Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What is human intelligence. What levels of intelligence are recognized in people

It is impossible to become smarter in an instant. Being smart is a way of life, a constant search and overcoming oneself. This is a rather difficult, but at the same time pleasant path. And you can choose how to start it.

1. Exercise Regularly

This improves blood flow and oxygenates the brain, while good physical condition contributes to good mental health. Choose a program that is comfortable for your age and physical abilities. The main thing here is regularity.

2. Make sure you get enough sleep

Numerous studies have shown that sleep deprivation reduces concentration, short-term and long-term memory, problem solving speed, visual and hearing acuity, and slows reaction times. Especially for maintaining good mental health, the right combination of deep and REM sleep is important. Here again, physical exercises from Lifehacker will help you.

3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Your brain needs a certain amount of nutrients to function optimally. Diversify your usual menu to get enough vitamins, amino acids and carbohydrates. You don't have to buy supplements for this! We wrote earlier.

4. If you smoke - stop!

5. Reduce your alcohol intake

Alcohol in small amounts, especially when combined with socializing, may be beneficial for some brain functions. But excessive use can lead to acute and chronic impairment of its activity and cause irreversible cognitive impairment.

6. Learn new things regularly

Learn something new, such as foreign languages, playing musical instruments. Learn something you've always wanted to try! This contributes to the plasticity and flexibility of the brain. Learning math is a great exercise in logic and abstract thinking, and it improves concentration, mental stamina, and is guaranteed to raise your IQ by a few points. Use to learn something new.

7. Maintain friendships with smart and educated people

Make regular meetings with them and discuss a wide range of issues - complex intellectual discussions will give you new ideas and perspectives. You will understand how smart people think and express themselves and what you might need to change about yourself.

If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.

Alexander Zhurba, businessman and venture investor

8. Read at least one serious book a week and diversify your reading.

This will improve your vocabulary and verbal intelligence, as well as increase your knowledge and conversational repertoire. Reading must be!

9. Play challenging PC games

Shooters and racing at best develop reaction speed, but do not give you mental stimulation. Choose a game that involves complex rules, strategy, and requires certain mental skills. These are, for example, puzzle games Braid and Portal.

In multiplayer online games, Eve-online has, perhaps, the highest entry threshold.

10. Let go of limiting beliefs about your own intelligence.

Many truly qualified people tend to underestimate their abilities and suffer from a lack of self-confidence. Often the opinions of parents, overly critical (or even incompetent) teachers matter more than the stubborn facts of your success. Believe in yourself and start living a full life!

The level of intellectual development, or IQ, is characterized by indicators of the brain. In order to calculate the value, you must pass a scientific test. It can be found on the Internet or in the relevant sections of books on increasing intelligence. IQ includes memory, logical thinking, perception (visual, auditory, olfactory) and so on. The modern world leaves its mark on society. More and more people want to increase the coefficient, despite the possible difficulties. Let's take a look at the effective methods one by one.

Method number 1. Expand your horizons

  1. It is known that sedentary work has a negative effect on the activity of internal organs and the spine. So the presence of the brain at the same level affects intellectual development.
  2. In no case do not allow stagnation, strive to develop in every possible way. Set a goal, which is to constantly strive for more. Have you been dreaming about a new car? Well, make a plan and start implementing your plan.
  3. Learn new information every day, visit literary and art exhibitions, museums, theaters. Start studying history or painting, become a specialist in one of the areas.
  4. Sign up for a drawing section or a music school, learn cutting and sewing courses. Hairdressing, nail or eyelash extensions are suitable for fashionistas. Men can focus on automotive or electronics.
  5. The more knowledge you gain, the higher your IQ score will rise. A foreign language is considered an excellent option for self-development. New letters and sounds are quickly deposited in the brain, sending impulses for quick perception. As a result, logical thinking increases, memory and perception of reality improve.

Method number 2. Watch

  1. A smart person is distinguished not only by understanding what is happening, but also by the ability to observe. As a result of such manipulations, logic develops. You find connections between random objects and draw conclusions based on what you see. Observation allows you to put together or, on the contrary, put random and intentional events on the sides.
  2. Let's give a simple example: while walking along the sidewalk, you noticed how a car drove into the oncoming lane, as a result of which a head-on collision occurred. A typical person will pass by, writing off what happened as a coincidence. The wise will do otherwise.
  3. If you stand aside and observe, you can identify the factors that triggered the accident. Perhaps there is an open hatch on the road, or one of the drivers fell asleep at the wheel.
  4. Such aspects help to solve complex problems that may appear in the future. By developing mindfulness, you increase the level of intelligence. It is worth focusing on art, music, astronomy, architecture, business, law, history and other "smart" sciences.

Method number 3. Strive for more

  1. Always strive to be better than yesterday. The recommendation applies not only to the spiritual and material sphere. People who want to get rich are constantly looking for additional income.
  2. If you're in college or working in a low-paying position, change things up. Believe in yourself, take refresher courses, take a prestigious post. In the case of students, in addition to the institute scholarship, start working as a waiter or salesman.
  3. It is important to involve yourself in different areas. If you work on a 2 * 2 schedule, you get about 15 days off per month. For the average person, this is quite a lot, consider part-time vacancies. At the same time, it is important that the two positions are opposite in type of activity.
  4. It is known that mental work is more tiring than physical work. If you spend 5 days a week in the office, make it a habit to hit the gym after work. Such a move will allow the brain to work 25% more efficiently, as a result of which important points will pop up in your memory, whether it is a book you have read or clippings from scientific literature.
  5. Set big goals, they are easier to hit. Many believe that dreamers cannot achieve heights in their careers or personal lives. However, the situation is different. The dreamer does not set limits for himself, he always strives for more. Therefore, he regularly takes risks, after which he reaps the fruits of his own success.

Method number 4. Change the way you see things

  1. Images and habits are firmly rooted in the human brain, as a result of which new ways are perceived “skeptically”. Simply put, if you are used to peeling potatoes in a certain way, there is no point in changing anything, but in vain.
  2. The new is the well-forgotten old. Instead of driving to work / school on the usual road, cut the route in half or bypass the traffic jam in another way. As a result of such manipulations, the brain will literally begin to think, building logical conclusions.
  3. If you go the usual route, you will not pay attention to all the potholes. The brain will not work because the actions are performed on a subconscious level. Such manipulations significantly reduce intelligence (IQ).
  4. If you take notes in a notebook, transfer everything to electronic media. From now on, create notes in a text editor or the Notepad application. Seemingly simple things, but so effective. In addition to increasing IQ, manipulation helps to get rid of the routine.

Method number 5. go in for sports

  1. Scientists have repeatedly proven the relationship between active physical activity and mental activity. Sport increases blood flow, as a result of which metabolic processes are significantly accelerated.
  2. If you perform simple exercises daily, after a month, memory and perception will improve, logical thinking and IQ will increase.
  3. It is not necessary to visit the gym and work with "iron", aerobic exercise is better suited for these purposes. Do 20-minute daily runs in the park or work on the track (about 40 minutes), jump rope, pump the press, squat, lunge, twist the hoop.
  4. Take a closer look at popular areas such as yoga (even tantra will do), swimming, Pilates (gymnastics through breathing exercises), stretching (stretching all muscle groups), water aerobics. Play basketball or football with your kids, go skiing/skating.

Method number 6. Read

  1. Perhaps reading is the most common way to increase the level of intellectual development. However, it is important to understand that only the “correct” books are considered effective.
  2. Scientific literature is considered the best option. If you do not feel cravings for such works, give preference to art books. On the network, you can download any work absolutely free on your tablet or smartphone.
  3. Thus, you will improve not only IQ, but also visual memory. Reading also helps to increase vocabulary, improves literacy, develops logic. Whenever possible, read books of all genres to become a versatile person.
  4. Before choosing literature, it is important to make sure that a particular book suits your level of intelligence. Too light works will act disastrously. You must draw information from every page you read.

Method number 7. Learn the art of self-expression

  1. Multifaceted personalities have a higher level of intellectual development than those who spend all day on the couch. If you belong to the latter type, it's time to correct the situation.
  2. Express yourself in any convenient way. Sign up for acting classes or learn to play the piano. Speak in public, toast at every opportunity, become the soul of the company. Interact with a large number of people, it is not necessary to call everyone friends.
  3. The human brain draws information not only from electronic media, books or reference books. In the process of communication, you take away a particle of the opponent for yourself, starting to express yourself or think like an interlocutor.
  4. If you choose the right audience (environment), you can achieve heights, as they say, through other people's thoughts, views, ideas. In this way, your horizons expand much faster, you grow mentally and increase your IQ.

Method number 8. Control your IQ

  1. To understand if you are moving in the right direction, you need to take an IQ test with frequent intervals. The best option is to carry out manipulations 1 time in 7-10 days, more often.
  2. In this case, you need to write down the indicators in a notebook, and then analyze the results. Weekly changes of 5-10 points are considered normal. Well, if you can achieve a greater effect.
  3. When choosing a test, pay attention to whether the site has a license. Pirated versions ask for confirmation by e-mail, this is not correct. Beware of scammers, they offer to pay a fee in exchange for results.

It is difficult to increase the level of intellectual development, but the procedure cannot be called impossible. Expand your horizons, learn something new every day. Always strive for more, do not stand still. Learn to express yourself, play sports, regularly check your IQ.

Video: how to increase a child's IQ

Due to the fact that various technologies are currently being actively developed, in this review it is worth talking about what intelligence is.

It is unlikely that any person can tell others that he is not intellectually developed enough. Agree that we all consider ourselves smart. But this does not mean that there is no interest in this issue. Rather, on the contrary, there is interest, and many, if not trying to develop intelligence, then at least want to keep it for as long as possible.

What is hidden under this term?

So, this word refers to the totality of some human abilities, thanks to which it becomes possible to think intelligently, process information, acquire various knowledge and apply them in a practical area. That's what intelligence is. The definition of such a plan seems clear to any of us, but for some reason it does not make it easy to describe it.

Important Ingredients

What processes are included? The development of intelligence relies to a greater extent on and begins from the moment a person is born. Recall that cognitive processes include perception, memory, thinking and imagination. In this chain, it is important to consider that much depends on attention. Its absence will not allow a person to perceive, think and remember.

If we talk about memory, attention and perception, then they develop in constant waves, then accelerating, then slowing down the pace. It depends on how actively the person uses them. Here you can learn some details for the development of human intelligence. Constantly loading our memory and attention, while building chains of logical conclusions, always attracting new sensations and expanding our perception zones, we thus maintain our mental abilities and intellect in an active state.

One of the most striking components that can help answer the question of what is human intelligence is awareness. Suppose there is a talented person who was able to quite successfully realize himself by becoming a professional in some field. This person understands and knows a lot in his specialization. But at the same time, he may not be as knowledgeable in some other area, but no one will call him a non-intellectual person. If you recall Sherlock Holmes, he did not even know that the Earth moves around the Sun.

Therefore, our duty as human beings is to constantly expand our awareness, to learn new things. We need to show interest in different areas of activity. Then our mind will not stop developing, and we will become people with a high level of intelligence. At the end of the review of this aspect of the mind, one of the sayings of Socrates can be cited: "I know that I know nothing."

in development

Each of the above processes, to one degree or another, determines what intelligence is. It must necessarily develop to one degree or another, and at certain periods the process of cognition proceeds very quickly, and a person makes a huge breakthrough in his development. Psychologists call this

For babies, such a jerk is provided with sensations. Children listen and carefully examine the space around them, touch objects, try to taste everything they see. Thanks to this, the child develops the very first experience and primary knowledge is formed.

For imagination, a sensitive period will be. Surely, many have noticed that children at 5-6 years old fantasize quite strongly and a lot on various topics. And all thought processes are intensively developed at school age.

Children's mind

There is also one surprising fact that many fathers don't want to hear. The intelligence of the child is transmitted to him from the mother, since the intelligence gene comes from the X chromosome. This tells us that smart children should be born in marriage and an intellectually developed woman.

But, of course, it's not just about genes. There are other factors that determine the level of intelligence. For example, the environment in which the child will be, education, and at the very beginning - stimulation of his activity.

The good news is that these factors are modifiable and do not involve heredity. It follows from this that even if you do not have the "necessary" genes, you can look at the modifiable developmental factors. Maybe they can help you develop your child's intelligence.

To fully answer the question of what intelligence is, you need to consider its main types. We encounter them in everyday life, we often hear the names, and in this article we will try to understand some of them.

Emotional intelligence

What is This term refers to the ability to understand, define, use and in a constructive and positive way in order to relieve stress, communicate effectively with the environment, empathize with others, constantly overcoming difficulties and conflicts. This intelligence has an impact on various aspects of everyday life. For example, how you behave or interact with other people.

With high emotional intelligence, you can recognize your own state and the state of other people, interact with them based on this data, and thus attract them to you. You can also use this ability to form healthy relationships with people, achieve success at work, and simply have a more positive attitude towards others.

Creation of artificial intelligence

It is worth mentioning what artificial intelligence is. The very first works devoted to it appeared immediately after the Second World War, and the term itself gained fame in 1956. Artificial intelligence is put on a par with molecular biology in importance. And yet, what is artificial intelligence? This is a direction in science that originated at the moment when the creation of computers (as they used to be called, “intelligent machines”) and computer programs began. Artificial intelligence is inherent not to man, but to machines. Now a phrase of this nature can be heard very often when buying things such as a car, smartphones, etc.

What is social intelligence

Consider what social intelligence is. His ability lies in the correct understanding of human behavior. It is needed for the most effective communication and successful adaptation in society. The study of such intelligence is carried out by specialists in the field of psychology.

Practical aspects of the mind

If we consider what intelligence is in psychology, then its connection with management becomes obvious. This is also called practical intelligence. He was out of the research zone for quite a long time, because he was considered too aggressive, inferior and simple type, not worthy of attention. The difficulty of its study lies in the fact that all the experiments associated with it cannot take place in the laboratory and must be analyzed in natural conditions. Practical intelligence surpasses theoretical intelligence in many areas, but has some unique features.

“Moving the convolutions”, or thinking, is another task of our mind. In our time of information technology, we are always faced with a huge flow of information. Today's technology has given us new activities and unfamiliar technical means. Therefore, do not be afraid to study all the technical innovations and be constantly aware of their entry into the market. If you are striving to develop the intellect, then under no circumstances should you close yourself in a limited environment of already mastered devices and materials.

Verbal intelligence

What is verbal intelligence? This is the ability to analyze and synthesize speech judgments, to delve into the meaning of words, to have a rich semantic and conceptual base. Now many people are interested in learning foreign languages. This is a great way to improve your memory.

Here you have recollection, and memorization, and recognition. Memory has precisely these reproduction processes. Therefore, if they are constantly in working order, then the effect of forgetting practically disappears. Learning languages ​​helps develop verbal intelligence, in particular, the ability to operate with verbal material.

How can you develop your mind?

It is worth allowing your imagination to work as actively as it worked in childhood. Perhaps you have a talent for writing that is just dormant and has not yet woken up. Write a couple of stories or poems. Fantasize about your future plans, but you should not be limited to any specific framework. It will also be useful to communicate with children, because the experience in fantasies will immediately be restored. Undoubtedly, the best teachers in the field of imagination can be called children.

Perception can only develop if you use several channels: auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory and visual. If you use all the receptors, then the perception and memorization of the world around you will be very easy and interesting. That is why traveling brings great impressions. Day after day, travelers memorize many different details that they can tell their grandchildren. And all due to the fact that when traveling, we look at everything through wide-open eyes, listen to new sounds, inhale the aromas of unknown areas and get an incredibly huge amount of new sensations.

But even without traveling, you can activate your channels of perception in simple and affordable ways. This is a trip to a pleasant massage, a simple evening walk in the park, visiting a variety of art exhibitions and regular exercise. Even if you just prepare new dishes every week, you will favorably influence the development of your perception.

Magic list to help develop intelligence throughout life

1. Increase your awareness of something as often as possible: observe, wonder, learn.

2. Use your memory as much as possible: study poems and stories, memorize new words and be open to learning new languages.

3. Constantly upload your thought processes: analyze, summarize information, solve problems, find cause and effect relationships in everything that is interesting.

4. Open up to new technologies: study the latest technical means, the possibilities of the Internet and how to implement yourself in it.

5. Give yourself gifts in the form of new sensations: night and day walks, sports activities, new, yet unexplored dishes, travel. All of this can help.

In everyday life, a person uses his mental abilities as an element of cognition of the world around him. It is difficult to imagine modern reality without intellect, without the very ability to analyze and compare objects and phenomena with each other. Thanks to his mental activity, a person discovers in himself great opportunities for self-development and self-improvement. If there were no intellect, a person could not make scientific discoveries, such an activity as art would not exist at all.

Intelligence(from the Latin “mind, mind”) is a highly organized system of thinking of the individual, in which new products of activity appear. Intelligence necessarily affects mental abilities and all cognitive processes.

The concept of intelligence was introduced by the English scientist F. Galton at the end of the 19th century. Based on the scientific works of Charles Darwin on evolution. The characteristics of intelligence were studied by such scientists as A. Binet, C. Spearman, S. Colvin, E. Thorne - Dyke, J. Peterson, J. Piaget. All of them considered the intellect as a field of limitless human possibilities. The task of each specific individual is to realize his intellect competently, for the benefit of himself and those around him. In fact, only a few understand their true purpose and are ready to invest in the development of abilities.

Essence of intelligence

Ability to learn

A person cannot be imagined without mental activity. For especially developed people, development becomes an integral part of life: it leads them forward to new achievements, helps them make the necessary discoveries. The desire for learning in this case is dictated by the internal need of a person for self-realization. When the desire to express one's own individuality becomes brighter than the opinions of others, a person is able to use all the power of his mind in order to achieve tangible success.

In fact, the ability to learn lies in each of us. It’s just that some people use the resource given to them by nature to the maximum, while others find reasons to reduce this process to the level necessary for survival.

Ability to work with abstractions

Scientists, thinkers, philosophers use scientific concepts and definitions in their activities. And not only them: students must also learn to understand the language of abstractions and operate freely with it. The ability to competently express one's thoughts, share discoveries in a particular area necessarily implies mastering the language at a high level. The intellect here is a necessary link, a tool for scientific activity.

Ability to adapt to environmental conditions

The environment in which a modern person lives is constantly changing. Unforeseen circumstances arise that negatively affect work, mix plans and disrupt deals. But a truly intelligent person is always able to analyze the situation that has arisen and see the benefit in it for himself. So the intellect helps the individual to endure in difficult circumstances, to fight in the name of a bright idea, to predict the desired result and strive to achieve it.

Structure of the intellect

Scientists with different approaches and different views on this problem identify concepts that make it possible to determine what intelligence consists of.

Spearman spoke about the presence of each individual, the so-called general intelligence, which helps to adapt to the environment in which he lives, to develop existing inclinations and talents. This scientist considered individual features as hidden opportunities for achieving certain goals.

Thurstone characterized the facets of general intelligence and identified seven directions through which the mental realization of a person occurs.

  1. The ability to easily operate with numbers, perform calculations and mathematical operations in the mind.
  2. The ability to coherently express one's thoughts, to clothe them in verbal form. The scientist explained what determines the degree of mastery of the word and singled out the connection between mental activity and the development of speech.
  3. The ability to assimilate the written and spoken language of another person. As a rule, the more a person reads, the more he learns about the world around him. Self-awareness develops, memory capacity expands, other (personal) possibilities appear. The individual most often receives information through thoughtful reading. This is how the assimilation of new material, analysis and systematization of existing knowledge takes place.
  4. The ability to imagine, build artistic images in the head, develop and improve creative activity. It must be admitted that it is in the products of a creative orientation that the high potential of the individual is manifested, the essence of his capabilities is revealed.
  5. The ability to increase the amount of memory and train the speed of memorization. Modern man needs to constantly work on his resource.
  6. The ability to build logical chains, reason, analyze the realities of life.
  7. The ability to analyze, identify significant and significant differences between objects and phenomena.

Cattell discovered the enormous potential of opportunities that a person possesses. He defined intelligence as the ability for abstract thinking and abstraction.

Types of intelligence

Traditionally, in psychology, there are several types of mental activity. All of them correspond to one or another direction of life or affect the way of life of a person.

Verbal intelligence

With the help of this type, a person always has the opportunity to communicate with other people. Written activity perfectly develops the intellect, allows you to master foreign languages, study classical literature. Participation in discussions and disputes on various topics helps to focus on the essence of the issue, determine one's own values, and learn something important and valuable from opponents.

Verbal intelligence is necessary for acquiring basic knowledge about the world, so that a person has the opportunity to accumulate the necessary experience for his development. Communication with successful people who were able to reach a new level of life, achieve a state of complete independence, has a positive effect on the worldview of the individual, the ability to accept and think about information.

logical intelligence

It is necessary for performing logical operations, solving mathematical problems. To improve the level of logic, it is recommended to solve crossword puzzles, read intellectual, useful books, engage in self-development, attend thematic seminars and trainings.

Logical intelligence needs constant work. To freely operate with numbers, you need to constantly perform complex calculations in your mind, solve problems.

Spatial intelligence

It is based on the visual perception of any activity with the ability to repeat it from one's own experience. So music lessons, clay modeling can become wonderful guides to self-development.

  • physical intelligence. The ability to stay in great physical shape is the key to good health and longevity. Physical intelligence implies a strong connection with the body, an attentive attitude to one's well-being. The absence of disease is not yet an indicator of physical health. In order for the body to be strong and vigorous, you need to give it enough strength and attention: if possible, do exercises, any sports. It is important to give yourself daily the degree of stress that a person is able to withstand. Of course, in order to manage this process, you need to have great motivation and a desire to change something for the better.
  • Social intelligence. This includes the ability to communicate. Man is a social being and cannot live outside society. In order to adequately build relationships with other people and learn to understand them correctly, you need to train your will and ability to hear others daily. Understanding between people consists of several components, an important component of which is mutually beneficial cooperation. This is the basis of any business, to understand the needs of the client, to be able to convey the necessary information to the audience.
  • Emotional intelligence. It involves the development of a sufficiently high level of reflection in a person. The ability to think analytically, be aware of your individual needs and strive to achieve your own goals will undoubtedly help you achieve a high level of emotional intelligence. Another important component is the ability to communicate with people, understand their moods and feelings, build models of effective interaction with them.
  • Spiritual intelligence. It implies a conscious desire of the individual to know himself, to engage in self-improvement. An intellectually developed person never lingers for a long time at one stage of development, he wants to progress, motivate himself for further actions. For the development of this type of intelligence, individual reflections on life, the essence of being, meditation, and prayer are perfect.
  • Creative intelligence. It assumes that the individual has a certain artistic talent: literary, musical, pictorial. The need to focus on the task at hand, to concentrate on the artistic image and embody it on paper, canvas or notes is inherent in true creators. But it should be remembered that any abilities need development, they need to be given a lot of effort and attention.

So, for the development of literary talent, it is necessary to learn to understand the essence and meaning of what is written, to study the works of great masters, to master artistic techniques and means of expression.


The human brain is designed in such a way that the more often we train it, the better it lends itself to training. In other words, the more attention, time, effort a person is ready to invest in their own development, the sooner the opportunities for self-realization increase and expand.

For example, if the mind is able to concentrate on certain things, then it is necessary for a long period of time to give it the opportunity to expand the field of activity, and then visible changes will be noticeable.

Intelligence Capabilities

The truth is that the possibilities of the human mind are inexhaustible. We have such a potential that if everyone were closely engaged in solving individual problems, the results would very soon be very impressive. Unfortunately, a person throughout his life uses no more than 4 - 5% of the potential inherent in him and forgets that his possibilities are endless. How to develop intelligence to a high level? Only the personality itself determines in what framework to put itself, only we manage ourselves.

How to increase intelligence?

Many people on the path of personal development, one way or another, ask this question. Few understand that the increase in intelligence is connected, first of all, with being an active person, being able to accept new things in your life, striving to achieve individual goals. Read more books related to self-realization or quality literature. Ironic detective stories or romance novels will not work.

Thus, the concept of intelligence is closely related to the person himself. It is important to understand that our mind cannot exist apart from us. It is necessary to regularly "feed" him with fresh ideas, to allow him to do bold deeds, to make discoveries. And then you will be able to maintain a high level of intelligence for many years, and not just use it in your youth.

As a rule, in the routine of working days, we do not have time for self-development. And if even an hour is released, then many do not even know how to spend it and aimlessly squander it for other purposes. We all want to be successful, have a good salary, and at the same time have a lot of free time. To do this, you need to be not just a specialist, but a master of your craft. Many well-paid employers place high demands on their employees. Erudition, creativity, knowledge of languages, literacy - this is not the whole list of necessary qualities.

Increasing the level of intelligence will not only be beneficial for work, but will also bring a lot of interesting and extraordinary things into your life. New exciting journeys, interesting books, new acquaintances. In a word: if you want to improve your life - develop!

The process will go faster if you are curious and willing to put in the effort. Intelligence in general is influenced not only by knowledge, but also by health, mental balance, lifestyle and many other factors. For example, your average IQ rises by 3 every 10 years of your life. It's up to you to decide: move forward or fall behind.

A few tips on how to increase your intellectual level:

  1. Learn to relax. Did you know that the mind perceives and processes information more efficiently in a relaxed, quiet and comfortable atmosphere. Tension, haste, irritation and distractions only harm concentration.
  2. Go in for sports.Exercises will help the work of the vascular and endocrine systems. These, in turn, will improve cerebral blood flow, which will maximize your abilities. Studies have found that moderate exercise strengthens brain tissue and slows down cell aging.
  3. Always get enough sleep.If you don't get enough sleep, your body will be tired and your brain foggy. For those who do not get enough sleep, on the contrary, intelligence decreases. And if you abuse it often, you can even earn mental illness. Good sleep ensures the normal functioning of the brain and helps the body recover after a hard day's work.
  4. Avoid sudden increases in blood sugar.A sharp increase in blood sugar lowers the activity of the brain and damages neurons. To avoid this, you need to eat fewer foods that can contribute to such fluctuations. And in general, it will be useful to review your diet and switch to a healthy diet.
  5. Thirst for knowledge.An English proverb says: "If you are not interested in anything, then you are not interesting." A thirst for knowledge fuels erudition and can make you a more interesting person. Find a field that interests you and learn, acquire new skills and knowledge. Make it your forte. For example, you can learn an additional language or master a dance, become an expert in crop production, or simply cook a new dish.
  6. Let go of stereotypes and preconceived notions.Only a lazy mind generalizes, makes unreasonable assumptions, and uses conventional patterns. Learn to look for real, accurate and informative answers and solutions, otherwise your ability to think critically and give an adequate assessment of what is happening will decrease dramatically. Never make hasty conclusions based on a minimum of information. Skepticism is the best remedy for a superficial mind. Being a skeptic does not mean not believing in anything and being arrogant. On the contrary, it does not interfere with your openness, goodwill and optimism. Understand that you are being fed various information from everywhere, some of which is purposefully deceptive and needs intellectual criticism.
  7. Develop your mind.The brain needs to be trained. Train to concentrate, analyze, be attentive to details and memorize well. Let it all become a habit. For this, there are many special games, tasks and riddles that will help you achieve the desired result.
  8. Master the abbreviation technique.This will help increase your efficiency and get you more information in a shorter amount of time. There are many courses, blogs and websites on the Internet that are devoted to this topic. Choose the right technique and learn.
  9. Do not reject opposing points of view.Other people's arguments will help you explore the information in more detail. Don't fall into the "know-it-all" trap. This mistake will ultimately deprive you of development and narrow your worldview. A constructive comparison and analysis of all points of view will help to penetrate the essence of the problem and make the right decision. Do not look for facts that only confirm your conclusions. Be open to different opinions.
  10. Try to use more than just the dominant hand.If you are right-handed, use your left hand more in your usual activities, and vice versa if you are left-handed. For example, take a computer mouse in your other hand and try to work like that. Quite an unusual and interesting feeling, isn't it? Thus, you will improve your skills and activate additional parts of the brain.
  11. Proper breathing.Various breathing exercises will help you enrich your brain cells with oxygen. You will be better able to focus on complex tasks.
  12. Try your hand at creativity.Art, as well as possible, helps to improve the process of thinking, opens up new original ways of solving the tasks. You will learn to think abstractly, which will give you a lot of advantages. You can draw a picture, write a book or a poem, master a musical instrument or do needlework.

Half of the advice, as you have already noticed, relates to health. It is unlikely that when something hurts or is constantly haunted by poor health, you will be able to fully reveal your intellectual potential.

The list of these tips could go on and on. The most important thing is to start, and then everything will work out!

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