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Tongue massage at home. Speech therapy tongue massage video

In order to eliminate the defect in the speech of children due to a short frenulum under the tongue, one should massage the tongue with dysarthria and correct pronunciation with the assistance of gymnastic exercises.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria is one of the existing techniques in speech therapy that contributes to the process of normalizing speech and the psychological state of children suffering from various defects in speech.

Speech therapy massage can in general:

  • Normalize and activate the muscles that stimulate the speech apparatus;
  • Strengthen pharyngeal reflexes;
  • Increase the elasticity of the tongue area.

Indications and contraindications

The basic requirements for massage for dysarthria are presented in the form of alalia and dyslalia.

By a similar procedure it is possible to restore the pronunciation of words and muscle activity, eliminate the pathology of the vocal cords, significantly improve the excretory function of the skin, activate the flow of the circulatory and lymphatic systems in order to increase gas exchange.

Do a massage for dysarthria in a day or every day for ten to twenty operations with an interval of one and a half months. The first session lasts from a minute to six, at the end of the month - from fifteen to twenty minutes. For children up to three years old, massaging is carried out for up to ten minutes, for children under seven years old - fifteen minutes, after seven years - twenty-five minutes.

It is forbidden to massage with infections. In the presence of convulsions, anxious behavior of children with a blue nasolabial fold, massaging is carried out slowly and already at the end of how the baby calms down.

Execution technique

Of course, doctors will perform this massage in a more efficient way, since they have education and experience. But if there is a desire, the mother of the child can learn the basic techniques of such a massage and do it on her own.

What needs to be done in order to start speech therapy massage for dysarthria at home? First, in order to normalize muscle tone, it is worth choosing a good location for the baby. The most optimal are the following:

The child lies on his back, a small pillow is placed under the neck. The head is tilted back a little. If it is possible to do the procedure on a reclining chair, then you can do the procedure on it. Small children should be placed in a stroller or crib. Children who are nervous and crying should be placed in their mother's arms.

This is followed by kneading the neck with gentle and soothing movements with the thumbs. Then they strengthen and activate the muscles of the lips with the help of a special massage for five to six seconds: they press with the pads of the fingers with circular movements in places near the lips and massage counterclockwise. Massage from the central part to the corners of the lips up and down.

When massaging the tongue from root to tip:

  1. Do exercises to activate the longitudinal muscles.
  2. They strengthen the muscles by vigorously pressing on the root system, moving towards the end, up to six times a day.
  3. They strengthen and stimulate work in the transverse muscles by stroking with the thumb, the Ball probe. If it is possible to do this with a brush, then it is worth carrying out the procedure four to six times twice a day.
  4. They perform the process of strengthening the muscles and increasing movements for articulation by cutting off the edges with the Needle probe (once a day, for ten seconds). If there is a predisposition to sleep during the procedure, they finish chipping.
  5. They do the process of reducing salivation by massage in the tongue at several points at once.
  6. Massage is performed without causing discomfort to the baby - six to ten seconds.
  7. Muscles are strengthened by kneading with fingers, which are wrapped in a gauze napkin.
  8. Do a thorough kneading for six to eight seconds, twice a day. Kneading the area with the right thumb, fingers - from below the tongue massaging with rubbing movements.

Next, compression occurs with the help of light grinding of the tongue with fingers, followed by a repetition of this procedure. Perform the process of pinching the edges of the tongue, then patting it with a spatula (for ten to fifteen seconds). With this procedure, the baby must have a gauze roller on the teeth below.

It is recommended to weaken the muscles of the neck, as well as in places called the collar region and the muscles that move the jaw down until the session is performed (from Arkhipov's technique, speech therapy massage for dysarthria).

Toothbrush massage

Devices for massaging can be taken different. From special to ordinary. In domestic circumstances, it is allowed to massage the tongue with a toothbrush for dysarthria. For the procedure, you must first get a brush with delicate villi.

Gauze pads are placed under the tongue, which will need to be changed every two minutes, since the baby will salivate abundantly during the operation. Movements with a brush must be without powerful pressure.. Circular movements are allowed, however, after preparatory procedures. It is allowed to brush the tongue with intermittent movements over the entire area.

The level of effectiveness of the exercise can be set by the reaction of the baby. If he likes the process, he will feel positive emotions, showing them on his own face. Often practice the procedure in the child in the form of fun, which will be excellent entertainment and a necessary pastime.

The child's tongue must be completely weakened- for this it is necessary to massage the submandibular fossa. The whole procedure is carried out with the fingers of the handles without significant pressure and with a toothbrush. It is worth repeating for a better memory that it is necessary to change napkins as much as possible, making a massage with a toothbrush for dysarthria.

Facial massage

Facial massage for children for the development of speech contributes not only to the development of mimic means of communication, but also to the formation of the oral area, which is required for the standard nutrition of children and the further formation of speech.

During the massage, you should actively contact the baby, sing songs to him, tell fairy tales and poems, it is possible to accompany the massaging with quiet music.

Among the main methods are applicable procedures in the form of stroking and simple vibration, which contribute to the complete relaxation of the body. When stroking, the brush glides over the skin without moving it into folds. First, a shallow stroke is applied, then a deeper one.

In general, the procedure looks like this: first, stroking occurs in the forehead, then the eye sockets and nose, after which the ears, cheekbones and lips are kneaded. At the end, the facial muscles are kneaded in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial fold.


Before you start massaging your own child, we offer you to take special courses “acupressure for dysarthria”. It will take a little time, but you will be confident in your own abilities and clearly understand that you cannot harm. You can learn massage in a short time, it is possible to learn how to do it in a few lessons.

For children with significant speech disorders, it is not enough to conduct only respiratory and articulatory gymnastics. In some cases, speech therapy massage is prescribed to correct pronunciation. Speech defects that are not eliminated in a timely manner can cause a child to develop deviations in behavior, self-doubt, memory impairment, and impaired attention.

The general concept of speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage involves an active effect on the chewing and facial muscles of the face and neck. According to the method proposed by E. A. Dyakova, a specialist in the problem of stuttering, the emphasis during the procedure is on the neck, shoulder girdle and head. The massage of the lateral surfaces of the cheeks, the soft palate, the muscles of the cheekbones, and the tongue is carried out. Techniques such as patting, stroking, vibration, rubbing used during the procedure improve blood circulation, normalize muscle tone, and normalize metabolic processes. During massage, the influence of the main and indirect muscles on the functioning of the speech apparatus and the symmetry of the structure of the muscles of the tongue are taken into account.

E. A. Dyakova places special emphasis on working with children. It is very important that the massage of a small child is painless and very gentle. Particularly difficult are manipulations that require the use of special devices. Therefore, parents should entrust this work to a professional, for example, by contacting a speech therapy center. However, the procedure can also be carried out at home by watching the training video.

The effect of speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage:

1. Normalizes the tone of the muscles of the speech apparatus. In the case of severe diseases, it reduces the degree of manifestation of motor defects in the muscles involved in articulation.

2. Include in the process of articulation muscles that were not previously involved in this.

3. Activates groups of muscles of the speech apparatus that have insufficient contractility.

4. Reduces the active secretion of the salivary glands.

5. Strengthens the pharyngeal reflex.

6. Stimulates kinesthetic sensations (feeling your own body parts).

7. Creates conditions for the development of voluntary and coordinated movements of the articulatory apparatus.

8. Increases the elasticity of the muscles of the tongue, normalizes their contractile function.

9. With a delay in the development of the child, stimulates colloquial speech.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria in children has the best effect not only on the functioning of the speech apparatus, but on the whole organism as a whole. Massage activates blood circulation, improves the nutrition of the skin and internal organs, and accelerates the outflow of venous blood. Thanks to the procedure, the working capacity of the muscles increases, their elasticity increases, and the contractile function improves.

When massaging the tongue and the inner oral cavity, the child's speech breathing improves, the ability to pronounce sounds that he could not reproduce before appears. With the help of therapeutic massage, it is possible to establish the process of breastfeeding in the case when the newborn does not take the breast well.

It is best if the massage on the face, neck and shoulder girdle of the child will be carried out by a qualified specialist who owns all the necessary equipment and knows the anatomy of the muscles that make up the articulatory apparatus. Proper processing of the tongue during the procedure requires the use of special probes, which, if used carelessly, can injure the mucous membranes of a child's mouth. For a professional massage, you can contact the speech therapy center. Parents can do simple elements of massage on their own, after consulting with a speech therapist or watching a special video. Detailed recommendations for the treatment procedure are given in the book, authored by E. A. Dyakova.

In the room where speech therapy massage is performed, the child should be comfortable. The optimum temperature for the procedure is 22 degrees. Any massage, including speech therapy, should be performed with clean, warm hands that do not have inflammatory diseases. Jewelry should be removed and nails cut short. Speech therapy massage should be carried out 2 hours after the child has eaten. Before the session, it is necessary to remove the remnants of food from the baby's tongue.

During therapeutic massage, the child should not feel pain or discomfort. If the baby refuses to take a horizontal position, at the first session you can seat him. In the future, speech therapy massage is best done in a prone position. If the parents chose a speech therapy center for the procedure, it is desirable that the massage takes place in the presence of the mother. If the child is negative, the mother can watch a training video in order to independently perform light massage actions on the baby's face.

The duration of the course and the duration of the procedures depend on the age of the baby and the form of dysfunction of the speech apparatus. For a baby, as well as for minor speech defects, a 5-minute session is enough. In severe forms of the disorder, speech therapy massage can be carried out for 25 minutes.

Massage for a child, including speech therapy, is prescribed in a course of 15-20 sessions. The procedure should be carried out daily, after the completed course, it is necessary to take a monthly break, and then repeat the cycle. In case of severe violations of the functions of the speech apparatus, several massage sessions may be required.

Contraindications for speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage can not be performed with:


Herpes on the lips or other part of the face;

Inflammatory diseases of the eyes;

Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;

Acute infectious disease;

Injuries of the tongue, for example, burns;

Enlarged lymph nodes;

Increased intracranial pressure;

Fungal diseases of the skin;

active form of tuberculosis;

oncological diseases;


Diseases of the blood and capillaries;

Hematomas on massaged areas of the body.

If the child was sick, any massage, including speech therapy, can be performed no earlier than 10 days after a complete cure. Before starting the course, it is important to be examined by a pediatrician and a neurologist and get a conclusion from them that there are no contraindications. If during the procedure the child screams, resists, breaks out, the session should be stopped, and the baby should be calmed down.

With various speech disorders in a child, it is important to complete a course of speech therapy massage on time. The sooner dad and mom take care of restoring the functions of the baby's speech apparatus, the faster and easier it will become to speak correctly. To carry out a medical procedure, you can contact a speech therapy center or do simple manipulations on your own by watching a special video.

Video speech therapy massage.

The appearance in the family of a small copy of mom or dad causes joy and tenderness. First, you look at his every fold and dash, and then you look forward to when he says the first word. As long as the baby only gurgles, there is no reason to worry. Growing up, the baby begins to master speech skills, but the development of the child is always individual. It may happen that your treasure will encounter certain difficulties in mastering speech. Apparent delay or various defects require timely correction. For the last ten years, in speech therapy, they have resorted to massage of the child's tongue - this massage is aimed at eliminating various articulation disorders and speech defects in children.

Speech therapy massage is a very effective procedure that is aimed at developing problematic areas of the tongue and improving articulation

In what cases is it applied?

Massage is an ancient method of treating various ailments. By studying the human body, doctors from many countries found special points, by pressing which many diseases could be cured. The speech therapy version of massage for children works on the same principle. Certain points of the tongue, lips, ear lobes, cheeks and hands are subjected to manual influence. Such a massage is prescribed for children when they are diagnosed with the following congenital or acquired abnormalities:

  • partial loss or slight impairment of voice;
  • various speech defects;
  • hypertonicity of the facial muscles (more in the article:);
  • uncontrolled salivation;
  • dysarthria (limited mobility of the lips, tongue, palate);
  • problems in the development of articulatory muscles;
  • (all types);
  • strong tension of the facial muscles, causing pathology of pronunciation.

Speech defects in a child require correction, otherwise in the future they will become a serious problem, an obstacle to many activities. Massage is one of the most effective ways to correct articulation.

What problems does massage correct?

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Speech therapy massage is represented by several types: probe massage by Novikova, massage according to Dyakova, Prikhodko, Krause. Using various techniques and techniques, they all perform the following tasks:

  • normalize the tone and motility of the articulatory apparatus;
  • increase the duration and force of exhalation;
  • develop fine motor skills and hand manipulation;
  • develop the rhythm of limb movement and breathing;
  • develop visual differentiated movements;
  • stimulate kinetic movements;
  • improve emotional reactions;
  • contribute to the development of manipulation of hands with objects;
  • reduce the severity of stuttering (more in the article:);
  • reduce manifestation.

Of course, the greatest effect is achieved when speech therapy massage is carried out by a trained specialist. If you do not have the opportunity to contact a specialist, you can learn some of the techniques of speech therapy massage on your own.

We have prepared for you a description of simple exercises that you can perform at home.

Hand massage techniques

Scientific evidence of the connection between fine motor skills and speech skills was obtained by physicians as early as the 14th century. The studies undertaken have shown that fine motor skills of the fingers are in direct connection with the functions of the brain. Scientists have also identified areas of responsibility for each finger of the hands:

  • large is associated with the brain;
  • index is responsible for the stomach;
  • medium affects the spine and intestines;
  • nameless helps the liver;
  • the little finger works on the heart.

We will begin our training with finger exercises, especially since speech therapy finger massage is safe and beneficial for everyone, it can also be done on a newborn baby (see also:). It simultaneously contributes to the development of fine motor skills in children. Before you start massaging the baby's hands, let's take care of the hygiene of our own hands - be sure to disinfect them with alcohol or use sterilium, grease your palms with baby oil. Let's start massaging the brushes:

  1. We work out the little finger from the nail to the base, kneading each joint well. We do the exercise on both handles.
  2. We press the pads of all fingers 3-10 times. First, we make light pressure, then we increase the pressure and increase the number of pressures.
  3. An exercise similar to a white-sided magpie. We massage the baby's palm with the index finger, making circular movements.
  4. We use the same circular movements, but we lead the index finger from the edge to the center of the child's palm. We repeat the reception several times.
  5. For this exercise, you need to take a ring massager. We put it on alternately on each finger, starting with the little finger.
  6. We take a rubber ball with spikes or a special wooden massager. We lead the baby's palm from the wrist to the fingers.

Acupressure and circular massage of the tongue works on the development of the articulatory apparatus. How much your child needs it, it is better to find out from a specialist, consultation is also important for proper exercise. It is useful to watch the video at the end of the article.

At home, tongue exercises can be done with an electric toothbrush or with a set of Kampol children's toothbrushes (more in the article:). They will almost completely replace special speech therapy tools.

When massaging the tongue, circular and point movements alternate, each technique is repeated 3-10 times. Exercise examples:

  • Pointwise massage the tongue, leading the brush from the base along the left edge, the tip of the tongue and along the right edge. We write the English letter U.
  • We repeat the exercise. We make circular movements.
  • We draw a toothbrush in a zigzag pattern, from the base to the tip, alternating circles and dots.
  • We massage the edge on the left side, first dotted, then in circles. Repeat the exercise on the right side.
  • We display the bird (V), starting from the bridle and ending at the tip (we recommend reading:). We “draw” the tails of the bird, first on the left side, then on the right. We alternate massage techniques.
  • We lead two parallel lines - the left edge, then the right edge. We alternate movements, starting with point ones.

It is advisable for parents to master the massage technique from a speech therapist, and only then conduct sessions on their own. Such reinsurance is needed so as not to harm the delicate articulatory apparatus

Lip massage

Children have different attitudes towards strange manipulations on the face - especially at the beginning of your classes, misunderstandings can arise. Try to calm the child, explain the benefits of massage. Do these exercises:

  1. Place the tips of your index fingers on the wings of your nose. Stroke with pressure, guiding your fingers along the nasolabial folds. Repeat the movements 8-10 times.
  2. Place your index fingers on the notch of the upper lip and spread them to the corners of the lips. The movement should be rubbing.
  3. Do the same manipulation with the lower lip. Repeat both exercises 8-10 times.
  4. Pinch your upper and lower lip alternately using your thumb and forefinger. Move your fingers from one corner to the other. The number of repetitions is 8-10 times.
  5. We tap with the index finger above the upper and below the lower lip, making a circle in a clockwise direction. Exercises are performed in an active rhythm with an increase in the strength of movements.
  6. Place your index fingers at the tips of your lips, first gather the upper lip, then the lower lip into an accordion. We repeat 8-10 times.

The completion of speech therapy massage is work with the ear lobes. 50 circular movements are performed - first in the left direction, then in the right direction. Between the thumb and forefinger, at their base, is a "speech point". We massage it in circular motions in the same way as the earlobe. After completing the speech therapy massage, praise the child for his patience, encourage him with a fun game or an interesting fairy tale. It is important that your manipulations bring pleasure to the baby, and not scare him.

Why speech therapy massage is needed

Speech therapy massage refers to the methods of active mechanical action on the muscles of the organs of the speech apparatus - tongue, lips, palate, cheeks, face in whole or in part. There are four types of speech therapy massage:

  1. classical includes traditional techniques - stroking, vibration, tapping, rubbing, patting;
  2. The segmental reflex resembles the classic one, but it is done taking into account the segmental division into zones: for example, they massage the cervical region, collar zone, scalp, face;
  3. Acupressure. With its help, they affect biologically active points;
  4. Probe massage is done with the help of special tools - massage probes.

Regardless of the type, the goal of speech therapy massage is the same - to relax the muscles or, conversely, to increase its tone. In addition, massage helps to form arbitrary coordinated movements of the organs of articulation - lips, tongue, palate, etc. So speech therapy massage is used when muscle tone is disturbed and it needs to be normalized. Often massage is used as an aid along with articulation, breathing or voice gymnastics, but sometimes it becomes the main way to correct speech.

Contraindications: any infectious and dermatological diseases, herpes, stomatitis, conjunctivitis.

With great care: episyndrome, increased intracranial pressure.

Speech therapy massage is done:

  1. massage probes;
  2. hands;
  3. sometimes auxiliary objects - nipples, spoons, spatulas, toothbrushes with soft bristles.

Trust a specialist

There is now a lot of literature on speech therapy massage from the “do it yourself” category both on the Internet and on store shelves. But it is better to have a speech therapist do the massage. A non-specialist is not able to take into account the structural features of the child's articulatory apparatus, which is why speech therapy massage can be harmful instead of useful. After consulting a speech therapist, under his control, you can independently perform only individual simple elements.

Usually speech therapy massage is carried out in cycles of 10, 15 or 20 sessions, preferably daily or every other day. The duration of one procedure, depending on the age of the child, the severity of disorders, individual characteristics, is at first from 2 to 5-6 minutes and gradually increases to 15-20 minutes. Moreover, you can do speech therapy massage for children from almost any age. For example, with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, sessions of speech therapy massage begin in early infancy - from 2-3 months. There is no speech yet, but the structure of the violation suggests difficulties in the work of the articulatory apparatus. And the sooner the correction starts, the better. Children with less severe impairments usually experience speech therapy massage at 4-5 years of age, when speech correction begins. In any case, the need for massage and the age when it should be done should be determined by a specialist after examining the child.

In children under 3 years old, a massage session should not exceed 10 minutes, at the age of 3-5 years - 15 minutes, in children over 6 years old - 25 minutes, in adults - up to 40 minutes.

Preliminary preparation

It is desirable to prepare the child for a massage session.

  1. Create a favorable emotional background: “Now we will tickle the tongue, now we will play a little, fight with lips and tongue.” Often speech therapists use folk sentences like “rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers”, the Hen pecks grains, but does not give the guys”, they tell stories in which the main characters are the tongue, cheeks, lips, etc., and the massage is described as adventures: “And the tongue got tired and began to sleep, went to bed for teeth. We will stroke him, scratch him - sleep, rest!", "Naughty tongue - spank him."
  2. Before the massage, you need to clean your mouth from food, rinse it.
  3. It is best to massage 1.5 hours after eating.

Methods of speech therapy massage

Usually, speech therapists always inform parents which technique and why they use it. Often, specialists, as in any other field, create their own set of techniques, and even select something special depending on the characteristics of the child and the structure of the disorder.

  1. For example, there is a cheerful and convenient speech therapy massage with spoons. The spoon does not look like a medical instrument, it is a cutlery familiar from childhood. And if a child has an acute rejection of medical procedures, such a massage will be a salvation. They will perceive speech therapy massage with spoons rather as a fun game. Some of its elements can be done at home. The techniques of this type of massage, as well as self-massage and finger games are described in the book by O.I. Krupenchuk “Speech therapy massage with spoons”.
  2. Speech therapy massage Novikova developed by E.V. Novikova for the normalization of speech motor skills. During the session, special speech therapy probes for massage are used to normalize sound pronunciation in children.
  3. Speech therapy massage Arkhipova. E.F. Arkhipova proposed her own methodology for working with serious speech disorders. Such a massage is done, for example, for children with cerebral palsy. It consists in a differentiated effect on the muscles of the face and oral cavity. Sessions are held daily, between courses - small breaks.
  4. For children with cerebral palsy also developed a set of massage exercises EAT. Mastyukova.
  5. Speech therapy massage E.E. Shevtsova aimed at eliminating stuttering.
  6. I.I. Ermakova described speech therapy massage techniques for children who underwent surgery to eliminate defects of the hard palate.
  7. Speech therapy massage Dyakova actively used for stuttering and other serious illnesses. In addition, she collected and described most types of speech therapy massage.

But in principle, all massages are a bit similar: rubbing, stroking, pinching, vibration effects on muscles and reflex points. Usually a speech therapist chooses exactly what is most suitable for the child.

Speech therapy massage of the tongue helps to develop speech in children. For a child with a clear speech disorder, in order to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly, one gymnastics of articulation and breathing is not enough. By massaging the tongue, you stimulate the speech apparatus, nerve endings on the face and blood vessels. By exactly following the massage technique, the tone of the facial muscles increases and it is easier for the child to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly. The advantage of this procedure is the ability to perform it at home.

If children have acquired or congenital speech defects, they are prescribed speech therapy massage. The most common types of speech developmental disorders are:

  • The voice feed is broken or its partial loss;
  • Various speech defects;
  • Violation of the innervation of the speech apparatus ();
  • Violation of the tone of the facial muscles;
  • Difficulties in the development of muscles that provide articulation;
  • Any of the types.

Tongue massage is prescribed for 100% of cases. After all, this disease causes speech impairments in children, and the procedures performed can positively affect the restoration of impaired functions. This should be done to children with cerebral palsy, starting from a very early age. Do not be lazy to watch videos that touch on this topic.

What is the benefit of massage

When children reach the age when they begin to talk, a clear articulation is necessary. She is responsible for how the pronunciation will be formed, because the facial muscles are involved in the articulation.

Speech therapy massage will help reduce muscle strain in the formation of the pronunciation of sounds and speech in children. It activates muscles with a weakened ability to contract.

The massage technique helps the muscle fibers become active and gives them elasticity, giving the child a chance to overcome existing disorders. The main tasks that face the massage procedure are:

  • Correct the pronunciation of letters and sounds;
  • Improve voice and ligaments;
  • Eliminate breathing problems when talking;
  • Normalize the motility of the articulatory muscles;
  • Increase the duration and force of inspiration.

Such a massage improves the muscles and speech apparatus, which affects the quality of speech in children. Completing the course, it becomes clear how the throat reflexes have strengthened. A set of exercises helps to correctly form a clear line for the movement of articulatory organs.

Exercises for children give chances to a certain extent to correct deviations in the development of the speech apparatus. This massage technique is used for deviations that are not even indicated in the main list of indications.

Execution technique

The language assigned to children of various age categories is exercises designed “to the smallest detail”. With some deviation, one, exact set of exercises should be applied that will help the child eliminate the detected defect. Moreover, parents can perform such exercises completely freely on their own at home; it is very convenient if the child is still quite small. Older children can perform the procedures themselves, without the help of their parents.

Preparing for a massage

As practice shows, such procedures can be performed carefully when the baby has reached the age of two months. If the baby has poor speech, exercises can be prescribed from 2 years old.

Perform the prescribed manipulations every day. One session does not exceed 3 minutes.

The massage technique provides for the conditions:

  • The environment should be completely hygienic and comfortable;
  • You can not perform the procedure for children, if they have contraindications;
  • All movements must be performed by mom or dad, who have carefully studied the technique of professional massage.

For young children, it is advisable to perform tongue massage in communication with the child. Sing children's songs, tell stories, and most importantly: smile. Turn on a beautiful quiet melody for the session.

Basic tricks

The technique of performing speech therapy exercises includes:

  • General massaging of the face, passing to the lips;
  • Gradually massaging passes to the oral cavity.

When performing these manipulations, you need to focus on, because not every child will positively perceive the actions that are carried out in his mouth. You need to do the exercises so that the children are charged with positive emotions and sensations during the procedure. Otherwise, such manipulations can lead to an increase in tone and increased sensitivity of the oral areas. As well as actions carried out contrary to the desire of the child, they can push the reflex sphere to activity. Another child may automatically bite you or start vomiting. Techniques combine stroking movements with a slight vibration. It helps to relax the muscles that are in an excited state.

  1. Stroking should be done barely perceptibly, with gentle movements on the face, without gathering the skin into folds. You need to start by moving your hands in the nasolabial region. Further, the manipulations should be slightly strengthened, acting on the thick skin layers.
  2. Do deep stroking with your palms or fingers gathered like tongs or by bending your fingers at the joints 90 degrees and stroking with the back side.
  3. Continuous vibration is made by phalanges: they are placed on the skin and begin to “shake” it. Imagine that you are sifting something with a sieve.
    Do sets two to four times. Be sure to interchange the execution of vibration with stroking.

When doing manipulations at home for children of the older age group, perform them up to 20-25 minutes. But initially the procedure lasts no more than 7, gradually increasing in time. For infants, the period does not exceed 2-3 minutes.

Toothbrush massage

When performing speech therapy massage, use items that are present in your home. Try using a soft toothbrush. When applying them, put a napkin under the tongue and replace it as often as possible. Perform movements in circles or in a spiral, without applying force when pressing. Using a toothbrush, apply vibration.

Be sure to do the above manipulations in warmth, with clean and warm hands.

The quality of speech correction and the final result of the procedure depend on how you perform speech therapy massage. Not following the rules and ignoring contraindications, massage can cause a negative reaction for the health of children and have unpredictable consequences.