Biographies Characteristics Analysis

If you are tired after work. How to be less tired at work and at home? My secrets

Who said that people whose field of activity is connected with sitting in the office cannot get tired? Probably the one who has never sat in the office.

Constant noise, endless information gathering, concentration on the monitor, mental tension - all this contributes to fatigue. It, in turn, is the cause of poor results in the workflow.

Moral fatigue does not cause such a pleasant feeling as fatigue after visiting the gym. In view of it, there is irritability, heaviness in the head, inability to think clearly and make important decisions, loss of mood.

How not to get tired at work? Completely eliminate the feeling of fatigue is unrealistic. Like it or not, a five-day work week with a 9-12 hour schedule takes its toll. However, the state of fatigue can be minimized, which will make life easier for yourself.

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Everyone has periods of devastation, and they can be dealt with if you follow simple rules.

1. Determine the reason why you are tired from work

To change your life, you need to know what exactly needs to be changed. So ask yourself why you like or dislike yours. Understand what caused dissatisfaction with work.

Are you underestimated, do not like the team, tight schedule, a lot of overtime work? The reasons for dissatisfaction can be very different, and the most important thing is to find them.

2. Pay attention to health

Nerves at work worsen health. A heavy workload, conflicts, loss of interest in work will certainly affect your well-being. And the employer does not need employees who are constantly sick. So here is some unexpected advice: if you have problems at work, pay attention to your health. Give up bad habits, sleep well and eat well.

3. Find extra income to help you relax

You have to work, even if you really don't want to. Nobody canceled the need to eat, the communal apartment is expensive, the family needs to be fed ... But if work does not bring pleasure, you need to find an occupation that will bring it. And where you can also earn money.

If you're good at dancing, try teaching dance. You draw - draw a picture and sell it. You can earn money by sewing, knitting or other needlework. Arrange online courses on a topic that you are well versed in. There are as many options as there are many talents you have.

Of course, it is not necessary to earn money in this way, but you can try.

4. Grow professionally

If you work in one position for a long time, the work is brought to automatism and becomes boring. And if the thought came to mind that you already "know everything", this is a sign that you need to develop further. Because in the 21st century it is physically impossible to know everything.

Go to courses on your profile - they will talk about what you missed, share your experience. And in the classroom in a different direction, you can master a different profession, or at least learn to better understand what your colleagues are doing. And this is the beginning of professional growth. Yes, at least ask your colleagues about what, how and why they do it, and then look for more information on the Internet.

5. Change your environment

A workaholic can't make new friends. Closing himself in a close company of colleagues, he forgets what normal personal communication is, loses the skills of friendly communication. And in order to maintain an interesting conversation, you need to share with others something else besides working information. Perhaps it is in this fact that you do not meet new people in your life that the cause of fatigue lies. Think about who you hang out with the most. If with colleagues, remember old connections outside of work or make new ones.

6. Remember why you got a job

A husband and wife who have lost romance in a relationship are advised to remember the time when they met and the reason why they could not live without each other. In the same way, those who are tired of work need to remember why they came to work for this company in the first place. Perhaps your priorities in life have changed and the work no longer corresponds to them. Or the work process itself has changed, the people who made it special left the company. When you understand, you will understand what needs to be changed in the work.

7. Take a break and rest

In case of serious problems at work, they are always advised to take a break: take a vacation at least for a week, go at least to a neighboring city for a few days and look at the sights. Correctly advised - a change of scenery helps to clear thoughts. And then you can look at the problems with fresh eyes.

The main thing is to turn off your phone, tablet and other gadgets for a while, do not read work mail so that no one can contact you on work issues.

The most important rule to follow if work has ceased to bring pleasure is that the situation must be urgently changed. How is another question. But if you continue to work in an unloved company, the work will cease to benefit both you and her.

Fatigue from work, headaches, insomnia, overeating with sweets and other bad habits are the result of excessive mental stress. This is especially acutely felt by those working in the center of megacities in such large cities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc. All this leads to the fact that the mood falls, you don’t want to do anything, you break down on loved ones and constantly live in stress.

Now I will tell you 5 steps that will allow you to work your head without getting tired.

1 way - regular change of activity

We can reduce mental stress without reducing our performance by simply alternating the work of the cerebral hemispheres.

Imagine that you left the store with a heavy bag of groceries. You have one bag, two hands. How to bring the bag home faster: Changing hands along the way or carrying in only one hand and stopping to rest? I think the answer is obvious. Most likely, when one hand gets tired, you will take the bag in the other and continue moving, then change again and so you can get to the house faster than if you stop instead of changing hands.

Likewise with our brains, we can reduce mental stress without reducing our performance by simply alternating brain hemispheres. Our brain consists of 2 hemispheres, in some tasks the right hemisphere is more involved, in others the left. Just as we can walk without stopping changing hands, we can let one hemisphere of the brain rest while the other is working. First, we load the left hemisphere, while the right hemisphere is resting at this moment, then we change activities and load the right hemisphere, now the left one is relaxing.

By changing activities in such a way as to alternate the activity of 2 different hemispheres, we can get less tired and do much more and faster, with a better mood.

So, the left hemisphere is responsible for logic and purposefulness. Left-brain tasks include document preparation, analytics, bookkeeping, reporting, programming, thinking about situations, doing crossword puzzles, etc.

The right hemisphere is responsible for creativity, feelings and emotions, humanitarian activity and passivity. Activates the right hemisphere reading fiction, drawing, modeling, representation of images, all the senses: touch, smell, etc.

That is why people smoke more, overeat, drink more in stress - this is the result of the fact that we think hard about a stressful situation, analyze it and heavily load the left hemisphere, which is responsible for analytics. And our body strives to give rest to the left hemisphere, so the nervous system is given a signal about the desire to eat, smoke, drink, in general, experience feelings that would involve the right hemisphere and thereby let the left one relax.

As soon as you feel that you are tired and your efficiency drops, then move on to a task that loads the other hemisphere. For example, if you have been working with documents, reports, then it will be a great rest for you to be creative: draw, read fiction, listen to music, take a walk, because you experience more feelings when walking and, of course, spatial imagination begins to work, for which the right hemisphere is also responsible. You can chat at work, it will cause emotions and you will rest.

And if you are a creative person, then after drawing, singing and similar activities, do crossword puzzles, play chess, think about how to change your life for the better, etc. In general, do analytical tasks and you will see how after 30 minutes you There will be creativity.

Experiment and you will definitely find an activity that will help you get distracted and quickly restore the work of the desired hemisphere.

Analyze the workload of the hemispheres

Much has been said about the work of the cerebral hemispheres, but it is equally important to know how to determine the most active hemisphere at any time?

To do this, do the following:

Bring your hands with your palms opposite each other;

Connect as if you are shaking hands with yourself.

You will get such a handshake, and now look, thumb, which hand is on the index. The hand that had its thumb on the index finger tightened its grip. Therefore, the thumb pressed first and is the leading one. This means that you now have an active opposite hemisphere. For example, on the index finger was the finger of the thumb of the right hand. This means that the right hand squeezed the left hand faster, that is, it is more active than the left.

Now we remember that the left hemisphere is responsible for the movement of the right hand, and the right side of the brain is responsible for the motor skills of the left. It turns out that the activity of the right hand is the result of a greater workload of the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logic, which means that at the moment you will work more efficiently with creative tasks, and also rest faster. If the thumb of the left hand is on the index finger, then your left hand and right hemisphere are active, in this case, unload your brain by switching to analytical tasks.

2 way - change the leading hand

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for both logic and the movement of the right side of the body. And the right hemisphere is responsible for the work of the left side of the body. In other words, movements with the right parts of the body activate the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logic. Conversely, movements with the left side of the body activate the work of the right hemisphere, which is responsible for imagination.

To reduce fatigue when working on logical problems, you can simply use the mouse and pen with your left hand, do daily chores with your left hand and use your imagination, but be careful, as activating the right hemisphere will turn on emotions and your determination may drop, and sensitivity to negativity may grow up.

And if you are a designer, then using the mouse with your right hand will allow you to stay creative longer, but the sensitivity may drop.

That is why, during an emotional state, we turn the knob in our right hand, without knowing it, we activate the left hemisphere and our analytical abilities grow.

3 way - control the involvement

Imagine what happens to the body during running: the heart begins to beat faster, the pulse rises, our body gets into conditions when we start to get tired much faster and no matter how long we try to run, our strength and speed will fall over time, fatigue will increase, muscle pain will increase and we will be forced to stop and rest.

And now imagine the same situation at work - you are carried away by something, your heart, just like when running, began to beat strongly. At first, you do all the necessary work faster, but soon you start to get tired. Just like when running, the harder you run, the faster you will get tired. If you need to run 100 meters, then you can use all your strength. And if the distance is 3 km, then the pace must be reduced. Also in mental work, the more you are carried away and the higher the pulse, the faster you get tired. The faster your heart beats at rest, the more your irritability increases. The pulse must be kept normal if you plan to work not for 15 minutes, but for a long time.

In order not to get tired and keep your pulse in a normal state, you need to monitor your passion, and as soon as it starts to go beyond, immediately change the scope of your activity.

How to understand that you are passionate? Very simple - ask yourself the question: Do you want to do what you are doing now? The following options are possible:

- Really want to. It means that you are very passionate and your pulse is high, it is advisable to quickly change activities;

- Just want. Enthusiasm is average, the body gets tired faster in this mode, it is desirable to change the scope of activity for a while;

- I want a little. Enthusiasm is moderate, but present, you can continue to work, but it is more effective to change the field of activity until the desire drops, otherwise you will get tired faster.

- I do not want. No enthusiasm, you can work and you will be the least tired, because the pulse will be at normal values.

4. way - cardio loads

"Cardio" comes from the Greek word Kardia and translates as heart, i.e. cardio load is translated as cardiac load. The heart, like muscles, is trained. Athletes have a significantly lower resting heart rate, because a trained heart can pump more blood in one beat than an ordinary person. And as we said above, the lower the pulse, the less you get tired and become calmer. That is why athletes are more calm and enduring.

Now let's look at how to train the heart. Running, swimming, active dancing, cycling are cardio workouts. The essence of cardio training is to create conditions of lack of oxygen, i.e. a state when we breathe often. Everyone remembers how, after a run, they were out of breath immediately after stopping?

In order to prevent such a situation in the future, the body gives a command for the growth of the heart muscle. So that she can cope with the load next time and deliver the necessary amount of oxygen to the muscles.

So you need 2 conditions for effective cardio training:

- Move to burn oxygen in the muscles. Only in conditions of movement, i.e., muscle contraction, does oxygen burn and there is a shortage in the body. After that, the ability of the heart to pump more blood is trained to deliver more oxygen to the muscles. The more kilograms of muscle involved, the greater the oxygen consumption;

- Raise the pulse above 120-130 beats per minute, it is then that the process of lack of oxygen begins, after which the heart muscle grows. And remember that too much heart rate can be harmful to health. Remember this criterion: after training, your heart rate should drop below 120 per minute. If it doesn't, slow down.

Running, swimming, active dancing, aerobics just involve a large number of muscles, a lack of oxygen in the body begins. Therefore, after training, the heart muscle grows in order to avoid such overloads in the future and pump more blood for each contraction. But unlike ordinary muscles, the heart muscle needs to be trained every 1-2 days or it weakens again and you start to get tired faster, because less nutrients and oxygen enter the tissues of the body with blood.

Method 5 - Eliminate Fast Carbohydrates

A couple of small buns or 1 chocolate bar 100 gr. Contains about 500 kcal, which is approximately equal to a good full meal with the first, second, meat, fruits. But the difference is that carbohydrates from ordinary food are broken down for several hours. And chocolate, cakes, cakes and other desserts break down much faster, the sugar level instantly rises and your body, like a Stakhanovite, is forced to throw out insulin and increase the pulse in order to utilize all carbohydrates as quickly as possible.

Imagine a situation from life: “you want to warm yourself behind a fire that is starting to go out.” If you throw paper into a fire, it quickly lights up, immediately gives a lot of heat and quickly goes out and then it becomes cold. How does the log burn? It burns gradually, even though the flame is small, but for a long time.

The situation is the same with fast carbohydrates - that is, with sweets. Chocolate, muffins, cakes, etc. - instantly give a large release of carbohydrates, you may feel an invigorating effect at first, but soon their effect wears off and you again want to eat and feel weak.

Why fast carbohydrates give weakness?

1) Utilization of fast carbohydrates into fat. A lot of energy quickly enters the blood, the level of sugar rises sharply, this energy cannot be all used up so quickly, therefore it is utilized in fat. A lot of energy is spent on the utilization of fast carbohydrates into fat;

2) Breakdown of glycogen (not fat). Already an hour after the sweet you want to eat, because all the carbohydrates have already been broken down, like paper on a fire quickly burned out, but there is no other energy. When the stomach is empty, then energy begins to come from glycogen - this is a kind of reserve that the liver makes from carbohydrates. But this energy does not give much strength, it is not enough to feel cheerful. It's like throwing a wet log into a fire, it will burn badly.

Summarizing: you feel weak after sweets (chocolate, buns, cake, etc.), because at first a lot of energy is spent on utilizing excess carbohydrates into fat. Soon, the energy stops coming because it quickly entered the bloodstream and energy is obtained from glycogen (not fat) in the liver. Which gives little energy.

If you want to avoid fatigue, then avoid fast carbohydrates: confectionery and everything sweet that the food industry has come up with. It is better to eat a fruit or vegetable, they will also give a taste sensation, but will bring benefits in the form of vitamins.

I summarize 5 ways to not get tired at work

1. Change the field of activity. As soon as your efficiency drops and you start to get tired - change the field of activity that loads the other hemisphere, alternate between analytical tasks and emotional, creative ones. To understand which hemisphere is loaded, use 2 palms joined together.

2. Change your dominant hand. In logical tasks, you can work with the mouse and write with a pen with your left hand, so you activate the right hemisphere and relieve the load from the left, which will allow you to get less tired. But activating the imaginative hemisphere of the brain can lower your focus and resilience. If you are doing art, then the movements of the right hand will help to prolong the state of the creative mood, but the sensitivity may drop.

3. Control engagement. When you are carried away, your pulse quickens and in this state you get tired faster, just like when you run, the faster you run, the more tired you are. To understand the degree of involvement and pulse rate, ask yourself the question: "Do you want to do what you are doing now." If you want to do what you are doing strongly, then your enthusiasm is great and the pulse is increased, then for a while change the activity to one that does not fascinate you so much, and when the pulse drops, you can return to the last task again.

4. Cardio. Train your heart so that it pumps more blood for each beat and your heart rate after training is lower. So you will be less tired and be much calmer. Cardio loads are running, swimming, active dancing, cycling, etc., everything that involves a lot of muscles at once and the heart has to do more than 120-130 beats per minute in order to deliver the necessary amount of oxygen to the muscles with blood for work. With such a pulse, you cannot breathe calmly, because oxygen is burned in the muscles. But remember that too much heart rate is bad and can harm the body. There is a universal rule: After training, your heart rate should drop below 120 beats 1 minute after the cessation of exercise. If it doesn't, slow down.

5. Eliminate fast carbohydrates. All confectionery products - cakes, pastries, buns quickly split, sharply raising the level of sugar.

Fatigue after sweets appears due to 2 reasons: a) The body has to spend a lot of energy to utilize excess sugar in the blood into fat; b) Energy quickly ends and the body is forced to receive energy from the stored glycogen in the liver, which gives much less strength.

Fast carbohydrates are like paper thrown into a fire, it burns well at first, but burns quickly and then does not give heat. And ordinary food: cereals, meat, vegetables, fruits are like a log that burns for a long time and gives heat steadily. Ditch confectionery in favor of healthy food and you will see that you will become less tired.

P.S. If you have any difficulties or questions about the article you read, as well as on the topics: Psychology (bad habits, experiences, etc.), sales, business, time management, etc., ask me, I will try to help. Skype consultation is also possible.

P.P.S. You can also take an online training "How to get 1 hour extra time". Write comments, your additions;)

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The horse worked best on the collective farm, but she never became the chairman.

Even the most beloved work, which you are ready to do 24 hours a day and even for free, is tiring. And fatigue from your favorite work is the most dangerous thing. The brain is completely immersed in the performance of tasks and stubbornly refuses to accept the fact that it is time to rest, while the body falls asleep on the go, touches every first corner or door frame. For some reason, it is generally accepted that the person who is most tired all day on his feet or engaged in physical labor. But sedentary work in the office, and creative pursuits, and even a housewife's day can end with a fall on the sofa with no legs. We tell you how not to fall asleep in clothes after a working day.

Rule 1. Start in the evening

No seriously. Take a shower, dry your hair so that in the morning you don’t pacify the nest on your head. If you take lunch to work with you, collect a container in advance and put it in the refrigerator. And go to bed on time.

Rule 2. Focus

The brain gets tired from multitasking, but relaxes from changing activities. When you're doing your chores, finishing your coffee, answering customers on the phone, and writing a message to a friend with your free hand, you won't do any of those things well. Try turning off all distracting alerts, set a timer, and do one thing for at least half an hour. If you are distracted by messages in social networks, we rearrange the timer for another half an hour ahead. Time is up, you did everything - well done, go outside to unwind and breathe fresh air. The main rule during the break is not to do anything related to work.

Vitaly Prikhodko


“I don’t have time to do everything, so I’m hardly special. Helps planning, consisting of the following lists:

"Cases" - we write everything down there;

“Cases for the week” - we transfer there on Sunday from the “Cases” list what needs to be done during the week;

“Things for the day” - we transfer there in the evening from the “Things for the week” list what needs to be done the next day.

In fact, there are still cases for a month, but I just can’t start using them systematically.

There are other separate lists:

Chronos is something that is tied to time. Separately, this list live kicking me or someone else. For example, to check every day whether OKVED has appeared or to kick Kirill on procurement, because he promised to do one thing on a long weekend, but did not specify when exactly.

Kairos - something that is tied to a circumstance or place. For example, buy a heater if there is a dubak in the office for two days in a row. Pick up the Unified State Register of Legal Entities when I'm at the tax office. I won’t go to the tax office specially for a sheet, this circumstance makes the task a kairos.

I am motivated by the fact that my obligations have an iron discipline: you need to pay a salary on 5 and 20, rent - no later than the 1st of the month, and insurance premiums - no later than 15, following the reporting one.

Rule 3

The deadline for the work is in a week, and for the first five days you do not take any steps, and on the sixth day you rush into the task with your head. Perhaps you will do everything, but take pity on your nerves. The realization that you overcame your laziness, sat down and did it, is much more pleasant than submitting a project five minutes before the deadline. Postponing things for the evening is also an insidious thing. It is better to do all the hard work in the morning with a fresh mind, because in the evening you will definitely want to relax.

Rule 4. Less coffee

Self-hypnosis and the primary effect say that caffeine invigorates and relieves fatigue. A person who works all night long automatically reaches for coffee, because he is sure that in this way he will have strength, his mood will improve, and fatigue will pass. But these effects are illusory. Caffeine does not solve the problem of fatigue. Hundreds of examples should appear here, how you drank coffee and immediately became more active, but here's what actually happened: the body remained tired even after a cup of coffee, only the reaction and reflexes were temporarily aggravated, which after some time decreased to a lower level, than before coffee. A false sense of cheerfulness sucks even more strength.

Anna Pikulina

Correspondent of TV channel "Seim"

“You have to love the business you are doing very much, then time will work for you. Every day I go to the news, make programs and host Emergency Call. From time to time I conduct classes at the Teleshko television school and go in for dancing. Weekdays and weekends (I don’t have the latter) are scheduled literally by the minute. I always make a list of things to do in the order of “immediate urgent” to “not very important”. I have dozens of notebooks: one for exclusively working affairs, another for family and household affairs, the third for birthdays and important dates. There is simply a diary where everything flocks.

There is one more thing, and I'm just sure that it works, although it is very difficult - you have to get up early. Even on weekends. In order not to rush anywhere, have time to have a calm breakfast, think over and streamline your plans for the day - and go ahead. Of course, I can lie all day, but then my conscience begins to torment me. Sometimes, on the weekend, I watch TV shows and crochet napkins all day. But it's also hard to sit back, starts eating a worm for wasted time. With a daily intense rhythm, the body can take such long stops as stress and a bell that something has gone wrong.”

Rule 5

Dropping home on a Friday night to change and go to a bar or club with friends to celebrate the end of the week is a good idea, but not the best idea. Spend at least an hour alone with yourself in a quiet place. Take a walk in the park after work, ride a bike or just read. The only thing you should definitely not do is sit down at home at the monitor and surf the Internet again. Give your brain a break from people, noise and endless information.

Elena Martynova

psychologist, psychotherapist, candidate of psychological sciences, director of the Higher School of Psychological Counseling

“The theory of flow, discovered by positive psychologists, that is, deep immersion, enthusiasm for activity, fullness of its creativity, believes that a person is able to enjoy his work. There are several rules for this. The state of engagement occurs in two cases: either if you are solving a problem that is more difficult than the previous one, or in the process of solving a problem you need more complex skills than those that you have. For example, you can only knit scarves. In order to get into the state of flow, you either need to knit some more complex pattern, such as a sweater. Or knit the scarf in some more complex pattern or in some new way, for example, using your own hands instead of knitting needles.

If a person performs the same task day after day without complicating it, then he becomes bored and gets tired quickly. If he does not have the necessary level of development of skills to perform any task, then due to severe anxiety, he may not start work at all. This fear will hurt both the task and the person's self-esteem.

Set yourself more difficult tasks than those that you have solved before, or complicate your own skills for solving it. Even if you do the same thing every day, you can always come up with something to complicate your own activities. There are many videos on the Internet about how people of the most ordinary professions do it: cooks deftly juggle knives, gardeners instantly tidy up overgrown bushes and trees, drivers of long vehicles turn around at the narrowest intersections with two turns of the steering wheel. Be creative: think about how you can complicate the tasks you are solving, and go for it! Even if you get tired in the process of mastering a complicated technique, the power of your satisfaction will be so great that the fatigue will be pleasant, not destructive.

Change activities regularly. The best rest is a change of activity. And this is proved by numerous psychological experiments. A person keeps his attention on one thing only for 15 minutes, attention works as if by itself. And after 15 minutes, the focus of excitation in the brain goes out, and you need to either make an effort to keep your attention, or it switches to something new. Arbitrary retention of attention requires effort, from which we get tired. Remember how tired you feel after forcing yourself to understand something difficult. Almost everyone is familiar with these volitional and cognitive efforts that people make in such cases. Good teachers know this, so they change the child's activities every 15 minutes in their lessons. Now children write, then read, then solve problems, then play, then tell, then consider. If the focus of our attention switches every 15 minutes, then we do not feel tired. Of course, this does not mean that during work you need to look out the window every 15 minutes, run to drink tea or go out for a smoke. Switching the focus of attention can also be within the work itself: think about something related, return to something past, plan the future, set a new goal, look at the task from the other side.

Foreign scientists claim that fatigue does not exist at all, that it is a brain trick. Indeed, when we are tired, nothing hurts us, rather, we feel without strength, without energy. It turns out that in our body there are special molecules that track what level of overload we experience. Their main task is to warn the brain in time that an overload is approaching. Having received these signals, the brain, in turn, sends an order to the internal organs: “Attention! Attention! Stop work! You need to rest! The body to take a prone position! Arms and legs stop moving immediately!”. We perceive this feeling as fatigue. In fact, we have simply exhausted the usual limit of activity. But if you gradually increase its level, then the feeling of fatigue will come later and later.”

Today, the so-called chronic fatigue syndrome has officially appeared. Behind it is a huge amount of stress, and lack of physical activity, and an unhealthy diet, abuse of sugar, caffeine, alcohol, fats, etc. Doctors and psychologists believe that chronic fatigue syndrome is treated primarily by changing lifestyle. And in order to get less tired from work, learn to get involved in it as much as possible, look for the creative component in it, complicate your own tasks and skills, constantly move from one activity to another. And then the feeling of fatigue will not knock you down, but will begin to bring pleasant satisfaction from the work done.

Apps to help you plan things

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Any .do

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Work is a necessity for each of us. And it doesn’t matter what it is connected with: with physical or mental labor, or with both, in any case, we get tired and we need rest. This short article will talk about how not to get tired at work, so I recommend reading the article to the end.>

And so, the rhythm of modern life, unfortunately, does not give us much time to rest: work, household chores, children, relatives and a lot of worries. Sometimes it resembles a large cauldron in which we boil. To the question: how not to get tired at work, there is still an answer, believe me. Have you ever noticed that you often think that you will not have time to do what you planned. Just the thought of work tasks and household chores is very stressful and it's terrible. Is there any point in constantly tormenting yourself with the thought of what else needs to be done? It turns out that we get tired not from the work itself, but only from the thought of it.

And so, the first thing to do is to try to write a simple plan for the day and complete all the points of the plan one by one. At the same time, try not to leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Then everything accumulates and piles up like a snowball. Take any completed work as your personal victory, at work it will give you confidence and a sense of your own importance.

The second thing you should not neglect is to take breaks, preferably every hour. You can just walk around, have a cup of tea or coffee, just turn your head and look in the other direction from your workplace.

If you have the opportunity to go outside, then you should definitely take a walk in the fresh air. Your rest should be as opposite as possible to your work. For example, if you have a sedentary job, then you need active rest, you can just walk somewhere.

If your work is related to physical labor, then it is better to relax while sitting, read something, watch an interesting magazine or just chat with a colleague on various topics, but in no case touching on working moments. Absolutely any job should stay at work and wait for your return.

The third and, in my opinion, the most important advice, try to learn how to quickly switch from thoughts about work to others. If you left work, then work should not go home or somewhere else with you, it should stay there, at work. We give so much time and energy to her in order to carry thoughts about her in our heads like a burden.

Yes, and the salary here also does not play a role, and frankly, most of us do not really indulge in it, especially its size, although most of us give all the best at work, as they say, one hundred percent. You should not and cannot accumulate fatigue, try to go somewhere: a movie, a walk alone or with friends, museums, concerts, in general, find a way to distract yourself. This will help you relieve the accumulated fatigue.


Be sure to find something interesting in your work and tell your family and friends about it, especially about your successes, and not about difficulties and problems. Work should remain work for you, it is just your activity, for which you receive a reward in the form of money. Remember that work should not always be in the first place, only in this case you will not get tired of it. I wish you all good luck and try never to get tired at work!