Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Spiritual test. Spiritual test

Methods for determining the level of spiritual and moral development of students

“The personality of a student is complex and multifaceted. Therefore, it can be studied only under the condition of applying various methods, and not in isolation from one another, but in close connection and interaction,” writes Soviet teacher N.I. Boldyrev in his book moral education schoolchildren: questions of theory.

The peculiarity of spiritual and moral education is that its “result”, as such, is very difficult to fix. In fact, there are no methods by which it would be possible to objectively and with 100% accuracy determine the level of spiritual and moral development of a student. An idea of ​​the spiritual level of a person can be formed through live communication with him, and a long one, covering different stages of his life and development, as well as through the complex application of the most various methods study, projective and diagnostic techniques.

Another problem is that spiritual and moral education is a dynamic, continuous process that does not stop throughout a person's life. Accordingly, it is almost impossible to judge its final result, as well as to fix it.

However, there are several methods used in modern psychological and pedagogical diagnostics to fix some individual personality traits, student value systems, which, together with various psychological methods(observations, study of products of activity, etc.) allow you to get an approximate idea of ​​the stage of spiritual and moral development of a student at this moment. This is necessary for teachers to monitor the effectiveness of the adopted methods of spiritual and moral education and, if necessary, their subsequent adjustment.

Periodic diagnostics and evaluation of the quality of spiritual and moral education of students can improve its effectiveness, correct mistakes in time, and correct shortcomings. This is very important for every teacher who really cares about what kind of personality he will bring up for society, what values ​​his pupils will uphold when they become adults.

Below are some of the methods we use in our work. It is customary to apply them in a complex way, since one technique complements another. Such methods are based on various criteria for assessing the level of morality, which for the most part have something in common and, in turn, are based on the same categories.

In Plato, Socrates, Aristotle we find such categories as good, evil, wisdom, courage, moderation, justice, happiness, friendship. In the Middle Ages, the concept of "mercy" appears, in a later historical era- "duty" (I. Kant), "guilt" (Hegel). Thus, 11 main basic categories of moral consciousness are distinguished. Very closely related to them is the method of studying the level of formation of moral concepts in students.

Questionnaire "Moral concepts»

How do you understand the following words?







Children's responses are scored and graded according to next levels:

1) the concept is not formed, the child does not understand what in question

2) vague ideas about the concept, contradictory, confusing

3) clear understanding of the concept, a sufficiently deep (at a level accessible to the age of the surveyed) understanding of the meaning of the proposed word

The following methodology is designed to identify the level of moral self-esteem of students.

Method #1: Diagnosis of Moral Self-Esteem

Instruction: 4 points - if you completely agree with the statement,

3 points - if you agree more than you disagree

2 points - if you agree a little

1 point - if you don't agree at all

Opposite the question number, put the score by which you rated the read statement.

Question text:

1. I am often kind to peers and adults.

2. It is important for me to help a classmate when he is in trouble.

3. I think it's okay to be unrestrained with some adults.

4. Probably, there is nothing wrong with being rude to a person unpleasant to me.

5. I find that being polite makes me feel good around people.

6. I think that you can afford to swear at an unfair remark addressed to me.

7. If someone in the class is teased, then I tease him too.

8. I enjoy making people happy.

9. It seems to me that you need to be able to forgive their people negative deeds.

10. I think it's important to understand other people, even if they're wrong.

Processing of results: Numbers 3, 4, 6, 7 (negative questions) are processed as follows: Answer rated at 4 points is assigned 1 unit, 3 points - 2 units, 2 points - 3 units, 1 point - 4 units .

In the remaining answers, the number of units is set in accordance with the score. For example, 4 points is 4 units, 3 points is 3 units, etc.

Interpretation of the results: From 34 to 40 units - a high level of moral self-esteem.

From 24 to 33 units - average level moral self-esteem.

From 16 to 23 units - moral self-esteem is below average.

10 to 15 units - low level moral self-esteem.

To diagnose the tolerant behavior of students, the technique "Unfinished sentences" is used.

Technique #2: Diagnosis of Ethical Behavior

"Unfinished Offers"

Instruction: The teacher announces to the children: "I will read you five unfinished sentences. You must think and complete each of these sentences yourself. You do not need to rewrite the first part of the sentences."

1. When I see one of the guys in a ridiculous situation, then I ...

2. If someone laughs at me, then I ...

3. If I want to be accepted into the game, then I ...

4. When they constantly interrupt me, then I ...

5. When I don’t want to communicate with my classmates, I…


The first question: a negative result is manifested if the answer contains: indifference, aggression, frivolous attitude. Positive result: help, sympathy.

Second question: Negative result: aggression, different ways psychological suppression. Positive result: no reaction, withdrawal from the situation; expressing their feelings, opinions without rudeness and aggression.

Third question: Negative result: Pressure, aggression, cunning. Positive result: self-affirming behavior, built on equal relations, an open position.

Fourth question: Negative result: Absence of any reaction, aggression, irritation, threat, pressure. Positive result: Expressing one's wishes, opinions, feelings, attitudes without aggression and rudeness.

Fifth question: Negative result: Rudeness, aggression, tactlessness. Positive result: Tactful, soft, clear statement of your wishes.

Technique No. 3: Diagnosis of attitudes towards life values

Instruction: "Imagine that you have a magic wand and a list of ten wishes, from which you can choose only five." The list is pre-written on the board.

A wish list:

1. Be a person who is loved.

2. Have a lot of money.

3. Have the most modern computer.

4. Have true friend.

5. The health of my parents is important to me.

6. Have the opportunity to command many.

7. Have many servants and dispose of them.

8. Have a good heart.

9. Be able to empathize and help other people.

10. Have what others will never have.


Numbers of negative answers: №№2, 3, 6, 7, 10.

Five positive answers is a high level.

4th, 3rd - average level.

2-a - below average.

0-1 - low level.

Completes this complex methodology for studying the moral motivation of students.

Technique No. 4: Diagnostics of moral motivation.

Instruction: "I will read you four questions. You need to choose one of the four answers given to them."

1. If someone is crying, then I am.

a) Trying to help him.

b) Think about what could have happened.

C) I don't care.

2. I play badminton with a friend, a boy of 6-7 years old comes up to us and says that he does not have such a game.

A) I will tell him not to pester him.

b) I will answer that I cannot help him.

C) I will tell him to ask his parents to buy him such a game.

D) I promise that he can come with a friend and play.

3. If someone in the company is upset because they lost the game.

A) I will not pay attention.

b) I will say that he is a slob.

C) I will explain that there is nothing to worry about.

D) I will say that you need to learn this game better.

4. Your classmate was offended by you:

A) Think about his feelings and what I can do in this situation.

B) I will be offended in response.

C) I will prove to him that he is wrong.

Results processing:

Key of positive answers: 1-a, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a.

4 points - high level 2, 3 points - average level 0, 1 point - low level

The level of spiritual development affects our perception of the world as a whole, and has a significant role in all our endeavors.

Knowing just a few basic numbers, and passing the test by date of birth, you can easily determine the maturity of your soul and calculate the karmic number that most affects your life.

To pass the test, you need to add your date of birth, not dividing the two-digit numbers of the month and day of birth into units, but adding them together.

Take for example the date: 11/17/1987. Add up the numbers we have: 17 + 11 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 53. If you get a number greater than 59, add it up again.

Numerology test results

To determine the stage of your spiritual development, look at which number group your number belongs to:

Group 1-9- You are not burdened with troubles, live in harmony with your conscience. Your karmic soul is young and just beginning its journey;

Group 10-19- First stage. Your will is still too weak, and earthly joys attract you much more than any spiritual practices;

Group 20-29- The second step. Listen to your intuition more often, take more time for self-knowledge and meditation. It depends on you what your karmic path will be;

Group 30-39- The third step. Your soul has gone through a lot, and you know how to listen to your subconscious. Continue to develop spiritually;

Group 40-49- The fourth step. You can discover all the secrets of our being, unravel the secrets of the universe;

To pass this numerological test, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth: for example, October 15, 1984 = 15 + 10 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 47.

Please note that when counting, the date or month of birth is not divided into units and tens. The date or month of birth, consisting of two digits, must be added in its entirety.

You should get a two-digit number no higher than 59.

If the two-digit number is greater than 59, then add it up again.

two digit number is your destiny, influence higher powers and the bottom line of what's your future.


From 1 to 9. Zero level

In addition to the tasks of the family, you no longer have any karmic goals, you do not need self-development, and you can do anything. The only condition: life according to the law of conscience.

From 10 to 19. First level

The primary attention for you is the development of your personality, the improvement of the spirit and the education of the will. Earthly affairs are waiting for people like you, and high matters are not for you.

From 20 to 29. Level two

A person who is at this level must work out earthly karma, while relying on his origins, on the experience of his ancestors. Develop intuition, learn to control your own subconscious.

From 30 to 39. Third level

The level of people capable of influencing the consciousness of others. If you are on the third level of incarnation, then know that your credo in this life is to teach others a spiritual outlook on life, the basics of being. Therefore, you yourself need to learn a lot in order to pass on your knowledge to others.

From 40 to 49. Fourth level

Intellectual, philosopher, teacher. Your goal is the desire to know higher meaning being, the foundations of the universe and thus reach the new level consciousness.

From 50 to 59. Fifth level

You are an observer, an intermediary between Supreme Intelligence and people. Such a person is a carrier of secret information. Your goal is to work on yourself in solitude. However, this does not mean at all that all Level 5 carriers are always bright and clean. Very often these are the minions of fate, who receive all the benefits more easily than the rest. It often happens that these people, ceasing to look after themselves and educate their souls, sink. They begin to live by consumption. But to whom much is given, much will be required!

10 - lucky number. A sign of honor, self-confidence. Ups sign. Very auspicious for the future.

11 complex number. Warns of hidden danger, trials and treason.

12 - a symbol of suffering and anxiety. A person of number 12 may fall victim to intrigues. You should not climb on the rampage and join all kinds of alliances and organizations to fight against something.

13 - a sign of a change in plans, a place of stay, warns of danger. The ancients said that the one who understands the number 13 receives strength and power.

14 - warns a person about danger from natural elements. Along with this, it has a positive effect on transactions, business, but with a certain risk. In the future, you should be very careful.

15 - the owners of this number have a remarkable temperament, combined with personal magnetism, which they use to achieve their goals. More often these are people of oratory and music.

16 - a messenger of future disasters and the collapse of plans. This is the number of evil fate that can befall a person, so you need to make decisions very carefully.

17 - a highly spiritual number. Brings the owner happiness, freedom and changes in life.

18 - the number of destruction of the spiritual side of the world. These are hard-hearted people: family brawlers and despots, fighters, participants different kind covens and revolutions. It is also a label of "black" business, deceit and betrayal by others.

19 - this is a symbol of the Sun and therefore an incredibly auspicious number that brings happiness, success, respect and recognition.

20 This number has a dual nature. On the one hand, this is a call to action, the implementation of new plans, but these plans must be truly grandiose. On the other hand, these are obstacles on the way. You can overcome them by developing the spiritual principle in a person.

21 is the universe. The number of honor, vitality and success. It means victory after the battle. A very lucky number in terms of the future.

22, 58 - good numbers trusting person with a bag of bugs over his shoulders. Warns the owners of delusions, that they live in captivity of illusions and awaken only in the hour of danger. For the future number requires caution in everything.

23, 59 - have a magical effect, portend success, help in business and career. This is a good sign that promises good luck in all your endeavors.

6, 24, 33, 42 - lucky numbers: support in all new affairs, good luck in love. In relation to the future, a favorable sign.

25, 34 - the ability to comprehend life through own experience. The number cannot be called lucky. Due to its nature, its owner is subjected to serious tests. But in the future, everything is favorable, since a person, guided by his own life experience, will not make the same mistake twice.

26, 35, 44, 53 - mortal danger in the future. Such a person has a heightened premonition of catastrophes, a highly developed intuition in this regard. Over the years, you need to be as careful as possible.

27, 36, 45, 54 - good sign. The owner of these numbers is rewarded through productive thinking, creative work and high intelligence. In relation to the future, the number is favorable.

28, 55 is a very contradictory sign. You have great abilities. But these are people with half-truths in their minds and with opposition to the law. They tend to go through life only a comfortable path. Not pioneers. In relation to the future, not a very favorable number.

29, 38, 47, 56 - you can expect insincerity, deceit and even betrayal from others. The owner of the number will constantly face ordeals, betrayals from friends and the opposite sex. The future carries increased danger.

30, 39, 48, 57 - a sign of mental, intellectual superiority over others. However, you do not hide your craving for material wealth. The sign is neutral. It does not portend either happiness or unhappiness. It all depends on the desire of the owner.

31, 40, 49 - are similar to the previous ones, except that these people are self-absorbed, often lonely, even being in the thick of things. WITH material point of view, the number is rather unfortunate.

32, 41, 50 - this sign has the same magic power, as 23. A person is in harmonious relations with big amount of people. The sign is favorable for the future.

37, 46 - good sign happy love and friendship. Harmony with the opposite sex and good luck in joint projects. Favorable for the future.

43, 52 - a rather unlucky sign. It symbolizes revolution, coup, trials and blows of fate. The future is unfavorable.

51 - a sign of huge potential, the nature of a warrior. Envisions an unexpected career. Favorable to the military, sailors, as well as leaders.

Of course, you should not rely solely on numerology, since the fate of a person depends on many other factors. However, sometimes it does not hurt to listen to the magic of numbers and draw conclusions.

This test will allow you to find out the level of your spiritual development, i.e. maturity of your soul. Is she young or already experienced? Just starting to know this complex world or who came with a special mission to him, to change him and give him something that he has never had before? Try to find out with this quiz.

During this test, you will need to enter some of your data on the basis of which you will find out the level of your spiritual development (maturity of the soul). Try to answer the test questions sincerely to get the most accurate analysis.

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When it seems to you that you are certainly at a higher level, do not get angry, but calculate your parents, relatives, brothers, friends, sisters, girlfriends and make sure that the logic of the test is fail-safe.

The numerological test involves the sequential addition of all the digits of your date of birth: for example, April 6, 1972. = 6+4+1+9+7+2=29. Or such an example October 10, 1976 = 10+10+1+9+7+6=43. Please note that when counting, the date or month of birth is not divided into units and tens. The date or month of birth, consisting of two digits, must be added in its entirety.

You should get a two-digit number no higher than 59. If the two-digit number is greater than 59, then add it up again. A two-digit number is your destiny, the influence of hidden forces that come from outside, and the result of what the future will bring you.


1 to 9 Absence as such karmic tasks(except for problems of the genus). People of this level do not set any goals, do not require self-development. You can do anything. The only condition is that these people must live in accordance with their own conscience.

10 to 19 First level. This means that you should focus on the development of your personality, educate your will, and improve your body and spirit. Earthly affairs await you, and high matters are not for you.

20 to 29 Level two. A person who is here must work out earthly karma, while relying on his origins, the experience of his ancestors. You should develop your intuition, learn to control your own subconscious.

30 to 39 This is the level of people capable of influencing the consciousness of others. If you are on the third level of incarnation, then know that your calling in this life is to teach others philosophical view on life, the foundations of being. Therefore, you yourself have to learn a lot, so that later you can pass on your knowledge to others.

40 to 49 Highest level consciousness. Intellectual, philosopher, teacher. You must strive to know the highest meaning of being, the foundations of the universe. Your goal in life is to reach a new level of consciousness.

50 to 59 A fifth level person is an observer, an intermediary between the Higher Mind and people. You are the bearer of secret information. Your goal is self-improvement in seclusion. But, this does not mean that people belonging to this level are always bright and pure. Very often these are the minions of fate, who receive all the benefits more easily than the rest. You can often observe how these people stop taking care of themselves, educate themselves, their souls, and sink. They begin to live only by consuming. Of course, in future life they are waiting for retribution and falling to a lower level. This level, obliges to lead a lifestyle that would enrich the soul and ennoble the family.

10 is a lucky number. A sign of honor, self-confidence. It's a rise and fall. Very auspicious for the future.

11 is a difficult number. Warns of hidden danger, trials and treason. A person can practice occult sciences but with great care.

12 - a symbol of suffering and anxiety. A person of number 12 can become a victim of intrigue. He should not climb on the rampage, enter into all kinds of unions and organizations that oppose anyone.

13 - symbolizes a change in plans, place of stay, warns of danger. The ancients said that the one who understands the number 13 receives strength and power. A sign of serious changes in life, both positive and negative.

14 - warns a person about the danger from natural disasters: wind, water, fire and air. Along with this, it favors transactions, business, but with a certain risk. If the number 14 falls out when counting future events, you should be very careful.

15 - people of this number have a huge temperament, combined with personal magnetism, which they use to achieve their goals. 15 contributes oratory and music. Promises good luck, but sometimes makes people resort to magic for their own selfish interests.

16 - a messenger of impending disasters or the collapse of plans. This number warns of evil fate that can befall a person, and that decisions must be made very carefully in order to avoid fatal tendencies.

17 is a highly spiritual number. Brings the owner happiness, freedom and changes in life.

18 is the number of destruction of the spiritual side of the world. People of "eighteen" are cruel - they are family brawlers and despots, fighters, participants in various kinds of covens and anti-social revolutions. In some cases, the number denotes a business, and "black". This sign is associated with deception and betrayal by others. It also warns of dangers from water, fire and explosives.

19 - symbolizes the Sun. An extremely auspicious number that brings happiness, success, respect and recognition.

20 - has a double interpretation. On the one hand, a call to action, the implementation of new plans, but these plans must be truly grandiose. On the other hand, these are obstacles on the way to achieving the goal, which can be overcome by developing the spiritual principle in a person.

21 - symbolizes the Universe. This is the number of honor, vitality and success. It denotes victory after the battle. A very lucky number in terms of future events.

22, 58 is the number of a kind, trusting person with a bag of mistakes over his shoulders. It warns people about delusions, that they live in captivity of their illusions and awaken only in a moment of danger. In relation to the future, the number requires caution in everything.

23, 59 - has a magical effect, portends success, help in business and career. In relation to the future, this is a good sign that promises good luck in all endeavors.

6, 24, 33, 42 - lucky number: success and support in all new endeavors, good luck in love. In relation to the future, a favorable sign.

25, 34 - the ability to comprehend through one's own experience. The number cannot be called lucky. Its owner at the beginning of life, because of his character, is subjected to serious trials. In relation to the future, this is a favorable number, since a person, guided by his life experience, will not make the same mistake twice.

26, 35, 44, 53 - warns of mortal danger in future. Such a person has a heightened foreboding of catastrophes. Over the years in life, more and more disappointments and deceptions. You have to be as careful as possible.

27, 36, 45, 54 is a good sign. Means that a person is rewarded through productive thinking, creative work and high intellectual ability. In relation to the future, the number is favorable.

28, 55 - a very contradictory and dual sign. Man has great powers. But these are people with half-truths in their minds and with opposition to the law. They tend to go through life only the beaten path. In relation to the future, not a very favorable number.

29, 38, 47, 56 - means insincerity, deceit and even betrayal by others. A person will constantly face difficult trials, betrayals from friends and the opposite sex. Future - the number carries an increased danger.

30, 39, 48, 57 - a sign of mental, intellectual superiority over others. However, such people do not hide their craving for material wealth. This sign is neutral, it does not portend either happiness or unhappiness. It all depends on the desire of the owner.

31, 40, 49 - similar to the previous one, except that these people are self-absorbed, often lonely, even being in the thick of things. From a material point of view, the number is quite unfortunate.

32, 41, 50 - this sign has the same magical power as 23. A person is in harmonious relations with a large number of people, but must hide his plans from others - otherwise they will not come true. The sign is favorable for the future.

37, 46 - a sign of goodness, happy love and friendship. Harmony with the opposite sex and good luck in joint projects. Favorable for the future.

43, 52 is a rather unlucky sign. It symbolizes revolution, coup, trials and blows of fate. The future is unfavorable.

51 - a sign of great potential, the nature of a warrior. Envisions an unexpected career. Favorable to the military, sailors, as well as various leaders.

Now you have a certain generalized idea of ​​what is destined for you in life. But do not rush to conclusions. In order for the picture of the future to appear more clearly, much remains to be calculated and deciphered.

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