Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What causes the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect: causes and consequences

Probably, many have noticed that winters have recently become not as cold and frosty as in the old days. And often on New Year's Eve and Christmas (both Catholic and Orthodox), instead of the snow that is due to the case, it drizzles. The reason for this may well be such a climatic phenomenon as the greenhouse effect in the Earth's atmosphere, which is an increase in the surface temperature of our planet due to the heating of the lower layers of the atmosphere through the accumulation of greenhouse gases. As a consequence of all this, gradual global warming occurs. This problem is not so new, but recently, with the development of technology, many new sources have appeared that feed the global greenhouse effect.

Causes of the greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect occurs for the following reasons:

  • The use of hot minerals such as coal, oil, natural gas in industry, when they are burned, a large amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful chemicals enter the atmosphere.
  • Transport - a large number of both cars and trucks that emit exhaust gases also contribute to the greenhouse effect. True, the emergence of electric vehicles and the gradual transition to them can have a positive impact on the environment.
  • Deforestation, because it is known that trees absorb carbon dioxide, and with each destroyed tree, the amount of this very carbon dioxide only grows (including right now our wooded Carpathians are no longer as wooded as it is not sad).
  • Forest fires are the same mechanism as in deforestation.
  • Agrochemicals and some fertilizers are also the cause of the greenhouse effect, since nitrogen, which is one of the greenhouse gases, enters the atmosphere as a result of the evaporation of these fertilizers.
  • The decomposition and burning of garbage also contributes to the release of greenhouse gases, which increase the greenhouse effect.
  • The increase in the population on planet Earth is also an indirect cause associated with other reasons - more people means more garbage from them, more industry will work to satisfy all our not small needs, and so on.

The impact of the greenhouse effect on climate

Perhaps the main harm of the greenhouse effect is irreversible climate change, and as a result, the negative impact from them: the evaporation of the seas in some parts of the Earth (for example, the disappearance of the Aral Sea) and, vice versa, flooding in others.

What can cause flooding, and how is the greenhouse effect related here? The fact is that due to the increase in temperature in the atmosphere, glaciers in the Antarctic and the Arctic are melting, thereby increasing the level of the world's oceans. All this leads to its gradual advance on land, and the possible disappearance in the future of a number of islands in Oceania.

Territories that are little moistened by precipitation, due to the greenhouse effect, become very dry and practically unsuitable for life. The death of the crop gives rise to hunger and a food crisis, now we are seeing this problem in a number of African countries, where a real humanitarian catastrophe is caused by drought.

The impact of the greenhouse effect on human health

In addition to the negative impact on the climate, the greenhouse effect can also have an impact on our health. So in the summer, for its reason, abnormal heat is increasingly occurring, which from year to year increases the number of people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Again, due to the heat, people increase or decrease their blood pressure, heart attacks and epilepsy attacks, fainting and heat stroke are more common, and all these are the results of the greenhouse effect.

The benefits of the greenhouse effect

Is there any benefit from the greenhouse effect? A number of scientists believe that such a phenomenon as the greenhouse effect has always existed since the birth of the Earth, and its usefulness as an “additional heating” of the planet is undeniable, because life itself once arose as a result of one of these heatings. But again, here we can recall the wise phrase of Paracelsus, that the difference between medicine and poison is only in its quantity. That is, in other words, the greenhouse effect is useful only in a small amount, when the gases leading to the greenhouse effect, their concentration in the atmosphere is not high. When it becomes significant, this climatic phenomenon turns from a kind of medicine into a real dangerous poison.

How to minimize the negative effects of the greenhouse effect

To overcome the problem, you need to eliminate its causes. In the case of the greenhouse effect, it is also necessary to eliminate the sources that cause global warming. In our opinion, first of all, it is necessary to stop deforestation, but on the contrary, to plant new trees, shrubs, and gardens more actively.

Abandoning gasoline cars, a gradual transition to electric cars or even bicycles (both good for health and for the environment) is also a small step in the fight against the greenhouse effect. And if a lot of conscious people take this step, then this will be a significant progress towards improving the ecology of the planet Earth - our common home.

Scientists are also developing a new alternative fuel that will be environmentally friendly, but when it will appear and become ubiquitous is still unknown.

And finally, you can quote the wise Indian leader White Cloud from the Ayoko tribe: “Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last fish has been caught and the last river has been poisoned, only then will you understand that money cannot be eaten.”

Greenhouse effect, video

And in the end, a thematic documentary about the greenhouse effect.

It is rather difficult to predict the consequences of the greenhouse effect, the fact that this phenomenon affects the life of our planet is undeniable, but what it can turn out to be for humanity in the long term is not completely clear.

The natural processes that cause rainfall, hail, snowstorms, sea level rise and other predicted effects of global warming depend on many factors. Similarly, it is not easy to predict the volumes of greenhouse gases that may be released into the atmosphere in the coming decades, because this figure depends on both political decisions and the intensity of technological progress.

Global warming is one of the most obvious and expected consequences of the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and fluorine gases - all these substances contribute to the accumulation of high temperatures in the Earth's atmosphere, and these processes, in turn, are one of the main components of the greenhouse effect. natural greenhouse effect The earth is necessary to preserve life on the planet, but human economic and industrial activities, and in particular the use of fossil fuels and global deforestation, significantly increase the manifestations of the greenhouse effect, and as a result, global warming .

Global warming

The level of greenhouse gases has risen substantially since the start of the global industrial revolution, but in recent decades this process has accelerated significantly, and the amount of greenhouse gases emitted has increased significantly. Since 1970, total greenhouse gases have increased by almost 80%. The release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere occurs daily, and today the greenhouse effect, according to experts, reaches a critical point. According to scientists, over the past hundred years the air temperature has risen by 0.75°C.

More droughts, more floods

Climate warming invariably entails an increase in the volume of evaporation both from the surface of the earth and from the surface of the oceans. Such phenomena, in turn, provoke droughts in regions where evaporation is not compensated by the amount of precipitation. On the other hand, increased volumes of evaporation in some areas lead to floods caused by heavy and frequent rains.

Less ice and snow

Glaciers are melting rapidly around the world. It seems that the rate of ice melting has surpassed even the wildest forecasts of experts. In regions whose water supply directly depends on melted mountain waters, the melting of glaciers in the future can lead to severe droughts and the collapse of domestic water supply. According to scientists, about one-sixth of the world's population lives in regions that in one way or another may suffer from a decrease in the volume of melt water.

More natural disasters

A warming climate could lead to more heatwaves and more frequent downpours, storms and storms, while increasing both their number and intensity.

sea ​​level rise

The melting of glaciers and snow masses, coupled with the thermal expansion of the sea, leads to an increase in its level. And this can most disappointingly affect the fate of regions located quite low in relation to sea level, these territories can simply be flooded.

So, for example, some islands of the Pacific Ocean may completely or partially disappear under the water column by the end of this century. In this scenario, coastal and shallow-water animals and plants, such as coral reefs and mangroves, will inevitably suffer. And countries with a low coastal zone are doubly at risk - there is an increased risk of river flooding and coastal flooding, which can significantly reduce the area suitable for life and farming.

Scientists emphasize the need to strengthen the coastline and develop the construction of river dams. The increase in stagnant water encourages the breeding of mosquitoes and other insects that are carriers of dangerous diseases such as Lyme disease.

Ocean acidification

An increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to an increase in the percentage of acidity of ocean waters; since the beginning of the world industrial revolution, the ocean has become more acidic by 30%. The ocean absorbs about a quarter of the total amount of carbon dioxide emitted by mankind, and the gas reacts with sea water to form carbon dioxide. The dependence is obvious: the higher the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the greater the level of acidity of the sea waters of the oceans.

Changes in the quality and quantity of flora

An increased level of carbon dioxide provides plants with a sufficient amount of oxygen, but at the same time, for normal growth and vital activity, plants also need other vital elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, and so on). The lack of these elements affects the nutritional value of many plants. During a series of experiments with an increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the environment, a drop in the protein content in wheat, rice, barley and potato tubers by 5-14% was revealed.

Smog and ozone pollution

Over the past century, global background ozone concentrations have doubled, largely due to rising levels of methane and nitrogen oxides produced by human activities. At the level of nitrogen, ozone is a pollutant, one of the main components of smog, which is equally dangerous for both humans and the plant world. Ozone, according to scientists, also provokes a decrease in average life expectancy and a decrease in the yield of major crops: soybeans, corn and wheat.

Ozone layer depletion

Nitrogen oxides destroy the ozone layer and today it is nitrogen oxide that is considered the most destructive and harmful substance for ozone. The production of chlorofluorocarbon and other gases was banned by the Montreal Protocol, which led to a significant decrease in their concentration in the atmosphere. Nitrogen oxides were not included in the Montreal Protocol, therefore, against the background of a decrease in the level of other gases in the atmosphere, the level of nitrogen oxides is constantly growing.

Despite certain efforts in the field of environmental conservation and the development of environmentally friendly technologies, the consequences of the greenhouse effect are already manifesting themselves in various areas of our lives, often ahead of scientists' forecasts. A person is not able to completely eliminate the negative impact of the greenhouse effect on the life of our planet, but it is in his power to reduce it as much as possible, thinking about the state in which the planet will go to future generations.

The greenhouse effect is an increase in the temperature of the earth's surface due to the heating of the lower atmosphere by the accumulation of greenhouse gases. As a result, the air temperature is higher than it should be, and this leads to such irreversible consequences as climate change and. A few centuries ago, this existed, but was not so obvious. With the development of technology, the number of sources that provide the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere is increasing every year.

Causes of the greenhouse effect

You can not avoid talking about the environment, its pollution, the dangers of the greenhouse effect. To understand the mechanism of this phenomenon, it is necessary to determine its causes, discuss the consequences and decide how to deal with this environmental problem before it is too late. The causes of the greenhouse effect are as follows:

  • the use of combustible minerals in industry - coal, oil, natural gas, the combustion of which releases a huge amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful compounds into the atmosphere;
  • transport - cars and trucks emit exhaust gases, which also pollute the air and increase the greenhouse effect;
  • , which absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and with the destruction of every tree on the planet, the amount of CO2 in the air increases;
  • - another source of destruction of plants on the planet;
  • an increase in population affects the increase in demand for food, clothing, housing, and to ensure this, industrial production is growing, which is increasingly polluting the air with greenhouse gases;
  • agrochemicals and fertilizers contain varying amounts of compounds that release nitrogen, one of the greenhouse gases, as a result of evaporation;
  • the decomposition and burning of garbage in landfills contribute to the increase in greenhouse gases.

The impact of the greenhouse effect on climate

Considering the results of the greenhouse effect, it can be determined that the main one is climate change. Since the air temperature rises every year, the waters of the seas and oceans evaporate more intensively. Some scientists predict that in 200 years such a phenomenon as the "drying" of the oceans, namely a significant decrease in water levels, will become noticeable. This is one side of the problem. The other is that the increase in temperature leads to the melting of glaciers, which contributes to the rise in the water level of the World Ocean, and leads to the flooding of the coasts of continents and islands. The increase in the number of floods and flooding of coastal areas indicates that the level of ocean waters is increasing every year.

An increase in air temperature leads to the fact that areas that are little moistened by precipitation become arid and unsuitable for life. Here, crops are dying, which leads to a food crisis for the population of the area. Also, there is no food for animals, because plants die out due to lack of water.

Many people have become accustomed to weather and climate conditions throughout their lives. As the air temperature rises due to the greenhouse effect, global warming sets in on the planet. Humans can't stand high temperatures. For example, if earlier the average summer temperature was +22-+27, then an increase to +35-+38 leads to sun and heat stroke, dehydration and problems with the cardiovascular system, there is a high risk of stroke. Specialists in abnormal heat give people the following recommendations:

  • — reduce the number of movements on the street;
  • - reduce physical activity;
  • - avoid direct sunlight;
  • - increase the consumption of plain purified water up to 2-3 liters per day;
  • - cover your head from the sun with a hat;
  • - If possible, spend time during the day in a cool room.

How to minimize the greenhouse effect

Knowing how greenhouse gases are created, it is necessary to eliminate their sources in order to stop global warming and other negative consequences of the greenhouse effect. Even one person can change something, and if relatives, friends, acquaintances join him, they will set an example for other people. This is already a much larger number of conscious inhabitants of the planet who will direct their actions to preserve the environment.

First of all, we need to stop deforestation, plant new trees and shrubs, as they absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Using electric vehicles will reduce the amount of exhaust gases. In addition, you can change from cars to bicycles, which is more convenient, cheaper and safer for the environment. Alternative fuels are also being developed, which, unfortunately, is slowly being introduced into our daily lives.

An entertaining video about the greenhouse effect

The most important solution to the problem of the greenhouse effect is to bring it to the attention of the world public, and also to do everything in our power to reduce the amount of accumulation of greenhouse gases. If you plant a few trees, you will already be a huge help to our planet.

The impact of the greenhouse effect on human health

The consequences of the greenhouse effect primarily affect the climate and the environment, but its impact on human health is no less detrimental. It's like a time bomb: after many years we can see the consequences, but we can't change anything.

Scientists predict that people with a low and unstable financial situation are most susceptible to diseases. If people are malnourished and do not receive some food due to lack of money, this will lead to malnutrition, hunger and the development of diseases (not just the digestive tract). Since abnormal heat sets in in summer due to the greenhouse effect, the number of people with diseases of the cardiovascular system is increasing every year. This is how people's blood pressure rises or falls, heart attacks and epileptic seizures occur, fainting and heat stroke occur.

An increase in air temperature leads to the development of the following diseases and epidemics:

These diseases spread geographically very quickly, as the high temperature of the atmosphere facilitates the movement of various infections and disease vectors. These are various animals and insects such as tsetse flies, encephalitis mites, malarial mosquitoes, birds, mice, etc. From warmer latitudes, these carriers migrate to the north, so people living there are exposed to diseases because they do not have immunity to them.

Thus, the greenhouse effect causes global warming, and this leads to many ailments and infectious diseases. As a result of epidemics, thousands of people die in different countries of the world. By fighting the problem of global warming and the greenhouse effect, we will be able to improve the environment and, as a result, the state of human health.

In the 21st century, the global greenhouse effect is one of the most pressing environmental issues facing our planet today. The essence of the greenhouse effect is that the sun's heat lingers near the surface of our planet in the form of greenhouse gases. The greenhouse effect is caused by industrial gases entering the atmosphere.

The greenhouse effect consists in an increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the Earth's atmosphere in comparison with the effective temperature, namely the temperature of the planet's thermal radiation recorded from space. The first mention of this phenomenon appeared in 1827. Then Joseph Fourier suggested that the optical characteristics of the Earth's atmosphere are similar to the characteristics of glass, the level of transparency of which in the infrared range is lower than in the optical one. When visible light is absorbed, the surface temperature rises and emits thermal (infrared) radiation, and since the atmosphere is not so transparent to thermal radiation, heat is collected near the surface of the planet.
The fact that the atmosphere is able to keep out thermal radiation is caused by the presence of greenhouse gases in it. The main greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. Over the past decades, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased dramatically. Scientists believe human activity is the main cause.
Due to the regular increase in average annual temperatures in the late eighties of the last century, there was a fear that global warming caused by human activity is already happening.

The influence of the greenhouse effect

The positive consequences of the greenhouse effect include additional "heating" of the surface of our planet, as a result of which life appeared on this planet. If this phenomenon did not exist, then the average annual air temperature near the earth's surface would not exceed 18C.
The greenhouse effect arose due to the huge amount of water vapor and carbon dioxide entering the planet's atmosphere over hundreds of millions of years as a result of extremely high volcanic activity. The high concentration of carbon dioxide, which is thousands of times higher than today, was the cause of the "super-greenhouse" effect. This phenomenon brought the temperature of the water in the oceans to the boiling point. However, after some time, green vegetation appeared on the planet, which actively absorbed carbon dioxide from the earth's atmosphere. For this reason, the greenhouse effect began to decline. Over time, a certain balance was established, allowing the average annual temperature to stay at around + 15C.
However, human industrial activity has led to the fact that a large amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases began to enter the atmosphere again. Scientists analyzed data from 1906 to 2005 and concluded that the average annual temperature increased by 0.74 degrees, and in the coming years will reach about 0.2 degrees per decade.
Greenhouse effect results:

  • temperature rise
  • change in the frequency and volume of precipitation
  • melting glaciers
  • sea ​​level rise
  • biodiversity threat
  • crop failure
  • drying up of fresh water sources
  • increased evaporation of water in the oceans
  • decomposition of water and methane compounds located near the poles
  • slowing down currents, for example, the Gulf Stream, as a result of which it will become colder in the Arctic
  • rainforest shrinkage
  • expansion of the habitat of tropical microorganisms.

Consequences of the greenhouse effect

Why is the greenhouse effect so dangerous? The main danger of the greenhouse effect lies in the climate changes it causes. Scientists believe that the increase in the greenhouse effect will cause an increase in risks to the health of all mankind, especially the representatives of low-income segments of the population. A decrease in food production, which will be a consequence of the death of crops and the destruction of pastures by drought or vice versa by flooding, will inevitably lead to a shortage of food. In addition, elevated air temperature exacerbates heart and vascular diseases, as well as respiratory organs.
Also, an increase in air temperature can cause an expansion of the habitat of animal species that are carriers of dangerous diseases. Because of this, for example, encephalitic mites and malarial mosquitoes can move to places where people do not have immunity to transmitted diseases.

What will help save the planet?

Scientists are sure that the fight against the increase in the greenhouse effect should involve the following measures:

  • reducing the use of fossil energy sources such as coal, oil and gas
  • more efficient use of energy resources
  • dissemination of energy-saving technologies
  • use of alternative energy sources, namely renewable
  • use of refrigerants and blowing agents that contain low (zero) global warming potential
  • reforestation work aimed at the natural absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  • abandonment of cars with a gasoline or diesel engine in favor of electric cars.

At the same time, even the full-scale implementation of the listed measures is unlikely to fully compensate for the damage caused to nature due to anthropogenic action. For this reason, we can only talk about minimizing the consequences.
The first international conference to discuss this threat took place in the mid-1970s in Toronto. Then, the experts came to the conclusion that the greenhouse effect on Earth is in second place in importance after the nuclear threat.
Not only a real man is obliged to plant a tree - every person should do this! The most important thing in solving this problem is not to turn a blind eye to it. Maybe today people do not notice the harm from the greenhouse effect, but our children and grandchildren will definitely feel it for themselves. It is necessary to reduce the volume of burning coal and oil, to protect the natural vegetation of the planet. All this is necessary for the planet Earth to exist after us.

The greenhouse effect is a serious environmental problem. If you do not stop its growth, the balance on Earth may be disturbed. The climate will change, famine and disease will come. Scientists are developing various measures to combat the problem, which should become global.


What is the greenhouse effect? This is the name given to the increase in surface temperature of the planet due to the fact that gases in the atmosphere tend to retain heat. The earth is heated by radiation from the sun. Visible short waves from a light source freely penetrate to the surface of our planet. As it warms up, the Earth begins to radiate long heat waves. Partially, they penetrate through the layers of the atmosphere and “leave” into space. Greenhouse gases reduce transmission capacity, reflect long waves. Heat remains at the surface of the Earth. The higher the concentration of gases, the higher the greenhouse effect.

The phenomenon was first described by Joseph Fourier at the beginning of the 19th century. He suggested that the processes occurring in the earth's atmosphere are similar to what exists under glass.

Greenhouse gases are steam (from water), carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), methane, ozone. The former takes the main part in the formation of the greenhouse effect (up to 72%). The next most important is carbon dioxide (9-26%), the share of methane and ozone is 4-9 and 3-7%, respectively.

Recently, you can often hear about the greenhouse effect as a serious environmental problem. But this phenomenon also has a positive side. Due to the fact that the greenhouse effect exists, the average temperature of our planet is about 15 degrees above zero. Without it, life on Earth would not be possible. The temperature could only be minus 18.

The reason for the appearance of the effect is the active activity of many volcanoes on the planet millions of years ago. At the same time, the content of water vapor and carbon dioxide significantly increased in the atmosphere. The concentration of the latter has reached such a value that a superstrong greenhouse effect has arisen. As a result, the water of the World Ocean practically boiled, its temperature became so high.

The appearance of vegetation everywhere on the surface of the Earth caused a fairly rapid absorption of carbon dioxide. Heat buildup has been reduced. A balance has been established. The average annual temperature on the surface of the planet was at a level close to the present.

The reasons

Strengthening the phenomenon contribute to:

  • The development of industry is the main reason that carbon dioxide and other gases that enhance the greenhouse effect are actively emitted and accumulated in the atmosphere. The result of human activity on Earth is an increase in the average annual temperature. For a century, it has risen by 0.74 degrees. Scientists predict that in the future this growth could be 0.2 degrees for every 10 years. That is, the intensity of warming increases.
  • Deforestation is the reason for the increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. This gas is absorbed by vegetation. The massive development of new lands, coupled with deforestation, accelerates the rate of accumulation of carbon dioxide, and at the same time changes the living conditions of animals and plants, leading to the extinction of their species.
  • Combustion of fuel (solid and oil), waste leads to the release of carbon dioxide. Heating, electricity generation, transport are the main sources of this gas.
  • The growth of energy consumption is a sign and condition of technical progress. The world population is increasing by about 2% per year. Growth in energy consumption - 5%. The intensity is increasing every year, humanity needs more and more energy.
  • An increase in the number of landfills leads to an increase in the concentration of methane. Another source of gas is the activity of livestock complexes.


The consequences of the greenhouse effect can be detrimental to humans:

  • The polar ice caps are melting, causing sea levels to rise. As a result, coastal fertile lands are under water. If flooding occurs at a high rate, there will be a serious threat to agriculture. Crops are dying, the area of ​​pastures is shrinking, sources of fresh water are disappearing. First of all, the low-income strata of the population, whose lives depend on the harvest, the growth of domestic animals, will suffer.
  • Many coastal cities, including highly developed ones, may be under water in the future. For example, New York, St. Petersburg. Or entire countries. For example, Holland. Such phenomena will necessitate mass displacement of human settlements. Scientists suggest that in 15 years the ocean level may rise by 0.1-0.3 meters, and by the end of the 21st century - by 0.3-1 meter. In order for the above cities to be under water, the level must rise by about 5 meters.
  • The increase in air temperature leads to the fact that within the continents the period of snow is reduced. It begins to melt earlier, as the rainy season ends faster. As a result, the soils are overdried, unsuitable for growing crops. Lack of moisture is the cause of desertification of lands. Experts say that an increase in average temperature by 1 degree in 10 years will lead to a reduction in forest areas by 100-200 million hectares. These lands will become steppes.
  • The ocean covers 71% of our planet's surface area. As the air temperature rises, the water also heats up. Evaporation increases significantly. And this is one of the main reasons for the increase in the greenhouse effect.
  • With rising water levels in the world's oceans, temperatures threaten biodiversity, and many species of wildlife may disappear. The reason is changes in their habitat. Not every species can successfully adapt to new conditions. The consequence of the disappearance of some plants, animals, birds, and other living beings is a violation of food chains, the balance of ecosystems.
  • Rising water levels cause climate change. The boundaries of the seasons are shifting, the number and intensity of storms, hurricanes, and precipitation are increasing. Climate stability is the main condition for the existence of life on Earth. To stop the greenhouse effect means to save human civilization on the planet.
  • High air temperature can adversely affect human health. Under such conditions, cardiovascular diseases are exacerbated, respiratory organs suffer. Thermal anomalies lead to an increase in the number of injuries, some psychological disorders. An increase in temperature entails a more rapid spread of many dangerous diseases, such as malaria and encephalitis.

What to do?

Today, the problem of the greenhouse effect is a global environmental issue. Experts believe that the widespread adoption of the following measures will help solve the problem:

  • Changes in the use of energy sources. Reducing the share and quantity of fossils (carbon-containing peat, coal), oil. Switching to natural gas will significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Increasing the share of alternative sources (sun, wind, water) will reduce emissions, because these methods allow you to get energy without harm to the environment. When using them, gases are not emitted.
  • Changing energy policy. Increasing the efficiency of power plants. Reducing the energy intensity of manufactured products at enterprises.
  • Implementation of energy saving technologies. Even the usual insulation of the facades of houses, window openings, heating plants gives a significant result - fuel savings, and, therefore, less emissions. The solution of the issue at the level of enterprises, industries, states entails a global improvement in the situation. Each person can contribute to solving the problem: saving electricity, proper waste disposal, warming their own home.
  • Development of technologies aimed at obtaining products in new, environmentally friendly ways.
  • The use of secondary resources is one of the measures to reduce waste, the number and volume of landfills.
  • Restoring forests, fighting fires in them, increasing the area as a way to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The fight against greenhouse gas emissions today is carried out at the international level. World summits dedicated to this problem are being held, documents are being created aimed at organizing a global solution to the issue. Many scientists around the world are looking for ways to reduce the greenhouse effect, maintain balance and life on Earth.