Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What features allow you to name the heroine of the ballad. What features make it possible to name the heroine of the ballad Svetlana

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky entered the history of Russian poetry not only as a poet, but also as a balladeer. The ballad genre appeared in Russian literature long before Zhukovsky, but it was he who made it popular by creating the Russian romantic ballad.

History of creation

Zhukovsky was a brilliant translator, and his main genre of translation is the ballad. He created 39 ballads, most of which are translated. The ballad genre came from European literature and was associated with historical tradition, folklore, folk song, and oral poetic tradition. The content of the ballads became fantastic, historical or heroic legends and myths.

It should be said that Zhukovsky's ballads are more likely not translations, but new literary works. In his translation, the images themselves, themes, problems, plot moves, author's assessments, etc., change.

The first European literary ballad appeared in 1771. It was a ballad by G. A. Burger "Lenora", based on German folk legends about a dead groom taking his longing bride to him (Russian folklore does not know this plot). Zhukovsky's first ballad "Lyudmila", written in 1808, is a free translation of the burgher's "Lenora". Since "Lyudmila" and "Svetlana", written later, are a kind of dilogy (a dilogy is two works interconnected by themes, problems, a system of characters, etc.), it is necessary to say a few words about the first of these works.

In "Lyudmila" Zhukovsky transferred the action to Russia of the 16th century, turned the heroes of the German legend into Russian "maidens" and young men, changed the name of the heroine. In the center of the author's attention is a girl who grumbled at God because of the death of her fiancé. Gradually, the atmosphere of the mysterious thickens in the ballad, the expectation of something terrible grows: Lyudmila grumbles at God, despite the warnings of her mother and the approach of the "midnight hour" (at midnight, as you know, evil spirits come into their own). As a result, Lyudmila was punished for rebelling against God's will: the dead fiance took her with him to the grave.

Zhukovsky, apparently, was dissatisfied with the first version of the plot and almost immediately, in 1808, began work on a new version and finished it in 1812. In 1813, "Svetlana" appears in the journal "Bulletin of Europe" with a dedication to Alexandra Voeikova, the younger sister of the beloved poet Masha Protasova). This ballad became more popular than "Lyudmila" and Zhukovsky was often referred to as "Svetlana's singer".

Genre and plot

"Svetlana" is a romantic ballad.

Plot.The time of action of "Svetlana" is modernity, and everything that happens in it is a dream inspired by the fabulous atmosphere of Christmas fortune-telling. From the very first stanza, the reader is immersed in the world of folk beliefs and rituals that accompany Russian winter holidays:

Once a Epiphany Eve

The girls guessed;

Shoe behind the gate

Taking off their feet, they threw ...

Then the motif of longing for a dear friend enters the ballad. Further development of the plot leads to the fact that Svetlana calls the groom with the help of divination on the mirror. He calls the girl to go to the wedding girl. But already during the journey, the “prophetic heart” inspires Svetlana with anxiety. She is surprised and "alerted by the groom's long silence. In the temple, the lovers see the coffin, and it is not the wedding that takes place, but the funeral ceremony. However, for some reason, the horses carry the young people past the temple. Then, due to a snowstorm, they turn to a lonely hut, where the groom suddenly disappears along with the horses. Svetlana enters the hut and sees the coffin with the deceased. The deceased comes to life, but he is not able to harm Svetlana, because she is saved by a prayer in front of the icon of the Savior. As a result, the deceased turns out to be Svetlana's beloved (the same thing happens in "Lyudmila ”), and everything that happens is a dream (unlike “Lyudmila”). Then from the wonderful world the heroine returns to the real world and meets her lover. The idea of ​​​​the ballad is that faith saved the girl from the werewolf groom who tried to captivate Svetlana with you to the other world:

Best friend to us in this life

Faith in providence.

Thus, Zhukovsky leaves his heroes the right to choose, they are free to create their own destiny; the struggle between good and evil always takes place only in their souls. It turns out that God does not punish them, but, on the contrary, fulfills their will. Not God, but the heroes themselves become the arbiters of their destinies.

National features of the ballad

As already mentioned, "Svetlana" is a free translation of "Lenora" by Burger. However, under the pen of Zhukovsky, Svetlana became a truly national Russian work. The author uses the style of folk fairy tale narration, as evidenced by the beginning: "Once on Epiphany evening ...". The folklore beginning is reflected in phrases such as “golden ring”, traditional for fairy tales. The poet reproduces the features of Russian national life, folk customs, rituals, cites the authentic texts of a fortune-telling song in a processed form, etc.

main characterballads - Svetlana. In her image, Zhukovsky outlines the characteristic features of the ideal Russian female type: fidelity, humility, meekness, poetry. The heroine for the author - "dear Svetlana" (the author never called Lyudmila that way), is drawn surrounded by other girls - just as cute. And in general, everything connected with this girlish world delights the poet: a slipper, songs, evening, girlfriends, etc.

But with her meekness and gentleness, Svetlana is firm in her faith in God. She does not grumble for life, like Lyudmila, but only asks the comforting angel to quench her sadness about the deceased fiancé, and therefore her fate is not the same as that of Lyudmila. Svetlana, like Lyudmila, is also looking forward to meeting her beloved and fortune-telling on the "Epiphany evening", hoping to receive the desired news. Like Lyudmila, she rides a horse with her fiancé. But if Lyudmila is drawn against the background of a black, apparently summer night (darkness lit by a dim light), then Svetlana is more likely to be drawn in white (snow, the very name of the heroine), the second contrasting color is not black, but dark. In addition, this ballad is filled with lights (the light of the candle that Svetlana lit, starting to guess, the light in the open doors of the church, the candle in the terrible hut). This work ends happily: also finding herself in a situation of choice, Svetlana relies on God, and does not rebel against him; as a result, a terrible night race with the groom turns into a dream, and in the morning the heroine meets her real betrothed.

Heroes and plot of the ballad by V.A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana"

Literature and library science

Zhukovsky Svetlana V. Svetlana Zhukovsky's most famous work is a translation of a ballad by the German poet Burger Leonor. However, Svetlana is a joyful work despite the presence of the afterlife in it. Svetlana prays for her lover to return at midnight during fortune-telling, the groom suddenly appears and calls Svetlana to get married.

Heroes and plot of the ballad by V.A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana"

V. A. Zhukovsky is considered one of the fathers of Russian romanticism. Thanks to his wonderful translations, the creations of European romantics became known to domestic readers."Svetlana" is the most famous work of Zhukovsky, this is a translation-arrangement of the ballad of the German poet Burger "Leonora". The plot of "Svetlana" is based on the traditional old motif of folk historical and lyrical songs: a girl is waiting for a groom from the war. In 1812 the poet finished Svetlana.

The plot of the ballad

Svetlana uses a traditional plot for romantic poetry. The groom returns to the lonely bride after a long separation. He invites the maiden on a long journey, and she embarks on a strange journey. The dark night, the light of the moon, the deserted cemetery, the ominous words of the groom - everything portends some kind of terrible end. In the finale, it turns out that the groom is the one who came to life to take the bride with him to the grave, the dead man, and the maiden dies with him. However, "Svetlana" is a joyful work, despite the presence of the afterlife in it. The heroine of the ballad finds herself alone with her dead fiancé, but suddenly... wakes up and meets her lover safely returned in the light of day.

Genre Features

1. Zhukovsky brings the content of Svetlana as close as possible to Russian life.

Russian folk tradition of guessing on the eve of Epiphany (throwing a shoe over the gate, “weeding” the snow, feeding the chicken with “countable” grain, “observant” songs, looking into the mirror at midnight. These details bring the romantic plot closer to Russian folklore.

2. A ballad is a story about something "wonderful". Zhukovsky creates a magical atmosphere:

At the beginning of the story, it is unknown that what is happening is just a dream of the heroine. Svetlana prays for her lover to return

At midnight, during fortune-telling, the groom suddenly appears and calls Svetlana to get married. She agrees, and the terrible journey begins. The horses carry the sleigh with the bride and groom through the snowy expanses at night, Svetlana's lover is silent and "looks at the moonlight, pale and dull." The horses are rushing past a lonely temple, where a funeral service is taking place. The blizzard starts. In front of a lonely hut, the maiden magically remains alone. Entering the house, she discovers in it an "unrequited inhabitant" - a dead man covered with a shroud. Svetlana waits in fear for the morning. A "snow-white dove" flies to her. According to church canons, this image symbolizes the Holy Spirit. The dead man begins to revive, but the divine protector flutters to his chest and deprives him of his strength. With horror, Svetlana recognizes the groom in the deceased and wakes up. The end of the poem is upbeat and solemn. Sunlight, the cock crow, the ringing of a bell - everything contrasts sharply with a gloomy dream.

3. Svetlana does not grumble at fate, does not call the Creator to the court, does not pray for the “comforter angel” to quench her sadness. Therefore, the dark forces have no power to destroy her pure soul. Relentless fate gives way to good Providence. The ballad logic is destroyed, the happy, fabulous ending refutes the traditional scheme. The bright soul of the heroine turns out to be stronger than the darkness of the night, faith and love are rewarded.

Heroes of the ballad

The main character in the ballad is endowed with the best features of the national character - fidelity, sensitivity, meekness, simplicity. Svetlana combines external beauty with internal. Girl "sweet", "beautiful". She is young, open to love, but unthinking. For a whole year, without receiving news from the groom, the heroine is faithfully waiting for him. She is capable of deep feelings. The girl is sad and yearning in separation from her beloved. She is emotional, pure, direct and sincere. As a reward for true faith, for meekness and patience, God saves the girl. Svetlana does not die in separation from her beloved, but finds happiness on earth. Zhukovsky believed that even the death of the groom could not destroy love. The poet was convinced that loving souls are united beyond the limits of earthly existence. His heroine has the same faith. Zhukovsky revealed in his work the character of a Russian girl, open and cordial, pure, rejoicing in life. Svetlana is worthy of happiness, because in her "soul is like a clear day ..."

A kind of fabulous "double" of the heroine "snow-white dove". This is the very “comforter angel” to whom Svetlana turned before divination and begged: “Assuage my sorrow.” This is the good messenger of heaven, "with bright eyes." The epithet gives an idea of ​​the purity, holiness of the angel. He keeps Svetlana. Saves her from the dead. "Dove" is an affectionate, gentle name. This is a symbol of love. Love saves Svetlana, and the author speaks of the dove with increasing tenderness: "but the white dove does not sleep." Good opposes evil and conquers it.

The image of Svetlana's fiance also corresponds to romantic ideas. He is handsome, daring, kind. A girl's lover is capable of an all-consuming feeling.

Zhukovsky emphasizes the main qualities that the author appreciates in his characters - faith and fidelity.

Composition and artistic means

The composition of the ballad allows Zhukovsky to achieve a realistic effect. A nightmare is in a "life" frame, full of reliable details. The poet creates light and gloomy images with the help of such artistic means as epithet, personification, parallelism.

In the realistic part of the ballad, the epithets are mostly joyful: “ringing”, “stately”, “sweet”, “cute”. The gloomy mood of sleep is conveyed by epithets: "dull", "lonely", "black", "terrible".

Nature appears spiritualized in the work: a cricket cries plaintively, a raven croaks ominously, a rooster rejoices in the day.

Zhukovsky actively uses interjections (“ah”, “oh”, “chu”), rhetorical exclamations and questions, gives the ballad a lively, energetic sound.


The content of "Svetlana" is based on a German ballad. However, one can safely consider the work of Zhukovsky independent.

What brings together the ballad of V.A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana" with works of Russian folklore?

By the beginning of the 19th century, there was a ballad in Russian poetry, but Zhukovsky manages to create precisely the “genuine” ballad. The main element in the ballad becomes fantastic, mysterious, enigmatic. Main characters: the dead, ghosts. The action takes place in a semi-fantastic world.

"Svetlana" became Zhukovsky's most popular ballad. This is the first national Russian ballad. No wonder contemporaries considered it the best work of the poet and gave the critics the right to call the poet "Svetlana's singer."

From the unusually melodious and musical poems of "Svetlana" breathes the charm of ancient legends, great cordiality and sincere warmth. Zhukovsky uses numerous folklore elements and images, uses ancient beliefs and divination of girls before Epiphany.

The ballad begins with a description of an old girl's divination. In the old days in Russia there was a superstitious idea that before the religious holiday of Epiphany, a person's future fate is revealed. But by the time of Zhukovsky, fortune-telling on Epiphany evenings had become a kind of game, during which the girls wondered about the suitors. Girls threw shoes into the street, and it was believed that the first girl to marry, whose shoe was picked up by a random passerby. The girls put the rings in a large bowl or dish with water and took them out one by one while singing: under which song the ring will be taken out means that that song contains a hint of a future life.

The poet connected the ballad with a fairy tale, and therefore all the images in it obeyed the laws of a fairy tale. In particular, the image of the road is typical of both a ballad and a fairy tale. In "Svetlana" he acquired a fabulous function. In the fairy tale, the hero also sets out on a journey and overcomes many obstacles. At the end of the journey, a well-deserved reward awaits him.

The introduction of a fairy tale into a ballad expanded the folklore basis, and specifically Russian folklore. But it is not only in the descriptions of Russian customs that the national flavor is conveyed, the Russian folk attitude to all fantastic horrors is conveyed. The sound and realistic view of the Russian people was manifested in the fact that almost all fairy tales with witches, the dead rising from their graves, and other horrors in Russian folklore end in the victory of man over dark forces.

The action of the ballad is associated with a mysterious event. In a dream, the heroine thinks that the groom appears, takes her away, brings her to the hut. But it's starting to get mysterious. The heroine sees a coffin from which a dead man rises, suddenly a dove protects Svetlana and she wakes up.

This is the only ballad that is devoid of tragedy. It was the appeal to beliefs that allowed Zhukovsky to include divination, omens, wedding songs, folk legends in his work - all this conveys the world of folklore, the Russian national character.

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(Ballad, 1808-1811)

Svetlana- the heroine of the ballad, written, like another ballad by Zhukovsky, "Lyudmila", on the theme of the "exemplary" ballad of the German poet G.-A. Burger "Lenora", - the return of the dead groom for his bride and their way to the coffin. "Svetlana" is an attempt to create an ideal national character, the "Russian soul", as the poet saw and understood it. The distinctive features of this character-soul are purity, meekness, obedience to Providence, fidelity, tenderness and light sadness. To depict his heroine, the poet used folk colors, stylizing her - in a sentimental way - as a girl from a folk song or fairy tale.

Sad S. tells fortunes on Epiphany evening at the mirror about her beloved. Her fiancé appears and tells her that the heavens have been tamed, her murmur has been heard. He calls her to follow him, puts her in a sleigh, and they ride through the snowy steppe. S. sees God's temple, in which someone is being buried. Finally the sleigh pulls up to the hut. The horses and the groom disappear. The heroine, crossing herself, enters the house and sees the coffin. A dead man rises from it and pulls his hands to her. But S. is saved by a wonderful dove, which covers her with wings from a terrible ghost. In the latter, the heroine recognizes her sweetheart and awakens. In the finale, a living and unharmed fiance appears. The heroes unite and play a wedding.

The images and plot of “Lyudmila” (“Lenora”) are rethought in “Svetlana”: the appearance of a dead man to the bride turns out to be a terrible dream-deception (the groom did not die; an important motive for the heroine's guilt (S. did not give any reason for the appearance of a terrible groom); the ballad death of the heroes turns into their happy union.

Sad S., unlike the desperate Lyudmila, does not grumble at fate, does not call the Creator to the court, but prays to the “comforter angel” to quench her sadness, she is pious and sinless. Therefore, the dark forces have no power to destroy her pure soul. Relentless fate gives way to good Providence.
The heroes of Zhukovsky's "terrible" ballads are always the "suffering side", they have no chance of salvation, everything that should happen will happen: the execution will come true, the prediction will come true. Such heroes are victims of their own sin or supernatural gift. In "Svetlana" everything is the other way around: the heroine is innocent, the "prophetic dream" does not come true, which is completely exclusive both for the ballad genre and for the folklore, Christmas, interpretation of the dream; the poem ends with the wedding of the heroes. The ballad logic is destroyed, the happy, fabulous ending refutes the traditional scheme. S. is a non-ballad heroine, placed by the will of the author in a genre world alien to her nature: the horrors traditional for a ballad are only a test of her faith. Her bright soul turns out to be stronger than the darkness of the night, faith and love are rewarded. The very name of the heroine has an etymology unusual for the genre: it sets the theme of light in the poem, opposing ballad darkness and defeating it. (It is no coincidence that the ballad "Svetlana" ends early in the morning, while the action of "Lyudmila" - and "Lenora" - does not go beyond the night.)

S. is one of the most important poetic images for Zhukovsky, linking together his fate and work. Zhukovsky dedicated this ballad to Alexandra Andreevna Protasova (married Voeikova), whom he called "his muse, which inspired him to a poetic mood." The name Svetlana became the literary name of this woman - the addressee of many poetic messages from both Zhukovsky and N. M. Yazykov, I. I. Kozlov. The same name was called in the literary society "Arzamas" of the poet himself. Years later, his friend P. A. Vyazemsky recalled the poet’s words that the name he received during the Arzamas “baptism” turned out to be prophetic: Zhukovsky was “Svetlana not only in name, but also in soul.” The name S. became for Zhukovsky and his friends a symbolic designation of a special worldview and attitude, a “bright” faith, designed to illuminate with its presence the gloomy essentiality of life; it turned out to be a kind of wonderful talisman that protects against evil forces.

A. S. Pushkin used the “silent and sad” image of S. to characterize his heroine Tatyana (“Eugene Onegin”, ch. 3, stanza V). The image of S. has countless literary echoes: he became one of the central images of the Russian literary pantheon of heroes.

V.A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana": features of a ballad. The image of the main character of the ballad

Radkova Yu.N.

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5", Bryansk

Goals : to consider the nationality and poetry of V.A. Zhukovsky's ballad "Svetlana", to develop the ability of students to penetrate the world of feelings of the lyrical hero, to observe the development of the lyrical plot; cultivate love for the works of Russian classics.

During the classes.

1. Preparation for perception.

In previous lessons, we have repeatedly talked about the important role played by V.A. Zhukovsky in the history of Russian literature. The poet himself assessed his work as follows: "I have almost everything that is someone else's or about someone else's, and everything, however, is mine." How do you understand these words? What do they mean?

Indeed, the poet has in mind, first of all, ballads - and Zhukovsky has 39 of them, and almost all of them are translated from English and German, but Zhukovsky made each of them a unique, truly independent work. A kind of "calling card" of the poet is the ballad "Svetlana", its name even became the nickname of Zhukovsky in the literary society "Arzamas".

The ballad "Svetlana" and the main character of this work will be discussed today in the lesson.

2. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Do you remember what a ballad is? What is typical for this genre?

A ballad is a lyrical-epic work with a sharp, tense plot, often fantastic.

The literary ballad genre appeared only in the 18th century; before that, the ballad was an exclusively folklore genre. The 18th century is a period of enthusiasm for UNT, in which poets and researchers try to guess and understand the national character. This leads to the fact that the works of UNT are actively collected and published.

From the very beginning, the literary ballad was guided by folklore. Poets saturate it with unusually expressive emotional devices. All this promised a great future for the ballad, and, indeed, having arisen in the 18th century, the ballad has firmly established itself among literary genres and has successfully existed to this day.

The ballad has brevity and unusual expressiveness, emotional richness. The folklore ballad told about terrible things: murders, incest, betrayals. Ghosts, the living dead, and even the devil himself appeared in it.

Thus, the ballad is a lyrical-epic genre in which emotions and passions come from lyrics; and from the epic - the narrative, the plot.

The plot of the ballad contains:

Fantastic and mystical images;

Miracles, extraordinary stories.

A characteristic feature of the ballad as a genre is the dialogue. Sometimes it can be a monologue, but it still means a silent interlocutor.

The genre of ball-la-dy was born in Russia in 1808. In de-vya-tho-me-re, the journal-na-la “Vestnik Ev-ro-py” for this year was on-pe-cha-ta-but sti-ho-your-re-nie under on -call-ni-eat "People-mi-la". This was the first pro-of-ve-de-ing of V.A. mi, in the genre of ball-la-dy. Russian chi-ta-te-whether met a new pro-from-ve-de-nie vo-tor-women-but. Be-lin-sky, as a result, from-me-chal: “Then-then-her-society of the devil-with-a-knowing-but in a sense-of-wa-lo in this ball-la-de a new spirit of creativity, a new spirit of e-zia . And the society was not mistaken.

“People-mi-la” Zhu-kov-sko-go was a re-re-vo-house into the Russian language of the ball-la-dy-know-me-no-thing-th German poet Bur-ge -ra "Le-no-ra". This ball-la-yes is-la-is-sya whether-te-ra-tur-noy about-ra-bot-koy mi-sti-che-sko-go-so-that about how to de- vush-ke yav-la-et-sya dead fiance. The Russian chi-ta-yu-shaya public of the 18th century was re-pi-ta-na on pro-sve-ti-tel-li-te-ra-tu-re, and in Pro-sve -se-nii-existing-val-cult of ra-zu-ma, that is, everything is mys-sti-che-sky, inexplicable-no-mine. In this way, one can imagine with what for-mi-ra-ni-em heart-dets chi-ta-whether a new pro-from-ve-de-nie Zhu-kov-sko-go ( especially-ben-but ba-rysh-ni).

"Light-la-na" wasonlythird ball-la-doy, na-pi-san-noy poet. Before her, he had already mentioned “People-mi-lu” and the ball-la-du “Cas-sandra” -the house of the pro-of-ve-de-niya of the ve-whether-of-the-th German-poet Shil-le-ra, and it was about co-be-ty-yah an-tich-noy is- to-rii.

“Light-la-na”, without a doubt, the most famous ball-la-da Zhu-kov-sko-go, andalthough in the os-no-ve its su-same liesstill the samestory about how to de-vush-ke yav-la-et-sya dead fiance, this ball-la-da has become an absolutely original work.

The work on “Svet-la-noy” continued for four years (from 1808 to 1812). Not only the plot changed, but also the name of the hero-and-no, which is not accidental and very important.The poet's idea is to show the heroine with a "Russian soul", to give a ball-la-de Russian co-lo-rit. Name "Svetlana"was not in the Russian Orthodox calendar, itderived from the word "light" and is associated with the expression "God's light." The heroine of Zhukovsky hopes for God's help and constantly turns to God for spiritual support, is endowed with the features of the Russian national character - fidelity, cordiality, meekness, kindness, tenderness, simplicity.

In addition, the choice of the name Svet-la-na could also be associated with ha-rak-te-rum pro-to-ti-pa hero-ro-and-ni of this ball-la-da, the niece of the poet Alek-san -dry An-dre-ev-ny Pro-ta-so-howl-In-her-co-howl, to which the work was presented as a wedding gift.Everyone who knew Sasha Pro-ta-so-woo from-zy-va-lis about her as a person-lo-ve-ke unusually-but-ven-no-go both-I-and-attractive -tel-no-sti. She was like that from her childhood, and as an adult, left-handed Sasha, the famous Russian poets were rejoiced: Ni-ko-lai Mi-hai- lo-vich Yazykov, Ivan Ivanovich Koz-lov, Evgeniy Ab-ra-mo-vich Ba-ra-tyn-sky. They dedicated poetry to her.

In-my name of the hero-ro-and-ni, important mo-ti-vom, co-creating on-chi-o-nal-ny ko-lo-rit ball-la-dy"Svetlana",it became a pre-uro-chi-va-tion of ongoing eventsto so-ver-shen-but opre-de-leon-no-mu time-me-no -baptismal saints. Pro-chi-tai-te beginning of the ball-la-dy (p. 131, stanzas 1 and 2).

Zachin immerses us in the atmosphere of Russian national life. The action takes place on the "Epiphany evening", which has long been considered a time of miracles in Russia.The ballad is full of signs of Russian life, traditions and beliefs: fortune-telling on a slipper, "following" songs, fortune-telling with a candle and a mirror.After all, this special, sacred world, the world of ha-da-ny and various sacred amusements was close and nya-ten not only in simple on-ro-die, the peasantry, but also the nobility. This is really-but there was a world of common-on-qi-o-nal-ny.

When-ob-re-cha na-qi-o-nal-ny ko-lo-rit, ball-la-yes still remained ball-la-doy - pro-from-we-de-no-eat, saturated with ir-ra-qi-o-nal-ny-mi, mi-sti-che-ski-mi, super-natural-us-mi co-ti-i-mi. The action takes place at midnight, in an atmosphere of gloomy mystery:

The moon shines dimly
In su-mra-ke tu-ma-na -
Like-cha-li-va and sad-on

Dear Svetlana.

What is Svetlana concerned about? Why is she "silent and sad"?

“Dear friend is far away ... The year has rushed by - there is no news.” Svetlana worries about the fate of her fiancé.

And then, in front of the chi-ta-te-lem, there is a kar-ti-na ha-da-nia in front of the mirror - one of the holy ha-da-ny , someone swarm was very popular, but both in the native and in the noble environment. The mirror is a way of communication with the other world. Why do you think Svetlana turns to this fortune-telling? Tell us what happened to Svetlana after she sat down in front of the mirror?

Knowing nothing about the fate of the groom, Svetlana worries about whether he is alive: “Where, in which direction are you? Where is your abode?”, and therefore turns to the mirror.

Folk ideas in the soul of the heroine of the ballad are combined with religious ideas, with inexhaustible faith in God and in the goodness of his destiny. And although Svetlana worries about the groom, she believes in meeting him and hopes for God's help, she constantly turns to God for spiritual support:

Assuage my sadness

Comforting angel.

What happened to Svetlana after she sat down in front of the mirror?

“With a bang, puffed-zero hoo-nek, Shout-zero sting-forehead-but-chok”, “Here ... le-go-hon-ko lock Someone knock-zero”, Svetlana “Shyly in zer-ka-lo looks: Behind her shoulders Someone, mi-di-moose, shines with bright eyes-behind-mi.Svetlana hears a whisper and sees the groom, who calls her with him to get married. They get into the sleigh and go to church, but there is a funeral service. Then they arrive at a secluded hut, "and instantly disappeared from the eyes: the horses, sleighs and the groom seemed to have never been." Having crossed herself and prayed, Svetlana enters the hut and sees the coffin. “Before the icon she fell to dust, she prayed to the Savior; And, with her cross in her hand, She timidly hid under the saints in a corner. Suddenly, a white dove flew in, which "quietly sat down on her Persian, hugged them with her wings." Suddenly, a dead man rises from the coffin - Svetlana's fiancé, but the "white dove" protects her from the dead man. And then all the horrors disappear and turn out to be a dream.

Hope for the mi-lo-ser-die of God spa-sa-et Light-la-well. In this way,the poet, outwardly preserving the traditional plot (a dead groom appears to the girl), departs from it: no misfortune happens to the main character, since she does not grumble at fate and retains a deep faith in God's mercy, for which she was rewarded: her groom came back safe and sound. The main idea of ​​the ballad - "The best friend to us in this life is faith in providence ..." -sounds in the final part of the work.

The novelty of Zhukovsky-Romance lay in the fact that he was the first to express the character of a person in his inextricable connection with customs, traditions and beliefs, understood the personality as an inseparable part of the people, and the people as a combination of personalities. That is why the Decembrist Kuchelbecker, who did not even complain about Zhukovsky's poetry for its predilection for foreign plots and images, noted that the poems of Svetlana bear the stamp of genuine nationality. Pushkin, who appreciated Svetlana, used the same technique as Zhukovsky. He included fantastic ballad motifs that foreshadowed a fatal misfortune in Tatyana's fate in her dream, but did not refute them in the further course of the novel, but gave them a different, transformed interpretation.

4.D/Z:read A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”, prepare a story about the idea of ​​the comedy, the progress of work on it and the sources of the text (according to the textbook, pp. 144 - 145, 148 - 149).

Literature: V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Zhuravlev, V.I. Korovin, I.S. Zbarsky. Literature Grade 9. - M.: Enlightenment, 2013

The works were created on the basis of poems by foreign lyricists, but they were distinguished by their originality and understandability for the Russian reader. The characteristic national flavor is especially pronounced in Svetlana.

The analysis of "Svetlana" by V. A. Zhukovsky, carried out according to the plan, helps to get acquainted with the content of the work, to understand the features and ideological content of the ballad.

The history of the creation of the ballad

The composition "Svetlana" was completed four years after the publication of the translated ballad "Lyudmila". The works are based on the narrative song of the German poet G. A. Burger.

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky (1783 - 1852) - Russian poet, one of the founders of romanticism in Russian poetry. Poetry and prose translator, literary critic, teacher.

The verse itself became a kind of wedding gift for the wedding of the niece and student of Vasily Andreevich Alexandra Protasova and the poet Voeikov. Alexandra Andreevna, the author dedicated his lyrical lines.

Reading the full text of "Svetlana" takes no more than 8 minutes. The ballad contains a story about baptismal fortune-telling.

The first lines describe various ways to determine the future and recognize the betrothed. Only Svetlana is sad and does not participate in the amusements of her friends. She mourns for her distant loved one.

And yet, at night, the girl decides to perform a fortune-telling ceremony and look into the mirror. There follows a description of what was seen in the mirror surface by the light of a candle. Beloved appears before Svetlana, they rush to the church. In the temple, through the open doors, the girl sees a lot of people and a black coffin. The sleigh rushes past, away, to a lonely hut.

Both the horses and the groom disappear, and the girl enters the hut. On the table under a white tablecloth is a coffin with Svetlana's lover. What he sees makes a terrifying impression on the maiden, and she wakes up. What does the dream promise? “She sat down (heavy chest aches) under the window Svetlana.” And she sees rushing sleds on the road. A stately guest, her fiancé, comes out of the sleigh.

All the sad events turned out to be just a gloomy dream, "happiness is an awakening." The author encourages to believe in providence and wishes not to know frightening dreams. In the last lines follow the wishes of a bright and cheerful life.

Analysis of the ballad "Svetlana"

The composition of V. A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana" received positive reviews from contemporaries.

Analyzing the idea and artistic originality, V. G. Belinsky noted the saturation of “Russian Christmas customs and winter Russian nature with poetic pictures.” And N.V. Gogol emphasized the strong impression made by the ballad "on everyone at that time."

The meaning of the work

The main idea of ​​the ballad is contained in the final passage, where the author says that in life it is necessary to believe in Providence, and all misfortunes are “a false dream; happiness is awakening.

There is no need to live with groundless forebodings and constant expectation of trouble. Reality has nothing to do with terrible dreams. People should not confuse reality and fantasy. And when doubts and fears arise, it is necessary to turn to faith.

Genre and direction

The work was written in the era of romanticism and bears the pronounced features of this trend. In "Svetlana" the main features of the ballad genre are clearly outlined. Therefore, it is erroneous to consider the work as a poem due to its considerable volume. The ballad belongs to the main genres of the romantic style.

Zhukovsky's lyrical work contains the main typical features of a ballad. This is a lyric-epic work of fiction describing an extraordinary dramatic event. The poetic lines of "Svetlana" have a special melodiousness, and the plot is filled with mysticism and mysterious events.

The author actively uses the means of artistic expression: metaphors, personifications, comparisons. There is an inextricable connection between the plot and Russian and German folklore. Typical of German folklore is the presence of a dead groom rising from a coffin. Russian folk art gives special mysticism to the rites of Christmas divination.

There is a lot of symbolism in the ballad, which is characteristic of the folklore of Russia. A raven serves as a messenger of death, a mysterious dilapidated hut resembles the dwelling of the fabulous Baba Yaga, a white dove refers the reader to the incarnation of the biblical Holy Spirit. And all fears and mystical images disappear as soon as the Rooster cries.

Another characteristic device of romanticism present in the poem is the inducement by sleep. The main character is faced with the main question: which side to take. Should we keep the holy faith in Providence in our hearts or succumb to mystical temptations?

Poetic meter and composition

The composition of the ballad is based on the technique of opposition. The author draws such contrasting concepts as love and death, night and day, reality and dream. With the help of this technique, V. A. Zhukovsky demonstrates the inconsistency of the inner world of a person.

The text of the ballad "Svetlana" (click to enlarge)

The composition is consistent and easily perceived by the reader. The plot is based on the lyrical dream of the main character. The exposition is a poetic description of the rites of baptismal divination.

The plot is the decision of Svetlana to guess at midnight alone and the subsequent appearance on the threshold of the groom.

The development of events takes place rapidly and is accompanied by winter bad weather and a frantic horse ride.

The climax is the appearance of the beloved young maiden in a mysterious hut in a coffin.

The cry of a rooster and the awakening from a dream of a girl, and then the appearance of a living and unharmed fiance Svetlana is the denouement.

The poetic size of the ballad is an alternating four-foot and three-foot trochee. Rhyme is cross.

Main characters and their characteristics

The ballad contains minor characters and symbolic images.

The main character is a girl Svetlana. In the first lines of the verse, the author gives the girl the following description: "Silent and sad dear." In the image of Svetlana Zhukovsky embodies the highest national qualities.

The heroine combines beautiful appearance and spiritual purity. For a year, knowing nothing about her lover, she humbly waits. Her sadness is gentle and gentle. She does not seek entertainment in separation, but quietly indulges in memories.

Her “soul is like a clear day”, so happiness does not bypass Svetlana. The result of all doubts and worries is a long-awaited meeting and eternal love.

Another romantic hero of the ballad is Svetlana's fiancé. He has all the characteristic qualities: beauty, prowess, kindness and stature.

Ballad themes

The ballad reveals several main themes:

  • love;
  • faith in God;
  • predictions.

The love theme is the main driving force of the work. It runs like a leitmotif throughout the story. Love induces Svetlana to mystical divination, it gives strength and helps to believe in the best.

Sincere faith in God protects the heroine from representatives of the other world and leads to a happy life.

The theme of Christmas predictions is presented by the author in an original manner. Visions do not appear in the mirror, but in Svetlana's imagination, in a dream. The basic rule of divination is rejected - the rejection of divine support, the removal of the pectoral cross before the ceremony. The girl passes the test "with her cross in her hand." And here Zhukovsky again speaks of the importance of faith in Providence.


Assessing the problems of the poem, it is necessary to clearly understand in what historical era it was written. Zhukovsky wrote primarily for his contemporaries. He raised the problem of the Orthodox faith, the importance of ritual activity.

What does the ballad "Svetlana" teach

In the lyrical work of Zhukovsky, illustrations of folk life are given, unusual dramatic events are described, which turned out to be just a nightmare. The author teaches the reader perseverance and fidelity, following universal values.

The dream and awakening of the main character are interpreted not only literally, but also symbolically. Dreams disturb the soul, create an erroneous understanding of reality. Awakening, a person is able to see clearly and understand the true meaning of life.

Zhukovsky emphasizes basic moral values ​​and teaches to cherish love, keep hope and believe in happy moments of life.