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Chronicle of the story of bygone years to read. Why is a new translation of The Tale of Bygone Years needed? "The Tale of Bygone Years" and its editions

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Tale of Bygone Years

Old Russian text

Let's start this story.

By the flood three the sons of Noev divided the earth, Shem, Ham, Aphet. And I go to Simovi: Persis, Vatr, doge and to Indikia in longitude, and in width and to Nirocuria, as if saying from the east until noon, and Surya, and Mussel along the Euphrates river, Babylon, Korduna, the Asurians, Mesopotamia, Arabia The Oldest, Elmais, Indie, Arabia Strong, Koliya, Komagini, Phoenicia all.

Hamovi is a midday country: Eyupet, Efivopya, adjacent to the Indus, another Efibopya, from which the Ethiopian Chermna river comes, flowing to the east, Thebe, Libya, adjacent to Kurinia, Marmaria, Surti, Libya other, Numidia, Masouria, Mauritania against the essence Ghadir. Those who exist to the east have Cilicia, Pamphylia, Pisidia, Mission, Lucaonia, Frugia, Kamalia, Lycia, Caria, Ludya, Mission another, Troad, Yeolidu, Bethunia, Old Frugia; and islands some have: Sardani, Crete, Kupr, and the river Geona, called Nile.

Afetu the same midnight countries and Western: Mussel, Alvanya, Armenia Small and Great, Cappadocia, Feflagoii, Galat, Kolkhis, Vosporii, Meoti, Trees, Sarmati, Tavriani, Skufia, Frazi, Makidonia, Dalmatia, Malosi, Fesalya, Lokria, Swaddling, even Poloponis was called, Arkad, Yapironya, Ilyurik, Slovene, Luhitia, Andriokia, Ondreyatinskaya abyss. Have the same islands: Vrotania, Sicily, Javia, Rodon, Khione, Lezovona, Kofiran, Zakunfa, Kefallinha, Ifakinou, Kerkourou, part Asian country called Onias, and Tigris river, current between Mida and Babylon; to the Ponet Sea, to the full-night countries, the Danube, the Dniester and the Caucasus Mountains, the river Ugorsky, and from there even to the Dnieper, and other rivers: Desna, Pripet, Dvina, Volkhov, Volga, even go east, to part of Simov. In Afetovo, parts of Rus, people and all languages: Merya, Muroma, the whole, Mordovians, Zavolochsky people, Perm, Pechera, Yam, Ugra, Lithuania, Zimegola, Kors, letgola, love. Lyakhov, and the Prussians, who sit down to the Varangian Sea. Along the same sea, the Varazians sit east to the limit of Simov, along the same sea, go west to the land of Agnyansky and to Voloshsky. Afetovo and that tribe: Varangians, Svei, Urmans, gote, Russia, Agnians, Galicians, Magi, Romans, Germans, Korlyazis, Venditsy, Fryagov and others, the same squat from west to noon and sit down with the Khamov tribe.

Sim same and Ham and Afet, dividing the earth, throwing lots, do not cross anyone into the lot brother, and alive each in his part. Be language one and multiplied by man on earth, and thinking to create a pillar to heaven, in the days of Nectan and Peleg. And they gathered in the place of Senar poli to build a pillar to heaven and a city around him Babylon; and created a pillar in 40 years, and was not completed. And the Lord God came down to see the city and the pillar, and the Lord said: “Behold, the race is one and the language is one.” And God mixed tongues, and divided into 70 and 2 languages, and scattered over all the earth. After stirring the tongue, God destroyed the pillar with a great wind, and there is a remnant of it between Ashura and Babylon, and there is in height and a cubit wide 5433 cubits, and in the summer we keep the remains for a long time.

By the spreading of the pillars and by the separation of the tongue, the sons of Shem were given to the eastern countries, and Hamov to the sons of the midday country. Afetovi same priyasha west and midnight countries. From the same 70 and 2 language was the language of Slovenesk, from the tribe of Afetov, narci, hedgehogs are Slovenes.

For many years, the essence of Slovenia sat along the Dunaev, where there is now Ugorsk land and Bolgarsk. From those Slovenes spread across the earth and called by their names, where they sat down in which place. As if a grey-haired man came on the river with the name of Marav, and was nicknamed Morava, and the friends of the Chesi were called. And these same Slovenians: hrovate whites and silver and Horutans. Volkhom who found in Slovenian on the Danube, and who sat in them and harassed them, but Slovene ovi came sedosha on the Vistula, and was nicknamed Lyakhov, and from those Poles was called a clearing, Lyakhov friends lutichi, ini Mazovshan, and Pomeranians.

It’s the same with the Slovenes who came and gray-haired along the Dnieper and swung across the clearing, and the friends of the Drevlyans, behind the gray-haired people in the woods; and the friends of gray-haired between Pripet and Dvina and draped Dregovichi; ini sedosha on the Dvina and nakoshas Polotsk, for the sake of speeches, even to flow into the Dvina, with the name of Polot, from sowing the Polotsk people were nicknamed. Slovenian sedosha near Lake Ilmer, and having been called by her name, she made a city and called Novgorod. And the friends of the sedosha along the Desna, and along Semi, according to Soule, and skewed north. And so the Slovenian language spread, and the letter was also nicknamed Slovenian.

The glade, who lived in this person in the mountains, was the way from the Varangians to the Greeks and from the Greeks along the Dnieper, and dragged the top of the Dnieper to Lovot, and along Lovot, enter the great lake into Ylmer, from the same lake the Volkhov will flow and flow into the great lake Nevo, and of that lake to see the mouth into the Varangian Sea. And go along that sea to Rome, and from Rome go along the same sea to Tsaryugorod, and from Tsaryagorod go to Pont sea, the Dnieper river will not flow into it. Dnieper more flow from Okovsky forests, and flow at noon, and the Dvina will flow from the same forest, and go at midnight and enter the Varangian Sea. From the same forest, the Volga flows to the east, and seventy holes flow into the Khvalsky Sea. The same and from Russia can go along the Volza to Bolgars and to Khvalisy, and on east milk into the lot of the Sims, and along the Dvina to the Varangians, from the Varangians to Rome, from Rome same and to the tribe of Ham. And the Dnieper to flow into the Ponets Sea with a chute, a hedgehog to catch the Russian sea, according to which St. Ondrei, brother Petrov, taught, as if deciding.

I teach Ondrei in Sinopia and come to him in Korsun, take away, like is Korsun near the mouth of the Dnieper, and go to Rome at will, and go to the mouth of the Dnieper, and from there go along the Dnieper mountain. And on an adventure I came and a hundred under the mountains on a birch. And in the morning he got up and said to his disciples who were with him: “Do you see these mountains? - as if on these mountains the grace of God will shine; have the hail is great be and many churches God raise up to have. And having entered this mountain, bless me, and put up a cross, and praying to God, and descended from the sowing mountain, where after there was Kyiv, and went along the Dnieper mountain. And he came to Slovenia, where Novgorod is now, and saw that the people who are, what is their custom, and how to wash and puffed up, and marveled at them. And go to Varangians and come to Rome, and confession, teach as much and as much as you see, and say to them: “Wonderful I saw the Slovenian land as I walked by this. Videh baths are ancient, and burn it ramyano, and get together, and they will be Nazis, and they will be covered with kvass, and they will stir up the young rod on this, and fight yourself, and finish it off, two will come out le live and they will be covered with icy water, and taco come alive. And then do it all the days, do not torment anyone, but torment yourself, and then do a move for yourself, and not torment. You hear wonder. Ondrei, having been in Rome, came to Sinopia.

In the field, a person who lived and led his own generations, even before this, the brothers had a clearing, and I live each with their own kind and in their places, owning each other's kind. And there were 3 brothers: one was called Kiy, and the other was Schek, and the third was Khoriv, and their sister Lybid. Sedyash Kiy is on the mountain, where Borichev is now taken away, and Shchek is sitting on the mountain, where Shchekovitsa is now called, and Khoriv is on the third mountain, from which he was nicknamed Khorevitsa. And he built a city in the name of his elder brother, and called his name Kyiv. Byashe near the city forest and the boron is great, and the wild beast is catching the beast, the men are wise and wise, the clearing is named, from them there is a clearing in Kyiv to this day.

Ini, not knowledgeable, rekosha, as if Kyi was a carrier, Kyiv had a better carrier then from this side of the Dnieper; dark verb: for transportation to Kyiv. If Kiy had been a carrier, then he would not have gone to Tsaryugorod; but this Kiy prince in his generation, who came to him to the king, as they say, he received great honor from the king, under whom the kings came. Going to him again, come to Dunaev, and love the place, and cut down the little town, and you want to sit down with your generation, and do not give it to those who live near; hedgehog and still call Danube hillfort Kievets. Kievi will come in your city ​​of Kyiv, that belly is dead; and his brother Shchek, and Khoriv, ​​and their sister Lybid that died.

And for now, the brothers hold more often their clan reigning in the fields, a in their trees, and their Dregovichi, and their Slovenes in Novgorod, and the other on Polot, like the Polotsk people. From them krivichi, ilk sit on the top of the Volga, on the top of the Dvina and on the top of the Dnieper, their own city is Smolensk; there more sit down krivichi. Just north of them. All gray on Beleozero, and measure on Rostov Lake, and measure on Lake Kleshchina. BUT along the Otse river, where flow in into the Volga, muroma your tongue, and Cheremis your tongue, Mordovians your tongue. This is only the Slovene language in Russia: glades, derevlyans, nougorodtsy, Polochans, Dregovichi, north, Buzhans, zane sedosha along the Bug, and later Velynians. And this is the essence of other languages, even a tribute to give to Russia: chyud, measuring, all, muroma, cherems, Mordovians, Perm, Pechera, Yam, Lithuania, Zimigola, Kors, neroma, either: si the essence of your language is property, from the tribe of Afetov, like live in the midnight countries.

The Slovenian language, like a rekohom, living on the Danube, coming from the skuf, reksha from the kozars, rekomii to the Bulgarians, and sedosha along the Dunaev, and the inhabitants of the Slovene bysh. Seven white eels came, and inheriting the Slovenian land. See the eels more often being pr-Heraclius kings, who are on Khozdroi, the king of Persia. At the same time, bysha and obri, ilk go to Heraclius the king and little of him is not Yasha. Si same Aubrey war on the Slovenes, and primuchisha duleby, the real Slovenes, and violence to the wives dulebsky: if you go, if you wake up, don’t let your horse or ox be harnessed, but tell you, harness 3, 4, or 5 wives in a cart and bring a burden, and tacos muchahu duleby. For the body of greatness and the mind were proud, and God consume me, having shrunk everything, and not a single obrin was left. And there is a parable in Russia to this day: a perished aki obre; they have no tribe or heir. According to the same came cookies; packs of blackheads and eels past Kyiv, after Olze.

Glade same living person, as if rekohom, existing from the kind of Slovene, and having turned into a clearing, and derevlyane from the Slovenes, and the Drevlyans have spoken; radimichi bo and vyatichi from Poles. Byasta bo 2 brothers in laces, - Radim, and other Vyatko, - and the gray-haired Radim came to Szhu, and nicknamed radimichi, and Vyatko was gray with his family according to Otse, from whom he was nicknamed vyatichi. And alive glade in the world, and derevlyane, and north, and radimichi, vyatichi and grab. Dulebi live along the Bug, where the Velynians are now, and improve and tivertsi sedyahu bo along the Dniester, squat to the Dunaev. Be a multitude of them; sedyahu bo along the Dniester oli to the sea, the essence of their city is to this day, but then I call from the Greek the Great Skuf.

Namely, for their customs, and the law of their father and traditions, each to their own disposition. Glade for their fathers, the custom is to be meek and quiet, and shame on their daughters-in-law and sisters, mothers and parents, mothers-in-law and brothers-in-law, shame is great for imech, the marriage custom is imech: not better son-in-law for the bride, but I bring the evening, and tomorrow I bring something for her. And the Drevlyans live in a bestial way, living bestially: I kill each other, the poison is all unclean, and they never had a marriage, but a maiden was washed away by the water. And Radimichi, and Vyatichi, and the north one custom is named: I live in the forest, as if and every beast that eats everything unclean, and shame in them before the father and before the daughters-in-law, and brothers do not visit them, but games between the village, I go to games, to dancing and to all demonic songs, and that wife's wily to himself, with her, who is married; the name of the same two and three wives. And if anyone dies, create tryznu over him, and according to seven works I will put a great one, and put it on the treasure, I will burn the dead man, and therefore I will put the bones together in a small vessel, and supply on a pillar on the tracks, the hedgehog to create Vyatichi and now. So the creators of the custom of Krivichi and other abominations, not leading the law of God, but making the law for themselves.

Verb George in the annals. “For to whom the law is written in the language of the sheep, but to others customs, for law the homeland seems to be lawless. From them the first of Syria, living at the end of the earth, the law to have father their customs: do not fornicate and adulterous, neither steal, nor slander, or kill, or the deed is very evil. The law also Vactrian, verbs vrahmane and islanders, hedgehog from great-grandfather testimony and piety does not eat meat, nor drink wine, nor create fornication, but create no malice, fear for the sake of much and God's faith. For Java tache adjacent to them indiome- murder deyitsi, foul-working, angry more than there is; whether in internally In their country, people are eating and wandering ubivahu, more so, eating like a psi. Ether is the law of the Chaldeans and to the Babylonians: to take mothers, with brothers, children of fornication, and to kill. And any tubeless deed like virtue is imagined acting, any far away their country will be.

In the same law of giliom: wives scream in them, build temples and to do masculine deeds, but love to do as much as you want, we do not restrain ourselves from our husbands very much, whether they will waste; in them is the essence of a brave wife to catch the beast strong. And wives own their husbands and supplement them. In Vretanya, many men with united wife to sleep, and many wives with one husband lust: lawless like the law of the father to do without envy or restraint. Amazone, however, does not have a husband, but like dumb cattle in a single summer to spring the day of the land will be; and agree with surrounding men, like some they have a celebration and a great holiday, then think about it. Conceived from them in the womb, packs will scatter from everywhere. At the same time wanting give birth, if a child is born, destroy; more girlish floor, then rise and diligently educate."

It’s like now, even with us, we have a law to keep our fathers: shed blood, and boasting about sem, and poisoning dead meat and all the uncleanness, homeks and wort, and fuck your stepmothers and yatrovi, and others the custom of their fathers. But we, Christians, like the earth, who believe in the Holy Trinity, in one baptism, in one faith, the law of imam is one, we are baptized into Christ and clothed in Christ.

For the same years, after the death of the brothers sowing, the bysha was offended by the ancients and rime around. And Naidosha I am a kozare, sitting on these mountains in the woods, and deciding the kozars: "Pay tribute to us." thinker same glade and vdasha from the smoke a sword, and carrying the kozars to their prince and to elders, and deciding to them: “Behold, a tribute new." They decided to them: “From where?”. They decide: “In the forest on mountains over the Dnieper River. They decide: “What is the essence in the distance?”. They show the sword. And resolving the elders of the kozars: “Not a good tribute, prince! We are doiskahom with weapons on one side, rekshe sabers, and these weapons both sharp, right sword. Si have imati tribute on us and on other countries. Behold, everything came true: not from your own will, but from God's command. Yaco and under Pharavon, the kings of her swarm, always bringing Moses before Pharavon, and the elder of the pharaoh decided: “Behold, you want to humble the region of Eyupet”; as it were: the Jews perished from Moses, and the first was working for them. Taco and si: owning, and after samemi own; as if byst: voldeyut bo Russian goats princes and until today.

In the summer of 6360, indiction 15, I began to reign for Michael, beginning to call Ruska the land. About this notice, as if at seven tsars Russia came to Tsargorod, as it is written in the annals of Greek. Let’s start from here and put the numbers, like “From Adam to the flood of years 2242; and from the flood to Abram 1000 and 82 years, and from Abram to the exodus of Moses years 430; but from the exodus of Moiseov before David years 600 and 1; and from David and from the beginning of the kingdom of Solomon to the captivity of Yarusalim, 448 years; and from captivity to Oleksandr 318 years; and from Oleksandr to the birth of Christ 333; and from the birth of Christ to Konstyantyn 318 years; from Kostyantin to Mikhail this year is 542. And from the first year of Mikhailov to the first year of Olgov, the Russian prince, 29 years; and from the first summer of Olgov, closer gray hair in Kyiv, until the first summer of Igor, 31 years old; and from the first summer of Igor to the first summer of Svyatoslavl 33; and from the first summer of Svyatoslavl to the first summer of Yaropolch, 28 years; and Yaropolk princes 8 years old; and Volodimer princes 37 years old; and Yaroslav princes of 40 years. The same from the death of Svyatoslav to the death of Yaroslavl, 85 years; and from the death of Yaroslavl to the death of Svyatopolchi 60 years.

But we are on former let's go back and let's say what here in summer si, as before, we started the first summer with Michael, and we put the numbers in a row.

In the summer of 6361. In the summer of 6362. In the summer of 6363. In the summer of 6364.

In summer 6365.

In the summer of 6366. Michael the tsar traveled with the shore and the sea to the Bulgarians. Bulgarians saw like not being able to stand against it, be baptized and submit to the Greek. The king, baptize their prince and all the boyars, and make peace with the Bulgarians.

In summer 6367. Imahu a tribute to the Varangians from overseas on the people and on the Slovenes, on the Mary and on all Krivichi. And the kozars imach in the clearings, and in the sezers, and in the vyatichi, the imach in the white and in the wind from the smoke.

In the summer of 6368. In the summer of 6369.

In the summer of 6370. Expelling the Varangians across the sea, and not giving them tribute, and more often volunteers in themselves, and there was no truth in them, and rise from generation to generation, and there was strife in them, and more often they fought for themselves. And deciding in themselves: "Let's look for a prince, who would rule over us and judge by right." And yodosha across the sea to the Varangians, to Russia. Sitse bo sya called Varazians rus as all friends are called soviet, friends are Urman, English, friends are gte, tacos and si. Resha Russ chyud, slovenia, and krivichi and all:“Our land is great and plentiful, but there is no dress in it. Yes, go and rule over us.” And 3 brothers were chosen from their families, girded all Russia in their own way, and came; the oldest, Rurik, Sede Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, on Beleozero, and the third Izborst, Truvor. And from those Varangian nicknamed the Russian land, Novgorodians, you are the people of the city of Novgorod from the Varangian family, formerly the besh of Slovenia. In two years Sineus died and his brother Truvor. And taking power Rurik, and distributing cities to his husband, ovom Polotesk, ovom Rostov, another Beloozero. And in those cities the essence of the finds of the Varangians, and the feathers of the inhabitants in Novgorod are Slovenian, in Polotsk Krivichi, measuring in Rostov, all in Beleozero, murom in Murom; and those all possessed by Rurik. And he has 2 husbands, not his tribe, but boyar, and she asks for Tsaryugorod with her family. And I walked a hundred to the Dnieper, and I walked past and saw on the mountain Gradok. And uproshasta and Resta: "Whose city is this?" They decided: “There were 3 brothers, Kiy, Shchek, Khoriv, ​​who made a city, and a bend, and we are sitting, their kind, paying tribute to the goats. Askold but Dir remained in the city of seven, and many Varangians swapper, and often own the Polish land, while Rurik reigning in Novgorod.

In the summer of 6371. In the summer of 6372. In the summer of 6373.

In the summer of 6374. Ide Askold and Dir to the Greeks, and came at 14 summer Michael the Tsar. To the tsar, who had gone to the Ogaryans, who had reached the Black Rivers, the eparch sent a message to him, as if Russia were to go to Tsargorod, and the tsar returned. But sit inside the Court, you have done a lot of murder by a peasant, and in two hundred the ship Tsargrad stumbled. The king is barely in the city, and with the patriarch with Photius to the existing church of the Holy Mother of God Vlaherna all night the prayer was done, the same divine holy Mother of God riza with songs worn out in the sea skut wetting. Silence sushi and the tamed sea, the abye storm rises with the wind, and the waves of the velyas that have risen up, godless Russia ship crumpled, and stick to the shore, and beat me, like few avoid them from such misfortune and return on your own.

In the summer of 6375.

In the summer of 6376. Pocha reign Vasiliy.

In the summer of 6377. Baptized be the whole land of Bulgaria.

In the summer of 6378. In the summer of 6379. In the summer of 6380. In the summer of 6381.

In the summer of 6382. In the summer of 6383. In the summer of 6384. In the summer of 6385.

In the summer of 6386.

In the summer of 6387 kind to him being, giving him his son on the hand of Igor, be bo detesk velmy.

In the summer of 6388. In the summer of 6389.

In the summer of 6390. Poide Oleg, let's drink a lot of howls, Varangians, chud, Slovenes, I measure, the whole, Krivichi, and come to Smolensk with Krivichi, and take the city, and plant your husbands. From there, go down, and take Lyubets, and seat your husbands. And attached to the Kiev mountains, and uveda Oleg, like Oskold and Dir the prince, and bury the howls in the boats, and leave the others behind, and come yourself, carrying Igor, the children. And I swam under Ugorskoye, burying my own, and sent to Askold and Dirov, saying, like “I am a guest, we go to the Greeks from Olga and from Igor prince. May she come to us, to her kind." Askold and Dir were near, having jumped out all the others from the boat, and Oleg Askold and Dirovi said: “You are not a prince, not a kind of prince, but I am a kind of prince”, and carrying out Igor: "And here is the son of Rurik." And kill Askold and Dir, and up the mountain, and cellar and on the mountain, now call Ugorskoe, where Olmin's yard is now; placed on that grave Olma Church of St. Nicholas; and Dir’s grave is behind St. Orina. And gray Oleg prince in Kyiv, and Oleg's speech: “Behold mother hail Russian". And besha he has Varangians and Slovenes and others, nicknamed Rus. This but Oleg began to set up cities, and set tribute to Slovenian, Krivich and Mary, and charter Varangian tribute to give from Novgorod 300 hryvnias for the summer, dividing the world, hedgehog to the death of Yaroslavl, give a Varangian.

In the summer of 6391. Pocha Oleg to fight the Derevlyans, and primuchiv a, imache on them a tribute to the black kun.

In the summer of 6392. Ide Oleg on the northerners, and defeat the northerners, and lay tribute to the light, and will not give them tribute to pay by the goat, rivers: “I am disgusted with them, but there is nothing for you.”

In the summer of 6393. Ambassador to Radimich, Rka: "To whom do you give tribute? They decide: "Kozar". And Oleg said to them: "Do not give the goat, but give me." And vedasha Olgovi by shlyag, as if and goat dayah. And be possessing Oleg glades, and derevlyany, and northerners, and radimichi, and from the street and tevertsi, the army is named.

In the summer of 6394.

In the summer of 6395. King Levon, son of Vasilyev, who was nicknamed Leo, and his brother Oleksandr, who reigned for 20 and 6 years.

Summer 6396 Summer 6397 Summer 6398 Summer 6399 Summer 6400 Summer 6401 Summer 6402 Summer 6403. Into the summer 6404. Into the summer 6405.

In the summer of 6406. Idosha eels past Kyiv with a mountain, now calling Ugorskoe, having come to the Dnieper and standing with vezhs; besha bo walking, like this Polovtsi. come from inflow and rushing over the great mountains, aka Ugorsky Mountains, and more often fight on living that Volokhi and Slovenia. For the gray-haired one before the tin, and Volokhov acquiring the Slovenian land. Therefore, the eels drove out the Magi, and inherited the earth that, and sedosha from Slovene, I conquered under myself, and henceforth the land of Ugorsk was nicknamed. And the eels began to fight against the Greeks, and captivated the land of Frachsk and Makidonsk, even to Selun. And start to fight on Moravu and on Czechs. Be one language Slovenesk: Sloveni, ilk Sedyakh along the Dunaev, their own eels, and Morava, and comb, and lyakhov, and glade, even now calling Russia. Sim bo first offered books morave, even nicknamed the letter is Slovenian, even the letter is in Russia and in the Bulgarians of the Danube.

Slovenian living baptized and their prince, Rostislav, and Svyatopolk, and Kotsel sent to Tsar Michael, saying: “Our land is baptized, and we have no teacher, who would punish us, and teach us, and interpreted the holy books. We don't understand bo neither Greek nor Latin; they are more than we teach, and they are more than we are. However, we do not understand the image of the book, nor their strength. And after the teachers, who we can say the words of the book and their mind. Behold, Tsar Michael heard, and he called all the philosophers, and all the Slovenian princes spoke to them. And resolving philosophies: “There is a man in Seluni named Leo. The essence of his sons understand the Slovenian language, his 2 sons are cunning philosopher. When the king heard, he sent for him to Selunko Lviv, saying: "Send to us soon your son, Methodius and Kostyantin." Se hearing Leo, I soon sent, and came to the king, and the speech of the im: “Behold, the Slovenian land was sent to me, asking for a teacher for themselves, who could interpret the saints for them books; to desire this." And implored quickly by the king, and I sent to the Slovenian land to Rostislav, and Svyatopolk and Ktslovi. Sima, however, who has come, often composes the letters of the alphabet in Slovenian, and the Apostle and Euangelier are spelled out. And for the sake of Slovenia, as if hearing the fork of God with your own tongue. Therefore prelogist Psalter, and Okhtaik, and other books. Netsiya oke nachasha khuliti slovenian books, saying, like “No language is worthy of having its own letters, except Jews, and Greek and Latins, according to Pilatov writing, a hedgehog on the cross of the Lord wrote. Now, having heard the Roman papezh, blaspheme those who grumble at Slovenian books, the river: “Yes, fulfill the book’s word, like“ Praise God all tongues"; the other is: "All speak the tongues of the greatness of God, as if to give them the holy spirit to answer." Yes, if anyone blasphemes the Slovenian letter, let him be excommunicated from the church, donde sya to correct: for you are wolfs, and not a sheep, even worthy of the fruit of the nobility and store them. But you, child, of God, listen to the teachings and do not reject the punishment of the Church, as you punished Methodius, your teacher. Kostyantyn, however, turned back and taught the Bulgarian language, while Methodius remained in Morava. Therefore set up Kozel the prince Methodius Bishop in Pania, on the table of St. Ondronikos the Apostle, one from 70, a disciple of St. Paul the Apostle. Methodius, plant 2 priests of the cursive zealo, and lay the whole book in full from the Greek language in the Slovenian 6th month, starting from March to the twentieth and the 6th day of the month of October. Having finished, it is worthy of praise and glory to God, who gives such grace to Bishop Methodius, the priest Andronikov. There is also a Slovenian language teacher Andronicus apostle. In Moravy, more went and the Apostle Paul taught that; that there is Ilyurik, his reached apostle Paul; tu bo besha slovene first. In the same way, the teacher of the Slovenian language is Pavel, from him the language and we are Russian, the same Russian teacher is Paul for us, because he taught the language Slovenian and appointed to eat the bishop and the vicar on yourself Andronicus to the Slovenian language. And the Slovene language and Russian are one, from the Varangians, more nicknamed Rus, and the first Besha is Slovenian; even more so, the glade is called, but Slovenian speech is not. The fields are called byshi, zane in poly sedyahu, and the Slovenian language is one.

In the summer of 6407. In the summer of 6408. In the summer of 6409.

In the summer of 6410. Leon was the king of the Ugric against the Bulgarians. The eel, having found, the whole land of Bulgarian captivity. Semionge taking away, return to the Ugrians, and the eel against the poidosh and defeat the Bulgarians, as if Semyon had escaped to Derstr.

In the summer of 6411. I will grow up Igor, and walk along Olza and listen more him, and bringing him a wife from Pskov, named Olga.

In the summer of 6412. In the summer of 6413. In the summer of 6414.

In the summer of 6415. Ide Oleg to the Greeks. Igor leaving Kyiv, sing same many Varangians, and Slovenes, and Chud, and Slovenes, and Krivichi, and I measure, and Derevlyans, and Radimichi, and Polans, and Severo, and Vyatichi, and Croats, and Dulebs, and Tiverci, even the essence of sensibility: they all call themselves from Greek Great Skuf. And with them, with all of them, Oleg went on horseback and on ships, and without the number of ships 2000. And come to Tsaryugrad; and the Greeks castled Judgment, and shut the city. And Oleg went to the shore, and began to fight, and did a lot of murder near the city by the Greek, and smashed many floors, and burned the church. And their own captives imahu, oveh posekahu, others are muchahu, others are shot, and others are thrown into the sea, and many others evil create Russia as a Greek, but how can you create warriors.

And Oleg commanded howling his wheels to make and put them on the wheels of the ship. And I’ll sting the former wind, raising the sails from the field, and going to the hail. And seeing the Greeks and being afraid, and deciding, having sent to Olgovi: “Do not destroy the city, we have by tribute as if you wished. And set Oleg howling, and taking out his brash and wine, and not bringing him - it was arranged with poison. And the Greeks were afraid and decided: “Behold Oleg, but Saint Dmitry, sent to us from God.” And commandment Oleg tribute give for 2000 ship, 12 hryvnia per person, and in ships on 40 men

And yashasya Greeks for this, and often ask the Greeks for peace, so that the Greek lands do not fight. Oleg, retreat a little from the city, starting to create the world from the king of walnuts, from Leon and Alexander, sent to him in the city of Karl, Farlof, Velmud, Rulav and Stemid, saying: "Take tribute to me." And the Greeks decided: “What do you want, ladies you"...

And Oleg says: "Sew sails pavolochity Rus, and Slovenian crop", and byst tacos. And hang your shield in the gate, showing victory, and go from Constantinople. And resurrecting rus the sails are pavolochity, and the Slovenians are cropped, and the wind is torn; and deciding Slovenia: “We have our own fat people, the essence of the word is not given pavolochites". And Oleg came to Kyiv, bringing gold, and curtains, and vegetables, and wine, and all sorts of patterns. And nicknamed Olga - prophetic: byahu bo people of trash and ignorance.

In the summer of 6416. In the summer of 6417. In the summer of 6418.

In the summer of 6419. The star is great in the west spear way.

In the summer of 6420. Oleg sent his men to build peace and lay a row between Russia and the Greeks ...

Tsar Leon, almost Russian ambassadors with darmi, gold, and pavoloks and fofuds, and put your men to them to show them the beauty of the church, and the gold is covered and there is wealth in them, there is a lot of gold and pavoloks and stone precious, and the passion of the Lord and the crown, and a nail, and a scarlet mantle, and the relics of the saints, teaching me to my faith and showing them the true faith. And so let go and into your land with great honor. Send a message to Olgom, who came to Olgovi, and told all the speeches to both tsar, how you would create the world, and put the order between the Greek land and Russia and the oath not to transgress either the Greek or the Rus.

And living Oleg has peace in all countries, prince in Kyiv. And spring autumn, and Oleg will remember my horse, ilk be put feed and not all-dat on n. Be bo asked the Magi and magician: “From what do we eat die? And the sorcerer alone spoke to him: “Prince! Horse, love him and ride him, you will die from that. Oleg, on the other hand, we accept in our minds, in other words: “If I sit down on him, I don’t see him more than that.” And he commanded to feed him and not to bring him to him, and abide for a few years without seeing him, until he went to the Greeks. And I will come to Kiev and stay for 4 years, for the fifth summer I will remember the horse, from him the wolf was told to die. And he called the elder as a groom, saying: "Where I have a horse, but I put it on the run to feed and watch over it? He said: "He is dead." Oleg laughed and reproached the magician, the river: “It’s wrong for you to say Volsvi, but all that is a lie: the horse died eating, but I am alive. And he commanded to saddle the horse: "Otherwise I see his bones." And he came to the place, where the bones of his bones were lying and his forehead was bare, and sat down from the horse, and laughing at the speech: “From this forehead was death taken to me?”. And step foot on the forehead; and the serpent popping out iso forehead, and I'll hit my leg. And from then on, you get sick and die. And crying people all crying great, and carrying and burying his on the mountain, hedgehog Shchekovitsa; there is his grave even to this day, catch a word Olga's grave. And the speed of all the years of his reign was 33.

But it’s not wonderful, as if from sorcery happens sorcery. Like be in the kingdom of Domentian, a certain sorcerer, named Apollonius, Tiyanin, we know better, marching and creating everywhere and in the cities and in the villages of devilish miracles. From Rome, having come to Byzantium, having been implored from those who live, do this: having driven away many snakes and squirrels from the city, as if not hit a person from them; fury horse having curbed, always similar to the boar. Likewise, when he came to Antioch, and begged from them, tormented by Antiahyan from scorpions and mosquitoes, he created copper squirrels and buried him in the ground, and set up a small pillar of marble above him, and ordered the cane to be held by a man, and walk around the city and call, with a shaking cane: “The demon of the hail mosquito.” And tacos disappeared from the hail of scorpion and mosquitoes. And ask the packs about the present on hail cowards, I sigh, I wrote it off on the board of the sea: “Alas for you, the city of windows, as if you were shaken a lot, and you will be possessed by fire, mourn same you and at birch sy Orontii". The great Nastasius of the city of God spoke about him: createda, stoaschaa ova on the disgust of animals quadruped, bird, might harm people, while others are for the restraint of streams of the river, intemperately flowing, but otherwise there is no corruption and harm to a person who exists to escape. It’s not just for his belly that he created such a demon for his sake, but even after his death, being at his tomb, she is known to the creators in his name for the deception of a man who has been stolen from the devil. Who bad what talking about what's happening magical delusion? As such, it was much more magic, as if Apollonius was knowingly knowing the warrior, as if he were furious at all philosophical cunning; to indulge him with words like “Az with a word exactly created you want them, ”and not by the fulfillment of creation commanded by him. Same and all the weakening of God and the creation of demons can be, such things will be tempted by our Orthodox faith, if it is firm and the spark of the abiding Lord, and is not attracted by the enemy mosque for the sake of miracles and hundreds of deeds, created from enemies and servants of malice. Still the same, but in the name of the Lord, and your prophecy netia, like Balam, and Saul, and Caiaphas, and the demons of the packs of the exile, like Judah and the sons Skevavli. Ubo and not worthy grace works many times, yes, the ethers testify, for the shafts of both shyuzh- life is graceful and faith, but both evidence in him grace ineh for the sake of watching. And Pharaoh is such a be, but even that is a future preview. And Navkhodonosor is law-criminal, but also to this pack, according to the multitude of those who exist, the next generation is open, so that, like a multiplier, having a finer mind, before the image of Christ they sign a different intrigue for the charm of a person, not understanding good, as if it was Simon the sorcerer, and Menander and ini are such, their for the sake of truly speaking: “Do not deceive miracles suit…”.

After the flood, the three sons of Noah divided the earth - Shem, Ham, Japheth. And Shem got the east: Persia, Bactria, even to India in longitude, and in breadth to Rinokorur, that is, from east to south, and Syria, and Media to the Euphrates River, Babylon, Korduna, Assyrians, Mesopotamia, Arabia the Oldest, Elimais, Indy, Arabia Strong, Kolia, Commagene, all Phoenicia.

Ham got the south: Egypt, Ethiopia, neighboring India, and another Ethiopia, from which flows the Ethiopian Red River, flowing to the east, Thebes, Libya, neighboring Kyrenia, Marmaria, Sirte, another Libya, Numidia, Masouria, Mauritania, located opposite Gadir. In his possessions in the east are also: Cilicnia, Pamphylia, Pisidia, Mysia, Lycaonia, Phrygia, Kamalia, Lycia, Caria, Lydia, other Mysia, Troad, Aeolis, Bithynia, Old Phrygia and the islands of some: Sardinia, Crete, Cyprus and the river Geona, otherwise called the Nile.

Japheth got the northern and western countries: Media, Albania, Armenia Small and Great, Cappadocia, Paphlagonia, Galatia, Colchis, Bosphorus, Meots, Depevia, Capmatia, the inhabitants of Taurida, Scythia, Thrace, Macedonia, Dalmatia, Malosia, Thessaly, Locris, Swaddling, which is also called the Peloponnese, Arcadia, Epirus, Illyria, Slavs, Lichnitia, Adriakia, the Adriatic Sea. The islands also got: Britain, Sicily, Euboea, Rhodes, Chios, Lesbos, Kitira, Zakynthos, Kefallinia, Ithaca, Kerkyra, a part of Asia called Ionia, and the Tigris River, flowing between Media and Babylon; to the Pontic Sea to the north: the Danube, the Dnieper, the Caucasus Mountains, that is, the Hungarian ones, and from there to the Dnieper, and other rivers: the Desna, Pripyat, Dvina, Volkhov, Volga, which flows east to the part of Simov. In the Japhet part, Russians, Chud and all sorts of peoples are sitting: Merya, Muroma, the whole, Mordovians, Zavolochskaya Chud, Perm, Pechera, Yam, Ugra, Lithuania, Zimigola, Kors, Letgola, Livs. The Poles and the Prussians, the Chud, are sitting near the Varangian Sea. The Varangians sit along this sea: from here to the east - to the limits of Simov, they sit along the same sea and to the west - to the land of England and Voloshskaya. The offspring of Japheth also: Varangians, Swedes, Normans, Goths, Rus, Angles, Galicians, Volokhi, Romans, Germans, Korlyazis, Venetians, Fryags and others - they adjoin the southern countries in the west and neighbor with the Khamov tribe.

Shem, Ham and Japheth divided the land by casting lots, and decided not to enter into the share of a brother to anyone, and each lived in his own part. And there was one people. And when people multiplied on earth, they planned to create a pillar to the sky - it was in the days of Nectan and Peleg. And they gathered in the place of the field of Shinar to build a pillar to heaven, and near it the city of Babylon; and they built that pillar for 40 years, and did not finish it. And the Lord God came down to see the city and the pillar, and the Lord said: “Behold, one generation and one people.” And God confused the nations, and divided them into 70 and 2 nations, and scattered them over all the earth. After the confusion of the peoples, God destroyed the pillar with a great wind; and its remnants are found between Assyria and Babylon, and are 5433 cubits high and wide, and these remnants have been preserved for many years.

After the destruction of the pillar and the division of the peoples, the sons of Shem took the eastern countries, and the sons of Ham - the southern countries, while Japheth took the west and the northern countries. From the same 70 and 2 language came the Slavic people, from the tribe of Japheth - the so-called Noriki, who are the Slavs.

After a long time, the Slavs settled along the Danube, where now the land is Hungarian and Bulgarian. From those Slavs, the Slavs dispersed throughout the earth and were called by their names from the places where they sat down. So some, having come, sat down on the river by the name of Morava and were called Morava, while others were called Czechs. And here are the same Slavs: white Croats, and Serbs, and Horutans. When the Volokhi attacked the Danubian Slavs, and settled among them, and oppressed them, these Slavs came and sat on the Vistula and were called Poles, and from those Poles came Poles, other Poles - Lutich, others - Mazovshan, others - Pomeranians.

In the same way, these Slavs came and sat down along the Dnieper and called themselves glades, and others - Drevlyans, because they sat in the forests, while others sat down between Pripyat and Dvina and called themselves Dregovichi, others sat down along the Dvina and were called Polochans, along the river flowing into the Dvina , called Polota, from which the Polotsk people were named. The same Slavs who sat down near Lake Ilmen were called by their own name - Slavs, and built a city, and called it Novgorod. And others sat down along the Desna, and along the Seim, and along the Sula, and called themselves northerners. And so the Slavic people dispersed, and after his name the charter was called Slavic.

When the glade lived separately along these mountains, there was a path from the Varangians to the Greeks and from the Greeks along the Dnieper, and in the upper reaches of the Dnieper it was dragged to Lovot, and along Lovot you can enter Ilmen, a great lake; Volkhov flows out of the same lake and flows into the Great Lake Nevo, and the mouth of that lake flows into the Varangian Sea. And on that sea you can sail to Rome, and from Rome you can sail along the same sea to Constantinople, and from Constantinople you can sail to the Pontus Sea, into which the Dnieper River flows. The Dnieper flows out of the Okovsky forest and flows south, and the Dvina flows from the same forest, and heads north, and flows into the Varangian Sea. From the same forest, the Volga flows to the east and flows through seventy mouths into the Khvalis Sea. Therefore, from Russia you can sail along the Volga to the Bolgars and Khvalisy, and go east to the lot of Sim, and along the Dvina to the land of the Varangians, from the Varangians to Rome, from Rome to the Khamov tribe. And the Dnieper flows at its mouth into the Pontic Sea; this sea is reputed to be Russian, - it was taught along the shores, as they say, by St. Andrew, brother of Peter.

When Andrei taught in Sinop and arrived in Korsun, he learned that the mouth of the Dnieper was not far from Korsun, and he wanted to go to Rome, and sailed to the mouth of the Dnieper, and from there he went up the Dnieper. And it so happened that he came and stood under the mountains on the shore. And in the morning he got up and said to the disciples who were with him: “Do you see these mountains? On these mountains the grace of God will shine, there will be a great city, and God will raise many churches.” And having ascended these mountains, he blessed them, and put up a cross, and prayed to God, and descended from this mountain, where Kyiv would later be, and went up the Dnieper. And he came to the Slavs, where Novgorod now stands, and saw the people living there - what is their custom and how they wash and whip, and was surprised at them. And he went to the country of the Varangians, and came to Rome, and told about how he taught and what he saw, and said: “I saw a miracle in the Slavic land on my way here. I saw wooden bathhouses, and they would heat them up strongly, and they would undress and be naked, and they would cover themselves with leather kvass, and the young would lift the rods on themselves and beat themselves, and they would finish themselves off so much that they would barely get out, barely alive, and would pour themselves over with icy water, and that's the only way they'll come alive. And they do this all the time, they are not tormented by anyone, but they torment themselves, and then they make ablution for themselves, and not torment. Those, hearing about it, were surprised; Andrey, having been in Rome, came to Sinop.

The meadows lived separately in those days and were ruled by their own clans; for even before that brethren (which will be discussed later) there were already clearings, and they all lived in their own families in their places, and each was governed independently. And there were three brothers: one named Kyi, the other Shchek, and the third Khoriv, ​​and their sister Lybid. Kiy sat on the mountain, where the Borichev rise is now, and Shchek sat on the mountain, which is now called Shchekovitsa, and Khoriv on the third mountain, which was nicknamed Horivitsa after his name. And they built a city in honor of their elder brother, and called it Kyiv. There was a forest around the city and a large pine forest, and they caught animals there, and those men were wise and sensible, and they were called glades, from them the glade is still in Kyiv.

Some, not knowing, say that Kiy was a carrier; there was then a transfer from the other side of the Dnieper to Kyiv, which is why they said: “To transfer to Kyiv.” If Kiy had been a carrier, he would not have gone to Constantinople; and this Kiy reigned in his generation, and when he went to the king, they say that he received great honors from the king to whom he came. When he was returning, he came to the Danube, and chose the place, and cut down a small town, and wanted to sit in it with his family, but the people living around did not give him; this is how the inhabitants of the Danube still call the settlement that - Kievets. Kiy, returning to his city of Kyiv, died here; and his brothers Shchek and Khoriv and their sister Lybid died immediately.

The Tale of Bygone Years is an ancient Russian chronicle created at the beginning of the 12th century. The story is an essay that tells about the events that took place and are taking place in Russia at that time.

The Tale of Bygone Years was compiled in Kyiv, later rewritten several times, but was not greatly changed. The chronicle covers the period from biblical times up to 1137, dated articles begin from 852.

All dated articles are essays beginning with the words “In the summer such and such ...”, which means that entries were added to the annals every year and told about the events that took place. One article per year. This distinguishes the Tale of Bygone Years from all the chronicles that were written before. The text of the chronicle also contains legends, folklore stories, copies of documents (for example, teachings of Vladimir Monomakh) and extracts from other chronicles.

The story got its name thanks to its first phrase, which opens the narrative - "The Tale of Bygone Years ..."

The history of the creation of the Tale of Bygone Years

The author of the idea of ​​the Tale of Bygone Years is the monk Nestor, who lived and worked at the turn of the 11th and 12th centuries in the Kiev Caves Monastery. Despite the fact that the author's name appears only in later copies of the chronicle, it is the monk Nestor who is considered the first chronicler in Russia, and The Tale of Bygone Years is considered the first Russian chronicle.

The oldest version of the annalistic code, which has come down to the present, is dated to the 14th century and is a copy made by the monk Lavrenty (Laurentian Chronicle). The original edition of the creator of the Tale of Bygone Years, Nestor, has been lost, today there are only revised versions from various scribes and later compilers.

Today, there are several theories regarding the history of the creation of The Tale of Bygone Years. According to one of them, the chronicle was written by Nestor in Kyiv in 1037. It was based on ancient legends, folk songs, documents, oral stories and documents preserved in monasteries. After writing, this first edition was rewritten and revised several times by various monks, including Nestor himself, who added elements of Christian ideology to it. According to other sources, the chronicle was written much later, in 1110.

Genre and features of the Tale of Bygone Years

The genre of the Tale of Bygone Years is defined by experts as historical, but scientists argue that the chronicle is neither a work of art nor historical in the full sense of the word.

A distinctive feature of the chronicle is that it does not interpret events, but only tells about them. The attitude of the author or scribe to everything that is told in the annals was determined only by the presence of God's Will, which determines everything. Causal relationships and interpretation from the point of view of other positions was uninteresting and was not included in the annals.

The Tale of Bygone Years had an open genre, that is, it could consist of completely different parts - from folk tales to notes about the weather.

The chronicle in ancient times also had a legal significance, as a set of documents and laws.

The original purpose of writing the Tale of Bygone Years is to study and explain the origin of the Russian people, the origin of princely power and a description of the spread of Christianity in Russia.

The beginning of the Tale of Bygone Years is a story about the appearance of the Slavs. The Russians are presented by the chronicler as the descendants of Japheth, one of the sons of Noah. At the very beginning of the narrative, stories are given that tell about the life of the East Slavic tribes: about the princes, about the calling of Rurik, Truvor and Sineus to reign, and about the formation of the Rurik dynasty in Russia.

The main part of the content of the chronicle is made up of descriptions of wars, legends about the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, the exploits of Nikita Kozhemyaka and other heroes.

The final part consists of descriptions of battles and princely obituaries.

Thus, the basis of the Tale of Bygone Years is:

  • Traditions about the resettlement of the Slavs, the calling of the Varangians and the formation of Russia;
  • Description of the baptism of Russia;
  • Description of the life of the Grand Dukes: Oleg, Vladimir, Olga and others;
  • Lives of the Saints;
  • Description of wars and military campaigns.

The significance of the Tale of Bygone Years can hardly be overestimated - it was it that became the first document in which the history of Kievan Rus was recorded from its very formation. The chronicle later served as the main source of knowledge for subsequent historical descriptions and research. In addition, due to the open genre, the Tale of Bygone Years has a high value as a cultural and literary monument.

The Tale of Bygone Years occupies a special place in the history of Russian public consciousness and the history of Russian literature. This is not only the oldest of the chronicles that have come down to us, telling about the emergence of the Russian state and the first centuries of its history, but at the same time the most important monument of historiography, which reflected the ideas of ancient Russian scribes of the early 12th century. about the place of the Russians among other Slavic peoples, ideas about the emergence of Russia as a state and the origin of the ruling dynasty, in which, as they would say today, the main directions of foreign and domestic policy are illuminated with extraordinary clarity. The Tale of Bygone Years testifies to the highly developed national self-consciousness at that time: the Russian land conceives itself as a powerful state with its own independent policy, ready, if necessary, to enter into single combat even with the powerful Byzantine Empire, closely connected by political interests and kinship relations of rulers not only with neighboring countries - Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, but also with Germany, and even with France, Denmark, Sweden. Russia conceives itself as an Orthodox state, already from the first years of its Christian history, sanctified by special divine grace: it is rightfully proud of its patron saints - princes Boris and Gleb, its shrines - monasteries and temples, its spiritual mentors - theologians and preachers, the most famous of which , of course, was in the XI century. Metropolitan Hilarion. The guarantee of the integrity and military power of Russia should have been the dominion in it of a single princely dynasty - the Rurikovichs. Therefore, reminders that all princes are blood brothers are a constant motif of The Tale of Bygone Years, because in practice Russia is shaken by internecine strife and brother raises his hand to brother more than once. Another topic is persistently discussed by the chronicler: the Polovtsian danger. The Polovtsian khans, sometimes allies and matchmakers of the Russian princes, most often nevertheless acted as leaders of devastating raids, they besieged and burned cities, exterminated the inhabitants, and led away lines of prisoners. The Tale of Bygone Years introduces its readers to the very thick of these political, military, and ideological problems that were relevant for that time.


When the meadows lived on their own on these mountains, there was a path from the Varangians to the Greeks and from the Greeks along the Dnieper, and in the upper reaches of the Dnieper it dragged to Lovot, and along Lovot you can enter Ilmen, the great lake; Volkhov flows out of the same lake and flows into the Great Lake Nevo, and the mouth of that lake flows into the Varangian Sea. And by that sea you can even reach Rome, and from Rome you can come along the same sea to Constantinople, and from Constantinople you can come to the Pontus Sea, into which the Dnieper River flows. The Dnieper flows out of the Okovsky forest and flows south, and the Dvina flows from the same forest and goes north, and flows into the Varangian Sea. From the same forest, the Volga flows to the east and flows through seventy mouths into the Khvalis Sea. Therefore, from Russia you can sail along the Volga to the Bolgars and Khvalisy, and go east to the lot of Sim, and along the Dvina to the Varangians, and from the Varangians to Rome, from Rome to the Khamov tribe. And the Dnieper flows into the Pontic Sea by three mouths; this sea is called Russian, - St. Andrew, Peter's brother, taught him along the shores.

As they say, when Andrei taught in Sinop and arrived in Korsun, he learned that the mouth of the Dnieper was not far from Korsun, and he wanted to go to Rome, and sailed to the mouth of the Dnieper, and from there he went up the Dnieper. And it so happened that he came and stood under the mountains on the shore. And in the morning, getting up, he said to the disciples who were with him: “Do you see these mountains? So the grace of God will shine on these mountains, there will be a great city, and God will build many churches. And having ascended these mountains, he blessed them and put up a cross, and prayed to God, and descended from this mountain, where Kyiv would later be, and went up the Dnieper. And he came to the Slavs, where Novgorod now stands, and saw the people living there - what is their custom and how they wash and whip, and marveled at them. And he went to the Varangians, and came to Rome, and told about how many he taught and whom he saw, and told them: “I saw a miracle in the Slavic land when I came here. I saw wooden baths, and they would heat them up strongly, and they would undress and be naked, and douse themselves with soap, and take brooms, and start whipping, and they would beat themselves to such an extent that they would barely get out, barely alive, and douse themselves with icy water, and only in this way would they come to life. And they do this all the time, not tormented by anyone, but they torment themselves, and then they do not wash themselves, but<...>torment." Those, hearing, were amazed; Andrew, having been in Rome, came to Sinop.


In 1110-1113, the first edition (version) of the Tale of Bygone Years was completed - a lengthy chronicle that absorbed numerous information on the history of Russia: about the Russian wars with the Byzantine Empire, about the calling to Russia for the reign of the Scandinavians Rurik, Truvor and Sineus, about the history of the Kievan- Caves monastery, about princely crimes. The probable author of this chronicle is the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery Nestor. This edition has not survived in its original form.

The first edition of the Tale of Bygone Years reflected the political interests of the then Kyiv prince Svyatopolk Izyaslavich. In 1113, Svyatopolk died, and Prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh ascended the throne of Kyiv. In 1116, the monk Sylvester (in the Promonomach spirit) and in 1117-1118. unknown scribe from the entourage of Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich (son of Vladimir Monomakh), the text of the Tale of Bygone Years was revised. This is how the second and third editions of the Tale of Bygone Years arose; the oldest list of the second edition has come down to us as part of the Laurentian, and the earliest list of the third - as part of the Ipatiev Chronicle.


Having become the prince of Kyiv, Vladimir Monomakh retained his "fatherland" - the principality of Pereyaslavl, as well as Suzdal and Rostov. He recognized the power of Vladimir and Veliky Novgorod, obeying his orders and accepting princes from him. In 1118, Vladimir demanded to himself "all the boyars of Novgorod" to bring them to the oath. He sent some of them back to Novgorod, and “leave others with you.” Under Vladimir, the former military power of the ancient Russian state, weakened by the previous feudal strife, was restored. The Polovtsy suffered a crushing blow, and they did not dare to attack the Russian land ...

One of the measures during the reign of Vladimir Monomakh in Kyiv in 1113 was the correction of Nestor's "Tale of Bygone Years" in order to more correctly cover the reign of Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, hated by the Kyiv working people. Monomakh entrusted this matter to the abbot of the Vydubetsky monastery, Sylvester. The Vydubetsky Monastery was founded by the father of Vladimir Monomakh, Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich, and, naturally, he took the side of this prince, and after his death - the side of his son. Sylvester conscientiously fulfilled the task entrusted to him. He rewrote The Tale of Bygone Years and supplemented it with several inserts about Svyatopolk's negative actions. So, Sylvester introduced into the "Tale of Bygone Years" under the year 1097 the story of the priest Vasily about the blinding of Vasilko Rostislavich. Then, in a new way, he outlined the history of the campaign of the Russian princes against the Polovtsians in 1103. Although this campaign was led by Svyatopolk, as the senior prince of Kyiv, Sylvester's pen Svyatopolk was relegated to the background, and Vladimir Monomakh, who really participated in this campaign, but did not lead it, was put in the first place.

The fact that this version could not belong to Nestor, a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, is clear from a comparison with it of a story about the same campaign that is available in the Kiev-Pechersk Patericon, which probably follows the tradition from Nestor himself. In the story "Paterika" Vladimir Monomakh is not even mentioned, and the victory over the Polovtsy is attributed to one Svyatopolk, who received a blessing before the campaign from the monks of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

While editing Nestor's The Tale of Bygone Years, Sylvester did not continue it for a single year, but issued an indication of the authorship of the Kiev-Pechersk monk. Under the same year 1110, Sylvester made the following addition: “Hegumen Sylvester of St. Michael wrote these books, chronicler, hoping from God to receive mercy under Prince Volodimer, who reigned over him Kiev, and at that time I was abbess at St. Michael, in the summer of 6624 (1116) indicta 9. And if you read these books, then be in prayers. Since Sylvester's edition received official recognition, it formed the basis of all further Russian chronicle writing and has come down to us in many later chronicle lists. The Nestor text of The Tale of Bygone Years, which remained the property of only the Kiev-Pechersk tradition, has not reached us, although some traces of differences between this text and the Sylvester edition have been preserved, as already mentioned, in separate stories of the later Kiev-Pechersk Patericon. In this "Paterik" there is also an indication of Nestor, who wrote the Russian "chronicler".

In 1118, the Sylvestrian edition of The Tale of Bygone Years was continued, apparently in connection with the inclusion of the well-known Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh written in that year. According to the convincing assumption of M. Priselkov, the addition was made by the son of Vladimir Monomakh Mstislav, who was then in Novgorod. Of great interest among these additions are two stories about the northern countries, heard by the author in 1114, when he was present at the laying of a stone wall in Ladoga. The Ladoga posadnik Pavel told him about the northern countries beyond Yugra and Samoyed. Another story about these countries, heard by the author from the Novgorodian Gyuryata Rogovich, is placed under the year 1096, indicating that he was heard "for the past 4 years." Since both stories are closely related in content, the words “previously 4 years” should be attributed to the time of writing this insert in 1118, when the author heard the first story as well .. Since the original manuscript of Mstislav has not come down to us, but only her later lists, then the only explanation for the resulting confusion may be a random rearrangement of the original sheets from which these lists were then made. Such an assumption is all the more admissible, since in the available lists under the year 1096 there is also the "Instruction of Vladimir Monomakh", written no earlier than 1117.

Tale of Bygone Years

Tale of Bygone Years

"The Tale of Bygone Years" is the earliest chronicle that has come down to us. It belongs to the beginning of the XII century. This code is known as part of a number of annalistic collections that have been preserved in the lists, of which the best and oldest are Lavrentiev 1377 and Ipatiev 1520s. The chronicle absorbed a large amount of materials from legends, stories, legends, oral poetic traditions about various historical figures and events. Published in D.S. Likhachev's translation.



So let's start this story.

After the flood, the three sons of Noah divided the earth - Shem, Ham, Japheth. And Shem got the east: Persia, Bactria, even to India in longitude, and in breadth to Rinokorur, that is, from east to south, and Syria, and Media to the Euphrates River, Babylon, Korduna, Assyrians, Mesopotamia, Arabia the Oldest, Elimais, Indy, Arabia Strong, Kolia, Commagene, all Phoenicia.

Ham got the south: Egypt, Ethiopia, neighboring India, and another Ethiopia, from which flows the Ethiopian Red River, flowing to the east, Thebes, Libya, neighboring Kyrenia, Marmaria, Sirte, another Libya, Numidia, Masouria, Mauritania, located opposite Gadir. In his possessions in the east are also: Cilicnia, Pamphylia, Pisidia, Mysia, Lycaonia, Phrygia, Kamalia, Lycia, Caria, Lydia, other Mysia, Troad, Aeolis, Bithynia, Old Phrygia and the islands of some: Sardinia, Crete, Cyprus and the river Geona, otherwise called the Nile.

Japheth got the northern and western countries: Media, Albania, Armenia Small and Great, Cappadocia, Paphlagonia, Galatia, Colchis, Bosphorus, Meots, Depevia, Capmatia, the inhabitants of Taurida, Scythia, Thrace, Macedonia, Dalmatia, Malosia, Thessaly, Locris, Swaddling, which is also called the Peloponnese, Arcadia, Epirus, Illyria, Slavs, Lichnitia, Adriakia, the Adriatic Sea. The islands also got: Britain, Sicily, Euboea, Rhodes, Chios, Lesbos, Kitira, Zakynthos, Kefallinia, Ithaca, Kerkyra, a part of Asia called Ionia, and the Tigris River, flowing between Media and Babylon; to the Pontic Sea to the north: the Danube, the Dnieper, the Caucasus Mountains, that is, the Hungarian ones, and from there to the Dnieper, and other rivers: the Desna, Pripyat, Dvina, Volkhov, Volga, which flows east to the part of Simov. In the Japhet part, Russians, Chud and all sorts of peoples are sitting: Merya, Muroma, the whole, Mordovians, Zavolochskaya Chud, Perm, Pechera, Yam, Ugra, Lithuania, Zimigola, Kors, Letgola, Livs. The Poles and the Prussians, the Chud, are sitting near the Varangian Sea. The Varangians sit along this sea: from here to the east - to the limits of the Simovs, they sit along the same sea and to the west - to the land of England and Voloshskaya. The offspring of Japheth also: Varangians, Swedes, Normans, Goths, Rus, Angles, Galicians, Volokhi, Romans, Germans, Korlyazis, Venetians, Fryags and others - they adjoin the southern countries in the west and neighbor with the Khamov tribe.

Shem, Ham and Japheth divided the land by casting lots, and decided not to enter into the share of a brother to anyone, and each lived in his own part. And there was one people. And when people multiplied on earth, they planned to create a pillar to the sky - it was in the days of Nectan and Peleg. And they gathered in the place of the field of Shinar to build a pillar to heaven, and near it the city of Babylon; and they built that pillar for 40 years, and did not finish it. And the Lord God came down to see the city and the pillar, and the Lord said: Behold, one generation and one people. And God confused the nations, and divided them into 70 and 2 nations, and scattered them over all the earth. After the confusion of the peoples, God destroyed the pillar with a great wind; and its remnants are found between Assyria and Babylon, and are 5433 cubits high and wide, and these remnants have been preserved for many years.

After the destruction of the pillar and the division of the peoples, the sons of Shem took the eastern countries, and the sons of Ham - the southern countries, while Japheth took the west and the northern countries. From the same 70 and 2 the Slavic people also descended, from the tribe of Japheth - the so-called Noriki, who are the Slavs.

After a long time, the Slavs settled along the Danube, where now the land is Hungarian and Bulgarian. From those Slavs, the Slavs dispersed throughout the earth and were called by their names from the places where they sat down. So some, having come, sat down on the river by the name of Morava and were called Morava, while others were called Czechs. And here are the same Slavs: white Croats, and Serbs, and Horutans. When the Volokhi attacked the Danubian Slavs, and settled among them, and oppressed them, these Slavs came and sat on the Vistula and were called Poles, and from those Poles came Poles, other Poles - Lutich, others - Mazovshan, others - Pomeranians.

In the same way, these Slavs came and sat down along the Dnieper and called themselves glades, and others - Drevlyans, because they sat in the forests, while others sat down between Pripyat and Dvina and called themselves Dregovichi, others sat down along the Dvina and were called Polochans, along the river flowing into the Dvina , called Polota, from which the Polotsk people were named. The same Slavs who sat down near Lake Ilmen were called by their own name Slavs, and built a city, and called it Novgorod. And others sat down along the Desna, and along the Seim, and along the Sula, and called themselves northerners. And so the Slavic people dispersed, and after his name the charter was called Slavic.

When the glade lived separately along these mountains, there was a path from the Varangians to the Greeks and from the Greeks along the Dnieper, and in the upper reaches of the Dnieper it dragged to Lovot, and along Lovot you can enter Ilmen, a great lake; Volkhov flows out of the same lake and flows into the Great Lake Nevo, and the mouth of that lake flows into the Varangian Sea. And on that sea you can sail to Rome, and from Rome you can sail along the same sea to Constantinople, and from Constantinople you can sail to the Pontus Sea, into which the Dnieper River flows. The Dnieper flows out of the Okovsky forest and flows south, and the Dvina flows from the same forest, and heads north, and flows into the Varangian Sea. From the same forest, the Volga flows to the east and flows through seventy mouths into the Khvalis Sea. Therefore, from Russia you can sail along the Volga to the Bolgars and Khvalisy, and go east to the lot of Sim, and along the Dvina to the land of the Varangians, from the Varangians to Rome, from Rome to the Khamov tribe. And the Dnieper flows at its mouth into the Pontic Sea; this sea is reputed to be Russian, - it was taught along the shores, as they say, by St. Andrew, brother of Peter.

When Andrei taught in Sinop and arrived in Korsun, he learned that the mouth of the Dnieper was not far from Korsun, and he wanted to go to Rome, and sailed to the mouth of the Dnieper, and from there he went up the Dnieper. And it so happened that he came and stood under the mountains on the shore. And in the morning he got up and said to the disciples who were with him: "Do you see these mountains? The grace of God will shine on these mountains, there will be a great city, and God will raise many churches." And having ascended these mountains, he blessed them, and put up a cross, and prayed to God, and descended from this mountain, where Kyiv would later be, and went up the Dnieper. And he came to the Slavs, where Novgorod now stands, and saw the people living there - what is their custom and how they wash and whip, and was surprised at them. And he went to the country of the Varangians, and came to Rome, and told about how he taught and what he saw, and said: “I saw a miracle in the Slavic land on my way here. I saw wooden baths, and they would heat them up strongly, and undress and be naked, and covered with leather kvass, and young people lifted twigs on themselves, and beat themselves, and beat themselves to such an extent that they barely crawled out, barely alive, and covered themselves with icy water, and only then came to life. but they torment themselves, and then they perform ablution for themselves, and not torment." Those, hearing about it, were surprised; Andrey, having been in Rome, came to Sinop.

The meadows lived separately in those days and were ruled by their own clans; for even before that brethren (which will be discussed later) there were already clearings, and they all lived in their own families in their places, and each was governed independently. And there were three brothers: one named Kyi, the other - Shchek and the third - Khoriv, ​​and their sister was Lybid. Kiy sat on the mountain, where the Borichev rise is now, and Shchek sat on the mountain, which is now called Shchekovitsa, and Khoriv on the third mountain, which was nicknamed Horivitsa after his name. And they built a city in honor of their elder brother, and called it Kyiv. There was a forest around the city and a large pine forest, and they caught animals there, and those men were wise and sensible, and they were called glades, from them the glade is still in Kyiv.