Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Brief analysis: Blok, "Poems about a beautiful lady". “Life has long been burned and told ...” (Life and work of A

In 1904, Alexander Blok first published Poems about the Beautiful Lady. The analysis carried out by the researchers of his work shows that this is the first serious collection of the poet's poems. He immediately singled out Alexander Alexandrovich among other artists of the word. In our article, we will analyze the Beautiful Lady "- one of the best creations of Alexander Alexandrovich.

Feeling for L. Mendeleeva

The cycle we are interested in was created under the influence of the feeling Blok had for Lyubov Mendeleeva, who later became his wife. Boblovo, the estate of the Mendeleevs, was located near Shakhmatov, the family estate of Alexander Alexandrovich. Thanks to this, he could often see his future wife. In the photo below - Blok with L. Mendeleeva.

The influence of the teachings of V. Solovyov

The collection we are interested in was also created under the influence of the teachings of V. Solovyov about eternal femininity. According to this philosopher, the Eternal Feminine can reconcile the heavenly and the earthly, the divine and the mundane. Thanks to her, the soul of the poet is renewed. The feeling that A. Blok felt for L. Mendeleeva was rethought by Alexander Alexandrovich in the spirit of the teachings about the world soul of Plato and about the Eternal Femininity, acting as an incorruptible divine principle.

Solovyov's position is fully consistent with Blok's opinion of that period. The philosopher looks at the Eternal Femininity as a phenomenon that has a cosmic scale. The poet also sees in his beloved the embodiment of the divine principle. We can judge this from the letters addressed to Lyubov Mendeleeva. These views of Alexander Alexandrovich determined the general character of his poetic cycle called "Poems about the Beautiful Lady". The heroine of the cycle is a mystical, incomprehensible image ("Holy," Virgin, "Incomprehensible"). Sometimes this is a real woman who has specific features: tall, slender, always arrogant and harsh.

mystic halo

His collection is marked with a mystical halo, which allows you to notice that the feeling of unreality of everything that happens is strengthened by poetic epithets, such as in a quiet backwater, unknown shadows, a white dress. They surround the author's feelings with a mystical halo. The love of the lyrical hero turns into poetry of halftones, symbols, allusions. This feeling is a state of mind. It simultaneously makes the lyrical hero experience and captivates him. Alexander Alexandrovich turns to a symbol that transfers perception from the world of real-concrete things to a mysterious, incomprehensible, vaguely guessed world. This view of art determined the general symbolic nature of the cycle that interests us.

"The girl sang in the church choir..."

Let's turn to this poem, conducting a general about the Beautiful Lady "- a cycle, one of the most famous works of which is precisely it. It is filled with the following symbols: "white dress", "white shoulder" and a shining beam on it, "a voice flying into the dome ". In this work, the epithet "white" emphasizes the feeling of peace, peace, silence emanating from the heroine's voice, which is characterized as "flying into the dome." The girl sings about ships that have gone to sea, about people who find themselves in a foreign land, about those who has forgotten his joy. The ending of this poem is mystical. It does not leave us with a feeling of happiness at all. Blok writes that the child, "involved in secrets," cried that no one would return back.

"I enter dark temples..."

Let's continue Block. "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" is a cycle in which many interesting works are presented. One of them - "I enter ...". This creation of Alexander Alexandrovich was created in 1902. It is the central work of the cycle "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" (Block). An analysis of the poems included in it reveals some interesting features. In particular, in the work we are considering, the lyrical hero only sees the image of the "Eternal Wife", the majestic Beautiful Lady. It is a symbol of true love. At the same time, the lyrical hero is waiting for a meeting with Mila, and is also afraid of his own feelings.

Cycle "Crossroads"

The cycle "Crossroads", created in the period from 1902 to 1904, closes the book "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" (Block). An analysis of it allows us to notice that it stands as if standing apart from other works of the book. In these poems of Blok, a motive of confusion and anxiety arises. The lyrical hero has thoughts that in real life finding harmony is impossible. The author's attention switches to contemporary reality. He depicts a real city, he is interested in the mysticism of passion and nature.

"Incarnation Trilogy"

The first volume of this cycle consists mainly of "Poems about the Beautiful Lady". Blok, whose poems are still being analyzed by many researchers, independently prepared his collection for publication. He divided it into 3 books, uniting them under the title "Incarnation Trilogy". At the same time, other topics are outlined in the first volume. This is a connection with "everyday life", social issues ("From the newspapers", "A child is crying ...", "Factory", etc.). The motif of the "end of the world" arises, as analysis of Blok's poems shows. "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" are filled with new motives. Full of shadows, werewolves, ghosts, the modern city reminds the reader of the picture of the Apocalypse. Nobody needs a crying child, women are thrown out of windows... Despite the fact that these poems contain an abundance of realistic details, the author still retains their symbolist essence. In the work "Factory" black and yellow colors ("black someone", "windows are yellow", etc.) symbolize the essence of people who are endowed with money and power. They become soulless. The poet, who hears everything "from his height", does not participate in what is happening.

So, we briefly described "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" (Block). You can supplement our analysis with your own thoughts, since we have noted only the main features of this cycle.

The cycles of "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" (1901-1902) primarily respond to Blok's lively, ardent, intense feeling for L. D. Mendeleeva. This worship of her completely captured the poet and turned into the creation of poems, which became the beginning of Blok's creative path as an already established original artist. In the poems about the Beautiful Lady, the poet sings of her and endows her with divinity, immortality, expressed in the boundlessness of her power, the omnipotence of feelings and deeds, the incomprehensibility for a mortal person of her plans, the wisdom of her actions. Post sees all these qualities in his Beautiful Lady, who now "goes to earth in an incorruptible body." The block echoes the spells of Vl. Solovyov, who in his philosophical research affirmed the divinity of the Feminine Principle and the great power of the Eternal Femininity.

Pozt thought of his life as a prayer service to his beloved; he later said: “... I met her here, and her earthly image, completely inharmonious with the unearthly, caused in me ... a storm of triumph ...” (1918). From now on, the poet sees himself in the image of a knight who vowed eternal service to his beloved, his Beautiful Lady, and worshiping only her:
I enter dark temples, In the shadow of a high column
I perform the poor rite. I tremble at the creak of doors.
There I am waiting for the Beautiful Lady D looks into my face, illumined,
In the flickering of red lamps. Only an image, only a dream about Her.
Subject to this passion-obsession and completely captured by it, the poet sees absolute perfection in the Beautiful Lady, her really visible features seem to him heavenly and divine. For the poet, she is the "Mistress of the Universe", at whose feet all the lands stretch:
I am a trembling creature. Beams What angels have flown,
Illuminated, stagnant dreams. Who is quiet on the eve ...
In front of Your depths In You they lurk in anticipation
My insignificant depths. Great light and evil darkness -
You do not know what are the goals The solution of all knowledge
You hide in the depths of Your Roses, And the delirium of a great mind.
(“I am a trembling creature ...”, 1902)
In “Poems about the Beautiful Lady,” Blok obediently bows his knees before Her, plunging into his “fairy tales and dreams.” He is always ready to serve the “Majestic Eternal Wife”, whose earthly image is inseparable from the one that flickers on the icons in the radiance of lamps and gold robes, he passionately desires to meekly fulfill her will, which is holy to him. It seems to him: the creation of miracles is in her power, she only has to wish them! In prayerful admiration for the Beautiful Lady, the poet rushes to heaven, forgets about everything earthly. Sometimes the poetics of these verses coincides in their solemnity with church hymns, psalms, and prayers:

Here - humility In the robes of chastity,
I make vows. Oh saint! where are you?

Love - the beginning that connects the poet with the deity, for Blok takes on a grandiose, universal, "over-temporal" scale, alien to ordinary earthly dimensions.

In "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" words - sound, sound - have a certain "divine" color: among the "unfaithful daytime shadows" a "high and distinct bell ringing" is heard. Often, among the “fussy affairs of the world”, the poet seeks to hear at least the most distant echo of the “voices of other worlds”, those worlds that are the only true being, next to which everything earthly and “mortal” seems like a shadow and a ghost.

Russian poets often dedicated their poems to real or fictional objects of love and adoration. Thus, both the most ordinary women and unearthly muses from the world of dreams became them. However, there were cases when, in one harmonious unity, two hypostases of femininity merged into a symbolic whole, and this whole became extremely important, fundamental, paramount for the poet. It is to such lyrics that the present analysis will be devoted. Blok, whose "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" still excites hearts, created an imperishable, living image, and therefore it is impossible not to talk about him.

History of the collection

A lyrical cycle about great love, dedicated to the best of women, was created by the poet in the period from 1897 to 1904. This was the time of the development of Blok's stormy, but tense, nervous romance with Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva, the whole gamut of feelings for which Alexander Alexandrovich, as if confessing, reflected in the poems of the collection. The well-bred and well-educated Lyuba made the poet rush from coldness to jealousy, from obsession to indifference, from happiness to joy. In the poems of Blok, who attributed himself to the direction of symbolism, the whole palette of love emotions acquired even greater significance, was raised to limits inaccessible to the consciousness of an ordinary man in the street.

But this is not all that will be preceded by further analysis. Blok ("Poems about the Beautiful Lady" - this is the first poetic collection on the account of the poet) was very ambiguous about his beloved: he believed that the earthly, carnal closeness of two people is an obstacle to the merging of souls, while Love wanted simple female happiness. Perhaps such an influence on the poet was made by his negative intimate experience: according to Blok, physical communication could only take place with a prostitute, and in the case of a worthy woman, this was identified in his mind with a vice.

Be that as it may, they met in their youth: she was 16, he was 17. Their communication, friendship and even mutual sympathy were interrupted, but later fate brought them together again, and Alexander Alexandrovich saw in this a mysterious omen, a sign sent over. They got married, although their happiness turned out to be shaky, fragile: Lyuba always begged her husband to leave mysticism and kiss her not on the pages of books, but in real life.

Who is the Beautiful Lady?

Without a description of the character of Lyubvi Mendeleeva, the analysis itself cannot take place. Blok, whose "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" to some extent played a cruel joke on the girl, spiritualized and idealized her image so much that a real, earthly, interesting personality was lost behind him. Lyuba was serious, strict, impregnable, and at the same time witty, calm, joyful. Golden-haired and ruddy, the granddaughter of the great chemist Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev could not and did not want to spend her whole life searching for the mysterious meanings of love, “poser with the habits of a veil,” as she herself once called Blok.

The entire environment of the poet also saw in her the embodiment of eternal, ideal femininity, in connection with which they interpreted her gestures, behavior, mood, and outfits in different ways. The marriage of Alexander Alexandrovich and Mendeleev was considered a sacred mystery, capable of bestowing, according to V. Solovyov, purification of the world. There were also those who saw only negative properties in Love: for example, Anna Akhmatova called her “a hippopotamus that has risen on its hind legs,” and considered it a stuffed fool. The woman became literally a hostage to the current situation. As a result, she found what she was looking for - love, understanding, support ... But not in her husband, but in another man.

Fight of two (or more) knights

This is the last story that will precede the poetic analysis. Blok, whose poems about the Beautiful Lady could not satisfy the one to whom they were dedicated, soon turned out to be “overboard”: Love, who felt unnecessary and forgotten, began a relationship with her husband’s close friend, the poet Andrei Bely. This connection was finally interrupted only in 1907. Subsequently, Lyuba entered into an informal relationship with G. Chulkov, from whom even a child was born. Blok, who all this time continued to be the legal husband of Mendeleeva, agreed to become the father of the baby, since he could not have his own children, but the boy died a little more than a week after his birth.

And what about the poet?

Alexander Alexandrovich himself was also not sinless: he was seen in connection with the actress N. Volokhova, whom Lyubov even asked to take care of Sashenka, because he is "nervous" and "he needs a special approach." As a result, Volokhova decided to interrupt her presence in the life of this strange family. Alexander Alexandrovich died in 1921, Mendeleev died 18 years after her husband. She did not remarry for the rest of her life.

Sections of the collection and key poems of the cycle. "The wind brought from afar ..."

So, how did Blok put his worldview into practice? “Poems about the Beautiful Lady” (an analysis of the poem, and more than one, will be presented later) as a collection opens with the cycle “Ante Lucem”, which in Latin means “before the light”. The lyrical hero here is a lost, lonely person wandering in the dark. He is cut off from worldly happiness and joy, unable to experience them. The concept of two worlds is clearly traced: a creator with poetic thinking and a deep romantic soul wants to know the beyond, heavenly secrets, and in this he opposes the crowd that lives in an unremarkable earthly plane.

The cycle of poems about the Beautiful Lady (Block), the analysis of which requires a careful approach, is the second and central part of the collection of the same name. There is still no sense of reality, stability, but the creator gains hope - the incorporeal, obscure, Beautiful Lady must save him, fill existence with meaning. There is a transformation of the medieval motif of knightly service.

What do the poems about the Beautiful Lady look like? Alexander Blok, whose analysis of life and work has already been partially analyzed, created, for example, the poem "The wind brought from afar ...", which is associated with the wind of change, dynamics, change, rebirth. The eternal, deadly night from the poems of the first cycle begins to play with new colors - the reader seems to feel the imminent onset of spring, hears songs, distinguishes colors. No, the Beautiful Lady is not here yet, but everything speaks of her imminent arrival, of the destruction of the shackles of loneliness of the lyrical hero, of renewal.

“I enter dark temples…”

What are the most significant poems about the Beautiful Lady (Block)? An analysis, a short or full description of the history of the appearance of the collection, an emphasis on the poet's biography - none of the sections can do without the lyrical work "I enter the dark temples ...". Written in 1902, it is the quintessence of symbolism and mysticism. Here the reader is again faced with the uncertainty, the incorporeality of the described image, although certainty is sometimes found in the portrait of the Lady, for example, in the poem "She is slim and tall ...".

Here we are faced with the motive of expectation and ... fear. The lyrical hero yearns for a meeting, but is afraid of what it will bring him, afraid of being unworthy. It is no coincidence that the place of expectation in the work is the church - this only exalts the spirituality of the Beautiful Lady, her crystal purity and holiness.

The final part of the collection

The collection “Poems about the Beautiful Lady” (Block), the analysis of which was presented in detail in this article, closes with the “Crossroads” cycle. Here, the motives of hopelessness, confusion of the lyrical hero, anxiety are clearly manifested, the predominance of realistic components becomes more and more obvious. The social problems raised (in the poems "Factory", "From the newspapers", "Is everything calm among the people? ..") remain without resolution.

The motive of the “end of the world” becomes dominant: the lyrical hero, and the poet himself, no longer hopes for salvation, for the arrival of the Beautiful Lady, for the possibility of purification and rebirth. He withdraws from the spiritless existence and no longer participates in what is happening.

"Poems about the Beautiful Lady" - a lyrical cycle by A.A. Blok. The cycle formed the core of the first volume of Blok's collection of poems and became the most important event in the spiritual biography of the poet, as well as in the history of Russian poetry at the beginning of the 20th century. Blok wanted all his work to be considered as a single novel in verse. He divided his poetry into three volumes, each of which marked a certain stage in his life and creative path. The three volumes together made up an integral "trilogy", "dedicated to one circle of feelings and thoughts." In this picture of the whole, the first volume embodied Blok's experience of the mystical ideal, and the central place in it is given to the most extensive cycle in terms of volume - "Poems about the Beautiful Lady". In the last lifetime edition of Blok's lyrics in 1922, the cycle includes 164 poems written between the spring of 1901 and the autumn of 1902. However, this composition, perceived today as a canon, did not take shape immediately. The history of its formation reflects the movement in time of the cherished poetic ideas of Blok, who in one of his letters to A. Bely admitted: “... The whole history of my internal development is“ prophesied ”in“ Poems about the Beautiful Lady.

The name of the future cycle first appeared in print in 1903 in connection with the publication in the Moscow almanac "Northern Colors" of ten lyrical poems by Blok and was proposed by the compiler and editor of the almanac V.Ya. Bryusov. In the future, this name was traditionally used by Blok to refer to his early mystical lyrics, published in different years in different thematic and compositional compositions. So, at the end of October 1904, the Moscow publishing house "Grif" published the first separate book of the poet with the same name "Poems about the Beautiful Lady". The later final text of the cycle included twice as many poems, and its composition also changed significantly.

The first book of poetry written in esoteric language is addressed to a few "initiates". The need for subsequent reprints was caused, among other things, by Blok's desire to "clarify" the content of "Poems about the Beautiful Lady". Blok began to prepare the second edition of this corpus of poems at the suggestion of the Musaget publishing house in the fall of 1910. Blok prefaced this edition, intended for a collection of poems, with a preface in which he called all the lyrics a “trilogy”. The first volume of the collection, published in May 1911, included "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" in a new capacity. 300 poems were divided into seven parts, marked with the years from 1891 to 1904. A.A. Block used here the chronological principle of constructing the volume. In 1916, the Musaget publishing house carried out a new edition of Blok's works in four books. This caused a reworking of the composition of the "Poems about the Beautiful Lady": the exclusion of 89 poems and the introduction of another 27 that were not included in the previous edition. For the first time in this edition, the poems of the first volume are divided into three lyrical cycles: Ante Lucem "(1898-1900), "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" (1901-1902) and "Crossroads" (1902-1904). In the fifth edition of the Collected Works (Pg., 1922), Blok wanted to write a prose commentary on "Poems about the Beautiful Lady", but the plan was not carried out. It was in this edition that the cycle included 164 poems and was divided into six headings, marked by the place and time of writing the poems. Now we can say that the first edition of "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" (book 1904) was the basis not so much for the subsequent cycle of the same name, but for the last section of the first volume - the cycle "Crossroads".

In the cycle "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" there was a discovery of a new for all literature of the 1900s. themes of the mystical feminine principle of the world. The pedigree of the image of the Beautiful Lady is quite wide. Blok is close to the characteristic motif of medieval culture - knightly worship of the Lady; the traditions of the mystical lyrics of the Renaissance, especially Dante and Petrarch, in whose work the assimilation of being occurs through a loving feeling, and the female image (Beatrice, Laura) is identified with the image of the world in its ideal embodiment, in the reconciliation of all contradictions. In Russian poetry A.A. Blok sees his predecessors in Zhukovsky and especially in Fet, who achieved extraordinary sophistication in depicting human feelings and their correlation with the phenomena of natural life. Blok finds motives close to himself in the poem by Ya.P. Polonsky "The Tsar Maiden" with its ancient Russian and fairy-tale flavor. But the main source of influence at the time of writing the poems of the future cycle was the poetry of V.S. Solovyov, whom he met at the turn of the century and who "mastered his whole being." From Solovyov, Blok adopted the cult of the Eternal Femininity - the Soul of the World, captivated by world vulgarity and waiting for its release. Young Blok is seized at this time with anxiety and expectation of world catastrophes. The advent of the new century is perceived by him as the beginning of a general renewal and rebirth of man. In 1901-1902. the poet has visions. She appears to him, and in her features he recognizes the World Soul, the image of which is intricately intertwined in his mind with the features of a real woman, his future bride - L.D. Mendeleeva (in 1901-1902 their love relationship developed). The veneration of the unearthly Beautiful Lady and falling in love with a particular woman merged into a single feeling and gave rise to a creative tension of unprecedented strength.

“Poems about the Beautiful Lady” is a single text, thought out in every detail and organized according to the laws of a large musical form. The cycle is based on a simple motive: a lyrical hero - a "knight" (a monk, a young man, a poet) strives for her. Behind this aspiration is hidden the most diverse content: the search for a life path and an integral worldview, impulses for the ideal and beauty, comprehension of God. These mystical experiences, which the poet was engulfed in, required the creation of a special esoteric language. The cycle developed a comprehensive system of symbols. In the objects and phenomena of empirical reality, Blok saw hints of another, perfect transcendental world. The true content of the symbols correlates with the beyond, but Blok seeks and finds the basis for them in the surrounding life. Following Solovyov, Blok believed that only in an ecstatic state can one penetrate the secrets of being. In the philosophical lyrics of the cycle, designed almost like diary "records" of the internal states of the lyrical hero, his main "act" becomes an in-depth contemplation, a premonition of the messenger of "other worlds".

Analysis of the cycle of poems - About the beautiful lady

Poems about the “Beautiful Lady” are the first step of Alexander Alexandrovich Blok in his many years of creative journey from romantic symbolism to critical realism. This is the first and most ingenious, in my opinion, his achievement. These works are amazingly beautiful, warmly and gently written ...

Poems about the “Beautiful Lady” were written at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, a difficult, troubled time; time of reassessment of values, revision of life principles; time of repressions and revolutions, protest, humiliation and ignoring of a person as a person. Everyone suffered from the peasant to the nobleman. Thus, people exhausted by the ruthless reality were looking for an outlet, peace in the mystical.

Solovyov’s philosophy had a huge influence on the formation of the worldviews of many of Blok’s contemporaries, especially the thesis: “the very love of the world is revealed through love for a woman ... in love is our salvation ...”, just like our Poet, creating his small works, tried to hide from the gray, rough reality, sought salvation in a heavenly, perhaps even utopian, world of his endless love for the “Beautiful Lady”, in her beauty, “Eternal Femininity”. The poet completely dissolved in the pool of beautiful dreams, the worship of this heavenly goddess, he clearly saw every feature of her face, knew everything about the creature created by his thought, he was a slave of his dreams:

Your passions defeated by force,

Weak under the yoke.

Sometimes a servant; sometimes - cute;

And forever - a slave.

For some reason, Blok foresaw the arrival of this amazing maiden, he was afraid that on the way to reality, the gentle creature would lose some of its original beauty:

How clear is the horizon! And radiance is near.

But I'm afraid: you will change your appearance.

In fear of the terrible, burning and corroding everything in its path, the spontaneous world, Alexander Alexandrovich himself begins to look for his “Beautiful Lady”: a soft, bewitching voice in bustling shops, quiet breathing in the noise of an unceasing street, a modest look in a crowd of passers-by ... Looking for a soulless , his wordless creation - finds an even more beautiful, real, living woman, independent and free, as light and transparent as the wind ... His soul was overflowing with joy, hope for happiness, he wanted to take his beloved by the arm and fly to a free future. The power of beauty of Lydia Dmitrievna Mendeleeva (It was truly the “Beautiful Lady”: graceful, educated. She illuminated everyone not only with the light of the goodness of her heart, but also outwardly was like a golden ray of the sun in the gray dust of the present: a light brown braid neatly descended to her waist, huge sapphire his eyes were often awakened by sincere smiles on the tired faces of ordinary people.) was so great and bright that he was not afraid to hurt himself on the sharp thorns of all-consuming time, on the evil “rabbit looks of drunkards”, the mockery of the “twelve” on that long and bottomless path to the shining where -something far away to the asterisk of supreme contentment:

And full of cherished trembling

Long awaited years

We will rush off-road

Into the unspeakable world.

So the poet fell in love with an earthly woman, forever burying somewhere in the depths of his soul the image of my woman, forever burying somewhere in the depths of his soul the image of his dream. This is how he felt then:

No longing, no love, no resentment,

Everything faded, passed, departed ...

And your golden oar.

But nevertheless, the “Beautiful Lady” was still alive, she simply reincarnated, like Blok’s feelings. They have become even more sublime and at the same time closer to reality. Alexander Alexandrovich still did not fully believe in the reality of the existence of Lydia Dmitrievna. He loved her with pure, sincere, divine love, trembled at the thought of frightening her away, believed that she would fly away like a butterfly if she heard footsteps nearby, and therefore for a very long time simply admired the perfection of her beauty:

In the shadow of a tall column

I tremble at the creak of doors.

And he looks into my face, illumined,

Only an image, only a dream about Her.

In those moments, the lover knew for sure that it was this girl who was his “Magnificent Eternal Wife”, the very half that he was lucky to meet at the very beginning of his life:

I hear neither sighs nor speeches,

But I believe: Honey - You.

It was really her. In January 1903, the solemn marriage of Alexander Alexandrovich Blok and Lydia Dmitrievna Mendeleeva took place.

The great poet lived with this woman until the last day of his life, and until his last breath he did not stop loving her. Over the years, this feeling grew stronger, in the most difficult moments, only the thought of a loved one helped to survive and gave strength again and again to rise and move on towards our cherished goal, at least a little distract from the evil injustice of life:

... And there, having sharpened axes,

merry red people,

Laughing, lit fires ...

With me - spring thought,

I know you are not alone...

The violins groan indefatigably

Sings to me: "Live!"

The image of a beloved girl -

A tale of sweet love.

It was this tender feeling that illuminated the entire life path of the poet.

Blok was able to brilliantly depict him in his cycle of poems about the “Beautiful Lady”. Each of which is a small masterpiece, as it was written under the influence of emotions, moments, fragments ... All these separate and harmonious fragments are alive, each of them breathes love, and if you listen, you can even feel the rhythm of its heartbeat:

Oh I'm used to these robes

Majestic Eternal Wife!

Run high on the ledges

Smiles, fairy tales and dreams!

The poet poured the raging music of his feelings into poetry, and now each of us can enjoy this wonderful harmony in the cycle “About the Beautiful Lady”.