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Self-instruction manual for English audio. You improve your listening comprehension of English speech

Famous English audio lessons radio station "Voice of America" ​​(VOA). Free audio English lessons are audio files various topics, from simple to complex. Audio English lessons very useful for learning spoken English. Here you can download English audio lessons absolutely free. Free English audio lessons- an excellent tool for teaching everyone with different levels of language proficiency.

  • Audio lesson 1. You will learn to greet each other and say your name in English.

  • Audio lesson 2. You will learn to introduce other people by saying their names and professions.

  • Audio lesson 3. You will learn to ask your new acquaintances what they do, what kind of work they do, learn the names of professions and several pronouns. Repeat the words and expressions used when meeting.

  • Audio lesson 4. You will learn to ask the question “Who are you?”, “What is your name?”, and also repeat the words and expressions used when meeting.

  • Audio lesson 5. In this lesson you will learn how to say goodbye and thank your interlocutor.

  • Audio lesson 6. Learn to ask for directions and explain how to walk or drive to a certain place.

  • Audio lesson 7. Question "Where are you from?" - Where are you from? and the answer to it.

  • Audio lesson 8. In this lesson you will learn how to talk about where you live and work.

  • Audio lesson 9. Learn to respond to requests and polite orders. Learn expressions that can be used to make a request or give an order.

  • Audio lesson 10. In this lesson you will learn how to make road inquiries using a map.

  • Audio lesson 11. You will learn to tell who you are by profession and what kind of work you do, as well as how you can find out the names of unfamiliar objects.
  • Audio lesson 12. Getting to know different professions, types of work and stories about it.

  • Audio lesson 13. You will learn to talk about what kind of work different people do, and also point out nearby and distant objects.

  • Audio lesson 14. In this lesson you will learn to talk about the place and time of the work being performed. You will also learn to ask questions with the question words where and when.

  • Audio lesson 15. Plural of nouns. Names of various enterprises and institutions.

  • Audio lesson 16. You will learn to talk about houses and apartments, and also ask general issues requiring a positive or negative response.

  • Audio lesson 17. You will learn to answer questions about your home and what you can do.

  • Audio lesson 18. In this lesson, you will become familiar with the terms used to describe family relationships and learn how to answer questions about family members, where they live, and what they do.

  • Audio lesson 19. Acquaintance with new terms denoting family relationships. Introducing family members and answering family-related questions.

  • Audio lesson 20. Questions and answers in the past tense and their difference from questions in the present tense. Answers to questions about the family.

  • Audio lesson 21. You will learn to talk about what you like, mainly what kind of music you prefer.

  • Audio lesson 22. Description of various actions in the present and past tense and answers to questions about your past.

  • Audio lesson 23. Learn to ask questions about what people you know are going to do in the future.

  • Audio lesson 24. Learn to ask questions about modes of transport and give answers to them.

  • Audio lesson 25. Learn to ask questions about your work and rest times in the past tense with a question word when and give answers to them.

  • Audio lesson 26. Filling out a questionnaire (application form) during the interview.

  • Audio lesson 27. Learn to ask questions about your favorite activities and sports and talk about them.

  • Audio lesson 28. You will learn to talk and ask questions about things that people usually don't like to do.

  • Audio lesson 29. You will learn to talk about the things you want to have in your wardrobe or buy.

  • Audio lesson 30. In this lesson you will learn how to talk about events and activities in which you would like to participate.

  • Audio lesson 31. A story about what you don’t like and what you don’t like to do.

  • Audio lesson 32. Learn to understand the timing of certain events and talk about your schedule.

  • Audio lesson 33. We will continue to explore the timing of certain events and also talk about our schedule. You will learn to see the difference between the circumstances of approximate and exact time.

  • Audio lesson 34. We will continue to explore the timing of certain events and will also talk about our schedule again.

  • Audio lesson 35. In this lesson you will learn how to ask questions and give answers about the exact times of various events.

  • Audio lesson 36. Questions and answers about the timing of various events.

  • Audio lesson 37. Learn to understand physical descriptions different people and answer questions for yourself.

  • Audio lesson 38. Describe the appearance of different people and answer questions about your appearance and the appearance of your friend.

  • Audio lesson 39. Continuation of the topic “Appearance”. Description of the physical characteristics of different people.

  • Audio lesson 40. Description of your appearance - “What I look like.”

  • Audio lesson 41. Description of the appearance of older people.

  • Audio lesson 42. Description of buildings.

  • Audio lesson 43. Learn to describe your property.

  • Audio lesson 44. Oral story about different cities and areas for those who know nothing about them.

  • Audio lesson 45. You will learn to describe different objects and tell what functions they perform.

  • Audio lesson 46. Description of different places and areas.

  • Audio lesson 47. Repetition: information about the road - how to get to or get to a certain place.

  • Audio lesson 48. Description of the clothing items you want to buy.

  • Audio lesson 49. Repetition: Conversation about things you want or need to buy. You will also learn new words - names of food products.

  • Audio lesson 50. Conversation about the cost of vegetables. Questions about prices on the market.

  • Audio lesson 51. Repetition of phrases and expressions from previous lessons. You will also learn how to ask for help in the store.

  • Audio lesson 52. Repetition of phrases and expressions from previous lessons.

  • Audio lesson 53. Repetition of greetings, as well as expressions with which we say goodbye and introduce ourselves and other people.

  • Audio lesson 54. Repetition of expressions with which we introduce ourselves and other people and say goodbye. Exercises with these expressions.

  • Audio lesson 55. Learn to recognize the names of your new acquaintances and tell them your name. You will also be introduced to some new types of interrogative sentences.

  • Audio lesson 56. You will become familiar with the different terms and titles used when addressing you, and practice using them.

  • Audio lesson 57. You will learn to talk about your age, provide your address and the addresses of various organizations.

  • Audio lesson 58. Learn to apologize for your actions and politely respond to other people's apologies.

  • Audio lesson 59. Learn expressions that you can use to politely interrupt your interlocutor.

  • Audio lesson 60. Learn expressions indicating the ownership of objects and repeat different forms of interrogative sentences.

  • Audio lesson 61. Learn to talk about the weather, learn useful expressions and questions used at the beginning of a conversation with strangers.

  • Audio lesson 62. Learn to ask for permission, follow orders and commands, and learn new words related to the topic “Home.”

  • Audio lesson 63. Repetition of old ones and introduction to new words and expressions on the topic “Family”.

  • Audio lesson 64. Relationships between people at work. Words and expressions on this topic.

  • Audio lesson 65. You will learn to ask questions about different professions, jobs and small family businesses.

  • Audio lesson 66. You will learn more about different professions and occupations and learn to ask questions about the topic.

  • Audio lesson 67. Learn to ask your interlocutor and give permission.

  • Audio lesson 68. We will continue to practice how to make a request and how to give permission.

  • Audio lesson 69. We'll talk about consumption verb could to express the possibility (probability) of performing a particular action and compare it with the verb can.

  • Audio lesson 70. Learn to ask questions and give explanations about unfamiliar objects and actions.

  • Audio lesson 71. Learn to ask for explanations and give examples.

  • Audio lesson 72. You will learn to understand conversations about health conditions and life experiences.

  • Audio lesson 73. You will learn to express your feelings, mainly joy and good mood.

  • Audio lesson 74. You will learn to express your feelings, mainly sadness and bad mood.

  • Audio lesson 75. Learn to ask questions about location various items and objects.

  • Audio lesson 76. You will learn to answer questions about the location of various objects and the location of events.

  • Audio lesson 77. In this lesson you will learn to ask questions about the venue various works at the construction site.

  • Audio lesson 78. Learn to describe people's appearance and physical characteristics.

  • Audio lesson 79. You will learn to understand and describe different objects, their sizes, colors and shapes.

Audiobooks are a great way to learn English. It is especially useful for those who are used to perceiving information by ear - auditory learners. With the help of such lessons you will significantly improve your pronunciation, as well as your perception of English speech aurally.

A high-quality English self-teaching audiobook will help you develop your understanding of English in just a few weeks. At the same time, you can listen to lessons while working around the house, driving a car, while public transport or on vacation.

The most important aspect The first step is choosing a quality textbook. And today we have prepared a selection of 10 audiobooks for independent study English language.

This English tutorial for beginners audiobook is suitable for students Intermediate level and higher. This course examines situations that most often occur in Everyday life: going to the store, buying train tickets, communicating with passers-by, etc.


Discounts: 7 days free

Training mode: Online

Free lesson: Provided

Teaching method: Selfeducation

Online testing: Provided

Customer Feedback: (5/5)

Literature: -

Address: -

Moreover, the textbook helps not only improve your pronunciation, but also significantly improve your English grammar and expand lexicon. The course is extremely useful if you plan to live in an English-speaking country or are planning a trip to the USA or UK.

Idioms play important role in American English: they are used when communicating, in sports, on TV, in in public places etc. And if you want to fully communicate in the American dialect and understand other people, then you simply cannot do without idioms.

The peculiarity of the course is that at intermediate and advanced levels you do not need to read its text version. To expand your vocabulary, you can only take audio lectures. Twenty lessons are presented in a simple and convenient form. You just need to listen to the English speech and repeat after the announcer.

This is not only an audiobook self-teaching book on the English language, but an entire program that includes the sounds, rhythm and intonation of American English. To maximize your skills, you simply listen and repeat the recorded text.

Learning is also easy because all situations are relevant and very easy to remember. After the course, you will significantly improve your perception of English speech when communicating, watching TV, movies and listening to music.

Greetings my most wonderful readers.

You have no idea how frustrating it sometimes is for me to hear that students do not pay enough attention to developing their listening skills. Of course, this is not so important when applying. What about in life?

But still, I am sure that most of you are among those who do not neglect this part of training. And for you I have crazy interesting topic- audiobooks in English for beginners. Files for downloading several of them and tips for working are below.

What to listen to?

Well, I have books for you from private collections that I'm sure you'll love. You can download your mp3 and start listening now.

In the archive you will find 4 folders with my favorite works: "Alice in Wonderland", "Aladdin", "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "The Princess Diaries". All except Alice are given with texts.

You've probably heard more than once about English language courses using Ilona Davydova's method. Now you can listen to her quality courses in audio format for a very affordable price. For example, here is one of the disks ( Spoken everyday English. Course 1. Disc 1. In the city ), a fragment of which you can listen to right now. You can buy these useful courses (or other audio and electronic literature) on the website Litres. There I often listen to and read books myself when I am on the road or doing household chores. Very comfortably!

Great sites for online audiobooks

Of course, now it’s not always so necessary to download audiobooks. You can simply listen to them online. I have for you my personal top sites that you can use to improve your audio perception.

  1. one of the best foreign sites that have collected an excellent collection of a wide variety of books. From adventure stories to science fiction and romance novels. Whatever you want, you will see on the pages of this site.
  2. a very interesting site where you can listen not only famous stories, but also little known stories people from all over the world.
  3. a site created exclusively by volunteers who, out of the kindness of their hearts, share entries. Moreover, among the catalog you can see those that are not so easy to find.

Why do this?

Let's be honest, you can't expect your foreign language to improve solely on knowledge. So, listening gives you not only new vocabulary, but also improves your perception oral speech, thereby making it more diverse, lively and interesting.

How to use it?

Of course, you can’t just take an audio recording and dump it on your head. Need to see her prepare. I have some tips for you that I hope will help you.

  • Choose according to your level.

This learning option will be incredibly useful for learning a language. Already possessing basic knowledge, you can confidently listen to adapted recordings and study from them. Moreover, on initial stage I don’t just recommend, but insist that you listen to the adapted recordings.

  • No need to look for translated records.

Yes, it would be much easier to download the recording with translation. But in this case, you slow yourself down, because you will concentrate less on the speech and wait more for the subsequent translation.

  • Choose for your soul.

Now you can download your favorite works for free. Choose the ones you already like. Or those that you have been dreaming of reading for a long time. You won't believe it, but you'll understand O most of the text, if the book is incredibly interesting to you.

Well, have you already chosen the first books you will listen to? Share in the comments which ones. Maybe I’ll take something to note as well.

And remember, my dears, that with me you can improve your English step by step. Subscribe to my blog's newsletter and receive regular portions of useful information.

See you again, my dears.

In our time, no one doubts the need to know two or more languages. Unfortunately, modern man has too little time to visit language classes or hire a tutor, but going to an English-speaking country is even more expensive. But in order to learn to speak English well, you need to hear native speakers or people who speak the language as a native language, and not a person who has worked in school all his life and barely speaks English or American pronunciation. An alternative way to study English language— audio tutorial.

The difference between an audio tutorial in English and other methods

Many people, having decided to engage in self-education, buy a textbook, but without basic language knowledge, organize correct work it doesn't always work out. Abundance of complex word-formation structures, incomprehensible phonetic signs, the inability to correctly voice your thoughts - all this makes studying difficult. A person quickly loses interest in the language, and then motivation. The audio course solves several problems at once: it helps to understand how a word is formed and pronounced, where and in what form it can be used.

This method is suitable for everyone, regardless of age and occupation.

Of course, this method has a number of “advantages” that make it stand out among other methods of self-education. To listen to English lessons, just download the audio course to a flash card or disk. You can spend your time in a traffic jam with great benefit if, instead of boring music, you listen to another English lesson. Now you don’t need to look for a place, time, money, teacher. You will have all this. An mp-3 player with a disc or a flash card with lessons is enough. Your English lessons can take place anywhere and anytime: during your lunch break, in the car or on public transport, in the morning over a cup of coffee or in the evening while taking a bath after a hard day at work.

How it works?

If you seriously decide to take classes, then you don’t have to plan your time. Moreover, to learn English, you can download an audio tutorial for free from the sites offered to you or work online. These classes differ significantly from traditional work with a teacher. Here, your speaking technique is also improved, and you are usually taught pronunciation directly by native speakers. This method allows you to listen to the lesson until you fully understand it, repeat phrases after the speaker and not worry that you won’t succeed, that your time and money will be wasted. In addition, you can choose lessons according to your level, both for those who are starting to learn English from scratch, and for those who already have basic knowledge . Skills colloquial speech

are acquired naturally and without coercion, and at the same time you can study grammar. The old method of starting dictionaries and learning new words by heart is not needed at all here. The material is consolidated by repeated listening and repetition of words, phrases, and speech patterns.

Audio tutorial and children The big advantage of an audio tutorial is that learning English is accessible and fun. But this is so necessary for modern children, who are very overloaded at school. Thanks to the tutorial, children even preschool age will be able to master a new language for them by listening to poetry, fairy tales and folk songs. This is a good help for studying

The modern rhythm of life also dictates its own rules in learning; today there is no longer a need to sit in a stuffy office and day after day try to master a speech that is alien to the Russian ear, write notes, dictations, draw tables and start dictionaries. There is a more rational way to learn English - this is