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How to put an apostrophe on the keyboard in different languages ​​​​and applications? How to put an upper comma.

This article describes one of the ways to quickly insert into the text special characters for which there are no keys on the standard keyboard (apostrophe, accent, second degree, third degree, degree sign, ppm sign, etc.).

Having mastered these simple tricks, you can significantly increase the speed of typing, increase the level of comfort and productivity of your work by computer. The method outlined below is suitable for text editors Microsoft Word, Wordpad and many other programs.

The essence of the method is that each special character has its own code. To insert a character into the text, you need to press the button alt, and while holding it, dial this code to digital buttons on the right side of the keyboard. The symbol will appear after you release the Alt key. The keyboard layout language does not matter.

I highlighted the word "digital" in bold not by chance, since it will not be possible to enter the character code with the buttons located at the top of the keyboard. You need to enter exactly the keys located on the right side of the keyboard. In order for them to work, it is desirable that the keyboard is enabled Num Lock. By default, it is always enabled. Otherwise, it can be easily activated by pressing the "NumLock" key.

Now I propose to experiment. Open Wordpad or Word, and while holding down the Alt key, enter the code 0169. Release Alt. A copyright sign will appear. Similarly, a huge variety of special characters can be inserted into the text. The codes for the most commonly used ones are shown in the table below:

No. p / p Symbol name Symbol code What does the symbol look like
1 Apostrophe (very relevant for Ukraine) 39 elm
2 accent mark 769 stress
3 degrees 0176 40°
4 ppm sign 08240
5 Second degree 178
6 Third degree 179
7 One quarter 188 ¼
8 A half 189 ½
9 three quarters 190 ¾
10 Not equal 8800
11 almost equal 8776
12 Less than equal 8804
13 Greater-equal 8805
14 plus or minus 0177 ±
15 Ampersand 038 &
16 Paragraph 0167 §
17 Euro 08364
18 Copyright sign 0169
19 R trademark mark 0174 Chaynikam.Info®
20 TM trademark mark 0153 ™Chaynikam.Info

For those who work in the Microsoft Office Word program, you need to use all the functions of the keyboard, including symbols. Symbol " apostrophe» is used quite often by some authors of texts. But what about such an author if he continuously prints text in the Cyrillic keyboard layout, and this character is in a different layout. Continuously switching keyboard layouts takes up precious time, which, at times, is already lacking in a modern writer. How to put apostrophe without switching keyboard layout?

You will need

  • Computer, keyboard, Microsoft Office Word software.


1. In order to start working with a text editor, you need to run it. This can be done by the following method: click the "Start" menu - select "All Programs" - "Microsoft Office Word" - "MS Word".

3. Enter the desired text. For training, you can type a sentence or even a couple of words. Check the keyboard layout - select the Cyrillic layout. Hold down the Ctrl key + the "E" key + the "E" key (Ctrl + double-click on the "E" key). A secret character "'" will appear in front of the cursor.

4. It is also possible to install apostrophe without switching the keyboard layout by another method, one that can only work for keyboards with a separate digital component (under the Num Lock key). Hold the Alt key and type "039" on the numeric keypad. A secret character "'" will appear in front of the cursor. It is worth noting that when you set the number "039" in the top row of the keyboard (under the function keys F1-F12), this result cannot be obtained. Consequently, this method is not suitable for most laptop keyboards.

An apostrophe is a superscript comma, which is used in writing both in Russian (mainly for writing foreign proper names), and in most foreign languages ​​​​of the Latin group. To enter this character, a special key of the standard keyboard is used, as well as the character table of the Windows operating system or the Microsoft Office package.


1. The easiest way to enter a superscript comma is to press the key with the quotation marks at the top and the apostrophe at the bottom, which is located just to the left of the enter key (Enter). In the Cyrillic keyboard layout, pressing this key will display the letter "E". But what if this particular key turned out to be broken, and entering an apostrophe with keyboard support does not seem valid?

2. If you are working in any of the Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, etc.), go to the "Insert" tab and click the "Symbol" button. By default, it is located on the right side of the most recent toolbar. Select the Superscript and Subscript section to narrow down your search to a few hundred characters. Find the apostrophe and click the "Insert" button. The superscript comma will appear in the text.

3. It's also possible to add an apostrophe to a text input field in any Windows application (browser, imaging program, email application, etc.). To do this, if the seventh version of Windows is installed on your computer, open the "Start" menu and enter the word "table" in the search field in order to quickly find the "Character Table" system application. For users older than earlier versions of Windows, this utility will have to be searched for by gradually opening the following sections in the Start menu: “All Programs”, “Typical”, “Utilities”.

4. In the application's "Symbol Table" dialog box, the superscript comma character can be found in the first line of the list of elements - this will be the seventh icon in a row. Another option is to enter the word Apostrophe in the "Search" field in the same dialog box. The program will automatically give you the desired symbol.

In the place where you want to put an apostrophe, place the cursor, press the ALT key and hold it, type 0146 on the numeric keypad, then release the ALT / All key. In World, I found an apostrophe, but it is not put by any key on the keyboard, for example, `’’ is the one that is placed in the center only here ’, and in World and Pascal it is ’.

Useful advice
enter an apostrophe through its code on the numeric keypad: Alt-39 or Alt-8217 (the 2nd option requires more pressing, but inserts the correct apostrophe, the one that is recognized by the spell checker in MS Word). in MS Word, an apostrophe can be entered by pressing Ctrl plus the tilde key twice (to the left of the one) or the letter “e” key twice (to the left of Enter) - here the 1st case is also preferable.

The upper comma or apostrophe, as it is properly called, is often used in English, French, Ukrainian and Belarusian, but there are times when it needs to be written in the Russian word as well. This can be done using the keyboard buttons or a special text editor menu.

An apostrophe is a non-alphabetic spelling symbol in the form of an upper superscript comma, which is used in Russian in the following cases:

  • foreign proper names with an apostrophe, most often it is preceded by the letters "D" and "O" (for example, D'artagnan, O'Connor);
  • foreign geographical names (for example, Côte d'Or);
  • words written in Latin with a Russian suffix (E-mail).

Consider the ways in which you can print the upper comma. For starters, the easiest. With the Russian keyboard layout, press the Ctrl button and, holding it, double-click on the key with the letter "e". We get such a symbol "'".

Since the apostrophe is very common in English, you can change the keyboard layout to English to print it. Now we press the same button with the image "e". The “‘” icon will appear on the screen.

In the Ukrainian layout, the upper comma is also placed on a separate key and is located where the Russian letter “ё” is. Press it and get "'".

You can put the upper comma using ASCII codes. For example, if you hold down the Alt key and type 039, then the character "'" will appear at the cursor location. Now enter 0146 while also holding Alt. We see "'" on the display.

But you must type the numbers on the numeric keypad, and not in the row that is above the letters, otherwise nothing will work. This will be a little problematic for laptop users. However, if you press the NumLock button, the digital block will turn on the letter block, and you can carry out the necessary manipulations.

Putting an apostrophe will allow the Microsoft Word text editor. Consider the example of version 2007. Click on the "Insert" menu and select the "Symbol" item there. In the pop-up window, click on the inscription "Other symbols ...". Now in the "Font" field we put "Plain text" and among the presented characters we select the one that we need. It can be "'" and others. Double-click on it or select it and click "Insert". After that we close the window. The desired icon appears in the document.

A similar feature is also available in the free text editor OpenOffice Writer. To put an upper comma, go to the "Insert" menu and select the item "Special characters ...". In the "Character selection" window that opens, check the "Set" field for "Basic Latin" or "Complementary diacritics". Select the desired symbol and double-click on it or select it and click OK.

You can use the symbol program built into Windows. We go to the Start menu. Select "All Programs", then - "Standard", and then - "Utilities". Open the "Symbol Table" utility. Select the appropriate font and double-click on the apostrophe icon or select it and click "Select". It will appear in the "To copy" field. Now select it, copy it to the clipboard and paste it where necessary. This is done by successively pressing the key combinations Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.

Now you know how to put the upper comma in various ways, and you can choose the one that is most convenient for you. And to make the job easier, you can print it only once, and then just copy and paste it to the right place.

How to put an apostrophe on the keyboard (comma at the top)

The comma at the top, or an apostrophe, if this sign is correctly called, is often found in the grammar of the languages ​​​​of the peoples of different countries. In some cases, the comma at the top is also used in the grammar of the Russian language. It is possible to put this sign using the keyboard keys, a special symbol menu in the Word text editor or hot keys.

Applying an upper comma

An apostrophe is one of the spelling symbols in the form of an upper superscript comma, which is used in Russian in the following moments:

  • writing words or names of foreign origin using an apostrophe, often before the comma at the top are the symbols "O" or "D", for example, the names are familiar to everyone: D'artagnan, O'Connor;
  • foreign common names for geographical features, for example, Côte d'Or;
  • words that are written in Latin but add a Russian suffix (E-mail).

Basic ways to create an apostrophe in a document

The comma at the top in documents can be placed in various ways. Let's start with the simplest - with the active English keyboard layout, press the "e" button, as a result, the required character "'" will appear on the screen.

When using the Ukrainian layout, the comma at the top is placed on a separate key, which corresponds to the location of the letter "ё" in the Russian layout.

other methods

The methods discussed above are often quite inconvenient, because a constant change in the keyboard layout is required. When typing a large number of characters, people who are constantly engaged in typing have to look for other options for inserting an apostrophe. So, let's look at how to put a comma at the top of a word without changing the keyboard layout.

  • Place the cursor in the document where you want to put the upper comma.
  • Then press the Alt key and hold it down.
  • Dial the code "0146".
  • Then release the Alt key.

In the end, we get the character we need in the right place in the document, only the use of the numeric keypad is mandatory, and not the numbers located above the letter panel.


Summing up, we can conclude that putting an apostrophe is possible using the “comma above” symbol on the keyboard or by typing the character code. You can also put an apostrophe using the character menu. Whichever method you choose, the final result will be the one you need. However, such a variety of methods allows the user to independently choose the one that is more convenient for him.

How to put the upper comma on the keyboard?

The top comma is properly called an apostrophe. An apostrophe is a non-alphabetic spelling mark in the form of a superscript comma, which is used in the alphabetic writing of different languages ​​in various functions. The apostrophe is very often used in English (for example, the word it's is short for it is), sometimes in Russian. For example, D'artagnan.

Today I will talk about how to put an apostrophe on the keyboard. Some users do not know how to do this, so they simply copy the sign from other words. Believe me, there is a much easier way. Remember.

  • First, select the place in the text where you want to add the leading comma. It could be a text editor or, say, a web browser.
  • Now a very important point - translate the keyboard to the English layout. If you don't, nothing will work. To translate the layout, you need to press the key combination CTRL + SHIFT or ALT + SHIFT, depending on the settings of your operating system.
  • The next step is to press the letter E on your keyboard. The apostrophe will appear where you want it to.

There is another type of apostrophe on the keyboard, as far as I know, it is used in Ukrainian, although I may be wrong. Putting it up is easy.

  • We are again translating the layout from Russian into English.
  • We press the key that is next to the number 1 on your keyboard (usually it also has the letter E).

There is another way to put an apostrophe, a little more complicated and less convenient, but, nevertheless, quite working.

  • Turn on the numbers that are on the right side of the keyboard by pressing the Num Lock button.
  • Choose the place where the upper comma should be.
  • Hold down the ALT button and enter the number 0146 on the keyboard, then release the ALT button. The apostrophe has appeared.

In this case, it is very important that this method only works with the numeric keypad, which is located on the right side of the main keyboard. The numbers typed at the top of it will not work. If you are using a laptop, then typing in this case is usually done with the Fn button pressed. I recommend using the first method as the easiest and most convenient.

Rule one.

(Russian layout).



Read also:

You can put the upper comma using ASCII codes. For example, if you hold down the Alt key and type 039, then the character "'" will appear at the cursor location. Now enter 0146 while also holding Alt. We see "'" on the display.

Applying an upper comma

other methods

  • Dial the code "0146".


The top comma is properly called an apostrophe. An apostrophe is a non-alphabetic spelling mark in the form of a superscript comma, which is used in the alphabetic writing of different languages ​​in various functions.

How to put punctuation marks on a laptop keyboard?

The apostrophe is very often used in English (for example, the word it's is short for it is), sometimes in Russian. For example, D'artagnan.

At the request of blog visitors, I am writing news)) Many people say, "they press the dot, and a comma is entered, or vice versa."

Rule one.

Remember that depending on what language you are typing in (keyboard layout) and whether the Shift key is pressed, any key will enter different characters for you.

Punctuation marks in Russian

(Russian layout).

This picture (top) shows the entire keyboard with all the characters that can be entered. Let's now take a look at punctuation marks in Russian layout.

Only those punctuation characters that can be entered when typing text in Russian are displayed here. It turns out no matter how hard we try, but we will not enter the @ sign on the Russian layout

I think everything is clear with the letters, so that the letter is large, you need to press Shift + letter (I advise you to read the lesson "Windows keyboard shortcuts")

So, let's pay attention to the topmost row of keys. If in Russian we just click on them, numbers will be entered, if we press the Shift key, then those punctuation marks that are at the top, and not numbers, will be entered.

How to enter the punctuation mark "Comma" in Russian? To do this, press the shift key and without releasing its dot (the key to the right of the letter u), if we just press it, we will get a dot.
How to enter a number sign in Russian - No.? To do this, press the shift key and without releasing its number 3.
How to enter a question mark in Russian? Shift+7, -i.e. press the shift key and without releasing its number 7, and then naturally release the seven and Shift.

Punctuation marks in English

Everything is the same here, below is a picture with those symbols and punctuation marks that can be entered in English.

Note that there are characters that can only be entered in Russian or only in English. Also note that in the English layout, a comma is entered by clicking on the Russian letter B, and a period is entered by Yu. If you press SHIFT, you will enter a greater than sign or a less than sign< >

Click Be added to the group in VK and Odnoklassniki!

Read also:

How to make a comma at the top on a computer

How to put an upper comma

The upper comma or apostrophe, as it is properly called, is often used in English, French, Ukrainian and Belarusian, but there are times when it needs to be written in the Russian word as well. This can be done using the keyboard buttons or a special text editor menu.

An apostrophe is a non-alphabetic spelling symbol in the form of an upper superscript comma, which is used in Russian in the following cases:

  • foreign proper names with an apostrophe, most often it is preceded by the letters "D" and "O" (for example, D'artagnan, O'Connor);
  • foreign geographical names (for example, Côte d'Or);
  • words written in Latin with a Russian suffix (E-mail).

Consider the ways in which you can print the upper comma. For starters, the easiest. With the Russian keyboard layout, press the Ctrl button and, holding it, double-click on the key with the letter "e". We get such a symbol "'".

Since the apostrophe is very common in English, you can change the keyboard layout to English to print it. Now we press the same button with the image "e". The “‘” icon will appear on the screen.

In the Ukrainian layout, the upper comma is also placed on a separate key and is located where the Russian letter “ё” is. Press it and get "'".

You can put the upper comma using ASCII codes. For example, if you hold down the Alt key and type 039, then the character "'" will appear at the cursor location. Now enter 0146 while also holding Alt.

Keyboard keys

We see "'" on the display.

But you must type the numbers on the numeric keypad, and not in the row that is above the letters, otherwise nothing will work. This will be a little problematic for laptop users. However, if you press the NumLock button, the digital block will turn on the letter block, and you can carry out the necessary manipulations.

Putting an apostrophe will allow the Microsoft Word text editor. Consider the example of version 2007. Click on the "Insert" menu and select the "Symbol" item there. In the pop-up window, click on the inscription "Other symbols ...". Now in the "Font" field we put "Plain text" and among the presented characters we select the one that we need. It can be "'" and others. Double-click on it or select it and click "Insert". After that we close the window. The desired icon appears in the document.

A similar feature is also available in the free text editor OpenOffice Writer. To put an upper comma, go to the "Insert" menu and select the item "Special characters ...". In the "Character selection" window that opens, check the "Set" field for "Basic Latin" or "Complementary diacritics". Select the desired symbol and double-click on it or select it and click OK.

You can use the symbol program built into Windows. We go to the Start menu. Select "All Programs", then - "Standard", and then - "Utilities". Open the "Symbol Table" utility. Select the appropriate font and double-click on the apostrophe icon or select it and click "Select". It will appear in the "To copy" field. Now select it, copy it to the clipboard and paste it where necessary. This is done by successively pressing the key combinations Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.

Now you know how to put the upper comma in various ways, and you can choose the one that is most convenient for you. And to make the job easier, you can print it only once, and then just copy and paste it to the right place.

How to put an apostrophe on the keyboard (comma at the top)

The comma at the top, or an apostrophe, if this sign is correctly called, is often found in the grammar of the languages ​​​​of the peoples of different countries. In some cases, the comma at the top is also used in the grammar of the Russian language. It is possible to put this sign using the keyboard keys, a special symbol menu in the Word text editor or hot keys.

Applying an upper comma

An apostrophe is one of the spelling symbols in the form of an upper superscript comma, which is used in Russian in the following moments:

  • writing words or names of foreign origin using an apostrophe, often before the comma at the top are the symbols "O" or "D", for example, the names are familiar to everyone: D'artagnan, O'Connor;
  • foreign common names for geographical features, for example, Côte d'Or;
  • words that are written in Latin but add a Russian suffix (E-mail).

Basic ways to create an apostrophe in a document

The comma at the top in documents can be placed in various ways. Let's start with the simplest - with the active English keyboard layout, press the "e" button, as a result, the required character "'" will appear on the screen.

When using the Ukrainian layout, the comma at the top is placed on a separate key, which corresponds to the location of the letter "ё" in the Russian layout.

other methods

The methods discussed above are often quite inconvenient, because a constant change in the keyboard layout is required. When typing a large number of characters, people who are constantly engaged in typing have to look for other options for inserting an apostrophe. So, let's look at how to put a comma at the top of a word without changing the keyboard layout.

  • Place the cursor in the document where you want to put the upper comma.
  • Then press the Alt key and hold it down.
  • Dial the code "0146".
  • Then release the Alt key.

In the end, we get the character we need in the right place in the document, only the use of the numeric keypad is mandatory, and not the numbers located above the letter panel.


Summing up, we can conclude that putting an apostrophe is possible using the “comma above” symbol on the keyboard or by typing the character code. You can also put an apostrophe using the character menu. Whichever method you choose, the final result will be the one you need. However, such a variety of methods allows the user to independently choose the one that is more convenient for him.

How to put the upper comma on the keyboard?

The top comma is properly called an apostrophe. An apostrophe is a non-alphabetic spelling mark in the form of a superscript comma, which is used in the alphabetic writing of different languages ​​in various functions. The apostrophe is very often used in English (for example, the word it's is short for it is), sometimes in Russian. For example, D'artagnan.

Today I will talk about how to put an apostrophe on the keyboard. Some users do not know how to do this, so they simply copy the sign from other words. Believe me, there is a much easier way. Remember.

  • First, select the place in the text where you want to add the leading comma. It could be a text editor or, say, a web browser.
  • Now a very important point - translate the keyboard to the English layout. If you don't, nothing will work. To translate the layout, you need to press the key combination CTRL + SHIFT or ALT + SHIFT, depending on the settings of your operating system.
  • The next step is to press the letter E on your keyboard. The apostrophe will appear where you want it to.

There is another type of apostrophe on the keyboard, as far as I know, it is used in Ukrainian, although I may be wrong. Putting it up is easy.

  • We are again translating the layout from Russian into English.
  • We press the key that is next to the number 1 on your keyboard (usually it also has the letter E).

There is another way to put an apostrophe, a little more complicated and less convenient, but, nevertheless, quite working.

  • Turn on the numbers that are on the right side of the keyboard by pressing the Num Lock button.
  • Choose the place where the upper comma should be.
  • Hold down the ALT button and enter the number 0146 on the keyboard, then release the ALT button. The apostrophe has appeared.

In this case, it is very important that this method only works with the numeric keypad, which is located on the right side of the main keyboard. The numbers typed at the top of it will not work. If you are using a laptop, then typing in this case is usually done with the Fn button pressed. I recommend using the first method as the easiest and most convenient.

How to put a comma on a laptop keyboard

Where is the comma on the keyboard

Putting a comma on a regular keyboard or laptop is very easy. Another thing is exactly where in the proposal to add it so that there is no mistake.

The Word program or this little instruction will help 90% of this, although it is best to study punctuation completely.

To type a comma on the keyboard, you need to see which layout is enabled - Russian or English.

It depends on them where the comma will be located on the keyboard of your netbook, laptop or usb computer.

How to write a comma in the Russian keyboard layout

In a laptop and a regular keyboard of the Russian layout, the comma is in the same place, only putting it with one key will not work.

To print it, hold down the Shift button - there is no difference on the right or left side.

Then click on the button with four symbols: a question mark, a semicolon and two sticks - it is located at the bottom right side. See fig.

How to make a comma on the keyboard in the English layout

In the English keyboard, putting a comma is much easier, more precisely, you need to press only one key - the one where the Russian letter "B" is placed.

If you often have to change the layout, then I recommend using a small free application - Ruslat95.

Having launched it once, you can switch the language by pressing just one key - “Ctrl”.

Features of punctuation marks on laptop keyboards

This is faster than in the standard way - two.

By the way, there are many applications that improve text input from the keyboard, for example, a program that automatically selects the layout you need.

Lesson 3. How to enter punctuation marks on the keyboard

At the request of blog visitors, I am writing news)) Many people say, "they press the dot, and a comma is entered, or vice versa."

Rule one. Remember that depending on what language you are typing in (keyboard layout) and whether the Shift key is pressed, any key will enter different characters for you.

Punctuation marks in Russian

(Russian layout).

This picture (top) shows the entire keyboard with all the characters that can be entered. Let's now look at the punctuation marks in the Russian layout.

Only those punctuation characters that can be entered when typing text in Russian are displayed here. It turns out no matter how hard we try, but we won’t enter the @ sign on the Russian layout

I think everything is clear with the letters, so that the letter is large, you need to press Shift + letter (I advise you to read the lesson "Windows keyboard shortcuts")

So, let's pay attention to the topmost row of keys. If in Russian we just click on them, numbers will be entered, if we press the Shift key, then those punctuation marks that are at the top, and not numbers, will be entered.

Example: How to enter the punctuation mark "Comma" in Russian? To do this, press the shift key and without releasing its dot (the key to the right of the letter u), if we just press it, we will get a dot. How to enter a number sign in Russian - No.? To do this, press the shift key and without releasing its number 3. How to enter a question mark in Russian? Shift+7, -i.e. press the shift key and without releasing its number 7, and then naturally release the seven and Shift.

Punctuation marks in English

Everything is the same here, below is a picture with those symbols and punctuation marks that can be entered in English.

Note that there are characters that can only be entered in Russian or only in English. Also note that in the English layout, a comma is entered by clicking on the Russian letter B, and a period is entered by Yu. If you press SHIFT, you will enter a greater than sign or a less than sign< >

How to put an apostrophe on the keyboard

When working with text documents, it is often necessary to set the upper comma in the right place, which is more correctly called an apostrophe. It is most often used when writing English words, but there are exceptions. In this topic, we will consider all the options for how to quickly put an apostrophe on a laptop or computer keyboard using hotkey combinations and the built-in character tables of Windows and Microsoft Office.

The classic way to enter an apostrophe

Unfortunately, this method is picky about the keyboard layout. Therefore, before putting the upper comma, make sure that the laptop or computer keyboard layout is switched to English. After that, you just need to press the key with the letter "E" and the upper comma will be inserted in the place you need.

The advantage of the method is speed. Minus - constant control over the keyboard layout.

Non-traditional input method

This method of putting a comma on top is less popular and only advanced users own it. Although there is no difficulty in it, you just need to remember the hot key combination "Alt + 0146".

Please note: this combination involves keys with numbers from the right numeric keypad. The top number row is not suitable for this purpose.

The advantage of the method is that it is not picky about the keyboard layout. Minus - a more complex combination of keyboard shortcuts.

Using the built-in symbol table in Windows

The third option on how to put the upper comma is to refer to the operating system character table. You can open it in several ways.

  1. Use the search bar in the Start menu.
  1. Use the key combination "Windows + R" to launch the "Run" command interpreter and apply the "charmap" command.

Having launched the table, select the apostrophe sign, click on "Select", and after "Copy".

In this case, the upper comma character will be copied to the clipboard. It remains only to insert it in the right place.

The advantage of the method - in relation to the previous input methods, is absent. Minus - low input speed and the mandatory presence of a mouse.

Using the character table in Microsoft Office

The fourth option to put a comma at the top of a word is to use the same character table built into the Microsoft Office package. We will show an example in Word version 2007. If you have a different version of this application, then there may be some minor interface differences.

Open the application and go to the "Insert" tab. Next, just select the "Symbol" item. To open the entire table, click on the link "Other symbols".

Please note: if you need to put an upper comma when working with Excel, then the procedure is identical.

In the table that opens, select the apostrophe symbol and click insert.

The advantages and disadvantages are the same as the previous method.

Where is the apostrophe placed?

An apostrophe is placed at the end of a word; newcomers to English call it an upper comma.
A comma, at least the top one, even the bottom one, changes everything. Familiar to us since childhood: Execution cannot be pardoned. In Russian, the comma changes its meaning. In English, the apostrophe only changes the number, but that changes everything!

The girl s phone number - girl's phone number
one girl, the same

Let's move the apostrophe one letter to the right, after -s':

The girls phone number - girls phone number
many girls at once, a list

Her number - not everyone will receive, but their number - here it is, on the Internet on a pink background, call whenever you want.

This is how the apostrophe works in English. His job is to form the possessive animated noun. The apostrophe works either in pair with the letter s, or alone. Let's see.

Forming the possessive case

1. Singular noun: an apostrophe followed by an s:

The exception is the pronoun it:
it - he, she, it + s without an apostrophe = its - him, her.
Russia and its rules. — Russia and its rules.

If we see it's with an apostrophe, then we do not see a possessive case: him, her, but an abbreviation: it is - it is, or it has - it has.

2. Plural noun - one apostrophe, without the letter s:

The possessive case has been formed. Now the letter -s at the end of the word needs to be pronounced correctly - depending on the letter that comes before it.

How to pronounce a word with an apostrophe - rules

The letter s after the apostrophe is pronounced either voiced, or deaf, or both. Three options:

1. Loud.
After a voiced consonant, the letter s is pronounced loudly - girl's.
I have read the story "From one girl's diary" by Chekhov. - I read Chekhov's story "From the diary of a girl."

2. Deaf.
After a deaf consonant, the letter s is pronounced deaf - cat's.
Did you see the movie Cat's Eye? Have you seen the movie "Cat's Eye"?
No! Why do people like horror movies? - Not! I don't understand why people love horror movies?

3. Like /iz/.
After a hissing or hissing sound -
-s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -x, -z, -zz: horse's, George's.

Brisk English apostrophe - result

Apostrophe - he is nimble. We see it either before the letter s, or after it, but always with an animated noun.
The apostrophe before the letter s is a noun. in units number in attraction. case: girl's day - girl's day.
The apostrophe after the letter s is a noun. in plural number in attraction. case: girls' day - girls' day.
The apostrophe again before the letter s is a noun. - an exception in the plural. number in attraction. case: women's secrets - women's secrets.

In English, the apostrophe is also used for abbreviations:
it's = it is - this is,
it's = it has - it has.
But the apostrophe shows its nimble and reckless character only when the possessive case is formed. Whose? Whose? Just add an apostrophe!

The rules for using an apostrophe in English is a memo that the writer Elvira Barakina compiled for herself.
We learn these difficult rules, while native speakers argue: “Do we need an apostrophe?” Many even want to get rid of it. Who gets in the way of the apostrophe in English?

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