Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Development of scientific ideas about the features of intonation expressiveness. Intonation expressiveness of speech


Regional State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution

"Nikolaev - on the Amur Industrial and Humanitarian College"

Subject-cycle commission of specialties of the humanitarian profile

Formation of intonational expressiveness of speech in preschool children

Prepared by: Popova S.V.,

Russian language teacher

with teaching methods



1 Theoretical foundations for the formation of intonational expressiveness of speech in preschool children…………………………………………………………..6

1.1 The role of expressiveness of speech in ensuring effective communication and self-expression of a preschool child……………………………………..6

1.2 The most important intonation characteristics………………………………….8

1.3 Features of the formation of expressiveness of speech in preschool children …………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2 Methods and techniques that contribute to the effective formation of intonational expressiveness of speech of preschool children………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...15


2.2 Work on the development of speech breathing………………………………………..20

2.4 Improving diction and articulation……………………………….....24


List of sources used……………………………………………...28



Language and speech have traditionally been considered in psychology, philosophy and pedagogy as a "knot" in which various lines of mental development converge - thinking, imagination, memory, emotions. Being the most important means of human communication, knowledge of reality, language serves as the main channel for introducing the values ​​of spiritual culture from generation to generation, as well as a necessary condition for education and training. Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech: phonetic, lexical, grammatical. At preschool age, the circle of communication of children expands. As children become more independent, they move beyond narrow family ties and begin to communicate with a wider range of people, especially with peers. Expanding the circle of communication requires the child to fully master the means of communication, the main of which is speech. The increasing complexity of the child's activity also makes high demands on the development of speech.

Full knowledge of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children. The development of oral monologue speech in preschool childhood lays the foundation for successful schooling.

In the conceptual approaches to the modernization of preschool education, attention is focused on ensuring the holistic development of the child's personality in the preschool period and creating favorable conditions for preparing for school.

To successfully prepare a child for school, a combination of a number of factors is necessary: ​​physical, psychological, speech readiness. Especially important is the formation of the child's communicative competence, which ensures full interaction, cooperation between teachers and children in acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities.

Communicative competence is the ability to communicate effectively. The communicative competence of children aged 4-7 years is made up of such skills as establishing contact, exchanging information, maintaining feedback, focusing on a partner, taking into account his personal characteristics.

One of the important prerequisites for the formation of communicative competence is the intonational expressiveness of speech, which greatly facilitates communication, contributes to the successful interaction of the child with peers and teachers, and the satisfaction of intellectual and emotional needs.

The problem of the formation of the expressiveness of children's speech is reflected in the works of well-known domestic psychologists, such as L.S. Vygotsky, B.M. Teplov, A.V. Zaporozhets, as well as teachers - A.V. Lagutina, F.A. Sokhina, O.S. Ushakova and others. However, these works considered certain aspects of expressiveness, without taking into account its integrative nature.

Taking into account the theoretical and practical significance of this issue, we believe that the problem of forming the intonational expressiveness of the speech of preschool children is relevant.

The relevance of the chosen topic determines the purpose of the study: to study the problem of the formation of intonational expressiveness of speech in preschool children, to systematize the forms, methods and techniques for the formation of intonational expressiveness of speech.

Object of study: intonational expressiveness of speech of preschool children.

Subject of study: methods and techniques that contribute to the formation of intonational expressiveness of the speech of preschool children.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following research tasks:

1. To study the theoretical foundations of the formation of intonational expressiveness in preschool children;

2. Expand the concept of intonational expressiveness of speech;

3. To systematize the methods and techniques for the formation of intonational expressiveness of the speech of preschool children.

To solve the tasks set, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem of research, observation.

The structure of the course work is determined by the goals and objectives of the study and consists of an introduction, two theoretical chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and an application.

1 Theoretical foundations for the formation of intonational expressiveness of speech in preschool children

1.1 The role of expressiveness of speech in ensuring effective communication and self-expression of a preschool child

L. S. Vygotsky emphasized that the essence of the process of the formation of an individual lies in his gradual entry into human culture through the mastery of special “tools of the mind”. First of all, they include language and speech, which always stand between a person and the world and are the means of discovering for the subject the most essential aspects of the surrounding reality.

Already in the early stages of ontogenesis, speech becomes the main means of communication, thinking, planning activities, and arbitrary control of behavior. This idea is reflected in the works of famous psychologists B.G. Ananyeva, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, S.L. Rubinstein and others.

An important quality of children's speech is expressiveness. The expressiveness of speech is such a quality in which the expressed judgment is associated with the attitude of the speaker towards him. The expressiveness of speech is based on the conscious transmission of thought. Expressiveness occurs when a child wants to convey in speech not only his knowledge, but also feelings, relationships. Expressiveness is a consequence of understanding what is being said. Emotionality is manifested, first of all, in intonations, in underlining individual words, pauses, facial expressions, a change in the strength and tempo of the voice.

It is customary to distinguish between the natural expressiveness of everyday children's speech and arbitrary, conscious expressiveness when transmitting a premeditated text - a sentence, a story, a retelling, a poem. The child's spontaneous speech is always expressive. This is the strong, bright side of children's speech, which must be consolidated. It is more difficult to form arbitrary expressiveness, i.e. expressiveness arising from conscious striving. At younger preschool age, it is recommended to maintain the simplicity and immediacy of execution. In the middle group, children on assignment can learn to convey the intonation of the question and answer, the most vivid feelings, in the older groups, children can express more diverse and subtle feelings, show creative initiative when reading by heart and retelling, evaluate the expressiveness of others' speech.

The expressiveness of speech ensures the effectiveness of communication, contributes to conveying the meaning of the statement to the audience. The appropriate and justified use of the means of speech expressiveness makes the older preschooler an interesting interlocutor and a desirable participant in various types of activities, and allows you to attract the attention of adults and peers. An older preschooler with expressive speech feels more relaxed and confident in any environment due to the fact that he can adequately express thoughts and feelings, show his creative individuality.

The expressiveness of speech allows the older preschooler to express himself more vividly in various types of activities, and above all, in play and art. Expressiveness characterizes not only the level of formation of children's speech, but also the personality traits of an older preschooler: openness, emotionality, sociability, and so on.

The question of the education of expressive speech is connected with the general process of learning. The richer and more expressive the child's speech, the deeper, wider and more diverse his attitude to the content of speech; expressive speech complements and enriches the content of speech, is an important means of self-expression of the child.

Work on the formation of expressiveness of speech in preschoolers should permeate the entire life of children in kindergarten, should be carried out in all classes, included in all regime moments, starting from the moment the child enters kindergarten.

1.2 The most important intonational characteristics

Intonation is a complex set of phonetic means expressing a semantic attitude to what is being expressed and emotional shades of speech. Intonation is a means of emotional-volitional attitude of the speaker to the content of speech addressed to the audience. Bernard Shaw said very accurately about intonation: “Although the written art is very diverse grammatically, it is completely helpless when it comes to intonation. So, for example, there are 50 ways to say yes and 500 ways to say no. While you can write this word only once.

The intonational expressiveness of speech includes the following components:

Melodica - the movement of the voice in height, that is, its sliding from the main tone up and down. This gives speech different shades: softness, tenderness, melodiousness, avoids monotony. Melody is created by vowel sounds, changing in height and strength.

Tempo - the speed of speech utterance, or the speed of speech in time: acceleration or deceleration of speech, depending on the content of the utterance. Preschool children are more likely to speak at an accelerated pace than at a slow pace. This negatively affects the intelligibility, clarity of speech, the articulation of sounds worsens, sometimes individual sounds and syllables fall out. The work of the educator should be aimed at developing a moderate rate of speech in children, at which words sound especially distinct.

A pause is a temporary stop in speech. Logical pauses give completeness to individual thoughts; psychological - are used as a means of emotional impact on listeners;

Logical stress - highlighting with pauses, raising the voice, greater tension and length of pronunciation of hotel words, depending on the meaning of the statement.

Phrasal stress - highlighting with pauses, raising the voice, greater tension and length of pronunciation of a group of words, depending on the meaning of the statement.

Rhythm - a uniform alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables, different in duration and strength of pronunciation;

Timbre - emotionally expressive coloring of speech; with its help, you can express joy, annoyance, sadness, etc.

Various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, chronic colds, etc. contribute to the development of voice disorders. Often, violations occur due to improper use of the voice: constant loud, tense speech, incorrect use of tone of voice, speech in the street during the cold season. Incorrect use of vocal abilities can be associated with the characteristics of the child's personality: children who are too shy speak quietly, children who are quickly excited speak in raised tones, constant noise in the room forces children to speak loudly, with tension. In this regard, the teacher needs to develop the basic qualities of voice in games, teach children to speak without tension, develop the ability to speak softly or loudly, depending on the situation. The child must be able to correctly use the means of intonational expressiveness in order to convey various feelings and experiences in his own speech.

An important role in the formation of intonational expressiveness is played by the development of correct speech breathing. Proper speech breathing is the ability to produce a short breath and a long smooth exhalation, which is necessary in order to be able to freely speak phrases in the process of speech utterance. Speech breathing is arbitrary. With speech breathing, the breath is taken quickly, followed by a pause, then a smooth exhalation. Proper speech breathing ensures normal sound pronunciation, creates conditions for maintaining the appropriate volume of speech, strict observance of pauses, maintaining smoothness of speech and intonation expressiveness.

Speech breathing disorders can be the result of general weakness, cardiovascular diseases, adenoid growths. Preschool children who have weakened inhalation and exhalation have quiet speech, find it difficult to pronounce long phrases, the smoothness of speech is disturbed, words do not agree, speech becomes fuzzy. A shortened exhalation forces you to speak phrases at an accelerated pace, without observing logical pauses. Therefore, the task of the educator is purposeful work on the formation of a free, smooth, extended exhalation in preschool children and the education of the ability to correctly, rationally use the exhaled air when pronouncing phrases

Simultaneously with the formation of intonational expressiveness of the speech of preschoolers, diction and articulation are formed. Diction, i.e. a clear, clear pronunciation of each sound, word, phrase, is formed simultaneously with the development of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Articulation is the correct position and movement of the speech organs necessary to pronounce a given sound. It is necessary to carry out work on the development of the mobility of the tongue, the mobility of the lips, to develop the ability to keep the lower jaw in a certain position.

1.3 Features of the formation of intonational expressiveness of speech in preschool children

The issue of studying age-related features of the formation of intonational expressiveness of children's speech was dealt with by many researchers: Gvozdev A.N., Khvattsev E.M., Shvachkin N.Kh. and others. Studies conducted by E.M. Khvattsev, indicate that immediately after birth, the child involuntarily utters cries like “uh”, “uh”, etc. They are caused by all kinds of irritants unpleasant for the baby's body: hunger, cold, wet diapers, uncomfortable position, pain.

By the beginning of the second month, the baby is already happily “gurgling”, making indistinct, grunting sounds like “gee”, “khy”, and from the third month in a good mood they begin to “walk”: “agu”, “boo” and later: “ mom, umm", "aphid, dl". Quite clear speech sounds can already be distinguished in the cooing.

With age, cooing is replaced by babbling, which appears as a result of imitation of the speech of adults. The child, as it were, amuses himself with the sounds pronounced, enjoys them, and therefore willingly repeats the same thing (ma-ma-ma, ba-ba-ba, na-na-na, etc.). In babble, it is already possible to clearly distinguish some quite regular sounds and syllables of speech.

Crying, cooing, babbling is not yet speech, that is, a conscious expression of thoughts, feelings, desires, but by their intonation, timbre, the mother guesses about the state of the child and his needs.

By repeatedly repeating sounds, the child exercises his organs of speech and hearing, and therefore every day more and more often and better pronounces these sounds, their combinations. There is a training, a kind of preparation for pronouncing the sounds of future speech. The child gradually begins to distinguish and understand various expressive shades in the speech of the mother and the adults around him by the voice and rhythm of words. This is how the primary verbal communication of the child with people is established.

The child listens more and more to the speech of the adults around him, begins to understand some frequently spoken words addressed to him, and then, by the end of the first year, not only understand, but also, imitating, pronounce individual, often heard words.

The psychological feature of the sound expressions of a child of the first year is that the main carrier of the meaning of speech is not a word, but intonation and rhythm, which are accompanied by sound. Only with the advent of the word does the semantic meaning of sounds begin to appear. Through the word, the child masters the system of sounds of the language. The child becomes sensitive to the sound of the words of adults and from time to time, he is guided in mastering the sounds of the language, mainly either by hearing or by articulation. However, the child does not immediately master the system of sounds of the language. In the field of speech expression and perception, his rhythmic-intonational mood is still clearly manifested. Cases have been repeatedly noted when a child, grasping the syllabic composition of a word, pays little attention to the sounds of this word. The words uttered in these cases by children, for the most part, correspond quite exactly in the number of syllables to the words of adults, but in terms of the composition of sounds they differ extremely from them. This phenomenon was first noted by the Russian psychologist I.A. Sikorsky. Let us give examples of it: a child says which gut instead of close the lid, instead of a twinkle, instead of a light. Sometimes a word used by a child. Does not contain any proper consonant sounds, such as "titity" instead of "bricks" and "titity" instead of "biscuits".

In the speech of the younger preschooler, the predominance of rhythm and intonation over the word is also found. There are cases when in kindergarten children comprehend the rhythm of a song without capturing all its words.

However, with the development of verbal speech, rhythm and intonation begin to play an auxiliary role, they obey the word.

The rhythm and intonation of speech and verse begin to give way to the word. The word, first in speech, then in poetry, becomes the bearer of meaning, and rhythm and intonation turn into a kind of accompaniment to verbal speech.

This is undoubtedly a progressive factor. However, at the same time, the restructuring of the rhythm and intonation of speech is fraught with danger: the word can push the rhythm back so much that in fact the child’s speech loses its expressive brilliance and rhythm.

Psychologists (D.B. Elkonin, A.N. Gvozdev, L.S. Vygotsky and others) and methodologists (O.S. Ushakova, O.M. Dyachenko, T.V. Lavrentieva, A.M. Borodich, M. M. Alekseeva, V. I. Yashina and others) distinguish the following features of the development of speech of older preschoolers:

1. Children of this age are able to clearly pronounce difficult sounds: hissing, whistling, sonorous. Differentiating them in speech, they fix them in pronunciation.

2. Clear speech becomes the norm for a five-year-old preschooler in everyday life, and not only during special classes with him.

3. Children improve auditory perception and develop phonemic hearing. Children can distinguish between certain groups of sounds, select words from a group of words, phrases that have given sounds.

4. Children freely use the means of intonation expressiveness in their speech: they can read poems sadly, cheerfully, solemnly. In addition, children at this age already easily master narrative, interrogative and exclamatory intonations.

5. Older preschoolers are able to adjust the volume of their voices in various life situations: answer loudly in class, speak quietly in public places, friendly conversations, etc. They already know how to use the pace of speech: speak slowly, quickly and moderately under appropriate circumstances.

6. Five-year-old children have well-developed speech breathing: they can pronounce not only vowel sounds, but also some consonants (sonorous, hissing, whistling).

7. Five-year-old children can compare the speech of their peers and their own with the speech of adults, detect inconsistencies: incorrect pronunciation of sounds, words, inaccurate use of stress in words.

As studies by psychologists and educators-practitioners show, not all children of senior preschool age possess the listed skills to the same extent. Pedagogical observation of the speech of children made it possible to distinguish the following groups of preschoolers:

1 Children with pronounced emotional speech. They do not complex and are not shy in the presence of peers or adults.

2 Children who show liveliness and expressiveness only in the circle of well-known and close people; in a new environment, they are lost, embarrassed, withdrawn.

3 Children lack initiative, with inexpressive speech and facial expressions, constrained, but easily imitating the means of expression of an adult and during training exercises fixing them and demonstrating them in the future.

4 Children with very low emotional manifestations, refusing public speaking.

To achieve conscious expressiveness of speech, careful work is necessary. In addition, the issue of educating expressive speech is related to the general learning process. The richer and more expressive the child's speech, the deeper, wider and more diverse his attitude to the content of speech; expressive speech complements and enriches the content of a preschooler's speech.

2 Methods and techniques that contribute to the effective formation of intonational expressiveness of the speech of preschool children

2.1 Classification of methods and techniques for the development of intonational expressiveness of speech of preschool children

The wide influence that expressiveness has on the communicative culture of the individual, relationships with others, self-expression in various types of creative activity, necessitates the study of factors and means of forming the expressiveness of speech in preschool age, the search for such methods and forms of work on the development of intonational expressiveness in children, which helped for the child to perform successfully, to communicate.

In the methodology for the development of expressiveness of speech, several groups of methods can be distinguished.

1. Visual methods. If the objects being studied can be observed by children directly, the teacher uses the method of observation or its varieties: inspection of the premises, excursion, examination of natural objects. If objects are not available for direct observation, the teacher introduces children to them indirectly, most often using visual means, showing paintings and photographs, films and filmstrips.

Indirect visual methods are used in kindergarten and for secondary acquaintance with the object, consolidating the knowledge gained during observation, and forming coherent speech. For this purpose, methods such as looking at pictures with content familiar to children, looking at toys (as conditional images that reflect the world around them in three-dimensional pictorial forms), describing pictures and toys by children, and inventing plot stories are used. Of course, in all these processes, the word of the educator is necessarily assumed, which directs the perception of children, explains and names what is shown. The source that determines the range of conversations, reasoning of the educator and children are visual objects or phenomena.

2. Verbal methods. Verbal methods in kindergarten are used less frequently than in school. The age characteristics of preschoolers require reliance on visualization, therefore, in all verbal methods, either visual teaching methods are used (short-term display of an object, toys, looking at illustrations), or a demonstration of a visual object for the purpose of relaxation, relaxation of children (reading poetry to a doll, the appearance of a clue - an object, etc. d.).

In kindergarten, mainly those verbal methods that are associated with the artistic word are used. The teacher reads to the children the works of art provided for by the program. More complex methods are also used: memorization, retelling. In older groups, the method of conversation is used to consolidate previously reported knowledge and to accustom to a collective conversation.

3. Practical methods. The purpose of these methods is to teach children to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, to help them learn and improve their speech skills. In kindergarten, practical methods are most often playful.

Didactic game (with visual material and verbal) is a universal method of consolidating knowledge and skills. It is used to solve all problems of speech development. Work with a familiar literary text can be carried out using a dramatization game, a tabletop dramatization. The same methods apply to teaching storytelling. Practical methods include those developed by S.V. Peterina visual games-classes, games-staging of an ethical nature. For their implementation, appropriate equipment is required: a doll and a teddy bear of large sizes (1 m 20 cm), which ensures actions with them as partners and gives a great educational affect, sets of doll clothes, shoes, and hygiene items.

The main task of these game-activities is to educate the culture of children's behavior, but they are also extremely important for the development of expressiveness of speech, as they enrich the vocabulary and strengthen speaking skills. For example, in the lesson "Tanya's doll is our guest", children not only observe the actions with the doll, but also sit around the tables set for tea, learn to maintain a general conversation during meals, show attention to the guest and to each other, try to eat beautifully , properly behave at the table.

Each method is a set of techniques used to solve didactic problems (introduce something new, consolidate a skill or skill, creatively process what has been learned). Reception is an element of a method. At present, the methodology for the development of speech, like general didactics, does not have a stable classification of techniques. First of all, they can be divided according to the role of visualization and emotionality into verbal, visual, game.

The following verbal techniques are most common. A speech sample is a correct, pre-worked out speech (language) activity of the educator. The model must be available for repetition, imitation. In order to achieve a conscious perception of the model by children, to increase the role of children's independence, it is useful to accompany the model with other methods - explanations, instructions. The sample must precede the speech activity of children; during one lesson, it can be used repeatedly, as needed. The speech sample is presented to the children clearly, loudly, unhurriedly.

Repetition is the deliberate, repeated use of the same speech element (sound, word, phrase) in order to memorize it. Repetition of the material by the educator, individual repetition by the child, joint repetition (of the educator and the child or two children), as well as choral repetition are practiced. Choral repetition is especially in need of clear guidance. It is advisable to preface explanations to him: to offer to tell everyone together, clearly, but not loudly.

Explanation - disclosure by the educator of the essence of a phenomenon or mode of action. This technique is most widely used in dictionary work, but it also finds a place in solving other problems.

Instructions - explaining to children how to act, how to achieve the desired result. Instructions of a teaching nature, as well as organizational, disciplinary ones, differ.

Verbal exercise - repeated performance by children of certain speech actions to develop and improve speech skills and abilities. In contrast to repetition, the exercise is more frequent, variant, and has a greater proportion of children's independent efforts.

Evaluation of children's speech is a detailed motivated judgment about the child's response, revealing the degree of assimilation of knowledge and speech skills. In the conditions of one lesson, the answers of only some children can be widely evaluated in detail. As a rule, the assessment concerns one or two qualities of children's speech, it is given immediately after the answer, so that other children take it into account when answering. Evaluation often refers to the positive aspects of speech. If shortcomings were noted, you can invite the child to “learn” - try to correct his answer. In other cases, the educator can express his opinion about the answer more briefly - with praise, remark, censure.

A question is a verbal appeal that requires an answer, a task for a child that involves the use or processing of existing knowledge. There is a certain classification of questions. According to the content, questions are distinguished that require ascertainment, reproductive What? Which? Where? Where? How? When? How much? A more complex category is search, i.e., questions that require inference. What for? Why? How are they similar? and others. According to the wording, questions can be divided into direct, suggestive, prompting. Each type of question is valuable in its own way.

When posing a question, it is important to correctly determine the place of logical stress, since the child’s answer is directed precisely by the supporting word, which carries the main semantic load.

Visual techniques - showing a picture, toy, movement or action (in a dramatization game, in reading a poem), showing the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing sounds, etc. - are also usually combined with verbal techniques, for example, a sample of sound pronunciation and showing a picture, naming new word and showing the object it denotes.

In the development of the expressiveness of the speech of preschoolers, playing techniques and just emotionality in the application of certain techniques are very important. The liveliness of emotions increases the attention of children in the game, as a result of which all speech processes are activated (compare the exercise for the classification of objects, which is carried out at the tables, and the game "Do not yawn!" with the same verbal material, held in a circle with the ball, with playing forfeits). In the lesson, especially at the end of it, you can ask playful questions. Use fables, changelings, the game "So or not", a game character (introduce Petrushka, a bear). Use game forms of evaluation (chips, forfeits, applause). The emotional impact of educational material is enhanced by such techniques as actions by choice (make a story based on one of these two pictures; remember a poem that you like) or by design. The elements of the competition (“Who will say more words?”, “Who will say better?”), Colorfulness, novelty of attributes, and entertaining plots of games arouse interest and increase the attention of children to speech material.

In one lesson, a complex of techniques is usually used. A reasonable, reasonable selection of the necessary techniques largely decides the matter. Thanks to the use of speech development techniques, the closest meeting of the educator and the child takes place, whom the first encourages to a certain speech action.

2.2 Work on the development of speech breathing

Breathing is the basis of pronunciation of external speech, the purity, correctness and beauty of the voice depend on it. Therefore, one of the main areas of work of the teacher is the work on the formation of proper breathing. By teaching a child to breathe “correctly”, by cultivating a long speech exhalation, we will thereby create the necessary basis for mastering the correct sound pronunciation.

To begin with, at stage 1, you need to teach the child to differentiate between nasal and oral exhalation. To this end, 4 simple exercises are offered that will not only prepare children for proper speech breathing, but will also be a good prophylactic against colds.

1. Inhale through your mouth, exhale through your nose.

2. Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the mouth.

3. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

4. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose.

After the child has learned to distinguish between nasal and oral inhalation and exhalation, you can begin to develop diaphragmatic breathing. The diaphragm is the largest muscle in the body. Physicians often refer to the diaphragm as the venous heart because it means so much to circulation, it separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities, protecting the heart and lungs from accidental damage, for example, if a person stands on his head.

To say a phrase while breathing, you need a sufficient amount of air, which, passing gradually, in a jet through the cords, will make our “voice instrument” sound. This provides diaphragmatic breathing. The breathing of preschool children is mainly upper clavicular, superficial. This means that the volume of air that the child inhales will not be enough for normal speech formation. There is only one way out: to teach the child to breathe not with “shoulders”, but with the stomach. On the initial stage Diaphragmatic breathing exercises are best done lying down.

1. Lie on your back, put a flat small load on your stomach. Take a deep, but not too long breath through the nose and stomach (the load should rise slightly), then a long exhalation through the mouth (the load falls).

2. The same exercise, but without weight.

3. The same exercise, but without weight and sitting.

After cultivating diaphragmatic breathing, you can proceed directly to the development of speech breathing. You can start this work with young children. We learn to pronounce 3-4 syllables on one exhalation, then the training of a long speech exhalation is carried out on separate words, then on a short phrase, when reading poetry, etc.

At younger and older preschool ages, these skills are improved using various game techniques (Appendix 1).

The development of a sense of rhythm precedes work on the formation of intonational expressiveness of speech in preschool children. Rhythmic exercises prepare for the perception of intonational expressiveness, contribute to its development, create the prerequisites for mastering the logical stress, the correct division of the phrase. The work is carried out in two directions: the perception and reproduction of various rhythmic structures. The best technique is to conduct round dances, outdoor games with a melodious text, while accompanying speech with movements. For example, reading the poem “Clumsy Bear” with swaying in different directions, or nursery rhymes “Grow, braid, to the waist” with stroking the doll on the head. With older children, they organize a choral count of objects at a given pace, performing tasks to change the pace in tongue twisters. For all age groups, singing is an excellent means of educating tempo and rhythm. Of great importance for the development of a sense of rhythm are musical and motor exercises, which have a beneficial effect on the child's speech. Forms of musical-rhythmic exercises can be varied: tapping a certain measure, changing the tempo, character or just the direction of movement depending on the tempo or character of the music, singing, melodic recitation, reciting a poem accompanied by appropriate movements, dancing and dancing, speech games, etc. . In these classes, mainly game techniques are used that arouse great interest in children and activate them (Appendix 2.3).

To form the strength and height of the voice, you can use outdoor games that require speaking in an undertone. For example, the game "Hush, mouse, cat on the roof." A good technique is to pronounce tongue twisters, as well as the use of didactic games, for example, "How the bear was called." The host repeatedly refers to the bear, hidden behind a screen, with the phrase "Bear, show yourself." Depending on how the phrase is pronounced. The bear performs different actions: quietly - lies down, slowly - wanders into the room, quickly - jumps. Then the children play the role of leader.

Children can change the pitch of their voices using onomatopoeia when voicing animals. A good effect in the formation of tempo, rhythm, strength, volume, voice pitch is played by playing exercises using bibabo dolls. Working with the doll, speaking for her, the child treats his own speech in a different way. The toy is completely subordinate to the will of the child and at the same time makes him speak and act in a certain way. Dolls allow the educator to imperceptibly correct the shortcomings of the children's speech, since the remark is made not to the child, but to his doll. For example, “Pinocchio, you spoke very quickly, we did not understand anything. Vasya, teach him to speak calmly and clearly. And the child involuntarily slows down the pace. This indirect appeal encourages children to speak correctly.

The manifestation of emotions is very vivid and expressive given to babies, to a lesser extent or not at all performed by older children. It is often necessary to note that emotionality, expressiveness of speech, liveliness of emotions very often manifest themselves in the game and free communication and fade away, are lost in a forced situation. Children need to be shown that human speech has a variety of intonations, which is achieved by changing the height, strength of the voice, to explain that intonation gives color to speech, helps to express feelings. It is necessary to acquaint children with different types of intonation, learn to distinguish them by ear and pronounce expressively.

One of the important points in the formation of the intonational expressiveness of children's speech is familiarity with narrative, interrogative and exclamatory intonations. With the means of their expression and ways of notation. It is necessary to show how cordially and cordially they greet guests, how friendly they ask a comrade for something, etc. In games such as "Shop", "Mail", "Hairdressing" and others, not only the words of polite addresses are fixed, but also their sound form.

In the older groups, techniques designed for the creative use of their children predominate. For example, the teacher, together with the children, characterizes the characters, which helps the child find suitable intonations. What kind of voice does Masha have? With what feeling does Katya say this? In what voice would you convey her words? What is the best way to read the beginning of a fairy tale - slowly or quickly? Which poem is happy or sad? How do Vasya's words sound - affectionately or rudely?

An effective technique for the formation of intonational expressiveness is reading in faces (by roles). The material can be short poems, nursery rhymes, jokes “Legs, legs, where have you been? “We went to the forest for mushrooms” (Appendix 4).

In younger groups, role-playing is accompanied by playful actions and movements of children, which contributes to natural, involuntary intonation. For older preschoolers, a useful stimulating technique is the individual goal of memorization or reading: a performance at a holiday, a gift for mom or grandmother, etc. The prospect of giving a reading mobilizes the child's strength and makes him want to read especially well.

2.4 Improving diction and articulation

Diction - a clear pronunciation of sounds, sentences. Articulation is the correct functioning of the organs of speech. It must be remembered that without the ability to correctly pronounce sounds, children's speech will not be expressive. Therefore, from early preschool age, it is necessary to teach the child a clear, intelligible pronunciation of each sound, words and phrases. Each lesson must begin with a warm-up of the tongue and lips. Let the children learn to actively move their tongue.

To improve diction, pure and tongue twisters are used. A pure tongue is a rhythmic speech material containing complex combinations of sounds, syllables, words that are difficult to pronounce. For children of primary and secondary preschool age, small jokes with the use of toys and pictures are suitable: “Moo-mu-mu, milk to whom?”, “Ko-ko-ko, don’t go far”, “Buba’s bunny has a toothache”. Tongue twisters are a difficult to pronounce rhythmic phrase or several rhyming phrases with frequent identical sounds. Tongue twisters, as well as more complex tongue twisters, are used in older preschool age. Cleanliness built on the differentiation of sounds are useful: "Tom the dog guards the house." The purpose of using tongue twisters - training the diction apparatus - determines the method of presenting them to children. The teacher pronounces the new tongue twister by heart in slow motion, clearly highlighting the sounds found in it. Reads several times quietly, rhythmically, with muffled intonations. Then the children say it out loud. For repetition, the teacher calls children with good memory and diction. After a slow, clear pronunciation, it is pronounced in chorus, by the whole group, in rows, in subgroups.

The development of diction will become more effective if the teacher and parents celebrate all the achievements of the children, praise and support them. When working on diction and articulation, it is important to systematically use tongue twisters, exercises and speech games in practice, which will result in a positive effect on the child's diction. The speech and purity of diction of the educator and parents must also be correct.

It is important for the educator and parents to remember that insufficiently developed diction affects the child.: he becomes withdrawn, restless, sharp. His curiosity and academic performance are falling. It is at preschool age that speech develops vigorously, which is why it is so important to identify the problem at an early stage and help the child in the correct formulation of diction.

An important aspect of acquiring skills is also the speaking practice of the child.. This means that you need to talk with the child more often, ask him to speak on some topics, read books and fairy tales, this will help him improve his vocabulary (Appendix 5.6).

Thus, there are many ways, methods and techniques for the formation of expressiveness of speech. All exercises and workouts are carried out in the form of a game, as the game is one of the most accessible and understandable methods for children. According to the researchers, thanks to systematically conducted gaming exercises, facial expressions become more mobile and expressive, the child's movements acquire greater confidence, controllability, and the expressiveness of speech is formed. Systematic work on the development of intonational expressiveness of speech contributes to the formation of the child's communicative competence, greatly facilitates communication, promotes successful interaction with peers and teachers, and ensures the child's satisfaction of his intellectual and emotional needs.


One of the main conditions for the normal development of a preschool child is the timely and complete formation of speech. Understanding the speech of others, expressing one's own desires, thoughts, communicating with adults and peers - all this actively introduces the child into life, contributes to intellectual development and the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. Any violation and any delay in the development of the child's speech affects his behavior and his activities.

In this work, a theoretical analysis and generalization of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem of the formation of expressiveness of speech in preschool children was carried out and the corresponding conclusions were drawn.

The intonational expressiveness of speech is a mandatory feature of a full-fledged oral speech and is considered as an important indicator of the speech culture of a person.

The intonational expressiveness of the speech of preschool children is provided by the ability to change the voice (raise and lower its tone, increase and decrease the volume), speed up and slow down the pace of speech, use pauses, highlight a single word or group of words with the voice, give the voice an emotionally expressive coloring. With the help of intonation, the speaker reflects his attitude to the expressed thought, conveys his feelings, experiences, brings his statement to full completion. Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of means of intonation expressiveness, improvement of the processes of their understanding and arbitrary use. Children master the intonational expressiveness of speech mainly by the age of five.

The development of the expressiveness of the speech of a preschooler is the most important component of his general mental development, the development of thinking, preparation for school and for the future life.

The correct use of intonational expressive means depends on the formation of speech hearing, the development of auditory attention, speech breathing, on the ability to correctly use the vocal and articulatory apparatus. Therefore, the task of educating the intonational expressiveness of speech is to teach children to change their voice in height and strength, depending on the content of the statement, to use pauses, logical stress, change the pace and timbre of speech; accurately, consciously express both their own and the author's thoughts, feelings and moods. The most effective in solving the problems of forming intonational expressiveness of speech are: theatrical activities; logarithmics; game exercises for the development of intonational expressiveness; the use of folklore material (chants, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters)

For the development of the expressive side of speech, it is necessary to create such conditions in which each child could express his emotions, feelings, desires and views, not only in ordinary conversation, but also in public, without being embarrassed by the presence of outsiders. It is important to teach this in early childhood, because it often happens that people with a rich spiritual content, with expressive inner speech, turn out to be closed, shy, avoid public speaking, get lost in the presence of unfamiliar faces.

The task of teachers and parents is to help the child learn to use the word freely, enjoy his speech, use the richness of intonations, facial expressions and gestures when conveying thoughts and feelings. The formation of the intonational expressiveness of the speech of preschool children is facilitated by the systematic purposeful use of a variety of methods and techniques, exercises, didactic games.

Thus, the teacher has great opportunities to influence the intonational expressiveness of children's speech.

List of sources used

1 Alekseeva, M.M. Methods of development of speech and teaching the native language of preschoolers / M.M. Alekseeva, V.I. Yashina - M. : Academy, 2009. - 400 p.

2Borodich, A.M. Methods of speech formation in children / A.M. Borodich - M.,: 2007. - 126 p.

3Bukhvostova, S.S. Formation of expressive speech in children of senior preschool age / S.S. Bukhvostova - Kursk: Academy Holding, 2007. - 178 p.

4Borodich, A.M. Methods for the development of children's speech / A.M. Borodich - M.,: Education, 2006. - 225 p.

5 Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten / ed. T.I. Babaeva, Z.A. Mikhailova, L.M. Gurovich. - St. Petersburg. : Detstvo-Press, 2007. - 205 p.

6Kartushina, M.Yu. Logistics for kids. Scenarios for classes with children 3-4 years old / M.Yu. Kartushina - M.: 2005. - 138s.

7Kubasova, O.V. Expressive reading / O.V. Kubasova - M .: Academy, 2005. - 157p.

8Nemov, R.S. Psychology - a textbook for higher pedagogical educational institutions / R.S. Nemov - M .: Humanit. Ed. Center Vlados, 2008. - 688s.

9Pustovalov, P.S. A guide to the development of speech / P.S. Pustovalov, M.P. Senkevich - M.: For special. 2007. - 286s.

10Romanenko, L. Oral folk art in the development of children's speech activity / L. Romanenko // Preschool education. - M., 2011 - 15 p.

11Sokhin, F.A. Speech development of preschool children / F.A. Sokhina - M .: Education, 2009. - 223 p.

12Solovieva, O.I. Methods of development of speech and teaching native language in kindergarten / O.I. Solovieva - M .: Academy, 2008. - 106 p.

13Ushakova, O. Methods for identifying the level of speech development of children of senior preschool age / O. Ushakova, E. Strunina // Preschool education. M. 2009 - 553 p.

14Khvattsev, M.E. How to prevent and eliminate voice and speech deficiencies in children / M.E. Khvattsev - M .: Knowledge, 2006. - 86 p.

15 HER. Shevtsova, L.V. Technologies for the formation of the intonational aspect of speech. / - St. Petersburg. : AST, Astrel, Harvest, 2009. - 224 p.

Appendix 1

Games and exercises for the development of speech breathing

1 Inflate the toy

Purpose: development of a strong smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.
Equipment: various small inflatable toys; Balloons.

Game progress: The teacher distributes well-washed rubber inflatable toys to the children and offers to inflate them. It should be blown by taking in air through the nose, and slowly exhaling it through the mouth into the opening of the toy.
- Look, our toys are very sick - thin, without tummies ... How can we play with them? Let's inflate the toys so that they become plump, healthy and fun again!

The one who inflates the toy can play with it.

This task requires a formed strong exhalation. In addition, it is necessary to teach kids how to hold toys correctly so that air does not escape from them. Offer this game only after a strong smooth exhalation has already been formed.

In subsequent classes, you can offer to inflate balloons, which is even more difficult. If the child does not succeed, do not insist.

2. Autumn leaves

Purpose: teaching smooth free exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: autumn maple leaves, vase.
Game progress: Before class, gather together with your child a bouquet of autumn leaves (preferably maple, as they have long stems) and put them in a vase. Offer to blow on the leaves.
- We collected beautiful leaves in the park. Here is a yellow leaf, and here is a red one. Do you remember how the leaves rustled on the branches? Let's blow on the leaves!
An adult, together with a child or a group of children, blows on the leaves in a vase, draws their attention to the rustling of the leaves.

3. It's snowing!

Purpose: the formation of a smooth long exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: pieces of cotton.

Game progress: The teacher lays out pieces of cotton wool on the table, reminds the children about winter.

Imagine that it is winter. Snow is falling outside. Let's blow snowflakes!

An adult shows how to blow on cotton wool, children repeat. Then everyone raises the cotton and the game is repeated again

4 "Dandelions"

Target: the development of a long, smooth and strong exhalation.

The game can be played in the country or in the park. Children blow on dandelions to blow off all the fluff.

5 "Whose cube will rise higher?"

Target: develop diaphragmatic breathing.

Children lie on the carpet, a light plastic cube is placed on the stomach. Children take a deep breath through their nose and exhale through their nose, while the adult watches whose cube rises higher.

6 "Captains"

Target: alternation of long smooth and strong exhalation, activation of the muscles of the lips.

Children sit in a semicircle. In the center on a small table is a large basin of water. An adult invites children to ride a boat from one city to another, marking the cities with icons on the edge of the pelvis. In order for the boat to move, you need to blow on it slowly, folding your lips, as for the sound “F”. The ship is moving smoothly. But here comes the gusty wind "P-p-p." You should blow without puffing out your cheeks, stretching your lips with a tube. The called child blows while sitting on a small chair pushed up to the table.

Purpose: development of a strong oral exhalation; learning to blow through a straw; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: a glass of water, cocktail tubes of different diameters.

Game progress: In a glass half-filled with water, lower the cocktail tube and blow into it - bubbles with a loud gurgling will rise to the surface. Then give the tube to the child and offer to blow.

Let's make fun bubbles! Take a straw and blow into a glass of water. If you blow weakly, small bubbles are obtained. And if you blow hard, you get a whole storm! Let's make a storm!

By the "storm" in the water, you can easily assess the strength of the exhalation and its duration. At the beginning of classes, the diameter of the tube should be 5-6 mm, in the future, thinner tubes can be used.

Many children who are used to drinking juice from bags through a straw do not immediately understand what is required of them, they can start drinking water (therefore, it is better to use purified drinking water just in case). In this case, first offer to blow through the tube on a piece of cotton wool on the table or on the palm of your hand to feel the air coming out of the tube.

Another possible problem is that the child may bite and chew on the soft straw or bend it. In this case, you can use the body of the gel pen - a transparent tube made of hard plastic.

In addition, the child can, holding the tube in the lips, exhale air through the nose. In this case, you should gently pinch the baby's nose with your fingers and offer to blow again.

8 Development of breathing "Snowflake"

An adult gives the child a piece of cotton wool, says: “This is our snowflake Mistake! Invalid hyperlink object.. Look how it flies” (Puts the cotton wool on the palm of his hand, and then blows it off his hand.) “Try to blow on the snowflake in the same way.” The child blows a cotton wool (snowflake) from his hand several times. The adult draws attention to the fact that the child exhales only through the mouth; the exhalation should be smooth, long, the inhalation should be calm, through the nose.

9. Development of breathing "Breeze"

Purpose: To exercise the child in a smooth long exit using the tasks below.

Take a small thin sheet of green paper (5 X 10 cm) and cut 12-15 narrow strips. Tie them with a thread to a pencil, tell the baby: “Let it be a tree with leaves. When the wind blows, the leaves sway like this ... ”(Blows on the leaves.) The adult once again shows how to blow, then invites the child to do the same.

Listen to music.

It improves mood, promotes emotional development.

A child from the end of the first - the beginning of the second year of life listens with pleasure to children's songs and dramatizations of children's fairy tales. Already at this age, you can teach your baby to listen to classical music.

Turn on music more often in the children's room. It can accompany any child's activities, but make sure that the sound is muffled.

Teach your child to play the melody with clapping, tapping.

If the baby has not yet learned how to independently perform the task, clap his hands, taking them in your hands; tap the rhythm or conduct it with your hand.

Encourage movement to music

Arrange a parade, marching and beating drums. Organize a home orchestra with toy musical instruments or kitchen utensils. Change the pace of movements (sometimes faster, sometimes slower).

Act out nursery rhymes, songs, poems.

draw patterns

Decorative and ornamental drawing includes repeating and alternating elements, symmetrical composition.

Cut out paper napkins, tablecloths, snowflakes

Choose rhyming words

Appendix 3

Games and exercises for the development of rhythmic abilities in children

motor exercise

"Legs and legs" (for children from 3 years old)

Big feet walked along the road: top-top, top-top, top-top. (walking at a slow pace, clearly lowering the leg to the entire foot).
Little feet ran along the path: top-top-top-top, top-top-top-top. (running on toes with a stop at the last word).

Tick-tock, tick-tock, all the clocks go like this (head tilts to one shoulder, then to the other).

"Naughty rain" (for children from 3 years old)

Rain cap! Rain cap!
Now stronger, then quieter (hit the index finger of one hand on the palm of the other).
Don't knock, don't knock
Don't hit the roof! (wiggle finger)
What a naughty one! (shake head reproachfully).
Wait, don't lay down!
Come to the kids (beckon with your hands).
And get warm! (put palms on shoulders, cross palms on chest)


Along the narrow path
Our legs are walking (walking in a circle one after another, raising legs high),
On pebbles, on pebbles (jumping from foot to foot at a slow pace),
And into the hole... boom! (sit on the floor on the last word).

Between spruce soft paws (tap fingers on the table)
Rain drip-drip-drip (alternately with all fingers of open hands)
Where the twig has dried up for a long time,
Gray moss-moss-moss (raise your hands above the table, clench and unclench your fists).
Where the leaf stuck to the leaf,
Mushroom, mushroom, mushroom has grown. (with the index finger of the right hand, touch all the fingers of the left hand in turn)
Who found his friends? (squeezing all the fingers of the left hand, except for the little finger, show it)
It's me, me, me!

Oh, oh what's the thunder? (hands to cheeks, tilts to the side)
The fly is building a new house (movements imitating work with a hammer).
Hammer: knock-knock (clapping hands),
A rooster comes to help (steps with inclinations to the sides).

There is a lock on the door. (hands clasped)
Who could open it? (try to separate hands)
Turned, twisted, (twist with clasped hands)
They knocked and opened. (knock the "lock" on the table and unhook your hands)

The planes buzzed (rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows),
The planes flew (arms to the sides, alternate tilts to the left and right),
They sat quietly in the clearing (sit down, hands to knees),
Yes, they flew again.

Our Christmas tree is big (circular motion with hands),
Our tree is high (stand on your toes)
Above mom, above dad (sit down and stand on your toes),
Reaches to the ceiling (stretch).
Let's dance merrily. Eh, eh, eh!
We will sing songs. La-la-la!
So that the Christmas tree wants to visit us again!

"We stomp our feet"

We stomp our feet. Top, top, top (walking in place).
We clap our hands. Clap, clap, clap (clap hands).
We shake our heads (head tilts to the right, to the left).
We raise our hands (hands up).
We lower our hands (hands down).
We will spread our hands (hands to the sides).
And let's run around (running).

Rhyming words

Rhymes are built according to the laws of rhythm and rhyme, they serve to develop not only the above abilities, but also the development of phonemic perception.

Game "Tell me a word" (for children from 4 years old)

I'm early this morning
Washed from under ... (faucet)

Dropped the bear on the floor
They tore off the bear ... (paw)

The hostess abandoned the bunny,
Left in the rain ... (bunny)

Often to the lake to get drunk
A redhead walks ... (fox)

Dropped a squirrel bump
The bump hit ... (bunny)

I sewed a shirt for a bear,
I'll sew him ... (pants)

Andreyka in her garden
Watered flowers from ... (watering cans)

Clinging to the rear tire
The bear rides ... (car)

To rest your feet
Sit on ... (chair)

couch potato red cat
I lay down for myself ... (stomach)

Vereshchunya, white-sided,
And her name is ... (magpie)

There is a big fight in the river -
Two quarreled ... (cancer)

This is a good place
Flows past ... (river)

Between the mountains from afar
Stormy flows ... (river)

Who will color our album?
Well, of course... (pencil)

We bought a cat
New ... (boots)

Purpose: When reading a couplet to a child, ask him to complete the phrases, i.e. choose the right words that are close in sound and meaning.

Didn't listen to Bunny dad

They crushed the bunny .., (paw)

The children sat in the park

And ice cream .. (ate)

And next to this tree

Wandered evil ... (wolves)

Christmas tree

Prickly .... (needle)

The mouse duck began to sing:

Ha-ha-ha, sleep, ... (baby)!

Often to the lake to get drunk

A redhead walks ... (fox)

Suddenly the sky was overcast.

Lightning from a cloud ... (flashed)

Our old sister

Knits from the very ... (morning)

Among fat pigeons

Skinny jumped ... (sparrow)

I'm early this morning

Washed from under .. (faucet)

The sun is shining very bright

The hippo became ... (hot)

Tamara and I go as a couple,

Orderlies we are with ... (Tamara)

Extra words from the rhythmic series

"Which word is missing?"

Poppy, tank, cancer, banana. Catfish, com, crocodile, house. Lemon, wagon, cat, loaf. Branch, cage, sofa, mesh. Etc.

Appendix 4

Purpose: To exercise the child in pronouncing phrases quietly, loudly, quickly, slowly and expressively.

In the process of reading a poem (it must be learned in advance with the child, first the adult asks questions, and the child answers, and then vice versa).


Kisonka - little mouse, child
Where were you?
-At the mill. educator
What did she do there?
- I grinded flour. educator
Kitty-murisonka, child
What was baked from flour?
-Gingerbread. educator
-Kisonka-murisonka, child
Who did you eat gingerbread with?
-One. caregiver
-Don't eat alone! Don't eat alone! Child

Middle preschool age

Cha-cha-cha-bunny sits at the doctor

Choo-choo-choo-doctor goes to the rook

Purpose: To pronounce pure words with different volumes (quietly, in an undertone, loudly).

Lu-lu-lu-sharpened Tel's saw

Li-li-li-soup is salty, no salt!

Grandfather Danila shared a melon.

Lara washed the floor, Lilya helped Lara.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Purpose: to exercise the child in a clear pronunciation of words, in the use of interrogative and affirmative intonation.

Whose are you, whose forest stream?

But where are you from, brook?

From the keys!

Well, whose are those keys?

Whose birch is by the stream?

What about you, cute girl?

I am my mother, father, grandmother!

The goat jumped into someone else's yard.
Why did you jump up?
- Bar ask.
- Why ask for a bar?
- Sharpen the scythe.
- What to sharpen the scythe?
- Mowing hay.
- What hay to mow?
- Feed the horse.
- What to feed the horse?
- Carry firewood.
- What kind of firewood to carry?
- Heat the hut.
- Why heat the hut?
- Little kids
Bake gingerbread.

"Hush, frogs"

Hush, frogs
(this poem is spoken quietly)
Hush, toads, no gu-gu
Heron walks in the meadow
To avoid trouble
Take water in your mouth.

little mouse
The little mouse stood on tiptoe
He is small in stature
He plays the violin
Quietly chirps.

(Loud rhyme)
Ah, ah, ah, oh!
Masha was sowing peas.
He was born thick
We will rush, you wait!

Practical task

Purpose: to invite the child to pronounce the tongue twister, first with a moderate volume, then in a whisper, in an undertone.

Sa-sha-sha - Sonya washes the baby
As-ash-ash - there is a hut under a pine tree.

Six mice rustle under the pine tree.

Sasha loves drying, and Sonya cheesecakes.

At the girl, at Varyusha

Lost two mittens.

Two Valyushas helped

Search Vare mittens

Annex 5

Exercise for practicing diction and articulation

Learn with children

Purpose: to learn poems with the child. Make sure that he reads them expressively, correctly and clearly pronounces sounds and words.


Play hide and seek under the bush
Naughty foxes.
A fox for kids
Catches mice in the bushes.

Squirrel dries russula,

A paw from a branch tears nuts.

All stocks in the pantry

Suitable for her in the winter.

"The Frogs"
five green frogs
In a hurry to rush into the water -
The herons are scared!
And they make me laugh:
I am this heron
Not a bit afraid!


Hurry up tell me papa
Why do the stars twinkle?
Maybe they are all the time
Is someone waiting for an answer?
You tell me, do the stars cry?
Do you know what tears are?
If they fall to the ground
Are the stars hurt or not?
Hurry up tell me papa
Are all the stars in place?
And tell me the stars can
Talk to me?
Can they laugh merrily?
Can they sing songs?
If the stars visit
Call them to our house!
M. Gaziev


All the whims of Oksanka
Let's collect in big sleds,
We'll take you to a distant forest,
Beyond the sea, beyond the mountains!
And leave near the Christmas tree ...
Let the evil wolves eat them!

"Where is the Sparrow"

The snow is melting, the stream is babbling.

Where is the quick sparrow?

Where is the noisy sparrow?

He lies in his nest.

Near drops and medicine

He has fever.

Sparrow jumped through the puddles

And now lies cold.

Appendix 6

Exercises for practicing logical stress

Read the story.


The mother hen had thirteen chicks. (How many chickens did the mother hen have?)

The smallest chicken was called Chick. (What was the name of the smallest chicken?) The chicken was a very curious chicken. (What was Chick like?) One day, picking flowers, Chick saw a well, decided to look into it and almost fell into it. (What did Chick see when he was picking flowers? Where did Chick almost fall?) Mother Chicken took Chick home and didn't let him go anywhere else. (Where did Chick almost fall? How did mother chicken punish Chick?)

The bear wandered along the edge of the forest.
A bear met a fly.
The fly screamed menacingly:

Leave before it's too late! -
Thunder boomed like a cannon.
The bear ran away from the edge.
The fly is calling
- Hey friends!
I drove the bear away!

Asen Bosev, translated from Bulgarian by V. Viktorov

A mouse squeaked to the reeds:

Your rustle broke the silence
The reeds whisper noisily:

Hush, mouse, don't rustle
The cat will hear your rustle.
I would go to my grandmother, you, baby!
Do not listen, mouse, -
The cat is grabbing, stupid!
V. Kremnev

11.3.1. Formation of the rhythmic organization of the utterance

Speech therapy work in this area is carried out through a special system of exercises aimed at developing the perception and reproduction of rhythmic structures, at mastering the rhythm of words and sentences:

1. Development of perception of rhythmic structures.

Children are invited to listen to a series of beats (or single beats) - loud and quiet, with short and long pauses:

!!! ---; !!--!!--; ! !! !!; !-!-!-; --- --- etc.

The speech therapist asks the children questions on the assessment of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of strokes.

2. Reproduction of rhythmic structures. When forming the ability to reproduce rhythmic structures, children are invited to

after listening to a series of beats, play


Perception and reproduction exercises

rhythmic structures are carried out without relying on

visual analyzer.

3. Formation of the rhythmic organization of the utterance.

Work on this section is carried out in a certain sequence: from recognition of rhythmic structures to understanding and conscious analysis of the perceived pattern, and then to exercises on conscious imitation, which ultimately serve to master the skills of the rhythm of the word and the formation of the rhythmic organization of the utterance.

In the course of speech therapy work, a gradual complication of the proposed speech material is envisaged:

1) monosyllabic words:

a) without a confluence of consonants - house, nose, tooth, cat, mouth, oak, ball, etc .;

b) with a confluence of consonants - a chair, thunder, cake, salt, brother, etc .;

2) two-syllable words:

a) without a confluence of consonants, with the first stressed syllable - mother, porridge, sea, meat, teeth, soap, hands, mice, etc .;

b) without a confluence of consonants, with the last stressed syllable - wasp, pattern, sofa, winter, castle, goat, etc .;

c) with a confluence of consonants, with an emphasis on the first syllable - paint, saber, oil, brand, rag, daughter, etc .;

d) with a confluence of consonants, with the last stressed syllable - a window, a board, a brick, a sailor, glasses, etc .;

3) three-syllable words:

a) without a confluence of consonants, with an emphasis on the first, middle, last syllable - a berry, dishes, a car, boots, an airplane, a wheel, etc .;

b) with a confluence of consonants, with the first, middle, last stressed syllable - an apple, a bus, a bench, a sausage, etc.;

4) pairs of words without moving the stressed syllable:

a) monosyllabic (without a confluence and with a confluence of consonants): goose-geese, tooth-teeth, chair-chairs, nails-nails, etc.;

b) polysyllabic (without a confluence and with a confluence of consonants): song-songs, car-cars, finger-fingers, knitting needles, match-matches, etc.;

5) pairs of words with the movement of the stressed syllable:

a) monosyllabic (without a confluence and with a confluence of consonants): house - houses, garden - gardens, pillar - pillars, table - tables, etc .;

6) polysyllabic (without confluence and with confluence of consonants): board-boards, tree-trees, window-windows, wheel-wheels, etc.;

6) phrases and phrases with various combinations according to the place of stress in words: a beautiful dress, a small ball, a tall tree, etc.; Mum has come home. The house was quiet. Spring has come, etc.

Assimilation of the rhythm of speech utterance takes place in the process of performing special exercises:

1. Perception and reproduction of synthesized rhythmic contours with stress at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the segment:

2. Slapping (tapping) the rhythmic pattern of the synthesized contour, words, poems, phrases (together with a speech therapist and independently).

3. Selection of words (pictures) to a certain accent structure.

4. Imitation of the accent structure of a word (word stress) and a sentence (syntagmatic stress).

In the process of speech therapy work, it is advisable to widely use a variety of speech exercises on the material of rhythmic speech (counters, nursery rhymes, poems), which greatly contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm in children.

11.3.2. Formation of the tempo organization of the utterance

Speech therapy work on the development of the ability of preschoolers with mental retardation to use various tempo characteristics in speech is carried out in three stages:

1. Development of general ideas about the pace of speech.

2. Development of perception of different speech rates. The allocation of this stage is primarily due to the fact that a sufficient level of development of speech hearing and, in particular, such components as the perception and differentiation of different tempo and rhythm of speech, is of decisive importance for the formation of intonational expressiveness of speech.

3. Development of the ability to reproduce a different pace of speech:

a) the reproduction of the tempo characteristics of the phrase is associated with a speech therapist;

b) reproduction of the tempo characteristic of the phrase is reflected, following the speech therapist;

c) independent reproduction of a certain tempo of the phrase.

In cases where preschoolers with mental retardation have deviations from the normal speech rate in their own speech, special exercises are used to normalize it. Exercises are carried out systematically, the main method of work is to imitate the pace of speech of a speech therapist. The elimination of the accelerated rate of speech is carried out by the following exercises:

Repetition of phrases after the speech therapist at a slow pace (conjugated and following the speech therapist);

Independent pronunciation of phrases at a slow pace with the tapping of each syllable (word) - by hitting the table with a hand, slapping, hitting the ball, etc .;

Answers to the speech therapist's questions - first in a whisper at a slow pace, then aloud - slowly and rhythmically;

Slow pronunciation of complex tongue twisters (difficulties in pronunciation provide a slowdown in pace);

Speaking phrases to slow music, marching, etc.;

Various speech games in which there is a need to slowly pronounce words;

The use of dramatizations (the use of character puppets also makes it possible to naturally slow down the pace of children's speech, since in the process of presenting the text, preschoolers must perform various actions with figures);

Stories based on a picture, reading a poem at a slow pace (in conjunction and reflection with a speech therapist, independently; under the beats of a metronome and without them).

In all cases, when performing exercises, visual control over the rate of speech by means of a mirror can be provided, which also greatly contributes to slowing down the pace.

The elimination of a slow pace of speech involves the use of the following exercises:

Repetition of phrases after the speech therapist at a fast pace (conjugated and following the speech therapist);

Independent pronunciation of phrases at a fast pace to the beats of a metronome;

Pronunciation of phrases to fast music;

Finishing a phrase started by a speech therapist at a fast pace;

Memorizing and pronouncing poems and tongue twisters at a fast pace;

The use of various games, dramatizations that require quick pronunciation of words.

It is advisable to supplement the system of speech therapy work with logorhythmic exercises, which include exercises with fast and slow movements, marching, movements to music, outdoor and speech games, which have a certain effect on the normalization of the speech tempo.

The main tasks in the work on the development of the tempo organization of the utterance are:

1. Formation in preschoolers with mental retardation of some knowledge about the pace of speech (normal, fast, slow).

2. Formation of the ability to hear slowing down and speeding up the pace of speech.

3. Formation of the ability to use various tempo characteristics as a sound means of expressiveness of one's own speech.

To solve these problems, it is planned to use various game exercises, the content of which was the following tasks:

Determine the pace of pronouncing the phrase (the pace of reading the story, poem) by raising the flag;

Determine throughout the story (poem) how the pace of its pronunciation changes (sign a flag);

Give examples when it is necessary to speak quickly (when reading tongue twisters, when people are in a hurry, etc.);

Give examples when you need to speak slowly (for example, when you explain something, when you make a riddle, etc.);

Determine the appropriate rate of speech for the utterance;

Learning tongue twisters and pronouncing them first at a slow, then at a fast pace;

Say a phrase at the speech therapist's signal at a given pace (fast, slow, normal);

Learning and reading aloud poems, the content of which requires slowing down or speeding up the pace;

Modeling situations that require fast (slow) speech - for example, an announcer at the station about the arrival of a train; talking to a small child, etc.

Let us give as an example several game exercises and tasks that can be used in the work on the development of perception and reproduction of the tempo of speech.

"Guess how to do it." The speech therapist pronounces the same phrase several times at different tempos:

"The Mill Grinds Grain". Children, imitating the work of the windmill, make circular movements with their hands at the same pace as the speech therapist speaks. Then other phrases are introduced into the game, for example: “Antoshka and I are driving along the path”, “The breeze plays with the leaves”, etc.

"Rain". The speech therapist reads a poem:

Drop one, drop two, Drop slowly first:

Cap, cap, cap.

Drops began to ripen

Drop drop customized:

Cap, cap, cap.

Let's open the umbrella as soon as possible, We'll cover ourselves from the rain. Cap, cap, cap.

Children are invited to clap their hands at the same pace in which the words “Dap, drip, cap” are pronounced. In the future, the children, together with a speech therapist, pronounce the words of the poem.

"Woodpecker". The speech therapist pronounces the couplet several times at different tempos:

A woodpecker hammers a tree, He knocks on the whole forest.

Children are invited to pronounce the words “knock-knock, knock-knock” at the same pace at which the couplet was uttered. Next, the children pronounce this couplet at a different pace, depending on the request of the speech therapist.

11.3.3. Formation of intonational expressiveness of speech

1. Development of perception of various types of intonation.

Speech therapy work is carried out in a certain sequence:

1. General acquaintance with intonation and the means of its expression (tempo, rhythm, pitch and tone of voice, logical stress).

2. Development of narrative intonation perception:

a) familiarity with narrative intonation;

c) exercises to highlight narrative intonation.

3. Development of perception of intonation of an interrogative type:

a) familiarity with interrogative intonation;

b) definition of a picture-symbol;

c) exercises to distinguish interrogative intonation.

4. Development of perception of intonation of exclamatory type:

a) familiarity with exclamatory intonation;

b) definition of a picture-symbol;

c) exercises to highlight exclamatory intonation.

5. Development of differentiation of different types of intonation.

When getting acquainted with various types of intonation and determining a picture-symbol (gnome “Point”, gnome “Question”, gnome “Exclamation”, or pictures with an image.,?,!) The following poems can be used:

Exclamation point

Friends! In the works I stand in order to express excitement, anxiety, admiration, victory, triumph! No wonder I am an opponent of silence from birth! Where am I, those sentences With a special expression Should be pronounced!

(A. Tetivkin)

Stormy feelings have no end:

The ardent disposition of the young man!

Question mark

I ask different questions to everyone:

How? Where? How much? Why? What for? Where? Where? Which? From what? About whom? Who? To whom? Which? Whose? Which? In what? That's what I'm a painter, Question mark.

(A. Tetivkin)

Always thinking about the meaning Bent like a yoke.

She has a special post In the smallest line. If dot - The output is simple:

It means dot.

The phrase should end if the dot is nearby. The point must be respected, the point must be listened to.

(F. Krivin)

Offers are:

1. Interrogative

Now, when I come home, their mother will say:

“You fought, didn’t you?..

Are you dumb?..

Well, why are you stubbornly silent?

2. Narrative

I will have to tell the story, and I will say:

“Didn’t fight, didn’t... Fell off a tree, and now...”

3. Exclamation points

Then dad comes into the room. Come in and say:

“Loafer! I will teach you now!”

(F. Krivin)

2. Formation of intonational expressiveness of speech.

In the course of speech therapy work, it is planned to introduce special preparatory exercises to develop the pitch and strength of the voice, to perceive the movements of the tone of the voice, to develop the duration and intensity of speech breathing. The following tasks are included in the work:

In these tasks, games and dramatizations are widely used (“Far or close?”, “Lost”, “High or low”, “Three bears”), etc.

ay oi aui aza uso, etc.

y - silent articulation - ay, aui y - whispered pronunciation - ay, aui y - quiet pronunciation - ay, aui y - loud pronunciation - ay, aui, etc.

A a A a A a

The formation of intonational expressiveness of speech is carried out according to four main types of intonation-melodic structures in the process of performing exercises in a certain sequence:

1. Exercises to work out the intonation of a declarative sentence, characterized by

lowering the melody on the stressed syllable of the word under syntagmatic stress:

This is Masha.

Masha is singing.

It's early spring outside. Etc.

2. Exercises for working out the intonation of an interrogative sentence without an interrogative word, characterized by a sharp increase in the frequency of the main tone on the stressed syllable of a word under syntagmatic stress:

Masha came?

Masha came?

Masha sings a song?

Masha sings a song?

Masha sings a song? Etc.

3. Exercises for working out the intonation of an interrogative sentence with an interrogative word, characterized by an increase in tone at the interrogative word at the beginning of the sentence:

How does Masha sing?

When will he arrive?

How many children are in the kindergarten? Etc.

4. Exercises for working out the exclamatory intonation of a sentence, characterized by an ascending-descending melody:

What a beauty she is!

It's mom!

Good morning!

etc., with the inclusion of exercises to increase the duration of a syntagmatically stressed vowel and slow down the tempo of pronouncing a sentence (for example, when expressing affection, tenderness, asking):

For-a-aychik my! Masha, yes-a-ay pen!

and its abbreviation:

Look! Get started! Etc.

In the course of work on the development of intonational expressiveness of speech, exercises with interjections, onomatopoeia, counting rhymes, dramatized dialogues, fairy tales, etc. are widely used. only then - independently. To consolidate the ability to use the main means of intonation in speech (pitch, voice power, tempo of speech, etc.), it is necessary to use various poetic texts, the content of which tells the child what means of intonation should be used, for example:

You will read this story

Quiet, quiet, quiet...

Once upon a time there was a gray hedgehog

and his hedgehog.

The gray hedgehog was very quiet

And the hedgehog too.

And they had a child

Very quiet hedgehog.

The whole family go for a walk

At night along the paths

Hedgehog-father, hedgehog-mother

And a baby hedgehog.

Along the deaf autumn paths

They walk quietly: top-top-top.

The hedgehog will return to the forest house,

hedgehog and hedgehog,

If you read a fairy tale

(S. Marshak)

Say louder The word "thunder" - The word rumbles,

Like thunder

(A. Barto)

Fallen leaves conversation is barely audible:

We are from maples... We are from apple trees... We are from elms... We are from cherries... From aspen... From bird cherry... From oak... From birch... Leaf fall everywhere:

On the threshold - frost!

(Yu. Kapotov)

In the waters of the quiet backwater Three tritons sang songs. The first was called Khariton, He sang a beautiful baritone. The newt Anton sang gloriously, He was also a baritone. But the third newt has a Voice lower by three tones. And if the newt's Voice is lower than the baritone's - So it's a powerful bass1 That's the whole story.

(L. Mezinov)

(Children are previously explained unfamiliar concepts, the child is invited to portray the voices of newts.)

It is advisable to supplement the system of speech therapy work with logorhythmic exercises, which include exercises with fast and slow movements, marching, movements to music, outdoor and speech games, which have a significant impact on the emotional expressiveness of children with mental retardation, on the normalization of the rate of speech, education of the rhythm of speech, development the height and strength of the voice, i.e. the main means of speech intonation.

Senior preschool age is a period of intensive personality formation, which is characterized by the formation of the foundations of self-awareness and the creative individuality of the child in various activities (L.S. Vygotsky, V.A. Zhilin, G.G. Kravtsov, etc.).

In the system of factors that determine the formation of personality, a special role belongs to the expressiveness of speech. Already in the early stages of ontogenesis, speech becomes the main means of communication, thinking, planning activities, and arbitrary control of behavior (L.S. Vygotsky and others).

Upon reaching senior preschool age, the formation of speech is so significant that one can talk not only about mastering phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, but also about the development of such qualities of speech as richness, accuracy and expressiveness.

Speech is an important means of self-expression for children. From this point of view, expressiveness as a qualitative characteristic of speech is of particular importance, many researchers emphasize the functional significance of the expressiveness of speech (E.E. Artemova, N.S. Zhukova, etc.).

The expressiveness of speech ensures the effectiveness of communication, contributes to conveying the meaning of the statement to the audience. The appropriate and justified use of the means of speech expressiveness makes the older preschooler an interesting interlocutor and a desirable participant in various types of activities, and allows you to attract the attention of adults and peers. An older preschooler with expressive speech feels more relaxed and confident in any environment due to the fact that he can adequately express thoughts and feelings, show his creative individuality.

The expressiveness of speech allows the older preschooler to express himself more vividly in various types of activities, and above all, in games and in art. Expressiveness characterizes not only the level of formation of children's speech, but also the personality traits of an older preschooler: openness, emotionality, sociability, and so on. The wide influence that expressiveness has on the communicative culture of the individual, relationships with others, self-expression in various types of creative activity, necessitates the study of factors and means of forming the expressiveness of speech in senior preschool age.

L.S. Vygotsky emphasized that the essence of the process of formation of an individual lies in his gradual entry into human culture through the mastery of special "tools of the mind". First of all, they include language and speech, which always stand between a person and the world, and are the means of discovering for the subject the most essential aspects of the surrounding reality. The cumulative accumulative function of the native language allows us to consider it an important channel for the spiritual formation of a personality.

The limited intonational capabilities of preschoolers are characterized by a number of features:

  • Insufficient voice modulation in strength and height;
  • Disturbances in coordination of movements of the respiratory, vocal and articulatory muscles;
  • violations of the respiratory function: weakened speech breathing, short speech exhalation, respiratory rhythm failures during the speech act;
  • Difficulties in children's perception and reproduction of the emotional meanings of intonation;
  • Violations of the melodic component of intonation;
  • Violations of the tempo-rhythmic organization of the utterance.

If speech in children is undeveloped or poorly developed, then mental processes such as attention, memory, perception and, most importantly, logical thinking suffer. Therefore, it is necessary to develop communication skills in preschool children. It is very important that the child knows how to control his voice, intonation, how to modulate his voice depending on the environment in which he is, whether it is communication with adults, peers, in a game, educational activity or in everyday life.

Work on the formation of expressiveness of speech in older preschoolers should permeate the entire life of children in kindergarten, should be carried out in all classes: educators, music director, in physical education, included in all regime moments, starting from the moment the child arrives in kindergarten.

The rhythm and intonation of speech and verse begin to give way to the word. The word, first in speech, then in poetry, becomes the bearer of meaning, and rhythm and intonation turn into a kind of accompaniment to verbal speech. At the same time, the restructuring of the rhythm and intonation of speech is fraught with danger: the word can push the rhythm back so much that in fact the child's speech loses its expressive brilliance and rhythm.

The education of rhythm and intonation is not only a problem of improving the expressiveness of speech itself. As the classics of pedagogy and psychology have repeatedly noted, rich rhythmic speech contributes to the overall mental development of the child and facilitates learning.

For the development of the expressive side of speech, it is necessary to create such conditions in which each child could express his emotions, feelings, desires and views, not only in ordinary conversation, but also in public, without being embarrassed by the presence of outsiders. It is important to teach this in early childhood, since it often happens that people with a rich spiritual content, with expressive speech, turn out to be closed, shy, avoid public speaking, and get lost in the presence of unfamiliar faces.

The habit of expressive speech can be cultivated in a person only by involving him from childhood in speaking to an audience. Theatrical classes in preschool educational institutions can be of great help in this.

Thus, the expressiveness of speech has an integrated character and includes verbal and non-verbal means. The question of the education of expressive speech is connected with the general process of learning. The richer and more expressive the child's speech, the deeper, wider and more diverse his attitude to the content of speech; expressive speech complements and enriches the content of a preschooler's speech. The question of the education of expressive speech is connected with the general process of learning. The richer and more expressive the child's speech, the deeper, wider and more diverse his attitude to the content of speech. Expressive speech complements and enriches the content of the speech of an older preschooler.

Intonation expressiveness of speech

Even in ancient times, before the advent of speech as a means of communication, people tried to convey information using screams, sounds of various heights and strengths, gestures and facial expressions. Even a child who can hardly stand on his feet can tell a lot about: did he sleep well? happy about something? upset about something? Remember how easily a baby guesses the mother's voice among other voices, understands whether she is angry or pleased with him, the fact is that the main carrier of the meaning of speech for a small child is not a word, but intonation and rhythm, which are accompanied by sound. If the child does not hear the means of speech expressiveness, then he does not use them in speech communication.

Nature has given us a great opportunity to convey our feelings and mood through intonation. "Although writing art is very diverse grammatically, it is completely helpless when it comes to intonation. For example," ... there are fifty ways to say "yes" and five hundred ways to say "no", while you can write this word only one once". (B. Shaw).

What is it, intonational expressiveness of speech?

Expressiveness is a feature of speech that captures attention and creates an atmosphere of emotional empathy, since it is very important to be able to distinguish and convey feelings yourself: joy, sadness, surprise, etc. The intonational expressiveness of speech is provided by the ability to change the voice (raise and lower its tone), increase and decrease the volume, speed up and slow down the pace of speech, use pauses, highlight a single word or group of words with the voice, give the voice an emotionally expressive coloring. With the help of intonation, the speaker reflects his attitude to the expressed thought, conveys his feelings, experiences, brings his statement to full completion.

Intonation is a complex complex that includes several expressive means of sounding speech.

Melodika- raising and lowering the voice when pronouncing a phrase, which gives the speech various shades: melodiousness, softness, tenderness, etc. This is what avoids monotony. The melody is present in every word of the sounding speech, and its vowel sounds form, changing in height and village.

Pace- acceleration and deceleration of speech depending on the content of the statement, taking into account pauses between speech segments.

Rhythm- uniform alternation of stressed and unstressed vowels forming syllables. In other words, the alternation of their following qualities: longness and brevity, raising and lowering the voice.

Phrase stress- highlighting, depending on the meaning of the statement, pauses, raising the voice, greater tension and length of pronunciation of a group of words.

logical stress- highlighting with pauses, raising the voice, greater tension and length of pronunciation of individual words that are especially significant in the statement.

Timbre of speech- sound coloring reflecting expressive emotional shades: sad, cheerful, gloomy, etc.

As a rule, children master intonation expressiveness in a natural way. But as practice shows, pupils with speech disorders have violations of the processes of perception and reproduction of intonational structures. The speech of our children is monotonous and inexpressive, accelerated or vice versa - slowed down. They do not realize the importance of intonation for conveying the meaning of statements and their attitude to what is happening.

Correctional work with children on the formation of intonational expressiveness combines activities aimed at developing speech breathing, rhythm, tempo, strength and modulation of the voice. And also on the formation of perception and reproduction of the main intonation types, the development of the child's emotional responsiveness and the ability to convey certain feelings and moods with the help of intonation.

Why do you think it is necessary to develop intonation expressiveness in a child? What will help the formation of intonational expressiveness of speech?

It is the emotional speech of adults that serves as a model of intonational expressiveness. Therefore, work on the development of this important quality is carried out mainly through imitation. When memorizing a poem, when telling or retelling, an adult himself uses emotionally expressive speech and draws attention to the expressiveness of the child's speech. Gradually, children, hearing the correct speech of adults, begin to use the necessary intonations in their independent speech. =----- Try expressively tell any poem with your child, For example:

Masha put on a mitten: -Oh, where am I doing?

There is no finger, he disappeared, he didn’t get into his little house.

Masha took off her mitten: - Look, I found it!

You are looking for, you are looking for, you will not find, hello, finger!

How are you?

Happened? Great!

Now let's talk about working on the pace of speech. The child has its own rate of flow of mental processes in time. This also applies to speech. Preschool children are more likely to speak faster than slower. This negatively affects the intelligibility, clarity of speech. Articulation of sounds worsens. Sometimes individual sounds, syllables and even words are swallowed. This is especially true when pronouncing long words or phrases. It is necessary to strive to ensure that children learn to speak at a moderate pace, at which words sound especially clear, expressive and beautiful. Teach kids to slap rhythms. For example, these:

Simple rhythms Complex rhythms

! -!

! -!

! -! -!

! -! -!

! -!

! -! -!

! -! -!

We invite children to express certain emotions with the help of facial expressions and expressive movements (joy, surprise, interest, pity, resentment, etc.

The development of understanding of the emotional and figurative content of statements is facilitated by the acquaintance of preschoolers with oral folk art.

First of all, it is listening to fairy tales, poems, and other literary texts, read very expressively, with correctly placed accents, emphasizing the meaning of the phrase, in a well-modulated voice, so that each hero of the story has his own recognizable voice.

Discs with fairy tales and poems read by professional actors have proven themselves very well in this sense. After repeatedly listening to the tale, you can invite the child to retell the text, imitating the voices of the actors.

It is useful to use exercises aimed at developing voice change. The same purpose can be served by poems containing interrogative and declarative sentences such as “Wanderers”. - Who wanders there by the river? - These are our waders. - What do they want? - Feed your kids. - Where are the guys? - On the sand. - How many of them? - Son and daughter. The feathers on the neck of the son were all wet, from the fact that, without asking, he stuck his beak right into the mud.

And, of course, in terms of aesthetic significance and influence on the expressiveness of speech and the overall development of the child, a place of honor rightfully belongs to theatrical activities. Playing a role, a child can not only imagine, but also emotionally experience the actions of his character. This, of course, affects the development of the sphere of feelings of the baby. Aesthetic experiences help the child experience admiration for those manifestations of life that he had not noticed before, and convey them through movements, gestures, facial expressions and other means of expression. Arrange at home, albeit small, but captivating and filled with emotions performances.

Game exercises

for the development of intonational expressiveness of speech

1. An adult calls the sentence: "It's raining." Children must repeat it with different intonations - so that it is clear that they are happy, happy; that they are unhappy, it upsets them, etc. The same task is performed with other sentences (The sun is shining. It is snowing. Mushroom rain. The snowdrop has blossomed. The snake is crawling).

The most understandable thing in a language is not the word itself, but the tone, stress, modulation, tempo with which a series of words are pronounced - in short: the music behind the words; the passion behind the music; the personality behind the passion: i.e. everything that can't be written...

As you know, expressiveness is the most important communicative quality of speech. Expressiveness is understood as its features that make it possible to enhance the impression of what is said or written, to arouse and maintain the attention and interest of the addressee. Expressiveness is the property of what is said or written in its verbal form to attract special attention of the listener or reader, to make a strong impression on him.

Speech is called expressive if it affects not only the mind, but also the emotional area of ​​consciousness, maintains the attention and interest of the listener or reader, if it makes a strong impression on him, gives the correctness, accuracy, consistency, purity of the statement a special power of influence. In both oral and written forms of language use, the main resources of expressiveness are contained in vocabulary and phraseology; morphology and syntax also have such resources.

The sound side of oral speech plays an important role, which is why even a speech that is brilliant in content loses in many respects if it is pronounced inexpressively, with hesitations and speech errors.

In order to give expressiveness to speech and make it more convincing, it is necessary to get acquainted with the technique of speech, which includes:

Phonation breathing, which gives strength to the voice;

Diction - a distinct pronunciation of each sound and combinations of sounds;

Intonation - rhythmic-melodic and logical articulation of speech;

Phonetic culture - the correct stress in words and the correct pronunciation of words.

An extremely important aspect in the oral form of language use is intonation. It was she who has always been considered the most important sign of sounding, oral speech, a means of designing any word or connecting words in a statement, a means of clarifying its communicative meaning and emotionally expressive shades.

Despite the fact that intonation primarily characterizes sounding speech, a written text also always “sounds” for authors and is voiced—really or mentally—by the reader. Punctuation marks, graphics, division into paragraphs, stanzas and lines serve to convey intonation in writing - albeit somewhat conditionally and limitedly. One way or another, the author of a written text seeks to convey its intonational coloring, emphasizing and clarifying the content of the statement, trying to convey its meaning to the reader.

Researchers define the concept of intonation in different ways, based on the goals and objectives they solve. Some linguists interpret this term too narrowly, meaning only the rise and fall of the voice, others - more broadly, emphasizing that intonation combines the rate of speech, strength, pitch and timbre of the voice. There is also a broader approach that considers speech technique, pronunciation logic and emotional-figurative expressiveness as interrelated components of intonation.

But they all agree on one thing: intonation is not only a means of expression, it is an important means of forming an utterance and revealing its meaning. The same sentence, uttered with different intonation, takes on a different meaning.

With the help of intonation, the main communicative meanings are expressed: statement, question, exclamation, motivation. Often the intonation with which the phrase is spoken is trusted more than the words, that is, the direct meaning of the phrase. In addition, intonation carries important information about a person: about his mood, about his attitude to the subject of speech and the interlocutor, about his character and even about his profession. This property of intonation was already noted in antiquity. So, for example, Abu-l-Faraj, a 13th-century scholar, wrote: “He who speaks, gradually lowering his voice, is undoubtedly deeply saddened by something; who speak in a weak voice is as timid as a lamb; he who speaks piercingly and incoherently is stupid as a goat.

Intonation plays a special role within the framework of the whole text: it colors texts of different styles and genres in different ways, divides the text into semantic pieces, at the same time making an interphrase connection, and is an active factor in the emotional and aesthetic impact on the listener. Thus, intonation is closely connected with all levels of the language, it is the most important means of communication, an integral attribute of speech, contributing to its understanding, giving it expressiveness and semantic and stylistic design.

Intonation (from Latin intonare - I speak loudly) is a sound form of utterance, a system of changes (modulations) in pitch, volume and timbre of the voice, organized using tempo, rhythm and poise (tempo-rhythmically organized) and expressing the communicative intention of the speaker, his attitude towards himself and to the addressee, as well as to the content of the speech and the environment in which it is pronounced.

In an utterance, intonation performs the following functions:

Distinguishes communicative types of statements - motivation, question, exclamation, narration, implication (implication);

Distinguishes parts of the statement according to their semantic importance, emphasis;

It forms the statement into a single whole, at the same time dividing it into rhythmic groups (syntagmas);

Expresses specific emotions;

Reveals the subtext of the statement;

Characterizes the speaker and the situation of the message.

Colors texts of different styles and genres in different ways;

It is an active factor in the emotional and aesthetic impact on the listener;

The recommended speech speed is 100 - 200 words per minute. At the same time, the speech technique includes a set of skills: speech breathing, voice leading, diction, intonation. The skillful use of these skills allows you not to experience pressure on the speech apparatus, helps to avoid fatigue, achieve maximum contact with the audience and high quality speech.

The intonation includes several components: melody, volume, logical stress, speech rate and pause. These intonational means in speech appear in various combinations, giving it variety, brightness and expressiveness.

Melodika- this is a change (increase or decrease) in the pitch of the voice throughout the utterance. It is the main component of intonation, sometimes it is called intonation in the narrow sense of the word or phrasal intonation, observed within the framework of syntactic units - phrases and sentences (including a one-word sentence). This movement creates the tonal contour of the utterance and its parts, and thus connects and divides the speech.

There are several types of melodics in Russian, the main ones are:

The melody of completeness, which is characterized by a decrease in the pitch of the voice towards the end of the utterance and is characteristic of declarative sentences, as well as interrogative sentences with a question word; it indicates the end of the statement or its significant part;

Interrogative melody, which is characterized by an increase in pitch and is characteristic of interrogative sentences without an interrogative word (general question);

The melody of incompleteness, which is close to interrogative, but is characterized by a smaller rise in pitch and is realized in non-final parts of a common statement, creating a sense of a future continuation.

Volume is the intensity of the utterance perceived by the listener. Usually, the more semantic parts of the statement are characterized by a higher intensity and are pronounced louder than the less significant parts. In addition, the intensity of the utterance usually decreases towards the end of the utterance.

Melody and especially the second important component of intonation - loudness (intensity) are used to emphasize some parts of the statement, called phrasal stress. Its neutral variety is called syntagmatic stress and is considered as a means of organizing syntagmas. A syntagma is a relatively small group of words united by proximity in speech and a close semantic connection. In the Russian text, the syntagmatic stress consists in the fact that the last word of the syntagma (if it is not a function word incapable of having its own verbal stress) is emphasized more than others.

So, the sentence "What are you did yesterday in the evening? most habitually breaks up into two syntagmas (their boundaries are indicated by a vertical line, and the word receiving syntagmatic stress is italicized). A deviation from the usual norms of syntagmatic stress is logical stress(often called accent or semantic emphasis) - highlighting, using intonational means, a word in a statement that seems to the speaker the most important, in order to draw the listener's attention to it. This is the intonation center of the utterance, that is, the syllable or word on which a communicatively significant change occurs, focusing attention. Depending on which word of the phrase the logical stress falls on, the statement changes its meaning and requires a different speech reaction of the interlocutor.

for example:

- You you are going out of town with us? - Yes, let's go.

- You go with us out of town? - Yes, with you.

You are you coming out of town with us? - Yes, we.

Logical stress can further emphasize a word that should already be highlighted by syntagmatic stress. For example: "This is not a new book, but only new article

Speech rate- the speed of pronouncing the elements of speech (sounds, syllables, words). In phonetic studies, the duration of sounds is used to characterize the tempo, but in practice they use the indicator of the number of sounds (syllables, words) uttered per unit of time (second or minute).

In the concept of tempo, according to Paul L. Sopera , includes:

1) speed of re-chi in general;

2) the duration of the sound of individual phrases;

3) intervals and duration of pauses.

He believes that the speed of speech is related to the characteristics of the speaker himself and the nature of the content of the speech. As a general rule, notes Paul L. Sauper, “the more important the content, the more restrained the speech,” and “private conversation, especially on casual topics, proceeds in faster tones than public speaking.” There are phrases, the content of which assumes a certain pace, sets it: Rushing like crazy! Disappeared - as the wind blew away! Crawls like skulls-ha! Barely turning!

The main patterns of change in the tempo of speech throughout the utterance is that at the end of the utterance, the tempo is usually slower than at the beginning, and, in addition, the most important words and parts of the utterance are characterized by a slowdown in the tempo of speech. In other words, what the speaker considers important, he usually pronounces more slowly.

Slowing down the pace gives a sense of epicness, acceleration (but not fussiness) helps to create a sense of dynamics, surprise and swiftness of what is happening.

It should be remembered that too fast a pace, for example, of a judicial speech, does not allow one to fully absorb the information. Too slow speech is simply tiring, it seems that the speaker does not know the subject of speech. It is important that the speech be delivered with a change in tempo. Different compositional parts of the performance require their own pace. For example, when analyzing the case materials, proving and refuting, it is possible to slow down the pace of speech, which will emphasize the nature of the reasoning. General passages where general issues are discussed can be spoken at a faster pace. Of course, the rate of speech depends on the content of the statement and the individual characteristics of the speaker, but it is important for a lawyer to develop the ability to hear his speech and evaluate it.

Probably, we can say that the voice is the same characteristic affiliation of a person as fingerprints, handwriting, gait, habitual gestures. Having tape recordings, the police can figure out a telephone terrorist, charge a bribe taker or a spy. It would seem that the voice can be changed beyond recognition, but, firstly, the changed voice cannot be used for a long time, you can only croak or hiss a few phrases, then the ligaments require rest. Secondly, the original intonation pattern, tone, timbre, voice intensity can be reconstructed using currently existing instruments. Each person's voice has a unique combination of properties.

Everyone knows the game they played in childhood: the driver is blindfolded, and one of the other players says a phrase by which he needs to be recognized. If this is not one word, but a phrase, then, as a rule, they will recognize it without difficulty. What contributes to this? The presence of practically unique properties of each sounding voice, more precisely, their combination, compatibility. These properties, on the one hand, can be considered as objective characteristics: such a characteristic as the tone of voice is objective: its height is measured in hertz per second (the more hertz per second, the higher the sound, and therefore the voice); sound power - its intensity depends on the amplitude of the vibrations of the vocal cords and is measured in decibels; timbre - a set of fundamental tone and additional - overtones. Another thing is that the listener is not able to determine and measure the above characteristics without the appropriate instruments, it does not even occur to him: he uses subjective perception.

The listener positively perceives the melodic variety of sounding speech, negatively - monotonous speech (He slurs on one note! He worked like a sexton!). Too high (What a shrill voice!) or too low (Buzzing like a bumblebee!) voice is also poorly perceived. Such voices are tiring and annoying. Obviously, the human ear is not able to receive too high or too low voices for a long time. The task of the speaker is to diversify the tonality of the range. There is one more subtlety: if the audience is excited, the speaker has an unconscious desire to raise his voice, increase the volume, in order to nevertheless convey his thoughts to the listeners. Unfortunately, the reaction will be just the opposite: it is impossible to shout down the audience. On the contrary, you need to slightly lower the tone of the voice, reduce the intensity of the sound. This will make the listeners quiet down, listen.

Timbre The voice of each person is one of the most characteristic individual properties that distinguish him from other people. Just as there are no two faces absolutely similar to each other, so there are no two voices absolutely identical in timbre. The main characteristic elements of the timbre of each voice can be considered a constant value that does not change from the moment of voice mutation. There are times when they do not recognize a person who has not been seen for many years by the face, but they recognize them by the timbre of a conversational voice. The timbre of the voice is also called "sound color" or simply "voice color". It is by timbre that we recognize the voices of familiar people. The timbre is such a characteristic, inalienable property of every person that the Italians in the old days included the timbre of the voice in their passports among the special signs.

Variation of the timbre is possible due to the ability of the speech apparatus to work in various modes. A pleasant, beautiful voice timbre allows you to quickly find contact with the audience, captivates listeners. The disadvantages of the timbre are all sorts of noise overtones: axis-flatness, hoarseness.

An important characteristic of sounding oral speech is the tempo. Too fast private speech of the interlocutors is a normal phenomenon if they understand each other well, but too fast speech of the speaker in public deserves censure. Most speakers speak 120-150 words per minute. At the same time, slow speech is perceived by listeners even more negatively than excessively fast speech. A person who speaks too slowly does not realize that he is losing the attention of his listeners. It is doubly bad if such speech is the result of not mastering the material. Therefore, in order to avoid sluggish and lingering speech, you need to be well prepared for public communication. But the pace is not only the rapid pronunciation of phrases, individual words, but also pauses.

Pause- a break in sound is an important means of semantic articulation of a sentence. Depending on the location of the pause, the meaning of the statement may change. A pause is a continuation of a conversation by non-verbal means; it is not for nothing that there are expressions “eloquent pause”, “eloquent silence”. There are various classifications of pauses. So, some scientists divide them into syntactic and non-syntactic ones, among which pauses of recall, silence and tension stand out; pauses logical, psychological, physiological. Pauses make live speech natural, clear, expressive. Pauses not only dismember speech, but also unite it: the words between pauses acquire semantic unity.

Syntactic, corresponding to punctuation marks in writing. Syntactic pauses differ in duration: a longer pause in place of a period, a shorter one in place of a comma - we were all taught this in elementary school. In addition, such pauses are used in an incomplete sentence in place of a missing member of the sentence: A team of horses rushes in a whirlwind. And behind her // one more, another, and behind them // a crowd of children;

Pauses of hesitation, reflection. During this pause, the speaker tries to find a word, formulate thoughts, find a new aspect for discussion. Pauses occur anywhere in the utterance and reflect fluctuations in the choice of speech means. Sometimes this pause is filled with gestures (snapping fingers), sometimes with phrases like How can I put it more accurately? In principle, these pauses do not interfere with the perception of speech, if the speech is not oversaturated with them, on the contrary, the rare use of this type of pause helps to attract the attention of listeners, they, following the speaker, try to pick up, suggest to him a more accurate word or expression. Experienced lecturers often use this technique (provoking the audience to a clue by simulating a hesitating pause) to activate the attention of the listeners to test how attentive they are. Some of the listeners will not hesitate to suggest aloud, someone will move their lips, uttering a word to themselves, someone will only think, and the goal has been achieved - everyone focused on the content of the material being presented;

Empty pauses are painful and poorly perceived by listeners. During this pause, the speaker recalls a text that he does not firmly know. These pauses fill the speech of poorly educated people who have no idea what else to say and what words to say.

Thus, “when properly applied, a pause is always desirable. It is useful in many ways, and it is also easy to make. It is all the more surprising that only a few speakers use it wisely. It facilitates breathing, because for exhalation there is an unnecessary, albeit insignificant, assessment of the speaker, as well as the speaker's emotions about this. Evaluation rarely appears in speech without emotion, information is outside of both. For example, epideictic speech (the main content of which is evaluation, “praise and blasphemy” about the subject of speech) not only evaluates, but also expresses and excites emotions, and often entertains listeners, and informs, and contains elements of argumentation. The most important thing is what intention prevails.

Logical pauses separate one semantic segment of speech from another, helping to understand the meaning of the statement. Often the logical belly builds the perspective of the statement. For example, "Judges / / I begin my opening speech / concluding the first speeches of the main prosecutors in this trial / with full consciousness / of its greatest historical significance." The logically significant words are with full consciousness of its greatest historical significance, they are marked with a pause.

Raising and lowering the voice, increasing or decreasing its volume and strength, accelerating or slowing down the tempo creates a logical melody of the phrase. Pauses are associated with the logical melody, dividing the text into parts. The degree of raising or lowering the voice, as well as strengthening or weakening it, depends on the degree of importance, the significance of the logical stress. Psychological pauses draw attention to the most significant part of the statement. They emphasize emotional moments, enhance the psychological impact of speech. In the sentence "Soon / very soon / you will retire to the deliberation room / in order // to pass the verdict" pauses after the words to the meeting room focus the attention of all those present in the courtroom on the fate of the defendants.

Being an integral attribute of speech, intonation is closely related to lexical and syntactic means of expression. First of all, with figures of speech directly related to intonational design: rhetorical question, exclamation, appeal; default, ellipsis, parcelling, segmentation, epiphrase.

We have already talked about some of these figures of speech. With the help of a rhetorical question, a rhetorical exclamation, a rhetorical appeal, the emotionality of the statement can be increased, and the attention of the reader or listener is drawn to certain parts of the text. Now let's turn to the following figures.

Default- a figure that provides the reader or listener with the opportunity to guess and reflect on what could be discussed in a suddenly interrupted statement. parcel and epiphrase refer to structural-graphic selections. With the help of these figures, the reader's attention is drawn to one of the components of the utterance, which in the general flow of speech could go unnoticed. Like other figures of speech, parceling and epiphrasing are closely related to punctuation in the written version of the text; in oral form, intonation helps them.

Parceling- in a written text, separating with a dot one or several last words of the statement to attract readers' attention to them and give them a new sound: “The process has begun. Back?"

“He came home late at night. One. When everyone stopped waiting for him. epiphrase, or joining, is an additional, clarifying sentence or phrase attached to an already completed sentence: “Who would have thought that the Bonn politicians, and even the Social Democrats, would raise the question of this?” The epiphrase not only helps to place logical accents, but also adds information.

Thus, intonation training includes:

Intonation scan of punctuation marks;

Work on the pace of speech;

Work on the style of speech (at the sentence level);

test questions

1. What is an effective speech activity of a lawyer?

2. What are the stages in the implementation of speech action?

3. What types of speech activity form the basis of the process of speech communication?

4. What positive results can a lawyer achieve by developing listening skills? Describe the components of the listening skill: concentration of attention; critical perception of what is heard; analysis of what was heard; summarizing the information received.

5. What are the features of non-reflexive, reflective and emotional listening?

6. What are the stages of the reading process? How to achieve the effectiveness of this type of speech activity?

7. Legal stamps and clichés. What are their differences?

8. Features of the legal language. Characteristic features of written and oral legal speech.

9. What is included in the concept of speech culture?

10. Why is it necessary to talk about the culture of speech of a lawyer?

11. What are the important communicative qualities of speech.

12. How is logical speech achieved?

13. What is the relevance of speech?

14. What creates ambiguity in speech?

15. Which of the communicative qualities of speech provide correctness, which - speech skills?

16. What is the reason for speech errors? Name these reasons.

17. What strategy would you suggest to eliminate speech errors?

18. What is the reason for the communication failure?

19. How important is the speech culture of the interlocutor to you?

20. How would you rate the level of your speech culture?

21. What does the neutrality of a legal letter mean?

22. What are the requirements for creating the text of a legal document?

23. Remember the laws of rhetoric. Why can we assume that the figurative and expressive means of language contribute to the fulfillment of these laws?

24. What is a rhetorical trope? Give examples.

25. Why is irony good as a rhetorical figure? Can you make your speech ironic?

26. Tell us about the different groups of rhetorical figures. Can you use tropes and figures of speech in your speech?

27. How does intonation help to achieve a logical statement?

28. What means of intonation contribute to the expressiveness and individuality of the speaker's speech?