Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The main idea of ​​the story is darling. Analysis of Chekhov's story darling essay

The main feature of Chekhov's nature is a keen instinct for someone else's pain, the innate wisdom of a lofty and kind soul. To understand his views, thoughts, you need to peer into the depths of the works, listen to the sounding voices of the heroes of his work. The writer is interested in ordinary people, in whom he tries to find what makes them filled with high spirituality.

In the eighties of the nineteenth century, Chekhov began to publish in the influential newspaper Novoye Vremya, owned by A.S. Suvorin. There is an opportunity to sign stories with a real surname. Since 1887, almost all of the writer's works have been published by Suvorin. From these books, Russia recognized Chekhov.

Speaking about the prototype of Darling, we can say with confidence that this is a generalized symbol, a certain general property of character - the foremother principle.

He enthusiastically accepted the story of L.N. Tolstoy.

Genre, direction

Chekhov continues the best traditions of classical realism, which is intertwined with the techniques of high naturalism.

The writer comes into contact with symbolism, looking for modern forms of depicting reality in it.

"Darling" is a short story, the musicality of which makes it possible to speak of its intimacy. The narration is accompanied by a slight irony that hides a mocking smile.


The focus is on the ordinary life of Olga Semyonovna Plemyannikova. There is no plot intrigue.

Two storylines stand out in the story, both connected with the story of Olenka: on the one hand, “the chain of the heroine’s hobbies”, on the other, “the chain of losses and losses”. Darling loves all three husbands selflessly. She asks for nothing in return for her love. Without passion simply can not live. Take away this feeling from her - life will lose all meaning.

All husbands leave this earth. She sincerely mourns them.

True love comes to Darling only when the boy Sasha appears in her fate.

Main characters and their characteristics

The characters and souls of Chekhov's heroes are not immediately revealed. The author teaches not to rush to make unambiguous assessments of his characters.

  1. Olga Semyonovna Plemyannikova- "quiet, good-natured, compassionate young lady." Everything in her appearance was “soft”: both her eyes and her white neck. But the hallmark was a "kind, naive smile." A loving person, in whose fate three heartfelt attachments appear one after another: entrepreneur Ivan Kukin, timber warehouse manager Vasily Andreevich Pustovalov, veterinarian Vladimir Platonych Smirnin. Olenka becomes their "shadow", "echo woman". Deprived of her opinion, she always repeats what her husbands say. Loving without looking back, Darling cannot imagine her life alone. Vanechka, Vasechka, then Volodechka. She called everyone "dear". Left completely alone, she is lost, not a single thought is born in her mind. Emptiness and uncertainty of the future become constant companions of life. And only the appearance in her fate of the ten-year-old boy Sasha, the son of Smirnin, “gives” Olga Semyonovna love that captures her whole soul. The general property of character can be defined by the general word "femininity", it expresses the whole image of Darling.
  2. Ivan Kukin. The characterization of the hero is based on an antithesis: he contains the Tivoli Pleasure Garden, but constantly complains about life. Appearance nondescript: skinny, says, twisting his mouth. A yellow complexion is a sign of physical ill health and a grumpy character. Unhappy person. The constantly falling rain is a symbol of a hostage of the situation desperate in his fate.
  3. Vasily Andreevich Pustovalov- Plemyannikova's neighbor. "Powerful voice", "dark beard". A completely unremarkable personality. He doesn't like any kind of entertainment. Joint life with Olenka looks through the details: “both smelled good”, “they returned side by side”.
  4. Vladimir Platonych Smirnin- A young man, a veterinarian. He divorced his wife, because he hated her, but regularly sent money to support his son.
  5. Topics and issues

    1. The fate of women in society always worried Anton Pavlovich. He devoted unforgettable pages of his work to her, creating the image of a “Chekhov woman”,
    2. The main theme of the story is love. Love for relatives, love for a man and motherly love. The theme of love is the main one in the life of Darling. Her feelings are quiet, sad. The story is about the ability of a Russian woman to selflessness for the sake of continuing and preserving life.
    3. But are the characters in the story completely free in their behavior and judgments? The hardest is the question of real human freedom about overcoming dependence on loving people.
    4. The problem of happiness. Is it possible to call a happy person who lives only for the benefit and happiness of his relatives and friends? Is it really necessary to provide them with “happiness” according to some kind of their own norm? The author tries to answer these questions with his usual delicacy.
    5. The philosophical problem of the value of life. A person has obligations to it and to its preservation. You don't need to destroy it.
    6. The conflict of ordinary meaningless life and personality, which must "kill the slave in itself" and begin to live consciously. The heroine will have to throw off the sleepy stupor of passivity and take responsibility for someone's fate.
    7. Meaning

      The writer usually does not give comforting answers. Not everything in life is clear to him. But there are such values ​​in prose that the master is sure of. What is love? First of all, it is a feeling that allows a person to reveal the potential of his soul. To love does not mean copying your soul mate, blindly repeating her thoughts, completely depriving yourself of the freedom of choice. Love gives a person an invisible energy that allows him to share with his beloved all the hardships of life, to overcome the difficulties encountered on the way. Where there is no true love, there life is not completely real - this is the main idea of ​​the writer.

      A woman is not only a loving and caring wife. She is the mother who gives the world a child, the successor of the human race. Chekhov's love is a deeply Christian feeling, hence his idea - to give Darling feelings that elevate her, and not enslave her in a routine.

      True love is possible only in the family world. Maternal love allows you to go through the path of knowing life again with the child.

      What does it teach?

      Chekhov puts the reader in front of the need to choose the answer to the question himself. The main idea is contained in the scene of the “geography lesson”: “A part of the land is called an island,” Olenka repeats. “Islands” are human destinies, “land” is our vast world, which is made up of family “islands”. After all, only there you can experience the highest fullness of life and find yourself.

      The writer teaches that every professed truth is limited. Life in the variety of its manifestations turns out to be “wiser”. The writer wanted a person not to hide from her, but to be able to live every moment she gave.

      Interesting? Save it on your wall!

What is the optimal size of the plot for this project.

Good afternoon Olga,

Can this house but with a basement?

Good afternoon, Svetlana,

a finished project with a basement was not developed for this project. We offer you several solutions: 1. Economical option: we can offer you a variant with a plinth (under the whole house) in the scope of the PASSPORT of the project. The project passport includes layouts, facades, sections and an explanatory note and is used, first of all, to coordinate the construction. At the same time, construction working documentation will be provided without adjustment, as is. Such a Passport is accompanied by typical structural units for the organization of the basement (sections, reinforcement scheme, specifications), using which (as well as relying on the existing working draft, builders implement a house with a basement). The basement floor under the part of the house is not designed (if necessary, the premises that will not be used can be closed or covered). 2. Reworking of full construction working documentation with the addition of the basement. The cost is specified at the time of order.

I liked this project, we want to start construction this year. When to contact you? Do you build yourself?

Tatyana, hello,

the project has 100% readiness of all sections and can be provided as soon as possible. We can deliver the project to you by courier service (delivery is included in the price), or you can buy it directly from our office. If the start of construction is planned for this spring, then it makes sense to take care of the project already now, because. it will take time to conduct a tender between construction companies (teams) in order to choose the services that are suitable for you in terms of the quality and cost of the services provided. Our bureau is engaged in designing, firms are built according to our projects, which customers choose at their own discretion. To control the construction and purchase of materials, the project has all the necessary dimensions, assemblies and specifications.

Question about project 109A Hello! 1. Is it possible to adapt this project in terms of thermal performance for the Tyumen region? 2. Attach a garage?

Vladislav, good afternoon,

Thank you for your attention to our projectsand contact our studio. It is possible to increase the thickness of the walls, replace the 300 mm gas block used in the project with 375 or 400 mm + insulation and face brick.If the total wall thickness is less than 600 mm, no structural changes will be required. She will stand on the foundation slab without any changes. If the wall width exceeds 600 mm, it will be necessary to increase the area of ​​the foundation slab.If similar projects of small houses with a garage or carport: 108B, 123A, 520A, 103B. It is possible to attach a garage to the 109th project.

Hello! I like the project "Darling" 100 sq.m. It is possible to get this project for the construction of a frame house. Also I don't need a veranda

Tatyana, good afternoon,

Project 109A is designed for the construction of aerated concrete 300mm thick. All specifications, assemblies, parts, sections are made based on this material.

If a construction company specializing in frame housing construction undertakes the construction of such a project, the issue will be resolved.

We will not undertake the processing of the project for frame technology. Please note that a noticeable reduction in the cost of construction is not achieved, since we are talking mainly about savings in the construction of walls, and the walls themselves in the total cost of the house - no more than 15-20% (there is also a foundation, ceilings, rafters and roofing, windows and doors, engineering systems, finishing.).

Question about project 109A Please name the thickness of the outer walls in this project

Written in 1898, published in the magazine "Family" A.P. Chekhov's story "Darling" was included in the 9th volume of the collected works of the writer. The main character Olga Semyonovna Plemyannikova lives in her parents' house not far from the Tivoli Garden in the Gypsy Sloboda. This sweetest, kindest girl. For her meek disposition and complaisant character, the neighbors called her "darling." Chekhov reveals the image of a girl, talks about her fate, sometimes with irony, sometimes with tragic notes.

Olenka Plemyannikova appears before us as a person for whom the meaning of life lies in love for other people. She lives with problems, cares of relatives. Her love is sincere, without pretense. While still a young girl, she loves her papa, aunt, who lives in Bryansk, her French teacher. Then he falls in love with the theater impresario Kukin, who lives next door in an outbuilding. An unattractive person: short in stature, thin build, with combed temples and a yellowish face. This perpetually dissatisfied, grumbling man. He constantly complains about the rainy weather, about the fact that people do not go to his theater.

Without noticing herself, Olenka literally dissolves in his problems. She becomes infected with her husband's contemptuous attitude towards theater visitors, constantly repeating his words verbatim. Attends rehearsals and comments if scenes are too frivolous. Actors take advantage of her kindness, borrow money, but are in no hurry to repay. Between themselves, they call her "Vanechka and I." This phrase constantly sounds in the conversations of the girl herself. Upon learning of the death of her husband, Darling loses the meaning of life, its inner content.

The void that has formed in the soul must be filled, and Olenka finds solace in a new reckless love for the timber merchant Pustovalov. She is literally consumed by his problems. Now her worries were the sale of timber, the price of it. But life with Pustovalov does not last long, he dies. And Darling again loses the meaning of life.

This love is replaced by love for the veterinarian Smirnin, who quarreled with his wife. Now her problem is poor veterinary supervision in the city. But this relationship does not last long, the doctor is transferred to another city. Olga Semyonovna's life again loses its meaning, she withers and grows old. However, Smirnin again comes to the city with his son Sasha. They settle in the wings next to Olenka's house. The boy enters the gymnasium. Darling goes headlong into Sasha's gymnasium problems, lives in his joys and sorrows, complains to his neighbors about the difficulty of learning. In her speech, the words “Sashenka and I” sound, she constantly quotes excerpts from textbooks. Her dreams are focused on Sasha's future. Olga sees him as an engineer or a doctor, in a big house, married with children. Only one thing worries the woman, she is very afraid that the boy can be taken away by the parents.

"Darling" is a story about a man who is able to love passionately, with all his heart. Olenka is touching in the manifestation of her worries, but at the same time funny. For her, to love is not to receive, but to give herself entirely, to live by the interests and problems of others.

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foundation typemonolithic reinforced concrete slab22.3 m3
Floor typemonolithic reinforced concrete
roof typeshingles154.5 m2
Exterior finishfront brick, decorative plaster109.0/13.2 m2
Plinth exterior finishfacing stone
Roofroof structure
Exterior wall typeaerated concrete blocks - 300 mm35.8 m3
Overall dimensions of the housewithout porches9.6x10.0 m
house heightfrom the floor level of the first floor7.33 m
1st floor heightfloor to ceiling2.75 m
2nd floor heightfloor to ceiling2.75 m
Mansard slope height1.1 m
Type of interior wallsbrick / aerated concrete1.1/5.36 m3
Number of floors2
The presence of an attic floor

You dream of your home, that it would not be big, but with all the amenities, so that it would be attractive and modern. Take a look at this project, maybe you will like it. Such a small cozy house is a miniature of a large, comfortable mansion. All components are available: bay windows that form the look of the house and a spacious veranda, and a living room on the first floor, and a large bright bathroom on the second. Only all this is miniature - but quite sufficient for a comfortable life of a family of 3-4 people. In accordance with the design, the outer walls can be built from one material - 300 mm aerated concrete blocks. So this moment gives us the right to put this cottage in the category of "projects of aerated concrete houses."

The main entrance to the house is made by two arched openings and adjacent steps with railings. Finishing of the basement - facing stone, roofing of the mansard roof - bituminous tiles. The entrance to the hallway of the house goes through a small vestibule. In the hallway there was a place for a small dressing room and a bathroom. On the ground floor there is a living room, a kitchen-dining room, a bedroom and a shower room. The living room and dining room are beautifully lit by bay windows, and the fireplace gives additional comfort to the living room. Access to the covered veranda leads from the kitchen. The boiler room is not included in the project. Whether to install an electric boiler in the kitchen or make underfloor heating is up to the owners of the house to decide. The project offers two options for planning the second floor with one and two bedrooms. The second floor is attic, it is almost completely hidden under the roof, which inevitably leads to the appearance of skylights. These windows illuminate two bedrooms, a bathroom and a staircase in a small hall. This ready-made project is a good option for inexpensive, affordable, but at the same time sufficient comfortable suburban housing for a small family. It should be recalled that the project takes into account a three-dimensional view of the interior (the so-called Virtual Walk) and a mirror image of the structure of the house with a floor plan. According to the same principle, a project of a bathhouse with a studio in the attic was made - project 223C.

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The story "Darling", written in 1899, refers to the last period of A.P. Chekhov's work.

A feature of the story is the ambiguity of the image of the main character, which makes it possible to understand and interpret this work in many ways. That is why one of the best Chekhov's stories, the story of "life in love", caused and continues to cause conflicting opinions and assessments today.

The subject of the work

The main theme of the work is love, which Chekhov contrasts with the value vacuum of society. At the same time, the essence of love in the understanding of the main character is the ability to give love, and not receive.

Possessing the gift to see the complex in the simple, Chekhov in the everyday life of an ordinary person finds and shows what is the essence of this person, for what he lives.

Plot-compositional construction of the story

In "Darling" two storylines are clearly traced. "Chain of hobbies" Darlings draws the image of a frivolous lady, quickly changing her heart attachments and dissolving in her chosen ones. “The chain of losses and losses” depicts Olga Semyonovna's feelings at the loss of her beloved.

The four-part composition of the story corresponds to the change of Darushka's four affections. To build a narrative, Chekhov uses the technique of repetition: in each of the four parts, the situation develops according to the same scenario. Darling understands someone else's situation, imbued with sympathy, then love, becoming the "echo" and "shadow" of the beloved, then the end of the situation comes. Such monotony of actions and the predictability of further developments create a comic effect.

The writer organizes time in the story by alternating repeated scenes and one-time events. The narration in three parts concerns the past of the heroine, only in the fourth part verbs of the present tense are used.

Chekhov left the ending of the story open: will the situation of loss repeat itself for Darling again? Will she really lose what fills her life and gives it meaning?

The system of images of the story

The main characters of the work are Olga Semenovna Plemyannikova (Darling), Kukin, Pustovalov, a veterinarian, and his son Sasha. The image of Kukin has a comic focus. The images of other characters are not so bright.

The greatest attention is paid to the image of the main character. The image of Darling is complex and contradictory. The gift of selfless love, which the heroine is gifted with, is surprisingly intertwined with a complete lack of spiritual interests, an inability to think independently (“she had no opinions”).

In the first three parts, the image of Darling has two projections: Chekhov shows the touching and sweet in this woman and at the same time makes fun of the funny and limited in her. Using the technique of reduction, the writer first makes it possible to feel the feelings of the heroine, but at the same time shows the limitations and relativity of these feelings, and this limitation cannot but cause the reader to smile. Olga completely dissolves in the world of her chosen one, while losing her own individuality. It is no coincidence that the heroine is deprived of her own speech characteristics, but repeats, like an echo, the words of her husbands. With the help of verbal details, Chekhov shows the change in Dushechka's vocabulary - conversations on the theatrical theme under Kukin are replaced by the use of forestry terms under Pustovalov, and then - talk about diseases of horses under the veterinarian Smirnin.

In the fourth part of the story, the irony disappears. Darling appears before the reader in a new light - the light of maternal love. With the appearance in her life of the high school student Sasha, deprived of parental love, motherly love wakes up in Olga. "Oh, how she loves him!" All former feelings seem insignificant, unreal in comparison with this last love. Darling realizes her main gift, which distinguishes her from the world of the inhabitants so much - the ability for selfless love. A woman finds herself in this feeling. Darling grows from a narrow-minded petty-bourgeois woman into a true Chekhovian heroine, arousing understanding and sympathy.

Artistic originality of the story

The story is written in an artistic style. The artistic construction of the text is based on the alternation of the lyrical and comic tone of the narration. The originality of the story is manifested in the repetition of diminutive suffixes, the use of repetition throughout the story, attention to speech details.

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