Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What are the real priorities of our life. Principles for choosing a woman's key life priorities

Live with your mind

When you decide what is most important in this life for you, you do not need to rely on anyone else's life experience. Undoubtedly, there are many people who have seen more and can help with advice. However, each of us has our own psychology, our own values, and so on. Therefore, when you think about what is most important to you, rely only on your mind, feelings and emotions. Each person will have their own priorities, individual. Very often, people set the wrong priorities in life, because they rely on the opinions of others or simply succumb to influence. Especially often this happens in cases where a person has quite powerful parents. They take it upon themselves to decide everything for the child. As a result, a person lives according to the plan drawn up by them, and not as he himself wants. Therefore, if you see that the opinion of your loved ones is completely different from yours, resist. Of course, we are talking only about cases where your priorities will not harm you. In other cases, it is imperative to listen to the opinion of others. But if what you want from life does not threaten life or health, then you can safely insist on your own. Many people do not understand that each of us has our own life path, so there is no need to impose our opinion. It is better when a person “hit the bumps” himself and come to the right conclusion than to live someone else’s life, which will not bring him any joy or misfortune.

Don't be afraid of your desires

When setting priorities, first of all, you need to honestly confess your desires. Otherwise, you will not be able to understand what is important in your life. So drop your fears and say what you really want. Perhaps your main desire is to have a family and raise children. If you realize that you cannot survive without self-realization, pursue a career or creativity. For spiritual people who need to realize some higher forces and matters, it is the spiritual path that can become really important. Don't be afraid of your desires. Even if they are different from the goals of others, there is absolutely nothing terrible in this. The choice of each is influenced by his emotional state, psychological development, society, family, environment and many more factors. So any desire that does not cause harm has every right to life. Remember that only after you really honestly answer the question: what do I want from life, it will be possible to talk about how to prioritize correctly. After all, only those who achieve what they want can achieve heights. Otherwise, a person simply lives somehow. For example, many study in specialties that they do not like, respectively, the university ceases to be a priority for them. And some women cannot raise a child normally, because they gave birth to him without wanting to, and for them personal life is a priority, while children become an unpleasant burden. But those who really know what they want can correctly prioritize and move only up through life.

"Priority" priorities

Once you've decided what you want out of life, you can start prioritizing. To do this, you just need to identify the main points to achieve your goal. For example, if you want to live in the States, then your priority is learning the language, getting the opportunity to leave (for example, winning a green card), and obtaining the funds necessary to move. If the most important thing in life for you is family and friends, then the priority becomes the opportunity to live next to them, to give these people as much time as possible, the opportunity to please them with gifts. That is, as you can see for yourself, goals and priorities are strongly linked to each other. But among all priorities, there should always be the most important one, which is fundamental to achieving a dream. Moreover, at different times it cannot be completely different. For example, at a certain life stage, study may become a priority, then meeting and communicating with new people, searching for the necessary connections. After that, the priority will be the extraction of funds for opening a business, and so on. You should never assume that the most “priority” priority should remain one and for the rest of your life. Every person has different priorities. You should not be afraid of anything and treat the situation as if you are betraying someone or something. If a person's priorities in life change, then his life itself changes.

In fact, by prioritizing, we organize our lives and help ourselves to stay on track. So, if you are honest with yourself, then the process of choosing life priorities will not be difficult for you. You will always know what you want, what you can spend the most time on, and what things you can put off until later without remorse. In addition, proper prioritization helps you live in accordance with your desires and not regret the wasted time and lost years that you spent doing unnecessary and unloved things, instead of achieving something really meaningful for you.

Elena Vetshtein

When is the table stable? Or how to prioritize?

In the life of every person there are four main components that, in the case of their optimal state, make a person happy. These are life priorities. The ability to correctly prioritize in life is like a talent. It allows a person to feel harmony. Life priorities can be compared to the legs of a table. On four equal legs, the table is most stable.

First and perhaps the most important component is the physical state, which is based on health, external attractiveness, vitality. All three components are closely related to each other. Poor health, low attractiveness, lack of vitality limit the ability to realize other components of a happy life. But this is not the only reason to put the physical condition of the body in the first place. Being born, man primarily learns to consciously control his body (coordinated work with arms and legs, hold his head, sit, crawl, walk). Work with the body is always the most understandable (obviousness of the relationship of action is the result). A person who does not know how to work with his body does not know how to manage himself! From a negligent attitude towards one's body, internal licentiousness, laziness, and disorganization grow!

As a rule, nature advances us, endowing us with a good physical condition at a young age. If a person’s priorities do not include proper work to keep the body in shape, and he treats it exclusively as a resource, over time the source begins to dry up. The first signs of a problem are manifested in lack, when it appears, apathy, unwillingness to act. Reduced chances to fully realize their own talents.

Self-realization- This " second table leg". When a person realizes his abilities and talents, he is happy. Unrealized potential makes a person angry, envious, self-pitying and critical of others! Self-realization directly affects how self-sufficient a person feels. The non-self-sufficient always believes that the whole world owes him. A self-sufficient person builds partnerships with the world and other people.

Relationships are the third component happy life (third leg of the table).
Relationships built by a person depend on the harmony or disharmony of his inner world, his internal organization.

A self-sufficient person does not react to what is happening (does not get angry, does not get angry), but acts in accordance with changing circumstances. Realizing that each of us is guided by our own interests, we understand and accept the actions of other people. This helps not to experience anger towards others, but towards oneself - pity that the world is unfair.

fourth component(the fourth leg of the table) is Financial independence. Because, firstly, in the modern world, money is the most liquid commodity that allows you to satisfy the needs of everyone in what they do not have their own talents for. Secondly, financial independence is the opportunity to aim for something more.

So, the four legs of the conditional table - physical condition, relationships, self-realization, financial independence.

Does the table need a fifth leg? In my opinion, no.

What if one of the four legs breaks? The table will stand. The table can stand on two legs, but it will be very unstable! There are tables on one leg. And in life there are also cases when a person develops only in one or two directions. For example, a person spent most of his life building his own successful business. He realized his talents, gained financial independence, but did not build a family, no friends (relationships), his physical condition also leaves much to be desired. Or another example, a woman chose family relationships as the only direction of her own development. The only leg of the table developed and grew stronger, becoming the center and source of happiness. Years passed, the children grew up, the husband left ...

With all the variety of tables, the most stable are those that are held on four legs.

Why, with all the evidence of the values ​​described above, most people are dissatisfied with themselves and their own life results? There is a simple test. Those who are not too lazy to take paper and a pen or pencil to go through it will be able to draw very interesting conclusions for themselves.

  1. Write in a column 4-5 of your values ​​(areas of life) that are most important to you. You can offer your own wording, for example, business, loved one, friends, family, money, etc./
  2. Assign a place to each direction by importance for you in descending order.
  3. Now honestly assign a place in descending order by time, which you spend on each of the directions.
  4. Let's make the test harder! To do this, add one more line “Other” to the column of your priorities below.
  5. And now distribute approximately how much of your time as a percentage you spend on each direction.

Values ​​(priorities) Time spent,%

___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
_____Other ______ ___________________

Try to be objective. If you wrote “Money” as one of your priorities, most likely you assume a rather large amount. At the same time, you earn several times less, and really do nothing to change the situation (you didn’t open your business in parallel, you don’t regularly send your resumes to those companies where you will be paid, the amount that you thought about in your priorities) . This means that you do not spend anything to achieve the result, you can put 0%. If your priorities are family, then think about how much time you devote to your soulmate, children, parents. This does not include the time when you are lying in front of the TV, spend on the Internet, even if at this moment your household is circling around you!

6. Take a look at what you got.

If the value for you and the time spent are different, you should not wait for the desired results.

I hope that the test helped you understand why expectations and reality do not match. If you saw promising areas for development, then it's time to build results and start acting!

I think, no matter what your own priorities are, they fit into the directions that are indicated above in this material (physical condition, relationships, self-realization, financial independence).

If you deliberately miss some direction from your own priorities, remember that tables are different, but a table with four legs is the most stable!

Each of us has our own priorities, life goals and objectives, but in the end it all comes down to one thing - the desire to be happy, healthy, have a loved one nearby, raise decent, successful children.

For many people, financial well-being is the main life value. This is not surprising, because without money it is very difficult to provide yourself with a quality standard of living, fully relax, and expand your capabilities.

At the same time, the pursuit of high income often overshadows everything, takes energy from other areas of life. Pay attention to how many businessmen and wealthy celebrities end up with incurable diseases and suffer from loneliness.

As they say in Vedic knowledge, the balance of energy is very important. This means that you cannot focus only on the sphere of money, you need to try to increase your financial well-being, while not forgetting about your family and health.

When a person is family oriented

The surest way to become a highly effective person is to focus on your family first. A family is something without which even the most confident and purposeful people will feel inferior.

If a person did not create a family and lived his life without understanding what it means to have support and support in the form of a loving partner, children, this will inevitably affect his worldview and will not allow him to fully develop personally.

You have probably heard more than once that the most important thing in life is family and health. Whatever one may say, it really is.

If you are not feeling well, even the biggest money is unlikely to bring you happiness and satisfaction. In the absence of a family, most likely, it will not be possible to maintain the desire to do something for a long time, because you will have no one to work and achieve results for. Moreover, often lonely people fall into prolonged depression, begin to abuse alcohol, drugs, etc.

How to prioritize your life

If you want to be a happy person, learn how to properly prioritize your life. As already mentioned, the main goals of a person are the creation of a family and good health.

Money is better to put in 3rd place. They should be treated as a tool to achieve excellent results in family relationships and health promotion. Otherwise, the endless pursuit of high incomes and positions will sooner or later "squeeze out all the juices."


A confused woman usually tries to have time to “live” (to take a walk, make repairs, dress up, etc.), without understanding herself why exactly she needs to do THIS?! 😕 She spends a lot of time, allegedly for convenience, success, development, self-realization, ...

And it's not even months, girls!!! And the years! 🙆 and when I ask her, “Why have you been doing something for so many years that doesn’t bring you the desired tangible result?”, In response, I often hear a phrase like, “Learn from mistakes ... there is no miracle ...”, ... hmm, oooookey , but then what are these mistakes made for, if there is no ability to accept them as an experience and, at the moment of the next “lose”, not to be disappointed, but to learn a lesson?
❗ Well, tell me, where do contradictions appear in a woman, leading her to self-deception, which makes her rush to live? Have you thought? I will share with you - From where a woman takes confidence that the most important thing in her life has not yet happened, it is ahead. …!!! Oh, mom ... Incorrectly placed priorities !!!

How long can you live in some kind of future, where subconsciously you still hope for a miracle, but you don’t see the most important thing in your present? A miracle is happening now!! You are this miracle))) ☺ — study yourself! I know what I'm talking about, years of fruitless life are extremely sad, believe me!

Authoritative methods allow everyone in just 7 days in the format of individual practice to come to what you cannot come to for years ... Look for yourself as a person! Look for opportunities, Knowledge, Teachers! Develop and ask yourself more often what is more important for you NOW? And answer honestly! Further, everything is simple - act! 😘 and life will become rich, timely, satisfying! 👏👏👏 Good luck to you!

Marina Targakova:

The most important thing a woman wants from a man is a sense of security. This is home security, and financial security, and the security of her as a wife and mother of his children. A woman has the right to demand it. A man is obliged to give it to her, otherwise what is the point of marrying.

The science of love implies learning to give freedom, learning to rejoice for a loved one, learning to forgive, learning not only not to demand anything from a loved one, but also not to even expect anything in return for your love.
You need to think better about your beloved, “finish” him, and not expose all his shortcomings, because whatever niche you assign to a man, he will occupy such a niche and really become like that.

What should be the priorities in a woman's life?


A woman should put her husband first in her life. A daughter is born, a mother becomes attached to her. This means that the daughter will be overly touchy, but feminine, in general, normal. If a boy is born, then he becomes weak-willed and capricious in this case. And the husband becomes destitute. A woman can receive love from children, relatives, girlfriends, because she is the generator of this very love. But a man is not the source of love. He is a consumer in this regard. He receives the main energy of love from his wife.

If the wife switched to the child, he gets nothing. As a result, he has three options: 1) find another, 2) start drinking, 3) switch to work. But in this case, the man will still overstrain, because at home you need to somehow relax. That is, as soon as a woman has made a child the basis of her life, her family begins to fall apart. The husband is not satisfied, the child will be selfish. Therefore, a woman must know that her desire to give her life to a child is a noose that leads her to the destruction of the family. Because she must first of all take care of her husband, and secondly, about the children. If the mother cares more about the father, then the children will respect the father. If the mother takes care of them more, then they will not respect the father.

Earlier I already wrote about how the Yang world affects the female nature. But even if you understand how your lifestyle negatively affects your health, this does not mean at all that you will immediately radically change your life. Why does this happen: we want one thing, but we do something completely different?

A question of priorities

Did you know that the most active influence on your life is your priorities. What does it mean? You may want to dance, draw, do needlework, do housework, and raise children. However, if these dreams and desires are not your priorities (and most often they are - our dreams are just dreams), then you will do anything but what you dream about.

And for women, such an arrangement of priorities is much more detrimental than for men. After all, making money is a man's job. And the motivator for a man (unlike a woman) is not so much need as a sense of responsibility for himself and his family. Thus, a man does not go against his essence.

In the case of a woman, the situation is different. As a rule, women push their desires and dreams away, deeper, sacrificing themselves. An unloved, but highly paid (or at least generally paid) job, an uncomfortable schedule - this is what attracts a woman for whom survival becomes a priority. Constant stress, tension and discontent lead to apathy, fatigue and irritability. After all, such a life goes against the essence of a woman.

In this state, a woman ceases to even see the opportunity to do some favorite thing, somehow fit it into this life. After all, she is not up to such nonsense - she needs to provide for her family.

What causes a change in priorities

From my personal experience, I was convinced that a change of priorities has a very, very beneficial effect on life. For a while, survival was my top priority. I had to pay the rent, I wanted to buy myself delicious food, beautiful clothes, high-quality cosmetics. So I worked at a good job, in a good office, with good people. And everything would be fine, but I just wanted something completely different.

And I wanted to dance, knit, sew, write, take pictures. I tried hard to fit all these hobbies into my schedule. But the fatigue that accumulated during the day and week did not allow me to do this for a long time and productively. Everything was in snatches.

And then I changed my priorities. I realized that it is more important for me to get enough sleep, to be free from the office schedule and to do what is really interesting and enjoyable for me.

Leaving the office finally allowed me to take a big step forward on the path of my development. I got what I had long dreamed of - a life that I manage myself. This does not mean that there is no longer a need to pay expenses, but now it is done with joy and pleasure and there is enough strength for everyone and everything.

Life is really worth devoting it to your dream.

What is important for a woman in life: five priorities Each of us has her own vision of female happiness: someone dissolves in children, someone in work, someone in self-care. Today we will talk about what is important for a woman in life, because if the priorities are set incorrectly, there is a possibility of unpleasant surprises.

For example, if you spend all your time with children, the husband will be offended; if you disappear at work, the children will grow up deprived of attention, which will result in difficult relationships of adolescence, etc. What should a woman have in the first place in order for her life to be harmonious?

1. Health The main duty of a woman is to be healthy. A sick wife or mother will not make anyone happy. Only a healthy woman is desirable, loved, tender and caring. Taking care of your health should be your main job: get rid of bad habits; normalize nutrition (more fruits and vegetables, dairy products, less meat and flour); go in for sports: dancing, Pilates, fitness, anything, as long as it brings pleasure; watch your emotions, do not get too nervous and do not take criticism to heart. Remember! In the end, any criticism is a subjective opinion, and it should not interest you.

2. Attractiveness Any woman is beautiful, it is important to prove it to yourself, get rid of complexes. If a woman is confident in herself, she likes her own reflection in the mirror, a man will also like her. What is needed for this? Not so much: visit a beauty salon as needed; buy yourself comfortable and beautiful clothes, do not spare money for it; do not be aggressive - a woman in anger cannot be attractive; smile more, give light and warmth to others, beauty should be not only external, but also internal.

3. Being a wife Yes, yes, a wife is not the most important thing, it is like one of the roles of a woman. Faithful, reliable, wise, interesting, understanding, "comfortable" and beautiful - this is the wife who has the above three points as a priority.

4. Self-development It's never too late to learn. Try to sit less on social networks, and in your free time do something useful, because with a woman who is always looking for something, learns, studies, there is always something to talk about. read as much as possible; watch movies with meaning; unleash your creative potential: sing, draw, knit.

5. What is important for a woman in life: being a mother Today it is considered correct and obligatory to give up your desires for the sake of children. As a result, we got a generation of spoiled egoists. Psychologists have proven that mothers who, above all, take care of themselves and their husbands, have more obedient and attentive children. Remember. Children are always and at all times brought up by examples, by what they see, first of all, in the family. As soon as the mother understands this, the hard work of raising her offspring becomes pleasant and easy work. Summing up Love yourself, set women's priorities correctly and you and your family will be happy!

How difficult it is today for a modern man to choose a soul mate. On the one hand, a strong, independent business woman is waiting for him. On the other side, he will be able to plunge into the arms of a gentle housewife, who beckon with their warmth. It is not so difficult to choose one of the two, but the strong half of humanity does not look for easy ways and stops only at unique personalities in which all qualities will be combined in equal proportions. Therefore, a woman, today, is not easy: she must surprise her lover and not disappoint him.

To achieve this goal, you need to correctly prioritize a woman’s life priorities, determine the values ​​​​and the right goals. Only then will you be able to preserve the integrity of the family hearth, not lose your beloved husband, and teach your children to live.

Life priorities for women of different age groups

It is very important in early childhood to teach a child that the world needs to be constantly understood and discovered for oneself, that it is important to set a goal, to define oneself as early as possible. Wise parents will never impose their opinion, but will give them the opportunity to make their own decisions. At the same time, it is important not only to let the life of your little person take its course, but to show him what he and the world as a whole are capable of. After all, now it is important for him to know everything that is around, and learn to live with it.

So, you will give him a happy life in which he can clearly act according to his own rules and set his priorities. But it happens that parents consider themselves omniscient and begin to directly influence their children with their “I know how best”. The influence causes a negative consequence, when an adult with such a foundation does not know how and does not know how to live, he is used to resting at the time of making decisions, and now he has to think and take risks. Often such people suffer defeats for themselves. And again the question arises: how to prioritize life for a woman, and as for a man, because they always stand on opposite sides of the barricades.

If you are at a fairly mature age, and you realize that there are absolutely no priorities in your life, do not get upset. Now the main thing is to pull yourself together, and learn to do it, just like you learned to walk and talk.

Vital Priorities

The most important priority for a woman should be:

  • family;
  • spiritual development of oneself;
  • inner feeling of one's own "I";
  • real .

Only in this way, a modern woman will be able to give love to her husband, raise a child and be in harmony with her thoughts and decisions. Setting life priorities means not to get hung up on one thing, but to be more dynamic, interested in everything and learn as much as possible.