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There are alien satellites in the earth's orbit (3 photos). Coded messages from aliens

Ufologists and conspiracy theorists quite often attack the American aerospace agency with accusations that it hides the truth from humanity.

So an alien ship called the Black Knight haunted researchers for many years. It was first noticed 70 years ago.

During all this time, the ship regularly appears in the orbit of the planet. Of course, no one is 100% sure that it belongs to aliens and that it is a ship in general.

And until recently, experts were sure that only one such alien ship is constantly located near the Earth.

But just a couple of days ago, ufologists announced that they noticed another flying object, which was also attributed to an alien race.

So during the inspection of the Earth using Google Sky, American experts were able to examine the object in the form of a cigar.

As ufologists noted, the ship approached our planet very close, so it could be seen without any problems. It was even possible to set the approximate dimensions. The object has a length of one and a half thousand meters and a diameter of about 100 meters.

If compared with satellites, then the size is simply huge, so it is simply unrealistic to confuse objects.

Due to the fact that the pictures, as well as the video, quickly spread across the network, users began to actively express their opinions.

Moreover, the object even managed to be compared with the asteroid Oumuamua, which behaves like an intelligent being, and not an ordinary celestial body. In addition, the asteroid also has a cigar-shaped shape, like an alien ship that has already been discovered near the Earth.

Are they somehow related to each other? Or maybe there is a connection with the mysterious “Black Knight”, which, as some independent researchers suggest, has been spinning around our planet and has been keeping watch alone for many thousands of years.

UFO specialists have long been saying that the same spacecraft periodically appears in Earth's orbit, despite the fact that conventional scientists do not believe in the existence of aliens. Nevertheless, there are a lot of photographs in which you can see a really strange UFO of gigantic size on the Internet. Among other things, quite recently the collection of relevant images has been replenished, and the new photo has a completely different object.

This turn of events immediately forced ufologists to put forward a version according to which several alien ships fly near our planet.

American researchers managed to stumble upon something truly incredible at the moment when they examined outer space near the Earth once again, using the Google Sky service for this. Independent experts discovered a very large cigar-shaped body, and only after some time they came to the conclusion that an alien-made aircraft had hit the lens.

According to non-traditional scientific luminaries, the spacecraft of interstellar inhabitants approached the Blue Planet at a critical distance, which allowed specialists to examine it in detail.

Pseudo-scientific thinkers even managed to determine the size of the mysterious "guest". According to their calculations, the aircraft has about one and a half thousand meters in length and about a hundred meters in diameter. At the moment, not only the relevant photographs are being discussed on the World Wide Web, but also a video filmed by ufologists specifically on this topic.

The video analyzes in detail the unexpected turn of events and announces hypotheses about the reasons for the appearance of another alien ship in Earth's orbit. At the same time, the opinions of Internet users about the mysterious phenomenon were divided, since only a part of them believe in the existence of humanoids. Skeptics believe that the huge object was created by nature. Some people think it's photoshop.

There were also those who saw the asteroid Oumuamua in a strange UFO, which has recently haunted scientists and is constantly discussed in the press. As astronomers say, the space rock behaves not just unpredictably, but as if it has a mind. Ultimately, classical experts are unlikely to call this celestial body animate, but its actions really put even the most experienced professors into a stupor.

The legendary "Black Knight", often appearing in Earth's orbit

Until recently, the ufological community assumed that only one aircraft created by aliens was spinning around our planet, in particular, the Black Knight, first discovered back in 1958 by an amateur astronomer from North America, Steve Slayton.

In 1998, relatively good quality images of this spacecraft were taken using a shuttle called Endeavor. These photographs are now in the public domain.

UFO on the moon

Previously, well-known ufologist Scott Waring showed the public a photo where you can see a giant object of unknown origin, located on the surface of the earth's satellite. A specialist from Taiwan not only stated that this was an alien spacecraft in trouble, but also asked the founder of SpaceX, Elon Musk, to do something to help the “little green men”. By the way, the billionaire engineer has not yet commented on the call of the researcher.

According to eyewitnesses, UFO pilots, after landing, often repair their devices, which gives the impression that the technique of "saucers" is very unreliable. But something else can be assumed: in near-Earth space there is a war between space races, and as a result - downed aircraft, their breakdowns and repairs.

Historical evidence, as well as myths and legends of many peoples of the world, indicate that battles between opposing groups of aliens were fought in ancient times. Their most vivid description is given to us by the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata.

The fact that these were just wars between aliens (which involved the population of the Earth there) is convincingly confirmed by the ancient manuscript “Vaimanika Shastra” stored in the central archive of Delhi, written in the 4th century BC. based on even older documents. It describes in detail the air chariots or vimanas often mentioned in the Mahabharata. Getting acquainted with these texts, one is struck by the similarity of vimanas with modern UFOs. The Vaimanika Shastra also speaks of many other devices used by the "gods", which, for example, performed the functions of radars, cameras, searchlights, and powerful lasers.

In the epic, laser beams are called "fiery arrows". A participant in one of the battles, a certain Bhima, shooting such “arrows”, hit an entire army, consisting of 10 thousand war elephants, many chariots, horsemen and foot soldiers.

Some scientists believe that these events could well have taken place three and a half thousand years ago, during the catastrophic death of the city of Mohenjo-Daro. Most, however, think that the alien wars were fought in 10-12 millennium BC.

The existence of a certain base (or colony) of aliens, which the ancient Egyptian priests (and after them - Plato) called Atlantis, dates back to approximately the same period (9-11 millennium BC). Atlantis was at war with another alien base, called by the priests the "Athenian state" (of course, this was not the Athens that is written about in the history books!).

The "Athenes" gave the Atlanteans a worthy rebuff, and the fighting ended with the complete destruction of the Atlantean base, which was literally wiped off the face of the Earth as a result of the use of some super-powerful weapon. The impact on Atlantis caused a global catastrophe on Earth, and the winners did not remain on the planet. Most likely, they moved to its immediate vicinity, it is possible that to the moon.
Flying "plates" and "crosses"

Fighting broke out in subsequent eras. The aliens no longer interfered with people in their “showdowns”, the main battles took place somewhere in space, only occasionally reaching our planet. So, a grandiose heavenly battle broke out in 1561 over Nuremberg. Its inhabitants witnessed the appearance of a huge number of flying "plates" and "crosses", as well as two giant "tubes" from which groups of large balls flew out.

Then they were joined by numerous spheres and disks, painted in red, blue and black. And all this unimaginable crowd, to the horror of the townspeople, staged a real air battle in the sky, hitting each other with "lightning" and "fire brighter than the sun." Violent clashes continued for more than an hour. The wrecked vehicles fell, engulfed in flames, even in the fall trying to get the enemy, and along the way destroyed ground buildings. In particular, the northern part of the city wall was almost completely destroyed.

Five years later, in the same place, in Europe, only this time over Basel, the battle continued. First, huge "pipes" appeared (obviously the same ones seen over Nuremberg), belching out clusters of black balls. Then a lot of objects of various, mostly spherical shapes arose. They flew at great speed and rammed each other, while flashing and roaring deafeningly. According to the testimony of the townspeople, some objects in the course of the battle not only changed their color, becoming most often fiery red, but also their shape, and did not ram opponents, but seemed to “eat” them.

The downed "plate" was pulled out of the swamp

In recent decades, when thousands of eyewitnesses have already reported UFO sightings, cases of sightings and their “combat clashes” with each other have become more frequent.

On September 16, 1989, in the sky over Perm, six aircraft, resembling saucers stacked together, pursued the seventh. Even against the backdrop of evening clouds, one could discern how the dark gray "plates" were chasing the bright gold one, which was spinning madly, moving away from the fire. Alien ships rushed over the city, performing unthinkable maneuvers, either descending almost to the very roofs, or soaring upwards. At the same time, six UFOs almost continuously "shot" at the seventh with rays.

The townspeople with bated breath watched a fantastic spectacle, reminiscent of an episode of Lucas' Star Wars. During this battle, electricity went out in some areas of the city. The golden "plate" was eventually shot down and began to decline. The others watched her fall and then withdrew.

As ufologists learned, a UFO crashed in a swampy area on the territory of a military training ground. It was possible to visit there only in the autumn of the next, 1990. The military did not deny the fact of the fall of the UFO, but the members of the expedition were not allowed to enter the object, explaining this by security considerations. Indeed, two officers involved in the extraction of the UFO from the swamp were in the hospital with unclear diagnoses. Information about the evacuation of the object and its further fate could not be obtained.

View from Russia

Several cases of "UFO battles" are cited by the famous ufologist G. Kolchin in his book "The UFO Phenomenon: A View from Russia".

On one of the August evenings in 1986 in the village of Gatika, Kirishi District, Leningrad Region, a group of journalists observed the passage of an unknown object in the form of two folded plates, glowing with a greenish light. The object moved smoothly over the village.

Suddenly, five smaller "saucers" appeared from somewhere, which, as it were, attacked a large UFO, and the sounds of explosions became clearly audible. Small objects tried to approach the large one on the right and left, but he dodged them, then sharply increasing, then slowing down, and finally began to move away, gaining altitude. The pursuers were not far behind. When the whole flock turned into luminous dots, a large object suddenly flashed brightly, and a beam stretched from it almost to the very ground, which lasted in the air for about 15 seconds.

Another incident, described in G. Kolchin's book, occurred exactly a year later in Yaroslavl. The doctor and paramedic of the ambulance saw two large fires in the northwestern part of the sky, which made mutual maneuvers. Finally, a more active UFO directed a beam of light at the opponent, soared sharply upwards and disappeared. The second object first froze, as if hitting an obstacle, and then, randomly wobbling, began to decline and disappeared over the horizon.

Someday we will know everything

Of the foreign episodes of "Star Wars", the most famous was the battle in the sky over East Africa on June 23, 1996. Hundreds of people - residents of the Kenyan town of the Rift Valley - held their breath, watched as two detachments of alien ships pursued each other and exchanged fire with dazzling bright red rays.

“These were ships of two completely different types,” says an eyewitness, retired German Air Force colonel Kurt Formann, who was visiting relatives in Kenya. “One squadron consisted of three domed starships, each the size of a large aircraft and equipped with a bright searchlight. They were opposed by four ships of smaller size, saucer-shaped, faster and more maneuverable. One of them was destroyed in the first minutes of the battle ... "

The battle was fierce and short-lived. When only one surviving starship remained on each side, the battle ended: both ships flew away at lightning speed. The clash of aliens was recorded by Cairo radars, but the Egyptian military decided that it was a "meteor shower".

No traces of downed UFOs were found on the ground. According to Formann, this is quite understandable: "The firepower of the onboard guns was so great that enemy ships were destroyed while still in the air, turning into clouds of luminous gas."

... Apparently, skirmishes in near-Earth space are not such a rarity. Since 2000, NASA has recorded at least three times from its spacecraft something similar to fights between UFOs. Indeed, is there a war between different space races in the vicinity of our planet? And if so, isn't it caused by control over the Earth and over the most valuable resource of the planet - people?

Or maybe it's not a war at all, but something else? There is no answer yet. But someday, a motley mosaic of facts, often contradictory, which is currently the UFO phenomenon, will form a coherent picture, and we will find out who the aliens are, what their relationship is with each other, and much more.

Igor V0L03NEV

In contact with

It turns out that not only satellites built by people, but also spacecraft belonging to representatives of alien civilizations can be in the earth's orbit.

Foreign journalists wrote about this 6 decades ago and continue to write to this day, but the American space agency NASA still carefully hides all evidence of the presence of objects of extraterrestrial origin in near-Earth space.

As you know, in 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first artificial Earth satellite. However, there are pictures taken back in 1954, which depict artificial bodies in the orbit of our planet. These photographs, which were soon removed from the public domain by US intelligence agencies, depicted two objects of extraterrestrial origin in near-Earth space. One of them was named "The Black Knight".

He was subsequently noticed repeatedly. The "Black Knight" is a huge aircraft in the form of a kind of claw (watch the video). Employees of foreign media wrote in 1954 that a mysterious alien satellite even broadcast some signals to Earth. One of the radio operators even managed to track them down. The specialist found that the signal came from the distant star Epsilon in the Bootes system and went to us for more than 13 thousand years.

Coded messages from aliens

We should not forget the phenomenon of the mysterious radio echo, which was discovered in the late 1920s by professors Stormer, Van Der Pol and Hals. Researchers have been studying radio sounding of the Earth's atmosphere for two years. A transmitter in the Dutch city of Endhoven periodically sent a signal resembling Morse code into space and received it back. However, on October 11, 1928, scientists recorded an incomprehensible phenomenon: after the main impulse, the equipment received another, phantom signal, similar to a kind of echo. The secondary impulse was heard first 3 seconds after the main one, then after 4, 5 and so on, up to 18 seconds.

Other radio stations in many parts of the world began to receive inexplicable secondary impulses. So, in 1960, an employee of Stanford University Bracewell suggested that the secondary signals are encoded messages from aliens. The expert said that a probe built by aliens is moving in Earth's orbit, through which representatives of extraterrestrial civilization are trying to establish contact with humanity.

This hypothesis was developed in 1973 by the British astronomer Lunan. The researcher determined that the alien code received by terrestrial radio stations contains valuable information about other worlds. After carefully analyzing the cosmic impulses, Lunan came to the conclusion that in 1928, ciphers of the star chart were adopted in Endhoven. The aliens seem to want us to be able to find our way to their planet, or even a cluster of habitable planets.

In 1974, Bulgarian astronomers, led by Dr. Iliev, wished to decipher the mysterious code of aliens. They found out that the brothers in mind sent us in 1928 an indication of the double star Zeta in the constellation Reticuli and an image of a fragment of the constellation Leo. The graphic interpretation of one of the signals resembled a drawing of an aircraft.

And the astronomer Sergeev, who works in St. Petersburg, did get unexpected results when he decoded secondary impulses from space. The expert superimposed the projections of the ciphers on the celestial coordinate system and saw the image of a naked woman, and clearly not a person. Did the aliens really try to convey to us in this way their idea of ​​aesthetics and beauty? ..