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How to get rid of feelings of inferiority. Is it worth it to deal with complexes due to excess weight? The reasons for the development of this complex may be different.

The diagnosis of "inferiority complex" enters our lives imperceptibly. Somehow, suddenly, we notice that we are catastrophically different from others. All normal people of average height, and I suddenly find myself either a "meter in a cap" or a "giraffe-hawk". Everyone has friends, and I'm an outcast. Everyone has a beautiful appearance, but my teeth grow forward or my nose is too snub. We look at ourselves in the mirror for a long time, drearily compare ourselves and others, and reflect on the injustice of life. Sometimes inferiority complexes go away as if by themselves. But sometimes they dig so deeply into the subconscious that there is no escape from them. Time passes, we are already 20 years old, or even 40 or even 60, and the complexes remain with us, as they were. They prevent us from living, they choke us, they make us behave inappropriately. Obviously, they need to get rid of! But how? We are looking for an answer together with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Where and why do we get inferiority complexes?
Why are inferiority complexes so different in people: for some they are directly related only to appearance, for others - with money or work?
How to get rid of an inferiority complex and completely change your life?

An inferiority complex literally haunts us, because the reason for it is ourselves, some of our features that cannot be changed. For example, too tall, a flaw on the face, poor diction. How to get rid of an inferiority complex? The answer is simple: to realize where it came from.

Where do legs grow from an inferiority complex

Many people have an inferiority complex adolescence. This mechanism is laid down by nature. The fact is that before leaving puberty, it is very important for children to be a part of the team. To stand out means to become an outcast, to receive ridicule and kicks. And this is normal and does not prevent a person from becoming a “person” later on. We are just part of the same flock, where we get the highest pleasure from the realization outside.

Inferiorities and complexes often come from childhood. There was not a sufficient sense of security, some vectors were transmitted, some vice versa, it is not possible to adapt, live, develop, love, make friends, build close relationships - complexes are tightly integrated into adult life.

Are there exercises to get rid of inferiority complexes?

Today, there are many different methods that are offered to get rid of the inferiority complex. It can be a variety of self-esteem exercises, affirmations, wish boards, forcibly changing your thinking in a positive direction, etc.

But after trying different variants all of the above, any person quickly realizes that all this does not work. And no wonder, because the causes of the inferiority complex are in our subconscious, and different kind exercises are aimed at solving the consequences of these very complexes.

In other words, with exercises we fight not with the causes, but with the effect. Naturally, we can not overcome, no matter how hard we try.

The only way to get rid of an inferiority complex is to deal with its cause - to realize the unconscious roots of one's states, to consciously analyze and adapt the stress of fear that was experienced in adolescence due to shortcomings in appearance (character, speech, behavior).

Inferiority complex - fear reinforced by stress

Often, inferiority complexes occur in people who have a visual vector. Fear is the root desire of the viewer. Without learning to adapt stress and push fear out into empathy, such a visual person lives on his fears. On the one hand, they torment him, but on the other hand, he cannot refuse them.

Beauty is key concept for the visual person. It is not surprising that the most frequent inferiority complexes of a visual person are associated with appearance.

It seems that the reasons for inferiority complexes great amount- For some, the problem is height, for some, weight, for some, hair color. In fact, in the roots - it's all one fear - the fear of showing yourself to other people, the fear that they will laugh at you, that they will offend, call names, humiliate, fear of being an outcast.

Sometimes the cause for an inferiority complex in a person with a visual vector is also fears in other vectors. For example, a person with an anal vector is afraid of being disgraced because of his actions or deeds - he is dependent on the opinions of others, the assessment of others. Due to stress, he may develop an inferiority complex - he cannot make a decision himself, be satisfied with his work, he needs to hear praise or support from others. Not receiving it, he remains in constant doubt feelings of guilt, depression.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex

Having learned to understand himself, realizing his fears, any person easily finds a way out of the situation. The primitive fear that makes us shyly hunch over because of our tall stature or, conversely, walk in huge heels because of our short stature, dissolves when we begin to realize ourselves in society like any normal, adult person - to show the properties-desires of our vectors out, for others. Here's what listeners say about it systems-vector psychology Yuri Burlan:

I had terrible complexes about my appearance, fear of going out, fear of people, lack of emotional connection in visual vector. Now I got a job related to sales! I would never have thought that I would work in this area. Became the best by the results in December and in the year, became the leader, I get big salary, save money, feel socially protected.

Konstantin Litovar, sales representative

Going out into the street, going to the nearest store, talking on the phone, live communication, making new acquaintances, crossing the street through a traffic light, using public transport, a crowd passing by caused great inner anxiety and tremendous stress in me with the feeling that a little more and I will explode. I did not understand for a long time what was the matter, how to get rid of it, I tried various methods, but dubious little success without pleasure did not justify the effort expended. Now, after almost two years, I do not feel that former horror of people, I can calmly go out into the street, use public transport talk on the phone and do many other things without spending too much time and effort thinking about and overcoming your fear.

Ural Kazakbaev, process engineer

Because of my fears, I quit studying. I didn't feel comfortable being around people. It seemed to me that they all looked at me and found something bad in me. It drove me crazy. I finally began to live with ease: a burden fell off me that did not allow me to live. I began to go outside and started doing something. Before the training I did not have a job, after the training I found a job that, at the moment, brings me pleasure. I am very glad that after listening to the introductory lectures, I still gave myself the opportunity to grab onto them and went to full course. Otherwise, I don't know what would happen to me.


First, you need to determine the reason for your complex. Think about what specifically you don't like about yourself. The root of the problem can be very different. Most complexes come from childhood: Many are teased by their peers, which deeply hurts especially sensitive children. Perhaps sometime close person abandoned you, or someone systematically insulted you, joked evilly about your shortcomings. It happens that a strong emotional shock takes you out of the game, depriving you of a sense of self-confidence. Help find the real reason complex psychologists can.

After identifying the problem, you need to move on to action. Fight your fears. If, for example, you cannot perform in front of an audience, try to overcome your fear. You can start small: make a toast in the family circle, make a small announcement in front of work colleagues, etc.

Love yourself. You should always remember that every person is unique and so are you. Take a piece of paper and try to list your positive traits or achievements. When your pluses are fixed, you will feel your importance and strength. Don't forget to praise yourself. Personal recognition matters the most. Every morning in front of the mirror, smiling, tell yourself that you look great, and you will succeed.

Do whatever gives you confidence. Dress in the clothes that are comfortable for you. If you feel comfortable and confident in a business suit - get a suit, prefer sports shoes - wear sneakers or moccasins, consider yourself overweight - play sports for at least twenty minutes a day. If you have skin problems, visit a beautician. Remember that no matter how perfect your appearance is, what you have inside plays much more important role. Therefore, it is necessary to improve your knowledge.

Make plans for the future. Success is achieved by those who are not afraid to set themselves challenging tasks. Learn a foreign language or learn to play the guitar, become a professional in your field. Of course, all this is not easy to achieve, but you yourself set a deadline for yourself.

Try to start new life. Divide everything into "before" and "after". And leave your complexes in the past, you don't need them anymore. Tell yourself: “I can do anything. I . There have been and will be many obstacles in my life, but I coped with them and will cope with ease.

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People who are being poisoned complexes much more than meets the eye. Not too demanding on their partner, place of work and prosperity, they are content with the role of gray mice. And few people realize that behind this complex image there may be a bright, interesting person.


Analyze where your complexes came from. You can do this on your own or with the help of a therapist. Perhaps you got them because your classmates teased you, or because your parents were always dissatisfied with your achievements. Think about why these people treated you the way they did at the time. For example, classmates might tease you for having full lips, and your mother, who had to leave dance classes as a child, tried to make her dream come true with the help of you and severely scolded you for every failure.

Consider whether their accusations are justified for you in this moment when your plump lips have become sexy and are the subject of your pride, and you are a welcome guest at any disco.

Write down your talents, skills and positive qualities on a piece of paper. Ask your loved ones to complete it.

Try not to communicate with people who constantly criticize and find fault with you. If this is a relative - reduce communication with him to a minimum. If your boss is picking on you, consider changing jobs.

AT recent times many people have a habit of explaining deviations in behavior (both their own and others') by the presence of inferiority complexes. To some extent, this opinion is correct: almost every person has complexes, and they have a huge impact on our lives. However, complexes should not be considered the only cause of all troubles: such an approach to the problem prevents a person from developing, correcting his mistakes and achieving success in life.

Where do psychological complexes come from and what are they

Experts are unanimous in the opinion that the origins of almost any psychological complex should be sought in childhood impressions. The formation of the complex goes through the following stages:

  • Basic setup. This is almost unconditional agreement with someone's opinion about themselves, fixed in memory at the age of 3-4 years. For example, a girl is told that she has uneven teeth, and her mother repeats this several times;
  • Fixing the installation, which occurs from 4 to 11 years. At this age, the child no longer cares what others think of him, and the fact that people pay attention to her teeth confuses the girl. It always seems to her that the features of her appearance condemn, connect some of her failures with them;
  • Installation summary. In adolescence, the girl begins to draw conclusions from the fact of the presence of flaws in her appearance and build disappointing forecasts. She believes that bad teeth prevent her from making progress in the present and will ruin her life in the future;
  • Complex stabilization. Having matured, the girl gets used to explaining all the troubles in her life (personal and professional) by the fact that she has ugly teeth. This position is also fixed because it is very convenient. You can no longer strive for anything, because "with such teeth, nothing will come of it anyway."

This is a classic scheme for the formation of one of the most common inferiority complexes: "I'm ugly (fat, long-nosed, etc.)". Strangely enough, after the psychological trap has worked, even the actual elimination of its main element does not lead to a significant change in the situation, since the consciousness immediately finds a new cause of all troubles.

Other variants of the inferiority complex develop in much the same way. The basic setting may arise against the background of too high demands of adults for the child, or excessive parental care. Complexes can have a variety of external manifestations, but they always reflect some disturbance of the feeling dignity and self-doubt. Most common the following types inferiority complex:

  • guilt complex. A person always seems to care about others badly. He perceives any of their discontent very painfully, almost as a personal catastrophe;
  • victim complex. In this case, the person believes that everyone is to blame for him. He constantly complains about grievances (real or imaginary), accuses others of some kind of black plans, while not making significant differences between a serious misfortune and a minor inconvenience. It is very difficult to communicate with such a person. He spoils the mood for everyone, at the same time demanding increased attention and indulgence to himself on the basis of the fact that he is so unhappy;
  • Alice complex. Both young schoolgirls and adult women can suffer from it. Like the heroine of Lewis Carroll, they are constantly in the clouds, waiting for the ideal chosen one. Exaggerated demands on partners usually have a bad effect on personal life. Such women either change husbands frequently or avoid contact with men altogether;
  • Don Quixote Complex. A man with a similar psychological limitation first idealizes the woman he likes, and then quickly becomes disillusioned with her. This creates stressful situation, the output from which can be expressed in the most inadequate actions, from the urgent departure of a man to a new (usually random) partner, to open aggression towards a woman who has disappointed him;
  • Don Juan Complex. A man is in a state of constant search for a partner, extremely romantically courting, but leaving her immediately after establishing a stable relationship. He does not consider the option of suspending the process of conquering women, considering it a recognition of the fact of his male insolvency;
  • Excellence complex. It affects people who in childhood were strongly convinced that they were the hope of the family. In this way, some parents show their own complexes. Considering that they themselves have not achieved something important in life, they try to realize themselves indirectly, through the future success of their children. A person brought up in the realization that too much depends on him is constantly in fear. He cannot sensibly assess his capabilities, admit that it is impossible to be the first in everything. Any mistake leads him to despair, and a series of failures can cause depression.

There are inferiority complexes associated with other features of family education. For example, an older brother (sister) complex encourages a person to constantly patronize other people, sometimes to the detriment of himself. Complex younger brother creates an infantile attitude to life, an unreasonable belief that there will always be an elder who will help out and solve all problems.

Separately, it is worth noting those psychological complexes that develop against the backdrop of an unfavorable social environment. This is, for example, an ethnic inferiority complex, manifested in representatives national minorities, or a class inferiority complex, which often affects children from poor families who grow up surrounded by more affluent peers.

How to overcome inferiority complexes?

Psychological complexes can cause serious harm to health, and not only mental. Suffice it to mention the extremely frequent cases of anorexia. They usually occur against the background of an inferiority complex in women who consider their figure to be not elegant enough. The desire to approach the ideal in any way in such a situation can lead to the most sad consequences. On the other hand, there are cases when inferiority complexes helped people to realize themselves. Psychologists believe that many famous personalities in history became successful precisely in the process of overcoming their real or imaginary shortcomings.

It is impossible to completely get rid of psychological complexes, but each person has a chance to minimize those that really interfere with his life. The most important thing is to understand that the cause of all troubles is rooted not in external circumstances, but in a distorted attitude to reality. It is equally important to realize that the trap of the complex allows a person to live in a world that is not quite real, but familiar and even to some extent comfortable, which he will have to leave.

Not every person manages to cope with the complexes on their own. In many cases, this difficult work requires the help and supervision of a psychotherapist. However, you should not despair - even such a goal can be achieved if there is a desire to make your life better.

Text: Emma Murga

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Almost every person is familiar with the feeling of self-doubt, the feeling of their own worthlessness and inferiority - these feelings sometimes arise in us in difficult situation with which we cannot long time deal.

But the problem is solved, and for a certain number of people these unpleasant feelings disappear. At the same time, there are a considerable number of people who, due to the circumstances of their past, constantly feel inferior.

This irrational belief in the superiority of others interferes with life so much that thinking about how to get rid of an inferiority complex turns into a fixed idea. This is understandable - a notorious person:

  • Constantly dissatisfied with himself (considers himself less attractive, capable and worthy than others).
  • Prone to endless self-criticism.
  • He lowers himself and his dignity.

As a result, such people are not able to realize their inclinations; in assessing the situation, they rely on emotions. And to communicate with other people, they “put on a mask” that protects a person from realizing his own worthlessness.

A person is so focused on how to overcome an inferiority complex that in individual cases there is megalomania and a tendency to tyranny. People suffering from an inferiority complex constantly compare themselves to some kind of standards, experience envy and feel like losers, regardless of the amount of money and their social status.

What it is?

This concept is familiar to many, but not everyone knows what an inferiority complex is and why it occurs. For the first time negative feelings(anxiety, shame, etc.), arising when a person considers himself in a certain respect worse than others, a well-known German psychoanalyst became interested.

He suggested that this syndrome occurs in children if:

  • The child has some physical handicap.
  • There is increased parental care that does not allow the child to learn to solve their problems on their own.
  • Confidence in own forces also reduces the lack of parental attention.

For a child who early childhood it is common to experience a sense of one's own insufficiency, it is important to feel that one is supported and approved, and not criticized for any reason.

Adler found out that an inferiority complex is a psychopathological syndrome, consisting in a persistent belief in one's own inferiority and contributing to the development of neurotic deviations.

The reasons for the development of this complex may be different:

  • Unfortunate childhood.
  • Negative suggestions from the environment (“you will not achieve anything in life”, etc.).
  • Constant criticism coming from significant people.
  • Bad luck in business.
  • Negative self-talk.

Since all people experience episodic self-doubt, a test will help determine the presence of an inferiority complex.


Adler believed that inferiority is a natural feeling for a person at a certain stage of development. Dependence on parents, difficult relationships with peers and entry into each subsequent age stage cause all children to feel inferior.

But this feeling for many people is an incentive to improve themselves. Such people, realizing how to get rid of the feeling of their own inferiority and overcoming difficulties on the way to the goal, achieve outstanding results - just remember the famous orator Demosthenes.

Psychotherapists talk about the presence of an inferiority complex in a patient only in the case of seriously low self-esteem. Signs of an inferiority complex include:

  • Demonstrative behavior that helps to attract attention.
  • Lack of communication skills and poor social adaptation.
  • Fear of being wrong.
  • Speech defects.
  • Feeling of constant tension.

It is more difficult to suspect an inferiority complex in men - the symptoms listed above are well masked due to increased aggressiveness, attributes of success (sports cars, expensive suits, etc.) and the liberating influence of frequent drinking.

In addition, excessive arrogance may indicate a carefully hidden complex.
You can overcome the inferiority complex, the signs of which you have found in yourself, on your own, and only in severe cases you need the help of a specialist.

How to overcome your complexes?

Many people are aware of the presence of an inferiority complex, but they are so close to it that they have absolutely no idea how to overcome this misfortune.

In addition, as a result of the desire to change the situation, there is vicious circle- a person strives for change, but at the same time he is afraid to fail and again experience the feeling of his own worthlessness and helplessness.

Therefore, it is important to know how to get rid of the inferiority complex, and not try at random. First of all, it is important to determine what is the cause of the complex that has arisen.

To do this, you need to analyze your childhood and adolescence, and then remember two or three of the most traumatic situations and answer the following questions:

  • What were you thinking and feeling at the time of this incident?
  • What did you feel and think after the incident?
  • How long did you worry about this and how strong were those feelings?

Then you need to look at the situation from the perspective of an adult. Your complex was formed due to circumstances that you, as a child, could not influence due to lack of experience and specific knowledge. Think - were the adults right at the time of the incident, calling you stupid and mediocre because of triples in math?

In order to defeat your complexes, the formed negative beliefs need to be reassessed. To do this, make a table with two columns. In one column, write down your negative beliefs, and in the other column, next to each negative statement, write a new positive one.

Develop the habit of thinking positively about your personality - monitor your thoughts and replace negative judgments with, if not positive, then at least neutral judgments.

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Study your weak sides that you need to learn to recognize, and focus on your merits. If it is difficult for you to defeat an inferiority complex on your own, treatment and specialist help will help you part with this phenomenon once and for all.

The content of the article:

An inferiority complex is a combination of emotional and psychological perception man of the surrounding world in a distorted form. It is expressed in a feeling of personal inferiority against the background of the irrational elevation above oneself of the majority of representatives of society. When comparing the inner "I" with other people, a person with a similar problem begins to consider himself a defective thing, which further leads to neurosis and even a suicide attempt.

Causes of an inferiority complex

To get rid of the feeling of inferiority, one should listen to the opinion of specialists who low self-esteem in a child and an adult they see in the following provoking factors:

  • Problems in childhood. In this case we will talk about the two sides of the coin, which ultimately lead to sad result. Parents can either organize hyper-custody over their children, or completely deprive them of care and attention. In the first case, the child develops an inability to become an independent person, in the second, the makings of a person who is unsure of her abilities are formed.
  • Physical handicaps. The causes of inferiority complexes often lie in the unwillingness to see your face and figure in the mirror. Sometimes it's just a far-fetched problem with a rather attractive appearance. However, one must take into account the factor that a person may actually have physical defects. Women usually worry about their appearance, and men are concerned about the size of the penis.
  • The negative influence of society. Some "well-wishers" do not skimp on a negative assessment of people with excessive impressionability. Having chosen a similar victim for themselves and creating an inferiority complex in her, they want to thus assert themselves at the expense of others.
  • Criticism of loved ones. If dissatisfaction from outsiders can be ignored, then impartial comments from relatives can hurt anyone. He begins to think that he listens exclusively constructive criticism about your worthlessness.
  • Bad luck. If Fortune constantly deprives people of their attention, then they may consider this a sign of their own inferiority. Against the background of more successful acquaintances, a person with a regular black streak in life begins to complex and falls into despair.
  • Negative self-hypnosis. There is such a category of people who initially wind themselves up, looking for errors in their own personal and public life. Even if the immediate environment inspires them to the opposite, they are not able to soberly assess reality and their place in it.
  • Failures in intimacy. Some women after childbirth consider themselves not as attractive as before, and are afraid of losing sexual interest from a loved one. Men, after criticism of their merits from a partner, may acquire an inferiority complex if the size of their reproductive organ was ridiculed.
  • Family problems. Constant scandals and lack of mutual understanding often lead to the fact that one of the spouses begins to subconsciously blame himself for the events taking place. In the presence of the second half in the form of a tyrant, this factor is aggravated, because the injured party completely loses his own opinion.
  • Treason. This event of a negative plan can cause serious mental trauma to both a man and a woman. The very idea that a loved one has found a partner on the side with a spectacular appearance and a more solid sexual experience is capable of even egocentric personality develop an inferiority complex.
  • Discrimination. It can occur both by gender and by nationality. In some cases, it comes to collective harassment, when the victim begins not only to panic, but makes attempts to commit suicide.
If we do not take into account the complexes about their appearance, then experts have noticed a certain pattern when the percentage of people with a similar problem increases. AT this case it will be about unemployment and the decline of the economy, which do not give a person the opportunity career development and the acquisition of financial well-being.

Manifestations of an inferiority complex in humans

These symptoms can be both overt and covert. In most cases, the signs of an inferiority complex look like this:
  1. demonstrativeness. All the behavior of a person who considers himself a flawed person is a silent cry for help. By any means, he wants to attract attention to himself with obvious fear that his desire will be fulfilled.
  2. Alertness. If a person has any complexes, then he will see a catch in any word and deed of the people around him. Far-fetched sidelong glances, imaginary whispering behind your back - real events in the minds of such people.
  3. Excessive self-criticism. The principle of "attack yourself first" always characterizes people with inferiority complexes. Self-confident subjects rarely engage in such an occupation, because they consider themselves accomplished individuals in life.
  4. Lack of faith in the future. Favorite expressions of an insecure person look like the phrases “I can’t”, “it’s too difficult for me” and “professionals should deal with this issue.” At the same time, such people not only express their doubts aloud, but actually do nothing to improve the quality of their own lives.
  5. Defects in diction. It should immediately be stated that we are talking not about congenital anomalies speech apparatus. Stuttering and slurred speech are often manifested in a person who finds himself in an alarming situation for him when communicating with an emotionally stronger provocateur.
  6. superiority complex. Psychologists call this behavior the syndrome of insecure personalities. Either people with obvious problems in life, or persons with a sick psyche try to show their exclusivity. The exception is some children of super-rich parents or oligarchs, for whom it is considered the norm to feel like celestials of this world.
  7. neurotic behavior. Sigmund Freud insisted on the fact that guilt is difficult to distinguish from an inferiority complex. The famous psychoanalyst argued that such self-doubt has erotic roots in the development of the problem and subsequently leads to neurosis.
  8. Mirror dislike. This aspect is especially true for women who consider themselves ugly. men to this issue are much easier, because they do not consider their appearance the main criterion of attractiveness for beautiful ladies.
  9. Compliment Intolerance. A person who is confident in himself adequately responds to the praise of his actions and appearance. A notorious person will not accept a single sign of encouragement towards her without a second thought. She will consider this either a manifestation of pity, or an outright mockery of her dignity.

Inferiority complex test

Before thinking about the need to get rid of such a problem (which may not exist), experts recommend answering the following statements and calculating points:
  1. People do not share my thoughts: most of the time (0), sometimes (3), never (5);
  2. In a strange company, I feel very uncomfortable: constantly (5), depending on the company (3), never (0);
  3. I don't get discouraged: yes (5), sometimes (3), never (0);
  4. Being an optimist is: absurdity (0), important in a difficult period of life (3), a prerequisite (5);
  5. I want to be as successful as others: yes (0), sometimes (3), I'm just as good as others (5);
  6. I have more disadvantages than advantages: definitely (0), the opinion of envious people (3), exactly the opposite (5);
  7. Every moment in life is beautiful: yes (5), common words(3), no (0);
  8. I have a feeling of uselessness: often (0), sometimes (3), never (5);
  9. The motivation of my actions is not clear to people: always (0), sometimes (3), in exceptional cases (5);
  10. Close people criticize me: constantly (0); by situation (3); very rarely (5);
  11. I have many positive qualities: definitely (5); have and negative traits(3), they are not (0);
  12. I realize all my life plans: yes (5); depending on the circumstances (3), too difficult (0);
  13. Everyone is dissatisfied with their appearance: yes (0), this does not apply to me (3), incorrect conclusion (5);
  14. I do not meet the requirements of society: never (5); sometimes (3), always (0);
  15. I listen even to unfair criticism: yes (0), out of politeness (3), I stop talking (5).
  • 0-20 points - an indicator of an unequivocal complex with negative self-esteem and fixation on an existing problem;
  • 21-40 points - a coefficient that indicates complexes that you can get rid of on your own;
  • 41-65 points - there are problems with the perception of oneself, but a person with this indicator copes with them perfectly.
  • 66-75 points - in this case we are talking about a self-confident person, who still should not have an overestimated self-esteem.

Ways to deal with an inferiority complex

There are many techniques that allow you to gain self-confidence. Any person can live happily if he wants to change his attitude towards himself.

Independent actions with an inferiority complex

Psychologists have developed a number effective ways, in which it is really possible to become a self-respecting person:
  1. Correct perception of compliments. You should not look for a catch in every praise, which in fact may not be. If it is said by an insincere person, it is enough to politely thank him in response and close the topic of conversation.
  2. Self love. It is necessary not only to learn to accept compliments, but also to make them to your reflection in the mirror. In this case, you should not be afraid to turn into a Narcissus, because with an inferiority complex, people of such a plan are not threatened.
  3. Evaluation of your actions. In this situation, a notebook of achievements, which is recommended to be kept daily, will help. Even the smallest breakthrough positive side it is necessary to voice it on paper with a detailed description of it.
  4. Refusal of retreat. Each person is an individuality that should not be hidden from the outside world. You should start attending entertainment events where you can give vent to your emotions.
  5. Conversation with loved ones. If the family supports a person who has an inferiority complex, then you can turn to her for help. The message to relatives should look like this: describe my positive qualities. loving people they will not say anything that can hurt the soul, so you should take note of their reasoning.
  6. Refusal to compare. Main mistake a person with complexes is a desire to try on someone else's image. Becoming a shadow of other people, you should not hope for the emergence of self-respect for your own person. It is necessary to be yourself always and everywhere, if this remains within the framework of generally accepted morality.
  7. Opening new perspectives. The fear of being ridiculed in an interview must be forgotten once and for all. You should also not listen to the advice of friends who dissuade you from trying your hand at a promising profession.
  8. Sports. Some people with an inferiority complex are ashamed of their figure. Consequently, the moment has come when it is necessary to become a visitor to the gym, swimming pool, tennis court and stadium with a treadmill.
  9. Work on the image. In this case, you can trust both your taste and ask for help from a stylist. Nothing changes a person's self-esteem like a positive change in his image.
  10. Work on speech. It is better to say a sweet absurdity than to spit word by word in a conversation. It is quite easy to pass for a bore, so you do not need to add another complex to yourself. It is necessary to think about what you are talking about, but not to dwell on every phrase.
  11. positive character. People who openly demonstrate their complexes are unlikely to be friendly in any company or work team. It is necessary to learn to smile even if you want to become discouraged.
  12. The right choice of friends. Hypocrites and gossipers will only aggravate the oppressed state of a person who is not self-confident. You need to communicate with those people who energize and will not criticize acquaintances without a good reason.
  13. Orientation to everything new. You can set a goal to learn 5-10 words from foreign language or get acquainted with the history and culture of some previously unknown countries. After a certain period of time, a person with this problem will understand that he has become a rather erudite person.
It should be remembered that in some people it was the inferiority complex that caused at one time the desire to achieve everything in life. Successfully overcame all difficulties after attacks from the public such celebrities as Lady Gaga (mocking her appearance), Christina Aguilera (mocking the eccentricity of the future singer), Roman Abramovich and Oprah Winfrey (peer rejection of poverty future billionaires).

Help of psychologists with an inferiority complex

Not in all cases, a person is able to independently cope with self-doubt. When looking for an answer to the question of how to deal with an inferiority complex, experts can offer following methods Troubleshooting:
  • Family Therapy. If the reason for the impossibility of self-realization lies in childhood trauma, then its elimination should be carried out together with the parents. Conversation and family training are quite effective in this case.
  • Shield Method. Not all people are friendly to each other. The treatment of inferiority complexes is primarily based on the correct reaction towards envious people. Psychologists teach us to perceive ill-wishers in this way and consider their caustic remarks as bad manners and outright stupidity.
  • Method of reification (impersonation). Specialists during communication with their patient give him a setting for a dialogue with an inanimate object. You can then refine your oratory when "discussing" with any household appliance or flower. An excellent solution for self-doubt would be a conversation with a pet.
  • Psychological training. The patient is asked to divide a sheet of paper into two equal parts. Then he will need to voice his negative and positive features character. The psychologist during the session voices the problem that he analyzed. After that, a sheet of paper is cut in half to burn or tear into small pieces the entire written negative. Positive feedback about yourself must be placed in the most prominent place in the apartment.

Consequences of an inferiority complex

Some people think it's better to underestimate themselves than to believe in their own prospects. With this attitude to the problem, some complications may arise in life:
  1. Family breakdown. If the signs of an inferiority complex are clearly pronounced character, then this may jeopardize the couple's existence in marriage. A person who considers himself a useless person will never become a happy family man in the future.
  2. Destruction of personality. If the subject does not love his own "I", then you should not expect respect from other people. Self-flagellation and the search for shortcomings in oneself ultimately leads to the fact that a person begins to consider the current situation (in the absence of a desire to analyze it) as a normal phenomenon.
  3. Loneliness. Anyone who doubts his abilities often or violently manifests it or completely withdraws into himself. However, the result is always unambiguous - the loss of friends and acquaintances. If such behavior is additionally accompanied by a superiority complex, then even relatives can lose the trust.
  4. suicide. With significant mental trauma that has created an inferiority complex, the victim of circumstances may in a similar way solve your problem. If there are no close people nearby, then she will fulfill her plan, because people with such a problem are rarely manipulators.
How to deal with an inferiority complex - look at the video:

To figure out how to get rid of an inferiority complex, you first need to believe in yourself. Without this solution, no psychotherapist who can only coordinate his patient will help. In some cases, you can do without a visit to a specialist if the problem that has arisen can be solved on your own.