeed in the military industry, they become excellent commanders, as they can lead people. Its location is the lower area under the little finger.

On the hill of the moon

If the triangle is located on the hill of the Moon, that is, at the bottom of the edge of the arm, this is a sign that there is a difficult person in front of you. Usually, this mark indicates magical abilities, many magicians and psychics can boast of this sign. It is believed that the figure on the hill of the Moon endows the owner with a special cosmic connection with otherworldly forces, which will further contribute to witchcraft. In addition to magic, they can be realized in art, as they are able to subtly feel beauty.

On the hill of Venus

Speaking about the location of the triangle in the Venus zone, one cannot but say that this is a bad sign. Most likely, in the fate of this person there will be many trials that will force him to show maximum strength and faith in himself. Of course, this is not a sentence, the prediction will not necessarily come true, but this is a good reason to think about whether you are doing everything right, or, does it make sense to reconsider certain aspects of life.

If the triangle is located on the right hand

Palmists assure that the decoding of the triangle will change depending on which hand the sign appears on. Moreover, the symbol is not found on every hand, it also has its own meaning. Such people live their lives normally, that is, they do not differ in special skills, they do not encounter insoluble problems, this option cannot be called bad.

Let's talk about what the triangle means, located only on the right hand. Usually, it is located in the middle of the hand, where the palm is divided in half, so it is simply impossible not to notice it. For a full interpretation, it is necessary to analyze which vital lines are the faces of the figure, the meaning of the symbol will depend on this:

If the triangle is formed by the line of the Mind (Head) to the segment of Fate on the right hand, which happens most often, this is a sign that such a person will never experience material problems, most likely he will have a rich and carefree life. However, it cannot be said that money will come from nowhere, it is not so. Most likely, you will have to make considerable efforts to achieve real financial independence, but believe me, it's worth it.

It is worth paying attention to the clarity and clarity of the lines, only thick and really noticeable lines will indicate monetary success. If there is a triangle on the right hand, but the edges of the triangle are fuzzy, broken, and in some places even resemble a dotted line, this also indicates a surge of money, only in your case, they will quickly come and just as quickly leave you.

What does the triangle on the left palm mean

The triangle located on the left hand is also an important sign that indicates that in your life, most likely, there will be no problems with money. However, compared to the interpretation of the symbol on the right palm, money will come easily, without any effort on your part. Usually, this can be winning the lottery, receiving an unexpected inheritance, and more.

Here it is important to analyze which side is the base of the triangle, that is, its longest side. If this is the Life Line, then you will be able to achieve professional success, most likely you will become a good leader. If this is a triangle on the line of Love, then there will always be a loving person next to you who will sincerely support any of your undertakings. If we are talking about the Line of Fate, then your life will be full of adventures - traveling, meeting new people.

What does the big triangle mean?

It is worth saying that the triangles are different, some compare them to fingerprints, the pattern is so unique. Of all the varieties of symbols in the palm of your hand, there is such a sign that is called the Big Triangle, usually it is a triangle in the very center of the palm. It is formed from these lines:

  • Intelligence (Head)
  • fate
  • Mercury

This combination of lines is considered unique and has its own interpretation. It is worth talking about the special meaning of the triangle only if all three edges are drawn clearly and deep enough.

It is worth saying that this is a uniquely positive sign that indicates certain abilities. It indicates that you will cope with enviable ease with all the problems that arise on your life path, namely: your mind will always remain cold, and you will be able to adapt in time to any situation and deftly get out of it, get out of the water dry . It also means that in your life there will always be a balance and harmony, which is so often lacking in our lives.

Speaking of a large triangle, it is necessary to mention the characteristics of the figure, which must be taken into account when explaining:

  • The form. If the triangle has equal sides, that is, it is correct, then this indicates that you will be equally happy in all aspects of life;
  • Pay attention to the angle of the edges. If a triangle from the line of the Head and Mercury is created at the intersection of a right angle, this is a sign that you should listen to your own intuition, it will not let you down;
  • The presence of breaks and cracks. Such a sign suggests that everything in life will be shaky, today you can be on horseback, and tomorrow you are aground, try not to take risks.

What does the small triangle mean?

The presence of a small triangle will indicate a creative person who is able to decorate this world with himself. It can be formed from various lines, here it is important to note its size and the lines with which the vertices of the triangle are in contact.

If one of them concerns the line of Love, then this indicates that your chosen one or the Chosen One will always share your hobbies and, most likely, you will work in the same area. If the middle, that is, the top, is in contact with the Life Line, this is a sign that creativity should not become your main activity, yes, it can be your hobby, but no more than that. Most likely, you will not be able to achieve real success in this field.

God's Eye or High Triangle

The high triangle, the Red Triangle or God's Eye, as it is called in palmistry, is formed from three lines - the Line of the Mind (Head), Mercury and Apollo, comes from the ring finger. People who have such a symbol in the palm of their left or right hand have extraordinary abilities for science; at present, they can be realized in such a field as IT technologies.

However, this does not mean that such a person is only capable of sitting at a computer for hours and doing tedious and monotonous work, this is not so. The presence of the Eye of God in the palm of your hand gives such people a comprehensive development in many areas, so we can say that a person with such a mark is simply doomed to success, his grounding is simply impossible.

Triangle with long edges

Separately, it is worth mentioning that when a triangle with long edges forms in the palm of your hand, it is also called the Witch's Triangle on the hand. Far from every palmist succeeds in finding it, especially if you are dealing with this for the first time. However, it is still worth trying, since its meaning completely changes the fate of the owner of such a sign on his hand.

The complexity of determining the witch's triangle lies in the fact that it is formed by several hills and lines at once. The first edge comes from the hill of Mercury, the second is the side of the hill of Saturn, the third is the line of Fate in the triangle. It is worth saying that often the edges of the figure are fuzzy and barely noticeable, so you have to work hard to find them.

If we study the ancient writings on palmistry, we will quite unexpectedly notice that different names are used to designate lines, while there are no names for the planets. The line of Saturn there is called the line of good or evil fate, the line of the Sun or Apollo - the line of wealth or poverty.

Where do these various designations come from, which seem to the unfamiliar with palmistry to bring discord into the teaching of palmistry?

This is because both systems of palmistry have merged together, and although they agree in their final conclusions, they have a different basis.

Physical palmistry, which could be called folk palmistry, created the names of the lines of life, head, heart, fate, wealth and the liver or stomach, it also created the doctrine of the figures in the palm, that is, the “hand table”, or “quadrangle”, about "big triangle" and "small triangle". There is no astrological or planetary element in the designations of physical or natural palmistry, this system seems to be a kind of translation or processing of astrological or scientific palmistry for public use and is especially loved by the gypsies ...

Confusion and obscurity will vanish as if by a miracle, if the student of the art of divination by hand comes to the conclusion that in this art there are two methods that ultimately agree with themselves.

Upon closer examination, it will seem that the names of physical palmistry owe their origin to astrological or scientific palmistry.

Since Venus is the goddess of love, creation, and therefore animal life, the line of Venus was replaced by the line of life.

Jupiter, the father of gods and men, as the ancients called him, was distinguished by his generosity and paternal gentleness; therefore his line became the line of the heart, the line of mental faculties, the line of the soul.

As Jupiter and his line signify the noble impulses and inclinations of the soul, so the line of Mars for us is a symbol of the victorious mind, reasonable egoism, and therefore became the line of the head or the line of reason; for Mars, rejoicing in war, is its god. Thus, the line of the heart can, by its direction, give us indications regarding the heart inclinations of a given person, his moral strength and strength of attachment.

The line of the head, on the contrary, with its direction, with special signs, gives us the magnitude of intelligence and wit, the degree of magnitude of self-confidence, as well as concern for one's affairs.

Saturn is the god and star of the power of fate, which interferes in people's lives. His line therefore became the line of fate.

Since gold is dedicated to the solar luminary, the line of the Sun or Apollo became the line of fame and fortune.

Mercury, who was the god of medicine, allows his line to become the line of the liver or stomach.

Since physical palmistry is very old, it is inherently based on experience, that is, it translated astrological palmistry into a commonly understood language for the people and compared these teachings about the signs on the hand with the past life of individual individuals in order to more correctly put their judgments about the future. Physical palmistry owes this experience with the teachings about the figures in the palm, which we will consider separately.

big triangle

This figure, which is also called the plain of Mars, occupies, according to figure 25 (A), that part of the palm which is formed by the line of life, the line of the head, and the line of the liver or Mercury, if any. If there is no line of Mercury at all or there are slight traces of it, which happens on very many hands, then the large triangle is limited to the space between the lines of the head, life and Saturn (Fig. 26, B).

The large triangle makes it possible to judge vital and intellectual forces, while the quadrilateral (Fig. 28 and 29) gives indications of moral and social properties.

If the large triangle has a good and regular shape, then it indicates pure healthy blood, a good physique, happiness, health and long life.

If one of the lines bounding the triangle is interrupted, then a deficiency is recognized, which is expressed by this line.

Hard, rough skin with a large triangle is a sign of weakness of the nerves.

The cross in the middle of a large triangle means malice and grumpiness. Some corners of a large triangle have their own meaning. We must distinguish:

a) upper (Fig. 25 a, Fig. 26 a);

b) internal (Fig. 25 c, Fig. 26 c) and

c) lower (Fig. 25 s, 26 s).

The upper corner is the one closest to the index finger and is formed by the head line and the life line.

If it is sharp, then this means good basic features, nobility of thought and delicacy of the soul.

If he is dumb, then this is a sign of lazy intelligence.

The inner angle is that which is located at the intersection of the line of the head with the line of the liver, or with the line of Saturn. He shows us a long life, if he is distinct. For if the line of the liver and the line of Saturn are, at least in part, absent, then it is of course possible that this angle is absent.

If the inner angle is very sharp, then this means a nervous temperament, irritability, bad connections and anger.

If he is dull, then he reveals inconstancy and dullness. The lower corner lies at the connection of the line of life with the line of the liver, or, if the latter is absent, with the line of Saturn.

If the lower corner is clearly outlined, then this portends health and kindness of the heart.

If it is sharp, then these are signs of weakness, greed and stinginess.

If he is dull, then he reveals rudeness, ignorance, laziness, idleness and drowsiness.

small triangle

The large triangle is divided by the line of Saturn, if there is one, into two parts, and the space that is formed by the line of Saturn, the line of Mercury and the line of the head is called the small triangle (Fig. 27).

Since not only the lines of Saturn, but especially often there may not be a line of the liver or a line of Mercury, then it should be understood that there is no small triangle either.

If this figure is well formed in the direction and length of the sides, then this is a good omen.

Children who have such a well-defined small triangle have a talent and ability to learn.

If the small triangle is poorly developed, then this portends insufficient intelligence.


This figure, according to the 28th figure, is on the one hand between the line of the head and the line of the heart, on the other, between the line of Saturn and the line of Mercury or the liver.

But if there is no last line, which, as we have already mentioned, happens very often, then the quadrilateral occupies an area bounded by the lines of the head and heart, on the one hand, and the lines of Saturn and Apollo, on the other (Fig. 29).

This shape of the quadrilateral is also called the "table of the hand", depending on the best or worst arrangement of the lines that form its sides.

A large, regular "table of the hand" that is extended towards the Mount of Jupiter portends a good and upright character, a respectable, healthy person who shows great self-sacrifice.

Where, however, one or more limiting lines are out of place, and the quadrilateral appears crooked and small, we are dealing with an indecisive, timid person who exhibits a lack of independence, petty selfishness, and insensitivity.

Also, the absence of a quadrilateral should be considered as an evil sign. This means godlessness, heart malice and unhappiness.

If many lines cut through the table of the hand, then this is a person of a limited mind.

A pale, oblique cross (X) on the table of the hand is an evil omen, because it portends great eccentricity.

But if it is well formed and beautifully outlined, then it means a tendency to mysticism.

The Line of Fate is one of the most significant roads in the palm of your hand. After all, she is responsible for the career and life path of a person. Plans and their implementation, all this can be found on the thread of Saturn. If there is a triangle on the Line of Fate, then you are in luck.

If you find a triangle in your palm, then let's see what luck is?

  1. Such a combination in the palm of your hand can be found more than one. Here the dimensions and the place where the symbol is located play a role.
  2. The meaning of such a sign plays a role only on certain roads:
  • triangles on the Line of Fate or Saturn;
  • on health;
  • life;
  • heads;
  • bracelets.

Note. The remaining parts of the palm are not of great importance.

What does a triangle mean on different threads and bumps

Most often, this sign is formed even and clear in its shape.

Note. If it appears simply by crossing the main roads, then it should not be taken seriously.

A sign on Mercury signifies a certain amount of success in business or science.

This speaks of a person who is distinguished by common sense and iron patience, even in difficult situations.

The owners of such a sign on the Moon have excellent abilities for science.

Testifies of a person who has especially developed self-control. In general, a person argues with the mind, not with the heart, and will never become a slave to passions.

Palmistry, a triangle on the line of fate, what does it mean? Such a triangle is also called the sign of the Palmist. If you find such a sign on the hill of Saturn, then you undoubtedly have the gift of foresight or prediction.

Cheat sheet for a beginner palmist: what does the symbol on the hand mean

Jupiter career as a diplomat.
Saturn The gift of foresight.
Third phalanx on Saturn's finger Amoral behavior.
The sun Science aptitude.
Mercury Diplomatic ability.
Upper Mars Success in the military.
Venus Prudence and family wisdom.
Moon Intuition.
life line The owner is attached to the family and relatives and will support them in every possible way.
On the line of mind Science aptitude.
A triangle from the line of life of the mind and fate with a pronounced hillock of Mars. Successful career in military service.
Right on the thread of fate. Calm monotonous life.
Touches the path of the Heart. In this period of time, there is an improvement in the financial situation.
Sign on the road of the Heart and the Sun. The fortuneteller is waiting for fame and fortune.
Mercury. A disease awaits, but the fortuneteller will recover quickly.
Sign on the first ring, inside with a cross. The fortuneteller will receive a large inheritance.

What types of triangles can be found in Palmistry?

There are several types of triangles. The most interesting is a large triangle, which is formed with the help of hepatic filaments:

  • heads;
  • life;
  • health.

Every person has roads of the head and life. As for health, it is not located in every person.

Note. The presence of all the threads speaks of an excellent quality of life and peace of mind, both on a physical and psychological level.

This combination indicates a person’s health, and also indicates that the fortuneteller is able to withstand life’s troubles and troubles. Such people emerge victorious from any problems and they have a well-developed intellectual level.

Small triangle: the thread of Life, Mind and Fate

If a triangle is formed from the line of life and the line of fate and health, then this indicates the presence of good luck in all endeavors. This is especially true of financial transactions related to the purchase and sale.

The double presence of symbols testifies to a beautiful and rich life. Prosperity and a comfortable life await people with this combination. Fate itself will push and adjust to high incomes from any type of activity.

Palmists have another combination: the road of Fate, Life and the top bracelet

There is another combination when the line of life and the line of fate form a triangle along with the first bracelet on the wrist. This greatly strengthens the thread of Fate.

Note. The owners of such a picture may not think about anything at all, Fate itself will decide everything for them and direct them in the right direction.

Even if there is no large triangle, the presence of the latter will be enough, the owner of such a hand is lucky!

What does the trident on the road of Fate mean?

Another positive sign that promises its owner success and wealth. Practically the trident has no negative meanings. Eastern palmists consider this a sign of successful prosperity and creation.

The vertical position of the sign is always success in all endeavors. If the teeth go up, then a person will generally get everything in life easily, without even making an effort. The location down also has a positive meaning, but the fortuneteller will have to make some efforts.

On the line of fate, the trident indicates that the owner will achieve career success.

The horizontal position of the sign carries some negative characteristics.

The line of fate ends with a trident in a horizontal form, it will tell you that in front of you is a fortune-telling fanatic mystic or a hidden fatalist. For such people, there are no authorities and opinions of other people.

What does the triangle on the road of fate mean?

What does it mean if the triangle is located in the right place on the thread of Saturn. As mentioned above, the triangle has a positive meaning and the owner of the sign is just lucky. Well, when the very long-awaited moment comes, how to find out.

First you need to carefully study the palm, where this sign is located. We consider the path of fate, if it starts from the index and middle fingers and ends with the base of the palm, while hugging the hill of love, then this indicates a long life (80 years) and prosperity.

Note. The enrichment period may not last very long. Therefore, it is important to determine the very period and properly manage the funds.

The nuances of the location of the sign

  1. A quadrangle that is formed with the help of Mercury, Soul, Head and Destiny. The larger the hand table, the better the person's life and career.
  2. triangle in the center. The person is distinguished by high professionalism and good health. A good career with a protection system.
  3. Small symbol. Created with the help of Mercury, Head and Fate, it speaks of a highly developed intuition.
Fundamentals of corrective palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

money triangle

money triangle

Considered a sign of wealth. This is something that many people constantly talk about and dream about, especially at a young and middle age. The money triangle on a person’s hand is formed by three lines: Mind (Head), Fate and a short closing line of Mercury. Please note that the main sides of the money triangle are the main lines on the palms of your hands.

The money triangle can be small (Figure 9) and large (Figure 10). In the general case, the presence of a money triangle in the palm of a person, of course, implies that he has a clear line of Fate. Although the above example with Tatyana indicates that the "misses" of the line of Fate can be successfully compensated for by your great diligence and unconditional faith in success.

Rice. 9. Small money triangle

Rice. 10. Big money triangle

Most people in Russia have to earn their own living, and this is quite normal. Miracles happen only in fairy tales. Nevertheless, our financial capabilities are well reflected in the small triangle in the center of the palm. This triangle is very small and it only speaks about a person's ability to earn money, and not about the fact that by the end of his life he will have a fairly large amount of money.

A small money triangle (Figure 9) shows that its owner knows how to earn, save and increase his money.

However, it is impossible to acquire prosperity in life or wealth while lying on the couch near the TV or drinking beer every day in the company of the same young loafers near the nearest fence. Prosperity does not come by itself. As people say, water does not flow under a lying stone.

A simple truth should be clearly understood: without active mental and physical efforts on your part, without simple luck and good luck in fate, it is difficult to become a rich person.

The larger the money triangle (Fig. 10) and the clearer its lines, the better. If the corners of the triangle at the tops of the lines of Fate and Head are fuzzy, then this person clearly does not use his full potential, although he can earn much more, but he is lazy.

If the “weak angle” of the lines of the Head and Mercury, then this person does not know how to save the money he has earned. He quickly spends them on trifles.

If inside this large triangle there are additional lines and small triangles, then a person will always have different and numerous sources of financial income in his life. And money from them sometimes, as a rule, is taken literally from nowhere.

With a very well-defined line of the Head going to the hill of the Moon, and the absence of a line of Mercury, the owner can quickly get rich solely thanks to his mind. This is what happened to my friend Tatyana when she abruptly decided to change her fate.

If at the same time on the hand all the main lines are well expressed, but there are no small signs, then this is another pointer to a successful person.

Sometimes “branches” depart from the line of the Head towards the hill of Mercury - these are the so-called “scoops of money”. Their owner knows how and what to do in order to make a good profit.

This means that for some people even a billion is not money, but for other people, a relatively small amount of money earned can be considered a great achievement and wealth, completely allowing them to satisfy their needs.

If the triangle is not closed on the hand or there are breaks in the line, then it is in this “gap” that your money will flow. A break in the locking line (usually on the bottom right of the right palm) indicates that the person will gradually squander a fortune. In this case, no money is added, although they are earned in a fairly large amount. Such a gap indicates that this money is being spent quite intensively (sometimes for nothing).

If the triangle does not have one side at all (a short locking line), then a person clearly cannot save the earned capital.

If you look at your left palm and see a money triangle there, this means that your non-poor life is predetermined from above, you are just financially lucky. However, you absolutely need to work actively, including using your mind, otherwise you simply won’t get big money.

The money triangle in your palms is a sure sign of a wealthy person. However, it also affects other signs. For example, thin fingers on a person’s hands change their interpretation in favor of this sign and are already regarded by an experienced palmist as an inability to manage incoming finances and material resources for their own benefit.

It is interesting to note that in a truly rich person, the locking line in its depth and clarity is not inferior to the lines of Mind and Fate. It can also be noted that the money triangle appears in the palm of a person very early and is little transformed over the course of the life of its owner.

Looking at your line of Life, you can find small triangles there, directed at an acute angle to the thumb - this is a sign of easy money.

If between the little finger and the ring finger there is a line directed to the middle of the palm, rejoice! This is a sign of a great legacy.

In addition to all this, there are other signs on the palms of your hands that indicate a penchant for financial well-being. Therefore, you should study the line of Fate, the thickness of the fingers, papillary patterns and other additional signs of attracting wealth by you. Having dealt with the money triangle, consider additional signs (signs) of your financial well-being on the palms.

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Chapter 8 Money Feng Shui