Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Brest fortress defenders. History of the Brest Fortress

We ask you not to cancel the Decree of the President dated November 22, 2007 No. 585 "On providing young and large families financial support state" as young families will be lost real opportunity solution to the housing problem. This decree really eased the financial burden on families and made it possible to purchase and build housing in the short term. According to Presidential Decree No. 240 of July 4, 2017 "On State Support for Citizens in the Construction (Reconstruction) of Residential Premises", which cancels Decree No. 585, families lose the opportunity to purchase housing on the secondary market, build and purchase individual residential buildings. Thousands of queues in the executive committees, designed only for the possibility of acquiring housing built under the state order, delay for many years the possibility of acquiring their own housing. Many people have already entered into construction and taken loans from banks, counting on financial assistance under Decree No. 585, and now they are losing the opportunity to use it, since the housing has not yet been put into operation.
The decree was canceled overnight and the young families who entered the construction, who collected, planned, counted on the support of the state, were suddenly left with heavy debts and loans. Officials did not consider it necessary to inform people in advance about the planned cancellation of such a vital decree, many families began construction without even assuming that it would be canceled, because. the media wrote about the development of new types state support certain categories of citizens and modestly added that the conditions for supporting young families would not change.
We ask you to consider our appeal and work out options for supporting such families, for example: to keep Decree No. 585 in force for families that have already concluded a sale and purchase agreement that have already begun construction of individual houses, apartments, or to completely extend its validity.
We kindly ask you to uphold the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated November 22, 2007 No. 585 “On providing young and large families with financial support from the state” for young families that have already entered into construction, have concluded sales contracts and counted on state assistance in repayment of commercial loans.
Among us, who left signatures under this appeal, are people who have concluded housing purchase agreements, but did not have time to draw up documents to receive financial assistance, families that have begun the construction of individual residential buildings, apartments in the framework of shared construction, the commissioning of which is planned even at the end of 2018. But we all trusted Decree No. 585 and started moving towards our own housing. There are cities and towns in which there is no construction of apartment buildings at all, falling under Decree No. 240, and for such families, the only way to solve the housing problem is to buy housing on the secondary market and build individual houses. Therefore, we kindly ask you to keep Decree No. 585 in force along with Decree No. 240.