Biographies Characteristics Analysis

About the Expression "blah blah blah" (). Updated BlaBlaCar: new style and logo, ability to pick up fellow travelers

It's a pity that you don't recognize "bala-bala".
It is also close to imported bla-bla/blah-blah-blah,
and to the domestic “balabolit/balabolka”,
and is at a safe distance from the interjection “blya”.

1) Existing etymology

A) Wiktionary

* Goofing around. Root: -balabol-. Meaning - colloquial. talk, chat.

Etymology according to Max Vasmer

Goof around. The closest etymology: “to chat” (instead of Boloboglit), Balabonit, hence Balabola “chatterbox”, Balabon - the same. Related to Bulgaria. Blaboglya “mumbling”, Czech. blaboliti. A different level of vowel alternation is presented in Bulgarian. I'm chatting, Czech. blby "feeble-minded", slvts. blbotat, blblat, blbocat. By dissimilation or contamination with Baґyat came Baybolag "chatterbox", Baybolit, ryaz. Wed. Bayboґrya, Bayborit, in the same place. Further etymology: Onomatopoeia. Wed. other ind. balbalkaryti "stutters", lat. balbus "stutterer", balbutio "stutter"; see Bernecker 1, 69; Wed V. Schulze, KZ 50, 129, where there is a reference to slvts. blbla, blbla - imitation of the voice of a mute. Similar to Greek. BЈrbaroj, originally "speaking indistinctly", German. babbeln "to babble", etc.

Balabolka. The closest etymology: “bell, bell, pendant”, as well as a plant that is usually called Bubenchik. Related to the previous one.

** Balabol (root). Meaning - simple. talker, a person who talks a lot in vain. Etymology - no

*** Balabolka. Meaning - colloquial. one who talks a lot, chatters. Etymology - no.

**** “Blah blah blah (modern youth slang). Meaning - something understandable, trivial, obvious; something empty, meaningless, nonsense, empty talk. Etymology - no."

On forums they claim that the term “blah blah blah” is borrowed from in English.

B) V. Dahl's dictionary

Balabolka Tatar something dangling, a pendant, a pendant, a small thing hung for embellishment; drooping flower, esp. bell; capitate brush, hard. porcelain; one of the watch trinkets; pendant for earrings; large hanging berry; hanging growth on the body, clubroot, hernia, etc. || Water flower Nymphea, and in places Trollius, bells. || Balabolka vol. * connecting rod, slut; hang; || balabolka, balabon tver. a balabol, a chatterbox, a chatterbox, someone whose tongue goes around like a balabolka, talks balabolka, nonsense.

B) Dictionary of the Russian Academy 1798, 1847

Balabolka. Tatar. Means a rattle, hung by Tatars, for decoration on a dress.

D) National Corpus of the Russian Language. Balabolka

A.P. Chekhov. Witch (1885-1886). “You can’t hide, you demonic babble, idolatrous lust!”
V. M. Garshin. From the memoirs of Private Ivanov (1882). “You have a tongue; woman's balabolka. I would sit and be silent.”

D) Wiktionary, Hebrew (Google translation)

Bilbul -bilbul. Meaning: confusion (lack of clarity or order).
In modern Hebrew, the word is used to mean: disorder, confusion, bewilderment, confusion, etc.

Bilbel - bilbel. To confuse (someone): to cause (a person) to be confused. Mwalbel – confusing: difficult to understand.

2) Generalization and conclusion

So, we found out that the terms “balabol, balabolka, balabolit” in the meaning of “chatterbox, chatter, carry on empty talk” appeared in Russian in late XIX century.

A) Wikipedia, Babylon

“In the Tanakh (Old Light) the name of Babylon is written as Babel; in the Tiberian vowel - Bavel and in Old Testament interpreted as “confusion” (referring to the confusion of languages ​​according to the myth of the Babylonian Pandemonium); This interpretation is associated with the similar-sounding Hebrew verb bilbel “to mix.” For a number of reasons, including its late and frankly legendary nature, this interpretation cannot be used for scientific explanation name of the city and is not taken seriously by Assyriologists.”

The opinion of respected Assyriologists in relation to the toponym Babylon is absolutely correct - from the Babylonian dialect Akkadian language literally (bab-ili(m)) - “the gate of God” (as experts say). However, thanks to Old Testament history, it became known (a signal fixed in the consciousness) to the broad masses based on a plot related to the Tower of Babel. The biblical interpretation of the name Babylon - a “place of confusion” of languages, was entrenched in the minds of Jews and Jewish Christians; knowledge about Babylon was drawn from holy books Judaism, everything else until the 19th century was covered with sand.

B) Works of ancient writers and the Bible

Passages on papyrus scrolls of the work of Herodotus (484-425 BC) “History” (Muses) date back to the 2nd-3rd centuries. AD, 46 lists were found on Greek which date back to the X-XV centuries, the first translation into Latin in the end. XV century.

At the same time, about 25,000 ancient translations of the Bible are known, it is obvious that the Bible was the main source transmitting ancient information; It is unlikely that the works of ancient historians and writers would have been accessible to the general public, but liturgical literature reached almost every settlement and person (the church is the organizer of the general education system).

3) Hebrew terminology and biblical images

A) Terminology of the term “balabol”

* Hebrew Bilbel confusion, fool, bring into disorder, troublemaker (troublemaker). The Hebrew verb “bilbel” is derived from the strongan (list of root words in the Bible) BALAL verb mix, mix, confuse, mix.

* Aramaic BALBEL to confuse someone, to mix things up.

* Hebrew MEVALBEL is confusing, difficult to understand.

* Hebrew BILBUL confusion, lack of clarity or order, slander, fiction, turmoil, disorder (confusion in the head), confusion.

B) Biblical image

“Genesis 11:7: “Let us go down and confuse (BALAL) their language there, so that one does not understand the speech of the other.”

Acts 15:24 (Hebrew): “Because we have heard that some who went out from us have troubled (B.L.L.) you with their speeches and shaken your souls, saying that you must be circumcised and keep the law, which we They didn’t order.”

Thus, it is obvious that the term “balabol” and its derivative forms, up to modern slang"blah blah blah" are a borrowing of the Hebrew term BALAL (mixing, to confuse) and a biblical image. “Let us confuse (BALAL) their language there, so that one does not understand the other,” this statement took shape in the Hebrew language short form– BILBEL, BALBEL, with the spread of Christianity, the plot and term became the property of young European peoples.

BAL+B+EL = MIXED by God; Genesis 11:9: “Therefore the name was given to it Babylon, for there the Lord CONFUSED the language of all the earth, and from there the Lord scattered them throughout all the earth.”

The travel companion search service BlaBlaCar announced a rebranding, which included updating not only the logo and corporate identity, but also the functionality of the service. The published press release states that today the international community of BlaBlaCar travel companions exceeds 60 million people, of which 3 million are in Ukraine. By installing a new ambitious goal– provide all settlements, including small ones, with transport accessibility that was previously only available to big cities, the company is introducing new changes.

More specifically, the developers introduced into the service new algorithm search for travel companions, which, as the company notes, will greatly simplify the search for travel companions in small populated areas and suburbs that are located away from major transport hubs and highways. If previously BlaBlaCar picked up fellow travelers who are at the same departure point, now the system allows you to find a driver who can pick up a passenger along his route.

BlaBlaCar explains that the passenger only needs to indicate the exact departure and arrival address, and the search algorithm will select drivers who are willing to make a slight deviation from their route in order to give a ride to a fellow traveler. The system will select an intermediate meeting place that is most suitable for both parties.

Offers to deviate from the route to pick up travel companions will be shown to drivers before the start of the trip. In this case, the average deviation from the driver’s route will be no more than five minutes.

As part of the rebranding, the service also introduced a new corporate identity, developed jointly with the British studio Koto.

Old and new BlaBlaCar logo

The logo replaced the original ones bright colors to warmer and calmer ones, and the two letters “B” from the name BlaBlaCar are now located together. The company emphasizes that the new corporate identity “reflects the connections that arise and strengthen through joint trips.”

Updated app design

  • BlaBlaCar is the world's largest community of car travel companions.
  • According to the company, the BlaBlaCar community unites 60 million reliable passengers and drivers in 22 countries, including more than 3 million people in Ukraine.
  • When registering on the service, all users undergo profile verification and indicate their individual preferences for the trip, including the ability to indicate the degree of “chattyness” by selecting the “blah”, “blabla” or “blablabla” icon (hence the name of the service).

Vitaly was an excellent programmer, but passing an interview with English at the “write, read, translate with a dictionary” level in America turned out to be difficult. There it was necessary not so much to write as to talk.

What idiots, he thought with frustration after yet another failed interview, how can you not understand that the job of a programmer is not to talk, but to WRITE!
And with the tenacity of an obsessed person he went to the next interview...

This interview was no different from the previous ones. Vitaly put his resume on the interlocutor’s table and frowned.
“Now the interrogation will begin,” he thought sadly, “and again...
- You are Russian? – his interlocutor suddenly asked him in Russian with a slight accent.

Yeah,” Vitaly looked up from his sad thoughts and looked at his interlocutor in surprise, “you too?”
“No,” he smiled, “I once worked in Russia for a short time.” You have an excellent education. I think you're right for us. WITH English problems No?
“You see...” Vitaly hesitated.
“I understand,” Vitalkin’s interlocutor smiled again, “however, you won’t have to talk much, and with a computer, I hope you will mutual language you will find... I will be your boss.

Thunderbolt struck two weeks later. It turned out that writing in English for Vitalka is no less difficult than speaking.
“Okay,” Vitalkin’s boss sighed, “you’re really a first-class programmer, and English is a learning skill.” We will do this: where there is a text part in the code, put BLAH-BLAH-BLAH. Then I will insert the necessary text there myself.

And Vitalka successfully blah blah blah. Days two, or even three. In short, until the boss stopped his work.
“Vitaly,” said the boss, writhing with laughter, “I want to tell you that BLAH-BLAH-BLAH is spelled “bla-bla-bla”, and not BLAH-BLAH-BLAH..

Stupid? Stupid!

I'm a girl. And I believe that most women are fools. Yes, that's it. Am I stupid? I don't know, maybe I'm stupid. It is difficult to evaluate yourself objectively.

Why such conclusions, you ask? Well, I'll explain.

Let's take a layer of the population, or rather, girls I know aged 22 to 35 from St. Petersburg, Omsk, Voronezh, Pskov and one village. These are completely different girls. Housewives, mothers of many children, businesswomen, students, saleswomen at the market. And each one is stupid in her own way.

I regularly receive complaints from them. Let's look at one from each.

K. 22 years old. A person has had a computer since he was 15 years old, now he also has a laptop and a tablet. At the same time, K. does not know how to use Word, take screenshots, or install a browser. At first I helped, but now I’ve had enough - Google to help. So what do you think? Now for the second month she has been whining that the old browser freezes and is glitchy, but still does not do or try anything. Stupid? Stupid.

A. 28 years old. A. has cheated and is cheating on all her boyfriends. Why? She takes such revenge. Didn't give flowers on February 14th - nnna you! If you don't take out the trash, you're welcome! And constantly, once every couple of months, she calls and cries for a long time that another “asshole” has abandoned her. Stupid? Stupid.

O. 31 years old. O. already has four children at her age. O. does not work and lives with her husband on rented apartment. My husband earns as much as 40,000 rubles from three jobs. O. regularly asks friends for clothes for children and complains that the state does not help. Which bad state: forced poor girl start giving birth after school... Fool? Stupid.

M. 35 years old. M. “works” in various “cosmetic companies” such as Amway, Avon and Faberlica. In all of them at once. Everywhere he buys goods “to sell later.” I took out loans. Lives in a village with a population of 4,000 people and an average income of 4,000 rubles. Stupid? Stupid.

A. 25 years old. Let's say it weighs well over a hundredweight. A. has acne and mustaches. She believes that she deserves an exceptionally rich and handsome husband. Therefore, he refuses... Although no, he doesn’t refuse: there is no one. But, nevertheless, he is waiting for the prince. The argument, naturally: “Let him love me as I am.” To my “Why don’t you love the janitor for who he is?” snorts contemptuously. Stupid? Stupid.

And if you think that I deliberately selected the very color, then, alas, no. I just took some of my friends. I can tell you about each one where nature lacked brains. Except for one 80-year-old grandmother. This is the wisest lady.

There are probably a lot of fools among men too. But somehow I come across, if not geniuses, then certainly not idiots. And with women - alas and ah...

It’s not that I love this phrase, I just got used to it and can’t live without it! Why talk like everyone else, “etc., etc.,” when you can say blah blah blah and it won’t look stupid!

04/06/03, sick_fixxxer
This is one of the coolest American phrases and it replaces our non-show-off ones. This phrase can be used when you want to say "and so on" or when you or someone else is talking complete nonsense, for example, about life after death or about something supernatural. What I like best is how Courtney Cox Arquete pronounces it in the TV series Friends. It is great!!

04/06/03, Semantic hallucination
I love has many meanings. You can tell her “and so on”, “your thoughts are a little illogical”, “what kind of garbage are you talking about”, “I don’t listen to that”, “shut up as soon as possible”. And all this wealth (I listed just a little) is contained in a simple “blah-blah-blah”! And everything is clear to everyone...

25/06/03, PunkGirl
Even though it has already become pop... What infuriates me most is this phrase in the video for Other Rules - Opera. Well, why is there slang in cheap pop? Did you want to promote it to the masses?... In general, I still like this phrase... I heard it a long time ago, when few people in Russia not only knew, but even heard... (I just have a good friend who moved to America on an exchange and stayed there, he once told me “bla-bla-bla” and I was very interested in it)

25/06/03, PunkGirl
Yes, even though it’s Russia there’s a hell of a lot of borrowed words, but they usually find fault with youth slang. It’s understandable;)_ P.S. For those who like to correct everything to hell, blah-blah-blah and bla-bla-bla are the same thing. Perhaps Americans know this better.

17/07/03, Hunter
It’s a good expression, I always say it when someone starts to flood something!!!

17/07/03, Strus
Nelson79, the similarity with our native “blya” is actually purely sound, but in general this expression, as far as I know, really came to us from American slang. But there is nothing to be afraid of - after all, languages ​​are interconnected, and so... In general, a lot has come into our lives from the West over the past 20 years, it is not surprising that similar expressions have become fashionable and have taken root. Yes and figs! If the masses like it, let them say what they want, they know better than any Russian scholars! Language is a language, because it is the communication of people. By the way, the phrase is by no means sickly, especially depending on the context in which it sounds. Well, wasn’t it a masterpiece used by “Other Rules” in their SUPER SONG “Opera”: “NO BLA-BLA-BA, and my role is a needle; new-me, new-me OPERA.” Great, and this phrase couldn’t come at a better time!

28/07/04, impotence
normal expression. I rarely or almost never use it, my acquaintances don’t even know it (real ones, at least, but in ICQ they know and use it (Grisha, hello)).

14/09/04, NorthernCrow
This is a phrase for all occasions! it can replace “and the like”, “and so on” and express distrust (instead of “take your doshirak off my ears”) and blah blah blah...=)))

25/09/04, NorthernCrow
and I also like to say that, because it most often irritates people who are unpleasant to me... my friends like it, or they don’t even notice... =)

25/09/04, NorthernCrow
Dimmler, Dimochka... what do the Americans have to do with it? I also categorically cannot stand them... and their culture (or rather, the lack of it) too... BUT, I don’t say this phrase all the time... but only in a warm atmosphere... and when my story is too stormy.. .violent emotions! I know that I need to restrain myself, improve myself... you are certainly right about this, but sometimes I want to be crazy and cheerful... =)

11/11/04, Curly AnngeL
great expression! I use it often! so what if it’s American?! I have a very positive attitude towards American culture. In general, “blah blah blah” is a very meaningful and funny expression.

06/12/05, Goddog
A very capacious and universal expression. Politically correct. Not defaming the opponent's personality. It doesn't upset you at the wrong moment. Not sowing confusion in a fragile mind. It cannot be used as a left-wing argument when protecting children on the Internet. What else is required from an expression?

16/12/05, Last
I love it, but not in Russia... Here it somehow sounds and looks ridiculous... And this “turnover”, as far as I know, is very, very old, originally from France, where it actually meant what was originally understandable to us “la” -la-la"... Why did you decide that "America"?..?

08/04/06, Tigrenak
I like to say that when I want to imitate someone. The interlocutor usually gets furious and angry, but I have fun. When they tell me, I’m not offended at all - I smile back =)

14/06/06, missAlissa
Cool phrase:)) It has many meanings:) “We’ve been through this before”, “Don’t mess with my brains”. I love this expression because it is short and succinct.

23/08/06, Mouse
I don’t see anything wrong with saying “blah blah blah” instead of a mournful list or a long story, the meaning and theme of which everyone already understands. Well, you say te de and te pe. Why not say blah blah? In my opinion, it conveys the monotony of the narrative much more eloquently and more naturally... like a flowing and gurgling speech. And for me it is also pleasant because it is connected with one madam who I like. I remember at school, when I finished 11th grade, the English teacher told me: “And just try to say in the exam at the commission and bla-bla-bla.”

23/08/06, Lamenta
It’s a completely normal expression, it doesn’t annoy me at all. Often everything becomes so boring that explaining it in detail, and even more so if the person is still dumb, simply doesn’t have the strength. That’s why I always prefer to blurt out “blah blah blah” and go home.

26/08/06, OLZ
A good expression to indicate the talkativeness of the narrator or the absurdity (in your opinion) ... of what he is telling. Convenient... you don’t have to explain for a long time to the person that he has already annoyed you with his “rattling”...

04/10/06, Joystick
And I like this expression. Sometimes you want to piss off some buffoon. Blah blah blah the best remedy. What’s wrong with this phrase? It’s not offensive, but it’s immediately clear what a person thinks about these conversations.

31/10/06, ULTRA
I love this expression. Very necessary. And such a good thing. It’s immediately clear.. Ruslan K., for example, blah blah blah...

30/12/06, Cody
Why not love him? Such a simple and pleasant expression, one can of course say, etc. and so on. But there are a lot of dots and it doesn’t sound so nice)) I like it when phrases like “Blah-blah-blah” or “Blah-la-poplars” enter a conversation quite calmly :)) Immediately the conversation becomes softer))

12/11/08, alle
Cool expression, very practical and easy to apply. Always makes you smile....

06/06/10, Medni Bu
I don't see anything wrong with him! It seems to me that it is neutral, but it often suggests itself in a specific phrase.

13/08/11, Kuroneko
It sounds funny, and in disputes it’s not offensive)

0 Many discordant and unpleasant borrowed words from other languages ​​spoil and even somewhat desecrate our speech. However, there are exceptions that fit very organically into our vocabulary. Unfortunately, there are not so many of these words, however, not everyone knows their meaning and origin.. Add us to your bookmarks so as not to miss educational information. Today, as you already understand, we will talk about a rather funny phrase, this Blah blah blah You can read what this means a little lower.
However, before continuing, I would like to recommend a few more interesting articles on the topic of street slang. For example, what does Groupiz mean, what is Abracadabra, what does Lula mean, how to understand the word Prank, etc.
So let's continue What does Bla Bla Bla mean?? This term was borrowed from English" blah blah blah", and most likely came from French expression"la-la-la".

Blah blah blah- this is what they say when they hear something trivial, empty, banal from their interlocutor


Tolyan, why are you doing the same thing...blah blah blah, how tired of you the bitch is with your chick.

Come on, tell us how ships sail through the opera house, blah blah blah...

Of course, Katerina is cute, which is what it takes, but how she sometimes fucks with her stories, her blah blah blah infuriates me.

Whatever you say, this expression is one of the most striking and recognizable phrases from American slang. Compared to our “non-show-off” analogues, it stands out for its brevity and clarity. Little word blah blah blah used when they want to emphasize that your interlocutor is talking complete nonsense, for example, that the Earth is flat, or that Pindos have visited the Moon. In addition, the expression is used when, in an ironic sense, they want to hint that the interlocutor will continue the story and not run wild with “thoughts.”

The similarity with our home-grown curse word “Fuck” is only purely auditory, but you shouldn’t be afraid of this, because only real exclusives and democracy come to us from the West... yig. Now a lot of schoolchildren and teenagers use them in their everyday speech this is an expression, and although all the pundits and eggheads out there don’t like it, you shouldn’t tell people what to do. In general, in the States, the phrase can be heard everywhere, and when pronounced, a person makes a gesture with his palm, as if she " speaks".

After reading this article, you learned What does Bla Bla Bla mean?, and now you won’t get into trouble when you hear this expression again.