Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Literacy training preg gr. Teaching literacy in kindergarten: features and techniques

Summary of a literacy lesson for children in a pre-school group

- Improve phonemic awareness, the ability to determine the number and sequence of words in a sentence.
- To promote the assimilation of the concept of a word as part of a sentence.
- Develop the ability to draw up sentence diagrams and write them down.
- Improve dialogic speech.
- Develop imagination and Creative skills children, activate speech.
- Create a favorable emotional background.
- Learn independently, complete the teacher’s assignments.
- Develop the skill of self-control and self-assessment of work performed.

Progress of the lesson
Teacher: Good morning! A new day has come. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in freshness, kindness and beauty. And exhale through your mouth all the resentments, anger and grief. Children, guests came to our classes today. Let's say hello to them and sit quietly on the chairs.
Children: greet the guests and take their seats at their desks.
Teacher: Today in class another guest came to us, and you will find out who he is by guessing the riddle:
Angry touchy one,
Lives in the wilderness of the forest,
There are a lot of needles
And not a single thread.
Children: Hedgehog.
Teacher: That's right guys. Tell me, why is the hedgehog so touchable?
Children: It has sharp needles and cannot be petted.
Teacher: Now look what the hedgehog saw? (seek a complete answer).
Children: The hedgehog saw a mushroom.
Teacher: How many words do you hear in this sentence?
Children: There are 3 words in this sentence.
Teacher: What's the first word? Second? Third.
Children: The first word is hedgehog, the second is saw, the third is mushroom.
Teacher: Let's slap every word. Who guessed what the proposal consisted of?
Children: A sentence consists of words.
Teacher: You can write it down as a diagram. Using the diagram you can find out how many words are in a sentence. Each separate word indicated by a rectangle. One rectangle represents one word. How many words are there in our sentence: “The hedgehog saw a mushroom.”
Children: Three words in a sentence.
Teacher: How many rectangles will there be in our diagram?
Children: Three rectangles.
Teacher: Look at our diagram below, how is it different from the first diagram?
Children: The second scheme has a dash above the first word and a dot at the end.
Teacher: A rectangle with a dash means the beginning of a sentence, and a dot means the end of a sentence. Now let's rest a little.

Physical education lesson “Hedgehog”
The hedgehog stomped along the path
And he carried a mushroom on his back.
(Walking in a circle one after another.)
The hedgehog stomped slowly,
Quiet leaves rustling.
(Walk in place.)
And a bunny gallops towards me,
Long-eared jumper.
In someone's garden cleverly
I got hold of a slanted carrot.
(Jumping in place.)

Teacher: Now let's play, the one I name sits down at the table. The first to sit are those children whose names begin with the sound “A”, etc. What is shown in this picture? (The hedgehog carries an apple). How many words are there in this sentence?
Children: The hedgehog carries an apple. Three words.
Teacher: Guys, each of you has a card with a task on your table. Find the correct pattern for the sentence: “The hedgehog carries an apple.” Place a check mark next to this sentence. Now let's see how you completed the task. Did everyone complete the task correctly? Why do you think the first scheme does not suit us?
Children's answers.
Teacher: Did everyone complete the task? Draw a smiley face on your cards. Let's play the game some more "Do the math, don't be mistaken". I will name a sentence, and you clap it, and then name the number of words.
Late autumn has arrived.
The swallows have disappeared.
The first snow fell.
New Year is coming soon.

Children count the words by clapping their hands and name them in the order of the sentences.
Teacher: What a great job you guys are! Let's remember what we talked about today? What was it called? So what does the proposal consist of? How do we mark the beginning of a sentence? What do we put at the end of a sentence?
Children: From words. A rectangle with a line. Full stop.
Teacher: Guys, it's time for the hedgehog to return home - to the forest. He is tired and wants to rest. You did a good job too. Who is happy with their job? Well done.

Theme of the lesson: “Saving Tom and Tim.” Preparing for literacy. Preparatory group.


  1. Strengthen children's ability to select words to 3-5 sound models, conduct sound analysis of words.
  2. Improve the ability to divide a sentence into words and compose it from a set of words, including prepositions and conjunctions.
  3. Learn the rules of writing sentences (graphically).
  4. Improve children's ability to read syllables, develop speech skills, memory, logical thinking solving puzzles.
  5. Foster a desire to build friendly relationships with peers.

Material and equipment.

Children's chairs with sound models of children's names, a plan diagram from kindergarten to castle, a game, "Funny puzzles", a flat model of the castle, separately cut out missing parts of the castle (door, castle, windows, pipe, flag, etc. according to the number of children ), sound models of castle details, a rebus card for guessing the name of the river.

5 Christmas trees drawn on whatman paper, on which words for making sentences are written in disarray; an image of raindrops with parts of words (syllables) inside, a table with syllables for reading, a silhouette of a drawn magpie, paper, pencils.

Preliminary work:

  1. D/games “Chain of words”, “Sound got lost”, “Gifts for Tom and Tim”, “Flower shop” (for the number of syllables) “ Syllabic lotto", "The letter is lost", vocabulary exercise"Funny rhyme"
  2. Grandfather Bookeater's games: “Braiding”, “Anagrams”, “Entertaining Models”, “Charades”, reading from a table with syllables, reading puzzles, riddles based on the first sounds of drawn objects, solving upside-down puzzles, crosswords with words.
  3. Learning children's folklore, tongue twisters, physical exercises, complexes finger gymnastics. Drawing up a proposal and writing it graphically.

Progress of the lesson. Methodological techniques.

Ethical charging

Game "Smile at each other."

The teacher asks the children: “What are words made of?” (the guys answer). Each child is asked to pronounce his name so that everyone can clearly hear how many syllables it contains.

Surprise moment "Mobile call"

From a “telephone” conversation, it turns out that mouse friends Tom and Tim urgently need help. They were imprisoned by an evil sorcerer in his castle, which is located far from the kindergarten.

The children decide to find their friends and free them. Since the road ahead is unknown, the teacher offers a plan from the kindergarten to the castle with expected obstacles in order to better navigate the road and not go astray.

The teacher asks the children what type of transport they can use? A choice is offered: tram, bus, train, trolleybus (children answer, explaining the choice). During the conversation, it turns out that it is most convenient to go by bus. The teacher clarifies that the bus is extraordinary, magical.

On the back of each chair you can see multi-colored squares. The children's names are encrypted in them. Each child will be able to take only the seat on the bus that corresponds to the sound model of his name.

The children find their seats and sit down. An inspector is appointed to check the correct landing in place.

The teacher says that on the road they always take everything they need and invites the children to read from the table (find words from syllables) what they took on a long journey.

lo e
ket since then
That pa
that Yes

The guys read the words from the table (bag, food, axe, shovel, lotto).

The game is a journey.

First stop– river. The teacher offers the children picture puzzles, solving which the children read and name everything that they can meet on the way to the river: fisherman, bell, grass, rainbow, school. The teacher turns to the plan, where it is clear that the children are by the river.

Rebus "Bell"

Rebus "Fisherman"

Rebus "Grass"

Rebus "Rainbow"

Rebus "School"

Breathing exercises “Let’s breathe in the fresh air of the river” (3-4 times)

The name of the river is encrypted. The teacher shows the picture and, based on the first sounds of the objects drawn there, offers to find out the name of the river.

The children find out that the river has an amazing name “Kroshka”. The teacher suggests crossing this small river on a thin log, holding hands.

Second stop- forest. There are 5 Christmas trees on whatman paper. On each one you can see the words in disarray: Tom, they are waiting, and Tim, you). Children are asked to make a sentence from these words. The guys talk through their options.

It turns out that someone left this message especially for us. To cheer up the little mice, the teacher invites the children to write letters to their friends and send them with the magpie.

Children sit at tables to write letters. The teacher reminds you of the rules for writing a sentence (discuss it with the children). Children offer versions of letters (5-6). One child writes on the board. The rest check, correct, supplement.

Finger gymnastics “Home”

Letters written by children are sealed in an envelope and given to the magpie. While the children were writing letters, it suddenly began to rain.

Visual gymnastics “Drop”.

The teacher invites the children to read and find out how many word droplets fell from the cloud? Each drop contains a piece of a word - a syllable. Reading drop by syllable from top to bottom (Ku-ra-ki-no-sy-ro-). It rained magically in the magical forest. We were able to read many words.

Again the teacher turns to the plan. The children see that they find themselves right next to the castle. They come closer and make sure that there really is a castle in front of them.

The situation is provocative.

There are no windows or doors on the painted castle. The teacher wonders if the little mice will be able to see the one who came to save them? Is it possible to enter this castle? Why?

  1. The children are invited to choose any specially prepared enchanted diagram (sound models) of the parts of the castle that are missing: door, windows, flag, pipe, lock, key, etc. (according to the number of children).
  2. Then, using your sound scheme, find pictures on another table with the missing parts of the castle, correlate them with your sound scheme, and only then attach your picture-detail to the image of the castle. So windows, doors, and everything else gradually appear at the castle. The key simulates opening a lock.

Surprise moment.

Tom and Tim appear. Thank the children for liberation.

The children return to kindergarten by plane.

Dynamic pause "Airplane".


The teacher attracts all children to him.

  1. Hugging, giving positive assessment Every child is interested in what was remembered during the lesson?
  2. Where have you been?
  3. What challenges did you have to overcome?
  4. Where was it the hardest?
  5. Why did you cope with all the difficulties?

The teacher tells the children that it was easy to cope with all the obstacles on the road, because all the children acted in harmony, together. That is why we managed to save the little mice.


GCD for literacy preparation

preparatory group

Speech therapist teacher: Sharifullina T.V.

MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 “Smile”

Ostashkov, Tver region

Topic: “ABVGDeyka”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge of preparing children for literacy.

Correctional educational tasks:

    Continue learning to conduct sound analysis of words

    Strengthen the ability to determine the presence of a given sound in a word.

    Strengthen the ability to complete and supplement a sentence with meaning using supporting pictures.

Correction and development tasks:

    Develop phonemic awareness.

    Develop memory and attention.

    Develop verbal-logical thinking in children, to reason, to draw conclusions.

Correctional and educational tasks:

    Cultivate respect and mutual understanding for each other.

    Develop the ability to use acquired knowledge in practical activities.

Equipment: projector, video presentation (excerpt from the TV show “ABVGDeyka”, slides with pictures for highlighting sound, pictures for determining the number of syllables), magnetic board, cards with words from proverbs, ball.

Handout: a set of subject pictures, cards with the image of a circle, felt-tip pens.

Children enter the group and greet the guests.

Teacher speech therapist: Stand in a circle quickly, hold hands tightly.

Children stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

And we play and we sing,

We live together in a group . (installation on N0D)

Game "Magic Sounds"

Speech therapist: Guys, do you know that singing certain sounds helps improve your health? If you have a runny nose, turn into an airplane - take a deep breath, and as you exhale, pronounce the sound [B] for a long time and quietly. If you have a sore throat, turn into a mosquito and pronounce the sound [З] as you exhale. When coughing, turning into a beetle and pronouncing the sound [Zh] for a long time will help.

Children perform exercises while standing, eyes closed and body relaxed.

Speech therapist: Remember these exercises and do them, and magical sounds will always come to your aid.

Guys, who remembers the articulation fairy tale “At Grandma and Grandpa’s”?

Articulation gymnastics

Fat grandchildren came to visit (the children puffed out their cheeks)

With them the thin ones are just skin and guests (they sucked in their cheeks without opening their mouth)

Grandparents smiled at everyone (wide smile)

They reached out to kiss everyone (imitation of a kiss)

In the morning we woke up with a smile on our lips (wide smile)

We brushed our upper teeth (the tongue moves between

upper lip and teeth)

Right and left, inside and outside (corresponding tongue movements)

We are also friends with the lower teeth (corresponding tongue movements)

Speech therapist: Guys, we received a VIDEO LETTER. Would you like to see? Make yourself comfortable. (Children sit in a semicircle opposite interactive whiteboard) Attention to the screen. (Surprise moment)

Video. On the screen is an excerpt from the TV show “ABVGDeyka”. The heroes received an assignment from the teacher to make up a proverb about friendship from words. They find it difficult. They ask the guys for help.

Teacher speech therapist: Guys, let's help the clowns?

You and I know that the direct path to success is your sensitive ears, attentive eyes and, of course, the right answers. So, are you ready to take on the challenges?

Children: Yes, sure.

Speech therapist: Look, there are words hidden on the board, (there is an exclamation mark on the cards there's a word on the other side) Are you interested in finding out what proverb is hiding? We can open them if we complete certain tasks. Do you agree?

1 task “Riddles”

Speech therapist: First, let's solve the riddles:

    One is soft and whistles
    The other is hard and hissing.
    The third one will start singing
    At least someone will pronounce it... (sound). (What sounds do you know?)

    Black birds on a white page
    They are silent, waiting for someone to read them... (letter).

(What is the difference between a letter and a sound??)

    At first I couldn't
    Read with two letters
    Your first... (syllable).

    I'll match the sound to the sound
    And I will say it
    If I put the letters in a row
    Then I’ll read it later... (word).

5. I will collect a lot of words
I'll make them friends with each other
The presentation will be clear
Then I will receive...(sentence).

We have guessed the riddles, we reveal the first word.

Task 2 “Find the sound”

Pictures on the screen: Robot, drum, rocket, tomato

Speech therapist: Guys, tell me what is shown on the screen (robot, drum, rocket, tomato). Listen and name the sound that I make when I say these words?

Children's answers: R sound

Speech therapist: And now we need to determine its place in the word.

Children's answers.

Pictures on the screen:

Lamp, elephant, chair, pencil case L Ophpedist: Look and say what is shown on the screen (lamp, elephant, chair, pencil case). Listen and name the sound that I make when I say these words?

Children's answers: Sound "L".

Speech therapist: And now we need to determine its place in the word.

Speech therapist:-Right! Now I propose to highlight these sounds in other words, if we hear the sound “L”, we clap, if the sound “R”, we stomp.

Frame, llama, rose, vine, shaft, var, cake, port, swamp, work, dill, bug, lamp, ramp, table, floor, map, desk, crowbar, swarm. (children complete the task)

Smart girls, we completed this task and correctly identified the sounds “L” and “R”.

Task 3 “Divide the word into syllables”

Speech therapist: Look, guys, what interesting pictures!

Name what is shown on the screen.

Children call (doll, car, ball, pyramid)

Speech therapist: - Guys, what are words made of?

Children's answers.

How to find out how many syllables a word has?

Children's answers:(using claps, there are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels).

That’s right, use clapping to determine how many syllables are in the word “Doll”

    How many syllables (1) are there in the word “ball”, how many vowel sounds? (also 1)

    How many syllables (3) are there in the word “car”, how many vowel sounds? (also 3)

    How many syllables are there in the word “pyramid”? 4), how many vowel sounds (also 4)

    Tell me guys, what can you call these items in one word? (toys)

Speech therapist:-Well done! Now I invite everyone in the circle to play with you.

Physical education minute

We put our hands on our shoulders,

Let's start rotating them.

So we will correct the posture.

One two three four five! (hands to shoulders, rotating shoulders forward and backward).

We place our hands in front of our chests,

We separate them to the sides.

We'll do a warm-up

In any weather. (hands in front of the chest, jerking your arms to the sides).

Let's raise our right hand,

And we'll lower the other one down.

We swap them around

We move our hands smoothly. (one straight arm, the other down, with smooth movements one arm lowers and the other simultaneously rises).

Now let's get together

Let's walk everything in place. (walking in place).

To do the following, invite the children to sit at the tables.

Task 4 “Finish the sentence”

Speech therapist: guys, tell me, what is a proposal?

Children's answers: These are 2, 3, 4 or more words that are friendly with each other.

Speech therapist: Look, you have cards with pictures laid out on your table (airplane, flower, table, air balloons, fish, sock). (work with handouts)

And now we will play the game “Finish the sentence.” I will start a sentence, and you, using a picture that matches the meaning, finish it.

Flying in the sky.....

Growing in the park…..

In the room there is…..

Masha has an airy...

The fishermen caught......

Grandma knitted...

Children hold up their pictures and repeat the entire sentence.

Speech therapist: Okay, we completed this task. Repeat what a sentence is (These are 2, 3, 4 or more words that are friendly with each other). (children’s individual answers)

Great, we can open the fourth word.

Task 5 “Turn a short word into a long one”

Speech therapist: And in order to open the next word, I suggest standing in a circle and playing. I will throw a ball to each of you and say a short word, and you will turn this short word into a long one. For example: cat - cat, in the second word there are more sounds, so it became longer.

Is the task clear? The game begins: ball-ball, table-table, car-car, doll-doll, etc.

Well done kids. You got it right long words.

Speech therapist: You guys are very smart. You turned it right short words in long ones. So we can open one more word.

Open and read the fifth word.

Task 6 “Draw a letter”

Speech therapist: Guys, pay attention that you still have cards on the table. They depict a circle. What letter does it remind you of? (O) What letters do you think a circle can be turned into? That's right, if we add some imagination to the elements, then we'll get a different letter. Now I'm turning you into magical artists! And then you will be able to turn an ordinary circle into bright, cheerful, mischievous letters. One, two, three, four five, we begin to draw..... (children complete the elements to make a letter). (music plays, children draw) Guys, show us what you have done. (children show and name the resulting letters)

Speech therapist: Wonderful. We got such different, bright letters. We can open the last word, read the whole proverb.

Offers to open the last sixth word and read the proverb.

“A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its friends.”

On the video screen: the clowns thank the children and say that they are true friends. They say goodbye.

Speech therapist: Look, the clowns are very happy and grateful that you helped them. Did you like helping the clowns yourself? Which task was the most interesting? Difficult? What new have you learned? What's your mood?

And I liked playing with you and completing tasks. You are so smart!

Guys, I have prepared a surprise for you (opens a beautiful box) look - emoticons, they are different joyful, thoughtful, sad. If it was easy for you in class today and you completed all the tasks, take a happy emoticon; if you encountered difficulties, but you tried to overcome them, take a thoughtful emoticon, and if it’s really difficult, take a sad one.

And for guests there is another box in it, too, with emoticons, if you were interested - happy emoticons, if you are bored and not interested - sad.

Now I invite everyone to the circle

Everyone gathered together in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Nomination: literacy training in preparatory group notes from Zhurov's classes.
Name: Literacy lesson in the preparatory group “Letter B”.

Summary of organized educational activities “Letter b”

Goal: To introduce children to a new letter. Continue teaching children to emphasize printed words and read them according to the emphasis. Improve children's reading skills.

Materials: cash registers with completed letters, the letter “b”, pointer, reading book, pencil, card with words for emphasis.

Progress of the lesson.

We remember the date, month and day of the week in two languages.
- Guys, you know, I'm in trouble. I forgot one word. I thought I’d come to kindergarten and remember or read it on the board. I wrote it yesterday. But no, Bukvoezhka ruined everything for me, he ate some of the letters. Help me complete the letters.
- Of course, guys, hello! How kind and good word. Do you know a word with the opposite meaning?
- Right. Goodbye. So you and I remembered the words of politeness (a knock on the door, a package).
— I wonder who the parcel is from? Read it, Stasik.
Read - city. Your friends are letters.
-Children, here is a small letter in which the letters say that one of their friends, the letter, is in trouble, and only we can help her. The letters send us tasks, and as soon as we complete them, we find out which letter needs our help.

1. What vowels are written after a hard consonant? After the soft one?
— Do you know of any exceptions? ZHI-IIII, CHU-SHCHU, CHA-SCHA.

2. Place emphasis on the printed words: BELL, SCHOOL, PENALTY CASE, LESSON, PEN, STUDENT. (Take a pencil and put accents in words above the vowels with dashes)

Then the children take turns reading words highlighting the stressed sound, calling percussion sound and the letter over which the accent was placed.

As the task is completed, the typesetting board moves and reveals a sheet of stripes.

Guys, on the last line of this sheet there will be a word that will point us to the letter that is in trouble. We will need to change one letter in a word. On the top strip is a word that belongs to a creature with two claws. People say “blushed like...”.
CANCER. Think about which letter needs to be changed to make a beautiful red flower.
POPPY. Change the last letter of this glory, and you will learn how to talk about someone who is shorter than you.
MAL. Change the letter in the middle of the word and you have a lump in your hands that you really like to draw with.
“We’ve worked so hard and are tired, and now we’ll rest.”

Physical exercise.

We raise our hands up and then lower them,
And then we’ll separate them and quickly draw them closer to us.
And then, faster, faster, let’s clap, stomp more joyfully.
Sound analysis the words "chalk".

One child works at the board, the rest at the cash registers.
-And now under the word “chalk” we’ll put the word “chalk” (children work independently).
-Who knows what “stranded” is?
— What is the last sound in the word “chalk”? L.
-Is this sound hard or soft?
-What is the last sound in the word “stranded”? L.
-What consonant is this? Soft. Guys, that's the problem! How to be, how to indicate that L is soft? Maybe some letter will help?
-Right. You need to put the letter b (a poem about the letter).
-What does the letter b look like? I show you the drawing.
- It turns out what the secret of the letter b is. Does it have no sound, but is placed to indicate the softness of the consonant that precedes it?
- So, how do the words CHALK and MEL differ in sounds?
- And in letters?
- What letter did you learn today?
- Does it have sound? - What does b show?
- Open the cash registers, find the letter b and put it correctly.

Reading text in a reading book.

- And now, children, I will name the word, and you must say in which column and on which line this word is located.
MEASLES - 3 tbsp., Zstr.
MEL - b art., 3 pages.

And now you will read the word that is in the 5th column of 2 lines (horse), in the 3rd column of 2 lines (mole).
-What is a moth? Well done guys, you did very well. Tell me, did any of you remember the poem about the letter we met today?
- When is b used in writing?
-Come up with words in which to write this letter.
-Well done! Our lesson is over.

Nomination: teaching literacy to preschoolers lesson notes.

Position: higher education teacher qualification category
Place of work: State Public Enterprise "Nursery-Garden "Solnyshko"
Location: Petropavlovsk, North Kazakhstan region, Republic of Kazakhstan

Lesson No. 1 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject:"In the world of sounds"

Target: introduce the concept of “sound”, vowel “sound”, consonant “sound”,

introduce you to the recipes.

Material: copybooks, pencils.

    Invisible people live next to us. Each of you constantly communicates with them. Want to get to know each other better? Then listen.

There is a small town in the country called Zvukinsk. Unusual inhabitants live in this town - sounds. They are invisible. Although they are not visible, they can be heard.

Some residents can sing. They sing like this: “AAA!”, “OOO!”, “UUU”, “III”. They sing all day long. Their voices are ringing and melodious. And these residents were called vowels.

The vowels stretch out in a ringing song,

They may cry and scream.

IN dark forest call and shout,

And lull Alyonka in the cradle,

But they don’t want to whistle and grumble.

    Game "Guess the vowels".

The teacher calls various sounds. Children clap their hands when they hear vowel sounds.

    In the town of Zvukinsk there are residents who do not know how to sing, but really want to learn. They agree with the vowels on everything. And these residents were nicknamed consonant sounds.

And the consonants agree

Rustle, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss,

But they can't sing.

    Game "Dating". Children stand in a circle and say their name one by one. If the name begins with a vowel, then everyone claps their hands, and if it begins with a consonant, then they squat.

Part 2. Work in notebooks.

Lesson No. 2 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "A".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word), give the concept that the sound “a” is a vowel sound, develop fine motor skills hands and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils.

1. Funny poems.

“Andreika, Alyoshka, Anton and Artyom - all together, friends, we’ll go for a walk.”

What sound occurs most often in this poem?

2. Patter.

“Alyosha gives Alina a signal

Alina will hear and find Alyosha.”

3. Proverb.

“Neatness makes a person beautiful.”

4. Game "Who is more?" Come up with words in which the sound “a” would be at the beginning of the word.

5. Game “Stomp - Clap”. If the word has the sound “a”, the child claps, if not, he stomps.

Physical education minute.

- Stork, long-legged stork, again with his right foot,

Show me the way home. Again with the left foot.

Stomp with your right foot, then with your right foot,

Stomp your left foot. Then with your left foot,

Then you'll come home.

6. Game “Say the Word.”

There is one game for you:

I'll read the poems now.

I'll start, and you finish,

Add in unison.

So that I can take you, He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

I don't need oats. He heals sick animals,

Feed me gasoline, and one day a hippopotamus

Give him rubber on his hooves, he pulled him out of the swamp.

And then, raising the dust, He is known, famous.

Runs…..(car). This is the doctor... (Aibolit).

It tastes sweet, friends,

And his name is…..(Watermelon).

7. Puzzles.

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,

A beetle is running down the street.

And they burn in the beetle's eyes

Two shiny lights (car)

Look, the house is standing

Filled with water to the brim,

In this house the residents are

All are skilled swimmers. (Aquarium).

Lies on the garden bed

Round, green, smooth,

Red inside

It tastes sweet. (Watermelon).

part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 7 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "E".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “e” is a vowel sound, to develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils.

    Funny poems.

The raccoon will not eat until

His food is not washed

His assistant is the river:

He rinses the food, rubs it lightly,

And then he eats to his fill.

The raccoon is a lover of cleanliness,

He doesn’t eat anything unwashed...And you?

What sound occurs most often in this poem?

    Tongue Twisters.

Lena barely ate, she didn’t want to eat out of laziness.


Meli, Emelya, your week.

    Game "Who is attentive?"

What animals do you know that begin with the sound “e”? (hedgehogs, raccoons).

What men's and female names, starting with the sound "e".

    Game “Say the Word.”

The berry tastes good

But go ahead and rip it off:

A bush with thorns is like a hedgehog,

So it’s called...(blackberry)

Well, the dress: all needles.

They wear it forever...(Christmas tree).

Good-natured, businesslike,

All covered with needles.

Can you hear the patter of nimble feet?

This is our friend... (hedgehog).

They grew across the river.

They were brought to the holiday,

There are needles on the branches.

Who is this?...(Christmas tree).

    Game "The letter is lost."

Insert the missing letters into the words: ...рш,...zhik,...lka.

He walks along the path, carrying the forest on his back. (hedgehog).

The forest tailor does not sew shirts on needles, he carries a mushroom. (hedgehog)

One color in winter and summer. (spruce).

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 3 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: The sound "I".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “and” is a vowel sound. Develop an understanding of the variety of words. Introducing the term “word”, developing fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils.

    Funny poems.

Frost lay on the spruce branches

The needles turned white overnight.

S. Marshak.

A turkey walks through the city,

He's bringing a new toy.

The toy is not simple -

Painted turkey.


Baked by Irishka. I like the gingerbreads.

The dolls deserve the cake. Grishka and Marishka.


If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care.

    Game “Say the Word.”

Not prickly, light blue,

Hanged on the bushes... (frost).

A thin thread is threaded into the narrow eyelet

And she quickly swam after the boat.

He sews, sews up and injects sharply,

And they call it a boat... (needle).

Proud, important, magnificent, stately,

In elegant plumage:

Blue, yellow, red circle-

He spread his tail... (turkey).

Inseparable girlfriends

Always following each other

The tracks will be even -

They will be praised for their efforts. (needle and thread).

Horned, tailed,

He will pierce you with his horn, and he will repair you with his tail. (needle and thread).

Always on everyone

Puffed up like fur. (turkey).

    Game “Name the toy.” For each word named, the child receives a chip.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 4 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: The sound "O".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “o” is a vowel sound. Development of the ability to compare words by sound, measure their length (long and short words). Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils.

    Funny poems.

The aspen tree is colored by autumn.

I like Aspen very much.

She shines with gold

There is only one pity - it flies around.

Cloud, cloud,

Fur in rings,

Very you, cloud,

Similar to sheep.

2. Tongue twister.

Frosya's millet is flying in the field,

Frosya takes out the weeds.

3. Proverb.

Work until you sweat, and eat in the hunt.

4. Game “Who is attentive?”

Name same sound in words: house, notes, umbrella, coat, wasps, legs.

5. Game “Who is more?”

Think of words in which the “o” sound is located at the beginning (rest, nut...). At the end (ring, milk, sieve).

6.Game “Say the Word.”

In the summer in the garden - fresh, green,

And in winter there are yellow salted ones in a barrel.

Guess it, well done

What is our name?...(cucumbers).

Warm fur coat with rings

Worn by a quiet...(sheep).

Oranges and bananas

They love...(monkeys) very much.

Slender, fast,

The horns are branchy,

Grazes all day.

Who is this?...(deer).

6. Game “The letter is lost.”

Find the lost letter. -sy, -kna, -cunnilingus.


They fly without wings

They run without legs

They sail without a sail. (clouds).

Not motors, but noise

They are not pilots, but they fly,

Not snakes, but stings (wasps).

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves. (autumn).

    Measuring the length of words by clapping. (car, cheese, porridge, raspberries...)

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 5 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: The sound "U".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “u” is a vowel sound, to improve the ability to compare words by sound, to measure their length (long and short words ), develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils.

    Funny poems.

Tired duck on the pond

Teach your ducklings

Ducklings swim in plain sight

Mom doesn't want it.

The duck is suffering terribly:

“Well, what will come of them!”

2. Proverbs.

1) A smart person blames himself, a stupid person blames his friend.

2) Know how to make mistakes, know how to get better.

3. Tongue twister.

The bull's lip was tight!

4.Pure sayings.

Wow-wa- the baby is crying in the stroller.

Aw, aw, I don’t understand who got lost.

Wow, wow, wow, our iron is heating up

Uch-uch-uch - a ray of sun shines into the windows.

5. Game “Who is attentive?”

1) find the same sound in the words: bus, iron, onion, snail, pear.

2) raise your hand if you hear the sound “u” in the words: spider, flower, puddle, sofa, table, chair, pigeons, chicken.

3) determine the position of the sound “u” in the words: teeth, duck, science, globe, kangaroo.

6. Game “Who is more?”

Think of words with the sound “u” at the beginning and in the middle.

7.Game “Say the Word”

Autumn has come,

And the snowstorms will come,

And with a farewell cry

Birds...(fly away).

I recognize the donkey myself

By his big...(ears).

Ding-ding-ding - the bell rings

It begins...(lesson).

The cat has babies, kittens,

What are the names of the duck’s babies?...(ducklings).

8. Game “On the contrary”

Choose antonyms starting with the sound “u” for the words: beautiful-...(ugly), wide-...(narrow), unlucky-...(lucky), evening-...(morning), sadness-...(smile).

What kind of stick - throw it into the water,

Take the fish off the hook quickly (fishing rod).

Horns came out onto the path.

You won't butt?

I touched them a little

The horns hid again. (snail)

    Measuring the length of words by clapping (winter, sled, slide...)

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 6 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "Y".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “Y” is a vowel sound. Introducing the term “syllable”, developing fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils.

1. Funny poems.

The letter Y said sadly:

I am in the word cheese, and in the word soap,

And in the word lynx, and in the word rear...

Smoke poured out of the chimney all day.

What sound is most common here?

2. Tongue twister “Mama washed Mila with soap,

Mila didn’t like soap.”

3. Game “Who is attentive?”

What is the same sound in the words: smoke, bull, skis, cheese, fish, lynx?

4. Game “Who is more?”

Name it as possible more words with the sound "y" in the middle.

5. Game “Syllable Auction”.

Throwing the ball. The teacher names the beginning of the word, the child who catches the ball must name the end of the word and throw the ball back to the teacher. For example: ly(zhi), we(lo), sy(rock), tyk(va), small(shi).

6. Game "One-many"

Educate plural from the words: lion- (lions), scarf, umbrella. table, floor, cheese.


She lives in the water

There is no beak, but it pecks. (fish).

The baby herself is afraid of cats,

Lives under the floor, carries everything there. (mouse)

Came in a yellow fur coat

Goodbye, two shells! (chick).

I see dust and I grumble

I'll growl and swallow. (vacuum cleaner).

    Object pictures are displayed on a flannelgraph, children name them and measure the number of syllables in words by clapping.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 8 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: The sound "E".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “e” is a vowel sound. Develop the ability to determine the number of syllables in words. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils.

    Funny poems.

Echoes are heard here and there -

Echo walks through the mountains.

Echo, will you come down here?

Echo quietly: “Yes, yes, yes!

What sound is most common here?

2 .Game “Who is attentive?”

1. Find the same sound in the words: excavator, screen, popsicle, whatnot.

2. Clap your hands once when you hear the sound “e” in the words: tree, skirt, willow, woodpecker, unit, eureka, brush, this, elevator, excursion, electricity, children, era, echo.

3 .Game “Who is more?”

Think of as many words as you can with the sound “e”.

4. Game “Say the Word.”

To distant villages, cities

Who's walking the wire?

Serene Majesty,

This is….(electricity).

On a splinter, in a piece of paper,

In a chocolate shirt

It just asks to be picked up.

What is this?...(popsicle).

Hooted, hooted,

It screamed and cried,

And burst out laughing

And it was called... (echo).

I spent the sun

Behind your window

I hung it from the ceiling.

It became fun at home. (light bulb)

In a dark forest, behind any pine tree.

A wonderful forest wonder is hiding.

Shout “ay” and it will respond

Make yourself laugh and it will laugh. (echo).

A mole got into our yard,

Digging the ground at the gate.

A ton of earth will enter the mouth,

If the mole opens his mouth. (excavator).

    Children name the animals and measure the number of syllables in them.

2 hours. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 9 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: The sound "Yu".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sound in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “yu” is a vowel sound, to develop the ability to divide words into syllables, to develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils.

    Funny poems.

Yura just sat down on the chair,

He dangled his legs and fell asleep.

Yurka is very tired -

I was spinning like a top all day long.

What sound is most common here?

    Proverbs and sayings

If you like to ride, you also like to carry a sled.

Yula spins around Yulka, sings,

Doesn't let Yulia or Yura sleep.

    Game "Who is attentive?"

    Name the same sounds in the words: cabin boy, south, skirt, nimble.

    Clap your hands if you hear the sound “yu” in the words: Christmas tree, Edik, Yulia, humor, street.

    The game "Who is more?"

Think of words starting with the sound "yu".

    Game “Say the Word.”

Spinning on one leg

Carefree, cheerful.

In a colorful skirt there is a dancer, a musical....(spinster).

A boar went for a walk,

I stood there and fell into a puddle - a break in the road.

I’m happy with myself: - Oink – oink – oink,

It’s good that I’m without... (pants).

While I'm spinning, I'm not pushing,

I'm circling - buzzing, buzzing - circling. (spinning top).

    Division of one, two, three syllable words

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 10 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: The sound "I".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sound in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), giving the concept that the sound “I” is a vowel sound, continuing to teach children to divide words into syllables, developing fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils.

    Funny poems.

On a sailor's cap

He can be seen from afar

And it burns like a fire,

Golden anchor.

We picked berries and kept count:

A berry in a mug, two berries in your mouth.

The hawk doesn't peck berries

The black grouse hawk is waiting.

    Proverbs and sayings.

A loose tongue interferes with your hands.

There is honey on the tongue, ice under the tongue.

    Tongue Twisters.

Lizard on a box

Apples for the fair

It was in a box.

    Pure talk.

Yal-yal-yal- jelly is healthy, it contains starch.

Yar-yar-yar- the carpenter made the table and chair.

    Game "Syllable Lotto".

Make up words from the syllables: yab, bya, la, me (apple, guys, earth, banner).

    Game “Say the Word.”

Bull, mighty giant,

In childhood I was a calf,

Fat bumpkin ram -


Yesterday the weather was stormy

And today on the street... (clear).

It might break

It might get cooked.

If you want, into the bird

It may turn. (egg).

If it weren't for him,

I wouldn't say anything. (language).

Just like a fist,

Red barrel.

If you touch it with your finger, it’s smooth.

And if you take a bite, it’s sweet. (apple).

    Division of one, two, three, four syllable words.

Part 2. Work in peeing.

Lesson No. 11 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "B".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “b” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils.

    Funny poems .

Grandma had a ram

He beat the drum vigorously.

And the butterflies danced

Under my grandmother's window.

And then the ram appeared.

I looked and was surprised.

What sound is most common here? Name the words that have the sound “b”.

2. Tongue twister.

Boletus grows in the forest,

I take boletus from the forest.

3.Pure sayings.

Ba - bo - would - there are pillars in the yard.

Boo - ba - a pipe is sticking out of the window.

4. Proverb.

If there was a hunt, the work would go well

5. Game “Who is attentive?”

Find the same sound in the words: birch, butterfly, ram, beret, squirrel, Pinocchio.

6. Game “Who is more?”

Think of words that start with the sound "b".

7. Game “Syllable Auction”.

1) Think of words starting with the syllable ba….

2) Think of words starting with the syllable b...

8. Game "Transforming words - magic chains."

Replace the letter "b" in the word barrel. So that we get new words (daughter, kidney, dot, night, lobe, hummock).

9. Game “The letter got lost.”

It is unknown how it happened, But as soon as I entered there

Only the letter got lost: The letter is a mischief maker,

Dropped into someone's house Stranger Things

And he rules it! Things started to happen.

Guess what sound the lost letter represents.

The bug didn’t finish the booth (bun);

I'm tired of reluctance.

A hurricane hit the island

The last ram (banana) remained on the palm tree.

10. Game “Say the Word.”

It’s not a bird on a branch -

The animal is small,

The fur is warm, like a hot water bottle.

Who is this? (squirrel).

She welcomes spring and puts on earrings.

A green scarf is draped over the back,

And the striped dress. You recognize...(birch tree).


Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off.

He took off and flew away. (butterfly).

What lasts all day

By my mother's neck

Isn’t mom tired? (beads).

12. Invite the children to answer whether it is a vowel sound or not, how it differs from a vowel sound (it cannot be sung, it encounters an obstacle).

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 12 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "B".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “v” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to develop fine motor skills of the hands and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

The doctors saved the sparrow

They carried him into the helicopter.

The helicopter turned its propellers,

Disturbed the grass with flowers.

What a sound most common here? Name the words that have the sound “B”.

2. Tongue twister.

The crow missed the crow.


    The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

    Game "Who is attentive?"

Name the same sound in the words: cornflower, bicycle, door, crow, wolf, TV.

    Game "Recognize the sound"

Get up if you hear the sound “v” in a word: door, frame, lamp, bucket. Torch, fruit, board, thermometer, showcase, dumpling, headlight, catch.

    Game "Sound Lost"

We collected cornflowers

We have puppies (wreaths) on our heads.

    Game "Syllable Auction".

    Come up with the words: in... (va, rona, company, shy), ve... (nick, black, nok, ter, roar).

    Game "Find the extra word."

Lion, pilaf, scarf, vase, wolf.

    Game “Say the Word.”

What is my name, tell me

I often hide in the rye,

A humble wildflower,


We are all in a hurry to the platform

And we get into our ... (car)

I don’t fly to warm regions,

I live here under the roof.

Chick - tweet! Don't be timid!

I am an experienced... (sparrow).

This horse doesn't eat oats

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it,

Just drive better. (bike).

Prowls across the field,

Sings and whistles

Breaks trees

Bends to the ground. (wind).

Who is cold in winter

He walks around angry and hungry. (drag).

    Invite children to answer the question whether the sound “B” is a vowel or a consonant.

Part 2. Work in notebooks.

Lesson No. 13 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "G".


Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

Along a narrow path

Goose step

Goose army

Walks in single file.

Jackdaw sat on the fence

Rook started a conversation with her.

What sound is most common here? Name the words in which the sound “g” occurs.

2. Tongue twisters.

Pear doesn't like caterpillars

The caterpillar is destroying the pear.

    Game "Who is attentive"

Find the same sound in the words: goose, rook, book, toy, hammock, rake.

    Game "Who is more?"

Come up with words that start with the sound “g”.

    Game “Say the Word.”

Mikhail played football

And scored into the goal... a goal

I am in any bad weather

I respect water very much.

I keep away from dirt -

Clean gray...goose.

I say to my brother: - Oh,

Peas are falling from the sky!

What an eccentric,” my brother laughs, “

Your peas are... hail.

    Game "Say the sentence."

The car is in ... (garage).

Mom bought juicy, sweet...(pears).

They found a strong...(mushroom) under a birch tree.

Grisha likes to hammer...(nails).

    Game "Find the extra word"

1. Circle, plow, friend, wolf, tiger, rook.

2. Thunder, nest, peas, nail, treasure, hail.

7. Riddles.

I'll sit under your arm

And I’ll tell you what to do:

Or I'll let you go for a walk,

Or I’ll put you to bed. (thermometer).

Where they make crafts, he’s right there -

On a sharp leg, slender, dexterous.

Someone is being stroked on the head,

And only he gets hit on the hat. (nail).

    Invite children to come up with monosyllable words.

Part 2. Work in notebooks.

Lesson No. 14 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "D".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “v” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to teach children to name words with a given number of syllables , develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

Rain, rain, no rain!

Rain, wait for the rain!

Let me get home

To the gray-haired grandfather!

Put the woodpecker to sleep

In a wooden bed.

He's in bed to spite everyone

He made a hole for himself.

What sound is most common here? Tell me words with the sound “d”.

2. Tongue twisters.

A woodpecker treats an ancient oak tree,

The good woodpecker loves the oak tree.

3. Proverbs and sayings.

1) Friends are known in trouble.

2) Life is given for good deeds.

4. Game "Magic chain".

Change one letter in the word house:


5. Game “Sound Lost”.

1) Mom with barrels (daughters) walked along the road along the village.

2) A young tooth (oak) grew in a clearing in the spring.

3) We got into the spoon (boat) and - let's go! Along the river back and forth.

6.Game “Say the Word”

Look, look -

Threads came from the sky!

What a thin thread

Does he want to sew the earth and the sky?

If you don’t answer, let’s wait

You can guess it under...(rain).

Living in the world is very difficult

Without a girlfriend or... (friend).


Its spring and summer

We saw dressed

And in the fall from the poor thing

All the shirts were torn off. (tree).

Who passes, who leaves -

Everyone leads her by the hand. (door).

Who is the most useful during sick days?

And cures us of all diseases? (doctor).

    Game “Who can name one (two) complex words more.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 15 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "Zh".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “zh” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences from 2 words, to name first, second word. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

Scared of the bear cub

Hedgehog with a hedgehog and with a hedgehog,

Siskin with siskin and siskin,

Swift with a swift and a haircut.

Beetle - bug answered lesson.

Instead of the words “the stream is murmuring”

Wrote "bug buzzes."

What sound is most common here? Tell me the words in which the sound “w” occurs.

    Tongue Twisters.

The pie is good, there is curd inside.

It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.

    Pure talk.

Ju-ju-ju-let's give milk to the hedgehog.

Zha-zha-zha- the hedgehog has needles.

Zhi-zhi-zhi - hedgehogs live here.

Well, the rain has already passed.

Jo-jo-jo meadow, snowball, pie, cottage cheese.

    Proverbs and sayings.

Where friendship is valued, enemies also tremble.

    The game "Who is more?"

    Think of words starting with the sound “zh”.

    Name the animals, birds, insects whose names contain the sound “zh”.

    Come up with words that have the sound “zh”.

    The game “Who is more attentive?”

    Find the same sound in the words: snakes, swifts, hedgehogs, snowflake, beetle, skis.

    Raise your hand every time you hear the sound “w” in the words: cat, scissors, heron, skis, suitcase, brush, castle, hanger, hedgehog, fox, mice, beetle, wolf, pencil, roof, snakes, shield.

    Game “Say the Word.”

Mom knits a long scarf,

Because son... (giraffe).

It's raining, it's more fun.

You and I are friends.

We have fun running

Barefoot in...(puddles).

And Aibolit runs to the hippos,

And pats them on...(tummies).

    Game "Syllable Auction".

    Think of words with the syllable zha.

    What word will you get if you add the sound “zh” to the words:

Aba, -uk, -izn, - aloba, - ar, - silty, - rumble.

9. Game “The letter is lost”.

Find the missing letters in the words: lu-a, stu-a, sa-a, ro-b, lo-ka, no-ka.

10. Game "Four wheel"

Identify the extra word:

Crane, acorn, giraffe, hedgehog. (hedgehog).

Beetle, lark, snake, fat. (already).

11. Game “The sound has gone astray.”

Having dropped the doll from my hands,

Masha rushes to her mother:

There's a green onion (bug) crawling there

WITH long mustache.


I'm sitting on a branch

I'm sitting on a branch

And I repeat the sound F. (bug).

Into a golden ball

The oak tree hid. (acorn).

    Explain to the children what we call a proposal. Give the task to come up with a sentence of 2 words. Find out which word is first and which is second.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 16 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "Z".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “z” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences of 3 words, name the first, second, third word. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

1. Funny poems.

Busy snake charmer

With its ringing music

And to the music, friends.

The snake will dance too.

A bunny rides on a tram

A bunny rides and says:

"If I bought a ticket,

Who am I: a Hare or not?

What sound occurs most often here, tell me the words that have the sound “z”.

    Tongue Twisters.

On a winter morning, the birch trees ring from the frost at dawn.

Zoya's bunny's name is Zaznayka.

    Proverbs and sayings.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.

Health is more valuable than wealth.

    Game “Say the Word.”

I wake up early in the morning

Together with the rosy sun,

I make the bed myself

I quickly do...(exercise).

The roof is covered with fur,

White smoke overhead.

The yard is covered in snow, the houses are white.

At night...(winter) came to us.

On clear nights

A mother and her daughters are walking.

She doesn’t tell her daughters:

Go to bed, it's late! –

Because mother is the Moon,

And the daughters... (stars).

    Game "The letter is lost."

Fill in the missing letters in the words:

Ya-yk, - ont, - ve – yes, - ebra, - ub.

The scythe has no den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger - bark. (hare).

If you roll it up, it’s a wedge,

If you unfold it, damn it. (umbrella).

The rope lies

The cheat hisses.

It's dangerous to take it -

It will bite. Clear? (snake).

    Give the children the task of coming up with a proposal about winter from three words, select the first, second, third word.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 17 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "K".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “k” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences of 3 words, name the first, second, third word. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

The cat caught mice and rats.

The rabbit was gnawing on a cabbage leaf.

The cat has saved up a few pennies

I bought a goat for the cat,

And the goat - cabbages,

Rocks of crunch.

Cat - cat, go to the board,

Talk about a spikelet!

Spikelet, my friends,

He's got a mustache, just like me!

What sound occurs most often here, tell me the words that have the sound “k”.

    Tongue Twisters.

The cat Kroshka was eating porridge bit by bit on the window.

    Game "Who is attentive?"

    Find the same sound in the words: bun, branch, cage, squirrel, cat.

    What sound do the words begin with: key, cat, whale, skates, chair.

    Name the characters in fairy tales whose names begin with the sound “k”. Answer: Little Red Riding Hood, Carlson, Kolobok, Puss in Boots.

    Game "Sound Lost"

    The mouse drags into the hole

A huge mound of bread (crust).

    I didn’t study lessons, but played football.

That is why a goal (stake) appeared in the notebook.

    Game “Say the Word.”

Far from earth

Gone to sea...(ships).

He always loves everyone,

No matter who came to him,

Did you guess it? This is Gena

This is Gena... (crocodile).

Foal every day

He grew up and became... (a horse)

Who will color our album?

Well, of course... (pencil).

Substituting a barrel for the sun,

Lying in the garden... (zucchini).

    Game "Find the word".

The letters cry in every line:

Our words are just pieces,

We all have the same beginning

And, as luck would have it, it disappeared.

But if you find it.

Then you will read all the words at once.

...abl,...zhik,...zina,...obka,...front sight. (prefix kor)

Ah, don't touch me

I can burn you without fire. (nettle).

Miracle Judo Giant

A fountain is carried on the back. (whale).

They always call me blind

But this is not a problem at all.

I built a house underground

All the storerooms are full of it. (mole).

    Give the children the task of coming up with a sentence of three words with the word sled, highlight the first, second, third word.

Part 2 Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 18 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: The sound "l".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “l” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences of 3 words with the word “snow”, name the first, second, third word. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

The lion was catching a mosquito

I broke my forehead with my paw.

White sawdust is flying,

They fly from under the saw.

This is what the carpenter does

Windows and floors.

Boats are sailing on the sea,

People are rowing with oars.

What sound occurs most often here, what words have the sound “l”?

    Tongue Twisters.

Lenya climbed the ladder and picked Lenya's peaches.

    Game “Say the Word.”

Cunning cheat

red head,

The fluffy tail is a beauty.

Who is this?...(fox).

It's snowing quietly,

White snow, shaggy.

We will clear snow and ice

In the yard...(with a shovel).

On the bench at the gate

Lena sheds bitter tears...(sheeps).

    Game "Come up with a word."

Who can come up with more words with the sound “l”.

Two stripes in the snow

They leave it running.

I fly away from them like an arrow,

And they are after me again. (skis).

I brought the sun

Behind your window,

I hung it from the ceiling,

It became fun at home. (bulb).

I walk next to the janitor

I'm shoveling snow around.

And I help the guys

Make a mountain, build a house. (shovel).

    Come up with a sentence of three words with the word “snow”, name the first, second, third word.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 19 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "m".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “m” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences of 3 words with the word “winter”, name the first, second, third word. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

The bear found honey in the forest

Little honey, many bees.

Walruses are not afraid of frost,

Walruses frolic in the cold.

Teddy bear in the morning

He kept repeating it stubbornly:

There's no one in the world

Better than my mom.

    Pure talk.

Ma - ma - ma - I’m at home myself.

Mu - mu - mu - milk to whom

Mo - mo - mo - eating popsicle.

We - we - we - we read.

Mi - mi - mi - sing the note E.

    The game "Who is more"?

    List the products whose names contain the sound “m” (meat, butter, pasta, semolina, milk, flour, tangerines...).

    Game “Say the Word.”

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked a brown paw.

And waking up. He began to roar.

This animal is a forest animal... (bear).

In the underground, in the closet

She lives in a hole

Gray baby.

Who is this?...(mouse).

We are a puppy in soap and water

Two hours with a washcloth...(washed).

    Game “Say the sentence”.

The horse neighs, and the cow... (moos).

The dog barks, and the cat...(meows).

    Game "The letter is lost."

Oskva, - ak, - etro, - a-a, - ir.

7. Riddles.

What kind of master is this?

Applied to glass

And leaves and grass,

And thickets of roses? (freezing).

Friends of different heights

But they look alike

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy. (matryoshka).

They beat him with a hand and a stick,

Nobody feels sorry for him.

Why are they beating the poor guy?

And for the fact that he is inflated! (ball).

8. come up with a sentence of three words with the word “winter”, name the first word, the second, the third.

Part 2. Work in notebooks.

Lesson No. 20 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: The "n" sound.

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “n” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences of 3 words with the word “dad”, call the first, second, third word, continue to teach how to divide the word into syllables. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

On a horse the rider rushes:

He is a real horseman.

We don't care about such jokes!

Who cut forget-me-nots at night?

There are footprints on the garden bed.

It's probably a rhinoceros

What sound is most common here? Name the words in which this sound lives.

    Game "Guess what sound is this?" The teacher pronounces various sounds, articulating them clearly, and the children answer whether it is a vowel or a consonant.

    Game "Choose the word."

Put on - (dress, raincoat, fur coat, skirt)

Draw – (picture, drawing, boat).

    The teacher names any word, clearly highlighting the sound at the end of the word, and the next one must come up with a word for this sound, and so on.

    Game "Say the Word"

The watchmaker, squinting his eye,

Repairs a watch for... (us).

Dogs, don't touch the camel,

This will end badly for you:

He deftly fights enemies

With your big...(legs).

We stand on them and dance,

Well, what if we order them,

They are carrying us at a run.

Tell me what their names are. (legs).

This fat toy

You can't put it on the pillow.

You know, I took an example from a horse:

One hundred to sleep, not in a crib! (tumbler).

    The task is to divide the words: fur coat, boots into syllables; name the first, second, third syllable.

    Come up with a sentence of three words with the word “dad”, name the first, second, third word.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 21 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "P".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “p” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences of 3 words with the word “spring”, name the first, second, third word, continue to teach how to divide the word into syllables. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

I'm always ready to jump

But I don't understand

Why so high

Are they raising the bar?

Pelicans sang - sang -

These are giant birds.

We are a gift to mom

We won't buy -

Let's cook it ourselves.

With my own hands.

What sound is most common here? In what words does the sound “p” occur?


Repeat without hesitation:

There are dewdrops on the aspen tree

They sparkled like mother-of-pearl in the morning.


Confession is half the correction.

    Game "Who is more?"

I will find words everywhere: On the floor, on the ceiling,

And in the sky, and in the water, On the bow and on the river!

First, we go through all the words with the sound “p” that are on the floor (plinth, carpet, parquet), then on the ceiling (lamp, whitewash, spider).

    Game "Professions"

Name professions starting with “p”. (carpenter, pianist, baker, postman, hairdresser, salesman, dishwasher)

    Game "Connoisseurs of Fairy Tales".

What fairy tale titles begin with "p". (Cockerel is a golden comb, At the behest of a pike, Confusion, Puff) if the children find it difficult, help them by reading an excerpt from a fairy tale.

    Game “Say the Word.”

It circles and circles above the flower,

She sat down and took the juice from the flower,

Honey is prepared for us...(bee).

I took flour and took cottage cheese,

I baked a crumbly...(pie).

Waddled off the ice floes

Come to our matinee...(penguin).

Where I went, there was no dust,

Dust and litter are his lunch. (vacuum cleaner).

The first to get out of the ground

On a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost

Even if it's small. (snowdrop).

Planted a seed

We raised the sun. (sunflower).

    Come up with short and long words, count how many syllables are in your word.

    Come up with a sentence of three words with the word spring, name the first, second, third word.

    Game "Catch the word by the tail."

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 22 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "R".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word), to give the concept that the sound “r” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences of 3 words with the word “mother”, call the first, second, third word, continue to teach how to divide the word into syllables. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

You can’t shout at her: “Scram!”

A lynx can get angry.

Making everyone happy,

A rainbow appeared in the sky.

Said to the forty to the forty:

“I’m silent like a fish in class.”

What sound occurs most often here, in what words does it live?

    Tongue Twisters.

Prepared by Larisa

For Boris, rice soup.

Polycarp's catch

Three crucian carp, three carp.

    Pure talk.

Rara-ra-ra - the game begins.

We re-re-re-carry water in a bucket.

Ar-ar-ar- our samovar is boiling.

Ry-ry-ry- didn’t notice the heat.

    Game "Who is attentive?"

If we hear the sound “p” we clap our hands, if not we sit quietly.

    The game "Who is more?"

We name words with the sound “p” at the beginning of the word, then in the middle of the word.

    The game “What sound am I calling?” to distinguish between vowels and consonants.

    Game "Say the Word"

There's a big fight in the river:

Two ... (crayfish) quarreled.

Sits firmly in the garden


It flows, it flows, it won’t flow,

He runs, he runs, he won’t run out. (river).

Painted rocker

It hung over the river. (rainbow).

    Invite children to answer the question: “How many syllables are in the word mom.”

Which syllable is first and which is second.

    Make up a sentence of three words with the word “mother”.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 23 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "S".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word, at the end), to give the concept that the sound “s” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences from 3 words with the word “stream”, name the first, second, third word, continue to teach how to divide the word into syllables. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

The mouse sat in the corner,

I ate a piece of bagel.

The old elephant sleeps peacefully

He can sleep standing up.

The baby elephant surprised the guys

The little elephant got on a scooter,

I rode around a bit -

And the scooter broke down.

2. The game “I’ll name it, and you answer” to reinforce vowels and consonants.

3. Tongue twisters.

Sasha loves drying

Sonya - cheesecakes.

    Proverbs and sayings.

A secret to the whole world.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

    Pure talk.

Sa-sa-sa - a fox is running in the forest.

So-so-so - Svetlana has a wheel.

Su-su-su - it was cold in the forest.

Os-os-os - there are a lot of wasps in the clearing.

Us-us-us - a goose is grazing in the meadow.

Xia-xia-xia - we caught a crucian carp.

    Game "Who is attentive?"

    Find the same sound in the words: elephant, bowl, fox, bus, Carlson.

    What sound do the words begin with: chair, sled, dog, magpie, cheese, currant.

    Game "Find out the sound."

1) Raise your hand if you hear the sound “s” in the words. (baby elephant, Zoya, sleigh, sailor, gold...)

2) Clap your hands if you hear the sound “ch”, stand up if you hear the sound “ts”, raise your hand if you hear the sound “s”. (chicken, swift, heron, puppy, siskin, son).

8. Game “Who is more?”

1) Think of words that have the sound “s”

2) Name the days of the week, months, seasons that have the sound “s”.

3) Come up with words in which the sound “s” is at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the word. (hour, cross, forest).

8. Game “Sound Lost”.

Replace the letters in the words so that the poems make sense.

They say one fisherman

I caught a shoe in the river.

But then he

A house (catfish) was hooked.

On the yellowed grass

The lion (forest) throws its leaves.

The lazy man is lying on a cot,

Gnawing, crunching, guns (drying).

    Come up with a sentence of three words with the word trickle, name the first, second, third word.

    How many syllables are in the word “spring”, which syllable is the first and second.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 24 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject:"T" sound.

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word, at the end), to give the concept that the sound “t” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences from 3 words about spring, name the first, second, third word, continue to teach how to divide the word into syllables. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

Petya is afraid of the dark:

He's a bit of a coward, apparently, kids!

Three magpies chatter

They chattered on the slide.

Is the “t” sound a vowel or a consonant?

2. Tongue twisters.

1) Under the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

2) The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya’s scarves.

3. Proverbs and sayings.

1) Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

2) Don't be hasty, but be patient.

4. Pure statements.

That's it - we played lotto.

Ti-ti-ti- ate almost all the porridge.

Tu-tu-tu- I’ll pour some milk for the cat.

Thyo - thyo - thyo - we put off sewing.

    Game "Who is attentive?"

Find the same sound in the words: tiger, dress, cat, plate, thread.

    Game "The letter is lost."

Insert the missing letters: ka-ok, s-uk, ais-, ko-, kus-y, nik-ki, kana-, kis-i.

    Game "Catch the word by the tail."

The grasshopper chirps

He wants to talk. (telephone)

Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere

The lower the wool, the closer the rain. (cloud).

I'm stronger than ten horses

Where in the fields I’ll walk in the spring, -

In the summer the bread will stand like a wall. (tractor).

    Come up with a sentence of three words about spring, name the first, second, third word.

    How many syllables are in the word “weather”, name the first, second, third syllable.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 25 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject:"F" sound.

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word, at the end), to give the concept that the sound “f” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences from 3 words about the weather, name the first, second, third word, continue to teach how to divide the word into syllables. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

I'm a football referee.

All day with the boys.

Two soccer balls

Under my arms.

The fleet is sailing to native land,

A flag on every ship.

Fedya walks with his hands on his hips.

So, I learned my lessons.

What sound is heard most often here? What words does he live in? Is it a vowel or a consonant?


Our Filat is never to blame.

    Game "Who is attentive?"

Find the same sound in the words: apron, camera, flashlight, flag.

    The game "Who is more?"

Come up with as many words as possible starting with the syllable fa- (apron, factory, torch, fantasy...); from the syllable fi- (physicist, eagle owl, firm...).

    Game "Syllable Attraction"

Continue the words: fla...(kon, zhok), for...(ma, dot), fi...(lin, kus), bu...(fet), con...(feta).

    Game “Say the Word.”

They stand on the street all day

Passers-by admire.

Their service begins

When it's already getting dark,

And they won’t go out until dawn

Night eyes -... (lanterns).

Holiday, holiday at the gates!

Who will go to meet him?

Me and my faithful friend

Small red...(flag).

    Game "The letter is lost."

Insert the missing letters:

Abrika, ko-ta, sho-er.

8. Riddles.

This eye is a special eye.

He will quickly look at you,

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you. (camera).

Sleeps during the day, flies at night,

It scares passersby. (owl)

    Come up with a sentence of 3 words about the weather, name the first, second, third word.

    Divide the word “grass” into syllables, name the first and second syllables.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 26 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: The sound "X".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word, at the end), to give the concept that the sound “x” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences from 3 words, name the first, second, third word, continue to teach how to divide the word into syllables. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

A ferret walks across the field -

Cunning little animal.

Rye bread, loaves, rolls

You won't get it while walking.

People cherish bread in the fields,

They spare no effort for bread.

There was a commotion in the garden -

Thistles bloomed there.

So that your garden does not die out,

Weed the thistles.

What sound occurs most often here and in what words does it live?

    Tongue Twisters.

A bitter fly landed on my ear.

Prokhor and Pakhom were riding on horseback.


Done hastily - done for fun.

    Game "The letter is lost."

Alva, -leb, -itrets, ore-, petu-, sme-, shoro-.

5. Game “A word with you.”

Think of words starting with syllables:

Khor...(gadfly, osho), hol...(-one, -lm), hom..(-ut, -yak), hal...(-va, -at).

6.Game “Say the Word.”

Clap - and candy

Shoots like a cannon!

It is clear to everyone:

This is...(cracker).

7. Game “Where is the sound?”

1) Determine the place of the sound “x” in the words: gasp, bread, collective farmer, plow, enter, smell.

2) Clap your hands once if you hear the sound “x”: owl, hamster, fur coat, choir, heap, juice, tail….

8. Riddles.

The animal lives in a deep hole.

He is fat and fat-cheeked. (hamster).

In our kitchen all year long

Santa Claus lives in the closet. (fridge).

Guess easily and quickly:

Soft, lush and fragrant,

He's black, he's white,

And sometimes it’s burnt. (bread).

9. Invite the children to come up with any sentence of three words, name the first, second, third word.

10. divide the words: grass, warmth, spring into syllables, name the first, second, third syllable.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 27 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "C".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word, at the end), to give the concept that the sound “ts” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences from 3 words, name the first, second, third word, continue to teach how to divide the word into syllables. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

A heron wanders through the meadow:

Hush, frogs! No goo-goo.

A flower is blooming at the poultry house -

Blooms on a pair of slender legs.

Fluffy flower and call...

Flower, who are you? - Chick!

The circus performer can prance,

Train animals and birds,

And spin on the trapeze,

And dance on a tightrope!

What sound is heard most often here? What words does he live in?

2. Tongue twisters.

Flowers are blooming in the flower garden.

A starling flies: winter is over.

3.Pure sayings.

Tsa-tsa-tsa- listen to the boredom to the end.

Tsu-tsu-tsu - things are moving towards the end.

Tset-tse-tse - what will we find out in the end.

4. Proverb.

Well done - against the sheep,

And against the fellow - the sheep itself.

    Game "Magic Chain".

Choose words that contain the letter “ts” so that the final letter of the previous word is initial letter subsequent.

For example: flower-handsome-color-dancer…..

    Game “remember fairy tales”.

Name as many words from fairy tales with the letter “c” as possible.

Answer: kingdom, scarlet flower, king, prince, princess Nesmeyana, frog princess, swan princess, golden chain, mirror, Fire-bird, stepdaughter.

    Game "Syllable Auction".

Choose words ending in -tsa (chicken, marten, food item. Bulb, tit, sheep); na –tso (ring, egg, porch); na-tsy (scissors, ends, chicks, cucumbers).

    Game “Locate the location of the sound “ts”.

Flower, cucumber, face, heron, starling, chicken….

    Game “Say the Word.”

Long thin beak

He'll grab the frog.

A drop drips from the beak.

Who is this?... (heron)

Picking flowers is easy and simple

Small children

But to the one who is so tall,

It’s not easy to pick...(flower).

Living in a difficult book

Cunning brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

They will count everything in the world. (numbers).

The yellow little one is looking for some bread crumbs.

If you meet a worm -

He'll peck his sides! (chick).

    Come up with a sentence of three words, name the first, second, third word.

    Separate the words: summer, butterfly; into syllables, name the first, second, third syllable.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 28 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "Ch".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word, at the end), to give the concept that the sound “ch” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences from 3 words, name the first, second, third word, continue to teach how to divide the word into syllables. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

Turtle, not bored,

He sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

The turtle makes everyone laugh

Because he's in no hurry.

Why rush?

Who is always at home?

Siskin says to the tap dancer:

When are you flying south?

It's our turn for the siskins. Here!

Black night black cat

Jumped into a black chimney.

There's blackness in the chimney,

Find the cat there!


At the top of the tower

Rooks scream day and night.

    Pure talk.

Cha-cha-cha - a candle is burning in the room.

Chu-chu-chu- I knock with a hammer.

Very-very-very-night came.

    The game "Who is more?"

Think of words where the sound “ch” is at the end of the word. (rook, doctor, ball, ray, stove, night).

    Game "Sound Lost"

There are no roads in the swamp.

I'm on the cats (bumps) - hop and hop.

Having eaten your fill of fish,

The nut (seagull) was resting at sea.

    Game "Syllable Auction".

Continue the words: chi...(-zhik), cha...(-sha), che...(-lovek), black...(ny), pach...(-ka), speech...(-ka), candle...(ka).

    Game “Say the Word.”

He lives calmly, in no hurry,

Carry a shield just in case.

Under him, without knowing fear,

Walking... (turtle).

Sea, rock it! -

She asked... (seagull).

A string is crawling along the ground.

He has no arms or legs. (worm).

I'm grumbling and grumbling on the fire,

Then I sneeze...

And I let off some steam. (kettle).

    Come up with a sentence of four words about summer, name the first, second, third, fourth word.

    Separate the words: heat, bucket; into syllables, name the first and second syllable.

Part 2 Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 29 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "Sh".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word, at the end), to give the concept that the sound “sh” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences from 3 words, name the first, second, third word, continue to teach how to divide the word into syllables. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

Naughty people, speed up!

Quickly bring the musketeer a sword!

The cat doesn't sew pants out of the window.

And the mouse in the boot sweeps the hut.

Shura raked the hay,

I forgot my pitchfork in the hay.

What sound occurs most often here and in what words does it live?

    Tongue Twisters.

In the silence of the night by the reeds

The rustling sounds of the snake are barely audible.

Sasha knocked the bumps off with his hat.

    Proverbs and sayings.

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

    Pure talk.

Sha-sha-sha- the mother washes the baby.

Shu-shu-shu - I'm writing a letter.

Shoo-shoo-shoo—the mouse jokes with the cat.

Eat, eat, eat, you'll give yourself a bump.

    Game "Who is attentive?"

Name the same sound in the words: fur coat, pencil, car, wardrobe, scarf, ball.

    The game "Who is more?"

Choose words in which the sound “sh” is located at the beginning (hat, cone...), in the middle (bear, cup...), at the end of the word (reed, pencil...).

    Game “Say the Word.”

If we grow on spruce,

We are here, we are in business.

And on the foreheads of the children

Nobody needs...(bumps).

Today everything is rejoicing!

In the hands of a child

They dance for joy


I sewed a shirt for Mishka,

I'll sew him... (pants).

    Game "Catch the Word by the Tail"

1. Shar-rak-cat…..

2. Replace the first sound in the words: live, day. (sewing, jokes).

9. Game “Continue the words”

Mi...(sha), shu...(ba), Ma...(sha), shi...(na), joke...(ka), we...(shi), sush...(ki)...

10. Riddles.

I'm sitting astride, I don't know who,

I'll meet an acquaintance,

I’ll jump off and pick you up. (a cap).

Garden worker, honey order (bumblebee).

    Come up with a three-word sentence with the word “summer”.

    How many syllables are in the word “heat”, which syllable is the first, which is the second.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 30 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Sound "Sh".

Target: Teaching children the intonation of sounds in a word, the ability to select words with a given sound (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word, at the end), to give the concept that the sound “u” is a consonant sound, to develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, to learn to compose sentences from 3 words, name the first, second, third word, continue to teach how to divide the word into syllables. Develop fine motor skills and attention when working in notebooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    Funny poems.

The pike found a treasure at the bottom,

I wish I could get a pike in my hands.

On the lawn, like a bell,

The puppy is flooded.

A pike lived in the river.

Chalk water with a brush.

I cooked cabbage soup for the guests,

She treated the minnows.

What sound occurs most often here and in what words does it live?

    Tongue Twisters.

Wolves prowl, looking for food.

Two puppies, cheek to cheek

They pinch the brush in the corner.

    Pure talk.

Right now we're bringing bream home.

As-as-as we put on a raincoat.

I'll pike-pike-pike in the thicket and look for pike.

Shchi-schi-schi, you little mouse is not food.

    Game "Who is attentive"

    Find the same sound in the words: ticks, brush, box, lizard, pike.

    What sound do the words begin with: cabbage soup, sorrel, goldfinch, cheek, puppy.

    Clap your hands if you hear the sound “u” in the words: silk, whisper, tickle, nutcracker, honest, heron, chocolate, pinch, squeak, seal, thick, heap, crackle, meet, rock, treat.

    Game "Syllable Auction".

Continue the words with the syllables chu-shu.

To-(chu), pi-(chu), cry-(chu), go-(chu), meet-(chu), nave-(chu), ta-(chu), izve-(chu), kru- (chu), protect (shu).

Continue the words with the syllables cha-sha.

Ro-(cha), candle-(cha), pi-(cha), meeting-(cha), ku-(cha), back-(cha), cha-(cha), yes-(cha).

    Game “Say the Word.”

Capricious sandals

One day they told me:

We are afraid of tickling

Strict shoemaker...(brushes).

My sock is missing

He was dragged away... (puppy).

    Game "The letter is lost."

Find the lost letter: -uka, ovo-i, comrade-i, le-, -epka.

The tail wags,

Too toothy, but not barking. (pike).

Looks like a hedgehog

But he doesn't ask for food.

Runs over clothes

And the clothes will become cleaner. (brush).

    How many syllables are in the word “bristle”, what is the first syllable. second third.

    Make up a three-word sentence with the word “Puppy.”

Part 2. Work in copybooks.

Lesson No. 31 on literacy in the senior group.

Subject: Summarizing.

Target: give knowledge that we have become familiar with all the sounds of the alphabet, consolidate the ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants, continue to teach children to pronounce all sounds correctly, find the place of a sound in a word, come up with words with a given sound, understand the difference between a word and a sentence, divide a word on syllables, come up with sentences with a given number of words and work accurately and quickly in copybooks.

Material: copybooks, pencils

    ABC song.

Thirty-two sisters, Z, I, K, L, M, N, O

Written beauties climbed out the window together!

They live on the same page, P, R, S, T, U, F, X

And they are famous everywhere! We saddled the rooster, -

They are rushing to you now, Ts, Ch, Sh, Shch, E, Yu, Ya-

Nice sisters, - That’s all of them, friends.

We really ask all the guys to get to know them, kids!

Make friends with them! Here they are - standing side by side,

A, B, C, D, E, F, F It’s very bad to live in the world

They rolled up on a hedgehog. For those who are not familiar with them!

    Game "Guess what sound." The teacher pronounces sounds in discordance, and the children answer whether it is a vowel or a consonant.

    Funny poems. Children must guess which sound is most often found in the poem and in which words it lives.

The aster is blooming in the garden, it's time for the stork to go hiking! (A).

The bull moos and eats all day. The squirrel holds its tail like a pole. (b).

A raven can live a hundred years. A wolf is a bad neighbor to a sheep. (V).

The goose walks like a soldier. The pear is ripening - Grisha is happy. (G)

The woodpecker hits the oak all the time... The oak tree creaks: “What’s that knocking?” (d)

The toad waits, its belly swollen, and the beetle flies straight into its mouth. (and)

The bee works all day, but the cockerel is too lazy to peck (p)

The elephant got terribly sick and ate a plum and a pit. (With)

The worm climbed onto the flower, the siskin flew off and pecked in the side! (h)

    Tongue Twisters.

The wet weather turned soggy.

Have fun, Savely, stir the hay.

Half a cellar of turnips, half a container of peas.

You can't speak all the tongue twisters.

    Game "Body"

Put whatever is “ok” in the box (comb, spikelet, leaf, fungus, belt, boot….).

    Game “The sound begins (ends) with your name.”

    Game "Catch the word by the tail."

    Game “Come up with a word with a given sound so that it is at the beginning (in the middle, at the end) of the word.”

    Think of any word with three syllables. Name the first, second, third syllable.

    Come up with any three-word sentence. Say the first, second, third word.

Part 2. Work in copybooks.