Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Eight main mysteries of ancient Egypt. Mentions of Christ

Egypt is a country with a unique past that still makes the greatest minds wonder about its secrets. The ancient Egyptians left behind a huge heritage, culture, brilliant architectural monuments and many mysteries.

1. How were the pyramids built?

It is known that the pyramids served as graves for, there are about seventy pyramids. As for the largest pyramids, historians still cannot understand how the ancient Egyptians could build architectural structure on this scale? How did they manage to lift huge stone wings weighing more than 2 tons? One of the most daring theories is the assumption that they were built with the help of alien civilizations. This may seem completely absurd to most, but to this day the mystery of how the pyramids were built remains unsolved.

2. Traps in Khafre's pyramid.

In 1984, an incident occurred that gave rise to another mystery among Egyptologists. A group of scientists went to the tomb and when they got out of it into the light, people saw that all the expedition members ran out of the pyramid, gasping for breath, coughing terribly, their bodies and eyes were red. At the same time, doctors did not find any damage in their body. Most people thought about the “curse of the pharaoh’s tomb”, as if anyone who entered the sacred hall would be killed by the curse. There is an assumption that there was a trap in the pyramid, made by the priests against robbers, and upon entering it, the scientists launched it, that is, they released poisonous gas. However, it is impossible to say for sure about this yet.

3. The secret of the tomb of Mikerin.

There is a legend that it has miraculous properties. Being inside the pyramid, a person can be cured even from the most fatal disease in just a few hours. But the pyramid can also kill; there have been cases when those who entered it, after several hours of staying there, began to feel ill, and some even lost their lives.

4. Horrors in the Cheops pyramid.

Many researchers tried to understand the secrets of the largest of the pyramids, this ended with many of them feeling a deterioration in their health and leaving it. One of the scientists decided to try it on himself, saying he didn’t believe the rumors. It all ended rather disastrously when he was found in, he was unconscious. According to his words, he lost consciousness after experiencing indescribable horror. What did the scientist see? This secret has never been revealed.

5. The secret of Tutankhamun's tomb.

One of the most famous archaeological finds in the world is the unlooted tomb of a New Kingdom pharaoh. After opening the pyramid, all members of the expedition who were the first to enter the tomb died of an unknown disease. Doctors have not yet determined what afflicted the researchers; there are rumors about the “curse of Tutankhamun,” which reads: “Anyone who dares to touch sacred objects will die from the curse.”

6. Did the mummy destroy the Titanic?

Lord Canterville was transporting on the famous Titanic the well-preserved mummy of an Egyptian priestess with a sign on which was a warning: “Whoever disturbs the mummy will die,” and the huge ship came across a single iceberg in the clear ocean. There is a version that the curse of the mummy is to blame.

7. What is the purpose of the pyramids?

Scientists still cannot say exactly why the hell they were built, there are the following versions:

  • the pyramids served as astronomical observatories;
  • were such standards of architecture;
  • served as barriers for sandstorms;
  • were a berth for;
  • were a temple of Egyptian wisdom.

However, most of all they served as tombs for the greatest pharaohs, but it is impossible to say for sure about this, because there is no confirmation of this fact.

8. The Riddle of the Sphinx.

It is still unknown why this very “non-standard” structure was erected. There is an assumption that the Sphinx should guard the peace of the pharaohs and protect the tombs from robbers. Again, this is just an assumption, and the truth of the statue with a woman’s head, the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle and the tail of a bull has not yet been figured out.

Many years ago, namely 70 years have passed since Edgar Cayce predicted that one day a room would be found in Egypt that would be called the Hall of Evidence or the Hall of Records, and it would be associated with the Sphinx. It is this room that will tell us about the existence of a Highly Developed Civilization on Earth millions of years ago, and the passage to the Hall of Evidence will come from the room located under the right paw of the Sphinx.

Already in 1989, using special equipment, a group of Japanese scientists from Waseda University, led by Professor Sakuji Yoshimura, discovered a narrow tunnel under the left paw of the Sphinx leading towards the Pyramid of Khafre. It began at a depth of two meters and went down obliquely. They also found a large cavity behind the northwest wall of the Queen's Chamber, as well as a "tunnel" outside and south of the pyramid extending underneath the monument.

They used modern "non-destructive testing" techniques based on electromagnetic waves and radar equipment. But before they could carry out further research, as Egyptian authorities intervened and stopped the project. Yoshimura and his expedition were unable to return to work in the Queen's Chamber. Likewise, in the same 1989, seismic exploration of the Sphinx was carried out by the American geophysicist Thomas Dobecki. And it also led to the discovery of a large rectangular chamber under the front paws of the Sphinx.

Dobecki's research was part of a geological survey of the Sphinx led by Professor Robert Schoch of Boston University. But his work was suddenly stopped in 1993 by Dr. Zahi Hawass of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization. Moreover, the Egyptian government no longer allowed new geological or seismic research to be carried out around the Sphinx. And this despite the fact that Schoch’s research came close to solving the age of the Sphinx, which local authorities had previously been interested in.

Also in 1993, the film “The Secret of the Sphinx” was released, in which the emphasis was placed on the fact that the Sphinx and a number of other monuments in the Giza necropolis date back to at least the 11th millennium BC. Partial funding for The Secret of the Sphinx was provided by the Edgar Cayce Foundation and its affiliate Association for Research and Enlightenment, ECF/ARE, and their supporters. This one documentary was the first to report Thomas Dobecki's seismic survey around the Sphinx and his discovery of a large rectangular cavity deep in the rock beneath its front paws.

This prompted ECF/ARE to connect this fact with Cayce's Hall of Records and its prediction. Also in 1993, Zahi Hawass begins excavations of a newly discovered temple complex from the Old Kingdom with underground tunnels, which were located on the southeastern side of the Sphinx. But the emphasis was still placed not on the Hall of Testimonies under the Sphinx, but on another discovery that distracted the public from the Hall of Testimonies. This discovery was information that a certain chamber was hidden in the depths of the Great Pyramid.

A German engineer from Munich, Rudolf Gantenbrink, examined the narrow shafts using a miniature robot with a television camera and at the very end of the southern shaft near the walls of the Queen's Chamber he discovered a small door with copper handles. WITH big problems, but he managed to film the opening of this door. This was done by a film crew led by director Jochen Breitenstein and his assistant Dirk Brakebusch. And Gantenbrink’s problems arose due to the fact that the German Archaeological Institute did not receive in time the necessary permission to film the opening of the door from the Egyptian Antiquities Organization, which was nevertheless given orally by Zahi Hawass with the support of Gantenbrink by Dr. Stadslmann.

But already in 1995, the Egyptian Antiquities Organization warned German authorities not to attempt to continue studying the Great Pyramid.

And in December 1995, Zahi Hawass was asked to film a documentary for television, which was dedicated to the riddles of the Sphinx. And Hawass led the film crew into the tunnel, which was located directly under the Sphinx.

“Perhaps,” he said, “not even Indiana Jones dreamed of visiting here. Can you believe we are now inside the Sphinx! No one has opened this tunnel before, and no one knows what is inside it. We're going to open it first."
I can assume that this film crew was from the Paramount Studios film company, as mentioned in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book “ Ancient mystery Flower of Life”, volume 2, chapter 11, which was published in 2003. This is the passage in his book:

“In November 1996, a source in Egypt contacted me. He said: something has now been discovered that surpasses anything ever found in Egypt. A stone stele (a flat stone slab with inscriptions) emerged from the ground between the Sphinx's paws. The inscriptions on it spoke of the Hall of Testimonies and the room under the Sphinx. The Egyptian government ordered the immediate removal of the stele so that no one could read the hieroglyphs engraved on it.

Then they began to dig the ground between the Sphinx's paws and discovered the room that the Japanese discovered in 1989. It contained an earthenware jug and a coiled rope. According to my source, the authorities followed a tunnel from this room into a circular room from which three more tunnels led to the Great Pyramid. In one of them, two amazing phenomena were discovered.

First, the officials saw a light field, a veil of light blocking the entrance. When we tried to go through this field, nothing happened. Even a bullet couldn't penetrate it.

Additionally, if anyone attempted to physically approach light field at a distance of approximately 9 m (30 ft), the person became ill and began to vomit. If he tried to forcefully move forward, he felt that he was dying. No one, as far as I know, could touch mysterious field. When examined by instruments from the surface of the Earth, something completely unthinkable was discovered behind the light field. An underground twelve-story building—can you imagine, twelve floors going deep into the earth! The Egyptians realized that they could not cope with these problems on their own. The Egyptian government asked for foreign assistance.

It was decided that there is special person(I won't say his name) who can turn off the light field and enter the tunnel. He will have two assistants. One of these people is a good friend of mine, so I closely followed the course of events, receiving information first hand. My friend brought with him representatives of the Paramount Studios film company, which had to obtain permission to shoot a film about the discovery of this unique tunnel.

By the way, it was Paramount that made the film about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, and therefore she had very good connections in Egypt. The researchers planned to enter, or at least attempt to enter, this tunnel on January 23, 1997. The government asked the film company for several million dollars, which it agreed to. However, the day before the group entered the tunnel, the Egyptians decided that they wanted more money, and asked for one and a half million “under the counter,” which infuriated the film company. Paramount said no, and that was the end of it. It was quiet for about three months.

Then I accidentally learned that another group of three people had entered the tunnel. They turned off the light field using the sounds of their voices and the holy names of God. The leader of the group, who is widely known and does not want his name mentioned, went to Australia and showed a video film of the penetration of a tunnel and a twelve-story building, and the latter turned out to be more than just a building. This structure extended underground for many miles and was actually the outskirts of the city. I have three in Australia good friends who have seen this film.

Then another person appeared, Larry Hunter, who devoted more than 20 years of his life to the archeology of Egypt. Mr. Hunter contacted me and gave me information almost identical to what I received from my sources in Egypt, except that it was more detailed. The city covers an area of ​​10.4 by 13 km (6.5 by 8 miles) and extends twelve floors deep into the earth, the perimeter of the city is outlined by unique Egyptian temples.

The following information echoes the work of Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, Message of the Sphinx. Graham and Robert guessed that the three pyramids at Giza were placed on Earth in exact correspondence with the three stars of Orion's Belt. According to researchers, all the major stars of the Orion constellation can be found in the temple locations in Egypt, but they have never been able to conclusively prove this theory. Mr. Hunter did this, and I have seen for myself that his proof is correct.

Using his celestial navigation skills acquired during his time in the Navy, Mr. Hunter found temples in all... single points, corresponding to each major star in the Orion constellation. He used the Global Positioning System (GPS) to locate these locations on Earth with an accuracy of 15 m (50 ft) and physically visited each location where the temple would mark a star. This is how this hypothesis was tested.

Another thing is surprising: in every place there was a temple, and each temple was made of a unique material, not found in any other temple in all of Egypt. The base blocks of the three pyramids at Giza are made from the same material, including Great Pyramid. It's called a coin in stone. It's limestone that looks like it has coins mixed into it. It is unique and found only in temples located within the six and a half by eight mile area of ​​the underground city.

This is the hypothesis in brief, the correctness of which is disputed by official Egyptian authorities. The underground city that Thoth spoke about really exists, and it can accommodate 10 thousand people. According to Mr. Hunter, the boundaries of the city are marked by temples made of unique material, and the location of the temples themselves correspond to the location of the stars in the constellation Orion.

Based on what I've seen, I think it's true, although Egyptian officials consider the city a fantasy. I take an objective point of view. In the end, the truth will definitely become known. If this is true, then when underground city will be revealed, this archaeological find will lead to the growth of human consciousness."

I can only add to what Drunvalo Melchizedek said above that this underground city is one of the cities of Shambhala. Information from Melchizedek's book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” was known to everyone who was interested in Egypt more deeply than simple curiosity. Because some printed publications, at one time, wrote articles about this, but nothing more. As for the Sphinx and the Hall of Evidence below it, a local archaeological team has still been working there for many years under the leadership of Zaha Hawass.

His group works secretly, almost never going to the surface unnecessarily. And if someone has to go to the surface, it is done at night, when there are no tourists near the Pyramids and near the Sphinx. No one is against local archaeologists secretly or openly conducting their research on the territory of their country. This is their right. This is their country. These are their Pyramids and their Sphinx. But there is one important and very significant “BUT”, which gave me the right to intervene in the local affairs of Egypt.

But quite recently, this group of archaeologists, including their leader Zahi Hawass, made a Great Discovery, which the Egyptian Authorities decided to hide from the Humanity of the Earth. This discovery was a secret chamber where the only item belonging to Thoth is kept - his Rod of Energy, which is mentioned by him himself in his Tablets: “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Atlante” - “Emerald Tablet I: The Story of Thoth Atlante”:

“We quickly rushed towards the morning sun, until the land beneath us became the land of the children of Khem. Furious, they met us with clubs and spears raised in anger, wanting to destroy and destroy every single Son of Atlantis. Then I raised my staff and directed a beam of vibration, striking them so that they became motionless, like fragments of mountain stones. Then I addressed them with calm and peaceful words, and told them about the power of Atlantis, saying that we are the children of the Sun and his messengers. I pacified them with my magical science until they fell prostrate at my feet, and then I freed them.”

There is a mention of this same Rod in Elizabeth Heich’s book “Initiation”, chapter 32. “Instructions of Ptahotep”:
“Your father's rod, made of a type of copper, can transmit radiations of any plane. At the will of a person, they can transform or intensify. The rod can be a blessing or a curse, depending on who uses it. Initiates who possess all powers - from the highest divine to the lowest ultramaterial - can consciously transfer them into the rod. Human senses are able to perceive them, then they are experienced by people as emotional states.

Thus, the highest divine frequencies are experienced as universal love, and the lowest - ultramaterial - as hatred. The initiate always uses the wand to create something good, and the ultramaterial vibrations serve him only when necessary as an invisible, impenetrable protective wall. With the help of this rod, the initiate can control all the forces of nature, strengthening or neutralizing them.” And now I will tell you about the Storage Chamber of the Rod of Thoth and about the Rod of Energy itself: The Storage Chamber of the Rod itself is located behind the Hall of Evidence, just opposite the very passage and entrance to the Hall itself, the Light Barrier from which was removed in 1997.

The door to the Chamber was opened by pressing on the stone and pushing it deep into the wall. On this stone was engraved the Rod of Thoth Energy with rays. On the left stone, from the key stone, the goddess Maat was depicted. And on the stone to the right of it, Maat is also depicted, but with a Rod. After activating the key stone, part of the wall of the Hall of Evidence went inward, and the Door slid aside, ending up behind the wall of the Hall of Evidence. This revealed a large doorway, which opened access to the Chamber of the Rod. The Chamber of the Rod is large and square in shape.

In the center of the Chamber there is a pedestal in the form of a pyramid with seven high steps. At the top of the pyramid in its center is the Rod of Thoth Energy itself. The Rod of Life has the appearance of a tall staff. It is approximately 1.5 meters high and 3 cm in diameter in the center. The rod narrows towards the bottom and widens towards the top. It is all strewn with precious stones, from which symbols are laid out. The top of the Rod is crowned with a crystal. It is the Energy Crystal on top of the Rod of Life that emits the Radiance of Life, illuminating everything around with its light. And this light, like the Light of Energy, spreads into the open doorway, illuminating the area directly in front of the Chamber in the Testimony Hall itself.

The reaction of some people to this energy from the Rod of Life is the same as it was before to that Light Force Field that blocked the passage to the Hall of Evidence: People felt sick - they felt nauseous, and if a person stayed a little longer, he felt sick. The same reaction occurs to an overdose of drugs, and in this case, to an overdose of the human Soul with energies coming from the Rod of Life. Therefore, the further a person is from the Camera, the better he is, and the closer he gets to the Camera of the Rod, the worse he becomes.

This is the reaction of the human Soul to the energies of the Rod of Life. But not all people have the same reaction to the energies from the Rod of Life. There were also people who were able to approach the Chamber of the Rod and even enter it without consequences for their health. True, they were able to move forward only to a certain point, and then they felt bad and quickly left. I can assume that only the Heir of Thoth will be able to pick up the Rod of Life.

One of the people of the Earth, on whose Soul the Rod was encoded to merge their Energies as their Life Force. Compound Life Forces, as the energies of the Rod of Life and the Heir of Thoth will occur at the moment of their physical contact. And then we will be able to see the energy of the Soul of the one whom He chose to become the new owner for his Rod of Energy, for the Rod always radiates the energy that a person spent into it. This force has the same type of vibration as human energy, therefore it is safe for humans, but within reason.

But while the Chamber of the Rod and the Hall of Testimonies itself will be closed to tourists, the Heir of Thoth will not be able to take his Heritage - the Rod of Life in his hands, and the Second Coming will not take place, although Time and Timing are approaching their climax, for the Change of Ages and the Judgment The day was appointed by the Gods for December 21, 2012. And the Egyptian authorities, on the eve of this important event for the Humanity of the Earth, are hiding the fact of this Greatest Discovery in the History of our planet from the public, pushing back the Second Coming for an indefinite period. And now, at this point in time, we have two options further development events:

1. Or wait until the Egyptian authorities wake up to their conscience and they make public the Discovery of the Century, showing the World what was filmed back then in 1997. Namely: the removal of the Light Force Field from the passage to the Hall of Evidence and the Hall of Evidence itself. And what they filmed now, when the Chamber of the Rod was Opened in Thoth’s own House.

2. Or ask the Egyptian authorities to lift the Veil of Secrets and show the World the Hall of Evidence and the Chamber of the Rod, thereby giving each of the people a chance to try their luck and try to pick up the Rod of Life and become the Heir of Thoth Atlas.

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Ancient Egypt has captivated our imaginations ever since we shook the sand from the paws of the Great Sphinx. Over the past two centuries he has been obsession many archaeologists and historians. This is a land whose mysteries have been spent many years unraveling.

However, even after this there is still much that we do not know. Some of the greatest relics of the ancient world still lie beneath the sands of Egypt, waiting to be found. But more often than not, such finds only create even more mysteries and give rise to even more questions.

Lost Labyrinth of Egypt

2,500 years ago in Egypt there was a huge labyrinth, which, according to one of those who saw it, “even surpassed the pyramids.”
It was a massive building, two stories high. There were 3,000 different rooms inside, all connected by a winding labyrinth of passages so complex that no one could find the exit without a guide. Below there was an underground level that served as a tomb for the kings, and the structure was crowned by a massive roof made of one giant stone.
Many ancient writers reported seeing the labyrinth in person, but now, 2,500 years later, we don’t even know where it was located. There is a massive rock plateau 300 meters wide, and it is believed that this was the foundation of the labyrinth. If this is so, then the upper floors were completely destroyed by time.
In 2008, a group of geolocation specialists examined the plateau and discovered that underneath it there was an underground labyrinth, as described by one of the ancient writers. However, on this moment No one has tried to dig it up yet. Until someone enters the labyrinth, we cannot say for sure whether Egypt's greatest archaeological wonder has actually been found.

Unknown Queen of Egypt

In 2015, archaeologists stumbled upon the tomb of a woman located among the great pyramids Ancient kingdom. Inscriptions on the tomb indicate that the woman was "the king's wife" and "the king's mother." During her lifetime (4500 years ago), this woman was one of the most important people on the planet. She had more power than any other woman in the country. However, no one knows who it is.
Historians have dubbed her "Khentakavess III", based on the assumption that she was the daughter of Queen Khentakavess II. It is possible that she was the wife of Pharaoh Neferefre and the mother of Pharaoh Menkauhor, but this is only speculation.
If her name was indeed Khentakavess III, then there is no other mention of her. Whoever she is and whatever power she has, she remains a big mystery to us.

Sphinx in Israel

In 2013, on the biblical hill of Tel Hazor, which is located in Israel, archaeologists discovered a find that no one expected to see so far from Egypt: Egyptian Sphinx 4000 years old. More precisely, these were fragments of the sphinx, in particular, the paws resting on the pedestal. It is believed that all other parts were deliberately destroyed thousands of years ago. However, before someone broke the Sphinx, it was 1 meter high and weighed about half a ton.
No one knows how the Egyptian statue ended up in Israel. The only clue is the inscription on the pedestal, on which you can make out the name of Pharaoh Mikerin, who ruled Egypt around 2500 BC.
The likelihood that Tel Hazor was conquered by the Egyptians is extremely low. During the reign of Mikerin, Tel Hazor was shopping center in Canaan, halfway between Egypt and Babylon. It was vital to the economies of the two major powers of the time.
Most likely, the statue was a gift. But in this case, it is unclear to whom and why King Mikerin sent it and who was so angry that he broke this statue. The only thing we know absolutely for sure is that for some unknown reason the sphinx statue ended up 1000 kilometers away from the Great Sphinx of Giza.

The mysterious death of Pharaoh Tutankhamun

At the time of his death, Tutankhamun was only 19 years old, and no one knows exactly what happened to him. His death is an absolute mystery, and not only because it occurred in the prime of his life. Main mystery is that the pharaoh had so many diseases that it is impossible to understand which of them was fatal.
Pharaoh Tutankhamun was in terrible health. He had malaria, a broken leg, and was born with so many genetic abnormalities that historians are convinced his parents must have been brother and sister. Genetic abnormalities were so critical that, according to many, his early death was predetermined.
In addition, his skull was fractured, and archaeologists have long believed that this was the cause of death. Today it is believed that the skull was damaged during the embalming process, but the possibility of murder cannot be ruled out.
Shortly before his death, the pharaoh broke his leg, so the theory arose that he died as a result of a fall from his chariot. But if this is so, then it is not clear how he even climbed onto the chariot. His body was so deformed that he could not even stand without assistance.
The cause of death could have been a combination of all these factors. The only thing we know for sure is that the last month of Tutankhamun’s life was not very successful for him.

Secret chamber of the Great Pyramid

The largest pyramid was built 4,500 years ago for Pharaoh Cheops. This massive structure, almost 150 meters high, is made of more than 2.3 million stone blocks. Until recently, it was believed that there were three chambers inside the pyramid.
If you think that this is too small for such a huge structure, then you are not alone. There was a team of scientists who, in November 2017, decided to check the pyramid again and make sure that no one had missed anything. Above the Great Gallery of the Pyramid they found signs that there may be another hidden chamber, about the size of the largest chamber yet found.
It seems strange that the Egyptians could deliberately build a hidden chamber and make it completely inaccessible. There are no corridors or galleries leading to it. To place anything inside such a chamber, it had to be done during the construction stage.
We haven't gotten to the camera itself yet. But whatever it was, apparently Pharaoh Cheopsne would have wanted it to see the light of day.

Mummy wrapped in foreign manuscripts

In 1848, a man bought an ancient Egyptian mummy from a shopkeeper in Alexandria. For years he displayed it, not realizing how strange this artifact was. After several layers of bandages were removed from the mummy several decades later, scientists discovered something very unusual. The mummy was wrapped in manuscript pages, and it was not written in the language of the Egyptians.
It took years of research to figure out what the language was, but today we know that it was the language of the Etruscans, an ancient civilization that once existed in what is now Italy. This language is poorly studied. The manuscript in which the mummy was wrapped represents the longest Etruscan text ever found.
However, many unanswered questions remain. First of all, we still don’t know what the text says. We can only understand a few words that appear to be dates and names of gods, and beyond that we can only guess at how this manuscript came to be wrapped around a dead body.
We don’t even know how an Etruscan book could have ended up in Egypt. Was the person buried an Etruscan? If so, what was he doing in Egypt? And what did he want to convey in his last address to the world?

Light of Dandara

On the wall of a temple in the Egyptian city of Dandara there is a massive bas-relief with a strange design. It depicts, according to the generally accepted interpretation, a snake in a large fiery cloud flying out of a lotus flower, on which stands the foot of a man with a weapon.
This picture looks unusual. It is very similar to a model of a Crookes tube, one of the lighting devices invented in the 19th century. It looks so much like a lantern that some people think this diagram could be instructions for making one.
This theory is rejected by most scientists, but its supporters have compelling arguments.
The room in which the bas-relief is located is the only room in the entire temple in which there are no places for lamps. Many traces indicate that the Egyptians lit lamps in all rooms of the building except this one. And if they didn't have something like a modern flashlight, how could they see anything in this room? And if the room was originally conceived as a dark place, then why was such a complex bas-relief applied to the wall?

Destroyed pyramid

The top of the Djedefre pyramid was supposed to tower above the tops of all other Egyptian pyramids. This is what Pharaoh Djedefre thought. He didn't have enough resources to build the tallest pyramid of all, but he found a small workaround: he built his pyramid on a hill.
However, despite the fact that all the other pyramids in Egypt have stood for thousands of years, it was the Djedefre pyramid that was the only one that was destroyed for unknown reasons. All that was left of it was the foundation.
No one knows what exactly happened, but there are theories. Some scholars believe that Djedefre died before the task was completed. most of work, so the pyramid remained unfinished. Others suggest that 2000 years ago the Romans took stone blocks from the pyramid for their own needs, thus razing the historical monument to the ground. But there is another opinion: the people of Egypt hated Djedefre so much that people could destroy the pyramid simply out of anger.

The Disappearance of Queen Nefertiti

Queen Nefertiti became a legend due to the fact that she was one of the few women who ruled Egypt. She was the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten and the stepmother of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, but at the same time, it is believed that all government of the country was concentrated in her hands. However, although the tombs of other pharaohs still rise above the sands of Egypt, Nefertiti's tomb has remained undiscovered.
The search for her grave continued for years. Until 2018, archaeologists were almost certain that they had found her tomb in a secret chamber hidden in Tutankhamun's tomb. However, in May they carefully examined the wall and found that there was nothing there.
It is curious that there is no mention of her death in the Egyptian chronicles. After twelve years of the reign of her husband Akhenaten, all mention of the queen was stopped altogether. Some believe that this happened because she herself became a pharaoh and took a different name for herself, but there is no evidence for this.
There is a version that the answer to this riddle is more prosaic than it seems. According to Dr. Joyce Tidzely, the simplest explanation is that Nefertiti was never the pharaoh's wife. Dr. Tidzeli believes that in the 1920s, people began to exaggerate the importance of Nefertiti because the sculpture of her face became popular and people wanted to believe in any myths.
Dr. Tidzeli believes that we know nothing about the further fate of Nefertiti because she was not at all an important person.

Lost Land of Punt

There are many references in ancient Egyptian writings to a country called Punt. It was an ancient African country that had a lot of gold, Ivory and exotic animals. All this excited the imagination of the Egyptians, so much so that they nicknamed Punt “Land of the Gods.”
There is no doubt that Punt really existed; there are many references to this in ancient scriptures. In one of the old Egyptian temples there is even a portrait of Queen Punta. But, despite all the power and influence of this kingdom, its location could not be determined.
The only traces that remain of Punt are the artifacts that have been preserved in Egypt. Desperate to find out the location of the kingdom, scientists examined the mummified remains of two baboons that the Egyptians brought from Punt and determined that the baboons were from the area of ​​modern Eritrea or Eastern Ethiopia.
This information provides at least some starting point in the search for Punt, but for archaeological excavations this area is too huge. And if we ever find the ruins of the kingdom of Punt, they will give rise to a new full-fledged series of mysteries.

Even modern technologies the engineering accuracy of the ancient constructions of the past peoples who inhabited Egypt is inaccessible. Huge Temples, giant statues, huge pyramids - as if they appeared from Nothing, using some kind of space technology.

Here are some facts that still only state the amazing secrets of the Pyramids:

– In 1978, the Japanese, using the proposed technology of overlay planes, were able to build a Pyramid with a height of only 11 meters, which is 2367 times less than the full geometric volume of the Pyramid of Cheops; this Pyramid alone would require segments with a total volume of 500,000 m3, using them ten times .

– To build the Pyramid, in ancient times, about 50 million people would have been used, although according to expert estimates for 3000 BC. Only 20 million people lived on Earth. How could the state have 2.5 times more people, what were they all over the world and how could they feed themselves?

– In 1930, the Frenchman Bovy constructed a wooden model of the Pyramid with a base one yard (91 cm) long and placed a dead cat in it, having first oriented the model to the North. A few days later, the cat's corpse was mummified. But until now, mummification is achieved using the most complex chemicals and technologies.

– Czech radio engineer K. Drobanu, having oriented the axis of his Pyramid model exactly from North to South and placing a dull razor blade into it, discovered that it had acquired its former sharpness.

– Hoping to find secret chambers inside the Pyramid of Khafre, Laureate Nobel Prize A.U. Alvarez in 1969, examining the background of cosmic rays penetrating inside the ancient colossus, noticed that their trajectories recorded on different days were completely different, which, according to scientists, contradicts all known laws of science.

– Technology of creating Pyramids and underground labyrinths, the adits in all the Pyramids are the same, although the difference in their construction is more than 1000 years. And what is surprising is that the most Majestic Pyramids were created at the Dawn of Egyptian Civilization. Or maybe at the Sunset of the Past...?

- All stone blocks, with sharp corners and smooth side surfaces are adjusted to each other with millimeter precision, and yet the average weight of one block is 2.5 tons.

– The height of the Great Pyramid is 146.595 meters. The difference between the sides of the base is only 0.83 mm. Each of the meanings of the pyramid carries information that was unattainable for the ancient Egyptians, and even in modern units of calculation.

– Based on the created “Clock of Isis”, S. Proskuryakov developed systems for constructing graphic-numerical diagrams and, based on mathematical relationships, revealed the relationship of the Pyramid with all physical and mathematical quantities of a cosmic nature known to us.

– The meridian passing through the Pyramid divides the continents and the ocean into two equal parts.

– The perimeter of the base, divided by twice the height, gives the famous number “Pi” - 3.1416.

– The rocks on which the Pyramids are installed are perfectly aligned.

– The Pyramid of Cheops is installed in such a place in the desert that it is the center of gravity of the continents.

– In the rock adits there is no completeness of the walls and ceilings from the torches. So the lighting was electric?

– In the library in Oxford there is a manuscript in which the Coptic chronicler MAD-UDI claims that the Egyptian Pharaoh Zurid ordered the construction of the Great Pyramid. But Zurid ruled, according to legend, before the Flood. It was this Pharaoh who ordered the priests to write down the entire amount of wisdom and knowledge known to them and hide it inside the Pyramid.

– According to the memoirs of “Herodotus” - the “father of history” - it is said that the Egyptian priests showed him 341 colossal figures of the high priests, from father to son, during their lifetime, making their sculpture. Herodotus said that the priests assured that before the 341st generation, GODS still lived among people, this was approximately 11,350 years ago. And then the Gods did not visit them. The historical age of Egypt is estimated at only 6530 years. What was the civilization like before this? Who were the ancestors of the Egyptian priests?

– Recent studies from American NASA satellites that visited Mars found on its surface Pyramids and images of human faces, copies of the Sphinx on Earth. The construction of both was based on the same mathematical principles! The only difference is in size. It turns out that the first priests of Egypt were missionaries from Mars?

– Based on the location of the 3 Pyramids in Giza, and the Nile coded as the Milky Way, it is assumed that there is a visual reflection of Sirius on Earth in the constellation Canis Major, which corresponds to the assumption that the civilizations of Mars, and then the Earth, were created by aliens from Sirius, who somehow came to us. Presumably, through information energy encoded in rays of magnetic radiation from the Stars.

– The creation of the Fourth Dynasty Pyramids, which required 22 million tons of stone, involves careful preparation for some kind of global event. The scale of the structures shows that the work was completed over a hundred years and the construction took place according to a specific super-plan. 8 million blocks of rock were laid.

– During subsequent construction, starting with the grandson of Cheops, the priests paid more attention not to architecture, but to the “magical” properties of the “hieroglyphs” - the texts of the Pyramids - that appeared after the 4th dynasty, i.e. suddenly, it began to prevail as if some kind of mission had been accomplished, and the pyramids were cosmic launching pads for receiving and launching (reincarnation, neomaterialization) of aliens.

– If you look closely, the tops of the Pyramids are deliberately not finished, as they are the tops of the antenna of the emitter - the receiver of some cosmic energy materialized into information, at the light-wave level. Since Energy and information are basically the same, it is likely that the ancient priests of Egypt had knowledge of the transformation of Matter at the wave level. After all, there is still no answer to the question why the speed of light is constant, traveling from any Star for Millions of light years?

– It was observed that the galleries in the Great Pyramid of Cheops have tangent 1 ratios / 2 angles of 26 degrees 34 minutes, which is, according to latest achievements Genetics is a combination of two quantities: 26 degrees is the elevation angle of the DNA helix, and 34 angstroms is the length of its period. But it is known that genetic code All organisms on Earth, from microbes to humans, have one. This means that the basic thinking of past Civilizations is similar to ours.

– The number “Pi” is the key to the secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids, but the number “Pi” is directly related to the “Golden Ratio” of Leonardo da Vinci, the “Golden Wurf” of Corbusier, as well as the “Fibonnaci Numbers”, which again constitute the Pyramid of the Perfect numbers.

– In ancient times, a “pyramidal” shaped stone – “PYRAMIDION” – called BENBEN was installed on the flat, unfinished tip of the Pyramid. It seemed to symbolize the cosmic “CITY OF THE SUN”, from which they seemed to make their way “ Sun rays” – edges.

– Initially, the tops of the pyramids were lined with slabs of gold and semi-precious stones, on which texts of the entire history of past civilizations were carved, but over time they were torn down by barbarians.

– According to found papyri “ Book of the Dead“, according to the wall texts of the tombs, it is determined that the Pyramids were built to perform the ritual of stellar rebirth. It was the written word, after the 4th dynasty, that replaced some kind of super mechanism that had been built for more than a hundred years, or maybe simply restored, for moving in space. It can be assumed that the movement occurred or a failure or accident occurred, which led to the emergence of magical symbolism of secret knowledge presented ordinary people, as “miracles”, and for the initiated, encoding, through the mysteries, the knowledge of ancient Civilizations. What is this, self-defense or fear of the future based on the experience of the past?

– After research on a computer, scientists calculated that near the Star SIRIUS-A there is a Star SIRIUS-B, it is not visible to the naked eye. Although there is information about such a Star in the secret knowledge of the Dogon, whose ideas go back to 3200 BC. Sirius-B is like the “son” of the “father” Sirius and the “mother” “Orion”, which is the reincarnation of the “father” into the “son”.

All the facts indicate that the “stellar” pregnancy of “Sirius” is 280 days. The reincarnation of Pharaoh lasts 280 days; according to legend, human pregnancy also lasts 280 days.

90 days Time of sunset and then rising of a star in the EAST

12 days (The star passes the meridian line immediately after sunset. The star, as if doing its work (like a soul), gave birth to Pharaoh

70 days (The Star is in DUAT). Sirius is invisible (death) The embalming lasted 70 days.

— In modern chronology, there were a total of 31 dynasties of pharaohs from 3100 BC. and until 332 BC. A total of 390 monarchs ruled. After this, Egypt was ruled from 332 BC. and to date there have been 49 more dynasties, which included:

Macedonian Greeks (Ptolemaic period 332-30 BC)

Romans (Roman Emperors 30 BC – 641 AD)

Arabs (642 AD – Present).

As you can see: Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, The Arabs keep in their roots the history of secret knowledge about the Pyramids, about the Civilizations of the past, about the Mysteries.

— The Egyptians had a “ROMBOID” - the egg of the world in the form of an “OCTAHEDRON” (two pyramids joined at the bases): which in Christianity gradually turned into just an egg for Easter, although the paintings on it are still pyramidal in nature.

— Golgotha, where Christ was crucified, was shaped like a Pyramid.

— Until now, at Easter, symbolic Pyramids are made from cheese.

— The perspective of the picture, the TV screen and the eye that perceives them, isn’t this a pyramid?

— When drawing in a two-dimensional space of a three-dimensional one, a Pyramid is drawn “as if” deep into it, where the top is the horizon line.

— If we assume that energy rays hitting the inner faces of the Pyramid will be reflected in them, then we will get some kind of accumulation of internal energy, similar to the concentration of energy in a laser.

— If we take the image of a pyramid from ancient manuscripts, then it is depicted with the letter L - delta, as it is similar to the first letter A in all alphabets of the world.

- The delta symbol, HA - in the YOGA of the ancient Hindus, symbolizes the masculine principle, a conductor of positive energy, symbolizes the Moon.

— Two triangles (deltas with the top up and deltas with the top down) superimposed on each other symbolize HATHA (the sign of Vishnu) harmony, balance.

Star of Solomon, Solomon's Seal, Sri Antra Brahmins, six directions of space, symbol of the fusion of pure spirit and matter. Are these symbols echoes of secret prehistoric knowledge, past civilizations of the Neolithic era, matriarchy and patriarchy?

— The very first and main pose of yogis, the “LOTUS” pose, primarily resembles a Pyramid.

— From a pyramid you can add five PLATONIUM SOLIDS.

— Perspective and everything that we perceive visually is based on the principles of pyramidality.

- If you dock the tops of the pyramids, you will get a symbolic “Clock of Time”, which after some time must be turned over and time, as it were, begins its run in a new way, isn’t it allegorical in relation to the repeatability of everything and everyone in the world, at certain intervals?

— An eye arranged in a pyramid is an echo of the symbolism of the Sun God-Ra, in Ancient Egypt, in the Christian religion.

— In meditation, there is a symbol of energy concentration when the fingers are crossed in the shape of a triangle-pyramid.

— According to the ideas of the Ancients (according to Blavatsky E.P.), people belong to the fifth race, which is like the top of the four previous races - foundations:

1st race – Giants (from another star Sirius or planet Mars).

2nd race – Mixture with earthly creatures.

3rd race – Hermaphrodites are bisexual.

4th race – Atlanteans (inhabitants of Atlantis)

5th race – our humanity.

6th race – i.e. the top of the pyramid, it is supposed to be radically opposite The human race– it will be technotronic, where biorobots will be in the foreground, with their own new criteria.

7th race – i.e. a pyramidal crystal consisting of two pyramids joined at their bases is the most important symbol that explains the entire principle of the Universe. This is the final phase of Civilizations, after which everything must begin again, i.e. first turning into NOTHING, and then from NOTHING it will appear.

- According to the ancient Mysteries - repositories of ancient knowledge, the motto of the ancient sages - Adepts, occultists is this: “As above, so below.” The ancestor of the occultists was HERMES - the Egyptian God, thrice great, who transmitted secret knowledge to the priests through the art of Magic. The symbol of his teaching was considered TRANSMEGIST - a crystal resembling an OCTAHEDRON (two pyramids joined at their bases).

— The crystal lattice of DIAMOND itself solid crystal on the ground, even in degrees of inclination of the faces, it is completely similar to the pyramidal crystal of the two pyramids.

— When the Nile flooded, thousands of years ago, the dazzlingly bright Pyramids were reflected in the sky-blue water, and each of them was an image of a double mountain symbolizing: the reflection of the upper world, where the Pyramids are directed, in the lower one. And when the Nile changed its course, artificial lakes were created around the Pyramids for a long time, performing the same function as a mirror. If we imagine the trimmed top of the Pyramid as an emitter of information energy accumulated inside, then it is obvious that the Pyramid is similar to a segment that concentrates reflected energy from a “thicket” - a plate - a lake around the Pyramid, focusing it in space. Something like a hyperbolic antenna. Nostradamus wrote that the mirror (just like the Magicians) is one of the main Attributes (along with the tripod, also similar to the Pyramid) of Magic, with the help of which he traveled in time and space. Those. it can be assumed that the pyramids were stations for travelers - priests - aliens, into the past, present and future.

— In ancient times, dualism was displayed in all cultures, this is especially noticeable in the pyramidal crystal, where the pyramid with its top up symbolizes good, and its top down symbolizes evil. All nations considered a tree to be a symbol of duality - called the “WORLD TREE”, remember the New Year tree, doesn’t it resemble a Pyramid? Human, animal plant, etc. everything is dual. This is like a worldwide insurance code, duplication of the same thing. In Biochemistry, this phenomenon is called CHIRALITY (like a reflection in a mirror where left changes to right). Water molecules can be represented as a bipyramid (a pyramidal crystal where the important corner points, the corners of the base of the pyramids, correspond to atoms of only four elements):

1-H-hydrogen 2-C-carbon 3-0-oxygen 4-Nitrogen

— The Mayans depicted double worlds with the help of two stepped Pyramids connected by bases:


(day sun)


Home of the Gods



Dwelling of the Dead


(night sun)

Ancient civilization The Egyptians distinguished between the worlds of the gods and the dead, surrounding the world of the living. And just like Maya, they proved the duality and unity of the worlds with the help of the Sun:



Heavenly world of light


Kingdom of the Dead, World of Darkness



- A heap (like a pyramid) made of stone, tsebenya, is capable of producing water from the air, even in the desert, i.e. In contact with the stones, the steam cools, condenses and turns into liquid. Drops are formed and flow down, giving birth to a water skating rink. Herodotus also wrote about two Pyramids standing waist-deep in water, which were about 180 m high?

— From crystallography it is known that any crystal tends to energy balance, i.e. any incomplete form of crystal will sooner or later repair itself. If we consider a pyramid, then the side faces are larger in area than the base, in order to restore symmetry it needs to “grow” down with another pyramid, i.e. the form should change from open to closed, but it will be a bipyramid (pyramidal crystal0.

- In cards, a diamond - a diamond - means WISDOM, respectively: PEA-POWER (arrow-target), WORMS (symbol of love, heart), CROSSES (symbol of faith, trefoil, Christianity).

— Pyramids, as later in the church, were not built anywhere. They were located above deep faults earth's crust. It is above these places that they are most often found anomalous zones, UFOs appear, some miraculous phenomena appear. The Great Pyramids are located in the zone of the great East African Rift, which gave rise to the Red and Dead Seas, as well as the Nile River, the largest in the world.

— A pyramid, a large copy of a certain crystal, like any crystal, it has its own closed energy grid, if it is disturbed, then there will be a release of energy, maybe that’s why the crystal of the pyramids was made unfinished (the top) and the crystal became an antenna for the release or absorption of energy. To which the ancients added the energy of human emotions, reason, prayers, which in the vortex flow of Nature and the thoughts of man, people, mix and seem to create a common unison. Here is the Magic of the relationship between NATURE and HUMAN. Pyramids are some kind of psychotronic generators, where the energy of the Pyramid affects a person, at the level of consciousness and those biological processes occurring in his body at the cellular level.

- Pyramids are “TIME MACHINES”, where time slows down - with the top up and accelerates - with the top down. Of the natural formations, the largest time machine is the Earth itself. In its northern hemisphere, like in a pyramid with the top up, time slows down, and in southern hemisphere– accelerates. For this reason, the main part of the continental massifs is concentrated in the northern hemisphere, and depressions filled with water are concentrated in the southern hemisphere.

I think, dear reader, the above facts have interested you, but this is only the beginning amazing trip to the WORLD OF PYRAMIDALITY. In subsequent chapters we will look at the pyramidality of the World and the Universe, the pyramidality of Philosophy and Truth, the pyramidality of Politics and Economics, the pyramidality of Nature and Man, the pyramidality of Will and Success.


Video archive on the topic of secret Egyptian pyramids

Selected videos of Egyptian pyramid explorations

Revelations of the pyramids. Research that changed the world!

Humanity's Forbidden Past

Detailed study of the Cheops pyramid

The Mystery of the Egyptian Pyramids

Secret territories #57: PYRAMIDS. LEGACY OF THE GODS.

The Mystery of Construction Egyptian pyramids revealed! Video on RuTube

Seven Wonders of the World

Forbidden Topics in History: Secrets of the Seven Pyramids (Episode 1)

Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

The power of the Pyramid and its capabilities...

Pyramids. Funnel of time

The whole truth about UFOs: The pyramids were built by aliens.

Secrets of Egypt - the best videos on the topic

The civilization of pyramids, sphinxes and mummies still poses a number of unresolved mysteries for researchers.

Where did the Egyptians come from?

The very first mystery is that the ancient Egyptian civilization appears as if suddenly and out of nowhere. If in Western Asia one can trace a long and unbroken continuity cultures, starting from the “Neolithic revolution” (the transition to agriculture and cattle breeding), then in the Nile Valley the first agricultural culture (Badarian) arose without any local roots only at the beginning of the 4th millennium BC. At this time, city-states had already formed in Mesopotamia. But after just a thousand years, Egypt turns into a single centralized state and becomes a leader in global development.
True, the first culture in which they collected wild cereals existed in the Nile Valley back in the 13th millennium BC, but then it disappeared. In the period between the 12th and 4th millennia there was no Sahara desert yet, the climate of the areas surrounding the Nile Valley was quite humid. It can be assumed that the ancient inhabitants of Egypt came to the Nile Valley as the climate dried out and the surrounding steppes turned into a desert. It can also be assumed that the oldest traces of Egypt's agricultural cultures are forever buried under a layer of silty sediment. But all this is just speculation for now.

How the pyramids were built

The next mystery comes from the pyramids themselves. The ancient Egyptian civilization immediately makes itself known with these majestic buildings. An amazing thing: the largest, most perfect and best preserved pyramids to this day are the most ancient. The smallest and most destroyed are the latest. Again, in a strange way, it turns out that the construction technology of the ancient Egyptians reached its peak at the very beginning of the era of the Old Kingdom, and later it only degraded until it began to rise already in the era of the New Kingdom, but in a different direction - the Egyptians no longer built pyramids .
“The pyramid was or is approximately 481 feet high,” noted the eminent Egyptologist B.A. Turaev - and each side of its square base was about 755 feet long. Average error– less than one ten-thousandth of a side in relation to the exact length, square shape and horizontality... Blocks of several tons are stacked together so that the spaces between them of considerable length are equal to one ten-thousandth of an inch, and present edges and surfaces equal to the work of a modern optician, but on the scale of acres instead of feet or yards of material.”
How did the Egyptians manage to fit multi-ton blocks one to another in such a way and install them to a considerable height, if of all the metals they knew only soft copper? What saws, what “construction cranes” did they use? But, according to legend, the Cheops pyramid was built in just two months!

When and why were they built?

The buildings of ancient Egypt also hide the secrets of their age and purpose. It is still unknown when the great pyramids were built. According to the chronology now accepted by Egyptologists, the reign of Cheops dates back to the 26th century BC. Radiocarbon dating of materials inside the pyramid (it is unknown whether they date back to the time of construction) dates them back to the 29th-27th centuries. BC.
Next to the pyramids are the Sphinx and the Granite Temple. It is believed that they all belong to the same complex of buildings. On the walls of the pit carved out of the rock for the sculpture of the Sphinx, traces of abundant watercourses were found, and a drain for rainwater was made in the Granite Temple. However, according to current ideas, the last regular rains fell here in the 5th millennium BC, more than a thousand years before the generally accepted date of construction of these structures.
More interesting fact. Not a single ancient Egyptian inscription has been discovered that records the construction of the great pyramids. First historical information Herodotus reported about them in the 5th century BC, that is, more than two thousand years later. Or maybe the pyramids were built much earlier, and only a later legend connected them with the names of famous pharaohs? After all, not a single burial was found in the pyramids!
In the ancient Egyptian history of Manetho, written in Hellenistic times, which has not reached us, it was stated that the first pharaohs reigned more than 48 thousand years ago. Ancient historians uncritically accepted this figure. But for Christian historians, who believed in the creation of the world only a few thousand years ago, it turned out to be unacceptable. Isaac Newton, as a devout believer, made an attempt to mathematically debunk the pagan myth of great antiquity Egyptian civilization and proved that it arose no earlier than 4000 years before the birth of Christ. From Newton comes the tradition of a “short chronology” of ancient Egyptian history, which in the 20th century experienced a tendency towards further (another thousand years) reduction. But what if historically famous civilization ancient Egypt was preceded by an earlier one, and its monuments - such as the pyramids, for example - were then adapted by the Egyptians for their own purposes?

Who was the most odious pharaoh

There are also mysteries in the later history of Egypt. One of the most fascinating is the personality of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV and the religious reform he undertook.
Since ancient times, Egyptians have worshiped a variety of gods. But one of the gods seemed to rise above all the others. Most often this was due to which city of the Nile Valley was at the head of the next unification of the country. Then the god most revered in a given city became the main national god, and his priests became the most privileged spiritual class. By the beginning of the reign of Amenhotep IV (1379 or 1351 BC), such a god in Egypt was Amun.
In the second year of his reign, Amenhotep suddenly decided to make Aten, a minor deity of the solar disk, the most revered god, although sometimes identified with Ra and Horus, the main gods of the Old Kingdom. Amenhotep ordered the construction of a majestic temple to Aten in Thebes. In the sixth year of his reign, Amenhotep took a new royal name - Akhenaten ("Spirit of Aten") and ordered to build himself new capital(Akhetaten). Subsequently, the cult of Aten became not only universally obligatory, but also the only permitted one. Akhenaten led a decisive struggle against the worship of other gods, primarily Amun. The circumstances of Akhenaten's death are vague; according to one version, he was killed. Akhenaten’s second successor, Tutankhaten (“pleasing to Aten”), changed his name to Tutankhamun, restored the cult of Amun and eradicated the memory of religious reform.
For some reason, Akhenaten was always depicted with female body proportions and a head strongly flattened on the sides. Whether this was a real physical defect or just a stylization brought to the point of grotesquery is unknown. Egyptologists are engaged in endless debate regarding the identification of his remains, as well as around the reform he undertook.