Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What do eyebrows mean? How to determine character by eyebrow shape

Straight eyebrows -
Justin Timberlake

drooping eyebrows -
Elizabeth Taylor

Short eyebrows -
Oleg Dal

Round eyebrows -
Greta Garbo

Eyebrows fly apart -
Linda Evangelista

Arched eyebrows -

Broken eyebrows -
Penelope Cruz

Eyebrows and character

Eyebrows are a very bright and expressive part of our face. Eyebrows can also tell a lot about their owner. For example, eyebrows can tell about the nature of behavior and creative possibilities of a person since they are one of the main features of a person’s appearance.

How can you tell your character by your eyebrows? Most often the owners sparse and faded eyebrows are very shy and timid in communicating with other people. They allow themselves to be pushed around, accepting the will of others timidly and humbly. Holders thick and fluffy eyebrows, as a rule, are leaders who are not afraid to make decisions.

It is usually difficult for a person with thin eyebrows to be a manager or boss in a company. He is weak-willed and lacking initiative.

Responsible and usually self-confident people have smooth and clear eyebrow contour. They achieve a lot no matter what.

Those with shaggy eyebrows are usually overly sexual and indiscriminate in their choice of partners.

How do eyebrows affect character?

From total mass There are seven main types of eyebrows. The easiest way to determine a person's character is by looking at the eyebrows of men, since they practically never correct them. On the contrary, women are unpredictable in this regard because eyebrows can be plucked, tattooed, etc.

Arched eyebrows- a sign of a romantic character. People with such eyebrows are usually very sensitive and vulnerable. However, in the absence they achieve high altitudes in life.

Eyebrows spread out - owners of such eyebrows are born leaders. They strictly follow their goals. Eyebrows of this type look quite fierce on the face.

Eyebrows in the shape of a semicircle– such people are usually very insightful and distrustful. They are agile and enterprising in business. They are often financial geniuses.

Eyebrows with tips down– such people are usually not independent but are talented in creative professions such as acting painting, etc. Also, these people are very responsive, Good friends and excellent conversationalists.

Short eyebrows - such people are very persistent in achieving their goals. They are ready to do anything to achieve success and fame. As adults they look younger than their age. They can be quick-tempered and unbalanced.

Kinked eyebrows - such people are undisputed leaders. They always like things to be done the way they want. Adventurers are not afraid of changes in life. Ready to plunge into the abyss of new events.

Straight eyebrows - such people are characterized by straightforwardness, sometimes bordering on rudeness. These people need communication. Good family men and faithful friends. They cope well with leadership positions.

You also need to take into account that not only the shape of the eyebrows speaks about a person’s character, but also many other factors.


Low eyebrows- they say that a person is very prudent and knows his own worth. Makes decisions quickly.

Eyebrows set high– such people are often workaholics and result-oriented.

Wide eyebrows – people with developed intellect. But they are completely unsuited to everyday life.

Those with thin eyebrows– stubborn, they do everything their own way. Even if they are wrong.

People with stubbly eyebrows- can be cruel and uncompromising in business. Often tyrants in families.

Eyebrows expanding towards the temples– a person is aimed at success and prosperity.

Moles inside the eyebrow: An obvious mole speaks of wealth and success. An inconspicuous mole suggests otherwise. See also the article Moles and character.

A person's character can be determined by their eyebrows, and not only that. A science such as physiognomy allows us to determine with maximum accuracy the character and lifestyle of a person.

Victoria Morozova

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Nowadays, when eyebrows have acquired almost a leading role the most important element on the face of any fashionista, it is important to remember that, perhaps, it is the eyebrows that determine the facial expression. And it's not about fashion at all!

It is the shape and position of the eyebrows that determines whether you look frowning or surprised, smart or absent-minded. The shape of your eyebrows even determines how many years older or younger you may look!

And even if your eyebrows no longer have their original natural form, then it is still interesting to know that the shape of the eyebrows given to you from birth can tell a lot about your individuality and character. And even about how a person manifests himself in a love relationship!

So, options!

1. Straight eyebrows

It doesn't matter what circumstances life throws you into. You know how to solve any problems quickly and decisively. You are a person you can trust.

You have great organizational skills, you can easily and easily do several things at the same time and complete them with equal success. This applies to both household and work matters.

In your professional life, you are usually more successful than your colleagues.

In love you are passionate and decisive. You are always close to the person you really want to be with. Love “according to convenience” is not for you!

2. Eyebrows “with a kink”

Whatever you have to do in life, you always do well. You complete all your tasks and never leave anything unfinished or unfinished.

And the fate of a person according to his external features appeared in ancient times, and in recent times it was singled out as a separate scientific discipline— physiognomy. Much attention eyebrows have always been given attention, because they are a reflection of a person’s emotions, and therefore store greatest number information about him. An eyebrow shape test will help you find out the hidden sides of your personality.

Eyebrows are not only an element of appearance, but also a mechanism of communication between people. A person may not say a single word out loud, but express a reaction by moving his eyebrows - and the interlocutor will definitely understand him. Fixed eyebrows also say a lot about a person and reflect him personal characteristics and possible life path. It is even believed that by adjusting the shape of your eyebrows, you can change your own destiny.

Arched eyebrows

Many people consider this form to be ideal. Those with arched eyebrows are emotional, living people. rather feelings than with the mind. Somewhat windy and easy to climb. They can often change global goals, choosing areas that are almost contradictory to each other: today they want to achieve success on stage, and tomorrow they want to go on a geological expedition. However, if you set yourself a goal seriously, after meaningfully weighing all the pros and cons, you will definitely achieve it. As a rule, they are most predisposed to artistic activity. They look at the world positively and have great feeling humor, and therefore easily achieve the favor and love of the people around them.

Curved eyebrows

People with curved eyebrows are enterprising and resourceful people who can quickly understand a situation and find the most successful path. It is almost impossible to deceive them - their natural insight and flexible mind allow them to see through people and sense deception even before it occurs. emerge victorious from the most difficult situations- They can handle any trouble. They easily realize their abilities in any activity, but greatest success reach in financial sector. Unfortunately, caution sometimes develops into mistrust - and this becomes a significant obstacle when communicating with others.

Kinked eyebrows

Adventurousness, love of risk and constant thirst vivid impressions- what distinguishes the owners of eyebrows with a kink. Such people are leaders by nature, capable of sparking interest in those around them even in the most boring business. Incredibly charming and charismatic. A prolonged period of stability can completely deprive them of moral strength, while frequent changes and new circumstances, on the contrary, add energy to them. You definitely won’t get bored with the owner of such eyebrows - he constantly generates new ideas that add variety to both leisure and serious matters.

Horizontal eyebrows

Horizontal eyebrows give away strong-willed person with a persistent and straightforward character. Owners of such eyebrows know exactly what they want from life - and quickly move towards the goal, steadfastly coping with difficulties along the way. Active, proactive and competent. The work team greatly values ​​such people for their professionalism and ability to bear responsibility, and their close people and friends value their willingness to help at any time and their ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations. As a rule, people with horizontal eyebrows occupy leadership positions, but do not make a career the only meaning of their lives - they pay sufficient attention to both relaxation and communication.

Rising eyebrows

Rising eyebrows are a sign of perseverance and determination. Owners of such eyebrows, as a rule, are distinguished by constancy and loyalty to their beliefs. They often “accelerate” for a very long time, but, as they say, the slower the start, the faster the finish: having reached a certain level, these people begin to grow further, increasing their successes and. They know how to quickly navigate in an unfamiliar environment, and therefore there are no unfavorable circumstances in their lives - owners of ascending eyebrows can adjust any situation to suit themselves.

Eyebrows like a house

Tenderness, sensitivity and responsiveness are the most striking characteristics of those with “house” eyebrows. Often such people need a guiding hand, a person who will inspire them with self-confidence - because they themselves cannot always cope with life's adversities. They feel very deeply the world, the emotions of other people, are able to see the root causes of the actions of others. IN Hard time owners of this eyebrow shape will provide sincere support and help in word and deed. Rich imagination and a heightened reaction to various events ensures their success in creative activity.

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If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the eyebrows are their frame. But even this frame can tell a lot about our character.

website suggests testing this physiognomic approach on yourself or others right now.

The most common

Eyebrows of medium width and fit indicate adherence to traditional values ​​and integrity of character. At the same time, you are not inclined to dramatize events, so others, as a rule, find it easy to be in your company.

Super long

People with long eyebrows can withstand almost any stress and very sociable. This bright personalities with inexhaustible internal resources and a wide range of interests. If this is your case, then you are used to solving all problems on your own and rarely dedicate others to them.


You are extremely attentive to details and usually stand your ground. You do not like to listen to the complaints of others, because sometimes it is also difficult for you to cope with difficulties alone. But nothing is impossible for sure.


You are confident in yourself and your attractiveness, you can easily cope with conflicts, and on the way to your goal you are simply unstoppable. You are not particularly concerned about the opinions of others; what is more important is own life, which is worth living to the fullest. They say about such people as “free spirit”.


Very thin eyebrows- a signal of innate delicacy. Conflicts are not your area at all; you masterfully avoid them at every opportunity. Ideal listener And kindest soul, what else can you say.

High arches

If you have high eyebrows This means you are sensitive and selective in communication. When you first meet people, they may get the wrong impression that you are self-centered or arrogant. But the point is that you won't open up fully until someone has won your trust. Perfectionism and self-criticism- you know them firsthand, don’t you?

Low arches

You can definitely rely on a girl with low-set eyebrows in any situation. They usually have easy character and know how to build serious, lasting relationships.


The angularity and pointedness of the eyebrows speaks of mobility in everything: you quickly analyze what is happening and make decisions on the fly. Sometimes it backfires, but such spontaneity also has its advantages: you definitely never get bored. A born leader, you know how to inspire people and are not afraid to take responsibility.


Brows round shape- indisputable sign of kindness and caring. You are never indifferent to people, you always help those who need it, and will never leave them in trouble.

Like the character based on the shape of the eyebrows

A little history. A face without eyebrows.

IN Western Europe In the 15th century, there was such an ideal woman: an S-shaped silhouette, a curved back, a round pale face with a high, clean forehead. To meet the ideal, women shaved the hair on their foreheads and plucked their eyebrows. A face without eyebrows is a face without character. You can also determine

A low, straight, fairly wide and dark eyebrow is a male option. Women with such eyebrows have many masculine traits in their character - straightforwardness, authority, toughness. They love men's toys - cars (and not just any Mini Coopers), guns. This is a woman who doesn’t really need a man; she can be a man herself. In any case, such eyebrows make the face gloomy, dissatisfied and aggressive. Straight eyebrows - the eyebrows of a working woman. You are impulsive, courageous, love sports and outdoor entertainment, you yourself are good at sports and in your career. Unfortunately, you are not at all suitable for the role of a traditional housewife. Young people often have such eyebrows because they are physically strong. Children tend to have straight eyebrows, but as they age they begin to curve. Many young models have such eyebrows. However, straight eyebrows are a sign of a woman who loves challenge and risk in her work, and therefore will be an outstanding leader and in no way inferior to men. People around you perceive you as an intelligent and competent person - and very balanced. But they completely lose sight of your feminine needs, and you have them, although you do not belong to the category of “homey” women, always fussing about their nest. In essence, you are the ideal partner in a family where both spouses work - both inside and outside the home - because you are energetic and a great organizer.

Try to develop the habit of raising your eyebrows rather than lowering them when you are thinking hard. This will make you seem more innocent, but not at all inexperienced. Keep your eyes wide open. A person with straight eyebrows sometimes looks like an intriguer, which he really is not! You just clearly see the future and plan for it.

Eyebrows with a characteristic kink

The steeper the break, the stronger the temperament and the more clearly the feminine essence manifests itself. Kinked eyebrows are also good for a business woman - they have the energy and strength necessary to be taken into account. Self-made women often have such eyebrows. And in general, I don’t know a single boring or mediocre woman with such eyebrows, these are the eyebrows of a woman leader, an alpha female). Such wedge-shaped eyebrows are a sign of an adventurer. You are a creator, a genius in financial matters, and you will have a long and successful life. Let's face it: these are pirate eyebrows - and you go to great lengths to get what you want. You are always in control - in any situation, in any relationship. You want a lot of different things from life, and therefore are indiscriminate - at least as regards frequent changes of partners - and this does not make your beloved happier. Weak men strive to lean on you, but if you don’t need them for any immediate purposes, you simply trample them into the dirt. The strong themselves try to break you, because you pose a challenge. If anything, your life is busy and adventurous, and you are success-oriented. You must realize that people will not always trust you, and many women will become competitive with you, while men will consider you a dangerous competitor and will be afraid.
With such eyebrows, you should not frown, because the closed wedge-shaped eyebrows look truly intimidating.

But in a softened, smoothed version, they can be amazingly beautiful and attractive - they make the face interesting, original, even if the other features are quite ordinary. Many women prefer to emphasize these eyebrows rather than soften their effect. But that's up to you.

Long eyebrows

Such eyebrows are like life itself - attractive, mysterious. A woman with long eyebrows is a strong, sensual, self-sufficient person who knows her worth. Such eyebrows make a young face look more mature, mature woman long eyebrows They make you look younger (just don’t bend the tip down too much so that your face doesn’t become sad).

Short eyebrows

They make the face open, trusting and childishly naive. They look charming on a young face, making it even younger. On an adult woman, such eyebrows will look strange. Still, naivety is a characteristic of youth. Short eyebrows are common in nature. The older you are, the more advisable it is to fill them in (so that the beginning of the eyebrow is above the corner of the eye), or get a tattoo. These are the eyebrows of a passionate lover (mistress). They say that people with such eyebrows are very passionate. Yours strengths- ambition and independence. Your problems? Others may consider you fickle and hot-tempered. These eyebrows look very youthful, so you may want to leave it as is if you are young at heart and consider it an asset.
Many people love the youthful appeal of short eyebrows. However, in some faces such eyebrows only further demonstrate the immaturity of character and personality. Short eyebrows should be of medium thickness. Too thin, they look like a clown. Quietly thick, they openly speak of the sharpness and directness of nature that usually accompanies such eyebrows. But you truly embrace challenges and can achieve success.

Thin eyebrows

Superfemininity. This is a woman who cannot live without a man. She wants care, worship, flowers, furs, diamonds. In general, a woman in every sense of the word. And if, for example, you give a thin eyebrow a characteristic curve, you will get a superbitch (look at the eyebrows of the girlfriends of the oligarchs J). These eyebrows balance out an elongated face and make it more harmonious. For older women, thin eyebrows make them look older. Well, it’s true that there are no hundred-year-old nymphs.

Round symmetrical eyebrows

These are the eyebrows of a business woman. A woman with such eyebrows can be a very cautious, cautious businesswoman or pop artist. The eyebrows form almost perfect semicircles and, as a rule, lie on a pretty roll of flesh covering brow ridges. This is considered to be the line of beauty, and many perceive you as a vain, rather dissolute person. In fact, you are resourceful, inventive, self-confident and a financial genius. You can make money on the stock market, on real estate trading, on buying and selling, on anything. You always manage to get the best piece. IN interpersonal relationships You always play the first fiddle and are devilishly insightful when it comes to understanding the inner motives of the behavior of others. With such eyebrows, avoid extremes: they should not be thin or wide, neither too dark nor too light. Usually with such eyebrows they make the same mistake - they are made even steeper and thinner. Round eyebrows mean a talent for business, and therefore it is very important that people trust you. Perhaps you will enter into an arranged marriage and your partner will always do what you want because you know how to charm him. These eyebrows are hypnotic because they combine cunning with seeming naivety. You know what you want and you know the easiest way to get what you want. Usually it's money - and you achieve high position thanks to strong business.

Wide natural eyebrows

That is, practically, as we grew up, we wear them. In fact, wide eyebrows also need to be adjusted at least minimally - it rarely happens that nature took care of everything itself. Therefore, you need to at least comb these eyebrows. The association with such eyebrows is primitiveness, all natural manifestations of the feminine essence. Sexuality, temperament, sensuality. Wide eyebrows make the face look younger and give it energy and strength. But if eyebrows grow too low, they can make your face look gloomy as you age. Therefore, completely “wild” eyebrows are good only on a young face.

Eyebrow with lowered outer corner

These are the eyebrows of a typical “victim”. Sometimes they are called “suffering” because the owner of such eyebrows always looks sad, as if he is endlessly begging for help. Such eyebrows say that a person is not the creator of his life. You must resist the temptation to use sex - or your helplessness - to achieve goals. the main problem such eyebrows is that others may consider you weak, dependent, selfish, even when they themselves succumb to your temptations. If you really want to win someone with your weakness and not your strength, then these eyebrows are a great tool, because many people like to be needed, and others will pursue you, thinking that you are an easy sexual prey. If this sometimes takes you too far, you can change your eyebrows. The described type of eyebrows is very pretty and very seductive in young girls, but with age, such eyebrows can “pull” the entire eye down with them. If you need to evoke pity or a desire to protect someone, here is an option. By lowering the outer corner of the eyebrow below the inner one, we say hello to silent cinema - it was in that era that it was a super trend. And we turn into a tender, vulnerable creature. Against the backdrop of numerous bitches, this can be quite attractive to the opposite sex. After all, feminism is feminism, but masculine nature still involves caring for the weak. The main thing is not to overdo it with the angle of inclination - otherwise they will take you for a crybaby and run away.

Eyebrows fly apart

These eyebrows are very active person who persistently achieves his goal. The ends of such eyebrows are raised upward, towards the temples - and betray aggressiveness, sexuality, enterprise, pride, and self-confidence. These are optimistic, positive eyebrows, and they are not bad at all if they are properly cleaned up and the line is corrected - although the ends will still be higher than they should be with ideal eyebrows. Sometimes, however, these eyebrows can seem too aggressive. If your eyebrows are too thick and dark, they can look menacing. The same effect occurs when the eyebrows start too close to the eyes. With such eyebrows, it is especially not recommended to frown. When the eyebrows are calm and relaxed, they give confident look, and others will respect their owner as an active person.

These are the eyebrows of beauties. If you have this shape, you were born for beautiful life and often get the best without the slightest effort. Eyebrows with a beautiful natural arch indicate an artistic, romantic and sensitive nature - and at the same time speak of good character which will help you achieve success in life. Arched eyebrows are considered ideal and speak of harmony in relationships.