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Recovery of the nervous system after stress - some useful tips. How to recover from severe stress and remove the consequences Recovery from severe stress


Having experienced another trouble, we begin to think about how to recover from stress. A few moments after stress leave a devastating mark on the psyche. The survivor of stress begins to be haunted by obsessive thoughts, fears, sleep is disturbed and other unpleasant things. In addition, after stress, various deviations can appear in the body:

  • depression
  • Hyperexcitability
  • Headaches due to spasms of the vessels of the brain and circulatory system
  • Insomnia
  • Apathy
  • Various pains
  • Endocrine disorders
  • stomach cramps
  • High or low blood pressure, etc.

It is these "fellow travelers" of stress devoted to the mass of scientific papers. Even the ancient Greeks tried to solve the problem of stress tolerance. In their opinion, and we must admit that they are right, the strength of the individual lies not in avoiding stress, but in the ability to recover from it.

Prolonged stress contributes to the occurrence of diseases, initially of a functional nature, and then more serious ones. For this reason, quickly getting rid of severe stress will help save the body from health problems.

  • And so, the first way to recover from stress is to have a good, long sleep. After a stressful experience, it is important to relax. This is where sleep is supposed to help. You need to sleep as much as possible to get tired of sleep.
  • Directly after stress, it would be nice to take a walk in the fresh air. It is better if this walk is long, allowing you to enjoy the healing air and the beauties of nature.
  • After severe stress, a saline solution of one teaspoon of salt and half a liter of slightly cool water will restore peace of mind. This solution should be rubbed all over the body during the day and do not wash off for two hours.
  • Smile more often. Make it a habit to start your day with a smile. During the day, smile at acquaintances, if a smile is not appropriate, smile mentally. In the evening, getting ready for bed, smile your most sincere smile at your reflection in the mirror.
  • Put things in order at home, sort out things in the wardrobe, at the workplace. There is an opinion among psychologists that in this way, you can “put things in order” in your head.
  • Immediately after the stress, no later than 15 minutes, draw your emotions with colored pencils and burn or tear the “masterpiece”.
  • After stress, a business of interest will help restore strength. Surely there is some kind of activity that you only dreamed of: crocheting an openwork collar, carving a horse figure out of wood, learning to dance the tango or swim. Thus, you abstract from stress, set new goals, albeit not on a global scale.

Bath for stress

Bath is a wonderful source of strength and positive emotions. We have already talked about it, but its value is simply invaluable. Bath procedures will help you relax, get rid of stress and put your body in order. The fact that our emotions and the state of the body are connected, we have already said repeatedly. Pleasant muscle relaxation, bestowed by the bath, brings peace of mind, calms emotions and psyche. Water washes away dirt not only from the skin, but also from the soul.

In the bath, toxins and stress hormones are removed from the body. Tea from dried berries and raspberry leaves, chamomile flowers and mint leaves will enhance this cleansing.

No good bath is complete without the use of a broom. As a "cure" for stress, you should use a birch, juniper or oak broom. In order for the procedure to be as pleasant as it is useful, the broom must be steamed. Venik does not like boiling water, he steams it with hot water an hour before the procedure. Before using a broom, it is necessary to warm the body in the steam room. Then lightly patting the body with a broom, "walk" over the arms, legs, torso. Gradually increase the strength of the pats. After the procedure, you should drink tea with honey. This will help induce more sweating. While resting from the steam room, you should wrap yourself in a terry towel all for the same sweating enhancement. The number of approaches depends on your desire and the condition of the vessels.

A positive charge will bring a cosmetic procedure. After the steam room is the perfect time to use the scrub. As a scrub, you can use a mixture of honey and sea salt (1: 1). Rubbing the body with a scrub, all deposits are removed, pores open. After the scrub, you can visit the steam room again, applying a broom to your face, thereby creating the effect of aromatherapy. Finally, green tea with honey. After the bath, you need a good rest. A full-fledged trip to the bath helps cleanse the body of toxins, reduce weight up to two kilograms, and facilitates the work of the kidneys and vascular system. But the most important thing after the bath "leaves" a bad mood, its place is occupied by peace and tranquility. After the bath improves sleep and memory.

plant power

Among folk recipes for restoring strength after stress, a drink of 9 strengths occupies a special place. It helps to restore peace of mind, eliminates depressive disorder. It is prepared from a glass of elecampane root, 5 g of "live" yeast, a glass of sugar, two liters of chilled boiled water. All ingredients are mixed and put for 10 days in a dark place, closing the container with a lid so that the drug gains strength. The finished medicine should be filtered and taken from stress three times a day for a tablespoon.

The infusion normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, lungs, liver, helps unload blood vessels, restores sleep, strengthens memory.

  • An infusion of mint, three-leaf watch, hops, valerian (2: 2: 1: 1) will help restore a serene sleep and bring lasting calm after stress. Mix herbs in 1 ½ cups of water. Insist two weeks. They wash their hair with the resulting drug.
  • It will restore vitality after a disorder, strengthen memory and allow you to maintain “icy” calmness all day with a potion of a tablespoon of buckwheat honey, juice of one lemon, 18 almonds, 16 geranium leaves, 10 g of valerian tincture and 10 g of hawthorn tincture. Take the medicine in the morning in a teaspoon.
  • Return sleep, strengthen the psyche vodka tincture of three cedar cones, art. spoons of valerian, st. spoons of ready-made tincture of marsh cinquefoil, four tablespoons of sugar. For the drug you need half a liter of vodka. The listed ingredients are poured with vodka for 10 days. Store the drug in a dark place. They drink homemade medicine for six months in a tablespoon before going to bed. If you could not find a tincture of cinquefoil, then you can cook it yourself. 20 days insist 100 g of cinquefoil in vodka (0.5 l).
  • Pour a liter jar into the floor with ¼ crushed valerian roots, pour vodka over them. The drug is prepared for a month. Used as a stress reliever. You need to sniff the drug before going to bed and during the night waking up. Not immediately, but gradually the dream will return.
  • Restores the psyche after stress milk infusion of 5 g of St. John's wort and milk. St. John's wort is poured with boiled milk, simmered over low heat for no more than five minutes. Drink all cooked at one time before going to bed.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises bring instant results. It relieves muscle and emotional tension, normalizes blood pressure.

One of the simplest exercises to recover from stress - spread your legs shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your belt, take a slow breath with your “belly”. Exhale quickly, sharply, while throwing your hands forward, pronouncing the sound “ha”. At the moment of exhalation, imagine that you are throwing out all the negativity. You can repeat the exercise several times, as needed.

Psychological recovery methods

A lot has been said about psychological methods of recovering from stress, but we have never mentioned such a tool as ideomotorics. Literally, this term means mental movement. Scientists consider ideomotorics to be an internal, reserve mechanism of the psyche.

Distinctive features of involuntary motor movements and automatically controlled ones are that the latter are designed to get rid of stress and its consequences, expressed by psychological stress.

Classes are conducted under the guidance of an instructor. They consist in creating a mental image of movement. Ideomotrics techniques are a symbiosis of mental images and muscle-articular relaxation.

Emotional instability will help to overcome:

  • Visualization is the deliberate creation of mental images, sensations, experiences, processes (warmth in the legs, mountain peaks, flight, feeling of falling in love, etc.)
  • Motivation - a series of exercises aimed at teaching the technique of movement, activation of consciousness and the creation of ideomotor images
  • Perception is a number of methods that allow you to correctly assess the situation, build models of a desirable future, and create algorithms for achieving it.

When working independently with a personal post-stress state, it is necessary to mentally understand the situation, sort it out “on the shelves”. Having built the image of the offender, forgive him, do not carry a grudge. Understand that the person who offended you does not even think about you, and you finish yourself off with your own experiences. Your experiences are your experiences, and they bring neither relief nor retribution to anyone.

To stop self-destruction from stress, replace negative emotions with forgiveness, calmness, joy. Learn this trick and then use it whenever you feel like it's disturbing.

In the event that your efforts do not bring the desired result, seek the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist.

More and more people are asking the question: "How to restore the nervous system after prolonged stress?" The modern world endlessly confronts people with stressful situations in all areas of life. A person strives to take everything and more from life. But due to lack of time, you often have to sacrifice: the duration of sleep, the quality of food, walks and rest.

At first, the body successfully copes with difficulties. But soon the nervous system is exhausted, and the person becomes depressive and irritable, constantly feeling tired and apathetic. If the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner to restore the system, the consequences are reflected in human health in general. No wonder they say that any disease from the nerves. After all, this system controls the work of all internal organs.

Features of prolonged stress

Even the most minor mental disorders must be eliminated as quickly as possible in order to avoid serious consequences. And what to say about protracted stressful situations, here you need to act immediately. After all, prolonged stress carries with it a huge health hazard. It leads to: ulcers and cardiovascular diseases, allergies and neuroses, atherosclerosis and asthma, depression, constipation and diarrhea, oncology and diabetes. Immunity also decreases, and the body begins to age in an accelerated mode.

Against the background of prolonged stress, these are the most common problems, but, unfortunately, this list can be supplemented with rarer diagnoses for a long time. Accordingly, the longer the stress persists, the more time it takes to recover from stress.

It was once believed that nerve cells were unable to regenerate. Now scientists know that regeneration occurs in these cells. But this process is too slow. In order to speed up the recovery of nerve cells, it is not necessary to make great efforts; for a start, it is enough to reconsider your worldview, rethink life values ​​and set new priorities.

Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises.

If you are faced with stress or depression, do not immediately switch to various pharmacy medicines. Try the simplest methods and, oddly enough, sometimes even more effective ones. For example, such as:


This practice allows not only to relieve stress, but also to get rid of the symptoms of unjustified anxiety and depression. Yoga helps to focus on the sensations of the human body and at the same time release the accumulated internal tension to the outside. Consider the most simple exercises available to everyone:


Recovery from stress through meditation is gaining great popularity among the population. After all, the method is really valid and it takes only ten minutes to spend.
Take any comfortable position in a quiet place where no one will disturb you. Forget about the surrounding problems and the bustle of the city. Start feeling every part of your body. Look at yourself from the outside, examine yourself in detail from head to toe. Begin to gradually relax your entire body, starting with your toes and ending with the muscles of your face. With each inhalation and exhalation, begin to count to ten, when finished, start over. Don't let your mind think about pressing issues, keep meditating. Open your eyes after ten minutes.

Breathing practices

How to recover from stress quickly? Breathing exercises give instant results. This practice not only relieves muscle and emotional tension, but also normalizes blood pressure.

Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, slowly inhale with your stomach. Further, a sharp exhalation, at the same time throwing your hands forward, we pronounce the sound “HA”. At this moment, visualize all your inner negativity spilling out. Repeat exercises 10-15 times

Folk remedies

How to restore the nervous system after prolonged stress with the help of traditional medicine. Our grandmothers knew exactly how to support and restore the body using the forces of nature. In addition, such methods do not carry any danger or side effects for the body. Consider the most affordable and effective traditional medicine:

Disorders of the nervous system almost always affect appetite. The only difference is that some completely lose interest in food, while others cannot stop, endlessly eating all sorts of goodies.
First you need to bring your appetite back to normal, and after that the recovery process will be much easier. If you have no appetite at all, try eating your favorite food. In case of overeating, switch exclusively to low-calorie foods so that the digestive system is normal.

In general, this is just the beginning of solving the problem called "how to recover from stress." The main thing is to choose the right foods in your daily diet that will help calm down and restore the entire system. Basic rules for product selection:

  1. The main enemies of the nervous system: alcohol and smoking. Completely give up these harmful unnecessary habits;
  2. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, even in the form of salads, even on their own;
  3. Foods containing Omega-3s are great for overall health, pay special attention to them;
  4. Drink green tea 3-5 times a day, it contains special substances that contribute to the speedy recovery of the nervous system;
  5. Give up sweets, replace them with bananas and dark chocolate, they kill the blues and cheer up and positive attitude

Medications should be the last thing to consider. If you have already tried all the above methods and still do not know how to recover from stress, only then start taking drugs.
Pills for stress and depression are mainly divided into two types:

  • herbal
  • Synthetic

The former act much more slowly, but have the advantage of carrying with them a minimal risk of side effects. The effect of the action of synthetic drugs comes much faster, but there are contraindications. You need to be careful with such pills, although many of them are sold without a prescription, it is better not to use them without a doctor's prescription on your own initiative.

The most popular drugs that can be purchased without a doctor's prescription:
The drug can be taken by women during menopause and children suffering from nervous diseases. In general, these tablets are broad-spectrum. Before using this substance, like any other, read the contraindications, there are plenty of them.
Pills for stress and various diseases of the nervous system are available in tablets and in the form of an alcohol solution. The dosage is prescribed only by the attending physician.
It is most often used to treat unreasonable panic, fears and anxiety. It also has its own contraindications, which can be found in the instructions for use.
There are a lot of pills and drugs that treat this ailment. But only a competent doctor will be able to determine and prescribe exactly what you need in a particular case.
Also effective in the fight against stress and depression will be the combination of several methods at the same time. For example, meditation, proper nutrition and herbal collection.

The term "stressed skin" is increasingly used in dermatology and aesthetic medicine. This concept combines ideas about the manifestations on the skin of the effects of stress on the whole organism as a whole and directly on the skin.

What is stress?

Stress is a non-specific reaction of the body to short-term or long-term exposure to various extreme damaging factors that threaten the constancy of its internal environment. This reaction is accompanied by physiological changes involving the endocrine system - the hypothalamic-pituitary system, adrenal glands, the reaction of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. All this affects the function of all other organs, including the skin, which is visually especially and primarily manifested on the skin of the face.

Thus, stress is characterized by the development of a general adaptation syndrome, in other words, it is a physiological way of the body's response to the impact of multiple physical, chemical, biological and social stimuli. Adaptation syndrome is a non-specific stereotypical changes in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, aimed at maintaining the internal environment (homeostasis) of the body. It goes through three stages in its development:

  • the phase of mobilization caused by "alarm signals" about the danger or violation of the state of the internal environment of the body, coming from the peripheral nerves and the central nervous system as a result of short-term exposure to a potent stimulus; the stage of mobilization may be short and end with a gradual return to normal; in this case, it plays a relatively positive role, since it increases the adaptive capacity and resistance of the body to adverse stimuli;
  • the phase of resistance, during which the body gradually still adapts due to additional non-specific mechanisms and becomes resistant to excessively strong or continued exposure to stimuli; under these conditions, the stress of functioning of all systems is often accompanied by various diseases, including skin diseases, and a decrease in the quality of life;
  • the phase of decompensation, in which the function of the endocrine system is especially activated, followed by depletion of the adrenal cortex and the adaptive capabilities of the body.

In a holistic organism, its general stress state is measured by the physiological reactions of the nervous, endocrine, immune, and vascular systems, which cannot but directly affect the skin as an organ. As a result, after stress, rashes of a different nature may appear on the skin, due to a decrease in immunity and a weakening of its barrier function, infectious-allergic acute inflammatory processes, chronic dermatosis (,), hair loss, etc.

At the same time, the skin, which is a barrier tissue, is characterized by the presence of a complex of its own non-specific adaptation mechanisms that develop in response to both stressors affecting the entire body and damaging factors of a local nature. The adaptation syndrome is universal in nature and develops in accordance with the stages listed above, both under the general and local impact of traumatic factors.

General principles of the effect of stress on the skin

The characteristics of the mechanisms of influence of damaging factors are based on the presence of a multifunctional barrier of the epidermal layer of the skin. It consists of the following types of protection:

  • Aqueous, including a tight adjunction of the cells of the stratum corneum, a double layer of lipids (ceramides) that hold together the flat scales of the stratum corneum (corneocytes), and a natural moisturizing factor (NMF) contained in corneocytes and consisting of amino acids, electrolytes, lactic acid and its salts, urea etc. It stimulates the synthesis of ceramides, maintains the optimal level of moisture in the skin, helps maintain their elasticity and firmness, etc.
  • Physical, represented by the stratum corneum, intracorneocytic matrix and desmosomes, which are one of the types of strong contact between cells.
  • Antioxidant, which is a molecular and enzymatic system.
  • Antimicrobial - acidity of the stratum corneum, antimicrobial peptides and lipids, Langengars cells and chemokines - cytokines involved in the activation of leukocytes and controlling the direction of their movement during the inflammatory process.
  • Photoprotective - melanogenesis, stratum corneum, urocanic acid, which also regulates the acidity of the environment of the deeper layers of the epidermal layer.

Age-related changes, as well as the impact of various external and internal stressors, lead to the destruction of protective factors, which results, first of all, in dehydration of the skin during stress. With age, it becomes even more accessible to penetration and exposure to damaging factors. In modern dermatology, there are two main types of stress that have a negative impact:

  1. Oxidative, or "physical".
  2. Psychological, or nervous.

physical stress

Free radical oxidative stress is caused by biochemical reactions involving free radicals. The latter are formed and gradually accumulate in the skin, causing lipid peroxidation and destruction of cell membranes and intracellular structures.

Free radicals are formed as a result of the influence of ionizing and excessive ultraviolet radiation, the environment polluted with chemical aerosols, tobacco smoke, the temperature factor of the environment, poor nutrition, insufficient presence of antioxidants and microelements (zinc, copper, selenium) in food products that have antioxidant properties, sedentary lifestyle, various diseases of internal organs, etc.

Psychological stress

It is caused by acute severe and / and prolonged neuropsychic stress, accompanied by overwork and fatigue, anxiety, feelings of guilt, anger and disappointment, a state of frustration, when a traumatic situation arises of the alleged or real impossibility of fulfilling one's desires, etc. All these stressful conditions are reflected in the basic mechanisms of the functioning of the skin and its barriers.

A sudden, acute neuropsychic factor leads to a reaction of the endocrine system. Endocrine glands secrete a significant amount of biologically active substances into the blood - stress hormones, primarily adrenaline and norepinephrine (secreted by the adrenal cortex), affecting the autonomic nervous system, heart and blood vessels. This explains the appearance of hyperemic spots on the skin during stress, resembling an allergic reaction.

The adrenal glands also produce the glucocorticoid cortisol, which, in addition to its anti-stress effect, leads to:

  • a decrease in the synthesis of collagen and elastin proteins synthesized by fibroblasts;
  • inhibition of melatonin production, which reduces regenerative processes in tissues;
  • the development of skin inflammatory processes (with prolonged exposure to cortisol), in which a group of enzymes (hyaluronidase) is released that can break down hyaluronic acid, which also explains dry skin.

Stress and inflammation are closely related. In addition, keratinocytes, which make up the bulk of the epidermis, are the first to contact external stressors and, therefore, are the first to trigger the development of inflammatory processes in the skin through cytokines in the form of expansion of small vessels and an increase in the permeability of their walls. The cells involved in the inflammatory response contribute to the formation of an even greater number of free radicals, which provokes the development of an even greater number of lipid peroxidation reactions that make up cell membranes and intracellular structures, and cell necrosis.

A particularly pronounced negative effect is exerted by the combined effect of physical and psychological types of stress, leading to a gradual depletion of adaptive-protective mechanisms. The skin after stress loses its natural biological balance, as a result of which it becomes drier, there is a feeling of tightness, reddish spots appear. With continued exposure to negative factors, its increased irritability occurs and signs develop - the complexion changes, the skin becomes lethargic, the number of wrinkles increases and folds deepen, and signs appear.

How to restore skin after stress

Based on a brief summary of the types, mechanisms and consequences of stress, it becomes clear that slowing down the processes of premature aging and their manifestations, primarily on the face, cannot be effective only with a local effect on the skin. Constant comprehensive measures are needed to minimize both the intensity and duration of the influence of negative factors on the entire body - limiting exposure to ultraviolet rays, proper nutrition, balancing physical activity and rest, psychological auto-training, correction of the function of internal organs, etc.

In addition, it is necessary constantly, especially after the age of 30-35, to carry out proper skin care with the help of cosmetic preparations and cosmetic procedures. It is advisable to carry out soft peels (,), the use of active moisturizing, improving microcirculation and anti-inflammatory drugs, cosmetic preparations, nourishing masks that promote regenerative processes and restore the skin barriers mentioned above, and in the spring and summer period - also products with ultraviolet filters, etc. d.

It cannot be denied that severe stress and the psychosomatic disorders it causes have become one of the most important medical problems and require close attention. Very often, nowadays, everything comes down to stress, it is seen as the cause of all troubles, always seeing the negative. There was such a therapeutic group as "anti-stress". And this despite the fact that stressors are not the cause, but the driving force that helps to adapt to the ongoing changes in the life of the individual (environment). The ongoing adaptation in the human body is sometimes reduced to a causal one, considering it almost a manifestation of the disease. There is a substitution of causal relationships that affect the emergence and formation of various kinds of deviations from the norm.

Human life is an ongoing stream of various activities aimed at solving specific everyday problems, which are sometimes created by the person himself. Overcoming them, succeeding or failing, a person is in a state of internal pressure (stress). And this state haunts, regardless of which country he lives in - with a developed economy or only a developing one. And maybe for this reason, most people more or less successfully rethink their existence. This internal work done determines the motives of their actions and the understanding of what has been done and what remains to be done. Today, in a constantly changing social space, the task of “correcting life attitudes” is as acute as it once was.

If you accumulate experiences in yourself, the vital energy will only dry up, and with it health: mental and physical.

Stages of development of stress

Conventionally, stress can be divided into 3 successive stages according to Selye:

  • Stage 1 - accompanied by increased production of cortisol by the adrenal glands - the stress hormone. At the first stage, the stress state is the result of physical and chemical processes;
  • Stage 2 - addiction: within a few months, the adrenal glands adapt to the new regime, physically stress at this stage can be expressed by an increase in internal organs;
  • Stage 3 - nervous exhaustion: after prolonged stress, a person emotionally “burns out”. His behavior changes, he feels constant weakness, memory worsens. Depressed mood and apathy prevent them from concentrating on work and everyday problems. The inability to adapt to stress provokes malfunctions in the work of internal organs.

The picture shows schematically the stages of stress described by the Canadian pathologist and endocrinologist Hans Selye.

The effects of severe stress

Contrary to the well-known expression “time heals”, this does not work in the case of chronic stress. Prolonged ignoring of its signs has consequences:

  • Diseases of a psychosomatic nature. Usually, a person, against the background of prolonged stress, develops diseases to which he is genetically predisposed, as well as old untreated diseases. In the list of possible diseases due to stress: bronchial asthma, nervous dermatitis, hypertension, arthritis, cardioneurosis, or intestines;
  • Aesthetic problems. Due to severe stress, small vessels narrow, preventing the delivery of nutrients to organs and tissues. As a result, skin problems appear: painful pimples appear on oily skin, profuse rashes, dry skin fades, becomes covered with wrinkles. Nails also suffer from a lack of nutrients (they become layered, thinner), hair falls out;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia- one of the most common diseases that occur on a nervous basis. With dizziness and headache, it often becomes difficult to breathe, pressure rises. Often, in order to recover, it is enough to calm down, arrange for yourself the correct daily routine and good nutrition;
  • Mental disorders: against the background of prolonged stress, neuroses, hysteria, obsessive-compulsive states develop in adults and children;
  • Nervous exhaustion does not allow you to fully relax: a person feels lethargic during the day, and at night he is tormented by insomnia;
  • The fall of the immune defense of the body. After stress, not only mental balance is disturbed, the entire work of the body is destabilized. The body cannot resist diseases: both the common cold and malignant tumors.

Problems affect not only the psycho-physiological health of a person: stress disrupts his social life. Mood swings, depression, or vice versa, open aggression can cause quarrels with relatives and friends, problems at work.

How to recover from a lot of stress

In order to quickly recover from severe stress, you need to analyze what reasons could provoke such a condition. In the list of the most common reasons: dissatisfaction with one's own social status, problems at work or in the family, etc.

If there is a specific irritant - for example, an aggressive boss or an envious girlfriend who convinces you of your worthlessness, you just need to remove it from your life. You can determine the annoying factor by keeping a psychological diary.

We must understand that each specific stressful situation is not something extraordinary: all people have their own problems, they just know how to overcome them.

Ways to deal with stress

Obsessive thoughts have a destructive effect on the nervous system. At the same time, no effort of will will help to simply distract from experiences. To turn off the high stress mode, you need to give the brain a new task. To do this, use active physical activity.

At the very beginning of the session with the application of physical activity, a separate part of the brain is still absorbed by destructive personal experiences. In the process of training, a new area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity appears, providing muscle work. If the training is intense enough, eventually the physical work will take over and the bad thoughts will subside.

The release of adrenaline allows you to “turn off steam”: give the nervous system at least a little time to rest and recover.

Cyclic sports are best suited:

  • Outdoor running, arena or treadmill;
  • Swimming;
  • Exercises with weights in the gym, classes on the sports ground;
  • Bicycle trips.

Do not forget: relaxation and renunciation of destructive thoughts, and not sports records, prevail. You need to train in comfortable conditions (permissible load level, comfortable suitable clothing) and a pleasant environment (if possible).

Passive rest

You can restore your exhausted nervous system using passive methods:

  • Yoga, trance, meditation;
  • Vacation at the seaside or spa resort;
  • water procedures. Take a hot bath with sea salt, aromatic oils and candles to relaxing music;
  • Complete sleep. will help to quickly restore mental balance and disordered functions of the body. You need to learn to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. To make it easier to fall asleep, it is worth putting all gadgets away an hour before bedtime, take a hot shower or bath, and ventilate the room.

Focus on new challenges

One of the most important aspects of a recovery program is focusing on tasks unrelated to the causes of stress. When a person's thoughts are constantly filled with experiences, he cannot focus on important life tasks, for example, work.

You can learn concentration with the help of simple and at the same time aimed at creation, deeds:

  • Reading and self-education: you can read at any free time, replacing the senseless flipping through public pages on social networks and news feeds with a book;
  • Creation. Weaving of beads, drawing, modeling of clothes, felting of woolen toys. Occupation is unimportant, the main thing is that they bring satisfaction;
  • House cleaning or wardrobe detox. Cleaning the room of debris and annoying things works no worse than intensive therapy with a psychotherapist. By systematizing his personal space, a person puts things in order in his thoughts.

Positive emotions

What to do to recover from negative experiences:

  • Laughter Therapy: Watching comedy movies or funny videos as a family helps to forget about problems and relax;
  • Communication with animals is uplifting. It is worth trying to break out of the zone of imaginary "comfort": visit the zoo, go horseback riding, get a dog or at least fish;
  • Change of habitual environment: traveling, visiting new places, walking with friends;
  • Positive settings (affirmations).

Proper nutrition

Food is a source of energy and nutritional compounds for the normal functioning of all body systems. By adjusting your menu, you can speed up recovery from stress:

  • By adding red fish, nuts or other foods rich in unsaturated fats to the diet, you can stop hair loss, restore the cycle after a missed period.
  • Consumption of vegetables and fruits improves the condition of the skin, normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Calcium-rich parsley, dill, basil (contain more than 2 times more calcium than cottage cheese) strengthens nails.
  • Stimulant drinks should be removed from the menu. Coffee, alcohol, black tea, energy drinks with guarana, etc., replace with herbal infusions and green tea.
  • To improve your mood, it is not necessary to seize stress with refined sweets. You can give preference to bananas, dark chocolate, nuts.


Sedatives are heavy artillery in the fight against stress and depression. It is much safer and more appropriate to turn to herbal medicine. Herbal preparations, teas, herbal baths act gently and without side effects.

Recipes of phytotherapeutic agents:

  • Baths with herbs. Pour a glass of lavender, mint, calendula or chamomile flowers with 1 liter of boiling water. Insist for 3 hours;
  • Aromatic oils of orange, mandarin, lemon, green tea, lavender or bergamot are added to shower gels or simply to the bath. You can also simply apply oils to your wrists and temples;
  • Herbal tea: Dried mint, lemon balm or ginger with lemon can be added to regular green tea;
  • Sleep on pillows stuffed with herbs: mint, chamomile, St. John's wort, primrose, lavender;
  • Infusion of valerian root, fennel seeds, cumin and coriander in equal proportions (up to 2-3 teaspoons) pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for several days. The infusion is taken at 50-70 ml at night for 2 weeks or more (as needed).

How to restore lactation after stress

It is not uncommon for nursing mothers to lose, or rather, reduce breast milk production due to stress. This is most often associated with severe nervous exhaustion. The release of the stress hormone suppresses the production of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for lactation..

The period of breastfeeding is extremely important for the health of the baby. To return the lactation of breast milk you need:

  • Get rid of negative and destructive thoughts;
  • Do a pleasant thing: for example, shopping or beauty treatments;
  • Maintain constant contact with the baby. Even just applying it to the chest can increase the production of oxytocin;
  • More rest: housework, cleaning, cooking can be partially delegated to other family members.

It is impossible to say with accuracy how long "rehabilitation" after severe stress will take. If fleeting tension after a scandal with the boss can be neutralized on the same evening, with the help of intensive training, then it can take years to get out of a severe depressive state. If you can’t cope on your own, you can always contact a psychotherapist.

A small child, a capricious husband, a difficult relationship with a “beloved” mother-in-law, problems at work… Every woman daily faces these and other stressful situations that are insanely annoying, so over the years our nervous system begins to loosen. Today we will talk about sore, talk about how to restore the nervous system after prolonged stress.

How do you know when it's time to start treatment?

You can identify nervous stress at home, paying attention to the following symptoms:

  • frequent and abrupt mood swings;
  • irritability;
  • the desire to constantly swear with acquaintances and strangers;
  • sleep disturbance, panic attacks;
  • anxiety, guilt;
  • tearfulness, self-pity.

A nervous breakdown can proceed in an open form: a person becomes more emotional, enters into conflict situations, breaks dishes, and he has tantrums. More dangerous is a nervous breakdown that occurs in a latent form, because in this case a person inevitably becomes apathetic, hides from problems, does not want to talk to anyone.

The most dangerous state in which a person can fall after stress is the desire to harm himself. Therefore, when the first alarming symptoms are detected, it is necessary to quickly restore the nervous system, otherwise the situation may worsen.

How to restore nerves completely using folk remedies?

During this period, folk remedies will help you well, consider some recipes:

  • create a fragrant pillow by putting pine needles or lemon balm in a textile bag. You can replace them with chamomile, lavender, mint, St. John's wort and other herbs. A pillow can be placed near you or on a bedside table, the aroma of herbs will help you fall asleep, strengthen your nerves;
  • weak sweet tea will help to recover quickly, to which you need to add up to 20 drops of pharmacy valerian;
  • prepare a bath with hot water, drop up to 10 drops of pine needles, grapefruit or lavender essential oil into it, then enjoy the procedure for 20 minutes, closing the doors so that no one distracts you.

Another good way to restore the nervous system is aroma lamps that you can create yourself. To do this, take a cup of water, and then add 5-7 drops of lavender, mint, citrus essential oils to it, then place it near a hot battery or on a window sill warmed by the sun's rays. Inhale the magical smells, because they will help you relax, fully enjoy the seconds of blissful tranquility.

Advice! Before going to bed, walk around the apartment in light clothes for 20-30 minutes or open the window to make the room cool. Put on the softest and warmest pajamas, cover yourself with a thick blanket, drink tea with valerian and relax. This little secret will help you fall asleep quickly.

Eliminate the source of stress

It is difficult to restore a shattered nervous system, but you can do it by eliminating the source of negative emotions. If you have problems at work, then you should take a break in the form of a vacation to calmly cure nervous exhaustion, if you are a young mother who is constantly tired of the baby, then you need to transfer the crumbs to your mother, husband or nanny in order to sleep peacefully and give 5- 6 hours of time for yourself beloved.

What drugs to take to restore the psyche?

It is not worth playing with sedatives, because the wrong medication can cause drowsiness, apathy, which will result in a deterioration in the general condition. It is recommended to take pills during complex treatment, consisting of physical and respiratory gymnastics, proper nutrition, elimination of a source of stress, regular visits to a neurologist or psychologist.

At home, you can take simple drugs that have been proven over the years:

  • Pharmacy valerian. It is produced in the form of tincture and tablets, which should be taken 15-20 drops or 1 tablet 3 times a day, respectively.
  • Pharmacy motherwort. Also available in the form of tinctures and tablets, the patient chooses 1 type of drug, taking it 35-40 drops or 1 tablet 3-4 times a day.
  • Peony tincture. It is produced in the form of drops, it is necessary to take 20-40 drops up to 3 times a day.