Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Epic hero sailor Vladimir Kaida. Forgotten Heroes



Vladimir Nikitovich Kaida was born on August 14, 1920 in the village of Kryuchki, Kupyansky district, Kharkov region, into a peasant family. He studied at the Kharkov FZU, after which he worked as a general-purpose turner at the Kharkov Electromechanical Plant and at the same time studied at the workers' faculty. In 1937, Kaida's parents moved to the Donbass, Vladimir began to machine at the Kramatorsk Machine-Building Plant. In 1939 he was called up for military service and served in Navy eight years. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War Kaida takes part in the fighting, defending Kyiv. Odessa, Sevastopol, Kerch. In February 1943, as part of the Kunikov detachment, he landed on Malaya Zemlya, and in September 1943 he participated in the battles to liberate Novorossiysk.

During the war, Vladimir Nikitovich was wounded several times. For bravery and courage he was awarded two orders of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree and many medals. Member of the CPSU.

Since 1964, the brave little landowner has been living in the hero city of Novorossiysk, taking Active participation in community service. He is a personal pensioner of republican significance.

Krasnodar book publishing house, 1980


September 15, 1942, the Nazis captured most Novorossiysk. On its outskirts, between the Proletariy and Oktyabr cement plants, Soviet sailors blocked their path. The enemy failed to break their resistance. The 318th, which came to the aid of the depleted detachment of sailors rifle division tightly closed the Nazis the way to the Caucasus.

The Novorossiysk naval base by this time was relocated to the port of Gelendzhik. Three combat areas were created to protect the coast. The first was commanded by Senior Lieutenant V. A. Botylev, the second by Major Ts. L. Kunikov, and the third by I. M. Yezhel. Each had up to 250 sailors.

I turned out to be a fighter of the first combat section. The foreman of the first class, Akim Kotilevets, was appointed commander of the platoon. I already knew him. A few months ago we served together on a boat. In Temryuk, our boat sank, and we again became marines. In the battles near Temryuk, the marines dealt such a blow to the Nazis that for three days they did not dare to start new battles for the city. In the meantime, we retreated by land to Novorossiysk. Akim on the sea and on the shore was always calm, he never got lost. He was highly respected by all the guys.

The firing points of our section were located at the very edge of the steep bank.

The Nazis, having run into a strong defense in the area cement plants, could try to land from the sea in the rear of our division. We knew this and vigilantly carried out military service.

Once, it was in October, Kotilevets heard a splash of oars. He fired a rocket launcher towards the sea. We saw that boats and pontoons with Nazis were approaching the shore.

On the Nazis - fire! - Akim commanded and began to shoot from a rifle first.

Fyodor Ivantsov and I had light machine guns. We forced the Nazis to turn back. The enemy landing failed.

The Nazis tried to land in other areas. But they were discovered and destroyed there in time.

Carrying out combat watch to protect the coast, we simultaneously prepared for landing operations. Although many sailors participated in the battles for Odessa and Sevastopol, they still continued to improve their combat skills and trained hard. And this work was not much different from participating in a real combat landing. Boats came up at night, we were located on the deck, having a calculation of thirty kilograms for each. The ships went to an unfamiliar shore, and at the command "Landing overboard!" the sailors jumped into cold water, climbed slippery steep banks, made their way through thorny bushes, attacked a mock enemy. Only at dawn they returned from night exercises, poured water from their boots, dried clothes and footcloths.

The study was hard, exhausting, but no one grumbled, did not complain about the difficulties. Everyone knew that the more sweat in the teaching, the less blood in the battle.

At the end of the forty-second year, it became known that Major Kunikov was completing some special detachment. It was not difficult to guess his appointment.

It was created on the basis separate company scouts, commanded by Lieutenant V. M. Pshechenko.

Volunteers signed up for the squad. There were far more applicants than expected.

Once, Senior Lieutenant N. V. Starshinov came to our site. Previously, he was the commissar of the base company of scouts, and now he is the deputy commander of the detachment for political affairs. We surrounded him, asked him to enlist in the detachment.

I understand your desire, guys, but I can’t help you in any way, ”he said with a smile,“ we need two hundred and fifty in the detachment, and already too much. But don't be discouraged. The task will be one. And we will not have to fight separately, but with a single fist. Consider our detachment as the first company, your section will be the second company, and so on. Understandably?

What was there not to understand! We saw how brigades of the marines gathered in Gelendzhik, how the infantrymen trained, taking an example from the Kunikovites. It was clear to us that a major landing operation was being prepared. But where and when - this, of course, none of us knew.

There have been changes in our platoon. Lieutenant Georgy Karmanov was appointed commander, Rastorguev was replaced by the commander of the department Lance Sergeant Mikhail Kornitsky. I was assigned the first number of the Maxim machine-gun crew.

Early in the morning of February 3, 1943, on a combat alert. the entire first combat section from the Oktyabr cement plant to the Doobsky lighthouse began to move. Soon 200 sailors were in the ranks. Senior lieutenant V. Botylev and senior political officer N. Serdyuk checked the combat readiness of each of us. Then Botylev ordered:

In the direction of Novorossiysk - a step march!

In the evening we were in the area of ​​the 8th kilometer. In anticipation of further orders, they settled under the trees. Why we came here - no one knew. Ivan Prokhorov, a naval cook, but according to the combat schedule, an armor-piercer, approached our machine-gun crew.

I think maybe this is another teaching, he suggested.

No, something is wrong here, but more serious, - Nikolay Kopotilov, the second number, noted.

Why do you think that?

From the teachings they return to their cockpits, where supper should await us. And who cooks it there, if you, cook, stick around here?

He was right. Everything spoke for the fact that this was not another exercise, but preparation for the landing. But where?

Soon everything became clear. The platoon commander, Lieutenant Karmanov, lined up the platoon and said:

Major Kunikov's detachment is to land in Stanichka tonight. Our team will go to his aid. In general, all three combat sites will join Kunikov's detachment.

He took out a sheet of paper from the tablet and, shining a flashlight, spoke again:

Sailors, foremen and officers of the detachment special purpose before the landing, they took the following oath: “We received an order from the command - to strike at the rear of the enemy, overturn and defeat him. Going into battle, we give an oath to the Motherland that we will act swiftly and boldly, not sparing our lives for the sake of defeating the enemy. We will give our will, our strength and our blood drop by drop for the happiness of our people, for you, dearly beloved Motherland ... Our law is revenge and there will only be forward movement! We will win! Long live our victory!" There is a proposal to take this oath for us.

Vladimir Nikitovich Kaida - participant of the Great Patriotic War. Sailor of the Black Sea Fleet, who went through the entire war. He went down in history as indestructible hero, killing the Nazis with his fist. During the war, sailor Vladimir Nikitovich Kaida received medals for the defense of Odessa, the Soviet Arctic and for the victory over Germany. He was awarded two Orders of the Red Star and the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree. Vladimir Nikitovich Kaida became a symbol of the invincibility and valor of the Soviet warrior. Stories were written about his exploits. And the children were inspired by stories about the sailor hero.

Marine Vladimir Nikitovich Kaida was born on August 14, 1920 in the Kharkiv region in the village of Kryuchki. He studied in a factory apprenticeship (the main type of professional technical school that existed before the war) in Kharkov. After graduating from school, he got a job as a turner at the factory. In 1937 his family moved to Druzhkovka. After coming of age, Vladimir Kaida was called up for military service.

carried away military service, the future marine is being trained at the school of Dnepropetrovsk military flotilla . As a result, Vladimir Kaida devotes 8 years of his life to the fleet. Six of which were in the war. On September 22, 1941, the sailor took part in the Grigoryevsky landing. For this operation, a special detachment was assembled. Vladimir Kaida himself volunteered to participate in the operation. Georgy Kholostyakov recalled: when the sailor was asked if he was ready to give his life, Kaida replied:

"I'll give it back, but it's not cheap!"

The operation took place near the village of Grigorievka near Odessa. Vladimir Kaida was severely wounded. His comrades thought he was dead. Therefore, the mother was informed of the death of her son. However, later fighters from another unit found him alive. Vladimir Kaida was sent to the hospital. In total, the Marine received 13 wounds. But he remained in the ranks and defended his homeland.

Ahead of him was a series of participations in historically significant landing operations . On February 4, 1943, sailor Vladimir Kaida took part in the landing on the "Malaya Zemlya" near Novorossiysk, on September 10, 1943 - on Novorossiysk, and on November 1, 1943 - on Kerch.

In 1944 he was assigned to special team on the ferry of the Liberty ships from the USA to the Soviet Union. 12 met them in the Barents Sea German boats. His ship was hit by a torpedo. Vladimir Nikitovich Kaida fell into the icy water. Fortunately, he was saved by an English frigate. After treatment at the Glasgow hospital, the sailor ended up on the English battleship Royal Sovereign. On it was raised soviet flag and the ship was renamed "Arkhangelsk". On August 28, the battleship arrived in Polyarny.

Since 1945, Vladimir Nikitovich Kaida served in the Baltic Sea. Engaged in the destruction of mines. In 1948, the sailor finished his service and got a job at the Druzhkovsky hardware plant. After 22 years, he was given an apartment in the city of Novorossiysk, and he moved there to live. There he became active social activities . visited commemorative events met with children and talked about the war. Vladimir Nikitovich Kaida died on March 4, 1984. The sailor was buried at the Solnechnaya cemetery.

The feat of the sailor Vladimir Nikitovich Kaida forever remained in the memory of the Russian people. Not sparing his strength, he fought with fascist invaders. Vladimir Nikitovich Kaida - a sailor who kills with his fist. That is how the next generation will remember him. After all, the story, when a Marine broke the skull of the Germans with his fist, is still kept in books. We are talking about a battle in which Vladimir Kaida, having fallen into an enemy trench, saw two Germans there. There were no patrons. The sailor killed both fascists with his fists. Here is what Georgy Kholostyakov wrote about him:

"He was distinguished by his outstanding appearance: almost two meters tall, powerful shoulders and chest, a wide ruddy face - a hero, and nothing more!"

Not many people know about the other story. When a boat carrying army reinforcements was attacked by German planes. The side of the ship was broken. The engine crankcase was also damaged. Vladimir Kaida squeezed the hole with his hand and did not let the boiling oil flow out. Thanks to this, the boat safely reached its destination.

Many have heard about legendary commander Marines hero Soviet Union Caesar Kunikov and about the exploits of the Kunikov heroes. The marines instilled animal terror in the enemy. As soon as the Nazis did not call the sailors: "Black Devils", "Black Death", "Striped Death", "Black Cloud". During the Great Patriotic War, about half a million sailors fought on different fronts. A special heroic spirit was in the marines. The writer Leonid Sobolev in his book "The Soul of the Sea" gave an accurate description of the sailors to the infantrymen. The fighting glory of the Marine Corps grew in the fire. Sailors showed true miracles of bravery and bravery. Despising death and danger, they boldly entered into battle with the enemy and came out victorious. They acted resolutely without sparing their lives. They went forward, crushing everything that came across on the way. The attacks of the sailors terrified the enemy.

The sea soul is decisiveness, resourcefulness, stubborn courage and unwavering stamina. This is a cheerful prowess, contempt for death, a long-standing sailor's rage, a fierce hatred of the enemy.

The sea soul is an unhypocritical military friendship, a willingness to support a comrade in battle, save the wounded, protect the commander and commissar with his chest.

The sea soul is the will to win. The strength of sailors is unstoppable, persistent,

purposeful. If they went on the attack, then in order to overturn the enemy at all costs. If on the defensive, they held out to the last, astonishing the enemy with unthinkable, incomprehensible stamina.

Fields military queen

Help asks the seas.

Infantry black with anger

From the iron ships descends ... ..

The Kunikov Marines immortalized the glory of the Marine Corps with their exploits!

Caesar Kunikov himself became the "Suvorov of the Marine Corps" for the marines. Special approach to people, the ability to organize and lead them, to ingeniously exercise command, to fight with creativity to the point, always selflessly and with full dedication. Selecting sailors with combat experience, behind whose shoulders heroic deeds in the defense of the cities of Sevastopol and Odessa, are selected to join the detachment. In the characteristics for each Kunikovite, Kunikov wrote "He will not be afraid of death." Just like Generalissimo A.V. Suvorov, he created his "Science of Victory" meticulously kept a notebook, which, after his death, was inherited by the commander of the 393rd "Kunikov" battalion Vasily Botylev. Unfortunately, the trace of Ts. Kunikov's notebook is lost. Among Kunikov's comrades there were many heroic personalities who were awarded for their exploits. Reading the book of Vice Admiral G.N. Kholostyakov "Eternal Flame" arr.

Attention was drawn to the following lines: ... The giant Vladimir Kaida approaches the commander for a military award. He is in a colorful maskalat - he has just returned from reconnaissance near Abrau - Durso - and he looks especially impressive in this attire.

Yes, this is the spitting image of a kid from the movie "Bogdan Khmelnitsky," Nikolai Mikhailovich Kulakov, admiring his heroic appearance, jokes.

"Kid" smiles embarrassedly. He is unharmed, not once during these days has not been wounded, and, according to his comrades, he destroyed in street fighting at least two dozen Nazis, and he laid down two, simply with his mighty fist - there was nothing more at that moment .... After reading these lines of the memoirs of the commander of the Novorossiysk Naval Base, I was very impressed! I had to read and hear a lot from veterans about cruel hand-to-hand fights, where any types of weapons and improvised means were used, and here with a bare fist, and two more! I did not dare to doubt the veracity of the words of the Hero of the Soviet Union Georgy Nikitich Kholostyakov. But silently I decided to unequivocally sort out the details and get any information about the life and military exploits of the hero - the Kunikovite. And here's what follows.

From the memoirs of Georgy Sokolov, the commander of the scouts of small-landers: “Kaida anxiously removed the horn from the machine gun and saw that there were no cartridges in it. He began to fumble in the duffel bag, in his pockets. But there was not a single cartridge there either.

Finished the war. Now what? The lousiest Fritz can shoot him like a hare.

Once unarmed, Kaida suddenly felt fear creep into his heart. Haven't experienced this before. Then he had a weapon, it inspired confidence, thoughts of death in battle did not frighten, and they did not appear, he had no time to think about it, but now. When helpless, trembling covers at the thought of the inevitability of meeting with the enemy. Some kind of puny German, and he seemed to be just a puny, nondescript, shabby one, he could easily deal with him, the strongest sailor in the battalion. Perhaps, seeing him unarmed, they will try to take him prisoner. But here the Germans do not shine. He will fight with his fists. And why are they now a prisoner? And so everything is clear. You won't get to use your fists.

Absorbed in gloomy thoughts, Kaida did not notice the appearance of enemy bombers in the air. He looked up when he heard the hum of engines. At first I thought that the planes were going to bomb Malaya Zemlya. But when the leader turned to the right, he realized that they would bomb the landing sites.

The front plane went into a dive. With a trained eye, Kaida determined where the bombs would fall. Damn right to where he lies. Four black drops came off the dive plane.

Here it is, his death, it comes from above. But I didn't want that kind of death. Better than a bullet. When the city is liberated, at least they will identify it, the documents will be preserved and they will be sent to their homeland in the liberated Druzhkovka.

Combat experience told Kayda what to do. We must run, and run forward to avoid a direct bomb attack. At that moment, no one will pay attention to him. Everyone will not be up to it, everyone will hide in the cracks - both their own and others'. Therefore, the horizon in front of him is clear.

Jumping up, he rushed forward. Probably no other champion has developed such speed. After running thirty paces, I heard the whistle of bombs behind me. We must fall. And then he saw a trench. Without thinking, he jumped into it and froze. There were two Nazis in the trench. They squatted down with their hands over their ears and their heads on their knees. Both have helmets on their heads....

And at that moment a bomb exploded, then a second, a third ...

Kaida also squatted down. Previously, during the bombing, he, hiding in a shelter, closed his eyes. Not one did this. And why they did this, perhaps, perhaps no one really explains. But this time Kaida did not close his eyes. Try to close it if the Nazis are on your right and left. They have only to raise their heads, as they will make a hole in it. Both have machine guns in their hands.

The sailor completely forgot that he had a Finnish knife hanging from his belt. It happens with an experienced paratrooper. In the heat of the moment, something else happens. Sometimes you throw a grenade and forget to insert the fuse.

While the bombs were exploding, Kaida, moving his eyes now to the right, then to the left, thought about what to do. If there had been one Hitlerite, he would have simply strangled him. But the second at this moment will have time to shoot.

And suddenly he remembered how one uncle in the village, possessing remarkable strength, killed a bull with a blow of his fist on the forehead. Bull, not some lousy Nazi. The bull forehead is much stronger.

"I'll do it like that uncle," Kaida decided.

When the last plane came out of a dive and the bombs dropped by it exploded somewhere nearby, raising dust, Kaida turned to the right, pulled off the Nazi helmet, grabbed his hair with his left hand, and hit him with all his strength on the scruff of the neck. The Nazi fell and twitched.

Now turn left, to the second. But he had already raised his head and froze with eyes wide with horror. A huge sailor with a raised fist and inflamed eyes burning with rage, all ragged, dirty, paralyzed him for a moment. Only when the sailor threw off his helmet did he try to jump up, but a terrible blow to the head pinned him to the ground.

Wrinkled in pain and Kayda. The blow was so strong that he dislocated his finger. The first Nazi tried to rise. Kaida hit him in the head with his size 46 boot. This time the Hitlerite was silent forever.

Kaida looked around. He wiped the sweat off his face with his sleeve and sat down at the bottom of the trench. He still didn't quite understand what had happened. For a while, he had a nervous chill. Those who have been in hand-to-hand fights are familiar with this state, when every vein is still trembling from nervous tension.

I wanted to smoke, and so as to take a deep puff. But the pouch was empty.

He raised the German machine gun and breathed a sigh of relief. Now you can fight again. There were a lot of cartridges. There were dozens of grenades in the niche.

Pulling the body of the first Nazi, I saw a walkie-talkie behind him. “Here it is,” he realized. “These are German spotters. The bastards were close.

Kaida felt like the owner of the trench. He took documents out of the pockets of the dead. Might come in handy at headquarters. One Hitlerite had pinned on his chest iron Cross and a medal, the other has only one medal. He took them off and put them in his pocket.

Both Nazis had flasks hanging from their belts. Kaida unfastened one, unscrewed the lid and tried it. It turned out to be wine.

That's great! - quite cheerful sailor. - There was not a penny, and suddenly Altyn.

He drained the whole flask. The second one, which also contained wine, he attached to his belt. This one is for the guys.

Where are they? Kaida put a German helmet on the machine gun. From somewhere on the side, a machine gun slashed at her.

"Yeah, the lads are here," he rejoiced, and after a few minutes he lifted his peakless cap on the machine and waved it.

Soon I heard someone crawling. Looked out. Polz Lysov.

Hurry, and don't unmask yourself, Kaida called to him.

Lysov fell into a trench like a bag. Rising up, he smiled.

Alive, little one?

How are you doing.

Why was he sticking out in a German helmet? Hole in your head, and then apologize.

There was no head in that helmet.

Seeing the dead Germans, Lysov asked:

Did you calm them down?

Unintentionally, Kaida grinned and told how it happened.

You have a finca, - Lysov noticed.

Kaida slapped his forehead.

And that's right, goblin take me! These Fritz confused my head:

You are an unfortunate bastard.

That's right, Kaida agreed. Taking out the fin to make sure it's in place. - that's a fool! Could get stuck in an unpleasant story

Nothing, the sailor's fist is also a good weapon, - Lysov reassured, - I hope they don't wake up.

On a dead anchor. Kaida confirmed!

Georgy Sokolov after the war sought out a sailor - a hero. And this story is written in great detail from the words of Kaida himself. By the way, Vladimir Kaida himself already in his book "Attacking the Marine Corps" very modestly described this battle:

“And I don’t believe my eyes: it turns out that this is an enemy trench. And spotters are sitting at the bottom of it. The meeting for the Nazis, like for me, was unexpected. One of them, raising his head and opening his mouth wide, looked at me in horror. The other convulsively scratched the holster of his parabellum with his fingers, trying to pull it out, then grabbed the machine gun hanging around his neck. But before he could turn it in my direction, he was thrown to the bottom of the trench with a blow of his fist. The second Nazi suffered the same fate. "

Yes, there was another case when Kaida himself was almost taken prisoner. Here's how it was:

“I entered the corridor, listened. Quietly…..Stepped into the front room. Empty. Looked around the hall. There was no one there either.

Nema not a soul, - I said aloud and already without fear stepped into the bedroom.

But before I had time to take two steps, tenacious fingers clasped my neck, squeezed my throat, someone grabbed my shoulders, and just above my ear there was a loud whisper: "Rus sdafays, it will be carasho!"

"Here he is, he is so stuck," it flashed through his head, "how can I give the guys a signal?"

A gag is pressed tightly to my lips. It is worth opening your jaws for a moment, as the gag will be in your mouth, and then you will not scream. Muscles tightened, tensed to the limit. To take off, to scatter the Nazis to the sides - I can do it. But then I thought: if I run through the room and the corridor, the Nazis will have time to launch a burst of machine guns in the wake. And that is certain death. I threw myself at the feet of the Nazis, dragging them with me. Having managed to shout at the same time: "Here are the Fritz!" The Nazi who was on top of me grabbed my throat and began to choke me. Falling, I grabbed a knife from my belt. The blow fell on the chest of the fascist, he went limp, unclenched his fingers. It happened in a matter of seconds. Before I had time to throw off the Nazi, another soldier fell on me, the third grabbed my leg and turned it sharply. I cried out from acute pain, rushed, but could not get up.

The leaning Fritz was slashed with a Finn. Hot, sticky blood splattered into my face. Tolya Lysov ran into the room.

What's wrong with you, Vova? he shouted.

Seeing a Nazi grabbing my leg, Tolya hit him with the butt of his machine gun.

The soldier fell to the floor. Vanya Maksimov came to the rescue and tied his hands, and Tolya pulled another fascist off me.

The bullies were healthy, - Lysov noticed.

Bachili language they needed - I grumbled.

The stunned Nazi came to his senses. I approach him, he is almost two meters tall, like me.

Also "Baby," Lysov grinned.

Hitler is kaput,” the prisoner muttered hastily, looking at me in fright.

Reading these lines, you involuntarily mentally transport yourself to the streets of Novorossiysk, what a hot and desperate battle it was. But this is only an episode of the feat of one sailor. But we know that the Kunikovites fought like this all without exception. Every Kunikovian has been to hell! It was necessary to dodge the falling bomb, take cover from mines and shells, hit, certainly hit, destroy the enemy. And more than once the sailors rushed hand to hand. The fight was fierce and hard. Both sides carried big losses. The enemy in vehicles threw fresh reserves to the battlefield. They went straight into battle. It was said that those who have been in hand-to-hand fights know. That sometimes in these moments it is impossible to comprehend what is happening. Bayonets, butts, daggers, fists and even teeth were used. How did they survive?

Commissioner Nikolai Starshinov wrote:

"Years will pass, and about courage Soviet soldiers who fought on these frontiers will make up legends ... But then we did not even suspect the importance of our role in the combat events of the Great Patriotic War. "

The captured Nazis admitted that, as a rule, they had to put up ten of their soldiers against one Russian sailor.

And Vladimir Kaida was a real sailor: He was born in 1920 in the city of Druzhkovka, Stalin Region. In the autumn of 1940 he was called to military service on the Black Sea Fleet, served as a minder in the Dnieper flotilla. In early October 1941, Vladimir Kaida, in one of the first landing operations as part of the 3rd Marine Regiment near the village of Grigorievka near Odessa, was seriously wounded here and taken to a hospital on the Caucasian coast in marines. After the hospital he fought on Malaya Zemlya. Received thirteen wounds! For courage and courage shown in landing operations, Red Navy sailor Vladimir Kaida was awarded two Orders of the Red Star. After the liberation of Novorossiysk, he again ended up in the hospital. After Vladimir's recovery, Kaida was sent as a minder to the guards cruiser Krasny Kavkaz. And it seems to be the end of the story. So no, sailor's fate! On March 14, 1944, he ended up serving in Arkhangelsk in a special team for ferrying ships of the Liberty type from the USA through England to the SS SR. On the way to the convoy near the island of Medv

their hedgehog was guarded by 12 German boats. The ship on which Kayda was was torpedoed by a German submarine and our hero, the Kunikovian, ended up in ice water where death occurs within minutes. Kaida was hooked with a hook from an approaching English frigate and lifted onto the deck. A few days later he was in a Glasgow hospital. Having been discharged from the hospital, he got on the English battleship Royal Sovereign. The English flag was lowered on the battleship and the Soviet military maritime flag and guis. The ship received a new name - "Arkhangelsk". On the 28th of August he came to Polyarny.

And again, the story of our hero Kaida does not end there. He again falls into the special team and in February 1945 will be in the New York Naval Base. The special team was to receive 12 electromagnetic minesweepers. On May 9, the radio announced the victory. The Americans firmly shook hands with us, hugged, kissed, adding: "You Russians are the main victors of Nazism! Honor, praise and glory to you!"

And this did not end the war for Vladimir Kaida in 1945 on the Baltic Sea for a long time, but he was engaged in combat trawling of already peaceful fairways. For the performance of these combat missions, the Red Navy sailor V.N. Kaida was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class. Here is such a fate. He died on May 5, 1984 and was buried in the Hero City of Novorossiysk.

Sailor Vladimir Nikitovich Kaida killed the Germans with fists.

A group of marines from the Kunnikov detachment. Kaida is second from the right in the top row. Of this group, only three people survived, including Kaidu himself.

This incident happened on Malaya Zemlya. The sailor Vladimir Nikitovich Kaida was part of the landing squad of Caesar Kunnikov. Before the war, he served as a minder in the Dnieper flotilla, during the defense of Odessa he participated in the landing near Grigorievka, where he was seriously wounded, and after being cured he was sent to the marines. One day, Kaida was under German bombardment.

Dive bombers, one after another, purposefully bombed the trench in which he was located. And then Kaida decided that the safest place to sit out the bombing would be a German trench, since his positions German bombers will not bomb. The fact that there could be Germans in the trench, and all the magazines for his machine gun had long since been empty, our sailor considered an insignificant circumstance. In his youth, and youth, 22-year-old Kaida counted the years before serving in the Navy, he had a chance to kill a bull with a fist on a bet. The bull was much healthier than the average German.
The enemy trench was not empty. It contained two spotters. It was they who guided the Junkers on the radio. One of them was surprised to do nothing. Kaida punched him right into his helmet, and the steel helmet cracked open his skull. Another German reached for the machine gun and had already managed to remove it from the safety and pull the bolt, but then he received a blow under the chin. The neck vertebrae cracked, and the second German fell dead to the bottom of the trench.

Kaida felt like the owner of the trench. He took documents out of the pockets of the dead. Might come in handy at headquarters. One Nazi had an iron cross and a medal pinned to his chest, the other had only one medal. He took them off and put them in his pocket.
Both Nazis had flasks hanging from their belts. Kaida unfastened one, unscrewed the lid and tried it. It turned out to be wine. He drained the whole flask. The second, which also contained wine, he attached to his belt.
The bombing subsided. Having stopped receiving adjustments on the radio, the pilots went to the airfield. Behind the trench, a clatter of footsteps was heard - our sailors, taking advantage of a break in the bombing, decided to destroy the spotters. Putting a peakless cap on the barrel of the machine gun, Kaida waved it over the parapet and shouted: “Here are ours!”.

Three surviving fighters from the same group.

Kaida is on the far right. The photo was taken against the background of the monument to the unknown sailor

in Novorossiysk, for which Kaida himself posed for the sculptor.