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Interesting facts about deja vu. Foresight and higher intelligence

Deja vu is a feeling that makes you feel like something has already happened. You may have experienced deja vu at least once in your life. It is a strange, unsettling, and sometimes eerie feeling that is difficult and almost impossible to replicate. Believe it or not, déjà vu is still a great mystery to science, and there are only theories that try to explain it. However, we have made great strides in uncovering secrets. Curious to know more about deja vu? Here are 25 facts about deja vu that may sound familiar.

25. The term deja vu (Deja Vu) actually comes from the French "already seen."

24. In some cases, people who experience deja vu say that it resembles a dream they once had.


23. Since this sensation is fast and random, deja vu is difficult to understand and learn.


22. Some psychological studies have shown that routine, fatigue and stressful situations can cause deja vu.


21. During the study of deja vu, Sigmund Freud believed that this feeling is associated with the memory of the unconscious.

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20. In general, the number of times an individual experiences deja vu decreases after age 25.


19. Researchers believe that deja vu may be directly related to dopamine levels in the brain. This also explains why young people experience deja vu more often.


18. Based on a review of many years of research, it seems that after electrical stimulation of the temporal lobe of the brain, patients, according to them, experience complex emotions of unreality of what is happening and déjà vu.


17. Deja vu may be due to the fact that yours is not able to correctly create a memory and forms it twice during your experience.

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16. One study found that two-thirds of adults claim to have experienced deja vu at least once in their lives.

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15. One theory suggests that déjà vu is an experience you had in a parallel universe.

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14. There are two other types of deja vu: deja entendu (deja entendu), which means "already heard" and deja vecu (deja vecu), which means "already experienced."


13. Some people consider deja vu to be a subconscious sixth sense.


12. Travelers experience deja vu more often than non-travelers. This is most likely because travelers visit more memorable and visible places.


11. It is said that people suffering from "mental seizures" have no bodily experience and deja vu.

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10. Education and socio-economic status is directly related to how often a person experiences deja vu. It appears that those with higher education and higher socioeconomic status may experience déjà vu more often than those who are lower in position.


9. Psychoanalysts viewed déjà vu as just a fantasy or wish fulfilled.


8. The opposite of deja vu is called jamevu (Jaimas vu). This is when someone is in a familiar environment, but it seems completely unfamiliar to him.


7. Parapsychologists believe that deja vu has more to do with a person's past life. When you experience deja vu, it is the memory of your former self.


6. One of the possible "switches" of deja vu is "split perception". This happens when you throw the first short on an object before looking at it closely.


5. In The New Scientist, scientists suggested that déjà vu could be a way to test the memory in your brain. If you are experiencing deja vu, it means that your memory is working properly.

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4. At Colorado State University, cognitive scientists tried to evoke déjà vu with virtual reality. After two rooms were created to enter, patients reported a feeling of déjà vu when entering the second room.


3. One theory claims that déjà vu is actually just a glitch or momentary interruption in our reality.


2. They say that the reason why people experience deja vu is the amygdala - the part of our brain that is responsible for emotions.

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1. Some studies claim that deja vu can be part of prophetic dreams, which opens a window to the future for us.

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The vast majority of people at least once in their lives experienced deja vu - one of the most mysterious phenomena associated with our memory. But not everyone knows that this mysterious feeling has several interesting varieties. Here is a list of the seven most common...

1. Deja vu (déjà vu - “already seen”).

The famous deja vu. Speaking scientifically, this is a mental state in which a person feels that he has once been in a similar situation, but this feeling is not associated with a specific moment in the past, but refers to the past in general.

That is, experiencing the classic feeling of deja vu, you feel that you have already seen a similar place or situation, but you cannot remember exactly when. Often, experiencing the classic feeling of deja vu, a person cannot even understand for sure whether he saw it before in reality or in a dream.

2. Deja century (Déjà Vécu - "already experienced").

Whereas déjà vu is the feeling that you have seen something before, deja vu is the feeling that you have seen the event before but in more detail that you recognize smells and sounds. Often this is accompanied by a strong feeling that you know what is going to happen next. Those most famous moments from the Final Destination films that the main characters experienced are nothing more than deja vu.

3. Deja visit (Déjà Visité - "already visited").

This is a less common occurrence in which inexplicable knowledge of a new place arises. For example, you may know the route in a new city, despite the fact that you have never been there and know that you could not get this knowledge in any way. Remember Shurik the student from "Operation Y". Deja visite is about space and geography, while deja veca is about temporal events.

4. Deja senti (Déjà Senti - “already felt”).

It is the manifestation of something that you have already felt. This is a mental phenomenon that rarely remains in the memory. The memory is usually triggered by the sound of another person's voice, voiced thoughts, or reading. Or when you visit some memorable places for you, you again experience those feelings that filled you before in this particular place.

Unlike other types of deja vu, deja senti does not cast a shadow of anything paranormal or unnatural.

5. Jamais Vu

This is the opposite of deja vu and describes a familiar situation that you don't recognize. A person does not recognize the situation, although he knows that he was here before. You may suddenly not recognize another person, word, or place that you know.

In one study, researchers asked 92 volunteers to write the word "door" 30 times in 1 minute. As a result, 68 percent of the participants experienced jamevu symptoms, meaning they began to doubt that the word "door" was real. This may indicate that jamevu is a symptom of brain fatigue.

6. Presque.

This feeling is “on the tip of the tongue”, that strongest feeling when you can’t remember a word you know well. Often this condition can be obsessive and even painful. The person remembers one or more characteristics of a forgotten word, such as the first letter, but feels a slight anguish when searching for the whole word itself and a feeling of relief when the word comes to mind.

7. Ladder mind or wit on the stairs (L'esprit de l'Escalier).

This is the state where you find a smart solution or answer when it's too late. It can be a retaliatory attack on an insult, a witty remark that comes to mind when it has already become useless. You seem to be "on the stairs, leaving the stage." In Russian, the phrase “strong in hindsight” is used to denote this state.

Many people are familiar with the feeling of deja vu, when you feel yourself in a familiar situation, but in reality such a situation did not happen, and the image arises from memories that were not in your head until that moment. Studies show that up to 97% of people have experienced the effect of deja vu at least once. Much more often “memories of the present” are seen by children and patients with epilepsy.

Why does the phenomenon of deja vu occur?

There is no complete certainty about the nature of the occurrence of the phenomenon among scientists, but most tend to believe that the feeling of what has already been experienced in a real situation is explained by the repeated “playing” of an imaginary situation by the human subconscious in a dream. Nerve impulses are carried in our brain at a speed of 273 km / h and do not slow down at all even when we sleep. It is not surprising that consciousness manages to recreate entire performances from future possible scenarios. This explains why healthy people experience deja vu, but modern psychology classifies the deja vu effect as a symptom of a mental disorder, and this fact has a strong justification. By the way, other interesting facts can be found on the site Let's move on to the rationale for the phenomenon of deja vu.

The feeling of deja vu can be nothing more than a deviation from the norm, a malfunction in the brain, which is difficult to explain due to insufficient knowledge of the brain. When we see something familiar, a certain area of ​​the temporal lobe fires; when we see something new for the first time, another part of the temporal lobe fires. Both areas send nerve impulses to the hippocampus, if these impulses come at the same time, then the brain is overloaded and there is a mixed feeling of a familiar but new situation.

Also, the brain can make a mistake and send the moment just experienced not into short-term memory, but immediately into long-term memory. This happens incredibly quickly and it seems to us that we have already experienced the current state, and this is true, but it was experienced a second ago.

Sometimes the transmission of nerve impulses from one hemisphere of the brain to another occurs with a delay. In this case, the hemisphere can receive the same impulse twice: the first time directly from the stimulus, and the second - from the delayed second half of the brain. As a result, the delayed impulse is perceived as deja vu. Deja vu can be a symptom of a more serious problem than a momentary brain failure. This phenomenon is very similar in nature to false memories - the feeling that a person has done something in the past, but never actually did it. This feeling is often experienced by patients with schizophrenia. And in patients with epilepsy, deja vu occurs before an attack, due to the activation of the temporal lobe, where the epileptic focus is located.

Despite the active development of science in various fields, dozens of incredible discoveries and breakthroughs, some things still remain beyond the understanding of the average person. And some of them are present in everyone's life. For example, have you ever wondered why there is a deja vu effect, a feeling of repeating a situation?

Deja vu effect: what does it mean

But, according to statistics, 97% of the world's population survived it!

The French combination of words "déjà vu" literally translates as "already seen." How and why this phenomenon occurs, no one undertakes to explain plainly. It manifests itself in the following: being in a new and unfamiliar situation, a person can experience the feeling that he is familiar with this particular moment. Moreover, the object of attention can be anything: another person, an animal, a specific situation, environment, and more. It may even give rise to knowledge of what will happen in the next moment.

There are several main and a lot of secondary theories for what reason the deja vu effect occurs, what factors influence the appearance of such a strange sensation. Importantly, none of the assumptions have been confirmed.

Deja vu: why is this happening

Surely this has happened to you as well. Since now you know what the déjà vu effect means as a concept, it is worth understanding the explanations that the scientific, anti-scientific and pseudo-scientific collection offers us.

Among them:

1. "Blue screen" of the hippocampus.

The theory is based on the assumption that there is a certain error in the work of the hippocampus - the part of the brain that "specializes" in storing information. At the same time, new data is perceived as familiar. This creates the feeling of “already seen”. Due to the poor knowledge of the activity of the brain as a whole, it is not yet possible to confirm or refute this option.

2. Dreamland or land of dreams.

The psychological community is of the opinion that the occurrence of a feeling of deja vu is based on a "dream" experience. It is believed that during sleep, the subconscious and the brain simulate an endless number of situations that are based on real moments. Since there are a huge number of options for the development of events, some of them coincide with what was modeled in a dream.

3. “This street is familiar to me…”

Esotericists and followers of the theory of reincarnation associate the presented effect with the experience of past incarnations. A person lives thousands of incarnations in a serial chain or parallel worlds. Sometimes, getting into a familiar situation, the subconscious gives a signal: “We were here!”. Accordingly, this feeling appears. As in other cases, it is not yet possible to confirm the reliability of this opinion.

Do you often get deja vu? Think about it, perhaps the memory of a past life is knocking on your mind! It is impossible to give an exact answer on how to understand the deja vu effect. Therefore, try to simply track your feelings and remember them. Maybe someday the mystery will be solved! In the meantime, leave your comments, ratings and share this article with your friends.

What is deja vu and why does it happen

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Deja vu is considered by many to be a mental state during which people feel that certain events or situations have already happened to them in the past tense. Basically, a person is in a state, colored to some extent by a feeling of strangeness, and he clearly understands that everything that happens to him is invalid. We will try to figure out what deja vu is and why it happens.

What was, what will be

There are times when people are able to predict with frightening accuracy what will happen at a certain moment. There are people who perceive such situations as some kind of superpowers.

The first stage is described in the book "L" avenirdessciencespsychigues "(Psychology of the Future), Emile Buarak. What are the reasons for the appearance of an amazing phenomenon, how does it manifest itself in society?

unreal reality

There are cases when such phenomena produced such vivid and strong impressions that a person is unable to forget them for many years. That is why every detail of the events that accompanied deja vu is remembered to the smallest detail. Basically, the phenomenon is accompanied by depersonalization. It is possible to explain the essence of such a phenomenon.

Human reality is dispersed, and it is impossible to concentrate. There is a state of a person called "derealization of personality" - it appears as a comparison and refutation of reality. A similar definition of this is given by Sigmund Freud.

Bergson gave the following explanation for this phenomenon: "déjà vu is a memory given by time." The psychoanalyst was firmly convinced of this, at the moment a person perceives personal reality as if he mentally divides time, attributing the event to the past.

Experiment failed

Another interesting fact about deja vu is that about 97% of absolutely healthy people have been in a similar situation at least once in their lives. And this is often faced by people suffering from epilepsy.

Scientists are trying to intentionally immerse people in a “given by time state”, but they cannot achieve positive results in their experiments to this day. Scientists have studied this strange phenomenon very little. The main reasons for it have not yet been identified.

The only hypothesis scientists have about this condition is that it is caused by a variety of interactions between certain processes.

These are all the facts about the deja vu effect known to science. The one who can unravel the mystery of deja vu will gain worldwide fame, because this will open up new, amazing horizons for a person. If you have anything to add, please share with us in the comments.