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The best places to see a UFO (11 videos). What to do if you encounter a UFO

Flights into space are becoming more and more popular, and perhaps in the near future we will go in search of brothers in mind to the distant corners of the Universe. However, you can try to meet the aliens today: in some regions of the world, strange aircraft, possibly belonging to them, appear especially often. Introducing the top ten best places for encounters with UFOs.

Puerto Rico

While most Caribbean islands are known only for their beaches, Puerto Rico is also worth a trip to meet aliens. Unidentified aircraft streaking across the sky and shooting colorful lights into the air are common sights in El Yunque. Therefore, the tropical forests on the northeast coast have become a Mecca for ufologists from all over the world.

The last appearance of a UFO: on January 23, 2010, a couple of local residents - a girl and her aunt - saw flying and shooting “saucers”.

Sochi, Russia

In the future capital of Winter Olympic Games appeared not long ago the new kind sport - UFO hunting. Hundreds of cases of collisions with incomprehensible phenomena have already been recorded, and one of them was even captured with a video camera: something flies over the city at great speed and disappears under water. According to the observations of researchers, Mount Bytkha has a special energy. In their opinion, this is where the alien base is located, working as a gateway between worlds.

Latest UFO sighting: There are many known sightings of objects in this region that occurred in previous years, however, other regions of Russia also deserve attention. In December 2009, eyewitnesses saw and filmed a pyramid-shaped UFO over the Kremlin in Moscow.

Wiltshire, UK

It's hard to say what most attracts tourists and surprises locals in this quiet rural corner of England: the stone blocks of Stonehenge, the pulsating heavenly lights or the mysterious sounds coming from the sky. UFO hunters especially often come to the Iron Age observatory site of Clay Hill and Cradle Hill.

Last UFO Sighting: On February 20, 2010, a large, silent, low-flying UFO with two white lights was observed by a woman in Hilperton.

Mexico City, Mexico

Those who found themselves in the Mexican capital on April 11, 2005 were lucky enough to see a whole squadron of strange objects. In the afternoon, thousands of people witnessed a strange phenomenon: first seven, and then a couple of hundred luminous spheres filled the sky and began to perform strange maneuvers. Mysterious devices have appeared over Mexico City for a long time, but not in such numbers. Local residents called this UFO parade a "peaceful invasion."

Last UFO sighting: On December 13, 2009, a “sky worm” was spotted over the city.

Mount Adams, Washington, USA

James Gilliland, who founded the Contact Society extraterrestrial intelligence, since 1986, has been hosting everyone who wants to touch the world of the unknown on his ranch at the foot of the mountain. No one is left disappointed: inexplicable lights regularly put on a real show in the sky. And one day as many as 50 appeared above the ground unidentified objects. By the way, it was after an encounter with a strange phenomenon at Mount Adams in 1947 that pilot Kenneth Arnold first used the expression “flying saucer.”

Last appearance of a UFO: On July 4, 2009, participants at the World Conference on Contacts with Extraterrestrial Intelligence saw triangles flying across the sky.

Sant Clemente, Chile

150 miles from Santiago is the main Chilean site of regular UFO sightings, even officially recognized by the local tourism office in 2008. Shiny metallic spheres have been appearing over this region since 1990. As local residents say, if you climb deeper into the mountains, you will be able to see the alien base among the volcanic plateaus. The most dedicated observers can go to a real ufological “hot spot” - El Enladrillado.

Last UFO Appearance: A Few Days Before terrible earthquake which happened on February 27, 2010, people from different regions countries reported unexplained anomalous lights in the sky.

Falker Triangle, Scotland

More than 2,000 residents of these places claim that since 1990 they have constantly seen something strange in the night sky: unclear lights, shiny disks changing shape and color, clearly giving some kind of signals. Moreover, most objects fly over a small industrial city Bonnybridge averages about three hundred a year. This year, the Defense Department released 6,000 pages of records of those meetings.

Last UFO sighting: November 29, 2009 local from Maddison I was filming a meteor shower and saw a large red and white flashing ball flying in a straight line.

Ladakh, Himalayas

Villagers have long reported strange flying objects appearing from time to time in this remote region on the border of India and China: glowing triangles silently emerging from the ground and soaring vertically into the sky. Recently, Hindu pilgrims reported seeing glowing dancing lights in the sky.

Latest UFO Appearance: In 2009, local schools held a competition for best drawing. More than half of the children depicted strange objects rising into the sky from the mountains.

Erath County, Texas, USA

The most massive UFO sighting in the United States occurred here. Dozens of people, including such respected people as the local sheriff, claim to have seen a huge object silently flying through the sky on January 8, 2008. Then he appeared in the area of ​​​​Cliburn, Dublin, Seldern and even over President Bush's ranch. Another wave of UFO sightings was recorded in October 2008, and since then residents of these areas have been carefully peering into the night sky, hoping for a continuation of the show.

Last UFO sighting: On March 3, 2010, witnesses observed four orange lights forming an inverted trapezoid over Cottonwood, Texas.

Wycliffe Well, Northern Territory, Australia

Usually crystal clear sky in the deserted north of the country is ideally suited for observing flying objects. And therefore it is not surprising that a small roadside restaurant on a highway in the remote Australian outback is hung with newspaper clippings and photographs of UFOs. They say that the as yet unrecognized Ural Federal District capital of the Green Continent is located at the intersection of the planet’s special energy meridians. It is difficult to prove this, but it is certain that this place has the best selection of beer in the region.

Latest sighting of a UFO: in July 2009, two witnesses saw a flashing light on the horizon, and then flashes that lit up the entire sky.

According to statistics, everything more people in the world believes in UFOs, that is, in the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence on our planet. As paranormal phenomena researcher and writer Vladimir Shemshuk noted, the rest of the inhabitants of planet Earth simply cannot overcome the limitations in the perception of reality due to improper upbringing or zombification. (website)

Such people certainly need to encounter aliens themselves, head-on, to make sure that these are far from fairy tales and not the ravings of madmen, as well as to survive clinical death to believe in afterlife and in God. But there are more and more videos about UFOs on the Internet, and they are most often posted here by those who first encountered this phenomenon. I came across and... was extremely surprised and even shocked.

UFO spotted over Philadelphia

For example, a resident of Philadelphia was walking with his wife the other day, somewhere around six o’clock in the evening, when suddenly the woman noticed the moon in the sky and drew her husband’s attention to it. He looked up, and then his gaze was caught by a UFO, which, in the form of a ball, was slowly moving to the southeast of the city, then hovered in the air for some time, after which the American finally figured out to take out his smartphone and tried to remove the picture that struck him.

Neither he nor his wife had ever seen an alien ship before, so they were happy that they were able to encounter a UFO that evening. The only thing that upset the man was the low quality of his phone’s video camera, which made it impossible to film the object from good resolution. The UFO, according to the author of the video, was quite large, it hung a little in the sky and began to move away, quickly picking up speed until it disappeared completely. No sound though aircraft did not publish.

One could consider this video filming a video montage, as skeptics do, but the married couple were not the only witnesses among those who saw and even filmed this UFO. Therefore, this once again proves that there are now more real videos on the Internet than fakes, while a fake is easy to distinguish by its too “frank” details, designed to collect as much as possible more visitors.

UFO over Nizhny Novgorod

The video below shows a flying saucer in a suburban area Nizhny Novgorod- just above Bor, more like a fake, since the UFO is too clearly visible in the dark evening sky. Although, according to ufologists, there are also better-quality footage, and this does not mean that the author of the video material certainly “touched up” something.

More surprising is the reaction of Internet users to such videos, ranging from complete skepticism (a lie, everything is edited) to childish surprise (are it really aliens, do they really exist?)

A UFO flew under a plane in Herne Bay

Now let's see the next one interesting video, which was filmed by a professional camera as it took place in Herne Bay, Kent, UK, where on that day, as part of the “Flog It!” An old plane took off into the sky. Naturally, he was photographed and filmed, completely unaware that at some point under the airplane with enormous speed a UFO will fly by.

Let us note that almost no one noticed the aliens’ apparatus except the cameraman, and even he saw it only on the video footage, but not with his own eyes when he caught the plane through the camera lens - really. It is difficult to imagine that aliens were attracted to the ancient aircraft of earthlings, much less its filming; most likely, this simply happened by accident. But, as esoteric philosophers say, there are no accidents in our lives! From here we draw the appropriate conclusions, gentlemen...

In many dream books, the same interpretation of dreams about UFOs is quite common: meeting pleasant guests, unexpectedly receiving a gift, new love or simply amazing news that will bring joy. However, there are other equally interesting interpretations of dreams about unidentified flying objects. Why you dream of a UFO, you will find out in this article, a selection of dream interpretations from various dream books around the world.

Clarify the dream

Fantastic dreams are not uncommon for most people, and people often wonder why they dreamed of a flying saucer, what would happen if they saw spaceships in a dream, as well as UFOs with aliens. We will briefly explain what these dreams can mean, but do not forget that there are other interpretations. If you dreamed of a flying saucer, then the dream is most likely positive; a lot of joy and new positive things will await you in the near future. life experience. Perhaps you will soon go to a resort or find loved one, with whom contact was lost.

If you saw not only a UFO, but also representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, then real life you will meet many people. Most likely, these will be pleasant acquaintances and meetings. UFOs and aliens landed on Earth in a dream - expect guests to come to your home. However, it is worth answering the question of why UFOs dream about their invasion - in this case, the interpretation will be as follows: possible infidelity, betrayal on your part towards your loved one. Because of this, you even risk losing your family, so be vigilant and do not give in to temptation. The dream only warns you against this act, so you have a chance to prevent discord in the family.

Another question that is often asked about dreams about UFOs is: why do you dream that UFOs attacked the Earth? An attack by foreign creatures in a dream symbolizes difficult times and trials that may befall you in the near future. It is important to remember what the outcome of the dream was: if you or other earthlings won, then the situation, no matter how difficult it may be, will definitely be resolved in your favor. Otherwise, you may face intractable problems that will take a lot of time to resolve.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to the Bulgarian prophetess, a UFO seen in a dream symbolizes something wonderful, magical, amazing and incredible that awaits a person in reality in the near future. Perhaps this will be the appearance in real life mutual love or just meeting with an old friend or girlfriend.

A UFO has landed in dreams - guests will come soon. Also, such a dream means the fulfillment of a wish or an unexpected surprise.

Have aliens abducted you? Think about it: this is a sign that warns you against infidelity. Be careful, otherwise there is a risk of losing your family and loved ones...

Coming into contact with a UFO means receiving incorrect, distorted information in life. Perhaps they will try to deceive or slander you.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

An unusual interpretation of dreams about UFOs is given in Meneghetti’s dream book. According to this source, aliens and flying saucers seen in a dream may indicate...hidden mental illness or subconscious program, which was instilled in a person by other people. In any case, according to Meneghetti, a dream about a UFO indicates a negative moment present in the human psyche.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

However, not everything is so bad. According to Denise Lynn's dream book, watching the flight of an alien flying saucer means the appearance of wonderful positive moments in life.

Women's dream book

An interesting interpretation of dreams about UFOs can be found in women's dream books. If you are married and in a dream you managed to talk with aliens, then in reality you will soon be proud of the actions of your spouse.

Spring and summer dream book

We saw a flying one in a dream undefined object- Expect a lot of joy and prosperity in your life. In any case, that’s what the spring dream book says. Similar information can be found in the summer version of the dream interpreter.

Eastern dream book

Not everything is so rosy for Eastern dream interpreters. If in a dream you communicate with extraterrestrial intelligence, then in reality you risk encountering lies or unpleasant rumors about yourself. According to the eastern dream book, contact with a UFO can represent pride and arrogance, which you should definitely avoid when communicating with people.

American dream book

The general American dream book says that a UFO in a dream symbolizes, first of all, enormous mental strength and personal growth.

ABC of dream interpretation

A flying saucer in dreams can predict new discoveries, new knowledge and inner light in a person.

Symbolic dream book

Unidentified objects seen in the air signify karma, an unknown influence that is present in a person's life. Perhaps your fate has been interfered with higher power, which create certain life situations for you.

Modern dream book

A very unusual explanation for dreams about UFOs can be found in a modern dream book. Alien creatures that a girl dreamed of may symbolize a meeting with a womanizer who will deceive in beautiful words and just uses it! In some cases, an alien can predict completely harmless events, be it moving or other serious changes.

Almost half of Russians are inclined to believe that aliens exist. At the same time, every hundredth citizen of the country is afraid of aliens. But there are also those who strive to see representatives of extraterrestrial civilization - they make up no more than 20% of the total population. How to look for a UFO and is it possible to find it? Let's figure it out further.

What to do to get in touch

  1. To see a UFO, you should look at the sky more often! In this case, it is better to sign up for any ufological club or organization. IN different regions they are different countries. In some cases, special communities monitor the sky around the clock to achieve results. As a result, the statistics of those noticed interesting objects theirs is much higher. Small clubs conduct observations only in dark time days.
  2. Interestingly, the time of year plays virtually no role. And the fact that UFOs are encountered more often at night is due to the fact that dim objects are difficult to detect during the day.
  3. No special detection devices are required. You can, of course, use radar, but it will not bring much benefit. It also happens that people see a UFO, but the radar shows nothing. IN in this case It's better to use binoculars. When working on the ground, more serious research is carried out, requiring the use of infrared receivers, a dosimeter and a magnetometer.

How to join a UFO research group

Since only certain groups of people know the places where UFOs can be seen. It makes sense to join them. In fact, there are a lot of them in the world. Basically, these are people involved in dowsing and bioenergy, research anomalous phenomena and zones, studying the influence of radiation on humans.

Those looking for UFOs are not necessarily ufologists. These are cryptobiologists and parapsychologists. There are also those who do research completely alone. A number of people try to profit from discoveries, others believe in the power of science and act without expecting reward.

In any case, these people are sure that not all cases with flying saucers are a hoax. Although there are also fake photos and videos. And in some cases, UFOs are confused with the stages of rockets that launch from spaceports. However, there are several signs that can be used to distinguish an extraterrestrial object from an terrestrial one. All ufological organizations know them. Why are aliens in no hurry to make direct contact with people? They simply don't need it. Specialists involved extraterrestrial civilizations, understand this perfectly and are in no hurry to meet humanoids. They chose a position of observing from the side.

To send a rocket into space you need whole line favorable conditions. As we will see later, the flights of unidentified flying objects, the elusive UFOs, require the same favorable conditions.
With development computer technology When it became possible to process large amounts of ufological data, ufologists encountered a rather strange pattern in their statistical calculations. It turned out that there are periods of mini- and maxi-UFO activity. You have probably already heard such terms as “UFO activation”, “UFO boom”, “saucer boom”, “ufology fever”, “flap”... This certain periods time (months, years) during which the largest number of UFOs are observed. The first time-limited bursts of a large number of reports of UFOs, both in individual countries and throughout the world, were recorded back in the 19th century (in the period from November 1896 to April 1897, the first such burst was recorded in the United States - a large number of UFO sightings by millions of Americans, as reported in newspapers of the time).

Today, almost every country in the world knows about the most remarkable periods of UFO activity over their country. In Ukraine, for example, great UFO activity was noted in mid-1859, in 1892, in 1909 (in the USA, England, New Zealand and Russia also), in 1912-1913, in 1978-1979 and, finally, in the period from 1989 to 1991.
In general, a table of the most notable periods of UFO activations throughout globe looks something like this:
USA - 1881, 1883, 1885, 1897, 1905, 1909, 1913, 1947, 1950, 1952, 1957, 1965-1967, 1973; Central America- 1965; Chile - 1965; Brazil - 1957, 1962; Spain - 1950, 1968; Italy - 1978; Poland - 1966; Czechoslovakia - 1966; Europe - 1912-1913; Western Europe- 1954, 1968, 1973; Great Britain - 1909, 1967-68, 1977, 1981; Scandinavia - 1933-1934, 1946, 1981; Russia - 1909, 1912-1913, 1962, 1966, 1977-78, 1988-89; Japan - 1958; China - 1966; New Guinea- 1959; Australia - 1909, 1965; New Zealand - 1909, 1960; South Africa - 1972; North Africa - 1950; Central Africa - 1966...
Ufologists also noticed another strange feature of the “UFO flaps”. They often occurred at the end of each decade (periods of significant historical events such as war, trials nuclear weapons, large ecological disasters- also correspond to “UFO waves”). Statistical processing a huge number of reports of UFO sightings in independent ufological organizations and groups showed that the second half and especially last years every decade there are years, figuratively speaking, of “UFO invasions.” It should be especially emphasized that during the entire second half of the twentieth century this trend was never disrupted.
The most UFO-active years are 7-9 in each decade. Thus, the next “flag” awaits us in 2007-2009.
In order to somehow clearly demonstrate UFO activity depending on the year, I bring to your attention a diagram that shows UFO activity from 1950 to 1990. The author obtained it based on a generalization of the UFO database (300 messages) of the UFODOS society.

If you have the opportunity, compare this data with some others. Your surprise will be great, since in general outline they will be identical. We are, without a doubt, talking about the objective tendency of UFOs to appear in the Earth’s atmosphere when certain “favorable” factors are taken into account.

As for the seasons, I will refer to the results of the same statistical research conducted in the mid-1990s in the UFODOS society. From a huge number of messages (received from various parts of the then USSR), 200 of the most informative and trustworthy. They all date back to the 1980s. The numbers are as follows:
Autumn - 40.2%
Winter - 19.5%
Spring - 15.9%
Summer - 24.4%
It happens that greatest number UFO reports may refer to summer period. Thus, Phillip Imbrognau and Marienne Horrigan in the book “Contact of the Fifth Kind” provide “Statistics of UFO sightings by month” based on 3432 messages from which it follows that the majority of UFO sightings occur in June and July (considerable activity in the fall, especially in October). Great UFO activity is also observed in Ukraine and a number of other countries in the summer. But here one important detail should be taken into account. Summer is a month of vacations, school holidays, people sleep less and mostly spend time under open air. That is, the activity of UFOs in the summer months of the year can be explained by the activity of people.
An analysis of the same 200 reports showed that 23.3% of UFO sightings occurred from the 1st to the 10th of the month, 41.1% from the 10th to the 20th, and 35.6% from the 20th to the 30th. Thus, UFO activity is quite intense in the middle of the month.

As for the most UFO-active days of the week, strange as it may seem, such a pattern in the behavior of UFOs also exists. From the results of the analysis of these 200 messages, it became clear that mysterious objects are observed more often on Wednesday and Saturday (MON-12.7%, TU-17.2%, WE-19.5%, TH-9.2%, PT-11 .5%, SB-18.4%, BC-11.5%). These data have been confirmed by other studies. J. Vandeman, for example, in the book “Beyond Miracles”, referring to John Keel’s book “UFO: Operation” Trojan horse" writes: "There is one strange feature: mysterious phenomena(meaning UFOs) are usually observed late in the evening on Wednesday or Saturday." Vandeman adheres to a religious hypothesis: UFOs are toys of a fallen angel, that is, the devil. Developing this idea further, I can add that long ago in Lorraine, witches' Sabbaths usually took place on the indicated days , although Vandeman’s version is absurd, like all religious interpretations of the UFO phenomenon.
So, UFOs either use our calendars, or Wednesday and Saturday - favorable days for them to appear before people's eyes. Or maybe there are other “eithers”? It is difficult to answer, especially since UFOs are subject to a scheme that includes a number of such “favorable” factors.

The next factor is the time of day.
My research shows that UFO contacts (whether visual, intimate or telepathic) increase around 17:00 and reach a climax at 21:00. Secondary activity repeats from 1 am to 3 am, after which it decreases to daytime levels, which are very low. These estimates again confirm the research of other ufologists. In particular, published by J. Vallee, F. Merritt, J. Randles, F. Imbrogno and M. Horrigan. If you are a ufologist, then do not be lazy to repeat the calculations to obtain... the same result.
An important circumstance for choosing the place and time of UFO observation, if you have already decided to hunt for the elusive “flying saucers”, is the fact that the probability of a UFO appearance increases sharply in clear weather, when there is no cloudiness in the sky, the air is clean and transparent. Many eyewitnesses, describing weather at the moment of the appearance of a UFO, indicate that nature at this time looks unusually bright and festive.
It should be noted that independent studies conducted at different times and in various countries, give similar distributions for all the factors that we talked about today (if there are any deviations, they are insignificant).

Some researchers believe that at certain periods of time the Earth enters those areas of space where the usual three-dimensional dimension does not “operate” and we observe “UFO invasions”.
Other researchers note (Aimé Michel, Raymond Veillite, Guy Quency - in France, Buelta - in Spain, Olavo Fontes - in Brazil) that an increase in the number of UFO sightings is noted during the periods of Mars' closest approach to the Earth (perhaps 1957 falls out of this system - year of the launch of the first Earth satellite), during periods of confrontation. Such confrontations are repeated every 15-17 years. Of course, I, like all sane humanity, do not believe in Martians (remember, H.G. Wells: Martians attack the Earth in 1894 during the confrontation), but studies of active periods of UFO appearances indicate a rapprochement of Mars with the Earth.
Some find a relationship between UFO sightings and lunar cycles(UFO activity increases during the new and full moon periods). As is known, gravitational force The moon exerts on the earth a huge impact(this effect is easy to notice, taking into account the behavior of the oceans of our planet) and perhaps in the same way the Moon influences the opening of windows to another dimension?
Some people tend to associate UFO activity with solar activity. Indeed, the number of groups and sunspots on the Sun is usually large at the beginning and end of each decade (in years ending with “5” the activity of the Sun decreases). I have to admit that to some extent this corresponds to periods of UFO activity, but we can only talk about a simple coincidence.
There are other assumptions and statistical data, but one way or another there is no firm answer about the reasons for UFO activations.