Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to deal with a bad mood according to your zodiac sign. How to deal with bad habits: practical advice

It is not always possible to quickly and easily overcome a bad mood. Astrologers believe that it will be much easier to deal with a bad mood if you rely on the characteristics and features of your Zodiac Sign.


As representatives of the fire element, Aries can be disappointed because everything in their life is boring and ordinary. Constant work, the usual social circle and the lack of change - all this can lead Aries to disappointment. Due to the impulsiveness of this representative of the zodiac circle, his mood can deteriorate even because of the slightest trouble, but it will be quite difficult for him to return a good mood.

To cheer up, you need to bring newness into your life. If routine and consistency keep you from enjoying life, try something new and unusual. This does not mean that you have to move to another country, look for new friends and a new job, because even small changes will make you look at your life in a new way. Treat yourself to some shopping, make new friends, rearrange your house, or do something crazy. You should not strive for drastic changes, because even minor changes will instantly cheer you up.


Despite the fact that Taurus knows how to hide their mood from others, sometimes their experiences are hard to miss. Sometimes they experience a serious lack of pleasures associated with sensory perception, because of which life loses all meaning. However, Taurus does not need anything unusual to cheer up, they just need to do something that will affect their senses.

Sometimes your feelings need nourishment, and you should not confront your weaknesses. Go shopping for a new perfume, visit a cafe that smells like hot pastries, or just listen to soothing music. You will soon notice that even ordinary activities can improve your mood and make you forget about problems and worries.


Geminis are among the most sociable signs of the zodiac. They are not afraid to meet new people, easily support any topic of conversation and, as a rule, always become the soul of the company. With a lack of communication, they lose their joy and are more likely to be in a bad mood. However, fixing this is quite simple.

Even if your family and friends are far away, this does not mean that you cannot communicate with them. Even a short telephone conversation will cheer you up and allow you to feel the presence of loved ones. If you want real communication, make new acquaintances. You can do this using social networks or find yourself a conversation partner in a park, cafe or any other public place. Spend time in company, and then you can regain your good mood.


Cancers are ready to devote themselves and their time to loved ones. Sometimes they do it so hard that they completely forget about their hobbies and interests. When they realize that they have absolutely no strength left for their lives, they get the feeling that others are using them. Because of this, representatives of this Zodiac Sign may be on the verge of depression.

Your love and concern for your loved ones is indeed commendable, but that doesn't mean you should completely deprive yourself of all the joys of life. Sometimes you just need to spend your free time exclusively on yourself, otherwise a bad mood will soon become a habit for you. Set aside household chores and work and give in to your whims. You can visit a beauty salon, go for a walk with friends or just spend time alone at home. Such activities will not only help you relax, but also improve your mood.

a lion

It is quite difficult for these representatives of the zodiac circle to spoil the mood, and if this happened, then the reason was really serious. Despite the great love for attention and compliments, even ordinary flattery can not only disappoint, but even anger Leo. In this case, you need to deal with a bad mood immediately, because, as you know, Leo's anger can be dangerous for others.

To regain a good mood and restore self-confidence, you need to prove yourself in public. You can enter competitions, try your luck at a casting, or just perform in front of your friends with an interesting story. Feeling the admiration of others, you can suppress a negative attitude, and perhaps you will find yourself permanent fans who you can turn to in the most difficult moments of your life.


Representatives of this constellation are most often capricious and emotional. That is why their mood can change from the influence of any factors. More often than not, Virgos can get upset if things don't go the way they planned. In this case, it will be quite difficult to return the mood, but astrologers say that there is such a way.

Sometimes you just need to be alone with yourself and devote time to a pleasant activity. You can quickly cheer up thanks to the usual shopping therapy. Even if your budget is planned for a month in advance, you should not be afraid to spend at least a small amount on personal expenses. If it is rather difficult for you to decide on such a step, just retire and indulge in your own thoughts. At first glance, this method may seem too banal and ineffective, but after trying it for yourself, you will realize that with its help you can return a positive attitude very quickly.


Libra is one of the most cheerful signs of the zodiac. They always try to benefit from any failure and rarely give in to emotions. However, if someone tries to break their harmony, then a bad mood will immediately take possession of them. In this case, Libra needs to be distracted, and best of all, change the environment.

A representative of this constellation will be able to feel much better while staying in a beautiful place. You can create a cozy environment right at home. To do this, you can rearrange, decorate your home with unusual figurines and souvenirs.
or even start a major overhaul. If at the moment your financial possibilities do not allow you to radically change the look of your interior, take a walk around the shops in search of those things that you would like to purchase in the future. In this way, you will be able to please yourself, and your mood will improve significantly.


Scorpios are more likely than other zodiac signs to experience depression, despite the fact that they never show it to others. If their mood has worsened, they try to abstract from society and may not contact their loved ones for several days. However, it is not so difficult to return Scorpios to the ranks of cheerful people: for this it is necessary to please them with something mysterious and interesting.

To improve their mood, these representatives of the zodiacal circle need to hear some secret or participate in an unusual event. Scorpios are attracted to things that other people don’t know about, which is why they like to be aware of all the most relevant news and rumors. You may not be an avid gossip yourself, but the realization that you know someone else's secret will immediately cheer you up.


Sagittarians, more than other representatives of the zodiac circle, can get carried away with work and forget about the joys of life, and sometimes this is what makes them feel that they live a boring life. In this case, this Zodiac Sign just needs a change of scenery, and it is best to give preference to long-distance travel.

Perhaps this option will seem too expensive to many, but in your case, traveling to another country will be the best way to cheer you up. If your financial situation does not allow you to do this, at least just dream that you will soon visit unusual places and get acquainted with a new culture. Before diving into your dreams, retire to a place where no one can disturb you. Try to enjoy the process of dreaming as much as possible, and then you will be able to overcome the blues and bad mood.


This Sign of the Zodiac experiences real happiness, doing a productive thing that can be useful to others, but idleness can instantly ruin their mood. That is why, if Capricorns are overcome by depression, it is best to change the field of activity or engage in the development of new talent.

Unlike other signs of the zodiac, Capricorns can improve their mood without interrupting their work and usual activities. On the contrary, for this they need to load themselves with work even more and go headlong into solving work issues. Of course, you should not exhaust yourself, otherwise you risk getting stressed. If you want to really take your mind off your problems and get rid of the blues, get involved in activities that are unusual for you. Perhaps you will not only improve your mood, but also gain new skills.


Sometimes even cheerful Aquarians can be on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Despite the fact that a bad mood overcomes them quite rarely, being depressed, they are unlikely to be able to do work and everyday activities in the same way as Capricorns. To cheer up, they just need to feel needed, and this is not at all difficult to do.

You can join the ranks of volunteers, do charity work, or simply help your loved ones - the most important thing is that your help will not only be useful to others, but will also cheer you up. There are not so many people left in the modern world who are able to help disinterestedly and at the same time experience real joy from their help, but you are one of those people. Memories of your deed will warm your heart for a long time and help you in difficult moments.

Even the most cheerful person is not immune from the appearance of days when for no reason at all he becomes sad, while there may not be a real reason for the appearance of a bad mood. Sudden fatigue, an acute feeling of loneliness - all this can unsettle even a persistent person.

Are there specific ways in which you can deal with a bad mood?

Finding the positive in everyday life

Do not forget that most of the problems of a person with mood comes from boredom. If you are "mired" in everyday problems, this can also be seen as a signal that your mood will soon decline as well. That is why the fight against a bad mood will not do without adding variety to the routine activities that have become routine. Such an activity as shampooing can be diversified with a massage of the temples, which will help strengthen the nervous system and hair health.

Lunch in the company of a friend-colleague will also have a positive effect on mood. There are scientifically proven facts that intimate conversations cheer up by about 5%.

If your daily work is directly related to the computer, it is possible that your neck is in great tension, you can sew or buy a special neck pillow and stuff it with a collection of dried herbs of chamomile, lavender and lemon balm. The aromas emanating from the herbs will help relieve muscle tension.

Try to pamper yourself more often with different amenities. No, this does not mean food, but various little things for which we often simply do not have enough time. Their value is very great! All you need to do is stop for a moment, look around, admire the beautiful sunset, listen to a song that evokes pleasant memories, look into his eyes and tell him about the strength of your feelings ... Try this method too - before opening the door to the apartment and entering home , stop, freeze, take a deep breath and sincerely rejoice that, finally, you are at home. Let all the problems and negative events of the past day remain beyond the threshold. All this may seem like a trifle, but often it is their lack that can lead to depression and a long-term mood swing.

On weekends, give preference to going to the bathhouse. Having warmed up and sweated well, you will quickly get rid of the negativity accumulated over the week, and the regenerative processes in the peripheral nerves activated with the help of steam will prove to you that nerve cells are being restored. In addition, the freshness after visiting the bath will not fail to cheer you up. And if you add a little aromatic oil (vanilla, lavender, rosemary, citrus or mint) to the water, the calming effect will increase. And after the bath, a great solution is to drink tea with basil, which has a calming effect.

Do not forget to laugh and give smiles to others - it has been proven that laughter prolongs life, and it improves mood and well-being! If the mood is completely at zero - try to laugh on purpose - you will see that soon it will be a real sincere laugh! Do not forget about the power of suggestion - smiling and believing that everything is fine with you - in the end, it will be so!

To constantly be in a good mood, you can not forbid yourself to dream. Leaving a busy working day behind, disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the outside world for 10 minutes - and let this time become only yours! You need to close your eyes and imagine what you would really like: the upcoming vacation, a meeting with close friends, or a date with your loved one. Try to visualize a real picture of the future and believe in it. Such an “excursion into the future” will help brighten up the harsh reality.

Fill your life with colors

The surrounding world is painted in gray tones, gloomy and dull - what good mood can be here? But it is precisely the banal lack of light and bright colors that can cause blues. Therefore, the first means of raising your mood is nothing more than bringing brightness, or even variegation, into your life. Buying bright multi-colored clothes; bright curtains in your rooms. Fill your life with bright colors!

Of course, the most important piece of advice to lift your spirits is to try to notice the best things in life. Learn to look at the future with optimism and drive away thoughts of problems and failures. All centenarians who have lived their years happily are united by positive thinking.

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16 .12 .2011

Reasons for bad mood

Emotional pressure.

Sleep deprivation.

Wrong nutrition.


Lack of oxygen.

"Sedentary work.


Sadness for no reason

  1. Do useful things
  2. Try water treatments
  3. Charge with optimism.

Mila Bogush-Dand,

You are interested in trainings:

As a result, you will gain an understanding of the main sources of problems when interacting with subordinates and how to eliminate them. Develop your leadership skills and improve personal efficiency, learn right to control work of subordinates inspire them and constantly maintain a high level of motivation to work.

How to deal with a bad mood Lyudmila Bogush-Dand

Each of us has had a bad mood, but not everyone has tried to deal with this condition. Or maybe not everyone knows how to do it? We hope our advice will help you cope with the momentary influx of pessimism.

Each of us has had a bad mood, but not everyone has tried to deal with this condition. Or maybe not everyone knows how to do it? We hope our advice will help you cope with the momentary influx of pessimism.

Practice proves that the mood with the same speed passes from the "plus" state to the "minus" state and vice versa. For some it happens quickly, for others it happens slowly. The most striking example of this is the behavior of children and their reaction to what is happening. A child in five minutes can experience the whole emotional range: from grief to joy. A kid who has hit or lost his favorite toy is experiencing completely sincere grief. But as soon as we switch the baby's attention to something new and pleasant, he already laughs happily.

Reasons for bad mood

Everyday emotional background of a person should be in a good mood. After all, our main task is to create, and this is possible only with a positive attitude.
To overcome a bad mood, you need to take a step towards your emotions and realize your state: “I am in a bad mood.” Next, you should try to answer the question: “Why is the mood bad?”. There may be several reasons. Let's try to analyze the main ones and find an effective way to solve this problem.

Emotional pressure. One of the main reasons for a bad mood is emotional pressure from another person. And if you do not figure out who and how suppresses you, the state will periodically repeat, and in some cases it may drag on.

If there is a person with whom you can talk and pour out your soul (husband, girlfriend, sister, colleague, etc.), this is exactly the case. Surely you will find good advice, sympathy or a good joke. But do not get hung up on the problem and turn the dialogue into endless complaints about a hard life. After talking about your experiences, close this topic and talk about something that makes you feel good (vacation, hobbies, children). Cheerful unobtrusive communication will help to distract, and perhaps completely dispel sadness.

If you decide to analyze the state yourself, it is advisable to adhere to the following steps:

  • determine exactly what happened, when and how. After all, in the right question, as a rule, contains the answer;
  • determine the reason that served as the formation of the current situation;
  • decide what needs to be done to avoid similar situations in the future.

Sometimes it is enough to slightly change your behavior with some people, and they will not be able to negatively influence you, and even more so they will not be able to emotionally suppress you.

In cases of constant and prolonged depression, if no means of distraction and entertainment help, it is worth contacting a specialist (a professional consultant psychologist).

Sleep deprivation. It may very well be that a bad mood is the result of accumulated fatigue or prolonged lack of sleep.

If you cannot concentrate on work, feel powerless or lethargic, which is the cause or effect of a bad mood, you need to immediately rest. If possible, postpone all difficult tasks for tomorrow, do only what you can do today. When you get home from work, go to bed as early as possible and get at least 9-11 hours of sleep. Before going to bed, it is advisable to properly ventilate the room. We assure you, in the morning you will get up a completely different person.

Wrong nutrition. It is known that the mood of a person is largely determined by how and what he eats. The body needs proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to keep it alive. In addition, meals should be regular. Inadequate intake of vitamins and hunger are the first enemies of a good mood.

There is a direct relationship between food and mood. After all, with food we get the hormones of happiness and pleasure. Many people tend to eat or drink down a bad mood (to compensate for feelings of dissatisfaction). The main thing is to choose the right food for this. Most women grab a chocolate bar, buy biscuits, eat pastries or cakes. In some ways, they are right, but you need to know when to stop, because such food is unhealthy, it also has a bad effect on the figure. No less effective "medicine" can be a portion of perfectly cooked meat, poultry or fish. These dishes will satisfy your hunger, as well as satisfy the body's need for nutrients and trace elements.
Experts came to the conclusion that products that can cheer up also include: pineapples, bananas, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, chocolate, strawberries, oysters, oatmeal. They stimulate the production of serotonin, the happiness hormone. But whatever product you choose to lift your spirits, be careful not to go to extremes. Proper nutrition is the key to good health, tone and good mood.

Dehydration. Water is essential for the human body. It regulates the mass and temperature of our body, helps the body to absorb nutrients, removes toxins and helps convert food into energy. With a lack of water in the body, a person feels tired, lack of strength and even depression.

If you often drink water in small sips, your mood and well-being will improve. So force yourself to start your day with a glass of water. Drink, if possible, at least 2-3 glasses of water per day, gradually reach 2 liters (that's about 8 glasses). It should be taken into account that tea, coffee and juice are already drinks, they will not replace water.

Lack of oxygen. The lack of fresh air also adversely affects the moral and physical condition. Constant work in a room with a lot of technology does not give anyone vivacity.

Try to walk outdoors as often as possible. While walking, take your time, try to follow your breathing, take a deep breath through your nose, and exhale through a slightly open mouth. It is better to look at large objects, it relaxes. In ten minutes of such a walk, bad thoughts disappear, and mood and well-being improve.

"Sedentary work. Low mobility slows down the process of digestion and lowers the tone of cells. As a result - lethargy and apathy. Any physical activity will help to overcome a bad mood, raise vitality. As soon as we force ourselves to move and make a couple of simple movements, our mood begins to change.

Sign up for an aerobics, yoga course, purchase a subscription to the pool, start visiting the skating rink. Physical activity not only strengthens our health, but also gives vigor, helps to maintain good physical shape.
If you love to dance, go to a dance school or disco club, or put your favorite CD at home and dance from the heart, dissolving your bad mood and charging yourself with positive energy during the dance.

Routine. From time to time, each person begins to seem boring and routine his work and everyday life.

If the "gray days" are too long, and everyday work has become a routine - change something in your life or environment. Of course, not globally: in a bad mood, you definitely shouldn’t make important decisions.
Routine work is best left for later: now it will only cause irritation. It is better to do something active (cleaning the house or workplace, sports).
Sometimes it’s enough just to rearrange your desktop, buy yourself flowers, go to the hairdresser, get home along a new route. If it does not help, change the situation: go somewhere for the weekend, for example, to the country, to friends, or visit a city that you have never been to. This will help to unwind and take a fresh look at familiar things.

Sadness for no reason

If you cannot determine the cause of a bad mood, or if it appeared for no particular reason - autumn blues or bad weather, use the following tips. They will definitely not harm you, and will probably help disperse sadness and tune in to the positive.

  1. Do useful things. As soon as bad thoughts creep into your head, chase them away and start doing something useful. Hands did not reach the rearrangement of furniture in the office or at home, there was no time for general cleaning - take advantage of the moment, enlist the support of the team and restore beauty and order around you! Taking action will help you get rid of negativity. Even better - do it with pleasant music.
  2. Develop mental activity. An excellent cure for a bad mood is mental activity. Reading and intellectual games (chess, crosswords) will be useful for you. But remember, it is not just the process of reading or playing that is important, but thoughtfulness, because your task is to be distracted.
  3. Try water treatments. Water treatments will help relieve fatigue and irritation. After a tiring day, a hot sea salt bath or a contrast shower relaxes well. Water is an excellent remedy for negative emotions, and regular visits to the pool are a good prevention not only of bad mood, but also of colds.
  4. Charge with optimism. No wonder there is a saying: if you want to see a rainbow, wait out the storm. If you make an effort, your bad mood will instantly disappear, and you will again enjoy life. Do not allow yourself to lose heart and withdraw into yourself. Communicate more and be interested in the lives of others: maybe they need your help.
  5. Create a festive atmosphere. Sometimes you just need to come up with a holiday for yourself or try to return to childhood so that a smile appears on your face. The main thing is to want, and there is always a reason. Bake a cake for the family or treat colleagues to them. Gather a company and go to the cinema, cafe, restaurant, rides or, in the end, to the circus.

We wish you good luck and always good mood!

Mila Bogush-Dand,
senior business coach and founder of BogushTime,
especially for "Referent Secretary" (No. 12, December 2011)

Depression is hard to beat, but there are a few things you can do to lift your spirits. Use these tips to create a positive attitude and not give in to discouragement.

Don't think about the worst case scenario

Stop imagining how bad things can turn out, don't think about everything that could end up wrong, stop for a minute and look at the situation realistically. Is this the end of the world? Hardly.

Stop screwing yourself

The fight against a bad mood will be hopeless if deep down you think about the bad all the time, feeling sorry for yourself. Don't focus on your feelings. You can never change a situation by constantly just thinking about it - it's better to take action right away.

If you think depression is caused by a particular event, make sure you don't exaggerate its significance. Talk to a friend who cares about your concerns to help you understand the extent of the problem.

Focus on the Positive

Understand that your mood attracts events in life to you, so if you focus on the negative, you will only get worse. Look for the positive in every situation.

Don't over analyze

Thinking too hard about what went wrong and going over every detail won't make you feel better. No need to re-play the problem, rather think about solutions.

Be kind to yourself

When a person feels upset, he is often not too kind to himself, begins to blame himself. But you need a friend, not an enemy. Support yourself.

Don't live in the past

It is absolutely useless to be upset because of what is already in the past - you cannot change anything.

Don't worry about the future

The only thing you can change is the present, so don't waste time worrying about the future.

There is not only black and white in the world, if you made one mistake, this does not mean that life has gone downhill. Stop looking at life with despondency.


Research has shown that even if you don't feel happy, smiling causes your brain to release feel-good hormones.

Stop feeling like a victim

If your mood is down, it's so easy to think that everything went wrong because of you. Do not become a victim, choose the right reaction to all problems.

start moving

If you exercise regularly, it becomes much more difficult to succumb to a bad mood, purely physiologically. Activity elevates your mood on a chemical level.

Don't isolate yourself

You may feel that socializing with others weighs you down when you're in a bad mood, but locking yourself in alone will only make it worse. Meet a good friend, go for a walk, cheer yourself up.

Help others

By helping someone else, you stop focusing only on yourself and your feelings. This is a great way to cheer up.

Be grateful

It's hard to feel overwhelmed when you can make a whole list of things that fill life with joy. You will be able to understand how lucky you are, even if you find yourself in a difficult situation.

“How significant are emotions and feelings!
These are the winds that blow the sails of the ship;
they sometimes drown him, but without them he cannot swim.

Emotions are a special class of subjective psychological states, reflecting in the form of direct experiences, sensations of a person’s pleasant and unpleasant attitude to the world and people, the process and results of his practical activity. A variety of manifestation of emotions is moods, affects, passions. Moods are weakly expressed emotional experiences, characterized by a significant duration and poor awareness of the causes and factors that caused them.

It happens that you wake up in the morning with the feeling that something is wrong, a bad dream, “got up on the wrong foot”, things are folded unevenly, the cat yells, the apartment is not cleaned. Well, where can a good mood come from? Scientists decided to study this phenomenon, which so poisons the lives of many people, and came to amazing conclusions. It turned out that, contrary to popular belief, women are more boring and grouchy than men. True, this pattern is observed only in the morning, in the first few hours after waking up. According to the study, 13% of women and 10% of men are in a bad mood during the first four hours of the morning. According to scientists, this is due to the fact that in general, men are less likely than women to suffer from sleep disorders, and therefore get better sleep.

At the same time, most of those who hate the whole world in the morning blame poor night sleep (40%), stress and depression (24%) for this. Some people are prevented from getting enough sleep by the pain in their back, which has been strained during the day, or by the snoring of a loved one sleeping peacefully next to them. It is not surprising that representatives of different sexes prefer to relax before going to bed in different ways. Men believe that a glass or two of a strong drink helps a healthy sound sleep, and the beautiful half of humanity relieves the stress accumulated during the day with the help of a good book or a hot bath.

What's going on inside?
And a hurricane is raging inside: either longing will rush, then anger, then resentment. It was as if someone had brought together all the experiences at once, mixed them up, and poured them into the soul, like a chaotic cocktail. Where did this state come from? There are two options: outside or inside. If an unpleasant state is brought in from outside, then most likely it is due to some objective circumstances: a minor quarrel, about which you, in principle, are not particularly worried. And yet there was an internal conflict: I want to be loved, but I hurt it (a), and now they don’t love me. Relationships that are meaningful to you have been lost. Outwardly, it seems like nothing serious has happened, but in the inner world something is disturbing and this is connected with objective circumstances. Another case is when a bad mood is associated with life circumstances: job loss, illness of a child, negative assessment in an exam, etc. There is a way out: if we cannot change the situation, then I must change my attitude towards this situation! If the source of my bad mood is myself (a), or no external reasons were found, then I will have to deal with feelings and needs.

If no external causes are found
When we are in a bad mood, it can be difficult to immediately determine what it is all the same connected with. Thoughts are confused, and I want to get rid of the annoying state as soon as possible, and not to understand its origins. It is easy to “get rid of” a bad mood only for a while, postponing “trials”, which is called “for later”. But, if you still do not understand what the root of the problem is, the gloomy state will easily return back. As you know, the more “emotional” right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the production of negative emotions, while the left hemisphere is more likely to give us positive. At the same time, the rational left hemisphere is responsible for mental operations. And this means that mental activity will help to cause a positive state (or improve mood). A bad mood, of unknown origin, may be caused by blocking needs. For example, when we wake up, we conclude that we want to eat and go to the refrigerator. On what grounds did we identify this particular need? A vague feeling in the lower abdomen? Is it really hunger? Perhaps it is fear, anxiety, unresolved issues from the past day - which we quickly block with food? Yes, we ate, created the appearance of a satisfied need, but this is only an appearance, and the real state of affairs is different. This is how we communicate with our body: it is one thing for us, and we another for it. Here it is important to listen to yourself and ask yourself: “What do I really want?”

What can help you deal with a bad mood?

  1. Mental activity is an excellent cure for bad mood. Reading, intellectual games will be useful. What is important is not just the process of reading or playing, but thoughtfulness.
  2. Water will help relieve fatigue and irritation. After a tiring day, a salt bath or a contrast shower will help you relax. Water is an excellent remedy for negative emotions, and regular water procedures in the pool are a good prevention of bad mood.
  3. Dancing classes will help you make new friends, learn how to control your body, master new motor skills, get rid of excess weight, and most importantly, active classes will cheer you up.
  4. Take care of yourself. Physical exercise is great for your mood. Numerous studies have shown that endorphins and serotonins (pleasure hormones released during exercise) have a positive effect on a person's mood. Going to the gym will not only allow the body to get the right substances, but also help you relax and distract from troubles.
  5. Creation. It is better to transform all negative energy into beauty, and if beauty does not work out, then at least into something funny! You can take a large sheet of paper, paints, pencils, etc., and draw your bad mood in all its versatility, and then transform, change the drawing, do something with your bad mood (for example, put a dog on it, hide it in a bag, decorate flowers). Thus, by performing actions on paper, you, firstly, release the negative, and secondly, transform it into what you want.
  6. Arrange a meeting with friends. Just don't call on the phone complaining about a hard life. This will only aggravate your condition. It is better to organize a fun party, and not talk about your problems at all. You should not communicate at this moment with those who themselves do not mind whining. Cheerful unobtrusive communication will help to distract, and, perhaps, completely dispel sadness. Social contacts can solve any problem, including a bad mood.
  7. Routine work is best left for later: now it will only cause irritation. It is better to do something active (house cleaning, active sports). Move more. Physical activity speeds up the metabolic processes in the body. Add sun exposure to physical activity and you will feel your mood improve.
  8. Go to the cinema or theater for a comedy. In the hall, where everyone is full of positive emotions, the process of infection takes place, in this way the state of the majority is transmitted to you. Visit an exhibition, a museum, a cinema, a shop.
  9. Do a good deed. By selflessly doing something useful for other people, we begin to feel better, and our mood improves.
  10. Smile. If you can overcome yourself and smile even when you are in a bad mood, you will already turn the tide for the better. And a smile can be used daily as a prevention against a bad mood.
  11. 11. Do something! Don't wait for everything to change by itself! Everything depends only on you!

If everything listed above has been tried and nothing has helped, then it may be worth going through a course of psychotherapy, which will help not only get rid of a bad mood, but also get to know yourself better.

You can even get a kind of buzz, sitting at home, sorting through dull thoughts, and noah about how bad everything is. But, being constantly in a bad mood, you run the risk, as if doing nothing, to ruin relationships with loved ones. Besides, a dull person is an uninteresting person. In the eyes of a bore there is not that tempting spark that attracts. The key to a good mood is activity, in which direction you would not direct it. Some people think that being happy in our world is a selfish goal. On the contrary, a happy person is more useful to society, as he is more open, friendly, responsive and ready to help others. In general, by helping yourself, you help other people.

Bursts of depression and bad mood are thunderstorms that arise in our psyche in the same way as in nature. They arise, but always pass... But the main thing is not a thunderstorm and rain, but the sun, freshness and purity, which will come later if we do not let the elements confuse us.
Good luck and don't be sad!