Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What to do in a traffic jam. How to make good use of your time in a traffic jam

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Usually, any article about food causes uncontrollable salivation and an inevitable trip to the refrigerator in search of “something like that.” I'm sure you won't go to the kitchen today. Today we are talking about the strangest dishes in the world. For those countries where they were invented, this can be a completely normal food, even a delicacy. You've probably heard of their monkey brain dishes, fried scorpions, bear paw, rotten fish and similar "delicacies". It would never have occurred to us to prepare such a dish in our kitchen, but here you go, they eat it and praise it... What can hospitable hosts offer you? different countries world of "special dishes"?

Skates on sticks

No, these are not lollipops in the shape of seahorses, like our “cockerels”. This is a Chinese delicacy - fried seahorses on wooden skewers. I can also offer grasshoppers or scorpions in the assortment - delicacies for every taste!

Cookies with wasps

This is already a Japanese delicacy. And these are not wasps at all, encroaching on the sweet sticky cookie dough. This is a specially prepared dessert, for which the wasps are first boiled in boiling water, dried and added to the dough. A pack of such cookies is not expensive - less than a hundred rubles. I wonder how a cook deals with wasps before they get into boiling water?

tuna eye

Have you tried fish eye? No? Maybe because we have such big fish not caught? Japanese and Chinese gourmets consider it one of the most exquisite delicacies of all seafood.

An even more exotic Chinese dish is Songhuadan - "pine flowers". No, these are not yellow pine “spikelets” or cones at all (this is how pine trees actually bloom), but duck eggs prepared according to a folk recipe. Imperial eggs, Chinese black, hundred-day-old, hundred-year-old eggs - that's all of them, Songhuadan! Eggs are either soaked for a long time in a solution of lime and salt, and then kept for several months in clay, salt and sand, as was customary since ancient times, or they do more in a modern way. Now duck eggs are kept for 40-60 days in a solution of caustic soda, salt and tea leaves. How does this dish taste? But it looks attractive in a Chinese way, with fancy patterns against the background of transparent white...

The most expensive soup in the world

This is bird's nest soup, which you can try in some restaurants in China, paying quite a decent amount for it. Only swiftlet nests are used, one kilogram of which costs about 2 thousand dollars. Of course, you won’t find twigs or straws in the plate. The salangan builds its nest with the help of saliva, from which the soup is actually obtained after the nest is dissolved in water. This is a cloudy jelly, but it is healthy, strengthens the immune system and helps cure asthma.

You can try another original soup in Thailand and some areas of China. Soup recipes differ in the method of preparation and composition, only the main ingredient remains unchanged - bat! Moreover, it is better to take a flying fox - there is more meat and the broth is richer. After the soup, for the second course you can taste the same mice in the form of roast in milk.

Luwak Coffee

The most expensive coffee in the world with an unusually soft caramel taste and delicate aroma of vanilla and chocolate. This is how gourmets and coffee connoisseurs characterize it. It is prepared not from freshly picked coffee beans, but from those that are graciously provided to coffee lovers by the palm civet - a cute animal with a sad look. The civet shares the coffee beans after it has tasted them and partially digested them. People collect this product of the processing of her body by hand, clean it, fry it and... get an exquisite coffee drink Luwak.

Fried pork Guinean style

This is not a special recipe for making an ordinary “piggy”. This is a dish made from... guinea pigs! A favorite dish of the inhabitants of Peru, Bolivia and the Andean mountain regions, pigs are not disdained in Colombia and Ecuador. It turns out that breeding guinea pigs is a very profitable activity - they reproduce faster, eat less, their meat is rich in proteins and contains little fat and cholesterol. In addition, it tastes like rabbit meat.

A real dietary dish!

A popular delicacy in Korea - a dish made from live octopus - may seem much stranger and more exotic than all the above. Its name roughly translates to this: Wriggling Octopus. The octopus is skinned alive, the meat and tentacles are cut into pieces and covered in hot sauce. The main thing is to chew this delicacy quickly, because the tentacles may have time to stick to your mouth.

No less surprising for us is another traditional Korean snack - Beondegi. This is a very common dish that can be found from street vendors or bought in a jar - all you have to do at home is cook the contents. Oh, yes, about the contents - these are larvae.

And finally, the traditional recipe! We have a rather large company, so of all the unusual dishes, the biggest one that will go to the table is camel.

Stuffed "ship of the desert"

You will need: a camel, a whole lamb, 20 chickens, eggs, rice, spices and 2-3 Bedouins. When preparing a traditional Bedouin dish, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dish on a restaurant menu, it is difficult to do without the Bedouins themselves. Firstly, they know exactly how to stuff a camel according to the principle “egg in a duck, duck in a hare, etc.), and secondly, how to bake such a large carcass, and most importantly, bring the delicacy to the table. The recipe itself is not very good complex: each chicken is stuffed with eggs and rice, then all the chickens are placed inside the lamb, with which the camel itself is stuffed.

“If you are stuck in traffic for a long time, sell your car and
buy a new one - the one that is closer to the traffic light.”


A person who is forced to stand in a traffic jam is necessarily tense and, to a certain extent, even irritated. The hopelessness of the situation drives us crazy, because we are accustomed to the fact that everything usually depends on ourselves. If you feel like these daily stresses could end up making you a doom and gloom patient and a haloperidol user, it's best to avoid the traffic jams by taking the subway. But if you are not ready to leave the cozy interior of your car and are ready to learn to cope with the agonizing wait, then our tips will help you “squeeze the wine out of the cork.”

One automotive publication conducted a survey, the results of which showed that every day about 20% of drivers driving along white-stone roads spend about 2 hours in traffic jams. The bulk of the hostages of the situation, which is 90%, prefer to fill the vacuum with music. About 23% more send sms or torment their accounts in in social networks. But we suggest you significantly diversify your “cork” leisure time.

Educate yourself

Have you been dreaming of starting to take courses for a long time? foreign language, but you just don’t have enough time for this? Well, now you have this time and you can use it to fill in your school gaps. If you don’t want to waste time reading, download (if you don’t disdain pirate generosity) or buy (if you have an extra 200-300 rubles lying around) an audiobook.

You can get a good deal in a traffic jam

Just a year of sitting in traffic jams will make you a native speaker of an overseas language, an expert in the history of Asian and African countries, a culinary theorist or a geodesy specialist. It's never too late to learn. Be that as it may, this is better than pressing the horn to no avail and covering those in front with a thick layer of choice mat.

If you often snack in your car, cleaning it definitely won't hurt.

Get the salon in order.

If you're the type of driver who doesn't care much about the interior of your car, it's time to do some soul-searching and make your car feel cozy. Collect debris from all possible crevices, remove all excess from the glove compartment, get rid of unnecessary items and wipe the panel with a damp cloth. If you have polish lying around, you can approach the issue of cleaning more thoroughly - this will take at least an hour.

Car beauty salon

Get yourself in order.

This is the “tao” (way) of women. They are the ones who constantly tint their lips and eyelashes, looking in the rearview mirror, paint their nails, blush their cheeks and always admire their divinity. Men do not have to lipstick their lips and pluck their eyebrows (however, it all depends on personal preferences and various orientations). Representatives of the stronger sex can shave or simply plan the upcoming workday or weekend fornication. The main thing in this case is to spend time usefully and precisely on what there was not enough time for before.

Get healthy.

For drivers, we have bad news: people who spend a lot of time driving are more likely than others to suffer from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, as well as such unpleasant diseases as sciatic neuralgia, lumbar radiculitis and, sorry for the details, hemorrhoids. Today, there are many gymnastics programs that provide exercises to help drivers stay in shape. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to leave your steel horse. Roll your neck, blink to relax your eyes, do a couple of bends and work with a wrist expander. All this, of course, will not turn you into steel Arnie, but your body will definitely thank you very much later.

Checkmate the traffic jam

Take up meditation.

Decide how you interpret meditation: for some it is an eastern practice of controlling one’s emotions and flow of thoughts, for others it is auto-training, while others believe that meditation is an opportunity to get some sleep in the most inappropriate place for this. . Close your eyes, mentally turn the noise of a traffic jam into the music of the sea surf, and car horns into the screams of impudent, but so cute albatrosses. And don’t be afraid to fall asleep, even if old Morpheus overcomes you, the car standing behind will definitely wake you up with its undisguised displeasure.

Some are turning cars into real fitness centers

Reap the benefits of high technology.

Almost all of us have such inherent attributes business man like a smartphone eBook, tablet or laptop. All these gadgets will help you pass time quietly: see good film, go online and sort out your email, play a game or read interesting book. It all depends on your preferences and mood. You still can’t do without high-tech gadgets, so consider the fact that a car steering wheel has long been transformed from a vehicle control tool into a very convenient stand for your laptop.

Try to outshout your stereo and surprise your neighbors in a traffic jam with loud singing


Since most drivers in traffic jams listen to music, why not imagine yourself in the place of the performer and let out a couple of quality crescendos. And spit on that bear that once stepped on your ear - enjoy singing and your own talent. If you're not particularly shy, open the windows and try to get your neighbors in traffic to join you - choral singing promotes digestion and is a great mood lifter. Believe me, it’s better that an angry boss, who was waiting for you with an annual report two hours ago, spoil your mood than aggravate his absence.

Make a couple of calls

Talk on the phone.

This is also a very popular way to kill time in traffic. You can make a couple of calls to those people you haven’t called for a long time, or just call your bank and find out all the details about your account.

You can easily run out of fuel in a traffic jam, then you will definitely have something to do

There are legion ways to overcome waiting and doing nothing in traffic. This will allow you to view the traffic jam not as an unexpected delay, but as an opportunity to do something that you do not want to spend your life doing after the traffic jam.

Article about what you can do in traffic jam to pass the time. At the end of the article - interesting video about how to move correctly in a traffic jam.

It’s easier for passengers in this situation; they can take a nap, watch a video or read a book. But what about a driver whose body hurts from a stationary posture, whose mind is irritated from idle time, and whose need to constantly monitor all changes in the road situation does not allow him to relax?

This point of view is wrong. The driver can also wisely think through his forced leisure time and use the traffic jam to his advantage. You just need to prepare for the trip in advance in the same way as a person prepares for spending time on a train or air flight. By predicting in advance the future traffic jam and the amount of time spent on it, the driver can take with him on the road everything he needs to make the road fly by unnoticed.

What to do in a traffic jam


If a person needs to wake up very early in order to arrive at work on time, he will gain extra minutes of sleep by eating breakfast, because he can have a snack just during a traffic jam.

Since there is nowhere to rush, and the driver is in his own, cozy, warm cabin, then meals can be organized not in a hurry, but no worse than in a home kitchen.

If you purchase a car thermos with the ability to heat it from the cigarette lighter, then coffee or tea prepared at home will be tasty and aromatic for a long time.

You can do the same with hot food. Many online stores offer hermetically sealed electric lunch boxes. Therefore, a snack does not have to be in the form of a dry sandwich or a harmful chocolate bar, but become a full breakfast in the form of an omelet, salad or porridge.

Morning toilet

This point continues the previous one, but concerns mostly women. They have too many responsibilities in the morning: preparing breakfast for the family, getting the children ready for kindergarten or school, packing lunch for their husband at work, cleaning and warming up the car. Sometimes you don't have enough time for yourself.

Although there are many jokes about women driving, putting on makeup, fixing your hair, putting on tights while in a traffic jam is a nice thing for every lady driver. Why waste precious morning hours on such nonsense if there is still nothing to do in a traffic jam.

Competitions and talk shows

All sorts of entertainment programs on the radio will help you cheer up and have fun in a traffic jam. Even if you've never done this before, traffic jam and the absence of witnesses who can make fun of it is just a reason to try something unusual for yourself. A variety of shows offer you to guess or sing a song, test yourself in tongue twisters, or even take part in a drawing.

You can also call the radio station that provides information about traffic jams and report your location, describing the traffic situation in detail. In this way, you will help guide other motorists who will someday help you in the same way.


Whether you're a fan of electronic gadgets or the good old notebook, a traffic jam is the time to plan for the current or next day.

For a working person, family woman with children, lessons and clubs, or a businessman does not always have time to stop and rank his tasks in order of importance. A planner program or a standard diary will help not only brighten up your time in the car, but also more rationally distribute the rest of your free and working time.

A great way to capture ideas, tasks or plans is with a voice recorder. It will require a minimum of effort, attention and financial investment, as it is available in any modern smartphone. It won’t be difficult to decipher and then transfer the notes onto paper, but you may find some interesting ideas that would fly out of your head by the time you get to your destination.


Undoubtedly, we're talking about not about paper books, laid out on the steering wheel. There are many audio books for sale in regular and online stores, as well as for free downloading, for every taste.

In the whirlwind of the day, few people can find time to read. Passengers public transport can read on the train or subway, and so that motorists do not fall behind in terms of development, an audio book will be an excellent assistant. She will brighten up the time with a fascinating detective story, a tearful novel, or teach something new through psychotraining lessons or even a foreign language.


For those who cannot concentrate on something serious while traveling, entertainment activities are suitable. In this case, the main thing is not to get so carried away that you forget about the traffic situation and accidentally provoke an accident.

If there is a passenger in the cabin, then using any electronic device you can play checkers or backgammon with each other. Alone - solve crosswords or puzzles, move Tetris or balls. Any game that does not require excessive attention, is not noisy and not too bright, so as not to unnecessarily strain the eyes, will do.


The presence of electronic gadgets in a car not only greatly facilitates the driving process, but also saves you during long journeys or equally long periods of downtime. Missed your favorite talk show? Haven't seen the latest movie yet? Did your household prevent you from turning on an interesting TV show? A tablet, laptop, portable TV or smartphone with Internet access - and business is combined with pleasure. If it’s a pity to waste time on TV at home or you simply don’t have time, all this can be more than compensated for while on the road.

Telephone conversations

The phone is an aggressive “stealer” of time, especially if your grandmother is bored alone, your child needs to be told about something interesting, or a friend’s heart has been broken once again.

A traffic jam is an ideal opportunity to make all the accumulated calls without regretting wasted time.

Call a plumber, change your Internet connection tariff plan, find out the status of your loan application, listen to your grandmother, child and friend, and maybe even solve a few urgent issues on the way to your workplace.

Although the concept of a “traffic jam” speaks of a state of inaction, it is still better to use it for conversations to avoid troubles. speakerphone or a Bluetooth headset so that your hands are still occupied with the steering wheel and changing gears.

Physical exercise

Prolonged immobility, muscle tension, uncomfortable posture, and slow blood circulation have a very negative impact on the health of drivers. Motorists often suffer from osteochondrosis, pinched nerves, hemorrhoids, swelling of the legs, excess weight and stress.

To somehow help your own body, you can turn your car into a mini-gym. Search the Internet and develop exercises for yourself to exercise in order to stretch all parts of the body and joints.

From compact sports equipment, for example, a cervical massager is suitable, which will save you from chondrosis, fatigue, accelerate the blood, and even improve vision by relieving fatigue and tension.

A hand expander will help you stretch your hands and forearms, which costs mere pennies and takes up neither space nor time.

An experienced driver can even place a small foot massager on the floor in the form of a wooden base with prickly wheels. This is wonderful, compact, extremely useful thing, which activates countless nerve endings located in the feet.

Of course, in winter, when your feet are insulated with woolen socks and oversized boots or boots, it is unlikely to be useful. But in all other seasons, the massager will provide great benefits to the body, relieving fatigue from the legs, tension from the muscles and using human bioenergy points.


Offices as such are not required by many employees in principle. All they need to perform their functions is a telephone and the Internet. For many modern professions It is possible to equip a mobile office directly in the car. A tablet or laptop, a phone, a miniature printer, an organization seal - and without leaving your car, you can fill out applications, print contracts, make appointments, receive email, conduct a conference call, negotiate with colleagues or customers using a webcam.

Video on how to properly move in a traffic jam:

Time is an invaluable resource, the quantity of which is limited. That is why it is so disappointing when it goes to waste. Unfortunately, sometimes this is an uncontrollable process. Have you ever wondered how many hours of your life you spend in traffic? How can you ensure that this time is not wasted?

A few ideas on what to do in a traffic jam:

1. Look at the people around you. Try to analyze them. What can you say about the driver in the next lane? Who does he live with? Who does he work for? What are your hobbies? If you constantly practice this skill, over time you will begin to understand people better. Plus it's very exciting.

2. Fortunately, there is probably a radio in every car., and every driver has a telephone. Participate in competitions, order songs, say hello to friends - have fun.

3. Remember who you need to call. Instead of wasting precious minutes, make all your scheduled calls so you won't have to waste time on them later.

4. Turn on a CD with your favorite songs and sing along. It will lift your spirits.

5. Relax. The wait is annoying, but you must admit that in this case Nothing depends on you. Your worries will not help you get to your destination faster. So why waste your nerves? It’s better to think about something pleasant, give your thoughts a rest.

6. You should always remember about your health, including while in a traffic jam. There are many exercises that can be done while sitting. For example, eye exercises, or some exercises against carpal tunnel syndrome. Both exercises are especially useful for those who spend a lot of time driving.

Examples of eye exercises:

* Find any object near you, such as a point on the windshield, and focus your gaze on it for a few seconds. Then, for the same amount of time, focus your gaze on a point far away from you, behind the glass. Repeat 10 times.

* Make 5 rotations with your eyes to the left and let them rest. Then do 5 rotations to the right and relax again.

Examples of exercises against carpal tunnel syndrome:

* Extend your arms straight in front of you, palms inward, facing each other. Clench your fists so that thumb was hidden inside. Pull your fists down towards you for several minutes without bending your arms.

* Extend your arms straight in front of you, hands straight, palms down. Raise your palms up, perpendicular to the line of your arms. Pull your palms towards yourself for a few minutes.

7. Plan. Depending on how much time you have, plan out the next few hours, days, or weeks.

8. While you have time, think about your future path. Get out a map and explore the area, look for detours. Find alternative routes, at least for the future.

9. Even standing in a traffic jam, you can develop and improve. Audio books will help you with this. You can choose anything: trainings, textbooks, fiction. With their help, you will not only pass the time, but also learn a lot of new things.

10. Train your memory. Remember the license plates of neighboring cars. This skill will definitely not be superfluous.

11. Wipe the rear view mirror.

12. Clean up your mobile phone. Delete unnecessary numbers, messages, notes, etc.

13. Have a healthy snack. For example, a green apple.

14. Strike up a conversation with your neighbor driver. A conversation with a new person is always useful and interesting. Communication will help you make the wait less tiring and boring.

15. Smile at people passing by. This way you will cheer up both yourself and others.

16. Get rid of the clutter in the glove compartment.

17. Just relax and look at the sky. Unfortunately, many people do not have time for this during the day.

They can arise out of the blue: due to an accident, in front of a broken traffic light or a narrow exit from the highway. Time in a traffic jam is slow minutes of waiting for those who are not ready for them, and efficient use of time when you know what to do in a traffic jam.

Women here show particular creativity and willingly share their ideas and advice on this topic, for example, studying new traffic rules.

Before we find out the most original of them, let's talk about how to radically solve the issue.

100% way to avoid the problem

Remember the fairy tale about the stone on which it is written: “If you go straight, you will lose your horse, you will go to the left...”. We won't go any further. Let's just make an analogy with traffic jams. Many perceive their appearance out of the blue as painful.

For some, this is like death, and unpleasant thoughts appear in the head: well, I’m late, they’ll fire me, everything’s gone, etc. It's not all so tragic! There is always a way out, even in the most hopeless situations.

If you find yourself in a traffic jam in your car and have no desire to be surrounded by harmful exhaust gases, remember: there is a way out. You should find the nearest parking lot, leave your vehicle and go down to the metro. This is much better than experiencing another stress.

By using this advice, you don’t have to languish or worry about being late for work or an important event. But those residents are unlikely to take advantage of this recommendation big cities, in which there is no nearest metro. Therefore, the question of what to do in a traffic jam is more than relevant for them.

If the stars light up, it means someone needs it...

Not everything is so romantic with traffic jams, except that they appear and disappear as naturally as stars in the sky. If you are stuck firmly and for a long time, then you should not waste energy criticizing rulers, roads, summer residents and others - it still won’t help.

Reset negative energy It’s quite possible to replace it with auto-training, repeating: “I’m calm, I’m absolutely calm, this traffic jam doesn’t annoy me!” After this, it’s time to listen to your body and understand what it will enjoy doing in a traffic jam.

If you were in a hurry in the morning and couldn’t tune in to the upcoming working day, then it’s better to meditate, or even get some sleep. But it won’t hurt to get out of the car and ask the neighbor standing behind you to honk and wake you up every time he moves.

This is necessary for safety. Experienced motorists believe that meditation and sleep are a great way to regain strength or adjust to the work rhythm.

Massage, warm-up, brain development can be mobile

For more active drivers and passengers who find themselves in traffic jams, other recommendations are suitable. Massage is a great way to relieve fatigue for people who drive mental activity. Exercises for the arms and head are what you need.

Special complexes have been prepared for office workers that allow them to relieve stress. They can be used anywhere.

Brain training exercises can also be effective. This could be: training attention or memory, learning any foreign language or repeating special formulas. Audio course or book with practical tasks- this is what you need to put in the car, then the problem of “what to do in a traffic jam” will disappear by itself, and knowledge and skills can really improve.

Mini salon and office on the road

For a real businesswoman, the problem of what to do in a traffic jam does not exist.

She always has a cosmetic case in her car, which contains accessories for makeup, manicure and other purposes. She will have time to put on makeup for her eyes, line her lips and flirt with the driver of the next car, and maybe even get acquainted.

The woman will still have time for a lot: make a schedule of priority tasks for the current day, write them down in her diary, call her friends or business partners. Anyone who has been waiting for a call for a long time may find themselves happy with the communication precisely because of the congestion. Here it is - the other side of standing in them.

Reading, creativity and sheer creativity

This block of ideas on what to do in a traffic jam contains exactly those that will bring real help creative individuals. And if we assume that every person is talented, then they are suitable for all representatives of the fair half of humanity.

Lovers of novels can find out how the next love story ends. Those who try their hand at writing short stories, can write down their best ideas. All you need to do is have a pen and paper on hand. It will also be useful for those who write poetry or songs.

So, problems do not exist for those who know what to do with them. The time spent in a traffic jam can be productive if you take advantage of our suggestions.

But they don’t stop there, which means new ideas are born that will also be useful.