Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Conditions and ways of development of creative abilities of schoolchildren. Psychology, denying the identity of abilities and essential components of activity - knowledge, skills and abilities, emphasizes their unity.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Tarasovskaya secondary school"

Generalization of pedagogical work experience

primary school teachers

MBOU "Tarasovskaya secondary school"

Akhramenko Natalya Viktorovna

"Development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren during extracurricular time"

“Children should live in a world of beauty,

games, fairy tales, music, drawing,

fantasy, creativity

(V.A. Sukhomlinsky)


    Topic update.

    Theoretical interpretation of experience

    Experience technology

    Novelty of experience.


    Address direction.



    Topic update

Modern society is in need of a creative, independent, active personality, with pronounced individual qualities, capable, realizing their personal needs, to solve the problems of society. This social order enhances attention to the problem of developing students' creative activity, which contributes to the formation of a person's individuality, his self-expression, self-realization and successful socialization.

If you look at the current state of education in Russia, you can see that it is characterized by qualitative changes in the field of content, which are aimed at developing the creative thinking of students. And the effectiveness of the work of the school in this direction is determined by the extent to which educational activities ensure the development of the creative abilities of each student, form the creative personality of the student, prepare him for creative cognitive and social and labor activities.

Today, many teachers are already aware that the true goal of education is not only the acquisition of certain knowledge and skills, but also the development of imagination, observation, quick wits and the education of a creative person as a whole. As a rule, the lack of creativity often becomes an insurmountable obstacle in high school, where non-standard tasks are required. Creative activity should act as the same object of assimilation as knowledge, skills, and therefore, in school, especially primary school, creativity must be taught.

In order for the rich creative potential of children to be actualized, it is necessary to create certain conditions, first of all, to introduce the child into real creative activity. After all, it is in it, as psychology has long asserted, that abilities are born and develop from prerequisites.

I see the relevance of this direction in working with children from several positions.

First of all Today, one of the problems of modern pedagogy is the development of students' creative abilities. In pedagogical practice in various fields of activity, there is an active search for methods that would open up the creative potential of each person, provide an opportunity for everyone to develop creative principles, to express themselves most fully and actively. The main reason for this direction of pedagogy is the idea of ​​a person as a creative person who independently determines his place in life, his path, his direction of activity. Therefore, pedagogy today, along with the traditional tasks of transferring social experience, knowledge developed by previous generations, faces the tasks of creative development of the individual, where each person acquires special significance and value, the uniqueness of his existence. In solving this problem, a significant role belongs to the primary classes, where the foundations of creative activity are laid.

Secondly , creativity is something that does not come down to knowledge, skills, skills, but ensures their rapid acquisition, consolidation and use in practice. Human activity is not carried out according to the model. He is able, with the help of independent activity, to create something new, original, beyond what is required, beyond the limits of the task that is set before him.

Thirdly , this is the development of the creative abilities of schoolchildren associated with an independent search for new ways of activity, the ability to pose problems and find ways to solve them.

II . Theoretical interpretation of experience

My experience is based on the scientific developments of leading educators and psychologists: V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.N. Leontiev, Sh.A. Amonashvili, S.L. Rubinstein, K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Makarenko, S.T. Shatsky, N.E. Shchurkova and others. This is the pedagogy of common sense, the pedagogy of cooperation, humane-personal pedagogy, the pedagogy of creativity.

The technology is based on the following principles:

    "All children are talented."

    “It’s not the child that’s bad, his deed is bad.”

    "There is a miracle in every child, expect it."

The following works also influenced the formation of my experience:

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky. I give my heart to children.

    L.S. Vygotsky. Imagination and creativity in childhood.

    IN AND. Andreev. Dialectics of education and self-education of a creative person. Fundamentals of Pedagogy of Creativity.

    CM. Soloveichik. Creativity education.

    M.G. Yanovskaya. Creative game in the education of younger students.

    A.M. Matyushkin. Development of creative activity of schoolchildren.

    A.P. Volkov. Involving students in creativity.

    N.V. Ivanova. Possible methods of organizing cooperation between younger students with teachers and parents in extracurricular activities.

The following statements are very close to my heart:

“Teaching should not be reduced to the continuous accumulation of knowledge, to the training of memory, to stupefying, intoxicating, useless, harmful to the health and mental development of the child, cramming ... I want children to be travelers, discoverers and creators in this world.”

(V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

"Be patient in waiting for a miracle and be ready to meet it in a child."

(Sh.M. Amonashvili)

“In the everyday life around us, creativity is a necessary condition for existence, and everything that goes beyond the limits of routine and contains at least an iota of new things owes its origin to the creative process of man.”

(L.S. Vygotsky)

"The best stimulus for children's creativity is such an organization of the life and environment of children that creates the needs and opportunities for creativity."

(L.S. Vygotsky)

“The teacher is required to be very sensitive, but he must be especially careful about the ideas that the children share with him.”

(V.A. Levin)

“The main condition that must be ensured in children's creativity is sincerity. Without it, all other virtues lose their meaning. This condition is satisfied by the creativity that arises in the child independently, based on an internal need, without any deliberate pedagogical stimulation.

(B.M. Teplov)

“Every child has certain abilities and talents. All it takes for them to show their talents is clever guidance from adults.”

(N.T Vinokurova)

“If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first of all recognize him also in all respects.”

(K.D. Ushinsky)

The concept of "Creativity"

Before proceeding to consider the issue of developing the creative abilities of students, it is necessary to dwell on such concepts as "creativity" and "abilities".

What is creativity? It is always the embodiment of individuality, it is a form of self-realization of the individual, it is an opportunity to express one's special, unique attitude to the world. However, the need for creativity, inherent in the very nature of man, is usually not fully realized during life. A child, like an adult, seeks to express his "I". Often adults believe that every child is born with creative abilities and, if he is not interfered with, then sooner or later they will definitely manifest themselves. But, as practice shows, such non-intervention is not enough: not all children can open the way to creation. And not everyone can keep creative abilities for a long time. It is during the school years that the critical moment of children's creative abilities comes. Consequently, it is precisely during the school period that the help of a teacher is needed more than ever in order to overcome this crisis, to gain, and not lose, the opportunity for self-realization.

Creativity is the generation of new ideas, the desire to learn more, think about things differently and do it better.

Creativity is a human need. It has been noticed that creative people have great vitality until old age, and people who are indifferent to everything, not keen on anything, get sick more often and age faster.

A creative lifestyle is not the privilege of loners, it is the only way for the normal existence and development of society. But this, unfortunately, is not yet realized by everyone. And we have a huge responsibility - to develop a child's creativity in order to become a person, a person.

In the history of pedagogy, the problem of creativity has always been one of the most relevant. However, until now, the problem remains the least studied in theory and insufficiently represented in the practice of raising children. This is due to the complexity of this phenomenon, the secrecy of the mechanisms of creativity. As a rule, in all definitions of creativity it is noted that creativity is a human activity aimed at creating a new, original product in the field of science, art, technology, production and organization. Creativity, by its very nature, is based on the desire to do something that no one else has done before you or to do it in a new, better way.

Psychologists define creativity as going beyond the limits of existing knowledge, overcoming, overturning boundaries. This is the highest form of active and independent human activity. In creativity, self-expression, self-disclosure of the child's personality is carried out.

Psychologists have long come to the conclusion that all children have a wide variety of creative abilities. Creative potentials are inherent and exist in every person. Under favorable conditions, each child can express himself. There are no untalented children. The task of the school is to identify and develop these abilities in accessible and interesting activities. The famous teacher I.P. Volkov at one time expressed his opinion that “to develop abilities means to equip a child with a method of activity, to give him the key, the principle of doing work, to create conditions for the identification and flourishing of his giftedness.”

Since psychologists say that in order to become “someone”, to achieve “something”, you need to try a lot in childhood, then in accordance with this, the task of teachers is indicated: as early as possible, to create favorable conditions for the child to study various types of activities, so that the child through his hands formed his feeling and attitude to various kinds of actions.

The signs and criteria of creative activity are productivity, originality, originality, the ability to generate new ideas, the ability to “go beyond the situation”, and excessive activity. But, unfortunately, reproductive methods still prevail in primary labor education and the creative abilities of the child, his ability and desire to work independently, on his own initiative are often underestimated. Therefore, it should be clarified that by the student’s creativity I mean the creation of an original product by him, in the process of working on which the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities are independently applied. After all, creativity, individuality, art are manifested even in the minimum deviation by the student from the given model.

Creativity is a very important moment in the development of a child. It is good when a child sees the beauty and diversity of the world around him. But it is even better if he not only notices this beauty, but also creates it.The result obtained is aesthetically emotionally attractive to the child, since he made one or another cute little thing himself. After,just as a child begins to create beauty with his own hands, he will certainly begin to treat our world with love and care. And love and harmony will enter his life.

Creativity is a constant improvement of one's personality, thinking, consciousness, intellect and a constant striving to do something new, to do more and better than before. In creative activity, a person develops, acquires social experience, reveals his natural talents and abilities, satisfies interests and needs.

A creative person is a national treasure and the true wealth of the country. A creative person differs from others by the desire to go beyond the norms.

The design, development and formation of a creative individuality offers the creation of special opportunities for this. All the best human qualities develop by themselves only where there is a creative attitude to life and adequate social conditions for self-promotion. Working with children, we must unleash their natural potentials and prepare them for productive work.

In order for children to develop the ability for creative thinking, it is necessary to constantly create a situation of creative, educational activities that contribute to the disclosure and development of natural creative talents.

The concept of "Abilities"

When we try to understand and explain why different people, placed in the same or approximately the same conditions, achieve different successes, we turn to the concept of "ability", believing that the difference in success can be quite satisfactorily explained by them. The term "abilities", despite its long and widespread use in psychology, the presence in the literature of many of its definitions, is ambiguous. A single and generally accepted typology of abilities in psychology has not been developed. Here is how R.S. Nemov: “Abilities are the individual characteristics of people on which their acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the success of performing various types of activities, depends.”

Creativity presupposes that a person has certain abilities. Creative abilities do not develop spontaneously, but require a special organized process of training and education, revision of the content of curricula, development of a procedural mechanism for the implementation of this content, creation of pedagogical conditions for self-expression in creative activity. One of the main tasks facing the school is to create optimal conditions for the development of each student in various activities.

It is known that no matter how significant the inclinations of a person are, they do not develop on their own, outside of training, in isolation from activity, this process does not exist. It is possible to cite the opinion of leading psychologists on this subject: “Abilities do not just manifest themselves in labor, they are formed, developed, flourish in labor and perish in inaction”; “Abilities cannot arise outside the specific activity of a person, and their formation occurs in the conditions of training and education.”

It is the school that can contribute to the development of a wide range of children's abilities, providing the child with the opportunity to express himself in a variety of activities. And the task of the teacher is to find various methods, ways to identify these abilities in the student and develop them. This is facilitated by the creative process, since it is always a breakthrough into the unknown, but it is preceded by a long accumulation of experience, knowledge, skills, and besides, it is characterized by the transition of the number of all kinds of ideas and approaches into a new peculiar quality. And an important condition for creative activity is a sense of novelty, surprise, readiness to make a non-standard decision.

III. Experience technology

Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren- a concept that unites all types of schoolchildren's activities (except educational), in which it is possible and expedient to solve the problems of their education and socialization. The main advantage of extracurricular activities is to provide students with the opportunity for a wide range of activities aimed at their development. Hours allocated for extracurricular activities are used at the request of students and their parents, in forms other than the lesson system of education.

The purpose of extracurricular activities: creation of conditions for the manifestation and development of their interests by the child on the basis of free choice, comprehension of spiritual and moral values ​​and cultural traditions.

The main tasks of organizing extracurricular activities for children are:

    to strengthen the pedagogical influence on the life of students in their free time;

    organize socially useful and leisure activities of students together with the staff of institutions of out-of-school education, institutions of culture, physical culture and sports, public associations, families of students;

    identify the interests, inclinations, abilities, opportunities of students for various types of activities;

    to help in finding "themselves";

    create conditions for the individual development of the child in the chosen field of extracurricular activities;

    develop the experience of creative activity, creative abilities;

    create conditions for the implementation of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities;

    develop the experience of informal communication, interaction, cooperation;

    expand the scope of communication with society;

    to cultivate a culture of leisure activities for students.

A properly organized system of extracurricular activities is the sphere in which it is possible to develop or form the cognitive needs and abilities of each student to the maximum, which will ensure the education of a free personality. The upbringing of children occurs at any time of their activity. However, it is most productive to carry out this upbringing in free time from training, namely, during extracurricular time.

Develop creativity? What does it mean?

Firstly, it is the development of observation, speech and general activity, sociability, a well-trained memory, the habit of analyzing and comprehending facts, will, and imagination.

Secondly, it is the systematic creation of situations that allow the student's individuality to express itself.

Thirdly, it is the organization of research activities in the cognitive process.

The creative activity of a younger student is a productive form of activity of elementary school students, aimed at masteringcreative experience of cognition, transformation, creation and use in a new qualityobjects of material and spiritual culture in the process of activities organized in cooperation with the teacher.

aim my activity is to create conditions for the development of an active creative personality of schoolchildren.

Tasks :

- identify the interests, inclinations, abilities, opportunities of students for various types of activities;

To form the creative potential of the individual by various methods;

Pay attention to the study and mastery of modern pedagogical technologies;

To instill interest in creativity, the search for the unusual, the new;

Develop skills of creation, self-realization;

Support and develop the creativity of students in its various manifestations;

To form in children the ability to independently think, acquire and apply knowledge;

Develop cognitive, research and creative activities;

Find non-standard solutions to any emerging problems;

Raise interest in participating in creative activities.

Expected results:

The productivity of the experience lies in the fact that students successfully:

They master the system of knowledge of practical skills and abilities provided not only by the school curriculum, but also beyond it;

Participate in a wide variety of educational and extracurricular activities, which gradually leads to the habit of being creative; - a steady interest and need for cognitive activity increases;

Relationships are formed both between students and between students and the teacher.

Work on the development of the creative abilities of students makes it possible to see in time, to discern the abilities of the child, pay attention to them and understand that these abilities need support and development.

Younger schoolchildren are reasonable, they are characterized by the ability to draw conclusions, their attitude to the world is sufficiently playful in nature, which makes it quite easy to relate to the life around them, to people, not to notice difficulties. At this age, children are ready to absorb the knowledge offered by the teacher like a sponge. The more interesting and exciting the teacher makes it, the more pleasure and delight in the eyes of the children, the more interest and curiosity, activity in its assimilation.

My main task when working on the development of creative abilities is to involve children in active creative activity, to help them acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. The role of the teacher here is the role of the organizer of independent, cognitive, research, creative activities of students. To achieve this goal, I use all possible methods, forms and techniques of work that contribute to the comprehensive development of the individual outside of school hours.

Younger students are happy to participate in various intellectual and creative activities: (school, regional, Internet Olympiads; creative intellectual games, competitions; creative competitions of various levels). I do not limit students in choosing a competition, so children with different educational needs participate in creative competitions, and intellectual, and subject Olympiads.

Outside of school hours, my students attend "Decorative Art" classes, which I supervise. Children with pleasure, desire and creativity approach the decision of all tasks.

Students show their knowledge in all subjects at Olympiads of various levels, intellectual competitions "Olympis", "Kangaroo", "Russian Bear Cub - Linguistics for All", "KIT", "Golden Fleece" and win prizes.

I spend a lot of work among students and their parents on the importance of participating in various creative competitions held in the classroom, school, district. Together with parents, we help the student achieve their goals. With each time those wishing to participate in competitions increases and increases the effectiveness.

The creative abilities of the child develop in all types of activities that are significant for him under the following conditions:

The presence of an interest formed in children in performing creative tasks;

Realization of creative tasks as the most important component of extracurricular activities of the student;

Creative work should unfold in the interaction of children with each other and adults, be lived by them depending on specific conditions in interesting game and event situations;

To encourage parents of students to create home conditions for the development of the child's creative abilities, to include parents in the creative affairs of the school.

Project activity as a way to develop individual creative abilities of children

The relevance of project activities today is recognized by everyone. GEF requires the use of activity-type technologies in the educational process. Methods of design and research activities are defined as one of the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education. Modern developing primary education programs include project activities in the content of various extracurricular activities courses.

The need to solve this problem of developing a creative personality in my pedagogical activity prompted me to use the project method of teaching as a new modern pedagogical technology that allows me to develop effective means of independent learning activity, combining the theoretical and practical components of students' activities into a system, allowing everyone to discover, develop and realize creative potential of your personality. The forms of independent work of students, based not only on the application of acquired knowledge and skills, but also on obtaining new ones on their basis, come to the fore. The basis of the project method is creativity, the ability to navigate the information space and independently construct their knowledge.

Design requirements, in general, are the simplest, and the main one iscome from the child. All topics proposed as project topics should be within the reach of the child's understanding. The smaller the child, the easier the project.Young children are only able to complete very simple projects and to count their work for a day and even only for a few hours. Hence the conclusion:projects in elementary school are simple, simple.The student must clearly represent not only the task facing him, but also, in general, the ways to solve it. He should also be able to draw up a plan of work for the project (at first, of course, with the help of a teacher).

Based on the characteristics of primary school age, the following can be successfully implemented in primary school:
Creative projects (grades 1-4), suggesting the most free and unconventional approach to the presentation of results: theatrical performances,sports games, works of fine or decorative art, etc. The product of project activity (creative product) will bebe exhibitions, newspapers, collections, letters, holidays, illustration systems, fairy tales.
Research projects (Grade 4) - in structure they resemble authenticScientific research. The product of research projects in elementary school can be - scientific reports, presentations.
It is important to note that project activities in elementary school are carried out under the direct supervision of a teacher or parents, and
children, within the framework of extracurricular activities, implement their own ideas, spendresearch, summarize and present the results.

Stages of work on the project

Stage 1. Development of a project assignment

Stage tasks - definition of the topic, clarification of goals, selection of working groups and distribution of roles in them, identification of information sources, setting tasks, selection of criteria for evaluating results.

Stage 2. Project development

Stage tasks – collection and clarification of information.

Students independently work with information individually, in groups and in pairs, analyze and synthesize ideas.

The teacher observes and advises.

Stage 3. Evaluation of results

Stage tasks - analysis of the implementation of design tasks.

Students participate in the preparation for the presentation of the material.

Stage 4. Protection of the project. Presentation

Stage task - protection of the project.

Pupils perform in front of classmates and the jury.

In my work on organizing project activities, I always try to be creative, actively use integrated projects, and use information technology. I believe that the product of the students' activity will be performed at a high level only when it is interesting to both the children and the teacher.

Decorative creativity as a way to develop individual creative abilities of children

I believe that the work programs I have developed contribute to the upbringing and development of creative abilities through the individual and collective activities of children.

Classes in decorative art are also valuable in the sense that children most often go to classes of their own free will, showing interest in this type of activity. This, of course, is important in an educational sense, as it contributes to the development of the individual creative abilities of the child, brings him great satisfaction.

A well-organized, thoughtful activity of a child helps him to become proactive, consistent, assiduous, teaches him to complete the work he has begun, to independently solve the tasks set. Having consolidated a number of labor skills, and having mastered the process of preparing and manufacturing a product, students will continue to be able to engage in any type of labor activity with pleasure.

All this, taken together, prepares for life, work, regardless of whether the child becomes a teacher, doctor, engineer or artist.

Decorative creativity brings up a number of valuable personality traits: diligence, accuracy, independence, initiative, the ability to work in a team.

Joint work helps to strengthen friendship between children. Embroidery work attracts children with its unusualness and novelty, it looks like a real thing; this is no longer a pretend work, children make a real thing that can be used in the game, in the life of a kindergarten, and presented to loved ones.

Any product made by a child is his work, in which he puts a lot of effort, effort, patience, time and, most importantly, the desire to do well and beautifully.

Students come to class with very weak hands, do not know how to properly hold scissors and practically do not even perform the simplest needlework, but there are pleasant exceptions.

In general, classes are built according to the scheme of labor training lessons. But there are some serious differences as well. The need for eye protection and the associated limitation of time spent on direct work. Therefore, the structure of the lesson can be represented as follows:

1. Organizational part (about 2-3 minutes).

Topic announcement;

Workplace organization.

Theoretical part (depending on age and topic 10-18 minutes).

Conversation or story on the topic (3-7 minutes);

Analysis of the product (depending on the complexity of 3-5 minutes);

Demonstration of the working methods used to manufacture the product (3-5 minutes, when explaining new technological methods, it may take more time).

3. Physical education.

4. Practical part (23-33 minutes).

Work according to the graphic schemes depicted on the board or handed out to desks (10-15 minutes).

5. Physical education or gymnastics for the eyes.

6. Practical part. Continued (10-15 minutes).

7. Final part (6-8 minutes).

Summing up the lesson: a discussion of what needed to be done, what was done, why we did less or more (2-3 minutes)

Evaluation of work: the child should first be shown the positive aspects of his activity, and then point out the shortcomings, suggesting ways to eliminate them.

Cleaning jobs (1-2 minutes).

Keep in mind that the conversation may not take place in every lesson. Its greatest duration should be in the introductory lesson, when getting acquainted with the topic or a specific product. The place of the physical education minute depends on the duration of the 1st and 2nd parts of the lesson. Gymnastics for the eyes is necessarily carried out in the middle of practical work, 10-15 minutes after it starts.

IV . Novelty of experience

Novelty of experience is expressed in the fact that the disclosure and development of the creative abilities of students is carried out not periodically, but systematically, which stimulates the interest of students in certain problems that involve the possession of a certain amount of knowledge, both through project activities and decorative creativity, providing for the solution of these problems, the ability to practically apply received knowledge.

When organizing a lesson with children, I remember that it is not easy for a small child to engage in labor activity, and even more difficult to bring the work started to the end. In this regard, the first important task is to form a positive motivation for work, to interest the student (“I want to do it”), to inspire confidence “I can do it” and help to complete the work - “I did it”! Success inspires, awakens the desire to learn new things, to do more complex work, to create. To do this, it is necessary that the end result be attractive to the child, and the process of making crafts is feasible. Creating beautiful things with their own hands, conducting research (creating a project), seeing the results of their work, children feel a surge of energy, strong positive emotions, experience inner satisfaction, creativity “wakes up” in them and a desire arises to live “according to the laws of beauty”.

To stimulate creativity, it is very important to exhibit children's work to the audience. This makes the child interested in his work, he has pride in it and self-confidence. Each time he strives to do better and better, he can look at his work from the outside, evaluate and compare his work. Therefore, children work with passion.

Before me, as a teacher, there is a difficult task not only to teach, but also to interest students, to make sure that they like what they do. Only then will the student be happy to complete the task. It is important that the children are liberated, together with the teacher they “create”.

    1. Efficiency

Analyzing my activities, I proceed from the goals: development of creative abilities of students; increasing the level of independence; development of the foundations of self-education and research activities; creation of positive motivation for activity.

What do students acquire when performing crafts, design and research work? First of all, the skills of various activities. Every something pondered, suggested, worked with additional literature, i.e. mental activity, and also created. There was also communicative activity - everyone shared their thoughts, ideas, interviewed, asked questions. There was also practical work. The work of completing projects or crafts was individual and group, such an organization implied the distribution of roles, the performance of work by each student and the unification of the efforts of each into a single result.

The creative potential of each student is revealed, each student publicly demonstrated the achieved result, it was significant and interesting for children, the children acted as ecologists, writers, artists, sculptors, scientists, etc. The horizons of children have expanded, mental activity has intensified.

You can also talk about the acquired competencies of children, namely, they learned how to do it, managed to do it, and will do it on their own in new situations.

The process and the result of the activity brought satisfaction to the children, the joy of experiencing success, awareness of their own skills and competencies. Children are ready and willing to further develop their creative abilities. Children and creativity are practically inseparable concepts. Any child by nature is a creator, and sometimes he does it much better than we adults do.

    1. Target orientation

“There are enough people in the world who have not been helped to wake up. To awaken in a person truly human principles, love for everything beautiful, to help see the beauty of the earth, the teacher is called, first of all.

(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

The experience is addressed to teachers,

Ready to rebuild interactions with students through project activities to develop special project skills that will further condition the competitiveness of project activity participants in today's constantly changing world;

Ready to implement a creative approach in training and education;

Ready to go beyond program material;

Capable of self-development.

VII . Conclusion.

Life itself puts forward an urgent practical task - the education of a person-creator, creator and innovator, capable of solving emerging social and professional problems in a non-standard, initiative and competent way.

Pedagogical support acts as a process:

Interaction between a teacher and a student, aimed at the development of subjectivity, providing opportunities for personal self-development, self-knowledge and self-realization;

Forming the emotional-volitional sphere;

Stimulating the development of intellectual and motivational spheres.

Both the school and the family are involved in solving this problem. The task of the family is to see in time, to discern the child's abilities, pay attention to them and understand that these abilities need support and development.

The task of the school is to seize the initiative of the family, support the child and develop his abilities, prepare the ground for these abilities to be realized not only in class and extracurricular activities, but also later, in future professional activities. My main task is to involve children in active creative activity, to help them acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. The role of the teacher here is the role of the organizer of independent, cognitive, research, creative activities of students. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to use all possible methods, forms and techniques of work that contribute to the comprehensive development of the individual, both in the classroom and outside of school hours.

The development of creative abilities leads to:

    to improve the quality of students' knowledge,

    acquiring the skill to independently organize their educational activities,

    activation of creative and cognitive activity of students,

    the formation of positive personal qualities of the student.

“You need to love what you do, and then labor rises to creativity”

Maksim Gorky

VIII . Bibliography

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2. Bogoyavlenskaya D. B. Basic modern concepts of creativity and giftedness. - M .: Young Guard, 1998 - p.315.

4. Wenger L. A. Pedagogy of abilities. - M., Education, 1973. - 95 p.

5. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. Psychological essay: Book. for the teacher. - M. Enlightenment, 1991 - p.127.

6. Druzhinin V.N.Psychology of general abilities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999. - p.96.

7. Kuzmina NV Abilities, talents, teacher's talent. - L.: LGU, 1985. -p. 157.

8. Leites N. S. Ability and giftedness in childhood. - M., Enlightenment, 1984. - 189s.

9. Luk A.N.Psychology of creativity. - M .: Nauka, 1978. - p. 248

10. Psychological Dictionary / Ed. A.V. Petrovsky. -M.: Politizdat, 1985.- 489 p.

“The traditional education system is concerned with giving students some amount of knowledge. But now it is not enough to memorize a certain amount of material. The main goal of learning should be the acquisition of a general strategy, you need to teach how to learn. These words belong to the well-known Soviet psychologist who studied the psychology of creativity and creative abilities Luk A.N. This kind of activity mainly develops the mnemonic abilities of students and often brings up “memory” students from schoolchildren. This convexity of our education appears in all its shortcomings very often. So, at the intellectual international school Olympiads, our teenagers and young men showed a fairly high level of empirical knowledge, but could not cope with such a question, for example: “Why are manhole covers round in the USSR, and square in the USA?” . To answer this and similar questions, it was necessary to apply the ability to solve creative problems, the key to such an ability is the sufficient development of creative abilities. In particular, this example illustrates the low level of development of the ability to overcome the functional attachment of the object. The object in this case is the quality of the object - its form.

One of the conditions for the development of creative abilities in students at school is the personality of the teacher himself. This was pointed out by A.N. Luk, saying that “if the teacher has the highest creative potential, then gifted students achieve brilliant success. ... If the teacher himself is at the bottom of the "creativity" scale, the success of less capable students is higher. In this case, brightly gifted schoolchildren do not open up, do not realize their potential.

The fact is that a teacher with a low level of development of creative abilities cannot organize a truly creative activity, during which, as we found out in the course of a theoretical analysis of the works of Rubinshtein S.L., Teplov B.M. and Nemova R.S., develop creative abilities. If a teacher does not have such a personality trait as a focus on creativity, then he will demand from his students only knowledge of the reproductive level. If the teacher himself is a creative person, then he strives and knows how to organize the creative activity of students.

R. S. Nemov, defining the essence of the process of developing abilities as a whole, put forward a number of requirements for activities that develop abilities, which are the conditions for their development.

Especially among such conditions, Nemov R.S. highlighted the creative nature of the activity. It should be associated with the discovery of something new, the acquisition of new knowledge, which ensures interest in the activity. This condition for the development of creative abilities was singled out by Levin S.A. in his work "Education of Creativity".

In order for students not to lose interest in activities, it is necessary to remember that the child strives to solve the most difficult tasks for him. This will help us to realize the second condition for developing activities put forward by Nemov R.S. It lies in the fact that the activity should be as difficult as possible but feasible, or, in other words, the activity should be located in the zone of the potential development of the child.

Subject to this condition, it is necessary from time to time when setting creative tasks to increase their complexity, or, as N.R. Bershadskaya, adhere to the "spiral principle". It is possible to realize this principle only during long-term work with children of a typical nature, for example, when setting the themes of essays.

Another important condition for the development of creative abilities is Levin V.A. called the development of creative activity, and not teaching only technical skills and abilities. If these conditions are not met, as he emphasized, many qualities necessary for a creative person - artistic taste, the ability and desire to empathize, the desire for something new, a sense of beauty fall into the category of superfluous, superfluous. To overcome this, it is necessary to develop the desire to communicate with peers, determined by the age-related characteristics of the development of the child's personality, directing him to the desire to communicate through the results of creativity.

The best is “creative activity organized in a special way in the process of communication”, which subjectively, from the point of view of the child, looks like an activity for the practical achievement of a socially significant result.

The traditional objective conditions for the emergence of students' creative activity in the process of learning are provided when implementing the principle of problematicity in the learning process in a modern school.

Problem situations that arise as a result of encouraging schoolchildren to put forward hypotheses, preliminary conclusions, and generalizations have been widely used in teaching practice. Being a complex technique of mental activity, generalization implies the ability to analyze phenomena, highlight the main thing, abstract, compare, evaluate, define concepts.

The use of problem situations in the educational process makes it possible to form a certain cognitive need in students, but also provides the necessary focus of thought on an independent solution to the problem that has arisen.

Thus, the creation of problem situations in the learning process ensures the constant inclusion of students in independent search activities aimed at resolving emerging problems, which inevitably leads to the development of a desire for knowledge and creative activity of students.

Answering a problematic question or solving a problematic situation requires the child to derive such knowledge on the basis of what he has, which he did not yet possess, i.e. creative problem solving.

But not every problematic situation, the question is a creative task. So, for example, the simplest problem situation may be a choice of two or more possibilities. And only when a problem situation requires a creative solution can it become a creative task. When studying literature, the creation of a problem situation can be achieved by asking questions that require students to make a conscious choice.

So, creative abilities develop and manifest themselves in the process of creative activity. At this stage of our work, it became necessary to determine what creative activity in general and the creative activity of a child are.

Creativity or creative activity is a human activity that creates new material and spiritual values ​​that have social significance. This is how the psychological dictionary defines creativity. According to Ponomarev Ya.A. in creativity it is necessary to distinguish between two kinds of criteria - psychological and sociological. Those. the new created is new both for the creator and for everyone. But it is no secret that children's creativity is not creativity in full. The fact is that children's creativity is such only in a psychological sense - the child creates something new only for himself, but does not create something new for everyone. But the lack of social novelty in the results of students' creativity does not lead to a fundamental change in the structure of their creative process. Therefore, in relation to the learning process, creativity should be defined as “a form of human activity aimed at creating qualitatively new values ​​for him that are of social importance” . That. children's creativity is the implementation of the process of transferring the experience of creative activity. But neither the communication of knowledge about the methods of creative activity, nor the very implementation of these methods in similar situations can yet ensure the accumulation of experience in creative activity and the mastery of already accumulated experience. In order to acquire it, the child "needs to find himself in a situation requiring the direct implementation of similar activities."

So, in order to learn creative activity, and in the process of such learning, the creative abilities of students will naturally develop, there is no other way than the practical solution of creative problems, this requires the child to have creative experience and, at the same time, contributes to its acquisition. One of the conditions for the transfer of creative experience is the need to design special pedagogical situations that require and create conditions for a creative solution.

The concept of "pedagogical situation" is ambiguous; it is used in relation to two somewhat different phenomena. Firstly, it is “a short-term interaction of a teacher with a student (group or class) based on opposing norms, values ​​and interests, accompanied by significant emotional manifestations and aimed at restructuring existing relationships” . And the second meaning is “a set of conditions and circumstances specially set by the teacher or arising spontaneously in the pedagogical process”. It is in this sense that we mean them in our work. The purpose of creating pedagogical situations in general is the development of the student as a subject of social and labor activity. This means the development of his subject-activity and interpersonal abilities.

V.A. Levin emphasized that behind the form of creativity, behind its results, there should always be a moral and spiritual content, that the results of creativity should reflect the child's attitude to the world, his ideas about himself, about the world, about the people around him, etc., and not serve a faceless monument to the ability to master technology.

In order to transfer the experience of creative activity, acquire criteria for evaluating activity, acquire knowledge that is included in the process of analyzing new situations, for the development of a person as a full-fledged social subject, it is not enough to determine only the structure and nature of the educational process, it is also necessary to fill it with moral, ideological and artistic and aesthetic content.

It is necessary to issue one very important warning: in no case should peers be compared and contrasted in terms of the quality of the results of their individually creative work. This can lead both to isolation and cessation of communication on the one hand, and to activity, to expression for the sake of superiority, for the sake of success. Speaking about this Levin V.A. at the end of his work "Education by creativity" gives a very vivid expression of S.V. Obraztsova: “Vanity is a very strong source of human energy, a strong fuel. On this fuel, actors, artists, and writers developed at breakneck speeds. The start was often striking in effect, the finish was always an accident. Because on the fuel of vanity, talent burns first of all.

So, consideration of the conditions for the development of the child's creative abilities allows us to identify ways to implement their development in the process of learning at school. The first is the organization of the educational process by setting creative educational tasks and by creating pedagogical situations of a creative nature; as well as the organization of independent creative work of students. And the second way is through introducing students to artistic and creative activities.

In our opinion, a huge potential for the development of a creative personality, and, most importantly, a creatively active personality, has a pedagogical technology called "TRIZ". More details about the essence of this technology and its impact on the personality of the child, we will consider in the following paragraphs of this course work.

Any inclinations, before turning into abilities, must go a long way of development. For many human abilities, this development begins from the first days of life.

A number of stages can be distinguished in the development of abilities. On some of them, the preparation of the anatomical and physiological basis of future abilities takes place, on others, the makings of a non-biological plan are being formed, on the third, the necessary ability is formed and reaches the appropriate level. Let's try to trace these stages on the example of the development of such abilities, which are based on clearly expressed anatomical and physiological inclinations, at least in an elementary form presented from birth.

The primary stage in the development of any such ability is associated with the maturation of the organic structures necessary for it or with the formation of the necessary functional organs on their basis. Functional organs are vitally developing neuromuscular systems that anatomically and physiologically ensure the functioning and improvement of the corresponding abilities. The formation of functional organs in humans is the most important principle of its ontogenetic morphophysiological development associated with abilities.

The primary stage usually refers to preschool childhood, covering the period of a child's life from birth to 6-7 years. Here there is an improvement in the work of all analyzers, the development and functional differentiation of individual sections of the cerebral cortex, the connections between them and the organs of movement, especially the hands. This creates favorable conditions for the beginning of the formation and development of the child's general abilities, a certain level of which acts as a prerequisite (inclinations) for the subsequent development of special abilities.

The formation of special abilities actively begins already in preschool childhood and continues at an accelerated pace at school, especially in the lower and middle grades. At first, the development of these abilities is helped by various kinds of children's games, then educational and labor activities begin to have a significant impact on them. In children's games, many motor, design, organizational, artistic, visual, and other creative abilities receive an initial impetus for development. Classes in various types of creative games in preschool childhood are of particular importance for the formation of special abilities in children.

An important point in the development of abilities in children is complexity, that is, the simultaneous improvement of several mutually complementary abilities. It is practically impossible to develop any one of the abilities without taking care of increasing the level of development of other abilities related to it. For example, although subtle and precise manual movements are in themselves a special kind of ability, they also influence the development of others where appropriate movements are required. The ability to use speech, perfect possession of it can also be considered as a relatively independent ability. But the same skill as an organic part enters the intellectual, interpersonal, many creative abilities, enriching them.

The versatility and variety of activities in which a person is simultaneously involved acts as one of the most important conditions for the complex and versatile development of his abilities. In this regard, it is necessary to discuss the basic requirements that apply to activities that develop human abilities. These requirements are as follows: the creative nature of the activity, the optimal level of its difficulty for the performer, ensuring a positive emotional mood during and after the completion of the activity.

If the child's activity is of a creative nature, then it constantly makes him think and in itself becomes quite an attractive business as a means of testing and developing abilities. Such activity is always associated with the creation of something new, the discovery of new knowledge, the discovery of new opportunities in oneself. Such activity strengthens positive self-esteem, increases the level of aspirations, generates self-confidence and a sense of satisfaction from the successes achieved.

If the activity being performed is in the zone of optimal difficulty, i.e., at the limit of the child’s capabilities, then it leads to the development of his abilities, realizing what L. S. Vygotsky called the zone of potential development. Activities that are not within this zone lead to the development of abilities to a much lesser extent. If it is too simple, it provides only the realization of already existing abilities; if it is excessively complex, it becomes impossible and, therefore, also does not lead to the formation of new skills and abilities.

As for the necessary emotional mood, it is created by such an alternation of successes and failures in activities that develop a person’s abilities, in which failures (they are not excluded if the activity is in the zone of potential development) are necessarily followed by emotionally reinforced successes, and their number as a whole is greater than the number of failures.

The product of our cognitive activity is knowledge. They represent the essence reflected by the human consciousness, and are remembered in the form of judgments, specific theories or concepts.

Knowledge, skills and abilities - interconnection

What is knowledge?

Knowledge determines our skills and abilities, they are the basis of the moral qualities of a person, form his worldview and views of the world. The process of formation and assimilation of knowledge, skills, abilities is fundamental in the works of many scientists and psychologists, however, the concept of "knowledge" is defined in different ways. For some it is a product of knowledge, for others it is a reflection and ordering of reality or a way of consciously reproducing a perceived object.

Representatives of the animal world also have elementary knowledge, they help them in their life and the implementation of instinctive acts.

The assimilation of knowledge is the result

The assimilation of knowledge largely depends on the chosen path, the completeness of the mental development of the student depends on it. Knowledge by itself cannot provide a high level of intellectual development, but without them this process becomes unthinkable. The formation of moral views, volitional character traits, beliefs and interests occurs under the influence of knowledge, therefore they are an important and necessary element in the process of developing human abilities.

What are the types of knowledge?

  • The worldly kind of knowledge is based on worldly wisdom, common sense. This is the basis of human behavior in everyday life, it is formed as a result of a person's contact with the surrounding reality and the external aspects of being.
  • Artistic is a specific way of assimilation of reality through aesthetic perception.
  • Scientific knowledge is a systematic source of information based on theoretical or experimental forms of reflection of the world. Scientific knowledge can contradict worldly because of the limitations and one-sidedness of the latter. Along with scientific knowledge, there are also pre-scientific ones that preceded them.

The first knowledge the child receives in infancy

Assimilation of knowledge and its levels

The assimilation of knowledge is based on the active mental activity of the trainees. The whole process is controlled by the teacher and consists of several stages of assimilation.

  1. At the first stage - understanding, the object is perceived, that is, it is distinguished from the general environment and its distinctive qualities are determined. The student has no experience in this type of activity. And his understanding informs about his ability to learn and perceive new information.
  2. The second stage - recognition, is associated with the comprehension of the received data, the discernment of its connections with other subjects. The process is accompanied by the execution of each operation, using hints, a description of the action or hints.
  3. The third level - reproduction, is characterized by active independent reproduction of the information understood and considered earlier, it is actively used in typical situations.
  4. The next level of the process of mastering knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities is application. At this stage, the student includes the perceived knowledge in the structure of previous experience, is able to apply the acquired set of skills in atypical situations.
  5. The final fifth level of assimilation is creative. At this stage, the field of activity for the student becomes known and understandable. Unforeseen situations arise in which he is able to create new rules or algorithms for resolving the difficulties that have arisen. The student's actions are considered productive and creative.

The formation of knowledge continues throughout life

The classification of the levels of knowledge formation makes it possible to qualitatively assess the assimilation of the material by the student.

The development of the student occurs from the first level. It is clear that if the level of knowledge of the student is characterized by the initial stage, then their role and value is small, however, if the student applies the information received in unfamiliar situations, then we can talk about a significant step towards mental development.

Thus, the assimilation and formation of skills is realized by comprehending and repeating information, understanding and applying it in familiar or new conditions or spheres of life.

What are skills and abilities, what stages does the process of their formation consist of?

There are still heated debates among scientists about what is higher in the hierarchical scheme of the formation of new knowledge, skills and abilities that characterizes mental development. Some emphasize the importance of skills, others convince us of the value of skills.

How skills are formed - diagram

A skill is the highest level of formation of an action; it is performed automatically, without awareness of the intermediate stages.

The ability is expressed in the ability to act consciously, which has not reached the highest degree of formation. When a student learns to perform any purposeful action, at the initial stage, he consciously performs all the intermediate steps, while each stage is fixed in his mind. The whole process is unfolded and realized, therefore, skills are first formed. As you work on yourself and systematically train, this skill improves, the time for completing the process is reduced, some intermediate steps are performed automatically, unconsciously. At this stage, we can talk about the formation of skills in performing an action.

Formation of skills in working with scissors

As you can see from what has been said, a skill eventually becomes a skill, but in some cases, when an action is extremely difficult, it may never develop into it. A schoolchild, at the initial stage of his learning to read, has difficulty combining letters into words. This assimilation process takes a lot of time and takes a lot of energy. When reading a book, many of us control only its semantic content, we read letters and words automatically. As a result of long trainings and exercises, the ability to read has been brought to the level of a skill.

The formation of skills and abilities is a long and time-consuming process. As a rule, this will take more than one year, and the improvement of skills and abilities takes place throughout life.

Skill Development Theory

Determining the level of mastery of actions by students occurs due to the following classification:

  • Zero level - the student does not own this action at all, lack of skill;
  • The first level - he is familiar with the nature of the action, it requires sufficient help from the teacher to complete it;
  • The second level - the student performs an action independently according to a model or template, imitates the actions of colleagues or a teacher;
  • The third level - he independently performs the action, each step is realized;
  • The fourth level - the student performs the action automatically, the formation of skills was successful.

Conditions for the formation and application of knowledge, skills and abilities

One of the stages of assimilation is the application of knowledge, skills and abilities. The nature and specificity of the subject determines the type of pedagogical organization of this process. It can be implemented with the help of laboratory work, practical exercises, solving educational and research problems. The value of the application of skills and abilities is great. The student's motivation is enhanced, knowledge becomes solid and meaningful. Depending on the uniqueness of the object under study, various methods of their application are used. Subjects such as geography, chemistry, physics involve the formation of skills using observation, measurement, problem solving and recording all the data obtained in special forms.

Development of skills in labor lessons

The implementation of skills in the study of humanitarian subjects occurs through the application of spelling rules, explanations, recognition of a specific situation where this application is appropriate.

The conditions for the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities are generalization, concretization and ensuring the sequence of operations. The study of these tasks makes it possible to avoid the formalism of knowledge, since the basis for solving problems is not only memory, but also analysis.

The process of forming new knowledge is inextricably linked with the following conditions:

  • Group 1 - conditions for motivating students' actions;
  • Group 2 - conditions for ensuring the correct execution of actions;
  • Group 3 - conditions for working out, nurturing the desired properties;
  • Group 4 - conditions for the transformation and phased development of the action.

General educational skills and abilities are those skills and abilities that are formed in the process of teaching many subjects, and not just one specific one. This issue should be given a lot of attention, but many teachers underestimate the importance of this task. They believe that in the process of learning, students acquire all the necessary skills on their own. This is not true. The processing and transformation of the information received by the student can be carried out in one way or another, using various methods and methods. Often the way the child works differs from the teacher's standard. The control of this process by the teacher is not always carried out, since it usually fixes only the final result (whether the problem is solved or not, whether the answer is meaningful or uninformative, whether the analysis is deep or superficial, whether the conditions are met or not).

Education and upbringing - differences

The child spontaneously develops some skills and techniques that turn out to be irrational or erroneous. The subsequent development of the child becomes unthinkable, the educational process is significantly hampered, and it is difficult to comprehend new knowledge and automate it.


The correct methods of forming knowledge, skills and abilities should be of no small importance in the learning process. Two main points can be noted. This is goal setting and organization of activities.

In cases where the teacher discovers that the student lacks a specific skill, it is important to realize whether the goal was set for the student, whether he realized it. Only selected students with a high level of intellectual development can independently determine and realize the value of the educational process. Lack of purpose - is considered the most common drawback of the organization of educational work. At first, the teacher can indicate one or another goal that the student should strive for when solving the problem. Over time, each student develops the habit of setting goals and motives for himself.

The motivation of each student is individual, so the teacher should focus on a wide range of motives. They can be social, aimed at achieving success, avoiding punishment, and others.

What is motivation - definition

The organization of activities consists in compiling a list of the main processes related to knowledge, skills and abilities. This list should include the most important issues, without which further progress is impossible. Next, you need to develop an algorithm for solving the problem or a sample, using which the student can independently or under the guidance of a teacher develop his own system of rules. Comparing the task with the received sample, he learns to overcome the difficulties and difficulties encountered on the educational path. Deepening and consolidating knowledge occurs in the case of generalization, analysis and comparison of the work performed by the students of the class.

School education is the beginning of the complex formation of knowledge, skills and abilities

The learning process is related to the ability of students to distinguish between the main and the secondary. For this, various tasks are offered in which it is necessary to highlight the most significant part of the text or words that are of secondary importance.

When training necessary to develop a skill, it is important to ensure their versatility and normal intensity. Over-processing one skill can prevent its proper application and inclusion in a coherent learning system. It is not uncommon for a student who has perfectly mastered a certain rule to make mistakes in dictation.

An integrated approach and pedagogical work are the conditions that guarantee the full-fledged education of the younger generation.

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